Feel free to rest if you want to.
A second roll to help keep points from going to waste is good! It'd also help from getting anything too powerfully game breaking. Though I'd personally like the shunt from Creature to Power and Power to Creature like you suggest.
The way it works is that I go to work this week from 7 AM to 15 PM. Once I'm back from work, I chill a bit, eat something, and sit to write. If it flows nicely, I just write. If not - I feel like I need a break.
We'll see today and tomorrow. I have free Saturday and Sunday, with no personal plans, so those days should see some updates

Wait this bit is confusing. Are you saying if the first roll is Creature then it'd be Creatures all the way? Or it'd be Creature Power Creature Power like you are showing in the first part?
In this case, let's say you have 600 points. You roll and end up with 300 points creature. With this, you have 300 points left. If you go with let's say
[Creature Roll: Second Roll] in this case you roll again for a creature, but with 300 points left. If this creature is let's say 100 points, those last 200 points are banked, as there isn't a third roll. This also happens with 2nd roll, if you end up with 0 points creature, so there is also no third roll in this case.
But if you go with
[Power Roll: Second Roll], you roll this way twice for Power.
A reason why I don't want to do Creature->Power combination here is that in this case at any higher point count (at least 400) people won't bother voting for the solo Creature/Solo roll, when they may get 2 rolls from both categories. I may be wrong, so in the next turn, I plan to do this experiment and see how it goes.
I guess a compromise may be that once per few turns I may allow doing this, and in this case, I would call it
[Creature+Power Roll: Second Roll] or another way around
[Power+Creature: Second Roll]. If it gets confusing, I will simply keep it the way it is.
Anyway, I want to also avoid hoarding points, by skipping turns, so yes, if the word count goes over 600, points go to waste. So in this case, if you have 400-500 points, and want to risk banking points, it's on you. I will lift this rule later on, let's say when late-game gets close. Or you have to face someone powerful like Pein.
Again, I will play with balancing here, and if you have suggestions, I'm fine with listening to them.
As mentioned before - Naruto is a bit more delicate world to deal with than Marvel/Worm/DC, where finding someone stronger is almost always possible, so I feel it's necessary.
I like that Shield. And such good timing too. That Bridge is the most precious item in the area, narratively that feels very appropriate.
Yeah, the timing for it is really good. Luck was on your side this time around. Although
The Shield mentions this paragraph:
Shield Magic: Shield is able to construct a powerful barrier to protect whomever it's master wishes, it can only be penetrated by powerful enough magical force.
For me, chakra is pretty much 'ninja magic' so sufficient force will absolutely penetrate it. Also, it's 300 points creature, so I will put a limit on how much it can take. I may also do it, in a bit of like Glory Girl forcefield. She can tank ANY hit, but once. In this case, the more powerful hit is, the shorter time this shield lasts.
So in this case, if you used The Shield to tank Pein's Almighty Push at full power, it would tank it, but it would instantly disappear. I think this is fair. I don't want The Shield to become an ultimate 'stop attack' creature all the time.
Also, I'm thinking about how physical attacks directly powered by chakra will act here. I think they will still work but in a less efficient way.