Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

Anyway, hm, I could've sworn that previously Helen's sheet had said Hyperaccelerated Learning meant she got a feat every level, not a feat every odd level and a skill or tool every even level... and your post about leveling up says the same. With that change and the current plan, I'd say she picks up proficiency in Carpenter's Tools this level. (Still very much looking at my prior pick for level 3, though!)

Everything else looks good at a glance.

Hyperaccelerated Learning got nerfed a bit at some previous point, I think in part because I decided 20 feats was a bit much for 5e. (3.5 on the other hand...)

I'll update accordingly - if anyone thinks of other ideas for a proficiency, please share!
Hyperaccelerated Learning got nerfed a bit at some previous point, I think in part because I decided 20 feats was a bit much for 5e. (3.5 on the other hand...)

I'll update accordingly - if anyone thinks of other ideas for a proficiency, please share!

Yeah, understandable. 5e feats are pretty large compared to 3.x feats, and tend to be free of any need to build up to a desired result.
Chapter 1.2.0: Fourty-Eight Hours
Adjusting to Earthtime (you kind of have to; Helen and Eira aren't necessarily so bound), you've got two evenings, two mornings, and one afternoon to occupy (assuming Eira and Helen sleep at similar times, leaving the nights for gaming) before the packages - both from the orders earlier today (earthtime) and now the one for the tools arrive.

The first step of this plan is obvious: Get Helen and Eira doing something(s). Eira diving in on cooking is easy enough - thankfully, grocery delivery's faster than packages. Helen…

"Well, there's a most obvious focus," the paladin observes, "in the form of building knowledge of the building techniques we've got with these tools."

"... That's. Yeah. Probably a good plan," you observe. "Mind, that'll probably get boring after a while."

Helen shrugs. "I can work on that later."


Plz No Kibitz

"Later", it turns out, is only like five hours. It turns out that secret building techniques from the 11th through 15th centuries - things that certain guilds of the time would kill to protect - are actually kinda easy to figure out when viewed from a 21st or 24th century perspective where physics education is highly common.

This is unfortunately timed, because by four hours in, you're an hour into a session of the Space-themed 4X game, Galactic Earthbuilders.

And now she's observing, quietly. Until…

"... Wait. Why would you skip so many planets?"

You blink. "... It's common meta to focus on key resource planets first."

Helen blinked. "Wait, so specific planets are much better for certain resources, but all of them are capable of sustaining life?"

That… You blink. "I mean. That's."

"Not very realistic, no."

Of course the actual space captain would know this sort of thing better than 21st-century sci-fi game crafters trying to balance making a fun game with only having semideveloped theory to work with. But given everything…

"Yeah. Sometimes realism has to be sacrificed to serve gameplay," you eventually manage.

Helen smiles. "I should try some real-world tactics against the game at some point. Remind me to work with you on getting a suitable computer later."

That's gonna be a couple paychecks away, you can't help but note internally, but outwardly you keep yourself to a simple, "Probably not a bad plan. A chance to see a different perspective on things, maybe?"

"... Also might be good for distracting Eira. Hopefully she doesn't get too bored stuck in this apartment in the immediate term."


The Prevention of Foxgirl Zoomies

Helen Garland is a good person - someone with strong ideals who is genuinely committed to trying her damnedest to see them through and think about them.

She may also be very good at predicting what will happen while hoping it won't, based on Eira Nicholls' reactions to being in a confined space for a long period of time. (It's not even been that long, only ten PM Earthtime…)

Tail floofed wide and shaking. She wants to bounce and is suppressing the urge, instead tilting from side to side, in only her underwear. "Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored…"

… Maybe it's time to intervene, before she starts who knows what?

The question, of course, being how to intervene. And the answer clearly being to surrender to your darkest instincts as a demoness of lust, taking what you desire from the innocent and leaving ash in your wake, nyahahah-

Yeah, you can't keep that up even in your headspace for long anymore. The whole turning out to be an isekai protag thing complicates everything in your life, doesn't it.

