SV Must Secretly Save The World And Turn A Profit! (Young Justice Council RP)

OOC: I've got ideas for the future posts.
Air and Space- third time lucky... please.

Result: Success!

It finally happens. EAES finally comes online, bringing with it the means for ATIC to enter the field of Aerospace research. The new facility is fully modern and fitted with everything a budding aerospace firm requires to get into the business making things fly.

(EAES Poland is now operational.)

New Ventures: Creation of Astro Logistics Inc. Based in Singapore, in charge of all Orbital Infrastructure tech, has a large sales and marketing department to garner public and private interest.

Result: Success
Secondary Result: Failure

Getting Astro Logistics Inc. established is easy enough but getting interest in it's stated mission isn't. Too many people have promised similar projects and all of them have either failed or turned out to be scams, so the public and investors are very jaded about what Astro Logistics intends on doing.

Deus Ex: With the Nano-Cauldron we can start looking into what we can immediately start implementing of Deus Ex's Nanotech wisely, safely and immediately.

Result: Neutral
All well and good, but what nanotech is planned on being implemented? There is a very wide catalogue of nano-augmentations available for adaption and not all of them are suitable for civilian-market release.

There is also the matter of Bio-Energy requirements. Nano-Augs take up a lot of energy than what the body produces normally and far beyond what a few cyber-energy bars can replace. In order for the nanoaugs to operate effectively they require a concentrated and large amount of bio-electrical energy that means that the human body has to store a battery that feeds this bio-electric energy into the body when the nanoaugs are engaged.

Welcome to Square One, now you just have to figure out where to go from here.

Look into Macross materials, see if any could be created and used in the Orbital Elevator and whether that will increase loadbearing capability.

Result: Neutral

While Macross Material Sciences are exceptionally good for mega-scale engineering, and from the data are certainly capable of allowing transport of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of material and people, there is one big problem.

All of these materials require orbital infrastructure in place to manufacture them. Without a base zero gravity and gravity manipulation technology to establish the necessary Orbital Forges, the materials cannot be manufactured.
Pre-Turn 10: Frozen
News For The Month:

-Unrest over the anti-augmentation stance of the FDA and Congress continues to build, with some US Citizens seeking citizenship in Europe in order to access potentially life-saving medical augmentations.

-Members of a Czech environmentalist group were killed when one of their members strayed to close to the edge of a Vortex. The group, affiliated with Greenpeace and PETA, has issued a statement mourning the loss of their comrades and decrying the rampant industrialisation and supertechnology that has clearly allowed this phenomena to occur.

-Electromagnetic disturbances on the moon have become visible to observers. The mysterious electromagnetic activity has prompted some in the scientific community to begin calling for Justice League investigation.

-The infamous Mister Freeze, aka Victor Fries, has vanished from the United States, but INTERPOL has revealed that sightings of his unique cryotechnology have been reported in Europe.

Special Event!
Deadshot walks into your monthly meeting and before any of you can say something he immediately states, "I was just contacted by Victor Fries. Somehow he's managed to back-trace your Wave Healing tech and he's told me that he's willing to work for you if the company can cure his wife."

He looks uneasy, "I'm going to level with you, the guy's mind is hanging by a thread the last few times he's tried to cure his wife from that Kruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease and if this fails I'm pretty sure he's gonna have to be put down." He places a folder containing contact information on the conference table, "Say the word and I'll send people to pick him up, or I can put him out of his misery."​

-Turn 10: October, 2009-

Budget: $189,522,000
Income: +$120,000,000
Expenses: -$7,417,000

Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot
Dr. Serling Roquette
Scientists x277
Office Workers x100
Security Staff x900
Intelligence Staff x250

-Basic Airport: Luxembourg
-Basic Airport: Zurich
-Basic Airport: Helsinki
-Improved Factory
-Improved Labs
-Tesla Fence
-Steel Gate
-Wave Research Building
-Cybernetics Lab
-Nanotech Lab
-Tesla Research Building
-Wave Healing Infirmary
-10x Company Cars (Upkeep is Free)
-Gulfstream G500 Business Jet (Upkeep is Free)
-2x Helicopters
-3x Helicopter Gunships
-2x Heavy Assault Transport Helicopters
-1x Mobile Command Center Prototype

-4x Gunship Jets
-50x Light Combat Vehicles
-League Of Shadow Bases: Afghanistan, Iraq, Rhelasia/Korea, United States Of America, Russia, China, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Columbia.
- Infinity Island Research Base
-Tesla Reactor
-Gantry Complex
-Nano Cauldron
-Bio Forge
-Wave Containment Facility

Available Projects:
-Airport Upgrade
-Maverick Off-shore Plants

-Tank Police

Available Buildings:
-Experimental Chemistry Lab

Special Opportunities:
-Renovations: Your new hidden bases acquired from the League Of Shadows will allow you a covert presence across the world, but while the blood has been hosed and scrubbed off, the facilities are lacking in the ATIC touch before you can consider staffing them. Since these are covert bases, it will be Maverick who will take control of them, which will mean a greater recruitment drive.

-The Light Of A Star: Save the mysterious woman.

-A Heart Of Ice: Victor Fries, the infamous Mister Freeze has managed to find about Wave Healing technology and has traced it to Luxembourg. His cryotechnology could be a gamechanger and money-maker, or he could be a serious liability who will have to be killed before he brings down more Justice League attention on ATIC.

Warrich Log, October 09

I bet Luthor's squirming, that bastard. I admit, I'm somewhat gleeful at his current predicament. He has to be aware that his power base is slowly eroding, and I doubt he can keep us out of the US much longer. I think I'm going to increase our presence in Mexico and Canada a bit. As well as endevour to figure out what went wrong with my ZAX.

Personal: Attempt to increase sales of biotechnology, robotics, wavetechnology, et all, in Canada and Mexico, for reduced cost. Release a statement informing the public that the reason most of these are not being released in the US is because New Horizons feels that the current administration would make setting up shop in the US too adversarial, if their reaction to our augments were anything to go by. Attempt to subtly implicate Luthor in this as a way to decrease public support of LexCorp.

Personal: Continue searching for someone to do magical research, or someone at least willing to tutor myself personally in how to perform magic.

RnD: What Went Wrong?: Attempt to figure out why the MegaZAX went mad as it did.

RnD: Ray Sphere Research. Attempt to create a prototype ray sphere. Current phase should be animal testing only, and this project should be restricted to our secure facility.
October 1st, 2009

Slug sat in a chair in the laboratory housing M1, one hand holding a folder containing the contact information of Victor Fries while the other was connected to an IV feeding his blood to M1. He mused quietly on whether or not employing him would be worth the potential risks. On one hand, he is a wanted criminal responsible for many unsavory things. On the other, he did all of that in order to save his dying wife. Like Deadshot, this was a man who did what he did not for just himself, but for a loved one.

