So, I'm thinking of how to do my magic, and one option is to not rely on a 'hard' Spellbook that I have to brainstorm from scratch. This would be easier if the Fate Core rules had some examples of Spells and not just how to impliment it in your games. I really don't want to drop a lot of money on the Dresden Files RPG books just so I can learn how to create spells.

Also, did I mention that according to the weather app on my phone, it feels almost 90 Degrees outside (Actual temp is 77 and the real feel is 87), and it's an hour from freaking MIDNIGHT. I've set the thermostat to 63, and I still had to take my shirt off. It's hard to focus sometimes when you get tired and overheat easily.

Now that the complaining is out of the way....I just hope that I don't accidentally come up with a too strong spell or something by accident.
Mega Gardevoir sheet?

I made one with @Xellos and @Umbra after doing Val's, for funnies.

It is a thing of terror elegance.

Mega Gardevoir
An transformation unique to certain Natural Pokemon, Mega Evolution will greatly buff your abilities for a limited amount of time.
  • Mega Evolution: Automatically Create Advantage:Mega Evolved on self. Gain a +3 to all rolls using Will, Moves, and Empathy, and a +1 to moves using Fight, Athletics or Physique.
  • Pixilate: Normal-type Moves become Fairy-type Moves, and gain +2 to damage rolls in addition to the Same Type bonuses.
  • Hyper Beam: Weapon 5, Normal, Shoot. You must wait at least 2 turns (or thirty seconds) between uses, and cannot move or use Moves during that time. When you Succeed With Style, this move becomes AOE, at the point which you hit, attacking everyone within that zone.
  • Enhanced Speed-Tier 2
    You're able to move far faster than the eye can see, or at least so fast that you're only a blur.
    • You always go first in turn order unless there are other entities present who share this ability. If others with this are present, determine turn order among yourselves using Notice. Tier 3 Enhanced Speed trumps this.
    • All your Athletics checks are made at +2, including dodging.
    • Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move two zones without taking a -1 penalty for the supplemental action.
    • Difficulty factors from moving are reduced by 4 when rolling Stealth
  • Dangerous Power: Mega Evolution, while powerful, is not without it's risks. Every five turns or five minutes, you and your partner take a Will check. Bonuses from Advantage:Mega Evolved do not count. If you or your partner fail the Will check, you gain the Consequence:Berserk. When berserk, you will attack, or move/Teleport to attack, the nearest player or NPC, regardless of allegiance.
  • Physical: [No Bonus]
  • Mental: [+OO] [+2]
  • PP: [+OO] [+2]
I made one with @Xellos and @Umbra after doing Val's, for funnies.

It is a thing of terror elegance.

Mega Gardevoir
An transformation unique to certain Natural Pokemon, Mega Evolution will greatly buff your abilities for a limited amount of time.
  • Mega Evolution: Automatically Create Advantage:Mega Evolved on self. Gain a +3 to all rolls using Will, Moves, and Empathy, and a +1 to moves using Fight, Athletics or Physique.
  • Pixilate: Normal-type Moves become Fairy-type Moves, and gain +2 to damage rolls in addition to the Same Type bonuses.
  • Hyper Beam: Weapon 5, Normal, Shoot. You must wait at least 2 turns (or thirty seconds) between uses, and cannot move or use Moves during that time. When you Succeed With Style, this move becomes AOE, at the point which you hit, attacking everyone within that zone.
  • Enhanced Speed-Tier 2
    You're able to move far faster than the eye can see, or at least so fast that you're only a blur.
    • You always go first in turn order unless there are other entities present who share this ability. If others with this are present, determine turn order among yourselves using Notice. Tier 3 Enhanced Speed trumps this.
    • All your Athletics checks are made at +2, including dodging.
    • Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move two zones without taking a -1 penalty for the supplemental action.
    • Difficulty factors from moving are reduced by 4 when rolling Stealth
  • Dangerous Power: Mega Evolution, while powerful, is not without it's risks. Every five turns or five minutes, you and your partner take a Will check. Bonuses from Advantage:Mega Evolved do not count. If you or your partner fail the Will check, you gain the Consequence:Berserk. When berserk, you will attack, or move/Teleport to attack, the nearest player or NPC, regardless of allegiance.
  • Physical: [No Bonus]
  • Mental: [+OO] [+2]
  • PP: [+OO] [+2]
Well, a certain Knight sure didn't skip Leg Day. Also, jesus.
My special talent is repeating what others have said. Just better :V

When you get right down to it, isn't that the very foundation of language? :V


Will GM post for Doppel and Paper Press sometime tomorrow. And possibly get a post up for PS, since I have put that off for a few days.

I do have one last assignment in real life to take care of before I'm free for a while, so I can't devote all of my time to SV.
How much refresh would I charge you for that, @Dalek Ix? Let me count it all up.

Mega Evolution: Seeing as to how you CaA for free (2-shift effect), on top of the overall +12 shifts of effect spread out across six different skills, that would cost you [-7] alone.
Pixilate: A 2-shift effect on top of a beneficial rules exception. [-2].
Hyper Beam: Looks like a juiced-up move akin to the ShiShi Hokodan, which is free for Ryouga since it's just an extension of Ki Martial Arts. No cost.
Speed II: Usual cost of [-3].
Dangerous Power: It's a drawback. [+1].
Extra four stress boxes total up to [-2].

Overall I price the whole package at [-13].
Before I head off to bed, here's a fairly accurate version of me trying to keep cool:
Now, if you all excuse me, I'll be getting some cold water and heading to bed.
Unless the plot takes a very significant tonal shift, I do not believe this is going to end with everybody going their super saiyan equivalent and beating up Xenolestia that way. :p

So I don't believe Mega Valerie is likely to be a thing, at least not in that form.
How much refresh would I charge you for that, @Dalek Ix? Let me count it all up.

