SV Must Secretly Save The World And Turn A Profit! (Young Justice Council RP)

Pre-Turn 7: An Insult Repaid
News for the month:

-The United States has banned any and all commercial cybernetic augmentation to be sold in the United States and has issued an advisory that any American tourists overseas refrain from purchasing cybernetics as they are to be removed upon return to the country although foreign tourists will only be subject to the law if they gain American Citizenship.
In a statement to the press, industrialist Lex Luthor has stated that the ban 'is a win for the morals of the American people' while outspoken GBS pundit G. Gordon Godrey has also praised the United States government for taking a hard-line stance to commercial augmentation.

-Terror gripped the world as a spree of mysterious killings and bombing swept the planet. Interpol, intelligence agencies and the Justice League were all unable to find any evidence as to who committed this brutal and devastating series of terrorist attacks.

-A mysterious chemical explosion has destroyed a St. Petersburg chemical factory. The facility, owned by Wayne Industries, was doing research into supercoolants for industrial and space usage.

-A new company has founded in the wake of the New Horizon Group releasing assets relating to weapons development and other technological concerns. Based in Poland the new European Aerospace Energy Systems corporation has already taken up the contracts formerly held by The New Horizon Group for the manufacturing of the Securitron police and security robot.

Special Event!
A mysterious woman has been found outside the EAES facility in Poland. She is wearing a strange suit and is swimming in potent supercoolants similar to the ones that Wayne Industries was working on in Russia. But this is not some Mister Freeze imitator and once the comatose woman is shipped back to Luxembourg you find out the truth.

Somehow the woman has been exposed to an incredibly potent energy source and her body has somehow been converted into a mobile stellar reactor. Yes, that means underneath the skin there is the boiling nuclear inferno of a star. Only the supercoolants are keeping her alive and from detonating in a massive supernova.

Detective And Demon
The gravestone was located in a remote mountain valley, next to several others. So few for such a long-lived life but then Ra's Al Ghul didn't not think himself a family man, along with the questions that would invariably arise due to his longevity.

No, a few children was more than sufficient. It kept the pain from consuming him as he stared at the simple grave marker, before he glanced back, "Paying your respects, Detective?"

The Batman drew alongside him, "It wasn't easy finding this place, and that was with the clue you left."

"That you came at all, shows that whatever your differences, you felt the same as my daughter did for you." Ra's replied simply, "Detective, this may not be how you wished to win, but it is a victory for you. By the actions of another, my League Of Shadows is gone and I must focus on rebuilding."

"You know I cannot let you do that Ra's," Batman rumbled, "I won't let you do that."

"You cannot stop me Detective." Ra's remarked mildly, "I have centuries of skill to call upon. Never forget Detective, that you are here because I wanted you to find this place. In any case, I am here to mourn my daughter's death and I would hope that you are as well. Otherwise, you will leave."

There was a long moment of silence before Batman managed to growl out, "Who did this?"

"A very skilled killer. Talia is only the most painful loss. As I said detective, my League is gone, reduced to ashes and there are no clues as to the perpetrator. No clues, except one."

Batman stared at the immortal, who nodded, "I will not reveal who wanted the task done, but my Shadows were hired several months ago to locate and then to kidnap a scientist. The Noble Prize winner, Dr. Serling Roquette. We found her in Luxembourg one month ago to this day, and the Shadows sent to acquire her were all killed, none survived. There is your clue Detective."

"Dr. Roquette won her Noble Prize for her work on the Utility Nanofog, I can name several groups including yours who would want that for their own ends." Batman deducted.

"And yet whoever holds her is vindictive and spiteful enough that they would find a way to reveal my Shadows and hunt them down to extinction. Detective, I will not say that you should refrain from investigating Dr. Roquette, but I would warn you that whoever they are, they destroyed my Shadows to send me a message. An organisation that stretches the world, gone, and you are just one man Detective. If you arouse the ire of Dr. Roquette's mysterious masters, they will likely crush you without any hesitation."

Turning away, Ra's began walking towards a waiting helicopter, "Farewell Detective. Stay as long as you wish, I'm certain my daughter would enjoy your company."​

-Turn 7: July, 2009-

Budget: $67,056,000
Income: +$69,000,000
Expenses: -$2,017,000

Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot
Dr. Serling Roquette
Scientists x257
Office Workers x100
Security Staff x500
Intelligence Staff x100

-Basic Airport: Luxembourg
-Basic Airport: Zurich
-Basic Airport: Helsinki
-Improved Factory
-Improved Labs
-Steel Fence
-Steel Gate
-Wave Research Building
-Cybernetics Lab
-Nanotech Lab
-Tesla Research Building
-Wave Healing Infirmary
-10x Company Cars (Upkeep is Free)
-Gulfstream G500 Business Jet (Upkeep is Free)
-2x Helicopters

-50x Light Combat Vehicles
-League Of Shadow Bases: Afghanistan, Iraq, Rhelasia/Korea, United States Of America, Russia, China, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Columbia.

Available Projects:
-Qurac Power Plants

-ATIC Complex Expansion

Available Buildings:
-Tesla Reactor
-Tesla Fence
-Security Command

-Bio Forge
-Nano Cauldron

Special Opportunities:
-AIR AND SPACE!: The new facility in Poland could be a good place to start working on proper aerospace projects without risking the ATIC facility to possible fuel and chemical explosions. This would allow it to be not just a front company but another important source of revenue, which is good because you went into the red again before the profits cleared with the bank.
-Flashing Lights: Something is going on at the New Horizon Group building in Paris, the staff have reported that the building's files have been searched multiple times and they've found security locks undone. Deadshot is offering to take a team of Maverick operatives to stake out the place and move in to find out who the mystery intruders are.
-Renovations: Your new hidden bases acquired from the League Of Shadows will allow you a covert presence across the world, but while the blood has been hosed and scrubbed off, the facilities are lacking in the ATIC touch before you can consider staffing them. Since these are covert bases, it will be Maverick who will take control of them, which will mean a greater recruitment drive.
-The Light Of A Star: Save the mysterious woman.