Doesn't justify all his wrongdoings, but it does provide some perspective.

"What do you think?" Slug asked the mass of bio-nanites in the tank. "Should I take him in? He's not a bad man really, since he was trying to save his wife, but the Justice League won't see it that way. Wroth it?"

There was no answer, but he expected it. It would be a while before M1 could speak, but until then, he would do his best to ensure the mass would recognize him when it did.

"Yeah, I probably should talk to Deadshot about it more." Slug nodded. "He's the one who'd know about Freeze best. I think."

The doors to the lab hissed open and Serling walked in. She glanced at her employer and quirked a smile.

"Still talking to M1?" she shook her head. "I swear, you treat it like its your child or something."

"I'd like to think he or she is." Slug took off the IV line once he was sure M1 had been fed enough blood. "Bio-nanite mass or no, M1's going to grow a brain one day and when it does, I'd like to have him or her know it was us who were responsible for their creation, consequences be damned."

"Well, alright." she nodded, uncertain. "So, got everything you need?"

"Just about." Slug turned to M1 and ran a hand over the tank's surface. "I'll be back tomorrow. Sweet dreams." he turned to Serling, offering his arm and smiling. "Now then, shall we be off?"

"Let's." she smiled, hooking her arm through his. "So 'Boss'," Slug winced at the word, he never liked it. "What's in store for our second date?"

"Hmm," Slug rubbed his chin, important folders tucked under his other arm. "I suppose we could have a quiet night of eating fancy foods and watching movies." he turned to her. "But then, where's the fun in that? Why don't we do something a bit different tonight?"

"Like what?" she leaned into him, feeling excited as they reached the parting doors. For all her genius, she was still a lively young woman at heart.

"Well..." the young man leaned back, grinning.

The rest of Slug's answer was cut off as the doors closed behind them.

- With the relative quiet going around, I believe it's time to finally go through with the Renovations on the captured League of Shadows bases. We'll need to create an information network sooner or later, and having a few extra back-up facilities wouldn't hurt.
- Help the man with A Heart Of Ice. With Maverick assets and Deadshot himself, make sure he isn't in any way tailed, followed, or being monitored and set him and his wife in a secure and hidden location outside Luxembourg while we prepare treatment, destroying any trace of his presence. Specify with a contract that Victor Fries is not obligated to share his tech with ATIC until after his wife is cured. In the meantime, look up Kruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease, specifically how it affects the brain and how to theoretically fix it.

- With Thrawn and Dr. Serling's assisstance, refine the Medical Nanofog so that itcan safely and properly heal any damage to a patient's brain without unintentionally damaging it.
- Continue attempts to replicate the cloaking ability of the Nanosuit, learning from last time's mistakes. This time, make sure all samples and apparatus are devoid of any impurities. If another M1 happens again, heads will roll.
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1: Found a company in Great Britain called Albion Innovations to be our main seller for weapons technology and the Armored Mobile Master-Slave System (shorthand Arm Slave). Name the Law enforcement variant of the Model 2 after Sir Key from Arthurian Myth and use it as it's starting product. Also have the company approach New Horizons about making a Piloting suit.

2: fan the fires against Luthor's cronies by leaking some of the dirt we have on them to notable reporters in the US. make sure to use as many cut outs and patsies as is necessary and practical to avoid being connected to it.

1: continue refining our Chem-rail weapons by switching to the Macross propellent slurry over what we use now and by creating a chem-rail pistol for the M2 Kay.

2: continue the suit development project and add developing an AS piloting suit variant to the project.
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- Talk with Deadshot about a training program for either scientists, soldiers, or potential recruits to hopefully train them into a more combat capable scientist. Gotta try and rebuild the action scientists somehow, and if nothing else having some folk who can fight and science on the field would be very helpful.
- Start writing down as much as can be remembered as the old world. About Robo, Tesladyne, Helsingrad, all of it. It's been awhile, and forgetting too much about...everything, would be sad. Though any copies will be kept as hidden as possible.

- With all of the testing information from Deadshot and his men, try and implement as many of the suggested improvements or dealing with issues they found as possible. If necessary making multiple prototypes of newer models of lightning guns. Time to go from 1600's rifles to hopefully Napoleonic, in comparison.
- Take a look a the Macross tech, and see what can be combined between the Tesla energy tech and titans. Some weapons and new power sources for the titans and the like are a bit obvious, but what else that's not blatantly here's a new gun to strap on or battery to switch out are there?
-Study everyone else's technology, attempt to achieve at least basic familiarity. If someone, somehow, is lost to the company, it would be best if their knowledge was not lost with them.
-Begin lobbying against the cybernetics ban in the US, pushing in every (legal) way for congress to repeal.

-Attempt to produce a standardized rigging modification for vehicles, something that can be applied to as many types and models as possible.
-Create an improved version of the Icarus system, something capable of falling from even greater heights and applying magnetic thrust in almost any direction.
Cat settled in at her new desk. The room she was in was mostly clear, except for a small box at the side that contained the remnants of Harrison's personal effects.

Her hand skittered aimlessly over the desk as she read the summary of everyone's actions in the last nine months.

"Whhoooo," she wolf whistled as she got to the summary of how well we were doing.

"In less than a year we have a billion dollar turnover. And most of that is profit. Damn. Dammnn. Well then, I can hardly let my self be out done, can I?"

--Hire Lawyers. Intellectual Property rights, Copyright, health and safety, regulations, if it looks important and other companies have laywers that do it, we need them (assemble a team of ~50 lawyers on retainer)
-- China, Japan, the Far East in General seems to have a rather lackluster response to our products. See if a few ad campaigns, some tv interviews and the like can't drum up some extra traffic
-- The material required to build my O'neil cylinder is enormously strong, durable, and tough, able to take meteor impacts without worry. Now, all we need to do is work out how the hell to make it.
-- With our new Avionics company set up, a whole new frontier is open to us. But first, we need to get there. Thankfully, I have just the ticket (design the Cold fusion engines) [2061: ASO]
Warrich Log, October 09

I bet Luthor's squirming, that bastard. I admit, I'm somewhat gleeful at his current predicament. He has to be aware that his power base is slowly eroding, and I doubt he can keep us out of the US much longer. I think I'm going to increase our presence in Mexico and Canada a bit. As well as endevour to figure out what went wrong with my ZAX.

Personal: Attempt to increase sales of biotechnology, robotics, wavetechnology, et all, in Canada and Mexico, for reduced cost. Release a statement informing the public that the reason most of these are not being released in the US is because New Horizons feels that the current administration would make setting up shop in the US too adversarial, if their reaction to our augments were anything to go by. Attempt to subtly implicate Luthor in this as a way to decrease public support of LexCorp.

Result: Failure

Your attempts don't do anything but inflame the current tensions within the United States over the augmentation debate, with LexCorp at the head of a group of prominent businessmen and politicians using your statement to highlight the supposed 'dangers' of the unrestricted availability of augmentations and the spread of 'dangerous, likely alien-derived technologies' which pundits like G. Gordon Godfreys run wild with.

(Augmentation debates in US continue.)
(Civil tension increases, minor protests have broken out.)

Personal: Continue searching for someone to do magical research, or someone at least willing to tutor myself personally in how to perform magic.

Result: Great Success!

You finally manage to hire a group of independent mages calling themselves the Night Rose Club; this group of travelling mages are freelancers who don't answer to the great Mage Council that is predominantly based in the United States, and for some time have been considering settling down. Your offer of work in magical research came at a great time and they accepted readily.

(+100x Mages)
(Actual magical research can now be undertaken.)
(New Construction Option: Magical Research Facility.)

RnD: What Went Wrong?: Attempt to figure out why the MegaZAX went mad as it did.

Result: Failure

You find no conclusive answers to why the MegaZAX went insane and some of the scientists advise just scrapping the project and moving on to other tasks.

RnD: Ray Sphere Research. Attempt to create a prototype ray sphere. Current phase should be animal testing only, and this project should be restricted to our secure facility.

Result: Minor Failure

There is a fifty-meter wide crater on Infinity Island where a prototype ray sphere detonated and disintegrated everything in the blast radius. Repair work is completed quickly and the facility is back online. However, you receive reports from Maverick Intelligence that the Justice League's space station detected the Ray Sphere's massive release of energy.

(-20x Scientists)
(Ray Sphere energy signature detected by the Justice League)
- With the relative quiet going around, I believe it's time to finally go through with the Renovations on the captured League of Shadows bases. We'll need to create an information network sooner or later, and having a few extra back-up facilities wouldn't hurt.

Result: Success

The former League bases are cleaned up and properly scrubbed of any electronic assets that might report back to R'as Al'ghul (and The Light, as the Founders all know) before being upgraded to proper ATIC standards. By the end of the month, Deadshot is looking quite pleased with his new covert bases and the military reach of ATIC through Maverick PMSC is greatly expanded worldwide.

(League Bases are now Maverick Covert Bases.)
(ATIC can launch covert military operations within reach of a covert base.)

- Help the man with A Heart Of Ice. With Maverick assets and Deadshot himself, make sure he isn't in any way tailed, followed, or being monitored and set him and his wife in a secure and hidden location outside Luxembourg while we prepare treatment, destroying any trace of his presence. Specify with a contract that Victor Fries is not obligated to share his tech with ATIC until after his wife is cured. In the meantime, look up Kruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease, specifically how it affects the brain and how to theoretically fix it.

Result: Success!

Victor Fries stared at the sheets in his gloved hands; reports from this mysterious company's doctors on Nora's condition and the contract they had presented him with. Deadshot had personally placed him in this safehouse 'as Bat Protection' while his wife was being placed into an actual research hospital, one that the assassin boasted could probably cure anything on the planet if they got a month to work on it.

"Trust me Vic," Deadshot had said, "The Bosses? They're inhuman when they focus on a project. They can do in a month what takes other people years, if they're lucky, and you can't help but be driven to work as hard as them. They'll cure your wife, guaranteed."

Victor couldn't help but want to believe. The doctors from Deadshot's 'Bosses' had come only a few hours ago to drop off the report; the disease, despite Victor's cryogenic freezing, had progressed to the terminal stages and had begun destroying Nora's brain, literally rotting it from the inside out while her organs were all slowly but inexorably failing. Combine that with the blood poisoning from toxic material the virus released when attacking tissue, Victor knew that his Nora had only days to live.

But the report, it had also said that his Nora was responding favorably to 'Wave Treatment', the same strange technology he had discovered from contacts in Europe and had been tracing in preparation to steal it when Deadshot found him.

They had nanomachines, artificial organs, bones, they could even replace her blood. Treatment was possible, and it could succeed! They had experimental nanomachines that could rebuild her brain using the intact tissues, even repairing the ones damaged by the disease while recycling the dead!

And all he had to do was agree to hand over his technology, the culmination of all his research and criminal deeds. Such a choice; his life's work, or the love of his life?

A day later, Deadshot walks into your office, "We got his signature boss. He'll hand it over when we cure his wife."

(New Project Available: Leaving The Terminal)
(It is within ATIC's power to fully restore Nora Fries to health thanks to Bio-Nanites, Universal Organs and Universal Bones.)
(Standard risk of failure due to lack of Medical Nanofog.)

- With Thrawn and Dr. Serling's assistance, refine the Medical Nanofog so that it can safely and properly heal any damage to a patient's brain without unintentionally damaging it.

Result: Success!

The Medical Nanofog improvements come just in time as the newly re-designed nanites are now capable of repairing affected tissues and nerves without unintended backlash and with greatly increased precision. The semi-biological nature of the nanites is also creating an unintended bonus where the nanites have shown a capability to band together and turn themselves into a universal replacement tissue in a manner that Serling reports, "It's like stem cells converting themselves. With enough nanites and if it is feasible, you could program these nanites to rebuild entire organs."

With the new Medical Nanofog, there is a greatly decreased chance of failure in saving the life of Nora Fries and medical institutes across Europe and Asia will be very, very happy to get their hands on this new surgical tool.

(Medical Nanofog perfected! Potential revenue: +$30,000,000 per month in sales and feedstock replacement.)
(Greatly reduced chance of failure in healing Nora Fries.)

- Continue attempts to replicate the cloaking ability of the Nanosuit, learning from last time's mistakes. This time, make sure all samples and apparatus are devoid of any impurities. If another M1 happens again, heads will roll.

Result: Failure
Additional Result: ...Nat 100
Cleanup Roll: ...Nat 100, really?

Well, the good news is you avoided creating a sibling for M1.

The bad news is the experimental meta-material crystal matrices that formed didn't create an optical cloaking field as you hoped and instead created microscopic spore fumaroles that in turn created a small cloud of nanoparticles that were somehow capable of moving when the testing material was moved and after some tests you found that the nanoparticles rapidly render explosive materials inert.

Handy, but not what you wanted. After some additional work you find that the crystal matrices have to able to form in a precise arrangement of meta-crystals in order to create the optical cloak and you find that one of the scientific interns fucked around with the electrical feed, which in turn lead to an investigation, which in turn leads to Deadshot smashing open the guy's apartment door to find him attempting to send data to an outside party.

When he pulls a gun, Deadshot calmly paints his brains across the wall before Maverick intelligence gets to work.

They found that the intern was some young buck who thought he could play info-broker on the side; he had sold information on most of the minor patents made by ATIC through New Horizon, but was preparing to sell information on M1 and the Ceph/Nanosuit technology projects to both Wayne and Luthor.

ZAX takes over from there, delivering a data-bomb to both parties before deliberately hacking both corporations before pulling out and covering its tracks. With that done, the dead idiot's reputation is ruined and his headless corpse is found as the victim of 'Gangsters'.

