Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

That closes off some shenanigans. It's one thing to beg Helen to keep her as a pet because it's funny, but another thing if it makes us racist.
So what I'm getting from this is we need to find a way to add her to the party. It's an extra set of hands, and I'd be on board with that despite it having its own ups and downs. Besides, it gets us more cuddling with not just Helen (hopefully), but also a cute vulpinae!

[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
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So what I'm getting from this is we need to find a way to add her to the party. It's an extra set of hands, and I'd be on board with that despite it having its own ups and downs. Besides, it gets us more cuddling with not just Helen (hopefully), but also a cute vulpinae!

I'm going to say that Senaz views this as Probably A Bad Idea - as far as she knows, Eira is a fairly typical commoner, so bringing her on the quest would involve putting her in grave danger for limited benefit.
Instead, it will just be the beginning of a running joke of how Senaz has a fox-girl in every town.

Edit: unbeknownst most, it will actuall be the same foxgirl every time. She just turns out to be really dedicated at getting to every town ahead of Senaz, and one or two gold coins from a charitable adventurer can buy many carriage tickets.
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There is always the option of implying;

[:V] (Honest To Fox) This is all wrong; the succubus is supposed to be the one inciting the bad things. The only ones who are supposed to hunt us are paladins who will drag bad girls into their dungeons where they spank us with or without whips until we confess to being bad girls and promise to do better next time.

EDIT: I feel like I've put a foot in my mouth with this, 'this is secretly a game' joke.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Sep 15, 2022 at 5:15 PM, finished with 29 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
    [X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
    [X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.
    [X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
    [X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.
    [X] (Helen's Flirt response) Tell her that if she wants to seduce you, she'd better use magic for it and do it responsibly if she wants to be good when it wears off.
    [X] (Fluffy Tail?) Spin Eira around and put her in the Marshmallow Purgatory - you're not sure where the Red Queen got that name for "shove someone's face in your cleavage" from, but it's marvelously effective as long as they're sexually attracted to you, which she seems to be.
    [X] (Helen's Flirt response) Firmly turn down the date request, but let her know you get it and are cool with her doing so, especially given she did so without her powers.
    [X] (Fluffy Tail?) Don't offer, just go straight to the charm and get her to calm down first - Helen will probably excuse you doing so as long as you limit the use to cooling the situation. Then figure out what's next.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Tell her that if she wants to seduce you, she'd better use magic for it and do it responsibly if she wants to be good when it wears off.

I'm assuming this is the "This Helen actually is a hypnosub." Option. Not that I'm against this option if it's something else....

[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
"I'm Helen Garland, Mighty Pirate!"
"I thought the Heromiller AU of you was more of a fencer musketeer sort."
"Well, yes, but she had the right coat for it."
"True," you have to admit. "But did she have to deal with strange puzzles in that signature LucasArts style that actually took several games for LucasArts to develop?"
"Honestly, I suspect her situation was a bit more Sierra."
"Nah, that's definitely the Mind Control University version."
"... I'm not sure Daphne would like hearing her quest compared to Space Quest, but..."

By which I mean, I may be slightly slowed down in my writing, especially as I wrangle with two implications I previously had not thought of until I started writing the next post. One of which may mean a joke I had already planned goes way, way further in ways that actually could play out great for the longer scenario.

Also, the first piece of art for this campaign will be coming soon - this one is focusing on Helen, since she had a more defined look. Senaz in various looks will come next.


[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Tell her that if she wants to seduce you, she'd better use magic for it and do it responsibly if she wants to be good when it wears off.

I'm assuming this is the "This Helen actually is a hypnosub." Option. Not that I'm against this option if it's something else....

[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.

Just to be clear, the vote had already concluded by this point. And yes, that option would probably imply that Captain Garland has had her share of... "Incidents." Not that it's implausible those are still in my notes.
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Prologue, Part 7: The Very Nice People
(Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.
(Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.

(Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.

(Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

"-Ahahahahah!", you laugh brightly to interrupt Eira before she gets too far down that question. "I mean, if you want to be charmed, dear, I can just do that again if you ask!"

That gets Eira blushing deep red - and you can tell Helen caught it before that too. This girl wanted to be under this influence. Which is very convenient if you don't want to talk about the isekai thing while also making sure Helen doesn't get blamed for the isekai thing! (You still think she tripped you, though.) Just get the foxxo nice and distracted and more focused on the Hot Succubus and preferably away from the door -

Wait, crap. That's a problem if you want to check the time… Thingy. The weirdness that's going on there. You gotta deal with that too. Damn it, you suddenly have way too many responsibilities all at once! But it's… Well, you're not sure. But you can handle. Maybe.