If I wanted to optimize it, I'd make Dangerous Power a bit more dangerous (Requiring a Will check immediately after transformation, and another every three turns/minutes, maybe? With the will check being rather high.)

Mega Val is more of an exercise.
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Unless the plot takes a very significant tonal shift, I do not believe this is going to end with everybody going their super saiyan equivalent and beating up Xenolestia that way. :p

So I don't believe Mega Valerie is likely to be a thing, at least not in that form.
Same with my original idea of my character awakening as an Agito (Psychic armored being whose powers evolves over time) during the time period of this RP. I'll just leave that for Post-RP Shenanigans.
Shiraui Tsumugi

High Concept: Monstrous Bio-Mech Girl
Trouble: Young for Her Size
Born of Two Worlds
Guided by Deep Friendships
Tech, not Magic​

+5: Athletics, Physique
+4: Fight, Self-modification
+3: Shoot, Notice
+2: Empathy, Will
+1: Rapport, Lore, Investigate

Physical: OXOO(XOXX)
Armor: 2 vs Physical
Mental: OOO
Consequences: +1 Mild Physical
Refresh: 1

Kabi Claws (Fight): Weapon [4]

Enhanced Speed 2
Enhanced Strength 2
Enhanced Durability 2
Quick Healer 1
Saving Grace:
+2 to overcome with Will when directly defending her friends.
Undying Core: Extreme consequence can't be filled by physical attacks. This effect does not apply to weapons made with Kabi or at/above weapon quality 6. When all other consequences and stress are taken up Tsumugi's ena is entirely destroyed and she is rendered helpless until she can regenerate naturally.
Probe: Tsumugi can extend a probe from her chest to gain access to areas normally too small for her main body. The probe retains all mental/emotional skills as her consciousness is shared between it and the main form, but enhanced traits are sealed, and physical skills are reduced by two steps with the exception of Self-Modification. In probe form Tsumugi can't use this skill to create armor/weapons. Instead, for no additional fate point she can assume the appearance of someone she's seen before (purely cosmetic, requires Will to maintain if stressed, and clothing is not included). Any damage she takes in probe form must be applied as the minor consequence Injured Probe first, and the probe will need to be retracted.
Malleable Form: For a fate point Tsumugi can roll Self-Modification to create or modify weapons and armor from her ena. Effectiveness and complexity fix the roll DC, which can also be modified by the time to create the object or upgrade, and the duration of usability. Anything that would take more than a moderate fraction of her overall mass to create is generally impossible, and complex equipment she creates won't function or last without a source of Heigus particles from her main body.​

Enhanced Speed-Tier 2
You're able to move far faster than the eye can see, or at least so fast that you're only a blur.
  • You always go first in turn order unless there are other entities present who share this ability. If others with this are present, determine turn order among yourselves using Notice. Tier 3 Enhanced Speed trumps this.
  • All your Athletics checks are made at +2, including dodging.
  • Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move two zones without taking a -1 penalty for the supplemental action.
  • Difficulty factors from moving are reduced by 4 when rolling Stealth
Enhanced Strength-Tier 2
You are really damn strong. You're able to lift and break things you shouldn't, and people in your way tend to be very, very sorry.
  • Gain a +6 to your Physique score whenever rolling to to lift or break an inanimate object, wall, or possibly stationary magical barriers.
  • Gain a +2 to Physique when rolling it in conjunction with a grapple; this also allows you to inflict a 3-stress hit on a grappled opponent as a supplemental action.
  • With attacks that depend on muscular force, stress you inflict is increased by +4 on a successful hit.

Enhanced Durability-Tier 2
You can casually endure punishments that would kill a normal man.
  • Naturally have Armor:2 against all physical stress
  • Four additional boxes of physical stress capacity.

Quick Healer-Tier 1
You recover from punishment fast, and you can keep going for longer than normal.
  • When recovering from physical consequences, you don't need to succeed at an action that justifies recovery. It begins automatically.
  • Out of combat, you recover from consequences as if they were one grade lower in severity. Severe recovers in a day to a week with no other justification, Moderate in around 30 minutes to an hour, and Mild disappears when you clear out your stress track.
  • You may skip a night of sleep with no ill effects.
  • In combat, once per scene, you may clear away a Mild physical consequence as a supplemental action.
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Do either of you want a GM post? You two look like you're stuck in a rut where you both wait for the other persons character to take the lead and do something, leading to nothing getting done.
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Do either of you want a GM post? You two look like you're stuck in a rut where you both wait for the other persons character to take the lead and do something, leading to nothing getting done.
That's not true! I think we might also be waiting on Miriam to some extent.

A GM post would be nice, yes.
That's not true! I think we might also be waiting on Miriam to some extent.

tankdrop24 is waiting for Mina. Mina is waiting for MData. MData is waiting for...

I was waiting for @Mew to respond. After that, I was going to respond to them.

Though if you want, I could respond to them right now.

Ah, alright.

If Mew doesn't respond in the next day or so, please respond to them.

A GM post would be nice, yes.

For now, it looks okay, but if nothing happens by 1st of July, I'll likely timeskip you two back to the UFO.
At the very least, if nothing else, my team has won an olympic gold medal in the waiting game.

*looks at Moonlight Phantasm*

You understand nothing of waiting. :V

Ah, so we'll be teleported back the UFO by the power of Canada.


Actually, you'll be teleported back to the UFO by the power of "that is three weeks past your last IC post", but Canada Day could help, I guess.