Well, you can't say that wasn't interesting.

(Gained Explosive-Disabling Nanoparticles.)
(Removed a serious security threat.)
(Did some damage to the LexCorp and Wayne Industries networks.)
1: Found a company in Great Britain called Albion Innovations to be our main seller for weapons technology and the Armored Mobile Master-Slave System (shorthand Arm Slave). Name the Law enforcement variant of the Model 2 after Sir Key from Arthurian Myth and use it as it's starting product. Also have the company approach New Horizons about making a Piloting suit.

Result: Failure

Red tape prevents the formation of Albion Innovations this month.

2: fan the fires against Luthor's cronies by leaking some of the dirt we have on them to notable reporters in the US. make sure to use as many cut outs and patsies as is necessary and practical to avoid being connected to it.

Result: Great Success!

You, along with ZAX, use a network of bloggers, independent journalists and detectives to release the dirt on Luthor's cronies. And the results are explosive; Senate hearings and Supreme Court trials are held, reputations are ruined and bank accounts are emptied. By the end of the month, the US political landscape is in chaos.

1: continue refining our Chem-rail weapons by switching to the Macross propellent slurry over what we use now and by creating a chem-rail pistol for the M2 Kay.

Result: Success

While the switch is relatively simple in terms of ammunition, the real challenge that takes up most of the work is redesigning the weapons to deal with increased explosive force and the resultant stress on the internals of the ammunition, which means finding what can be reinforced and what has to be replaced with stronger components.

Finally, the new design variants are ready, and all indications are that the new weapons will be perfectly operational.

2: continue the suit development project and add developing an AS piloting suit variant to the project.

Result: Success!

The suit development project continues on schedule and the new AS piloting suit variant comes together smoothly. You have working examples and so far the suit is ready for production, but you feel as though another month of development will help remove the bugs.
- Talk with Deadshot about a training program for either scientists, soldiers, or potential recruits to hopefully train them into a more combat capable scientist. Gotta try and rebuild the action scientists somehow, and if nothing else having some folk who can fight and science on the field would be very helpful.

Result: Great Success!

Deadshot puts together a comprehensive training program, partially based on the gruelling training he put himself through to become one of the world's greatest assassins, and proceeds to run volunteers into the ground, who then pick themselves back up and go through it again and again.

By the end of the month, it's clear that the program is working and the training is made mandatory for all future and current employees.

(Security greatly increased with the training of all staff for combat.)
(Maverick troops are more capable in the field.)

- Start writing down as much as can be remembered as the old world. About Robo, Tesladyne, Helsingrad, all of it. It's been awhile, and forgetting too much about...everything, would be sad. Though any copies will be kept as hidden as possible.

Result: Success!

By the time everything is written down, you could probably strip out all the technical details and release these adventures and stories as a series of graphic novels.

(Created: Potential Graphic Novel)
(Backup of technology base created.)

- With all of the testing information from Deadshot and his men, try and implement as many of the suggested improvements or dealing with issues they found as possible. If necessary making multiple prototypes of newer models of lightning guns. Time to go from 1600's rifles to hopefully Napoleonic, in comparison.

Result: Critical Failure!


After the smoke clears, the labs are repaired while thankfully you come out of the explosion unscathed. No losses among the staff either.

This time, it was feedback from the focusing array surging back into the power feed.

(-$6,000,000 in repairs.)

- Take a look a the Macross tech, and see what can be combined between the Tesla energy tech and titans. Some weapons and new power sources for the titans and the like are a bit obvious, but what else that's not blatantly here's a new gun to strap on or battery to switch out are there?

Result: Minor Success!

Transformation systems are the only thing that stands out, allowing a TITAN to have the ability to become a massive craft like a jet or tank. This will open opportunities for more interesting models and variants when it comes time to build an actual TITAN prototype.
-Study everyone else's technology, attempt to achieve at least basic familiarity. If someone, somehow, is lost to the company, it would be best if their knowledge was not lost with them.

Result: Auto-Success

With some study you become familiar enough with the basic principles of everyone's tech that you can help them with their endeavours more capably and be able to continue work on projects involving their technology should something happen to the others.

-Begin lobbying against the cybernetics ban in the US, pushing in every (legal) way for congress to repeal.

Result: Success!

The US political landscape is a mess thanks to certain highly volatile information becoming public knowledge. Luthor and those in his pocket who remained out of the line of fire are now facing lobbyists who are being covertly backed by ATIC to lobby against the augmentation ban in the US.

It takes a fair about of money, but the there is now a bill going through the processes on Capitol Hill that will hopefully repeal the Augmentation Ban and allow the US to reap the benefits of Universal Organs and cyberware.


-Attempt to produce a standardized rigging modification for vehicles, something that can be applied to as many types and models as possible.

Result: Failure

You suffer serious electrical burns when the circuit breaker system for the system fails due to faulty wiring. Thankfully, there is some progress made in the software department for the system, so at least some progress has been made.

-Create an improved version of the Icarus system, something capable of falling from even greater heights and applying magnetic thrust in almost any direction.

Result: :o Nat 100!
Bonus Roll: Critical Success

The work on the Icarus System and it's magnetic lensing field progresses at a pace that astounds even you! The new Icarus System is a small pack that can be carried on a person's back in conjunction with a parachute with enough power that it could allow for a controlled, rapid fall from heights as high as the stratosphere and even enact limited gliding thanks to the increased size and power allowing for a processor and software upgrade to let the field be shaped minutely enough to create a lifting surface of electromagnetic energy.

From there, the scientific team you assigned to the project when you weren't working on it personally is able to stun you with something you hadn't thought would be possible yet; a working prototype of a electro-gravitic lifter.

The prototype is the size of a small car and needs a dedicated Tesla Generator to operate, but even this has proven that it is possible to create a working electromagnetic anti-gravity and reactionless drive system that could potentially work in space due to the incredible amounts of energy at work in the void!

But for now, one of the scientists boasts that they should be able to make a flying car in another few months thanks to the insights they're gaining.

Hell, fuck the car, you could make jet engines obsolete with this system!

(Prototype Electro-Gravitic Engine created)
(Icarus-II Landing/Gliding System created.)
--Hire Lawyers. Intellectual Property rights, Copyright, health and safety, regulations, if it looks important and other companies have laywers that do it, we need them (assemble a team of ~50 lawyers on retainer)

Result: Auto-Success!

You secure a retaining contract for a number of European law firms, some of the best in the business who have international offices as well.

(ATIC and front companies have better legal protection!)

-- China, Japan, the Far East in General seems to have a rather lackluster response to our products. See if a few ad campaigns, some tv interviews and the like can't drum up some extra traffic.

Result: Critical Success!

