SV Must Secretly Save The World And Turn A Profit! OOC/Signup/Discussion (Applications Welcome!)

*goes and looks up what those are*

Soo... Not Gundams in effect? Eh, fair enough. Could probably use aircraft/infantry/naval support though. Have you made a comprehensive military grade cybernetic conversion kit (ie visual/muscular/skeletal enhancement and augmentation, probably replacement in there too somewhat prominently) yet? Or 'conventional' vehicles to provide bulk to any force you make?
Gawain is what i named the military armslave model

the police model is currently selling like hot cakes in europe.

also keep in mind i'm not the cybernetics guy. i do hardsuits, Mechs and Guns at this point.

edit: found a pic for the Maverick model of the Gawain
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I'd actually go with the Arm Slaves because in SEED canon the OS was absolute shit until the main character and resident Teen Genius Kira Yamato rewrote it in the middle of a ZAFT raid.

None of the other entries except SEED actually say anything about their Operating System, I think unless it's all in the manual.
We do have a way to control vehicles with our minds now! We can improve it!

Make better, faster, stronger.
Hey Gideon, are the people in the reserves list still interested?

If not and you want more players, can I join?

Everyone who wants to immediately release our anti-grav systems for free global use in launching counterattacks at the fucking moon, say aye.
I'm going to release a press statement. The world probably needs to know whats at stake.

So, apparently, the ol' HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL that nobody's done anything with in the last half year or more?

Totally has its own energy shield.

Like, this whole time, we could have been developing area shield generators for our forces.
We have two years. Only one has passed. I'm .... Not worried, if you get my meaning. Plenty of time to.... Oh, I need to check some stuff.
So exactly what kind of absurdly effective transhuman badasses should I start building?

Also: armor. I'm only spending one research slot on this this turn, so should I go for personal-scale suits or a new version of the the semi-abandoned HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL?