SV Must Secretly Save The World And Turn A Profit! (Young Justice Council RP)

- Continue establishing Albion Innovations.

Result: Failure.

Red tape snarls you up again this month.

- Get the guns i developed into Maverick's hands for testing. tell them to be as harsh as possible and get back to me with their verdicts.

Result: Success!

Tell a small army of incredibly well-trained professionals, experienced in using their equipment to the fullest to test your weapons, and they'll give you what you wish for as you receive back a crate of ruined weapons and another phone book-thick testing report.

In short: Work on 'em some more.

The list of suggested improvements and the list of flaws found are staggering; these troops know how to make sure that every last flaw is found and reported.

You just wish they would keep the guns somewhat intact.

(Test guns tested to destruction...again)
(Received additional testing information to refine weaponry.)

- Continue Suit development.

Result: Auto-Success

Nothing left to develop about the suits. All the bugs are removed and the wrinkles ironed out.

- Start developing a stealth Dropship with transatmospheric and VTOL capabilities for deploying and retrieving special forces team. draw heavily from the Macross database and Label the project Sky Ranger.

Result: Success!

The Skyranger is a feasible design, built around Pulse Detonation Engines and with the creation of Stealth Metamaterials the aircraft can turn invisible to any sensor currently known, and possibly give it a fighting chance against the Justice League and other super-factions. Wedge-shaped in design, engines built into the swept-back wings, the simulations provided by Nu-ZAX indicate that supersonic flight is more than attainable and should Cold Fusion Engines or a working Electro-Gravitic Propulsion system become available then hypersonic flight is feasible.
-Release the basic, unmodified Icarus system through HAT, advertising towards military forces, skydivers, and basically anyone else with reason to use a parachute (but especially the military).

Result: :facepalm: (Nat 100...goddammit all...give me a minute...)

An implanted system that can supplement a failed parachute or replace it entirely in the case of the daring? Professional extreme-sports athletes are the first to get the system and the Youtube videos of them jumping out of planes without parachutes to land in a halo of electromagnetic energy creates an imagery that gets the attention of many parties.

Which is how you find yourself with representatives of the German, Russian and British militaries in front of you and they all want one thing; they all want the Icarus System made available to their airborne parachute forces and they want the price tag to be at cost.

You are nothing if not savvy after several months of doing this, and you manage to broker a deal with these militaries and their governments to get the system released to them simultaneously.

(ICARUS takes off and is a huge hit with professional daredevils!)
(British, German and Russian militaries begin experiments with ICARUS-implanted airborne soldiers.)
(+$36,000,000 per month)

-Keep an eye on the repeal vote, and be ready to expand production and sales when it goes through.

Result: Auto-Success

The United States is thrown into turmoil. Domestic terrorism leads to crackdowns and eventual martial law, but chaos reigns in the streets. The votes are delayed by a bomb attack on the Capitol building, the President evacuates on Air Force One, and the world watches the United States divide itself between those that support and want augmentation, and those who do not.

(Next year will be interesting...)

-Continue working on the Rigger mods.

Result: Failure

It's feedback issues this time, and while the effects are not debilitating they are still potential sources for fatalities while controlling vehicles and drones. You spend the rest of the month tweaking the neural interfaces to remove the feedback issues.

-Develop Shadowrun's Magnetic System implant (limb-mounted electromagnets that, when active, allow the limb to cling to any ferromagnetic substance, or can be deliberately overloaded to function as an electric melee weapon).

Result: Success!

The Magnetic System Implants come together quite smoothly with the test limbs able to stick ferromagnetic substances and the overload function functions as advertised, albeit with reduced limb mobility for several seconds as the system recovers from the overload.

What is interesting is how the overload function interacts with the ICARUS implant; Nu-ZAX's simulations show that the electromagentic lensing effect of the ICARUS system, when paired with the overload, can create a powerful and intense burst of electromagnetic energy that delivers a huge amount of kinetic energy, enough to potentially send a grown man flying.
Pre-Turn 12: End Of The First Year
News For The Month:

-The United States is currently in turmoil as the augmentation debate turns violent, polarizing the nation.

-A new cybernetic implant has taken the world of extreme sports by storm! The ICARUS system is the world's first high-altitude, parachute-less, long fall system, able to safely land a man on the ground from thousands of feet in the air when engaged. Already videos of the new system have taken the internet by storm.

-An explosion has rocked the moon, creating a huge and visible fissure across the surface. The Justice League reports that they have prevented the Moon from breaking up but have remained silent on what has caused the explosion.

-Turn 12: December, 2009-

Budget: $349,688,000
Income: +$205,000,000
Expenses: -$7,417,000

Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot
Dr. Serling Roquette
Scientists x249
Office Workers x20
Security Staff x900
Intelligence Staff x250
Mages x100

-Basic Airport: Luxembourg
-Basic Airport: Zurich
-Basic Airport: Helsinki
-Improved Factory
-Improved Labs
-Tesla Fence
-Steel Gate
-Wave Research Building
-Cybernetics Lab
-Nanotech Lab
-Tesla Research Building
-Wave Healing Infirmary
-10x Company Cars (Upkeep is Free)
-Gulfstream G500 Business Jet (Upkeep is Free)
-2x Civilian Helicopters
-3x Helicopter Gunships
-2x Heavy Assault Transport Helicopters
-1x Mobile Command Center Prototype

-4x Gunship Jets
-50x Light Combat Vehicles
-Maverick PMSC Covert Operations Bases: Afghanistan, Iraq, Rhelasia/Korea, United States Of America, Russia, China, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Columbia.
- Infinity Island Research Base
-Tesla Reactor
-Gantry Complex
-Nano Cauldron
-Bio Forge
-Wave Containment Facility

-Magic Research Lab

Available Projects:
-Airport Upgrade
-Maverick Off-shore Plants

-Tank Police

Available Buildings:
-Experimental Chemistry Lab

-Metamaterial Fabrication Facility

Special Opportunities:
-The Light Of A Star: Save the mysterious woman.