Medical Status:
-Dwennon: Released from the Infirmary.
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After he was finished with his recovery, John thought about what he should do. The accident showed that there might be some unforeseen flaws or issues with his designs, which he couldn't just use for large projects without risking too many lives. So he called up all the would be action scientists he worked with before to get some things clear.

"Okay all of you listen up. We've just barely come out of some crazy accident of science. And it's shown us there might be some flaws with the designs we've come up with so far. Now we're going to slowly make sure everyone is recovered, while going over everything about this and find out what went wrong. Whether it was a design error, environment, or hell even if it might even have been sabotage unlikely as it might've been.

While we're doing this I also want all of you to try and either work on your own ideas that I'll want you to bring to me to look over or find someone to look over, look into some people who could be good recruits for science or something else, heck even just trying to improve yourselves a bit if that's what you feel is necessary. Either way for now we're going to work on going over what's went wrong and trying to refine everything we can before testing out anything of what could've gone wrong.

And if any of you feel like this isn't for you, please come see me so we can work something out. Though for all of you remember, trust in science. And be ready to punch evil in the face."

Personal actions:
-have interns send our contact in Qurac a letter about going over potential problems before starting the project. Also look to set up or purchase proxy equipment for testing purposes like waldoes.
-Have scientists start up some side work to try to help keep up morale while being productive. Whether it be their own projects, looking to recruit, self improvement, whatever.

Research actions:
- Go over every little detail possible about the incident to try to find out what could've gone wrong. Don't actually test anything until all data has been gone over.
-Look into some simple alternative applications of current tech that is low risk. Maybe some stun sticks or even a more efficient version of contact energy transfer, just something simple and low risk for now. No need to jump in too deep too fast, not like this is Robo doing all of this.
Doctor Warrich Logs, June 2009

Well. The league of Shadows is dead and gone. ATIC is more powerful than ever. My Synth design is coming along nicely.

Since I have more free time, I think I'll be working on some new designs, along with improving my Synth design. Also attempting to improve the eyebots to where we can sell them.

I'll need to set up a facility to handle it, of course.

Then we have the mystery woman. I think the optimal path is clear. Help her. Then, if possible, hire her as our own personal super.

Personal Actions:
-If America doesn't want cheap safe augmentation, that's fine. However, there is no doubt a market in it's neighbors to the north and south. Attempt to see if they would be willing to make a few purchases.

-Attempt to drum up more Securitron sales. If need be, strip out the heavy weaponry in lieu of a simple laser to make it more marketable to police forces and people wanting them as security guards.


-Continued Synth research. Our goal is a robot that is the intellectual equal of any human.

-Return to designing Eyebots. Specifically modded ones with reduced nuclear material. If nessesary, switch to a fusion instead of fission batter system, after all, unlike in the wasteland, Eyebots don't need to be on 24/7
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June 5th, 2009

Contrary to what most would think, Slug's living quarters did not consist of much despite him being one of the founders to an enormous technology research and development corporation that stretched across Europe and soon, the world. All he had to his name that was of actual note was a studio apartment, the usual appliances and items of necessity, and his computer. Even his bedroom was bare, the only sign of decoration being the small picture frame containing the photograph of all founding members posing together on the day ATIC was born.

The lights were out, the young man himself sprawled out over his bed and several empty bottles of rootbeer stood organized at his bedside and two more lay unopened. He rolled to one side and plucked a sound recorder from his night stand. He depressed a button and took a few moments to collect his thoughts, as he groped in the dark for another bottle.

"Personal recording number 012," he spoke to the recorder. "Date, uh... June 5th? Yeah, June 5th, 2009.

"The League of Shadows is no more. It's still strange to hear myself say that, especially after how I was practically the one who ordered it done in the first place, but whaddaya know? It turns out, Deadshot's abilities were nerfed and he held an idiot ball whenever he fought any superheroes. Without that and viewer favoritism, he's as much as a threat as, if not more than, any hero. With fifteen million Euros, he was able to locate and exterminate the League of Shadows. Not even the Justice League could do that. And we have him under our payroll. Isn't that nice? He even brought me Talia Al'Ghul's head as proof of thorough he was. Good man.

"Strange, that last part. I thought I'd have felt squeamish and horrified at having a severed head on my desk, one resulting from my orders no less, but I felt nothing but a sense of... Actually, I don't feel anything at all. Maybe I'm just too lazy to feel anything. Or maybe I've drunk too many rootbeers and now I'm getting too drunk to feel anything. Bah, who cares; the League of Shadows are gone and their bases are ours now. We'll make use of them when we can.

"In other news, I've managed to make CNT muscle fiber. Yup, I can see the MGR cyborgs flipping tanks and swinging skyscraper-sized swords already." he sighs. "But if only things were as clear cut as that."

"There've been reports of things happening in NHG over at France. I'll probably send Deadshot to look into it, see if anything needs to caught or captured. Then there's the strange woman found outside EAES facility over at Poland. She's got a frikkin' stellar reactor thing going on under her skin. i dunno the details, but I don't want her going Chernobyl on our asses. I'll see what I can do to help, but Alicia's the best choice for this. Speaking of Alicia, it's good to see her back to her lively self nowadays. When Rupert left, she... Eh, I'll save that for another time.

"...The world's changing. Balance is shifting. And if we play our cards right, we might not even be seen or heard of. I can only pray things stay that way."

Slug depressed the recorder and set it aside. He'll add it to the growing collection of recordings he's over the past few months later. For now, he has a bottle of rootbeer to-

His hand slips and half the bottle's contents spills all over his face. Slug gasps, sputters and fumbles to get the chilled beverage to stop, but ends up slipping out of bed and making a mess of things on his bedroom floor. For a moment, he laid in the mess, silently cursing himself.