The new ad campaign leads to a considerable increase in demand for consumer cyberware in Asia, and hospitals in Asia begin negotiating for supplies of Universal Organs and Universal Bone. You also note a few new anime and manga in Japan that make use of New Horizon products as part of their plots during one trip to organize a new set of ads in Japan.

-- The material required to build my O'neil cylinder is enormously strong, durable, and tough, able to take meteor impacts without worry. Now, all we need to do is work out how the hell to make it.

Result: Great Success!

Unlike building an Orbital Elevator, lift capability for constructing the Cylinder at a lagrange point or a stable High Earth Orbit away from satellites can be accomplished with large re-usable craft combined. From there, specialised worker units that can be operated by properly trained workers to put everything together safely.

Fabrication of the necessary materials however, will require that space mining be set up to feed the massive demand for metals that will go into the hull unless you want to find a way to negotiate for several million tonnes of steel and other metals from around the world to build one O'Neill Cylinder.

(Preliminary planning on how to establish an O'Neill Cylinder has been completed. Further research and development required.)

-- With our new Avionics company set up, a whole new frontier is open to us. But first, we need to get there. Thankfully, I have just the ticket (design the Cold fusion engines) [2061: ASO]

Result: :eyebrow: Nat 100

Cold Fusion, it has long been a pipe dream that not even alien technology from numerous invasions in the past has been able to provide an answer to.

Your technology does. The math is sound, the physics correct and with an Aeronautics Company you have the means to safely begin design and testing.

The M-0 Cold Fusion Thruster Prototype is a truck-sized monster test engine that could probably be used in a pinch to carry a payload into space and to other planets but for now you're more concerned about the palladium hydride reaction chambers that will be used to generate the plasma spike that will creating the necessary thrust.

If your math is correct, and you are confident that it is, the reaction chambers will create a fusion reaction at below room temperature, generating massive amounts of electricity which will then create a plasma spike that the engine will use for thrust. The power of the plasma spike will be regulated to increase or decrease thrust, allowing a craft to be able to maneuver more easily by using less or more thrust without having to release it in spurts like with conventional rocket engines.

Not only that, but it will prove to be much more affordable to manufacture than whatever alien technology the Justice League has.

Finally, you get into the bunker and give the order.

For a moment there is silence, before the engine unleashes a howling roar as a blast of plasma forms into a powerful thrusting spike of energy, capable of lifting potentially massive cargo loads or equally massive ships.

By the end of the month, the reports are in. The engine is feasible and will only need refinements to make it more compact and efficient.

(You have invented affordable Cold Fusion. Oh, and an engine.)
Pre-Turn 11: Winter Is Coming.
News For The Month:

-Japan has gone cyberpunk, with cyberware clinics now opening to provide the promise of easier telecommunications as well as increased media connectivity within the nation. The usage of Universal Organs and Universal Bone has gone up across Japanese hospitals looking to ease their long transplant waiting lists, and cyber-eyes and ears are giving the blind and deaf new hope for the future.

-China has followed in the wake of Japanese adoption of cyberware and Universal Organs, with recent online polls making showing an increase in requests for implants that can help Chinese citizens deal with the nation's chronic smog problems.

-Chaos has erupted in the United States' political landscape over evidence arising that a cabal of prominent businessmen, politicians and members of the FDA were bribed into voting for the blanket ban on all cybernetic augmentations and artificial organ technology. With protests and demonstrations arising in many cities, many of them lead by hospitals struggling with increasingly long organ transplant waiting lists, the announcement of voting in Capitol Hill to repeal the ban has been met with cautious optimism.

-The Vortex Fields have been sealed off by the Czech military and an unknown group given exclusive access to the anomalies.

-Electromagnetic activity on the Moon has increased and the Justice League has announced that they will be investigating.

-Victor Fries, aka Mr. Freeze, has vanished after last being seen in Luxembourg.

-Dr. Serling Roquette has won the Nobel Prize for Science. She has been sent an invitation for the award ceremonies in Sweden.

-Turn 11: November, 2009-

Budget: $174,105,000
Income: +$150,000,000
Expenses: -$7,417,000

Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot
Dr. Serling Roquette
Scientists x257
Office Workers x100
Security Staff x900
Intelligence Staff x250
Mages x100

-Basic Airport: Luxembourg
-Basic Airport: Zurich
-Basic Airport: Helsinki
-Improved Factory
-Improved Labs
-Tesla Fence
-Steel Gate
-Wave Research Building
-Cybernetics Lab
-Nanotech Lab
-Tesla Research Building
-Wave Healing Infirmary
-10x Company Cars (Upkeep is Free)
-Gulfstream G500 Business Jet (Upkeep is Free)
-2x Civilian Helicopters
-3x Helicopter Gunships
-2x Heavy Assault Transport Helicopters
-1x Mobile Command Center Prototype

-4x Gunship Jets
-50x Light Combat Vehicles
-Maverick PMSC Covert Operations Bases: Afghanistan, Iraq, Rhelasia/Korea, United States Of America, Russia, China, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Columbia.
- Infinity Island Research Base
-Tesla Reactor
-Gantry Complex
-Nano Cauldron
-Bio Forge
-Wave Containment Facility

Available Projects:
-Airport Upgrade
-Maverick Off-shore Plants

-Tank Police
-Leaving The Terminal: The technology is ready, the operating room is secure. Save Nora Fries.

Available Buildings:
-Experimental Chemistry Lab

-Magical Research Facility

Special Opportunities:
-The Light Of A Star: Save the mysterious woman.


Medical Statuses:
-Lilithium is ready for duty!
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Warrich Log 11, November

We're beginning to make progress in the US, however, I must admit that the level of discontent is...worrying me. Is Luthor that obsessed with keeping us out of US soil that he would burn his country to the ground?

Also, apparently our products are extremely popular in Asia. Interesting.

Anyways, I believe the only market we haven't tapped yet is South America. I am going to rectify this.

Personal One:
Construct the magical research facility. Purchase land in, say, India, and build a complex there to house the facility.

Personal Two:
Buy a few factories in South America and refit them to sell our products there, while doing our best to drum up sales.

Research One:
Begin researching Mr.Handy type robots, which will come with four personality types, two male, two female, and have three models: A repair handy to maintain complex electrical systems, a nurse/butler handy to manage the house and care for the sick and infirm, and the Mr. Gutsy, a more military model meant for security purposes.