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Warrich Log

don't have much available time to write this down. my summary of this quarter can be summed up by the following words:

God Damnitall to hell.

Personal One:

Time for PR! Begin donating money to various charities, especially ones that provide aid in crisis zones such as the US. Further, publically denounce the pro-aug terrorists while releasing a press statement urging them to cease with the attacks. "New Horizons does not condone violence" and all that.

Personal Two:

Attempt to establish sales in the few remaining countries we don't have products in.

Research One:

We have magic. Let's do something with it. First, however, quiz the magicians on what, exactly, they can do so far. Or rather, what schools of magic they happen to be familiar with. If they happen to know a bit about summoning, necromancy, and enchanting, they get a raise.

Research Two:

Continue work on the Mr. Handy.
My fears about the situation in the united states were justified. To see my nation of birth, even if it's an alternate version of it, like this is... Something has to be done.

action 1: Order the Nuzax to begin tracking down all the pro and anti augmentation terror groups in the united states and call law enforcement and if necessary the justice league down on them. while doing this also keep an eye for people manipulating the terror groups for their own gain. If we find someone has been playing chessmaster with this nightmare unmask them to the world. take every precaution necessary to keep our involvement a secret.

action 2: Albion Innovation take three. as a secondary goal find out if someone has been fucking with us on this.

Research 1: work on Mavrcik's suggestions and complaints about my guns and bring in whoever was the most insightful about them to help out if they have the time.

Research 2: Start developing modular Combat suits based on Dead Space suit technology. use the security suits as the basis for a version to be made available to law enforcement while National Militaries and Maverick gets a higher performance models based on the Advanced suits. conduct a similar PR campaign as with the safety suits but make a point to hide the final suits' failure point from the public so criminals and villains don't know what to pack to kill police.
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- Begin marketing and selling to new countries; such as India, Malaysia, and as many African/Middle Eastern nations as possible. Many of our products will greatly improve the quality of life for everyone in question.
- The last attempt at trying to do the whole public relations thing was horribly cancelled. Perhaps trying again in a safer environment will go better. Let's do that.

- It has been a long journey, but we've learned much about the world itself in order to make this a reality. We shall commence the Savior Symphony.
- Last time we tried to miniaturize Wave Tech didn't pan out. Nor could we make more improvements to Wave Healing in particular. But now we know much more than before. Try again.

God damn it! I can't believe that something like this has actually happened! Why would anyone in their right mind think that terrorist action would somehow make things better? That bombs and killing would help with getting health-care?

The worse part is that it actually does give us opportunities! Is this what it's like to be an asshole corporate business person?

The move to open up shops in Mexico definitely did not help. It probably just sped up the situation, but I can't help but feel that something is very off about this. Although that feeling is likely an attempt to remove some of my own guilt.

Either way, it's time. Time for quite a few things to happen. Until now we've focused on the western world for the most part, but I think that spreading across the globe is much overdue.

Furthermore is...

We'll just have to do it and do our best, for everyone's sake! Nora's recovery has made me hopeful for the Symphony's own success as well.

After everything has finished up I'll definitely pull everyone together and catch up with them too! One of us is, how should we say, expecting! Maybe he should endeavor to drink less, hehe.

I haven't been able to talk with them very often, not as much as I'd like. We've gotten new people and lost old ones! Just when was the last time we all got in one place and talked about things other than work? Might not even have other topics these days.

Well, I've got to go. It's time for music.
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December 3rd, 2009

In a cafe on the Luxembourg streets, Slug, dressed in civilian clothing, read a newspaper detailing the current happenings in the world. He read of Thrawn's ICARUS system taking the daredevil world by storm and the resulting interest from Russian, German, and British armed forces for a militarized version. He smiled at that, if the world knew what was going on with the refined version, they would be clamoring over themselves for it.

He lipped back to the front page and scowled at what he found. Printed in large capital letters, the words 'AMERICA IN CHAOS!' was emblazoned. Even now, he noted people watching Youtube streams of the riots and subsequent crackdowns the U.S military and likely the Justice League were doing. If it weren't for LexCorp,Wayne Enterprise, and the people they had on their payroll starting a ban on augmentics, none of this would've happened. Even a few of his fellow Founders voiced their distaste at the corporations, wanting to put a stop to the mayhem and keep the peace.

Slug sighed and sipped at his cup of coffee. Let the others do what they wished, Slug had other things to worry about. Like M1 somehow turning into a human fetus. He fought back the urge to massage his temples; the amount of alcohol he drank when he found out...

Still, M1 was a fetus. With time, it will grow and gain sentience. When it does, Slug wondered what would happen. Idly, he wondered if there were laws against adopting a non-human...

