Super Hollow Knight: Hornet Sequel 'Silksong' Announced

Bit late for most of this, but....

The graveyard - I got there through the Crystal Peaks as well, but more because I screwed up a jump than anything else. On the other hand, I think I bought the lantern pretty early, so that helped influence things.

Definitely found the Hornet fights hard, as well as any where I couldn't calm myself down and pace myself.

Random funny thing - I think most of the Nightmare King's moves are cribbed off a Dracula fight from one of the old Castlevanias, though sped up a fair bit.

As for frame rate drops - never noticed any in the Trial of Fools, but I have not tried it lately. Though I usually have been good with avoiding builds with bad drop rates. I did notice a few the last time I played, but I thought it was just because I had some memory-hog programs also running at the time, and I was only doing a bit of running around.

A quick question, @Alitur, what version of Hollow Knight do you have? There is a public beta on Steam for the Lifeblood expansion (random Quality of Life and one new boss update), and I know some people have had better experiences with it.
I have switched to Life blood before that, but I think that the problem is with my computer. Or was, cause now it works fine.
Does anyone else get frame rate drops during the third trial? Has been trying to farm money for unbreakable charms, but drops seriously distract me cause dumb damage to occur.

if you're grinding geo trial of champions is more efficient - and taking the greed charm and running around city of tears is even faster
Hollow knight came out for the switch so ive been playing it constantly and I'm consistently impressed by how each option manages to decrease backtracking by increasing your movement speed through new movement options.

Making the simple act of moving pleasurable. Like the dash increases your horizontal jump distance allowing you to clear gaps but it also improves your base land speed and allows you to make shorter jumps faster by reducing your arc. Similarly the wall jump allows you move upwards much faster and again shortens your arc by allowing you to aim the dash at the side of a platform and then wall jump up. Like these only shorten jumps by like a second but that adds up. Combine that with the plethora of alternate shorter paths you unlock and the stag stations and you end up with a metroidvania which has solved their main flaw of tedious backtracking.
Agreed on that. Unlike other 'abilities-open-paths' games like Zelda or God of War (PS4 anyways), Hollow Knight's upgrades are tangible, and each and every one makes you a little more adept at moving around, opening up the world a little bit more, until ultimately you're zipping around Hallownest without pause or restraint.

It also helps that the story is deep, winding, and immensely satisfying.
I've just got the game on Switch, having not played it before, and I agree with the above. When I got double-jump my first reaction was, 'I'm going to be so upset when I start a new game and don't have this.' For a platformer movement is key, and this game makes it fun.

On the other hand, I struggle to reliably down-slash, which is irritating. But hopefully double jump makes whatever's locked behind a bunch of down-slash platforming to the far left of Greenpath easier to acquire.
On the other hand, I struggle to reliably down-slash, which is irritating. But hopefully double jump makes whatever's locked behind a bunch of down-slash platforming to the far left of Greenpath easier to acquire.

you dont need downslash platforming for anything except the path of pain and a few small sequences in deepnest

theres another ability that lets you pass that section without it - you can use downhopping instead but its harder
On the other hand, I struggle to reliably down-slash, which is irritating. But hopefully double jump makes whatever's locked behind a bunch of down-slash platforming to the far left of Greenpath easier to acquire.
Keep a lookout for the charms that make your nail slashes quicker and longer. Either or both will make it a lot easier to time.
E-everyone hates the White Palace.

No wonder the place fell apart into ruins with that many goddamn buzzsaws in it.
The White Palace is the only reason Hollow Knight doesn't get a 10/10 from me. Who thought the damn place was a good idea.
Just beat deepnest and its a really well made area. I've never felt the sheer omnipresent sense of overwhelming danger in a game before. With the burrowing monsters, the monsters in corpses, the narrow confines and the constant chattering it really captured the feel of being trapped and overwhelmed
Also forgot to mention, but in deepnest
the false bench trap that takes you to the dreamer was perfect. I was so on edge after going through the chattering hell of deepnest, with its constantly spawning spiders. When I saw that bench I was so relieved, I didn't even stop to talk to the people there just sat right down. So good.
So what is the Grimm Troupe Ritual exactly? They never say it outright, but I feel like completing it won't be a good thing for Hollownest.
I interfered in the Ritual since the musician made it sound like the Troupe were enslaved by the Ritual. I missed out on the Grimm's second phase, but that's what second playthroughs are for.