What you can do, however, being in the full succubus outfit, is walk up to her, place your hands behind her, and pull her by her shoulders until her face is in your cleavage.

"Bored, bored, mmph, mmp - mmmmmph."

It takes her a few seconds to process what's happened. Her tail droops, the hairs no longer on edge, as she breathes a bit.

"I get it," you say to her. "And we definitely need to do more if we're going to hide in here more often, which seems likely."

… She's nodding in a way clearly intended to rub her nose against your left tit. She's not subtle about her perv side when she's granted half the chance, is she?

"I… Hmm." You close your eyes a bit, getting a read on her. "... You're not really in the horny mood, are you?"

Eira blinks, leaning out just enough to be intelligible. "I mean. No? Like, this is nice and all, but…"

"... Just not specifically leaning sex. That's fair and reasonable."

"I know the whole situation, but that's still so weird to hear, you realize that, right?"

You smirk. "A demoness of desire can reflect desires both base and complicated with ease, dear~"

"..." She wraps her hands around your waist, hugging you, rubbing her cheek against your chest a bit.

"But maybe it's better to ask what you do want?", you respond. "Or do you even know?"

Eira pauses, clearly thinking. "Um."

You blink. "... You don't know, do you?"


"... Helen kinda guessed you might not be ready for this kind of wait. Like, I've got access to kinds of entertainment different from anything you've seen before, but would they interest you?"

"... Mmm." Eira pondered this a bit. "I mean, the games seem interesting, but getting myself to focus long enough to learn the essentials…"

You ponder. "... Might just be a solvable problem~"

Eira seems to think for a moment or two, before her eyes light up. The idea of magically inducing an attention span seems to not be something she's thought of before.

"Mind," you observe. "We should probably save that for when I'm ready to work with you."

Eira's tail is wagging in excitement at the prospect.

"So, for now… You should go get a decent night's sleep."

"Yeeees," Eira responded, accepting the compelling spell easily. "Night night~"

Aaaand she's off.

This means you'll need to actively take effort on this later, but that's not much of a problem as long as you're ready for it.


Board Game Afternoon

A night of game and a morning with Eira's cooking is enough to have you calmed down. Helen, similarly, seems to be busy with some reading from that book of hers.

"So. Time to mix things up," you declare confidently at the table.

"... Erm," Eira mutters, before you stand up, walk over to a shelf, and pull out a box, setting it down on the table.

"One of my favorite board games," you explain, immediately drawing an interested "Ahhhh" from Eira and a blink from Helen… Followed, after a moment, by a "Sure I guess."

The board is out quickly, as Eira notes, "We've got a couple games like this, but…" She glances to the shelf, before a surprised…

"HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE?!?! Have you even Opened some of them?!?!", Eira shouts as she shudders. Helen barely suppresses a laugh as you pause in embarrassment.

"I, uh. Kept backing funding campaigns," you admit. "Usually the game was what you got for helping make it happen. Didn't get to play with a lot of people, though…"

"Because terminal onlineness?", Eira offers. Your shoulders slump a bit, Helen smiling a bit…

… Before proffering, "And let me guess. Most of them are for four players."


"Well. Let's see how this one goes, and maybe others another time?"

You nod. "Yeah."

It's a good couple hours as they learn the particulars of this tile-matching game. Eira seems nicely engaged for a while.

Your track of time reminds you to get ready for evening things soon, though. "... Five rounds, everyone took at least one. Seems pretty good so far."

Helen blinks. "Your sense of the 'chain' mechanic is definitely… Unexpected."

"That kind of puzzle game is, uh, super common, so I built a sense for the block falling mechanics, that's all." You shrug. "That said… Eira~"

Eira blinks. "Uh?"

"I'm thinking maybe it'd be good to get you focused on some of what Helen's learning, maybe?"

"... Like, magically compelling me?"

"If you want."

Helen sighs even as she and you see Eira nod in approval. "For the next four hours or so, focus on reviewing Helen's notes and developing your knowledge of the construction techniques she's preparing for the Kobolds - ask questions only after your first full lap through the notes, so you're not being TOO annoying."

You can almost hear her tail droop as the suggestion kicks in. This is something she'd normally find hellaciously boring, but between liking being compelled into doing things (still feels weird) and acknowledging that this is kinda important, there is basically no resistance. "Helen, may I see your notes?"

Helen nods, shooting you a bit of a look - as if to clearly say that maybe you shouldn't be this cavalier about using the power. Advisement you implicitly take at least somewhat seriously.



Another night - for you, this one is your own turn to study the notes, using internet research instead of Helen research - and another morning precede the doorbell rings (Eira clearly jumping a bit - right, she hasn't heard this before); when you open it, there's packages on… Well, it's the ground of the tent, but simultaneously the porch. Quickly, you pull them inside and shut the door before you think about this too hard.

Eira glances at the material they're in… By now, she's gotten the hang of cardboard, but this is thicker and clearly more capable of handling some abuse, so it's fascinating to her.

There's actually two sets of packages - one from the order before you investigated the Kobolds, then a second with the tools for the Kobolds.

Fortunately, the boxes are marked fairly clearly. So you can open the first, smirk, and very carefully limit what you pull out of it. Eira seems curious, but a quick glance her way convinces her to wait on looking at what the perverse desires of a Succubus, demon of Lust, may be inspired by.

What you do pull out is the adventuring materials - into your adventuring backpack goes a roll of duct tape, a knife with a small saw edge, a nice Swiss-brand multitool, a few lockpicks (just in case), and a headlamp provide some potential new utility tricks.

Helen's box includes a matching knife, multitool, and lamp, but also a pile of medical supplies - which she hastily sorts into a plastic box., "What I wouldn't do for a medicorder," she mutters… "But these'll still help." Attached to her pack is what Eira, based on her ears flattening at the sight of it, easily recognizes as a signaling whistle.

As Helen pulls out a little bundle, Eira tilts her head. "Wait, that's…"

"An emergency blanket," Helen explains.

"How the heck can - never mind, material science isn't it."

Helen nods. "Heat reflective material. It's… Not going to beat any local material on comfort, but putting it around someone can get them off the ground enough to keep them warm."

Eira pauses. "... Guess I'm not used to thinking of the ground as deathly cold, but it makes sense."

The Vulpecian needs no explanation for the spade, the small hatchet, or the modern hiking boots and the long underwear. "I'll change over to some of this before we go out," Helen observes as she sorts everything.

Eira nods, before practically tearing into her box like she's been waiting for far, far too long. (Patience may not be her greatest virtue.)

Lockpicks go in the pouch alongside her older picks, then that onto her belt. The shoes… If you weren't paying attention, it'd be hard to spot they were of modern make. And when she slips them on and takes her first steps, she's smiling. "Oh, these are quiet. And soft. The bump in the middle's different, but feels right somehow. I'll need to adjust, but…"

You nod. "Hopefully they'll be a big win."

The headband lamp, she slides under her bandana, checking the fit. "... Mmm. Maybe only when I need it," she says, moving it to a pouch.

You chuckle. "Yeah, I wouldn't wear mine all the time either."

The tape and a metal water bottle go into storage - Helen pauses, noting that bottle could be heavy enough to knock someone silly used right. You have to clarify that might break the thing… But that might still be enough to save someone, so, worth keeping in mind.

The small shovel confuses Eira a bit… But not as much as the rope, as she toys with it a bit. "... Seriously. Your materials science stuff is terrifying. The uses for this for second-story work could be amazing."

You nod. "Pretty much everyone swears by something like it for one or another use, I find. It can support more kinds of knots, too."

"Good thing I looked up a few, then," Eira responds, before moving on to the water filter kit, the oil spray, the cookpots (she almost looks ready to try WD-40 on the cookpots before you warn her off - "that stuff's kinda toxic!"), and…

She's shirtless and the wraps around her chest are off in under a second before she's pulling the sports bra on. Helen by now is used to Eira being forward, but still seems surprised at this.

"... Oh. Oh this feels nice," she says, before glancing at the comfy looking shorts and plain T-shirt. "... Those I think are for around here."

"Probably," You respond.

"And that leaves…"

You nod, opening the final box.

High-quality hand drills and augers. With a little training, one set of these should be good for weeks of work on the Kobolds' part - more if they can figure out a good way to keep the edges sharp.

With these and a bit of saw work, they can start doing three-dimensional construction without rope lashing using peg-and-spoke techniques (to much more sturdy results, too!). Good enough for some serious advantages in fortmaking… And the tools are themselves impressive enough to help sell that you're some kind of dread angel out to empower them in return for service.

Eira nods. "I'm guessing we remove the packaging and stuff?"

"Yep," you nod; it doesn't take long to get that done, between the three of you.

"And now," Helen says… "We get them working."


Post-post Notes

All three of the party can now be considered Proficient with hand-operated peg-and-spoke construction tools. (Proficiency modifier is +2) Helen, specifically, counts as having Expertise on this (+4). Further, the inventory you purchased back at the Shopping posts is now entirely available; remember to call out the tools in future plans! :D

I found nine possible vignette ideas out of what was proposed, two of which got a plus-one… So I started by rolling 1d11 to pick one.

The board game is loosely referential to a short-lived board game adaptation of Bejeweled I saw once.

With that said, I feel like the path is already defined:

[X] (Okay Now What) Get out there, tools and all, and start introducing a warlike Kobold clan to constructive outlets for their anger. Literally constructive.

Instead of a vote, I would like one reader each to describe the method they propose for each of Senaz, Helen, and Eira use to instruct the Kobolds, most importantly defining which Ability Score they roll (with Proficiency or in Helen's case Expertise) against a 'rolling' difficulty class - each person who totals 10 or higher adds one success, each person who totals 15 or higher adds a second success, and if anyone rolls a 20 or higher, add a third.

And then, naturally, roll it using the Sufficient Velocity dice roller.

Thanks to Talia and sun tzu as usual for the edit loop!
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Aww, that was really fluffy, thanks for the chapter!

Senaz could lean into being a succubus here? Charisma. To be memorable.

"Now remember, you have to work the drill at just... the right... angle- ah!- so your peg goes aaaaaalllllll the way in and doesn't, you know. Snap. If the structure flexes or bends... wrong. Now, I'll take you one at a time to see how you handle your tool, m'kay?"

Although that might be a bit over the top.
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The division of responsibilities I'd reach for is something like... you use Charisma for apathetic students, letting your excitement for the material rub off on them. You use Wisdom for the students that are eager but having trouble understanding the material, by employing WIS's empathy angle to see what's not clicking and/or to approach the material from a common-sense lens. You use Intelligence and Dexterity for the students who are keeping up and eager, because those are the ones who'll benefit most from an especially sharp and (physically) skilled instructor.

That would naturally map to Senaz on CHA (it's her isekai cheat, after all), Helen on WIS, and Eira on INT/DEX, respectively.

Edit: I'm a little unclear on what we-the-players are meant to do mechanically here? Will you be calling for rolls later, or is the idea just that each of us rolls for the ideas we submit?
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Helena, of course, needs to continue acting Charmed. Which probably leads into her being happy to do what Senaz says, but not responsive to the kobolds unless specifically instructed. Very direct, plenty of demonstration, probably casually leverage her superior strength relative to a kobold when holding beams in place, give a realistic impression of trying to simultaneously show off to Senaz and demonstrate her superiority in the pecking order to the kobolds to 'hold on to her right-hand minion spot'.

Really, probably just focus on the work of the physical demonstrations in order to leverage her Strength and a touch of Intimidation to keep the kobolds in line.

Edit: Well, I can roll a d20.

But not very well!
Razzocnor threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Helen! Total: 4
4 4
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Aww, that was really fluffy, thanks for the chapter!

Senaz could lean into being a succubus here? Charisma. To be memorable.