Eh, screw it. He'll face the music when the time comes. Until then, coffee. Glorious coffee

Personal Actions:
- Set aside $100,000,000 to build a Maverick Off-shore Plant, start a recruitment drive to bring in new office workers to replace the treacherous ones Deadshot and Maverick disposed of, and the soldiers and spies who'll work for us (the more experienced and/or talented, the better), and various vehicle acquisitions. APCs, tanks, boats, gunship/transport helicopters, transport jets, the works. Turn Maverick from a PMC to a literal private army. Also, how's that one-eyed girl doing?
- Resume the search for secluded areas to build secret bases in. Last we checked, there were a few hints in the Pacific...

R&D Actions:
- Pull aside one of the many weapons/armor/pieces of equipment the League of Shadows so conveniently 'donated' to us and start experimenting on them using nanomachines. See if anything interesting happens and if they're worth continuing.
- Okay, M1 maturing as it did was... Unexpected, to say the least. See what's changed; does it still need blood and hormone/nutrient infusions? If so, feed it with the same nutrients a developing fetus needs to grow under the sounds Mozart. Consult experienced mothers if needed. And reinforce the lab holding M1 as needed.
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Cat sat at her desk, and drummed her fingers along the edge of one of the many reports that had come baring bad news. She wolf whistled in surprise.
"Well, that's... Not good. America is falling to pieces, the moon has been damaged by those idiots in spandex.... Yeash."
Getting up from the oak desk she still hasn't changed, she walked to one of the windows overlooking EARS Poland. Technicians were bustling around as our first space craft, If you could call it that, came back into the handset from the landing spot. As her eyes scanned the complex, her eyes alighted on a relatively empty spot- just an unused warehouse. Closing her eyes and thinking of the designs that the God-thing had gifted her, an image of the complex formed with that warehouse replaced by a giant delta wing of a craft.
"Soon. So, so soon."
-Build a metamaterials fabrication facility in the EARS's land.
-EARS is a nice facility, with all you need to build aeronautical vehicles of various designs. However, it is not suited to what is upcoming. So, an embiggening is needed. (Expand EARS until it can handle the construction and launch of spaceships that weigh a few dozen kilotons.)
-Last month there were a few... Set backs in the miniaturization of the Cold Fusion reactor/engine. However, we are Scientists. We did not fail, we learnt ways it didn't work.(Retry on miniaturization/efficiency upgrades)
-The Hardsuit is a glorious machine. However, when I started to design it, one of the scientists noticed that the 'Dead Space' suits were similar. As a result, I will be designing my Air Trecks instead. Lets see if I can't get a few hundred wheel, bearing and structure varients. It's motorised skating, what's not to love?
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-Play the PR game with a few speeches and interviews and the like. Speak out against the pro-aug terrorists, while continuing to present the good that can be done with our tech (try to find a few example patients whose lives were saved by universal organs, or former deaf/blind individuals who can now fully experience the world with cybernetics).
-Help @Silversun17 establish Albion.

-Rigger mods!
-Shock Hands! The MagSys' overload interaction with the Icarus is fantastic, but sometimes you just wanna taserpunch people without the kinetic blast and weakened limb and such.
After a vacation and thinking on things, Dr.Tarot was ready to get to some action science once more with a differently clear head. And one recurring thought, "Trust in science."


-Check up on the scientists under my command, see what they've done since I last checked up on them. They might have something interesting they've come up with.
-Talk to Deadshot and some of the other members of the council(alongside anyone they feel like bringing in.) Specifically in regards to the self written records of the previous world. See what they think could maybe be redeveloped or worth looking into, like the she devils flight packs or various "reasonable" projects from Tesladyne. With certain things being omitted, like biomega and the tech behind Edison's ghost. Especially though some of the tech Helsingrad made.


-Try again at the lightning rifle improvements, another times the charm. Especially with more protections.
-Start developing a prototype titan, at least some of the basic part to see what is and is not feasible for construction with what's available.
Personal One:

Time for PR! Begin donating money to various charities, especially ones that provide aid in crisis zones such as the US. Further, publically denounce the pro-aug terrorists while releasing a press statement urging them to cease with the attacks. "New Horizons does not condone violence" and all that.

Result: Success

Your efforts to decry the domestic terrorism across the United States while noted don't do much to lessen the attacks but the money spend on aid and charity work to help the victims of the attacks has a more noticeable effect on New Horizon's PR with the EU following soon after with their own aid packages as well as public donations.

(-$8,000,000 in disaster relief donation.)

Personal Two:

Attempt to establish sales in the few remaining countries we don't have products in.

Result: Success

You manage to secure sales in Malaysia and Indonesia, increasing profits further.

(+$3,000,000 per month)

Research One:

We have magic. Let's do something with it. First, however, quiz the magicians on what, exactly, they can do so far. Or rather, what schools of magic they happen to be familiar with. If they happen to know a bit about summoning, necromancy, and enchanting, they get a raise.

Result: Neutral

These mages don't follow established schools of magic, preferring to research more free-form ways to harness and utilize magical energy, but they have the capability and experience with necromancy and enchanting along with a few who have experience with summoning.

Research Two:

Continue work on the Mr. Handy.

Result: Success

The Mr. Handy is finally completed, fully outfitted for a wide variety of household tasks with a larger selection of tools and utensils, internal cleaning system for said tools and utensils, and the new research into cold fusion and the Icarus system means that it is more mobile as well. Now all you need is to find a posh-sounding British man to do the voice.