Research Two:
WELL. The Ray Sphere was a bit of a cock up. Well, it would be prudent to store away the data we gathered for later. For now, let's move on to a different project while things cool off: Emergency Medical Bots! Based off of the Eyebot, these robots will provide rapid relief in case of medical emergency by quickly arriving on site and administering medical nanofog to the afflicted.
I looked up at the night sky, the stars glittering as I lay on the roof of the ATIC complex. Slowly I reached my hand out as if to grab one of the stars. 63 Cygni unless I was mistaken.
"Soon. Soon."
Personal Actions:
-With all the hype in Japan sales in that part of the world were better than ever. So, lets keep it going. Announce a competition for the best robot design to be held. The categories of judgement are too be Looks, Feasibility, Purpose and Awesome. The winner shall have their design become a genuine product, as well as one secret prize. The completion is to end on the one year anniversary of the company, and Nu-ZAX will select the top twenty or so for any of 'us' to look through.
--Well, it may be large, but we do have a Cold fusion engine. Now to test it. Build a rocket which is designed to use the engine to push it above the Karman line, then drop back down, using the Icarus system to ensure the entire thing lands intact. It only needs to go up and come down in one piece, carrying anything else is not required. (Yes, I'm doing a spaceX). If it works, we will release the video onto the Net. And the press. Not telling anyone the engine, or landing system. Not yet.
-Cold fusion. Yes. Yes. YES. Now, lets make it smaller and more efficient. Who knows, perhaps we can get it down to the size of a fridge!
-The design for my O'Neill cylinder required everything from sewers to actual weather. One of the main infrastructure parts is the electrical grid, made entirely out of Room temperature superconductors. Which means that there must be a way to make it, and in fairly large amounts too. Lets get that down, shall we?
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October 29th, 2009

In his office Slug sat, reading over the reports from last night. With plenty of good news and bad news to go around.

The first piece of good news happened to be Lex Luthor's poticial ass catching fire overnight and his cronies humiliated and generally disgraced. Slug allowed himself a smile. He hoped that bastard loses everything in the ensuing shitstorm. The second had been the developments of multiple new technology systems by his fellow Founders. The most interesting among them were Thrawn's electromagnetic anti-gravity systems based of the Deus Ex's Icarus (he salivated at the thought of the potential creation of ODSTs) and Cat's Cold Fusion reactor. The things either technology could do and lead to.

Then there was the bad news. A leak in ATIC who was about to sell info on M1 and the Ceph/Nanosuit tech. Deadshot plugged it good and ZAX did some damage , but this brings up the possibility of others. There'll be a security sweep, mark his words. Then there was Warrich's Ray Sphere prototype exploding on Infinity Island. It was a device that uses exotic energies to awaken the dormant powers in ordinary people; so if it did went off, it would stand to reason that the Justice League would find out about it.

The possibility of the Justice League coming down and discovering ATIC was too great. He'd need to bring this up on the next meeting with the others but Slug didn't like the thought of ATIC being found.

Sighing, he reached down to the left side of his desk and opened the door to the built in mini fridge where he kept all his alcoholic drinks. The month has barely started and he could feel a massive migraine forming already. He pulled out a bottle of beer and set it on his desk.

Just as he was about to open it, Deadshot walked in through his door. In his hand is a folder.

"We have his signature, Boss." he hands Slug the folder and in it was the contract that specified Victor Fries' agreement to share his cryo technology once his wife's illness was cured. "He'll hand it over once we cure his wife."

Slug skimmed the contract, noting the not-so-good Doctor's signature on the bottom right. He held back a sigh and stood. With practice born after a night of drinking, the young man popped open the bottle cap without even looking and drained the bottle in one go. He dropped the empty bottle in the trash bin, and withdrew another, unopened bottle and handed it to Deadshot.

"Then what are we waiting for?" he grinned. "Let's go save a life."

Personal Actions:
- Leaving The Terminal:
The technology is ready, the operating room is secure. Time to save Nora Fries.
- Have Deadshot and Maverick intelligence run a security sweep on all ATIC staff, ZAX check all computers in the facility itself and in a 20 mile radius outside of it, and review everything everyone has done with ATIC sources and knowledge over the last 11 months. That damn intern couldn't have been working alone nor could he be the only one. Anyone found will be made to disappear. This will be done once every month, with the dates of such sweeps being randomized to prevent anyone making a loopholes to take advantage of.

R&D Actions:
- Pull out the Nanosuit schematics and look over every one of the damn suit's functions and how they're done, with attention set on the cloaking and armor abilities. I will have either invisibility or self-regenerating armor, one way or another!
- Turn back to M1 and continue testing, this time to see how it reacts to exposure to small amounts of certain materials such as carbon, titanium or gold, certain non-lethal chemicals like endorphin or gluten, increased heat or cold, and finally increase calcium and hormone infusion to see how it forms.
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Personal Action:
- We currently have the United States of America on the ropes. After great consideration and a small group of covert guards assembled, Alicia will partake in some interveiws. Information will of course be sanitized for public consumption.
- The coma incident is odd, and a repeat or relapse is unwelcome. Alicia is going to have herself checked out in anyway and every way possible to ensure good health, and possible find the cause.

Research Action:
- Plans for the focusing device exist, and now we shall begin prototyping the real thing. Safety, efficiently, and attention to detail. We can't afford to fail her.
- Slug has managed to find Mages willing to assist us, ask them what they think of our technology. Any insight that could help us is absolutely vital.

I fell asleep and woke up months later. My first thought was about work even when I woke back up though! Have I become this much of a workaholic? Ah, I couldn't even take a break if I wanted to either.

I'm completely fine besides some minor light headedness, and feeling odd walking around despite being steady as ever. As for everything else, there doesn't currently appear to be a reason for this coma incident. Just suddenly drowsiness and then a dreamless sleep.

But! There has been quite a bit of work done since I've been gone, and its all such amazing work too! I'm so very proud of my friends and their accomplishments, and their personal judgments. Although one of my friends has... decided to return home. Another co-worker of ours has also decided to make some less than kind decisions too. I guess these things can't be helped. On the island we also had an accident occur. I just hope they're resting peacefully.

You know, I've always tried to avoid saying things directly. On here I mean. I try not to state all of what I'm really talking about. Thought that it would be safer that way should someone find the files!

I'm still scared that everything will go wrong, even now when we've done such impossibly good things for humanity; I'm frightened that someone will someday find this and think that-

That I'm a truly detestable person.
My eyes ran over the news articale detailing the chaos my actions caused. Though Luthor's pets were being found there was a strong chance a witch hunt might start soon. I sigh and turn to my schedule for the month, hoping to escape my fears through my work.

- Continue establishing Albion Innovations

- Get the guns i developed into Maverick's hands for testing. tell them to be as harsh as possible and get back to me with their verdicts.

- Continue Suit devlopment.

- Start developing a stealth Dropship with transatmospheric and VTOL capabilities for deploying and retrieving special forces team. draw heavily from the Macross database and Label the project Sky Ranger.
-Release the basic, unmodified Icarus system through HAT, advertising towards military forces, skydivers, and basically anyone else with reason to use a parachute (but especially the military).
-Keep an eye on the repeal vote, and be ready to expand production and sales when it goes through.

-Continue working on the Rigger mods.
-Develop Shadowrun's Magnetic System implant (limb-mounted electromagnets that, when active, allow the limb to cling to any ferromagnetic substance, or can be deliberately overloaded to function as an electric melee weapon).
Personal One:
Construct the magical research facility. Purchase land in, say, India, and build a complex there to house the facility.