"Bollocks." he murmurs, carefully rising to his feet. "I knew I should've gotten a night-light."

Personal Actions:
- Flashing Lights: "There've been reports of files being searched and security locks being undone over at the NHG facility in France. I don't like that. Deadshot, use Maverick to do what you need to get to the bottom of things. Make sure you aren't seen."
- Begin construction of a Security Command for Maverick. They've shown by now how they deserve one. And while they're at it, acquire three assault helicopters and two transport helicopters, and a transport jet for their use.

R&D Actions:
Attempt to refine and streamline Dr. Serling's Utility Nanofog so that nano-hive consumes less space and is less vulnerable to outside hacking attempts.
- Looking at the nanomachines and how they're made from and use inorganic materials has gotten Slug thinking; could a biological counterpart be made? Nanomachines made from bio-matter, specialized for biological purposes, and used to heal or strengthen?
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Personal Actions:
- Have the identity of the Woman dug up, hopefully we'll get something useful out of it.
- Look into what the public thinks of the New Horizon group.

-Investigate the Waves surrounding/reacting to the mysterious woman in order to start the creation of a device capable of managing her condition.
-Begin testing the new Portable Wave Healing Devices.

The Woman can not be allowed to die from this, not a single person deserves such a cruel and unusual fate. Especially not when there are people that can help. Although I must confess that I have no idea how we'll manage. It all depends on what we can figure out about the ways she works. I am positive that there is something that can be done for her, but there is a likelihood that it will take longer than we have. Perhaps we could use...
-The Infolink! The ultimate in hands-free communications! Applications both civilian and military! Sell it.
-Open more clinics in more countries so that we can service more people. Make a point of setting up in both Mexico and Canada, among others.

-Medical Nanofog: Most cyberware requires extremely invasive surgery to implant, and some items are nearly impossible with modern surgical techniques. The standard Utility Nanofog is a wonderfully versatile tool that is locked out of affecting the human body, but NHG's Cybernetics division needs much the opposite, something wholly intended for work on living humans but with extensive limits and safety measures built in to keep it from adversely affecting the patient.
-Bone Lacing: The CNT Muscle Fiber developed last month would be perfect for muscle replacement implants, but anything truly spectacular will require appropriate support. Develop a reinforcement lattice to be applied to a subject's skeletal structure, constructed from plastic (for the common customer) and/or titanium (for more intensive use).
OOC: Been very busy, will write up a pov when possible!


Air and Space

Harrison will begin hiring the best minds in Aerospace, Defense, and information systems available, making sure to do extensive background checs in the process to determine their loyalty and trustworthiness.


Begin seeing what applications his new nano tech could been given out to the public ASAP

Harrison wants to see whether he could upscale the Hruntings chassis (Think of five storey sized versions) and whether the ppower reactors could support such a construct or if something more heavy duty is required.
Personal actions:
-have interns send our contact in Qurac a letter about going over potential problems before starting the project. Also look to set up or purchase proxy equipment for testing purposes like waldoes.

Result: Auto-success

So far, there has been very little interest to the Qurac power situation, so your continued efforts are appreciated. That said, you might want to actually get around to getting those powerplants online soon.

You also acquire waldoes and other remote-operated equipment for ATIC as a whole.

(Increased chance of success and survival in R&D)

-Have scientists start up some side work to try to help keep up morale while being productive. Whether it be their own projects, looking to recruit, self improvement, whatever.

Result: Auto-Success

You request gains immediate results as the various scientists quickly engage in their own projects and before long New Horizon has a slew of new patents for a variety of small projects that as a whole provide a tidy little profit.

(+$1,000,000 per month)

Research actions:
- Go over every little detail possible about the incident to try to find out what could've gone wrong. Don't actually test anything until all data has been gone over.

Result: Auto-Success

The reason was simple; you breached the power cell without making sure that it was fully de-powered and drained of energy. The resulting energy release was enough to devastate the Tesla Research Building.

That said, that kind of explosive and electromagnetic release could be an avenue worth looking into.

(Tesla Research safety improved!)
(A possibility for a new Tesla Weapon has been discovered)

-Look into some simple alternative applications of current tech that is low risk. Maybe some stun sticks or even a more efficient version of contact energy transfer, just something simple and low risk for now. No need to jump in too deep too fast, not like this is Robo doing all of this.

Result: Auto-Success

Plenty of simple alternative applications. The power packs of Tesla Rifles can be used to make feasible and cheap electric cars. The discharge system can make more effective stun-rods and tesla gloves for self-defence and police applications. The incredibly high temperatures caused by Tesla discharges could be used as an improved welding/cutting tool as well as a possible defensive system

(Numerous applications for Tesla technology found.)

Result: Neutral

Setting up a new aerospace company is a bit trickier than you expected and the month is spent in negotiations with the Polish government for air corridors, no-fly zones, security protocols that will be handled by Maverick PMSC with support from the Polish military, as well as an offer to have a portion of the EAES facility rented by the Polish government for their own aerospace research and development.

You'll have to spend another month working on this to get this off the ground.

(Continue working on this project for increased chance of success.)

Harrison will begin hiring the best minds in Aerospace, Defense, and information systems available, making sure to do extensive background checks in the process to determine their loyalty and trustworthiness.

Result: Success

Another round of research, jet-setting, interviews and head-hunting begins as you nab people from all corners of the Earth, paying attention to the places that other companies would never look due to prejudice. For your efforts you manage to assemble a group of about 120 people, many of which you found by complete accident.

You know what they say about diamonds in the rough.

(+120x Scientists)

Begin seeing what applications his new nano tech could been given out to the public ASAP

Result: Failure

Nothing about your new Nanotech can be safely released to the public. Without a Nano-Cauldron to refine the designs, you'd do more good releasing the nanotech as a weapon.

(Nanotech development is unsafe until Nano-Cauldron is constructed.)