(Mr. Handy Prototype completed.)
action 1: Order the Nuzax to begin tracking down all the pro and anti augmentation terror groups in the united states and call law enforcement and if necessary the justice league down on them. while doing this also keep an eye for people manipulating the terror groups for their own gain. If we find someone has been playing chessmaster with this nightmare unmask them to the world. take every precaution necessary to keep our involvement a secret.

Result: Success

No supervillains here, just groups using the debate for their own agendas or to push their own politics, but between the Nu-ZAX tirelessly rooting out information and then passing it on to the authorities and Justice League, many of these groups are starting to run out of steam as their leaders are arrested one after another.

action 2: Albion Innovation take three. as a secondary goal find out if someone has been fucking with us on this.

Result: Success

Albion Innovations is now online and ready to do operations.

Research 1: work on Mavrcik's suggestions and complaints about my guns and bring in whoever was the most insightful about them to help out if they have the time.

Result: Success

You bring in the soldiers who voiced the most insight into the weapons and with their cooperation, you finally create something robust enough for combat usage but powerful enough to give just about any Meta or anything else really a moment to pause.

You present the completed CG-12 Accelerator Rifle to the rest of the Founders soon after.

Research 2: Start developing modular Combat suits based on Dead Space suit technology. use the security suits as the basis for a version to be made available to law enforcement while National Militaries and Maverick gets a higher performance models based on the Advanced suits. conduct a similar PR campaign as with the safety suits but make a point to hide the final suits' failure point from the public so criminals and villains don't know what to pack to kill police.

Result: Success

The new Hardsuits are met with a large degree of interest and even the United States isn't too proud to make an order for the suits based on the advertisement campaign of their capabilities ranging from dumb stunts to a live-recorded ad using live ammunition.

National militaries across much of the world immediately put in requests along with anti-terror units and special police units.
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- Begin marketing and selling to new countries; such as India, Malaysia, and as many African/Middle Eastern nations as possible. Many of our products will greatly improve the quality of life for everyone in question.

Result: Success

The new round of marketing to foreign countries and investors goes well. You manage to attain coverage over all but Bialya in regards to the Middle East and Africa is now benefiting from Wave Tech, Universal Organs, Cybernetics and Maverick-provided security.

All in all, you manage to secure a nice profit increase.

(+$7,000,000 per month.)

- The last attempt at trying to do the whole public relations thing was horribly canceled. Perhaps trying again in a safer environment will go better. Let's do that.

Result: Nat 100

You hold the press conference in Canada this time and begin handling the storm of media attention as you answer questions ranging from the products that ATIC has been selling through their front companies to the company's stance on the on-going turmoil in the United States.

And then you start receiving questions from some American pundit named G. Gordon Godfrey, and you weather his barrage of incendiary questions and leading statements, until you finally lose your patience with him and proceed to scathingly humiliate him in front of the world's media with your own barrage of questions and statements.

You feel very satisfied when the PR event ends, and your little dressing down of G. Gordon Godfrey has earned you some kudos from more a few sources official and otherwise.

- It has been a long journey, but we've learned much about the world itself in order to make this a reality. We shall commence the Savior Symphony.

Result: Success!

The players are assembled, the containment unit is transported to the concert ground, the machinery is set up in a complicated array of technology and Maverick is deployed in force to prevent anything, anything at all, from interfering in the Symphony.

You stand before the orchestra, the staff, and the commanders of the Maverick security detachment with transmissions to the gunships circling overhead and you tell them what is at stake, you explain just what could happen if this fails.

Make no mistake, if this fails, everyone and everything within two hundred kilometers is going to die based on the latest projections of the rate of failure within the woman.

Setting yourself up in the control room with your team, you activate the machinery and bath the area in the warm glow of the Songstone, activate the containment unit, and give the order.

And as the symphony plays, they attack; it appears that someone was interested enough in what you were moving into the area over the last few days that they've sent a small army of mercenaries to disrupt the proceedings. Only to be met by Maverick PMSC forces as explosions and gunfire echo over the music being played and the song being sung.

During the concert, information is extracted from mercenary commanders, who are revealed to not be mercenaries at all, but forces sent from Bialya to capture you. But that won't be known until well after the concert.

Finally, as the song reaches it's crescendo, a blast of light comes from the containment unit, lighting up the night sky as the song begins to draw to a close. As the light and smoke fade, Maverick troops in hazmat gear approach the containment unit while bite a finger so hard it begins to bleed.

And then they reappear from the smoke with a woman, whole and unmarked, and the words that are reported to you bring tears of joy to your eyes.

"Subject is stable."

-Last time we tried to miniaturize Wave Tech didn't pan out. Nor could we make more improvements to Wave Healing in particular. But now we know much more than before. Try again.

Result: Critical Success!

It's as much blind luck as it was good scientific methodology; using Nanofog and the new insights into miniaturisation for cybernetics, you are able to finally make Wave-Tech that can not only be exceptionally small, but the way is now open for Wave-Tech implants.
Personal Actions:
- Set aside $100,000,000 to build a Maverick Off-shore Plant, start a recruitment drive to bring in new office workers to replace the treacherous ones Deadshot and Maverick disposed of, and the soldiers and spies who'll work for us (the more experienced and/or talented, the better), and various vehicle acquisitions. APCs, tanks, boats, gunship/transport helicopters, transport jets, the works. Turn Maverick from a PMC to a literal private army. Also, how's that one-eyed girl doing?