Result: Success

The new facility is built into the Indian highlands, fenced off and put under Maverick protection, and the mages transferred over to make sure that the facility is properly equipped for magical research and it's technological applications.

Your new cabal of mages is properly impressed with the speed taken in setting these facilities up and are ready to get to work.

(Magical Research can now be undertaken.)

Personal Two:
Buy a few factories in South America and refit them to sell our products there, while doing our best to drum up sales.

Result: Success!

The newly refurbished and upgraded factories are mated to a new type of facility after you had an idea on how to drum up more sales. You move the factories closer to several cities across South America, and then establish Direct Factory Outlets for New Horizon Group products. Combined with the ad campaigns put across South America, sales immediately pick up and soon cover the costs of running the factories and DFO's.

Soon, smaller outlets and cyberclinics begin to appear in major cities while hospitals are quick to take advantage of Unversal Bone, Organs and Wave Healing technology.

(Sales presence established in South America.)

Research One:
Begin researching Mr.Handy type robots, which will come with four personality types, two male, two female, and have three models: A repair handy to maintain complex electrical systems, a nurse/butler handy to manage the house and care for the sick and infirm, and the Mr. Gutsy, a more military model meant for security purposes.

Result: Failure!

The prototypes attempt to kill the research team before Maverick security troops take them down with explosive rounds. Personality engram corruption is found to be the reason for the outburst of mechanical psychosis.

Research Two:
WELL. The Ray Sphere was a bit of a cock up. Well, it would be prudent to store away the data we gathered for later. For now, let's move on to a different project while things cool off: Emergency Medical Bots! Based off of the Eyebot, these robots will provide rapid relief in case of medical emergency by quickly arriving on site and administering medical nanofog to the afflicted.

Cleanup Result: Major Failure!
Research Result: Success!

The cleanup of the Infinity Island facility fails before it can even begin as the Justice League, in this case Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter who then proceed to question the staff on what happened.

The only good thing is that the staff who know the truth about the Ray Sphere have already been transferred to other facilities while the data was removed at the same time. As it stands however, the Justice League knows that Infinity Island is a New Horizon Group facility experimenting with highly volatile energies.

Meanwhile, the EMB design has come together nicely, and the smoother design lacking the overbuilt aesthetic of the Atomic Age looks non-threatening enough that it should fit in any hospital or clinic.

(Justice League is aware of Infinity Island's purpose.)
(Ray Sphere research data has been preserved.)
(Infinity Island under observation. For now.)
Personal Actions:
With all the hype in Japan sales in that part of the world were better than ever. So, lets keep it going. Announce a competition for the best robot design to be held. The categories of judgement are too be Looks, Feasibility, Purpose and Awesome. The winner shall have their design become a genuine product, as well as one secret prize. The completion is to end on the one year anniversary of the company, and Nu-ZAX will select the top twenty or so for any of 'us' to look through.

Result: Auto-Success

Announcements are made and there is a lot of interest from many experts in the fields of robotics. The first submissions begin to arrive and already there is a good amount of quality, although vetting via Nu-ZAX reveals a number of individuals linked to LexCorp, STAR Labs and Wayne Industries.

(A short-list will be made in Turn 12. Have mercy on me...)

Well, it may be large, but we do have a Cold fusion engine. Now to test it. Build a rocket which is designed to use the engine to push it above the Karman line, then drop back down, using the Icarus system to ensure the entire thing lands intact. It only needs to go up and come down in one piece, carrying anything else is not required. (Yes, I'm doing a spaceX). If it works, we will release the video onto the Net. And the press. Not telling anyone the engine, or landing system. Not yet.

Result: Success!

EAES Poland sets up its launch gantry as you watch the prototype rocket being set up for the test launch. The experimental engine, built into a proper rocket engine, makes up most of the bulk of the vehicle while the rest is crammed full of instruments and equipment along with the parachutes for landing in case of failure with the modified Icarus system.

The launch is going to be held under intense security, with even the deployment of one of the Spectre-III Gunships being sent up as overwatch in case anyone tries to steal the rocket before the recovery teams can retrieve the vehicle and its data.

In the pale light of dawn, you watch as the EAES staff go through pre-launch checks of the rocket and it's Cold Fusion engine, Maverick troops in high-speed transports ready to secure the future landing site. Up above, the Spectre-III, modified with recording equipment replacing the missile racks, plays spotter as the checks are completed and all eyes turn to you.

You nod.

"Launch in 5...4...3...2...1...Launch!"

The plasma jet ignites, dumping out so much thrust at full power that the rocket all but leaps out of the launch gantry to roar into the sky while the scientists and you take notes on how to refine the engine design and thrust output while the Spectre-III records the flight until it leaves line of sight and you turn back to the instruments.

Several minutes later, the rocket breaches the Karman Line and shuts off the engine before the Icarus engages and begins guiding it to the pre-set landing site, Maverick Security troops heading out to secure the area.

The rocket safely lands, Maverick keeping a few hikers and campers away from the rocket while the presence of the Spectre-III turns away a group detected that probably are mercs paid to steal data from the rocket who decide they aren't paid well enough to take on a gunship and troops trained by Deadshot of all people.

The data comes back to the labs at EAES and the results send up cheers. The rocket works, as does the Icarus System for vehicles, which bodes well for future research as the video of launch and recovery is put up on Youtube with the only explanation given that EAES were testing experimental aerospace technologies.

(Successful test launch with a wealth of data attained.)
(Increased chance of success for Cold Fusion, Icarus and Electro-Gravitic research.)
(Got a million views on Youtube within a few hours. Everybody loves a good rocket launch.)

-Cold fusion. Yes. Yes. YES. Now, lets make it smaller and more efficient. Who knows, perhaps we can get it down to the size of a fridge!

Result: Failure

You have difficulty shrinking the system down and for the most part it seems to be a problem with the precision-engineered parts. You spend the rest of the month looking up a compromise and manage to find hits of alloys in the Macross Database that could be perfect for what you need.

(Increased chance of success for next attempt.)

-The design for my O'Neill cylinder required everything from sewers to actual weather. One of the main infrastructure parts is the electrical grid, made entirely out of Room temperature superconductors. Which means that there must be a way to make it, and in fairly large amounts too. Lets get that down, shall we?

Result: Success!

You find what you need to build an O'Neill, but then the realization hits you. With the current state of technology; which let's be honest here is about on par with OTL since for some reason super-tech never finds its way into the open market due to things like status quo and 'the greater good' or some garbage like that. But the fact is, no-one can make what you need, which means you have to make it yourself.

So you do.

The superconductors can be made, and cheaply, using a specially designed facility that can also allow for research into metamaterials, superalloys and other materials that require both metallurgy and a particle accelerator with the manufacturing capabilities of a Nano-Cauldron.

