[X] Haunter
[X] Roselia
[X] Mess with him with Genjutsu and Roselia's Sweet Scent. Then attack with your chakra blade.
-[X] have haunter sneak up on him and use nightshade while he's distracted
Saya started the match by releasing Haunter and Roselia and he responded by sending a wave of sand at them. She dodged it by switching with Haunter who was in the air and phased through his sand after being switched. Meanwhile Roselia drained her section of sand of it's chakra and stood imperiously as she started her sweet scent. Gaara started swaying, dazed by the overwhelming feeling to relax while Saya started her genjutsu. He would see multiples Sayas in front of him, urging him to kill her while she darted forward with her chakra blade. She sliced a chunk off of his sand armor on his chest, cutting through the sand that rose to protect him. He attacked the wrong Saya and she backed off as Haunter used nightshade and slashed down Gaara in a monstrous form of someone with sandy blonde hair. Gaara screamed as four deep gouges formed on his body.
Then that's went Saya saw feathers. She instantly recognized the sign of a genjutsu, a powerful one that covered the entire stadium. Then Temari and Kankuro joined their brother and she knew that the tournament was over. Their Suna jonin teacher joined them the next instant and the hokage was attacked by the Kazekage. The Suna jonin ordered them to flee and started fighting the fucking examiner. Karin, Naruto, Temtem, and Shino joined Saya on the field.
"Shit, what are we supposed to do?!" Karin exclaimed, panicked.
Han appeared next to Saya, looking gleeful. "Saya this is perfect! We can leave now during this chaos!"
"You can't leave us!" Naruto exclaimed, looking hurt. Karin bit her lip.
"Naruto she's an iwa nin. She doesn't have to help us,"
What do you do? Choose in order what you want to do. The first gets priority, etc.
[ ] Dispell the genjutsu over the stadium. You're talented enough that you can do that.
[ ] Chase down the Suna siblings with Naruto and company.
[ ] Send Karin to get the others in the infirmary. Sasuke, Lee, and Neji would be a great help even if they're late.
[ ] Dispell the barrier that holds the Hokage hostage. You're sure that Roselia and Haunter could bypass it with giga drain and Haunters ability to ignore barriers.
[ ] Kill the giant snake by sending Han to shove explosives down it's gullet.
[ ] Leave. You owe no loyalty to any of them. You're a missing nin now afterall.
-[ ] Convince Karin to leave with you. She'd be a great help on your travels.
[ ] Write in.