Result: Bullshit Nat 100...

Turns out the kid is doing well; she's managing to interact with civilians, she's responding well to attempts to educate and train her, and she's largely considered an unofficial Maverick operative by the senior command staff, although Deadshot hasn't signed off on her officially. Still, you're pretty sure the former hitman finds the kid too useful to get rid of and might officially sign her on with Maverick soon.

The Off-Shore Plant project goes ahead, purchasing defunct oilrigs, failed off-shore research powerplants, and other facilities in international waters before turning them into small fortresses but the main facility is a tapped oil-rig in the North Sea that is turned into...well, you got an aerial photo from Deadshot:

This universe is bullshit when it comes to large-scale construction. Seriously.

(Congratulations, you have a private army. All upkeep costs for military vehicles are now free.)
(You wonder if Deadshot is secretly this universe's version of Big Boss now...)

- Resume the search for secluded areas to build secret bases in. Last we checked, there were a few hints in the Pacific...

Result: Nat 100...
Bonus Roll: Oh come on...Nat 100

You find something all right.

You found an old Cold War-era underwater base, still seaworthy and you've found what the base was studying as well:

Meet the Jormungand, jewel of the Nazi Nuclear Submarine program, captured intact along with the wunderwaffe contained inside, an energy projection system that can launch a ball of fusion energy like a missile, able to be tuned anywhere from anti-ship to anti-city in destructive power.

Excuse me while I go do something that makes sense, like play DOOM.

(Underwater base acquired.)
(Giant Nazi Submarine acquired.)
(GM feels rather faint.)

R&D Actions:
- Pull aside one of the many weapons/armor/pieces of equipment the League of Shadows so conveniently 'donated' to us and start experimenting on them using nanomachines. See if anything interesting happens and if they're worth continuing.

Result: Failure (Thank god)

The results of the experiments inform you quite simply that there is nothing new that can be done with the weapons and armour used by the League Of Shadows. No hidden powers, no secret functions unless you count poison release, nothing.

- Okay, M1 maturing as it did was... Unexpected, to say the least. See what's changed; does it still need blood and hormone/nutrient infusions? If so, feed it with the same nutrients a developing fetus needs to grow under the sounds Mozart. Consult experienced mothers if needed. And reinforce the lab holding M1 as needed.

Result: Success

The female staff with families are quite supportive, although you could do without the teasing about marrying Serling but the medical information is interesting to say the least: The M1 is self-sufficient in terms of blood and hormones, with the only differences in nutrient intake being a requirement for radioactive materials.

Musical therapy also proves effective and the development of M1 shows no abnormalities.
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-Build a metamaterials fabrication facility in the EARS's land.

Result: Success

The Meta-Materials facility comes online without a hitch.


-EARS is a nice facility, with all you need to build aeronautical vehicles of various designs. However, it is not suited to what is upcoming. So, an embiggening is needed. (Expand EARS until it can handle the construction and launch of spaceships that weigh a few dozen kilotons.)

The enlargement of the EAES facility eats a huge chunk of company funds, but by the time construction is complete the facility is now a spaceport in all but name, ready to handy truly massive aeronautical and rocketry projects.

(EAES facility massively expanded)

-Last month there were a few... Set backs in the miniaturization of the Cold Fusion reactor/engine. However, we are Scientists. We did not fail, we learnt ways it didn't work.(Retry on miniaturization/efficiency upgrades)

Result: Success

The miniaturisation of the Cold Fusion technology and improving the overall efficiency of the design goes ahead smoothly this month, creating an engine about the size of a small car and a reactor the size of large household refrigerator with equal to slightly better performance than the original house-sized system that was used for the test launch.

-The Hardsuit is a glorious machine. However, when I started to design it, one of the scientists noticed that the 'Dead Space' suits were similar. As a result, I will be designing my Air Trecks instead. Lets see if I can't get a few hundred wheel, bearing and structure varients. It's motorised skating, what's not to love?

Result: Success

You spend an enjoyable time creating your new Air Gear skates, going through a few hundred permutations for wheels, bearings, motors and structural construction, leaving you with mountains of blueprints telling that yes, you can make a very wide array of Air Gears, and yes they will be goddamn fun when you're done making them.
-Play the PR game with a few speeches and interviews and the like. Speak out against the pro-aug terrorists, while continuing to present the good that can be done with our tech (try to find a few example patients whose lives were saved by universal organs, or former deaf/blind individuals who can now fully experience the world with cybernetics).

Result: Success

Another round of PR, another set of human interest stories, and slowly, slowly, it looks like things might be beginning to head towards calming down.

Result: Auto-Success

You have yourself a vacation in London since Silver managed to get everything set up.

-Rigger mods!

Result: Success

Surprisingly, getting this technology to work comes from Lilithium's work in Wave Technology, as the miniaturisation allows for you to find ways to use Static and Dynamic D-Waves to act as more efficient carrier waves for control signals as well as establish a buffer between the rigger and the vehicles being controlled.

Nu-ZAX helps out on the programming front, spitting out a complicated control program to work with the implants and before long you head home in your car, while sitting in the passenger seat and steering with your mind.

That was fun.

-Shock Hands! The MagSys' overload interaction with the Icarus is fantastic, but sometimes you just wanna taserpunch people without the kinetic blast and weakened limb and such.