Harrison wants to see whether he could upscale the Hruntings chassis (Think of five storey sized versions) and whether the power reactors could support such a construct or if something more heavy duty is required.

Result: Failure

You can't do a 1:1 scaling up of the Hrunting Chassis to make it into a giant robot. The entire blueprint would need to be redesigned from the ground up just to stand without collapsing into itself or take a step without falling down.

The Liberty Prime robot design may help you with this project, but without a dedicated facility/gantry to build and test giant robots, it will just be a further waste of money.

(New Facility Available: Gantry Complex)
Personal Actions:
-If America doesn't want cheap safe augmentation, that's fine. However, there is no doubt a market in it's neighbors to the north and south. Attempt to see if they would be willing to make a few purchases.

Result: Great Success!

You meet with various government and medical representatives in Canada, Mexico, Central America and South America and your efforts are met with equal enthusiasm as cyberlimbs, cybereyes and ears with such remarkably low maintenance requirements will work wonders for those with physical disabilities.

Thrawn gives you a high-five when you give him the news of your efforts.

(Auto-Success given to DarthThrawn)

-Attempt to drum up more Securitron sales. If need be, strip out the heavy weaponry in lieu of a simple laser to make it more marketable to police forces and people wanting them as security guards.

Result: Success!

The stripped-down Securitron attracts greater interest from other countries than the standard model and before long you sign several lucrative contracts with Japan, China and England. Each country makes their own little modifications but England is the first to figure out how to change the accent and mannerisms to create the 'Bobbie' personality engram for their Securitrons.

You find that rather amusing.

(+$12,000,000 per month)

-Continued Synth research. Our goal is a robot that is the intellectual equal of any human.

Result: Success!

Your AI's work on holographic tape-reels; these tapes are a terabyte-capacity storage medium that holds everything an AI needs to operate. Combined with more 'modern' computing technology and a means to actively modify the tape data, a learning computer with a rather human capability to forget can be made.

This would allow a robot to be the equal to a human, and while their memory lasts longer they will forget over time and that will provide an important humanizing element to their psychology.

-Return to designing Eyebots. Specifically modified ones with reduced nuclear material. If necessary, switch to a fusion instead of fission batter system, after all, unlike in the wasteland, Eyebots don't need to be on 24/7

Result: Success!

The Eye-Bot Mk. 2 now has as much radioactive material as a fire-alarm, can go up to a zippy 40 kilometers per hour thanks to it's hover system, and the new fusion battery gives it a battery life of at least 200 years.

As a mobile camera, the only real addition to the Mk. 2 design is a strobe light system designed to disorient and blind hostiles while Wi-Fi systems allow it to transmit footage and photograps to any designated recipients.

(Eye-Bot Mk. 2 is now available for sale. Expected profits: +3,000,000 per month)
-The Infolink! The ultimate in hands-free communications! Applications both civilian and military! Sell it.

Result: Success!

The release of the New Horizon Info-Link once more takes the world by storm as New Horizons and by extension ATIC receives offers from every mobile phone manufacturer in every country save for the United States for the licence to the Info-Link, which you readily take advantage of.

With a full communications suite located in the closest proximity possible, the mobile phone market takes a hit but remains steady as there is considered an advantage to having a physical piece of hardware outside of the body rather than as an implant. Even so, everyone is planning on releasing their own implant models through New Horizon clinics (you should name these clinics btw) to take advantage of the budding consumer cybernetics market.

You also receive several offers from NATO, Russia, China, Japan and Canada for a military-grade version that you easily modify the standard model to be used for, with the addition of protocols to allow the implant to act as a scrambled satellite phone for diplomatic and covert operations.

(+18,000,000 per month in sales, maintenance and implantation)

-Open more clinics in more countries so that we can service more people. Make a point of setting up in both Mexico and Canada, among others.

Result: Auto-Success!

Thanks to the efforts of your compatriot, you get clinics open almost immediately in Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, South Rhelasia, Central America and South America.

(More clinics opened.)
(There is a sense of dissatisfaction...)

-Medical Nanofog: Most cyberware requires extremely invasive surgery to implant, and some items are nearly impossible with modern surgical techniques. The standard Utility Nanofog is a wonderfully versatile tool that is locked out of affecting the human body, but NHG's Cybernetics division needs much the opposite, something wholly intended for work on living humans but with extensive limits and safety measures built in to keep it from adversely affecting the patient.

Result: Auto-failure

Surprisingly, the modification work to the nanofog for usage in humans hits multiple unsolvable brick walls that Serling believes will require the Nano-Cauldron facility to resolve.

(Project stalled until Nano-Cauldron constructed.)

-Bone Lacing: The CNT Muscle Fiber developed last month would be perfect for muscle replacement implants, but anything truly spectacular will require appropriate support. Develop a reinforcement lattice to be applied to a subject's skeletal structure, constructed from plastic (for the common customer) and/or titanium (for more intensive use).

Result: Auto-Failure

Much like the Nanofog, the bone-lacing project stalls as the requirements for the projects are too great for the Nanotech Research Building to handle alone. Both the Nano-Cauldron and Bio-Forge will be necessary to get these projects on track.

(Project stalled until Nano-Cauldron and Bio-Forge constructed.)
Personal Actions:
- Have the identity of the Woman dug up, hopefully we'll get something useful out of it.

Result: Success!

Anastasia Lubeck is the woman's name, a researcher at the Wayne Enterprises chemical facility into supercoolants. But that doesn't explain how she was exposed to such incredible energies and changed so drastically.

- Look into what the public thinks of the New Horizon group.

Result: Auto-Success!

Internet polls and random street interviews across the planet give you the following general picture:

The public opinion of New Horizon is moderately high, but there is also unease at the rapid pace of technology releases. Citizens in the United States are frankly pissed off more at the government than at New Horizon for not being able to get access to Universal Organs and Consumer Cybernetics.

