Taylor gets Homestuck-style alchemy powers. You probably don't strictly need to have read Homestuck to understand this story, but it'll likely help.
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masterax2000 | 8 |
That was it. That was the tally in my brain of every resource at my disposal. These little... blue and white candy-looking things, that I could only track mentally.
[X] Killsomebodymaybe start with a spider or something to see if it has to be human to give you grist. Maybe that's how you can get silk grist?
[X] Murder seems a little... impractical. Maybe kill small animals to see if they have grist?
[X] See if you can chapta living things and if they come out still alive.
[X] Try and see if there is any other machine you can get. Like something that can recycle objects for grist?
Punch Card Shunt (10 build grist) - Acts as a sort of "inventory slot" for the jumper block extension.
Jumper Block Extension (1,000 build grist) - Attaches to the alchemiter, and upgrades it in accordance with cards put into it.
Holopad (10,000 build grist) - Displays what a punched card will produce, without needing to make the item.
Intellibeam Laserstation (100,000 build grist) - Reads captchas, even normally unintelligible ones.
[X] Go hunting with Dad. If you need to kill bigger animals for more grist, having an adult along for backup, supervision, and an alibi can't hurt. Also allows for family bonding. At the same time, equipping a hunting rifle or bow will probably unlock the Strife Specibus, which will be useful later.
[x] Hunting is a recognised hobby. See how you can get licence if required. Out there in the woods, no one is watching how many animals you kill. In the city you are a werido budding psycopath to be put on watchlist if you go around everydayn killing animals. Common sense duh!
[X] So animals can be placed in your syladex. Does that mean you can also convert them into punch cards? If so, this may open up accessible options for armor, and possibly weapons.
[X] Get a small piece of thick high quality steel or titanium from the hardware store, combine with clothes and/or protection gear. Should result in armor, hopefully stronger armor than random household items.
[X] Combine bike protection gear (if we have any) with our cutlery to see of it'll improve its armor rating, do the same with a shirt and pants and if it works put all of it on the same card to serve as a costume.
-[X] See if ejecting it from the sylladex will equip them on us.
[X]Combine hunting rifle with Pepper spray. Use both possible combination variants. One should be a pepper bomb rifle, long ranged nonlethal, the other a bullet spray, close range, portable, concealable extreme damage last resort.
[X] Practice with Modus. What's the furthest you can be from an object to capchalogue it? Can you do it through walls? From behind glass? If you can't see the object but know it's there?
-[X] On that note, change up where you hunt rodents, etc. No need to potentially get eyewitnesses to birds spontaneously vanishing in the same area each week.
[X] See what the grist cost would be for addition ammunition. Try to help offload the cost of buying more.
[X] Find a camera. Maybe there's one in the basement?
What about fishing, including illegal fishing? Fish can be larger than a pigeon, and a successful throw of explosives, even small ones, into the water or an electric shock will give us up to several dozen fish. Especially if you lure them in advance with food in one place.
[X] Catchloge your own blood, you are a cape and as one you know it will be needed. Maybe go chat to the hospital to see if you can Catchloge viable organs. You can do a very good deed by having reproducible functional organs for transplants.
[X] Until more grist is obtained your primary focus should probably be to get out of situations alive. Hookwolf as an example is a giant walking mass of knives and MURDER. Try to find combinations that could help protect you in a fight, such as body armor. If it can be hidden or worn in public? Even better.
[x] Find a sword (maybe a fencing foil) and allocate it to your strife specibus
[x] Start exercising you need to be shredded if you want to be a cool kid 😎
[X] Consider raising chickens or some other type of fowl collection. They're the easiest to raise, have the least suspicion over dying, and could provide more passive bonus materials. Probably not much, but every little bit counts, right?
[X] Buy a lizzard or snake , can see if You can reproduce the regeneration of the lizzard tail in the future, can captchaloge the venom and reproduce it.
[X] Write down any patterns you notice on what things give you what grist, so you know what to farm for.
[X] Combine a lighter and the head of a hose, the lighter for the fire effect and the head of a hose to create a cone that will spread the fire, that's the direction I want this to go in.
[X] Kill the Dandyskit by shredding its card. This might help us find out if we get grist for killing things inside a Captchacard.
[X] Use a brick or contundent objet let it fall from as higt as you can, see it retain inertia, if so You can have hi impact disposable wepon with it at low cost.
[X] See if you can captchaloge things inside boxes, other people bags, with a wall of separation, in your 10 feet range. You can use it to disarm gang members and retribe drugs/arms/documents with a little less risk to yourself.
[X] Combine hunting rifle with capchalogue card.
[X] Combine wallet with capchalogue card. The wallet modus is one of the best available, and seems easy to find, if probably expensive.
[X] Igneous Flarespewer && Toy Bubblegun
[X] Better things need more grist, average ones don't need much...so awful things would need far less! Time to experiment!
-[X]Combine the most awful printed out jpeg in existence with something also awful, such as meat flavored candy canes or weird meme-y glasses, and note the cost.
[X] Take time to investigate how independent heroes make money, do PTR pay a reward for capture? , Can you keep the money or part of it if reported?, Ilegal goods like weapons and drugs are rewarded?, Who actualy have a kill order so if, and it is a very Big if you enconter them can actualy use the hevy hitters you make.
[X] Visit a junkyard and capchalogue everything that looks interesting, broken or otherwise. Tinkers out themselves by raiding them for parts, but we'll never be seen leaving with anything suspicious.
[X] We'll call ourselves Hunter-Gatherer. It might be a bit obscure, but it fits our skillset and needs pretty handily. We'll wear a scarf sewn over a baklava to make it look like it's wrapped around our face without the risk of it being yanked off, and generic hunting clothes. Our signature weapon will be traps and trap-like items for now. Bolos and Nets are cheap, and our Sylladex could fire them easier than something like arrows or bears.
-[X] We'll patrol wherever there's plenty of vermin to kill. The dirtiest places surely have the most crime, and we can kill animals along the way for added Grist.
--[X] Bring the gun, don't use except in case of emergency.
[x] L337 can make ANYTHING once could he build a gristwidget 3000, or a strife specibus and would he be intrested in doing so for a trade
[X] Meet up, have Leet try and make a machine that can make grist. In exchange, you use some of the grist you get from it to dupe his tech for him.
What about fishing, including illegal fishing? Fish can be larger than a pigeon, and a successful throw of explosives, even small ones, into the water or an electric shock will give us up to several dozen fish. Especially if you lure them in advance with food in one place.
[X] Forest Lure. A small box that slowly builds up synthesized pheromones that attract random forest creatures. 25% chance of breaking every time you use it, but you might be about to get a lot of grist out of it before then, if you're lucky. Making this will render Leet almost totally incapable of creating other lures.
[X] You might work with them in the future, but if so, it'll be purely transactional.