Well, yeah, but I was thinking to roll for a chance to style and gain an advantage.

Or whatever it was called because I've honestly forgotten.
If you're going to roll for that, that'll be your turn spent on an Athletics CaA or Overcome, not a Moves CaA.

And before it slips my mind...
I don't.

I'll have an update written up within two hours.
EDIT: Weapon rating for the clones' parasols is 2.
When using teamwork rules, helpers can only add up to the roller's skill level. A +2 Fight can only get an extra +2 from helpers, a +3 Crafts can only get an extra +3, etc etc. So you've got a +3W2 roll with an extra +2 for +5W2, and two other spare clones.

This is to keep an army mob from immediately one-shotting everything with, say, 50-shift Fight or Shoot attacks.
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When using teamwork rules, helpers can only add up to the roller's skill level. A +2 Fight can only get an extra +2 from helpers, a +3 Crafts can only get an extra +3, etc etc. So you've got a +3W2 roll with an extra +2 for +5W2, and two other spare clones.

This is to keep an army mob from immediately one-shotting everything with, say, 50-shift Fight or Shoot attacks.
Ah! I was unaware of that. I I'm sorry for the erroneous labeling and post then.

Though, wouldn't it be +4W2 roll since the clones only have +2 Fight?

Anyway, since I'd have two/three spare clones, would I be allowed to edit my post to take that into account, or is it too late for that?
Though, wouldn't it be +4W2 roll since the clones only have +2 Fight?
Yes. I took your +1 roll into account when I posted.
Anyway, since I'd have two/three spare clones, would I be allowed to edit my post to take that into account, or is it too late for that?
Go ahead. I haven't replied yet.

Grimlugg deftly brought the UFO to a hover near the hole in the sub, as close as he could to let the boyz get to the fighting as quick as possible.
@Silvan Eldar
You're not forced to have both groups do separate things. You can totally have them all just whale away at the hybrid, it's just written up as two separate rolls.
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You're not forced to have both groups do separate things. You can totally have them all just whale away at the hybrid, it's just written up as two separate rolls.
Ah, I thought that's how it'd read.

I just had them split into two groups to reflect that two of the clones are actually attacking to harm while the two pairs are just there to keep the hybrid occupied.

Also added another roll on the same post as the first.
I just had them split into two groups to reflect that two of the clones are actually attacking to harm while the two pairs are just there to keep the hybrid occupied.
You've got a Fight CaA and a Fight attack then, instead of just two attacks.

...Aaand I just remembered that you made six minions, not five, so you have three minions making a +4 CaA (presumably) for the three others making a +4W2 attack.
You've got a Fight CaA and a Fight attack then, instead of just two attacks.

...Aaand I just remembered that you made six minions, not five, so you have three minions making a +4 CaA (presumably) for the three others making a +4W2 attack.
Huh, didn't really click that I could have minions CaA for another group's actions in the same turn.

But yah, that works.
It's Ethan and Nestor's turn again? Today is more or less a trainwreck (in the I am trying to do five things at once sense, not in a bad bad way) but I'll get something up.
Can I self compel Blinded? If Tsumugi can't see she can't dodge, and I'm wagering it's adding passive opposition to her attack as well.
Can I self compel Blinded? If Tsumugi can't see she can't dodge, and I'm wagering it's adding passive opposition to her attack as well.

I'll allow it, but it'll prevent you rolling defense where vision is a factor until the Aspect is removed. Let me just add a fate point to Tsumugi.

Sorry for not being here yesterday, was dealing with some bug problems.
Storing rolls here.

Nui Minions, Fight CaA Distraction +5 and Fight Atk +4W2 vs. Hybrid F
Spark, Moves CaA Agility +4 vs. Environment
Ryouga, Ath CaA No Escape +4 vs. Hybrid F
Ethan, Notice CaA An Opening! +5 vs. Hybrid F
Nestor, Fight Atk +3 vs. Hybrid F
Celestia, Magic CaA Entangled ?? vs. Hybrid M

Hybrid F, Magic Defend vs. Nui Minions, Ryouga, Nestor, Ethan
Hybrid M, Ath Defend vs. Celestia

Minions get a boost and a 2-shift hit in on the female Hybrid. Using the Hybridization ability to boost her Magic defend vs. Ryouga from +3 to +5. Nestor ties, if he has a weapon he'll deal stress, if he doesn't he gets a boost. Ethan successfully creates An Opening!

Spending a FP and invoking Celestia's HC to reroll her Magic CaA. Not as good as I'd hoped at +5, but no stylish success for the male Hybrid who successfully defends at +6.

Nothing particularly difficult is hindering Spark from using Agility, so he gets to place the Agility aspect with one free invocation.

Fixing the errors I made on the initial stress tracks (because I didn't fix those when making them from a regular Hybrid base), stress tracks look like this:

M Hybrid:
Phys: [1]OOOOOX
Ment: OO
Cons: [X][2P]​
F Hybrid:
Phys: OOXX
Ment: OO
Magi: OOOO​
Physical: [1]OOOOO
Mental: OOOO
Magical: XXOOOOOO​

E: Nestor has Black Jest at W3. 3 shifts inflicted.
Cyreni threw 12 3-faced dice. Reason: Hybrid F Magic +5 Total: 21
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Cyreni threw 8 3-faced dice. Reason: Hybrid F Magic +5 Total: 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1
Cyreni threw 8 3-faced dice. Reason: Celestia Magic CaA +5 Total: 14
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3
Cyreni threw 4 3-faced dice. Reason: Hybrid M Ath +4 Total: 10
3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
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Sorry for not responding. RL + Trying to decide how Miriam should react to Tsumugi being blinded.

Apparently, from the research I've found online, police training doesn't cover what to do when you're blinded by a magitech canon.

Also, @Xellos Do I need to roll to notice when I had Miriam look down the hole in the sub?
Sorry for not responding. RL + Trying to decide how Miriam should react to Tsumugi being blinded.

Apparently, from the research I've found online, police training doesn't cover what to do when you're blinded by a magitech canon.

Also, @Xellos Do I need to roll to notice when I had Miriam look down the hole in the sub?

You did not.

Incidentally, you used the stored roll for making the barrier on the turret, correct?

What did you use Magic at for said roll? I'm assuming you did it at +3 or +4, given Miriam's low Mana stress bar(unless you feel like using a consequence), but I do need to roll defense for the sub against whatever your result would be. See whether it was just success or succeed with style.
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