-Investigate the Waves surrounding/reacting to the mysterious woman in order to start the creation of a device capable of managing her condition.

Result: Critical Success!

You activate the instruments while carefully shielded from the woman, and begin investigating the Wave interactions.

And then your team is sent to the floor by the blast of discordant noise that hits you all. Many of your team are screaming in utter terror while covering their ears and eyes, some are just on the floor weeping or convulsing uncontrollably, but you and a few others manage to disable the audio and help everyone recover.

Hate, something in the Hymn Wave is creating a literal field of pure, unyielding hate and rage at the heart of that stellar reactor. Because of the fact that the woman is comatose, it is theorized that it is the woman's own emotions doing this. The resulting Dynamic and Static D-Wave interactions caused by this Hymn Wave are creating a building energy reaction that will eventually overcome the supercoolants in the suit.

Unless you can heal this, the reaction will never stabilise and she will go supernova. For now, it is possible to build a containment unit using the SRS to keep the woman in a state of suspension.

(Survived exposure to the Sound Of Hate)
(Acquired Data on the Sound Of Hate)
(Minimal mental trauma suffered)
(New Facility Available: SRS Containment Facility)

-Begin testing the new Portable Wave Healing Devices.

Result: Critical Success! You lucky girl.

Its not the test you were planning on using them for, but right now you need the time to build a containment facility and then heal this woman. Activating the devices and arraying them around the woman, your instruments manage to pick up something remarkable.

The Hymn Wave emitted by the Portable Healing Devices is changing the Sound Of Hate being emitted by the comatose woman, stabilizing it. It will be unlikely to heal the woman completely, but if you have a system like this in the containment facility, then it will be possible to truly keep someone suspended indefinitely.

Not only that, the signs of chemical poisoning in the woman are also vanishing so at the very least her health won't suffer when you finally find a way to save her life.

(Portable Wave Healing Devices successfully tested!)
(Facility Blueprint upgraded: SRS Containment Facility -> Wave Containment Facility)
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- Flashing Lights: "There've been reports of files being searched and security locks being undone over at the NHG facility in France. I don't like that. Deadshot, use Maverick to do what you need to get to the bottom of things. Make sure you aren't seen."

Result: Special Event!
Special Event Roll 1: Critical Success!
Special Event Roll 2: Critical Success!

Achievement unlocked: Die Fliegermaus
Description: You or an agent defeated the Batman in a straight fight.
Reward: +1 player, +1 Tech

Achievement unlocked: (No) Leaked Info
Description: Prevented ATIC from being revealed to the world.
Reward: +$60,000,000

- Begin construction of a Security Command for Maverick. They've shown by now how they deserve one. And while they're at it, acquire three assault helicopters and two transport helicopters, and a transport jet for their use.

Result: What the fuck? Nat 100
Bonus Roll: Oh give me a fucking break! Nat 100

The Security Command facility comes online just in time for the arrival of your new troops and the arrival of the new C-17 you purchased for Maverick to deploy security forces across the world. Following after the transport aircraft and an additional 400 former mercenaries and 150 new intelligence staff is the arrival of three SuperHind gunships and the newest Russian transport/cargo helicopter available for export, the Mi-40 Hunchback.

This heavy-lift helicopter can deliver 12 fully-equipped infantry in an air-droppable cargo container without any harm to the occupants as well as carry light and heavy vehicles ranging from jeeps and trucks to fully-loaded tanks. The fixed-forward 35mm cannon and winglet hard-points allow it to defend itself and support its cargo once it is on the ground.

Your new aircraft will almost certainly cease to be equipped with conventional armaments once you get the chance to develop more...suitable weaponry.

But what floors you is what arrives with the Maverick purchasing agent. Four massive jet aircraft land and the purchasing agent smiles at your unamused stare, "I got them cheap. Budget cuts in the US Air Force; AC-17 Spectre-III Gunships, practically a steal!"

Your stare, if anything, becomes more unamused while the purchasing agent coughs, "Honest Boss, got them all legal and real cheap! Plus, I also scored this sweet command truck prototype from Canada. Can you believe they canceled the project due to this thing looking too 'villainous'? Just ridiculous Boss!"

You hold out your hand for the invoice, already wondering if you should be drunk for this or not.

(Acquired: 3x Helicopter Gunships)
(Acquired: 2x Heavy Assault Transport Helicopters)
(Acquired: 1x Cargo Jet)
(Acquired: 4x Jet Gunships)
(Acquired: 1x Mobile Command Center Prototype)
(Acquired: A need for a strong drink)
(New Project Available: Airport Upgrade)
(Acquired: 400x Soldiers)
(Acquired: 150x Spies)

R&D Actions:
Attempt to refine and streamline Dr. Serling's Utility Nanofog so that nano-hive consumes less space and is less vulnerable to outside hacking attempts.

Result: Success

The nanohives currently in usage are the size of an industrial air-conditioning unit and twice as heavy due to the need for feedstock to replace lost nanites. There are multiple inefficiencies that you and Dr. Serling immediately get to work on.

It takes a month of debugging, redesigning, removing, streamlining, reprogramming, but you manage to make a smaller, more resource-efficient nanohive abou the size of a grown man's thigh. It holds less feedstock but it has a greater signal transceiver range than the original and is more portable, allowing for Utility Nanofog to be utilized in a greater array of environments.

It also helps distract you from the utter and complete bullshit involving Maverick.

- Looking at the nanomachines and how they're made from and use inorganic materials has gotten Slug thinking; could a biological counterpart be made? Nanomachines made from bio-matter, specialized for biological purposes, and used to heal or strengthen?

Result: Auto-Failure

Dr. Serling shakes her head. You need the Bio-Forge and the Nano-Cauldron facilities online before you attempt that kind of project safely.

"The equipment here is good, but this is going to need purpose-made facilities Slug." She reports to you, "But the theory is sound; biological nanites were a project in STAR Labs that was shut down due to safety concerns. Essentially we'd be rebuilding a virus or bacterial strain to do the work of the mechanical Utility Fog, or possibly build the organism from the ground up, but we'd need the Bio-Forge at the very least if we want to do this safely."