"Now remember, you have to work the drill at just... the right... angle- ah!- so your peg goes aaaaaalllllll the way in and doesn't, you know. Snap. If the structure flexes or bends... wrong. Now, I'll take you one at a time to see how you handle your tool, m'kay?"

Although that might be a bit over the top.

She might have to roll a Wisdom save against sheer mortification...
Eira seems like above all else she needs to keep moving, so likely she'll be focused on things like passing tools around as needed, moving boards, catching things about to collapse, making sure there's water at hand for people to drink, and similar physical support for the overall effort.

EDIT: ...and apparently still be bored by that.
Pteryx threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Eira's roll Total: 2
2 2
I'm getting the impression that the earlier Sanez proposal might not be meant to be taken seriously

Sanez is will her channel her EVIL side and set herself up as the head of Kobold recourses.
Meaning that she tries to get to know at least a few Kobold Minions and explore what kind of job makes the hearts of those Kobolds race faster, if they have ideas for workplace improvements and how they like their teams. (And maybe set Kobolds try to set up Kobolds who might make good 'roommates' together. Shippers gotta ship after all.)

EDIT: Rolling because everyone else who proposed a plan had rolled.
Double edit::sad: I'm sorry people (And I was really looking forward to some Kobold Yaoi too. Because representation and all that)

Triple edit: Upon further thought; wouldn't it be a fun situation if this was a crit-fail because Senaz was too good of a matchmaker:V
WallFlower threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Sanez Total: 1
1 1
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I noticed a minor typo in the below, it should be note instead of not

That's gonna be a couple paychecks away, you can't help but not internally, but outwardly you keep yourself to a simple, "Probably not a bad plan. A chance to see a different perspective on things, maybe?"
Chapter 1.2.1: Communication Barely Ensues
Senaz''s Plan: Charisma (with Proficiency), start to know the Kobolds and learn their things. Matchmake a little. Roll: Nat 1. Oh Dear.
Helen's Plan: Strength (with Expertise), focusing on raw direction by demonstration. Roll: 4 + 3 + 4 = 11. She's the only one to get a useful result.
Eira's Plan: Dexterity (with Proficiency), zooming around moving materials and generally keeping things going. Roll: 2 + 3 + 2 = 8. She technically helps more than Senaz.

The tent flap dramatically opens, with you grinning maniacally. "And here we go. Fresh from the future of the Abyss itself, the tools for the next generation of construction."

The tools you've provided are relatively simple, but difficult to impossible to craft with standard smithing techniques - the most important of them being auguring drills, capable of creating a hole while leaving a peg in the center. Combine with a matching hand drill, and you can turn the top of one piece of wood into a peg that perfectly fits in a hole in another.

Torgo, under the influence of your charm, looks impressed. Many of the other Kobolds… Maybe not so much, but they're at least curious.

"Helen, you seem to be the one who best knows how to work these… So, how about you lead by demonstration? Start setting something up."

"Of course," Helen responds.

"Eira, I'm pretty sure they'll be working on things quickly… So I'd like you to focus on keeping materials handy for people. Pass tools around, move wood around, water, you get the idea."

The fox responds with a slightly mockish salute.

"As for me… It's time I get to understand my minions a little."


Four hours in, you close the flap to the tent.

This isn't going well. Not at all.

Having Torgo both defeated and charmed has prevented this turning into a situation where you three have to flee for your lives or at least respectability. But very quickly, people are actively turning their attention to the charmed Paladin over you the moment they get a quarter of a chance.

You've heard it said that on some worlds, Succubi actively wither and take damage from being rejected. You don't think it works like that here, but it is still depressing that you scarcely got the names of most of them.

Eira's efforts are going only a little bit better. She's quick, sure, but she keeps not quite being in the optimal place at the right time to really speed things along. She's at least getting a few notes of thanks, which is better than you got. Tail solidarity maybe?

Helen, on the other hand… Well. Could be doing worse. But also could be doing better. Focusing on showing the tools and how to work them in tandem with a saw to build the pegs and sockets and turn them into things at least has the kobold's interest… But she slips in just behind you, looking more frustrated than anything.