Result: Success

Compared to some of the other stuff you've worked on, you're embarassed by how easily you manage to put together a cybernetic hand capable delivering an electrical charge powerful enough to knock out a large man or fry a computer.

The Shock Hands are easily recharged using a soft-connect transfer medium pad that allows for rapid recharging of the taser system and easily packaged with the hands themselves. Not only that, but they come in the same wide array of cosmetic skins and casings as normal cyberhands, with the addition of tastefully-placed lightning bolts to mark them out of course.

All in all, Shock Hands should prove to be a stunning success once released.
-Check up on the scientists under my command, see what they've done since I last checked up on them. They might have something interesting they've come up with.

Result: Success

One of your teams has managed to create a Tesla-powered car, which you find out when said concept car goes on Top Gear and beats a conventional supercar in a race.

Not bad.

-Talk to Deadshot and some of the other members of the council(alongside anyone they feel like bringing in.) Specifically in regards to the self written records of the previous world. See what they think could maybe be redeveloped or worth looking into, like the she devils flight packs or various "reasonable" projects from Tesladyne. With certain things being omitted, like biomega and the tech behind Edison's ghost. Especially though some of the tech Helsingrad made.

GM: Ask the others in the OOC thread.

-Try again at the lightning rifle improvements, another times the charm. Especially with more protections.

Result: Success

Finally, you manage to get a working Lightning Rifle operational. The Model-20 is the best weapon you can make with the current level of available technology and the most powerful Lightning Rifle in the world, capable of vaporizing buildings at full power and likely able to really cause some pain to the more powerful Metahumans out there.

-Start developing a prototype titan, at least some of the basic part to see what is and is not feasible for construction with what's available.

Result: Success

Wave Technology is suitable for self-repair and maintenance while Lightning Weapons and Coil-Gauss technology can be paired with conventional missile technology in terms of weaponry.

The Icarus System and the Cold Fusion technology recently improved by Estro will allow for air-mobile capability without having to strap a disposable rocket on the back of the Titan, freeing up space for additional ammunition reserves and other equipment.
Pre-Turn 13: Happy New Year
News For The Month:

-The United States is slowly beginning to stabilise after the Justice League and Federal authorities swoop in on terrorist leaders on both sides of the debate and numerous criminal elements taking advantage of the chaos.

-The New Horizon Group has openly spoken out against the augmentation crisis, focusing their efforts on helping those worst-hit by the chaos in the United States.

-A bizarre crystal has been found in Mexico. The strange stone seems to be made of three separate unknown elements and responds strangely to music and sound.

-Strange electromagnetic anomalies continue to be detected across and within the moon.

-The Private Military Security Company known as Maverick, under Deadshot's leadership, has undergone a massive expansion in operations, establishing off-shore bases across the world for the purposes of provided rapid-response private military security to clients across the planet. In an interview in London, Deadshot has stated that Maverick is a military force that aims to help the world defend itself against the problems plaguing it.

-Happy New Year!

-Turn 13: January, 2010-

Budget: $236,271,000
Income: +$220,000,000
Expenses: -$7,417,000

Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot
Dr. Serling Roquette
Scientists x249
Office Workers x20
Intelligence Staff x250
Mages x100

-Basic Airport: Luxembourg
-Basic Airport: Zurich
-Basic Airport: Helsinki
-Improved Factory
-Improved Labs
-Tesla Fence
-Steel Gate
-Wave Research Building
-Cybernetics Lab
-Nanotech Lab
-Tesla Research Building
-Wave Healing Infirmary
-10x Company Cars (Upkeep is Free)
-Gulfstream G500 Business Jet (Upkeep is Free)
-2x Civilian Helicopters
-Maverick PMSC Covert Operations Bases: Afghanistan, Iraq, Rhelasia/Korea, United States Of America, Russia, China, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Columbia.
- Infinity Island Research Base
-Tesla Reactor
-Gantry Complex
-Nano Cauldron
-Bio Forge
-Wave Containment Facility

-Magic Research Lab
-Metamaterial Fabrication Facility
-'Mother Base', North Sea
-Worldwide Off-Shore Plant bases
-A Private Army
-Underwater Base, Pacific Ocean.
-A giant Nazi super-submarine

Available Projects:
-Airport Upgrade
-Tank Police

Available Buildings:
-Experimental Chemistry Lab

Special Opportunities:

January 2nd, 2010

Slug sat in his office chair, watching a re-run of his co-Founder Alicia humiliate Gordon Godfrey in front of the world media alongside one Floyd Lawton. Seeing that xenophobic hypocrite getting flustered and tongue-tied in the face of the woman's verbal onslaught always managed to get a laugh out of him. Serves that prick right.

He reaches over and pours Floyd another glass. The former assassin salutes him with it, before downing the drink in one go. He growls in satisfaction as the alcohol leaves a pleasant burn going down his throat.

"Nothing better than a shot of booze to start the day, eh Boss?" the man grins at Slug.

"With the amount of BS I've been dealing with lately, I practically lace my morning coffee with it." the younger man rolls his eyes. "Not that it's a bad thing, really."

"Says the guy with an iron liver."

"You'd have an iron liver too if you drink as much as I do on a regular basis." Slug sighs and looks over the report in his hands. "So. Jormungand and an underwater base?"

"Pure luck." Floyd grins.

