That's automatic and covered by the scouting roll ahead of the battle.

I was thinking of trying to extend it somehow so their are multiple rolls.

Like we will send an advance force, a small scouting party to memorize the trails and spy on Brushcrest before returning. Then when the army marches those scouts can lead them without a debuff to their rolls.


I think everyone is down for war but we need a plan to support the war effort first, without that guarantee then we would have to wait until next turn. Maybe we can try to get the pilgrims to help hunting to provide food for the village and offering to the Ancestors.

If we do that Bushcrest will just build a new fort and we'll have to fight another battle for it.. We need to either secure Lakefort ourselves or attack Bushcrest directly. Personally I lean toward securing it ourselves because we can't risk any other powers cutting us off like that again.

That is why I say we should build a network of watchtowers.


Can we steal Brushcrest smoke signals yet?

[x] Build Something
- [x] Watch Towers

By the river and other areas.
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We're pretty much guaranteed pop growth the turn following this war, as we have three hunter pops that haven't been adding food to the pile. Hence, this turn we'll retrain a pop as heavy infantry and leave it at home in case anything goes wrong. The other worker will retrain to Woodcutters, which we need for longhouses next turn. Finally, we'll use some of the Tools (Obsidian) that has been lying around in our vaults to buy mercenaries from the White Clans. Even after max expenditure, we should have 0.7 Tools (Obsidian) left, which is more than enough to tide us over 3-4 turns even if our use increases.

The proposed army roster will look like this:
1. Antler Clan Hunters (Veteran)
2. White Clan Hunters (Regular ~ Veteran)
3. White Clan Hunters (Regular ~ Veteran)
4. Archers (Veteran)
5. Heavies (Veteran)
6. Light Infantry

[X] Plan Brushcrest Delenda Est (& Longhouses)
-[X] Train the workers to do more specialized things:
--[X] Train Hunters
---[X] Heavy Infantry
--[X] Train Fishers
-[X] Raid someone:
--[X] Brushcrest
---[X] 1 x Heavy (Veteran), 1 x Archers (Veteran), 1 x Light Infantry from the Valley Peoples
---[X] Offer 0.25 Tools (Obsidian) total and a share of the loot/pop to Antler Clans for up to two hunter pops.
---[X] Offer 0.2 -- 0.4 Tools (Obsidian) total to be split amongst volunteers from White Clans and a share of the loot/pop (see Council Action)
-[X] Preach
--[X] Continue the work with the White Clans:
---[X] Bring Bone-Tenders to the mountains and establish them among the wandering groups of clansmen.
-[X] Try to make contact with someone.
--[X] With whom: White Clans
---[X] Council of Three Representative authorized to offer up to 0.4 Tools (Obsidian) in total, split amongst each pop of volunteer hunters (expected: 0.2 Tools/pop). Also, a share of the loot, with one pop of hunters = 1 share. Note: subjugated pops do not count as "loot".
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[X] Plan Brushcrest Delenda Est (& Longhouses)

Only concern I have with this plan is that it only sends three units to war. Didn't we send four last time? Granted their forces are probably weakened now.

Edit: never mind, I didn't notice the Antler Clans part.
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Simply put, you lack the manpower to build watchtowers or similar. The hunters would also balk at the idea of sitting around and watching trees.

As long as you hunt in an area, you get passive scouting rolls anyway. This is how you noticed Lakefort being build.
Meh shame it wasn't iron, would have been funny if we got it early!

Anyway plan I support
[X] Plan Brushcrest Delenda Est (& Longhouses)

I'm worried about another conflict like that, but hopefully we can burn their food and destroy their villages.
Maybe build a settlement over the ashes of theirs?
That's the plan, far in the future. Right now we don't even have the pops to garrison a settlement there, but eventually it'll be a fort to control that incredibly strategic location. I mean, hot damn. Whoever controls that spot controls access to like half the region, including our capital.

[X] Plan Brushcrest Delenda Est (& Longhouses)
I'll laugh if we end up losing the siege horribly, but I hope not.
[X] Plan Brushcrest Delenda Est (& Longhouses)
I don't think we wiped any of their pops last time around, so they should still have 4 hunter pops on defense. Might want to take that into consideration.
After all, when we attack the main settlement, they have the hunter pops and a load of armed mobs we'll have to deal with as well.
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[X] Plan Brushcrest Delenda Est (& Longhouses)
I don't think we wiped any of their pops last time around, so they should still have 4 hunter pops on defense. Might want to take that into consideration.

They lost a pop of hunters last turn, so unless they retrained a worker, they should have 3 hunter pops.
Food varies far too much in my opinion. So I've made a slightly different plan to Satar's, since I actually agree with most of it, in order to try and take advantage of something we could have done so a while ago.