You draw up the blueprints and present them to the rest of the Founders.

(New Construction Option: Meta-Materials Facility.)
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Personal Actions:
- Leaving The Terminal:
The technology is ready, the operating room is secure. Time to save Nora Fries.

Result: Great Success. (Nat 99...)

"Nora..." Victor Fries watched as the surgeons entered the operating room and immediately got to work. It had stunned him, these 'Founders' had indeed worked incredibly quickly preparing this entire endeavor. His mind drifted back to the surgical briefing.

"Doctor Fries?" A voice interrupted him before his mind could wander and he turned to see one of the medical staff standing near him, "Would you like a seat? Refreshments? The operation may take a while."

"I am perfectly fine. Thank you." Victor replied briefly and the staff member nodded and left, leaving Victor to watch and listen.

"Geez, it's a miracle the cryostasis worked as well as it did. Do you see this degeneration?"

"Degeneration nothing, I'm shocked this poor woman has anything resembling working organs left!"

"All useless though."

"We have the new Universal Organ batch, fresh from the vats, we'll be fine. Blood cleaning is working like a charm, the new nanites are a dream to use."

"Just think, we're pioneering the world's first surgical treatment for this disease. Maybe we deserve a raise?"

"After what Deadshot did? We got a tough act to follow. Huh, some cryogenic tissue damage here, looks like it slowed the necrosis from spreading."

"Something about the cryo mix?"

"Who cares? Just remove it already." And just like that, original parts removed and replacements inserted, and Victor knew thanks to the doctors that they would be using special nanites to rebuild her brain.

It took several hours and Victor remained where he was, watching as organs were removed and placed in plastic bags for disposal before new ones were put in. Blood flowed through complex cleaning equipment, nerves and veins rebuilt by some strange gelatinous substance.

But finally, finally, they were done and Victor watched as other Doctors began looking his beloved Nora over, before one of them looked at his fellow doctors.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We have done it."

It would be several more days of isolation to make sure the disease didn't reappear suddenly, but all Victor knew was that his Nora was alive!

Before long, while husband and wife were finally allowed to see each other with tears in their eyes, all of the data on Victor Fries' cryotechnology was sitting securely in the databases of ATIC.

Win-Win, as they say.

(Surgical Cure for Jakobs-Kreutzfeld Disease created!)
(Fries and his wife reunited.)
(New Universal Techbase: Cryotechnology)

Have Deadshot and Maverick intelligence run a security sweep on all ATIC staff, ZAX check all computers in the facility itself and in a 20 mile radius outside of it, and review everything everyone has done with ATIC sources and knowledge over the last 11 months. That damn intern couldn't have been working alone nor could he be the only one. Anyone found will be made to disappear. This will be done once every month, with the dates of such sweeps being randomized to prevent anyone making a loopholes to take advantage of.

Result: Success

Deadshot goes on the warpath; as the month passes the Nu-ZAX unearths huge amounts of potentially damaging research and production data, leading the former assassin and Maverick Security into removing a large number of workers from ATIC and New Horizon facilities where they vanish.

Their fate is calmly noted in after-interrogation reports: Disposed.

By the end of the month, you sign off on Deadshot's counter-intelligence schedule, and the stolen information is traced to LexCorp subsidiaries and fronts before being scrubbed by Nu-ZAX along with all other files.

(-80 Workers)
(-8 Scientists)
(Counter-Intelligence program started. No leaks will take place.)
(LexCorp data scrubbed.)

- Pull out the Nanosuit schematics and look over every one of the damn suit's functions and how they're done, with attention set on the cloaking and armor abilities. I will have either invisibility or self-regenerating armor, one way or another!

Result: Success!

You finally manage to find the necessary files and when you find how the nanomaterial is supposed to be manipulated your head meets your desk before you begin the testing.

Finally you manage to make both a sample of cloaking meta-material and one for armour and a great source of frustration is removed. Now all you need to do is build a facility to manufacture these materials properly.

(Cloaking and Armour Nanomaterials finally created.)

Turn back to M1 and continue testing, this time to see how it reacts to exposure to small amounts of certain materials such as carbon, titanium or gold, certain non-lethal chemicals like endorphin or gluten, increased heat or cold, and finally increase calcium and hormone infusion to see how it forms.

Result: Success?

"Slug?" Dr. Serling Roquette questioned as she stared at what had happened with M1, "Why is our mysterious mass of biological material and nanomaterial now a fetus?"

You're too busy with the diplomatic talks between your head and your desk.

(M1 has now...matured? In any case, will gain sentience and begin maturing on Turn 16.)
(Serling Roquette is confused.)
Personal Action:
- We currently have the United States of America on the ropes. After great consideration and a small group of covert guards assembled, Alicia will partake in some interveiws. Information will of course be sanitized for public consumption.

Result: Severe Failure!

A bomb goes off a day before your planned trip to the United States for the interviews and you are prevented from departing. The boiling tension finally spills over as a string of domestic terrorist attacks hit cities across the United States. Much of it is aimed at LexCorp, Wayne Industries and other corporations in the United States seen as being 'responsible' for the ban on all augmentation and artificial organ technology from Europe.

It doesn't help your mood at not just seeing this, but hearing on the news one European pundit comparing the United States to a Third World nation.

(It begins...)

- The coma incident is odd, and a repeat or relapse is unwelcome. Alicia is going to have herself checked out in anyway and every way possible to ensure good health, and possible find the cause.

Result: Success!

The cause is soon found; interacting with Wave Physics and the resultant energies has a sapping effect on the human body, draining it of energy and eventually causing effects such as comas or, if the drain is severe enough, death. Thankfully, despite the fact that you've been interacting with this energy daily, you only suffered a coma incident.

In fact, according to the medical reports, the Wave energy strengthened you as much as it drained you. You put into place new safety protocols to prevent further incidents.

Research Action:
- Plans for the focusing device exist, and now we shall begin prototyping the real thing. Safety, efficiently, and attention to detail. We can't afford to fail her.

Result: Success!

The prototype system comes together relatively smoothly, giving you a device that although you know is entirely conventional seems somewhat...alien. When activated, the focusing system comes online with a musical hum that does in fact have a magnifying and 'narrowing' effect on Wave Energy, allowing the test Wave Healing device to be able to repair a Maverick soldier's broken arm completely with little to no pain experienced.

It's a good sign and gives you a good feeling for success after hearing about Nora Fries' full recovery.

(Prototype successful.)
(You are ready to begin the project...)

- Slug has managed to find Mages willing to assist us, ask them what they think of our technology. Any insight that could help us is absolutely vital.

Result: Success!

Opinions are positive. The Mages find that the ready access to technology and computing equipment is an immense aid to their own magical research efforts. They are ready and eager to help any magical or magic-related research.

(Mages are in high spirits and find the available technological resources to be valuable to their efforts.)