Right now, that means defusing the situation. It'd be nice if you could get a better read on Helen's response to your attempt at flirting, which kinda got interrupted by everything.

But you did slow Eira down, which is good. Enough that she turned towards you, stammering a "yesplease" which clearly highlighted the situation.

You turn towards Helen, smiling a bit but saying little.

Helen shrugs. "I mean, as long as you don't hurt her or break her heart."

You nod, looking towards Eira. "I should be clear this is basically going to be a one night stand sorta thing, then. I… super summarized, there's a thing I need to do, I need the Paladin's help to do it, and it's going to be probably far more dangerous than I'm hoping."

Eira pauses but nods. Helen's expression softens a bit, as the Vulpinae speaks up. "I get what you're saying, I guess. It's just… I don't know. I'm tired of this village, maybe."

"I get it," you respond. "I just… I'm not foolish enough to think I can keep people safe as I am now. Not yet."

"Then make sure this is a night I'll love to remember, okay?", Eira said with a chuckle. "I'll be back at the inn in two hours, with a room waiting~"

Okay. That leaves Helen. Who is smiling a bit. "... Even when you're trying to be a total hedonist, you can't help but be responsible," she observes, still without her full armor on. "To respond to your earlier question before we got distracted by concerns we both think more important and then by something entirely different… Let's go with 'not quite yet'? I think getting to know each other as allies is probably better. Though you are quite cute when you let yourself off the 'must be wicked' hook."

And then she's in your face at a rather impressive speed. "Not that I'm not interested, though. It's just that you've got too much to do and trying to date a Paladin is probably an additional stressor you don't need just yet."

… Damn it, why does the starship captain turned Paladin have to be right???

You resist the urge to pout, though, and look towards the door to your apartment. "... Sounds good. But speaking of larger concerns…"

Back into the apartment it is, but this time, you leave the door open. Helen steps back and forth across the threshold several times, as you go check - 4:24 PM. Very little time change. And…

"Okay, we'd need to do more detailed tests," you conclude. "But right now, it looks like time only flows full-speed on the side of the door I'm in - unless the door's open. That's…"

Helen blinks. "... That's potentially absurdly powerful. It'd be good to do more precise tests if time is stopped or slowed, but the scale of slowing is such that it may be almost a moot point."

"... Not that I asked for this much," You respond, "But it's potentially very good to have in terms of recovery time."

"From your quest, or your job back home?"

You can almost feel weight get added to your shoulders, as you realize this implication. If you're going to do the best you can on both fronts, then neither side is going to be all that relaxing, is it? Unless you drop the job and try to get US currency for bills and such by other means.

Which does leave you with chatting with HR, having spent less time from their perspective than planned, but convincing you to maybe try this?


And Senaz is back at her computer. You've seen computers like this in museums, of course; almost everything from your time is touch or straight-up buttons and switches in most of Compact space, with the in-between of the keyboard and mouse usually only showing up among historic gamers, an admittedly huge hobby. Even their designs are different than this 21st-century scheme.

Notably, however, she's not using the same computer for work as for play; she switches to a, well to be blunt, more boring-looking laptop from her multicolored-lights desktop, though it's connected to the same keyboard and monitors via a dock.

You've, of course, got a fair bit to think about, but you also figured it'd be good to listen in on Senaz's phone call with her HR representative - better to understand how it goes, while you think about… Well, for one, the fact that she can order 21st-century items to be delivered to this apartment.

That's only so good of a shortcut to advancing the technology of this world, but 'so good' is still, well, so good. From what you've seen, the technology of this world amongst large-scale civilizations - so not counting smaller tribes of both static and nomadic nature - is mostly in line with 14th to 15th-century Earth, with magics serving as a 'cheat' for some things. By comparison, you've got access to decent small-scale steelworks, 3D Printing, decent physics modeling, and a decent chunk of the sum of knowledge of the early 21st century - just to name a few examples off the top of your head.

Sure, you'll need to learn the specific technologies and their centuries-old idiosyncrasies, but that should be the easy part. The hard part is how to harness the resources to make large-scale successes without empowering forces of evil or creating chaos in the process. You want to improve the world, after all.

