Super Hollow Knight: Hornet Sequel 'Silksong' Announced

Bought this months ago, left it to rot for a long while until I see more vids popping up about it. Didn't have controller, so keyboard was a pain.

And 7 hours in, and with me being able to enter the City, I am somehow proficient-ish in both keyboard and controller. Anyway beat the boss that allows me to break floors, and I know I have to go and do the mines, but anything else I should do before that?

Also @Fernandel bought it too. Cute bugs intensifies.
Also @Fernandel bought it too. Cute bugs intensifies.
This game's keyboard controls make it absolutely unplayable. When the game warns you that "use of a controller is highly recommended", they're not joking around. I tried to play the game for six hours and then ragequit a game for the first time in years. That such a good game was released on PC with such poor optimisation is a travesty.

With controller, the game is highly enjoyable, and it's a lot easier to appreciate the beautiful atmosphere and art design of the game.
This game's keyboard controls make it absolutely unplayable. When the game warns you that "use of a controller is highly recommended", they're not joking around. I tried to play the game for six hours and then ragequit a game for the first time in years. That such a good game was released on PC with such poor optimisation is a travesty.

With controller, the game is highly enjoyable, and it's a lot easier to appreciate the beautiful atmosphere and art design of the game.

Er.... I beat it on keyboard just fine? 100% completion, so Trial of Fools and White Palace completed.

Though I understand the first few builds were worse.
Er.... I beat it on keyboard just fine? 100% completion, so Trial of Fools and White Palace completed.

Though I understand the first few builds were worse.
Okay, I realise you can't possibly know what you're doing here, but allow me to quickly tell you my problem here: I have precisely zero interest in justifying myself regarding this; my experience doesn't invalidate yours, and your experience doesn't invalidate mine.

I've had friends who beat Hollow Knight on keyboard with no problems, others who could play it on keyboard and yet preferred controller, and others who, like me, flat-out couldn't play the game at all because inputs on keyboard were absolutely fucked for them in terms of responsiveness.

I've heard all the comments "but I beat it 100 percent on keyboard!" before. I've heard it from some of my good friends whose judgment I value. However, I don't see how this in any way invalidates my experience with the game, or how it invalidates yours. You managed to play the game on keyboard? Congratulations, good on you. But I didn't. And I know it's because of the keyboard controls, because I just played it for two hours on controller and just flat-out enjoyed myself a lot more than during the six hours I played on keyboard before, as I don't feel like I have to fight the controls to get them to do what I want.

Your success doesn't magically make my previous frustration with the game disappear, and neither does my frustration make your success and enjoyment with this game disappear. It's an individual thing. We cool?

I'll still recommend that people play this on controller, and certainly not to buy it if they don't have a controller, because if it's such an individual that even an old PC gamer like me cannot get the keyboard controls to work, then it's quite simply not a reliable input/control system. But that's just my opinion.

EDIT: In other news, I killed the False Knight on my second try (thank you, controller!) and have finally made it to the Greenpath. I don't think I'll immediately continue; I still have some areas in the Forgotten Crossroads left unexplored.

Though I do like the verdancy of the Greenpath a lot more than the gloomy darkness of the Crossroads. And the music and atmosphere there and everythere else is just great. Chapeau to Team Cherry.
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I've heard all the comments "but I beat it 100 percent on keyboard!" before. I've heard it from some of my good friends whose judgment I value. However, I don't see how this in any way invalidates my experience with the game, or how it invalidates yours. You managed to play the game on keyboard? Congratulations, good on you. But I didn't. And I know it's because of the keyboard controls, because I just played it for two hours on controller and just flat-out enjoyed myself a lot more than during the six hours I played on keyboard before, as I don't feel like I have to fight the controls to get them to do what I want.

Your success doesn't magically make my previous frustration with the game disappear, and neither does my frustration make your success and enjoyment with this game disappear. It's an individual thing. We cool?

We cool. Thank you for taking the time to explain (goodness knows I can take forever to type). I guess I just wanted to point out it was possible on keyboard, though your point about enjoying playing on a controller more is probably a more important fact for people looking into Hollow Knight.

Good luck with Greenpath!
I already died once to one of those exploding leaf stink bugs.

I promptly turned around and decided to finish exploring the Crossroads first. :V

Yeah, I had noticed the orange clouds they generated, so I played really cautiously with them. Got nailed a few times still, but the exploding body was less of a surprise by that point.

Honestly, I usually play fairly slow, which helped in the Deepnest. Hard to trust anything there.... people, dead bugs, the walls, the floors, empty spaces....

On a side note, the Hidden Dreams DLC is out. Spoilers below.
Still keeping things somewhat obtuse, but....

Don't know where the new Stagway is yet.

Dream Gates - if you have 900 essence, go see the Moth lady. If she's gone, it probably is already in your inventory where you can look at your nail and all.

Hold down+Dream Nail to set a gate point, and hold up+Dream Nail to warp back to the previous point for one essence. Do not know how the Fragile Flower handles this.

Essence might be farmable from regular critters.

The two new Dream Bosses are as expected. Both cleaned my clock. Will have to get used to fighting and all again.

White Defender can be accessed where the last living knight sleeps. Has a speed increase, and throws a lot more. If you've fought the regular one, you know what I mean.

Grey Knight is under the maiden's bed back in the village. Jumps a bunch, occasionally through the floor and back from the top, plus generates mini-mes. Rumor is that you can fight him multiple times, with him getting stronger each time. Maybe another way to farm essence?
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On a side note, the Hidden Dreams DLC is out. Spoilers below.
Still keeping things somewhat obtuse, but....