"You think they're gonna snap the tools sooner than get good results out of them?"

"Not that bad. But they're in 'knows enough to be a danger to themselves' territory with the overall techniques, rather than the desired 'knows enough to be helpful or dangerous to people that aren't themselves' area."

You sigh and nod. Helen continues, "Also, you let yourself… Backslide's not the word, you weren't doing things I'd call wrong? Other than trying to suggest two straight dudes flirt."

(Charisma Save vs. instant self-KO: Nat 20)

She heard that. She heard your kobold gaydar collapse. (Do they even call it 'gaydar' in her time?)

It takes less effort than you'd like to admit to maintain composure in the wake of such a moment. But it still is a moment of pain.

"... So. Now what?", you respond. "The idea that they dislike me even if they're treating me as the leader kinda hurts."

"You don't keep trying," Helen responds. "Not yet. Give them space. We'll step in and help adjust things so they don't hurt themselves. And try to warm up to them again later. For now… I suggest you act like you're a bit offended by their not accepting your attempt to connect. A bit aloof. It'll make the second try, another day, more impactful."

"Right. Got it."

Helen chuckles. "For a demoness of lust, you're not that great with some people."

"Better with humans, I guess."

"And vulps."

"And vulps."

"Elves, maybe?"


"I could go on, but the point's established. You messed it up here, but it's recoverable. More importantly, they're building."


By nightfall, they've gone from "are building" to "have built." Left to their own devices, they cut some more trees, and while the drills and saws they have don't allow for particularly refined lumber, they're enough to reinforce some of the tents by replacing branch pegs with slightly formed socket pegs (Helen seems impressed that they tried angled gaps unprompted), and even built a couple raised posts along the front wall.

No one's thought to try digging into the hill yet, but that just leaves an idea for tomorrow.

There's some slightly more useful results by the time evening falls - and the hunting group you found earlier arrives, bewildered at said results.

Torgo is first to greet them, pointing towards you. "New boss. The lady in black, obviously. She's a Succubus. Has the paladin under her sway."

The hunters blink, but nod. Torgo calling you 'new boss' seems enough. "More interestingly," he continues, "She showed us some interesting new construction techniques."

"Think it'd impress the folks back home?", one of the Hunters manages.

"... It's not home anymore," Torgo responds. "But yeah. I feel like a couple more things like this, and we don't need the Dread Valley people anymore."

"... But then what's the plan?"

It's at this point you step in. "Leave that to me to work out. For now, though, reinforce the camp. That hill over there could get you a bit of proper underground - dig under it and use some formed wood to create supports to hold the roof up. Repeat bit by bit…"

The hunter pauses. "... Not as good as rock tunnels. But cooler than surface tents. Works until we can get a cave."

You nod. "In the longer term, we want to establish a more permanent settlement. But a good location… That's trickier."

"Because there's the big human fort off in the distance, and Dread Valley around here somewhere and who knows what they're up to?"

"The human settlement may actually be an opportunity. Also, the fact that you basically don't have certain things critical to a long term tribe."

Torgo sighs. "Okay, maybe bringing only angryfolk wasn't great."

"Because it means you brought, by my count, exactly zero women or children. It's like you were intending to power an entire tribe off toxic masculinity."

Torgo's head drooped, the induced trust making your words hit harder. "... Wasn't a good plan."

"So, yeah. We need to build you up, and we need to figure out a way to convince some of your fellows to join. We're talking farms, trade… I think you get the idea. But, for now, you're on a smart track. Including what looks like enough meat for the entire group for several days."

The hunters looked proud of that. "Some things don't change. Like the value of a fully grown deer."

Helen can't help but chuckle there. "I'll stick to beef, when I can get it."

"Ehhh, you humans don't get it. Venison tastes like the effort that went into getting it!", the hunter responded.

You shrug a bit, as if not caring for such petty details.

"Helen, Eira. Time for the next bit of plan."


You move all the way into the apartment, your teammates following, before you sigh.