"Sure, and my dad's Santa Claus." Slug shakes his head. "Really, this is getting ridiculous, even by my standards. No-one should be this lucky."

"Explain to me again how you've hid ATIC from the Bat of all people again, Boss?"

"Touche." Slug grumbles. The door opens and a grinning research walks in with the monthly lab reports. Slug sighs, but his lips curve upwards.

"Serling still hasn't left her office, has she?" Slug takes the reports from the researcher's hands.

"No, she hasn't." the researcher shakes her head. "We were hoping you'd come down there and convince her to come out, sir. Some of the staff are getting worried."

"You guys just want to tease her again, don't you?" Slug laughs and rises out of his seat. Floyd follows, grinning.

"Trouble in paradise, Boss?"

"Nah, just some old ladies messing with a pretty young lady who accidentally a bionanite fetus." Slug answers, and Floyd barks a laugh. "Yeah, they've been teasing me to marry her and she's apparently locked herself in her office to get the blush off her face. I'll see if I can talk her out of her office and send her home."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't, Boss." Floyd grins.

"Actually," the researcher turns to the former assassin. "We think he already has."

"Oh yeah?"

"Would you two just leave me alone already?" Slug grumbles, blushing lightly. "Geez, you're worse than my mother..."

Personal Actions:
- Those captured Bialyans had to have gotten their orders from Queen Bee, and by extension, the Light. To have attacked one of the Founders, while she was overseeing a very tense procedure no less, is grounds for a severe retaliation. Extract any and all information those fools have, quietly dispose of them once the job is done, then send Deadshot and the Mystery Girl with our best men to find out why the Bialyans wanted to mess with us. Preferably, without getting caught.
- Everyone still with us and under our employ have each proven their worth throughout the past twelve months. To ensure morale is kept up, their loyalty remains with us, and to celebrate the anniversary of ATIC's founding, grant everyone a raise and an overdue, week long, paid vacation.

R&D Actions:
- With the nanosuit blueprints, look over the cloaking metamaterial and see what we can do to improve it further.
- With notes from Nora Fries' surgery, attempt to simplify it for commercial release. Perhaps, the same procedure can be done without the medical nanofog?
Warrich Log 13

Good news! We pulled off a successful PR coup! Our company is more popular than ever! Of course, we still have work to be done. Profits to be made.

I believe I'm going to start selling the Mr Handy. After all, we have a functional model. All we require are a few voice samples.

Personal One: Acquire the voice samples for Mr Handys various modes, and begin selling it.

Personal Two: Fund the creation of a Cryotechnology Lab for Doctor Fries, and inform him that, so long as he occasionally makes a product we can sell(Ranging from cryo-sleep pods to nonlethal ice weapons, ect), we will offer him as much funding as he wishes for his own, private research.

Research One: The Comps require a energetic magical power source. Have our magicians begin researching such a power source post-haste.

Research Two: MegaZAX Take Two: Attempt to create a improved NuZAX design, incorporating nanotechnology and other technologies to make it even more durable, as well as improving it's intelligence.
Last edited:
-Investigate what appears to be the natural formation of Songstone in Mexico. Was it there before or have our actions prompted the Earth to create it naturally? Either way, we should certainly assist in safety measures if we can.
-The phenomenon on the Moon has been troubling for a while. Now is the time to investigate it, especially considering that the Moon is in fact very important to the Earth's gravity if nothing else.

-Though it has been rather put off, the Towers offer an untold amount of utility and power. Capable of supporting life, allowing extreme use of Waves, and above all they are a major building block for many things detailed in the books that arrived with us. It is perhaps only the unique properties of this universe that Wave-Tech is usable without Towers. Now is the time to start planing, preparing, and learning what it would take to make one.
-We have the means to weaponize sound in a perhaps safer manner than using the forces of Entropy or Songstone. Though we may not have Relics at hand, we can certainly research Symphonic Gain and how it relates to our preexisting Wave-Tech. In time we will move on to acquiring Relics and soon Symphogears.

Holy crackers mother of music! We've all had such amazing luck recently, it's almost scary. I almost feel that the symphony is kind of over shadowed by that huge boat we somehow found. And the house. Houses. For the sake of being a bit private.

I've probably had way too much hot chocolate to try and calm my nerves down, yet I'm still practically jumping in my seat! Writing up this turns lists were particularly hard to do in the calm and strict tone I've been aiming for. While boats themselves aren't my area of interest I really would like to see it soon.

And again I must state that the symphony was a shining success despite the attempt to interrupt it. One can hardly imagine the people involved had an idea as to the potential results had something gone wrong. If they did, well, I can't quite decide what my feelings would be upon hearing that.

Probably, extreme anger. Far more extreme than any anger I've felt before. Only a truly horrible person would 'steal', if that was their goal, or make a mess of such an important event. The consequences alone...

Speaking of consequences! I saw the news about the unknown elements in Mexico this morning. I swear my heart almost skipped a beat, though the discovery lacked the heart sink-age of the Silence's report. That was a very heart stopping moment indeed. I'll look into that as my next major project after the reports on the electric and findings in Mexico come in. Unless, and God forbid, those end up even more worrying.