Of course, that also means facing down evil more directly. And also making sure you have allies who can help you do that. Which means pulling off what should be a more complex task than it sounds - keeping a Succubus on the straight and narrow.

This'd be a lot harder if the succubus' most immediate worry weren't her Human Resources representative in a 21st-century capitalist society she was an effectively infinite distance away from. Or, to put it more broadly, her stress level as the entire scope of what she's now dealing with dawns upon her. Her desire to remain connected to her past life turned into a chain keeping her connected to it… Ironic, perhaps, but with the right efforts, it can absolutely be a good thing - for her, you, and this world.

But for now, you're sitting on her bed - and, yeah, it's better than what you usually sleep on but probably needs to be replaced soonish - and it's time to watch Senaz handle a call.


This was not how Dianna Collins wanted her work day to end, that much is obvious on her face.

NoNam Security Group, your (Former? Maybe?) employer, was an odd duck of a company as-is. Kind of a shady firm, overall, but they paid well and you're pretty sure you were not doing anything illegal. And, thankfully, you'd gone to HR before going to your boss. Good call there.

She sighed a bit, face buried in her hands as she thought the situation through. "So, in short, you're dead, except you're also not. Let's just… skip all the 'other world quest' and 'time is fucky' side of things, other than that now there's a continuously-rolling risk that you do die for real, or completely, or whatever. It can't be that much higher a death risk than the Projects."

You're pretty sure it is, in fact, much higher, stereotypes aside, but decide to let her keep rolling, as she continues, "Like, there's all sorts of other questions I can and should be asking on top. Like, you're not some kind of weird AI duplicate of yourself, right?"

"Nope!", you respond with almost beaming confidence. Dressing in a simple T-shirt and skirt didn't hide that you were Rather Unsubtly feminine now, while sadly revealing that you're not Hatsune Miku. (... You could do that, but nah.)

"Okay, then… If I trim a few details and try to not think about the highly unprecedented legal situations this may introduce, it's entirely accurate to say something like… Sean Calvers has experienced extreme physical changes due to an accident. Recovery will involve being outside of the United States for an as-yet-to-be-determined duration. Calvers intends to continue existing work for NoNam Security Group, and will require no special disability accommodations. Separately, Sean Calvers is invoking the NNSG Alternative Gender Identities policy, requesting employees of NoNam Security Group use she/her pronouns, Miss as a titular identifier, and 'Senaz' as a casual name."

You blink a few times. "That sounds… close enough?"

Dianna nods. "All right. So that just leaves the fact that, while Senaz is talking to me right now, and clearly functional, a corpse belonging to Miss Calvers is probably at the town morgue. I will be arranging a solution for that."

Something about those words is terrifying.

"Now, independent of the body problem, which will be handled by independent contractors… You have experienced extreme traumatic circumstances, more or less. So, I should offer you the opportunity to take up to twelve weeks of leave under the Federal Medical Leave Act. Up to three would be paid under the NNSG Partial Assistance Policy. Would you like to accept this?"

[ ] (Job Front) "Honestly, getting a bit of normalcy going would be better, can I just report in tomorrow?"
[ ] (Job Front) "I'd like to take one week; That should be enough to get adjusted to my new status quo."
[ ] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[ ] (Job Front) "All three months, no hesitation. Too much going on over here." (It's good to note that Senaz probably does NOT have three months' expenses saved up, so some hasty moneymaking will be required…)
[ ] (Job Front) "Should I even be keeping this job, honestly? You've suddenly been dropping hints we're some kind of, um, something…" (This of course means finding OTHER ways to make US currency and losing NNSG's help with potential legal complications; also it will clash with Senaz's sense of responsibility, costing her a Fate Point.)

[ ] (The Other Thing) Ask about WTF is gonna happen to your body.
[ ] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.
[ ] (The Other Thing) Ask if the 'contractors' can deliver your body to your apartment. (Helen will be very concerned to say the least...)

[ ] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is extremely interested in this situation and how to potentially exploit it - legitimately or otherwise.
[ ] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is totally a criminal front but isn't (yet?) interested in the interdimensional situation.
[ ] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is mostly legitimate, Dianna is just calling in a favor; NNSG is going to try to steer clear of things as much as possible while still exploiting Senaz's labor.