"Okay, so, they got a few things going in spite of the training being a mess."

Helen sighs. "You went entirely off the rails there, honestly. I'm glad we got much of any results, though getting them up to stronger works will take longer."

Eira sighs. "Just as long as we don't expect to be runners every time."

You nod. "We've got a bit of a group. The ultimate goal should probably be aligning them with Arnstey Keep. But…"

Helen sighs. "Whether the Keep will be cool with the kobolds is a good question, if they're suspicious of some species."

Eira nodded. "Which, unfortunately, they probably will be. Especially an entire population at once."

"Meaning," you finish, "They need something suitable to motivate starting from a place of alliance. Which would be easier if they had more than the more aggressive-minded fighters with them. The question is… What?"

[ ] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Eira might suggest focusing on getting them up to a proper tribe quickly - find a way to get messages to Torgo the Elder that might motivate some more of his tribe to come to Torgo the Younger. This would produce a Kobold group more visibly motivated towards stability.
[ ] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Helen might suggest giving them some bigger technological edges - and then offering to trade technology with the Keep as a basis for mutual aid.
[ ] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Senaz might suggest going to the Keep leadership first - convince them to reach out to the Kobolds, rather than the other way around.
[ ] (Diplomatic Development Plan) They might instead agree to hold off entirely for now, let the kobolds literally and figuratively dig in, and focus on the larger objective - the Cult of Chaos who the kobolds were previously hoping to align with.
[ ] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Write-In a combination of plans or an entirely different plan.
[ ] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Something happens to complicate things, preventing or delaying otherwise-developed ideas.
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Eira might suggest focusing on getting them up to a proper tribe quickly - find a way to get messages to Torgo the Elder that might motivate some more of his tribe to come to Torgo the Younger. This would produce a Kobold group more visibly motivated towards stability.
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Senaz might suggest going to the Keep leadership first - convince them to reach out to the Kobolds, rather than the other way around.
I'm really tempted to go with Eira's idea, but there is still a ritual going on in the background right?
When not sure, enter the Ninja's
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Something happens to complicate things, preventing or delaying otherwise-developed ideas.

You sigh and nod. Helen continues, "Also, you let yourself… Backslide's not the word, you weren't doing things I'd call wrong? Other than trying to suggest two straight dudes flirt."
For shame Sanez, haven't you learned not to assume peoples gender and sexuality by now. Just because they re a band of strong men who chose to go on a odyssey together doesn't that they want to step into the footsteps of Achilles and Patroclus
Absolutely no words *Shakes head*:whistle:
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) They might instead agree to hold off entirely for now, let the kobolds literally and figuratively dig in, and focus on the larger objective - the Cult of Chaos who the kobolds were previously hoping to align with.
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) They might instead agree to hold off entirely for now, let the kobolds literally and figuratively dig in, and focus on the larger objective - the Cult of Chaos who the kobolds were previously hoping to align with.
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) They might instead agree to hold off entirely for now, let the kobolds literally and figuratively dig in, and focus on the larger objective - the Cult of Chaos who the kobolds were previously hoping to align with.

I'm content with this. Let's scout all the players before we start making moves in the game.
[X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) They might instead agree to hold off entirely for now, let the kobolds literally and figuratively dig in, and focus on the larger objective - the Cult of Chaos who the kobolds were previously hoping to align with.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Apr 17, 2024 at 4:45 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) They might instead agree to hold off entirely for now, let the kobolds literally and figuratively dig in, and focus on the larger objective - the Cult of Chaos who the kobolds were previously hoping to align with.
    [X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Eira might suggest focusing on getting them up to a proper tribe quickly - find a way to get messages to Torgo the Elder that might motivate some more of his tribe to come to Torgo the Younger. This would produce a Kobold group more visibly motivated towards stability.
    [X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Senaz might suggest going to the Keep leadership first - convince them to reach out to the Kobolds, rather than the other way around.
    [X] (Diplomatic Development Plan) Something happens to complicate things, preventing or delaying otherwise-developed ideas.