Don't know where the new Stagway is yet.

Dream Gates - if you have 900 essence, go see the Moth lady. If she's gone, it probably is already in your inventory where you can look at your nail and all.

Hold down+Dream Nail to set a gate point, and hold up+Dream Nail to warp back to the previous point for one essence. Do not know how the Fragile Flower handles this.

Essence might be farmable from regular critters.

The two new Dream Bosses are as expected. Both cleaned my clock. Will have to get used to fighting and all again.

White Defender can be accessed where the last living knight sleeps. Has a speed increase, and throws a lot more. If you've fought the regular one, you know what I mean.

Grey Knight is under the maiden's bed back in the village. Jumps a bunch, occasionally through the floor and back from the top, plus generates mini-mes. Rumor is that you can fight him multiple times, with him getting stronger each time. Maybe another way to farm essence?

You can farm essence when you kill some regular enemies, not sure if it's random or what yet.

The new Stagway is by the White Palace.

The new dream bosses have somewhere between six to ten levels to them - every time you beat them, they get a bit tougher. By the last stage they'll two-shot an endgame Hollow Knight, it's pretty ridiculous. Basically...

Right now I'm more curious about whether the new songs are included in the OST.
So I forgot that the Hidden Dreams DLC was free, and I just beat the first round of the Colloseum and then I went back to Dirtmouth and well ....

To quote @Fernandel (and the entire playerbase), "What an arse."
So I forgot that the Hidden Dreams DLC was free, and I just beat the first round of the Colloseum and then I went back to Dirtmouth and well ....

To quote @Fernandel (and the entire playerbase), "What an arse."
>Breta doing a centrefold pose in the background.

holy shit somebody stop these madmen
Arise, arise!

Coming out tomorrow is a new update for Hollow Knight: The Grimm Troupe

Team Cherry said:
New Major Quest – Light the Nightmare Lantern and summon the Grimm Troupe to Hallownest, if you dare! Take part in a twisted ritual that stretches the breadth of the kingdom and bestows the player with a powerful new ally.

New Boss Fights – What epic quest is complete without epic show-downs? Get ready to face off against a dark new foe and a twisted scarlet spectre. Who are they? What brings them to Hallownest? We won't spoil the surprise!

4 New Charms – We're going all out with the quest, but that's not enough! Your charm range is also expanding, granting unique new aids and abilities. You'll have to discover their powers for yourself, but their appearance may give a few hints.

New Enemies – The arrival of the Troupe doesn't just mean enormous boss encounters, it also brings new smaller (but challenging!) foes to test your nail and spells against. Your Hunter's Journal is going to be overflowing by the time your done!

New Friends – Grimm's clan may appear scary but they aren't all bad. Get ready to befriend a new bunch of weirdos, including one who offers a very special service for players flush with Geo!

New Music – Tying this whole cavalcade together are all new spooky and spine tingling tracks by Christopher Larkin. Get ready to feel the fear!

Map Markers – In a world as big as Hallownest finding your way is the greatest challenge of all, and you'll now have an extra tool in your cartographic journeys with custom Map Markers! Place them anywhere on your maps to remember a point of interest, a difficult foe or an item just out of reach.
Well, the Grimm Troupe DLC is out (2nd of 3 free DLC for Hollow Knight). Played around a bit with it, some minor bugs so far.

Go to the Howling Cliffs. A bit down from where you get Conifer's Map is a breakable wall on the right. Break it, go all the way through, and through the false wall to the right. See the big dead bug? Hit it with a normal nail. Go back to the previous chamber, and hit the coals in the middle of the floor until they light up all the torches. Go back to Dirtsmouth, and it should be left/west of the bench a bit. I think I might be halfway through?

She really likes the smell of Legeater's Fragile charms. She'll steal them, one at a time, from you if you have them equipped. If you spend a ton of money (9000, 12000, 15000), she will give you unbreakable ones back. Yes, that means Unbreakable Strength. Just got to talk to her a bunch.
After each one, you can go talk to Legeater. After the last one, he figures out where Divine is, and will 'disappear' from his store. You can go back to Divine's place to see the happy couple.

Well, you get one from Grimm, and after you power it up some, it will attack enemies by spitting stuff at them.

Sly the Shopkeeper has a new one for dashing.

Weaver's Den has one up on the balcony. I heard it causes you not to trip weight things, not tested it myself. Little ones do not interact with the common charms.

Last charm is a twirling moth shield. In the Resting Grounds, in the platform area immediately outside the Stagway, lefthand wall. One of them has a bunch of light coming out, it now has a room behind it.

Minor bug - sometimes you cannot interact with your Charm menu or the bell at the Stagways. Usually exiting the screen and re-entering will clear this up.

Possible bug - you might be able to return to the White Palace, but you have to Super Dash, not Dream Nail, into it.
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White palace thing is not a bug. All I'm gonna say is that Path of Pain can go fuck itself.
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I didn't know this thread existed, but I'm glad it does. This thread has already told me I've done things horribly out of order. I haven't even encountered Hornet a second time
I've already killed her mom....Woops, but go me.
Actually, the sequence after a certain point can be done in any order, so I wouldn't worry about that. Congrats on getting down there, it is a nasty zone.

Actually not doing the second Hornet fight might make it easier to get the first ending.

EDIT: Also, another thing found in the new DLC - everyone's "favorite" jumping puzzle area has a new path. The Path of Pain (actual official title). From what little I have seen, it deserves the title. Not certain I can do that bit on a keyboard.
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