(Project stalled until Bio-Forge is constructed.)
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Pre-Turn 8: Luck and Disturbances
News For The Month:

-The New Horizon Group has experienced a break in! While no valuable data was taken, it is known that gunfire broke out between the unknown intruder and the on-call response team from Maverick PMSC, who released a statement saying that the unknown assailant was also attempting to release highly sensitive financial data.
-New cybernetic clinics have opened in Canada, China, Mexico, Central and South America. Public opinion against the Cybernetics Ban in the United States remains low and with the release of the Infolink American telecommunication companies are also feeling the impact.
-The Infolink is the newest consumer cybernetic to hit the market, allowing for a full communications suite safely contained inside a person's head. The implant is medically sound, creates no problems for the human brain, and requires very little practice upon activation to use properly.

Special Event:
"Master Bruce, it appears that you've been noticed." The calm voice of Alfred Pennyworth intruded in Bruce Wayne, the Batman's, ears as he and Robin continued their search of the top-floor offices.

"Woah, you serious Alfred?" Robin replied in a hushed voice, "I thought we got past the alarms?"

"Apparently not, Master Dick. It seems that a silent alarm may have been tripped as you know have three large vans unloading a group of heavily armed men and women as well as...oh my."

"What is it Alfred?" Bruce rumbled as he flicked through a file, finding nothing but pages of Ergo Cognita Sum garbage text.

"It appears that the news of Deadshot being in charge of Maverick PMSC are indeed true. The man in question is leading this group of heavily-armed ruffians and I doubt they will be very pleased to see you. Might I advise leaving?" There was a faint tinge of worry in Alfred's voice that Bruce acknowledged silently.

"No way Alfred." Robin interrupted, "We gotta find something about this company. I mean, they have thermite charges in these computers! Isn't that just a little suspicious to you?"

"I have encountered similar security measures in my life, but yes it is a anomaly for a company to have such measures for a company board that spends the majority of their time in a much larger facility outside Luxembourg City." Alfred replied, "Have you found anything Master Bruce?"

"The documents are all fake, the computers are heavily secured against intrusion and tampering, and their security force is being led by Deadshot of all people." Batman replied with a grim smile, "Combine that with the footage from the satellites of that facility in Luxembourg, and its clear that this is a front company."

"So now we force the real group to come out of hiding?" Robin asked as Batman closed the filing cabinet full of false information and junk.

"I don't think so." The sound of cocking guns caused the Boy Wonder to spin around while Batman slowly turned to face down the shotguns and assault rifles aimed at him while at the center of the group, a man wearing a full-face mask with a glowing red optic chuckled, "Never thought I'd be doing this as part of a legitimate job."

"Deadshot." Batman growled, "You know you're working for a front company?"

"This place?" Deadshot waved at the room, "Known since day one Batman. Hell, I found my employers long before you did; nice thing about criminal information networks, they work faster if you pay them and don't beat them up." He cocked his arm guns, "Now then, my employers sent me to give you a message. Stop poking your nose and big ears where they don't belong."

"Or what?" Batman continued to growl, to which Deadshot smiled behind his mask. And fired.

Instantly the Maverick soldiers opened fire, bullets and buckshot destroying glass and furniture as they spread out, Deadshot calmly tracking the two vigilantes before his arms snapped out and he fired two shots.

The bullets bounced off the shots fired by his men before one bullet struck the batarang that was going to be thrown by Batman, followed by the one being readied by Robin, the two throwing weapons sent spinning across the office as Deadshot charged forwards, "Gonna enjoy this Bat. The rest of you, supporting fire!"

"Sir!" Immediately the soldiers split up, firing at both Batman and Robin as soon as they got a clear shot at any part of the body they could see, bullets smashing through the windows of the top floor offices as they worked to bring down the Batman and Robin, memories of previous encounters with the costumed vigilantes as well as Deadshot duelling Batman in hand to hand pushing them to maintain discipline and keep the two off-balance and distracted.

"Master Bruce, you need to get out of there. The local police have been informed of the fight by the New Horizon Group, so you getting caught would not be advisable." Alfred urged as Batman managed to block a punch from Deadshot only for a bullet to smash into the neo-Aramid armour on his torso and distract him long enough for Deadshot's follow-up kick to knock him back before the former hitman grabbbed a lunging Robin and threw the boy into Batman.

"Master Bruce, please get out of there. These soldier are far too coordinated for you to beat here and now." Alfred urged again before Batman nodded minutely.

"Robin, smoke."


Immediately throwing down the smoke pellets, the two dashed past the soldiers, who simply engaged thermal imaging goggles and continued firing before Deadshot shouted, "Stand down, I'll handle them!" He was gone by the time the smoke cleared.

On the roof of the New Horizon building, Robin felt a bruise twinge, "Okay, that? That was not fun. When was Deadshot that good anyway?" He rotated a shoulder to make sure it was okay, "I mean, whenever we've fought him in the US, he's always gone down."

"That was due to teamwork and him working alone," Batman responded, "And any support he had were always street thugs looking for an easy payday. He's now supported by private military company being funded by an unknown group that also has the New Horizon Group as a shell corporation."

"So, what do we do?" Robin asked Batman tapped at his wrist-uplink, "Have the League investigate? Expose these guys?"

"If we expose them, it could reveal the source of how the New Horizon Group have been able to release such advanced technologies so quickly. I'm going to-"

A gunshot rang out and a ricocheting bullet smashed into the wrist uplink as Deadshot casually walked into view, "Can't let you do that Batman, my employers have a big thing about maintaining secrecy. Besides, you think they don't have a way to stop any leaks about them?"

"The Batwing is inbound sir, you just need to get off the roof of that building or hold off Deadshot for another minute. You should also be aware that the French Police have surrounded the building and have entered." Alfred reported calmly.

Deadshot smirked behind his mask before diving to the ground and firing as batarangs flew over his head, before rolling to shoot the spinning projectiles out of the ground, recovering to fire more shots that bounced off the concrete and steel to force Batman and Robin back as he recovered, "You know, you must be happy you don't have to show up in public, otherwise you'd have lawsuits every time you showed your face Bat."

He fired a shot and bounced it to nick Robin's cheek, causing the young man to dive behind an air-conditioner before several more bullets slammed into the bulletproof weave of his costume.

"The Batwing is on final approach Master Bruce, you'll need to do a passing pickup, as landing would give you away to the police." Alfred spoke up and Batman knew it was time to leave.

"Robin!" He barked before throwing a batarang into stairwell entrance, the throwing weapon detonating and knocking Deadshot off-balance as the Batwing roared overhead.

Aiming his weapons after the rapidly vanishing aircraft, Deadshot slowly lowered them before he snorted, "Looks like I win. Go me." Placing a hand to his ear, he activated his communication unit, "Boss? I found our intruder. You're not going to like it." There was a brief pause, "How bad? Well, you should be sitting down and have some booze ready Boss."​

As Deadshot was making his report, the Nu-ZAX inside the ATIC Computer Core, busy trawling the internet to maintain ATIC's secrecy within the parameters given picked up an anomalous data release from the United States towards numerous blogs, news websites, government departments and law enforcement agencies.

It sprung into action the moment it intercepted and decrypted an email to find information relating to the New Horizon Group being a front company. Criteria satisfied, it got to work.

Silently it intercepted and deleted the data, hacking into secure email servers to locate and delete any trace of the anomalous data before passively tracing the transmission back to the source.

Having no orders in regards to what to do about the source, it simply added the location to the intercept and deletion log at the end of a long, long list of websites, agencies and other groups.

The source was Gotham City.

-Turn 8: August, 2009-

Budget: $151,039,000
Income: +$100,000,000
Expenses: -$2,017,000

Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot
Dr. Serling Roquette
Scientists x257
Office Workers x100
Security Staff x900
Intelligence Staff x250

-Basic Airport: Luxembourg
-Basic Airport: Zurich
-Basic Airport: Helsinki
-Improved Factory
-Improved Labs
-Steel Fence
-Steel Gate
-Wave Research Building
-Cybernetics Lab
-Nanotech Lab
-Tesla Research Building
-Wave Healing Infirmary
-10x Company Cars (Upkeep is Free)
-Gulfstream G500 Business Jet (Upkeep is Free)
-2x Helicopters
-3x Helicopter Gunships
-2x Heavy Assault Transport Helicopters
-1x Mobile Command Center Prototype

-4x Gunship Jets
-50x Light Combat Vehicles
-League Of Shadow Bases: Afghanistan, Iraq, Rhelasia/Korea, United States Of America, Russia, China, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Columbia.

Available Projects:
-Qurac Power Plants

-ATIC Complex Expansion
-Airport Upgrade

Available Buildings:
-Tesla Reactor
-Tesla Fence

-Bio Forge
-Nano Cauldron
-Wave Containment Facility
-Gantry Complex

Special Opportunities:
-AIR AND SPACE!: The new facility in Poland could be a good place to start working on proper aerospace projects without risking the ATIC facility to possible fuel and chemical explosions. This would allow it to be not just a front company but another important source of revenue, which is good because you went into the red again before the profits cleared with the bank.
-Renovations: Your new hidden bases acquired from the League Of Shadows will allow you a covert presence across the world, but while the blood has been hosed and scrubbed off, the facilities are lacking in the ATIC touch before you can consider staffing them. Since these are covert bases, it will be Maverick who will take control of them, which will mean a greater recruitment drive.
-The Light Of A Star: Save the mysterious woman.

Achievement unlocked: Moneybags
Description: Earn over 100-million per turn.
Reward: A Special Event
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Warrich Log, August 2009

We seem to be under investigation. To be expected, really. After all, as many groundbreaking advancements as we have achieved, it was inevitable that we would come under scrutiny.

Of course, I most definitely didn't expect the person investigating us to be The Batman of all people. This bears...looking into.

Regardless, as of late, I've been having...vivid dreams, which I suspect are not actually dreams. I think...I think the dreams are schematics. A device that summons entities, and a orb that grants superpowers.

Both of which require facilities suited to handling them.

Personal One: Purchase and construct a secure facility on some uninhabited island somewhere. The facility be designed to withstand any catastrophic accidents and come with a NuZAX built in. This facility will be used for any potentially volatile research.

Personal Two: Security Upgrade. All ATIC holdings shall have the security on their premise tripled, with both eyebots and Securitrons added and data encryption tripled, no, quadrupled! Further, increase our funding for our security team.

RnD One: Synth Continued. Now we must make the body of the Synth more humanoid. The goal isn't to make it look completely human, of course, just human enough to where it could pass as a average sized man if it wore heavy clothing and a mask.

RnD Two: Look into this 'COMP', see if we can assemble a working prototype.
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With all the things that had happened recently, John was feeling glad he was focusing on just building generators for the most part. But, he decided to himself, it was time to follow up on what he had promised to do.

"Hey Phil, I want you to tell our contact in Qurac we're going to start building them those generators we promised. We can't keep them waiting any longer if we can help it."

"Aye aye boss, will do."

"Good to know. Also, how is you little plant pot thing going?"

"You mean the living Chia Pets? Um...fine, just fine."

"They aren't trying to eat you again or anything are they?"

"N-no, that hasn't happened at all within the last week."

"Just, go and do the thing. There's science to be done, and we're not stopping with the Qurac project for now."

"Yes boss, ri...Oh shit, the combat projectors have gotten loose again."

"Oh not again, what have I told Sally about not using proper security with those things until we've gotten all of the bugs out."