[X] Plan .303
-[X] Train the workers to do more specialized things:
--[X] Train Hunters
---[X] Heavy Infantry
-[X] Raid someone:
--[X] Brushcrest
---[X] 1 x Heavy (Veteran), 1 x Archers (Veteran), 1 x Light Infantry from the Valley Peoples
---[X] Offer 0.35 Tools (Obsidian) and a share of the loot to Antler Clans for 1 x Hunters (Veteran)
---[X] Offer a share of the loot for each hunter pop, up to 2x hunters(see Council Action)
-[X] Try to tame other beasts: (Costs 1 Worker Pop, which is retrained into Herders)
--[X] Boars
-[X] Continue the work with the White Clans:
--[X] Build small shrines in the mountains so that the clans can more easily practice the Faith of Bones.
-[X] Try to make contact with someone.
--[X] With whom: White Clans
---[X] Council of Three Representative authorized to offer up to 0.5 Tools (Obsidian) in total, split amongst each pop of volunteer hunters. Also, a share of the loot,
with one pop of hunters = 1 share.
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Food varies far too much in my opinion. So I've made a slightly different plan to Satar's, since I actually agree with most of it, in order to try and take advantage of something we could have done so a while ago..

Just a note, but I changed this to not unintentionally kneecap ourselves while recruiting:

Offer 0.35 Tools (Obsidian) total and a share of the loot/pop to Antler Clans for up to two hunter pops.

Basically, whether they send one or two pops, they get 0,35 units of tools total, but their share of the loot grows depending on their contribution.

That statement hinges on the assumption that Brushcrest had deployed it's entire forces for that battle.
@Azel What kind of steroids is Brushcrest on?

I mean... if their that strong then were kind of fucked. I mean we just saw them what... 40 years ago? They couldn't have boomed that hard right?

It doesn't matter, to some extent, because even if they have 5 pops, we have specialization and mandate and preservation and allies. Everything that could've gone wrong did go wrong last turn and we still won.
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Good point, thanks for the help. It doesn't look like yours has changed though.

And they're on HGH.
I don't know if I outright called this, but I think I called it. Brushcrest has buddied up with a lot of their neighbors. They'll either have mercenaries/volunteers fighting to contain us in the field alongside their hunters, or they'll pull back behind their walls and rely on food aid from their friends to recover after we burn everything. Either way, our warriors are probably going to have to settle in for a long, uncomfortable siege. We'll manage...maybe.
These people went to war... they have a great something don't they?

If they did, I'd have expected them to deploy in that last ambush, because that was the critical moment. If they'd deployed a Great Hunter there we could effectively have been defanged for two-three generations.

I don't know if I outright called this, but I think I called it. Brushcrest has buddied up with a lot of their neighbors. They'll either have mercenaries/volunteers fighting to contain us in the field alongside their hunters, or they'll pull back behind their walls and rely on food aid from their friends to recover after we burn everything. Either way, our warriors are probably going to have to settle in for a long, uncomfortable siege. We'll manage...maybe.

Put the shoe on the other foot. If we were attacked, even if we did have a mutual defense pact with the Antler Clans and some of the White Clans, it wouldn't do us any good. They're too far away to be useful in a defensive battle unless it becomes a siege. Even then, it's not like communications is a thing because smoke signals only work short distances. If reinforcements come in ones and twos, the Brushcrestians are still fucked.

Basically, the goal of this assault isn't necessarily to sack Brushcrest itself. That may or may not be beyond our power, depending on our luck this turn. No, the goal is to burn all the fields (remember, it takes a season or two to grow and harvest wheat, especially with early agriculture), the grains, and all the outlying villages. That'll destroy so much infrastructure that they'll starve even if the palisade and the main settlement are intact. Starving, angry pops = civil instability, maybe even civil war.

And do remember that just as they have allies to the west, they have enemies too. If the river raiders scent weakness, then they will pounce, and poach at least a few of those Brushcrestian allies, at which point delivering the deathblow to the starved, isolated, and weakened Pinata peoples will be a mere formality.
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Man the Bush-Negaverse must be so pissed at us.

We're like a recurring villain that the GM is throwing at them, just to keep them off balance.
Man the Bush-Negaverse must be so pissed at us.
We're like a recurring villain that the GM is throwing at them, just to keep them off balance.

Hah, can you imagine the salt? Poor bastards are trying to play Ymygn v2 and keep getting bashed with an unreasonable enemy who just doesn't give a fuck. Boats? We'll steal yours. Religion? We've got one too! Surrender? What's that?