Now on to the others, I can hardly believe that Slug's little charge is coming along so well! Absolutely heartwarming to hear about...
Cat sat at the edge of the roof, looking at the newly expanded facility. I wolf whistled.
"I just spent one fifth of a billion on preparation of going into space. Hell yeah."
Jumping with joy, I twisted off the edge of the roof, spinning through the air in a series of flips. Landing on the hugely cushioned suspensions of her new Air Treks, Cat pushed off against the ground, shooting off into the depths of her complex, laughing her head of. As she ran round the complex the scientists working there looked over their shoulders, grinned and went back to their work, used to the quirks of their Boss.
- Air Trecks! The soon to be coolest product on the market, giving you the ability to make enormous jumps, feel like your flying... Yadda yada yada. Set the Air Trecks up for sale, with subtle encouragement for users to form teams of Riders. And hidden in the cores of our best designs for each road will be the hints towards the Gram Scale.
-The metamaterials Factory is ready to start pumping out all those sweet sweet exotic alloys. We'll warm up with something simple: Using my favourite super strong alloy to create replacements for body armour for our private army.
-The Sky Ranger project. A successful project, it used highly advanced tech to create a supersonic stealth drop ship. But I'm quite sure it can be improved with a few additions, such as fingernail sized electrocromatic material coating the outside, giving it active cloaking. Or an integrated Icarus system, to allow for stealth landings. Or perhaps using the new conducters to give it a coil gun for aerial superiority. Lots of small changes.
-Space. The final frontier. And one soon to be exploited by us. I will build a space ship the likes of which will have never been seen before!
So, this is the general idea of what Cat is trying to create. Using technology from all over the company, it should be one of the grandest products New Horizons has made. Provided the roll is good.
Delta wing shape, with super alloy hull to withstand re-entry heat. Seven cold fusion, each about the size of an eighteen wheeler (should be enough to get to Mars and back in one month). Icarus system for landing without burning Delta Vee. Electro-Gravitic Engine for in orbit maneuvering.
Inside: Enough room for 50 people for 3 months travel. One wave healing station, and a Nu-ZAX computer. A set of labs for analysis of samples and for basic prototyping. A Neural Jack control system for control of the ship. 15 Dead space suits and a three buggies for external driving. Three cold fusion reactors. Cargo space of about 64,000 meters cubed (40m by 40m by 40m approx.).

1- Begin advertising and Selling the Kay model arm slaves.

2- Get the Hardsuits into production. Orders from Anti-meta criminal law enforcement and anti-terrorism units takes priority as their smaller numbers will allow us fill them faster and get the suits in field doing good sooner.

1- With help from Maverick's vehicle crews and maintenance techs develop replicate Starcraft's vehicle mounted weapons in a practice format.

2- using the M9 as a starting point begin developing a military armslave designated Gawain. stealth will be restricted to the Mavrick model for now.

OOC: RP stuff added later. getting late and I'm traveling tomorrow morning. my brother gets married on Saturday.
1. Through HAT, start selling shock hands. Military and police forces should easily be able to find a use for a concealable variable-lethality weapon that can kill or incapacitate with a touch and can't easily be disarmed. Hyperion Advanced Technologies, putting the Shock in Shock & Awe!
2. Have New Horizons start selling the control rig mod for the (almost a year old!) datajacks, as well as vehicle conversions to accommodate the implant's use.

1. The Magnetic System's overload interaction with the Icarus seems promising. Try to alter the implant into something capable of creating a constant level of thrust over an extended period of time instead of in a single, sharp, burst. Retaining original MagSys capabilities is preferred, but not required. With luck, true flight will be achievable!
2. Borrow the latest Tesla-tech lightning rifle designs, and turn them into a cyberarm-integrated weapon implant.
1. Through HAT, start selling shock hands. Military and police forces should easily be able to find a use for a concealable variable-lethality weapon that can kill or incapacitate with a touch and can't easily be disarmed. Hyperion Advanced Technologies, putting the Shock in Shock & Awe!

Result: Success

Police and military forces are quick to take advantage of the new Shock Hands not just as a readily-available weapon, but also as a prosthetic for those who might otherwise have been forced to retire due to the loss of a hand or limb in the line of duty.

And for some who already have cybernetic hands and arms, this new hand is a ready upgrade.

(+$14,000,000 per month)

2. Have New Horizons start selling the control rig mod for the (almost a year old!) datajacks, as well as vehicle conversions to accommodate the implant's use.

Result: Failure

Control Rigs don't catch on as quickly as you hope. You're making enough sales to break even, but general government opinion is that they do not view control rigs as being safe enough to allow vehicle manufacturers, who are interested, to offer this technology for public sale.

1. The Magnetic System's overload interaction with the Icarus seems promising. Try to alter the implant into something capable of creating a constant level of thrust over an extended period of time instead of in a single, sharp, burst. Retaining original MagSys capabilities is preferred, but not required. With luck, true flight will be achievable!

Result: Success

It's a little Tony Stark, but by using the Magnetic System in the hands and feet to focus the electromagnetic lens, it is possible for a person to hover for limited periods of time, with the time being even shorter for small periods of actual flight. Flight is possible, but now the problem is that of power supply, as the combination of electromagnetic lens and electrical 'thrust' is a major drain on battery life.

(Very limited cybernetic flight is possible.)

2. Borrow the latest Tesla-tech lightning rifle designs, and turn them into a cyberarm-integrated weapon implant.

Result: ...Oooh. >.<;


I swear, that technology is cursed.

(No injuries, no deaths. DarthThrawn's Hardsuit is comically blackened by the explosion.)