-Begin the Qurac project, and send a card to the people who contacted us originally to apologize about the delays.
-Build Tesla Generator.
-Try and hammer out some of the existing problems with the lightning guns, make sure to use waldos and other proxies just in case.
-Figure out what is needed to build some TITANs and their Gauss-Scramm rifles.
Walter eased into the chair of his new officer, mind swirling with the knowledge inserted into it. he opened a compartment on the desk and pulled out a pair of asprin and took them along with a long pull from his water glass. when the glass emptyed he set it down and rubbed his forehead for a moment.

"Time to get to work"

Action 1: quietly hire some private investigators in the United states to start looking into the politicians in Luthor's pocket. if they find any scandals have the NuZAX oversee spreading the news about them and averting cover ups.

Action 2: begin construction on the Gantry Complex for Mech and Giant Robot development.

Researach 1: Using the Dead Space Suits as starting point begin developing Suits to help keep our Scientists and engineers safe from accidents. make sure that the suits systems can be modified with specialist systems to suit the needs of the user.

Research 2: Using the M6 Bushnell design as a starting point create a Arm Slave design intended for use in the fields of construction, demolitions, Disaster relief and Law enforcement. sacrifice speed and armor in favor of greater strength and reliability.
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August 2nd, 2009

Dr. Serling Roquette is a genius. Told as much by her colleagues and her employers, she is among the brightest minds in the field of nanotechnology and robotics, specializing in the former. She marched, purposeful towards the office her employer, a stack of papers detailing last month's reports on the various research projects and upcoming ideas from the drawing board. The staff were contributing their owns ideas and slowly increasing the pile of future projects that were to be built in the future.

"Slug!" the good doctor wondered why anyone would have a nickname as horrible as her employer's. "I've got the reports you wanted to-"

She froze as the door swung open.

The office was mostly still in order, but there bottles everywhere. Most were empty, some were half full, and they all reeked of alcohol. Slumped over the foot of his desk was Slug, still dressed in what she was sure was the clothes he wore yesterday, unmoving and hands clutched half-heartedly at the necks of two empty bottles. She dropped the stack of papers and rushed to his side.

"Slug?" she shook him. "Slug, are you okay? Do I need to call the hospital? Oh god, please don't be-"

His face snapped to hers, and the doctor screamed. She fell back and scrabbled away a good few feet, her back coming to a stop at the wall as security barged in, weapons raised.

"Wait, wait!" Slug pushed two hands out. "Don't shoot, I'm just piss-faced drunk! Aw God, my head..."

"What happened?" Roquette shakily stood up and helped the young man to his chair. "Are you you alright? What possessed you to drink so much booze?"

"A fat load of bullshit, that's what." Slug groaned. "What time is it?"

"1 in the afternoon," she supplied. "Have you been here all night?"

"Like I said, a fat load of bullshit." Slug shook his head. "Mind helping drive me back to my place? Can't do that like this."

"I'll get someone." she assured him. "Anything I can do for you, in the meantime?"

"..." Slug looked at her, really looked at her, contemplating what she said. "Well... A date would be nice."

Personal Actions:
Construct a Bio-Forge for future bio-nanite creation.
- Have Maverick look for any military/security contracts outside of the U.S to keep the boys sharp and the money flowing, preferably covert infiltration or Hunter-Killer operations. Preferable method of payment will be either currency or delivery of equivalent assets/vehicles.

R&D Actions:
- The Nanosuit 2.0 was designed with several abilities to use against the Ceph. The infamous ability to become invisible and masking the user's signatures, including heat and even sound, among them. See if something can be made to replicate this effect.
- The CNT Muscle fibers are made. Now to create the 'bones' that will hold them and keep the user from breaking themselves replicating superhuman feats. See if a strong enough support system can be made using current materials, or if the human body can be reinforced to survive the stresses imposed.
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-Construct Nano-Cauldron
-It's hard to have too many research staff. Go on another hiring spree, starting with any American scientists who appeared to be interested in mechanical augmentation before the ban was put in place.

-Medical Nanofog, take two.
-Bone Lacing! See if any of Doctor Slug's bio-materials work could be integrated into the project.
- Begin construction of the Wave Containment Facility.
- Begin construction of the Tesla Fence. Security is more important than ever.

- If there is a Sound of Hate, then there must surely be a Sound of Love. Begin the steady classification of the different Hymn Waves that can be accessed.
- Investigate this Sound of Hate, hopefully to find a way to prevent it from harming the woman.

It seems that everyone has had some minor epiphanies. It's happened before, of course, though I simply gained insight for things I already knew. But this is truly something new for all it meshes with my preexisting theory. I couldn't be more excited! To try it out after our charge as been cleared as safe.

Also the break in. That's very unfortunate despite turning out well enough. Much better than the sound of hate pouring out of a woman's body. I'm shocked in a positive way that things did not go far worse than they did.
Dream Sequence
Dream Sequence
You all find yourself dreaming one night, finding yourself in a sunny plantation while a man in a white suit with a Panama Hat calmly sits on the porch watching the fields.

"Beautiful place, wouldn't you say? Ah, how rude of me. You can call me Whiting and I am here with a proposition. You seem to have a very health profit margin and I would like to see you take advantage of it, so I am here to offer you a few things for sale.

He waves his hand and you find yourselves inside a massive warehouse, "Certain resources are not provided to you in their fully-fledged form, certain technologies are barred from you. But I believe that you have the money, and the intelligence, to use these wisely."

He waves a hand and several large containers appear, "In the container on your left, there is a shipment of raw, pure Tiberium. In the container on your right, a full database of UN Spacy technology, including Zentraedi technology, up to the Macross Frontier movies."

"You can only purchase one, and my asking price for either is seventy-eight million dollars." He claps his hands together, "So, shall we do business?"

GM: A majority vote is required.
[]Purchae Pure Tiberium
[]Purchase Macross Database
[]Refuse to do business.​