The "Unknown to Senaz" is a potentially massive campaign influence, so this vote gets a third day for sure.
Oh this is really fun. I think one-three weeks is the best option for how long to take a break, probably don't ask about the body, and all the NNSG options have fun potential.
Yeah, some break time good and unpaid break time bad, asking about the body is. ... unwise. the NNSG options are "hmmm."
I'm thinking 3 weeks, since that's as much as we can get while still being paid, should be enough with the time dilation to iron out the logistical problems we now face.

I don't really know why we'd want the body, I don't think magic can perform full resurrections, especially for bodies dead for a prolonged period of time before casting. And I doubt Helen would approve of necromancy if it exists here, and having the walking corpse of her old non-transition body around probably won't do anything good for Senaz's mental health either. So just let the HR rep dissappear it for us without asking for details. No need to look the gifthorse in the mouth.

Unsure about the NNSG background options, while I doubt they'll be able to actually do much if anything with the other world, I kinda don't want to cross-contaminate either reality? Cyberpunk-lite doesn't need magic and an untapped world's worth of resources to fuel it's problems to new heights, and fantasy-land doesn't need 21st century Capitalist powers arriving out of nowhere to exploit them for everything they have.

The potential criminal aspect matters less to me than their interest with the other world now that I've written that out.
Two clarifications:
- Resurrecting Senaz's original body would only work if Senaz's soul weren't connected to her current one. However, it'd only have been dead for a couple hours due to the timeline shenanigans that have already been established.
- Senaz is from closer to contempraneous times than Cyberpunk... And the real influence of concern would be a bit more Grand Theft Auto Online than Cyberpunk 2077, particularly since I'm trying to play things more towards comedy.
On the upside, a criminal front or 'interested' unethical Corp would be the perfect thing to fence questionably sourced adventurer loot. Sure, we wouldn't get full value for it. But given that Senaz controls the only transfer point, they'll have motivation to keep her at least mostly happy.

Who else is going to buy all our warg hides and salamander tounges or whatever?
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Iiiii'm not sure providing magical loot to a criminal organizations in a dimension where magic is an OCP is a good idea.

[X] (Job Front) "I'd like to take one week; That should be enough to get adjusted to my new status quo."
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is totally a criminal front but isn't (yet?) interested in the interdimensional situation.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is mostly legitimate, Dianna is just calling in a favor; NNSG is going to try to steer clear of things as much as possible while still exploiting Senaz's labor.
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)

While I don't expect her to complete the divine quest that fast, partly because of the need to spend time in Dark Space* for deliveries to play out, it would give her plenty of time to assess the full reality of her situation in practice, decide whether she wants to go through with this, and think of a better solution if necessary.

[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.

Not to mention that asking could complicate things before you're ready for them to be further complicated.

[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is extremely interested in this situation and how to potentially exploit it - legitimately or otherwise.

What modern** corporation wouldn't be interested in having even limited access to the resources of an entirely new world? It introduces a whole new meaning to the buzzword "externalities", right when the current meaning is really, really starting to backfire... "Corporations gonna corporate" is complication enough; an outright criminal front would get too ugly for my tastes...

* If anyone else gets that reference, I'll be shocked.
** Though I'd consider "cyberpunk-lite" perfectly applicable to the here and now as we know it.
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is mostly legitimate, Dianna is just calling in a favor; NNSG is going to try to steer clear of things as much as possible while still exploiting Senaz's labor.
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is extremely interested in this situation and how to potentially exploit it - legitimately or otherwise.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is totally a criminal front but isn't (yet?) interested in the interdimensional situation.

The entire premise of this quest is that it's an isekai story that still maintains connections to the original world; it seems like a waste of a story opportunity to minimize work's impact on that dynamic.

And honestly, the only real difference between a criminal organization masquerading as a business and an actual business is gonna trend towards the difference between "immoral and unethical but either entirely legal or doing their best to look that way" and "immoral and unethical but not legal and definitely trying to look as if they have nothing to hide". The knock-on consequences are gonna be bad either way, so it doesn't much matter which one we go with, it's bad news either way.
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is extremely interested in this situation and how to potentially exploit it - legitimately or otherwise..
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is extremely interested in this situation and how to potentially exploit it - legitimately or otherwise.
[X] (Job Front) "Let's take all three paid weeks, that should be enough for me to handle the, um, 'personal trauma'. By which I mean the divine quest thing." (Yeah, right.)
[X] (The Other Thing) Don't, you don't wanna know.
[X] (Unknown to Senaz) NNSG is extremely interested in this situation and how to potentially exploit it - legitimately or otherwise.