[Strike Legion Quest] Legionnaire Bravo Headlong into Danger

Soooooo, seeing as the active cyberwolves are (hopefully) distracted for now, it'd be awfully rude to not pay their machine shop a visit don't you think? Try to take a detour around the likely reinforcement path of the cyberwolves if they don't bite to the new reinforcement request.
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Let's take out the Cyber Wolf workshop first, since both the main generator and the top-secret area are down below.
>It's time to go wolf hunting!

One shop down, another to go. There's also countless other factories and such, but of course ones that make normal robot drones or standard weapons hardly concern you, not when you can take out real threats piecemeal.

Hm, if at least some go around to the sewer, that should prevent them from doing a full encirclement of the lab...

You discover a wide area which isn't between the Cyber Wolf shop and this one, not directly, so you're quite confident the response force won't travel there- it looks like a combat training area, a wide open space.

Opening the door and going through, though, it seems not everyone was at the other shop anyway- You see a Shiva and four combat cyborgs with laser cannons enter the door on the other side.

Unlike last time, though, there's no armored junk for the Shiva to hide behind, and at a greater distance...

Nine Actions?
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You've got your spike-cannon, rapid fire and good against armor. Your plasma rifle, packs a punch but heat makes it slow to refire- or at least, safely. Then you have your axe, though using that in melee would require closing.
Well that's irritating.

Alright, open fire with the plasma rifle against the Shiva, and then close in for some AXE ACTION.
A carefully-aimed bolt from your plasma rifle pierces the Shiva's shield and takes it's head, the tentacles falling limp. Outside of an arena specialized to it, even a lone elite cyborg of that level no threat to you.

The cyborgs aren't as quick or deadly, but as you do have to close all the distance to them, they get off two volleys of their laser cannons. Leaping and jumping, you dodge the brilliant beams, molten flecks of floor splattering against your ring-shielding. Once you land there, you cleave one of them vertically in half with your first swing. The second leaps at you in an attempt for hand to hand- and the flat of your blade flings it into the others strong enough to finish them all.

The rest of the way has only tech priests and work drones- all of which are easily dispatched.

All-in-all, an uneventful trip.

Soon, you come upon your goal- the Cyber Wolf machineshop, and the dogs are, fortunately, away.

Inside you spy tech priests, several cyber wolf shells with no brains in them, and.... something big in the middle. A custom cyber wolf, in a tank behind a forcefield, that looks like must be some kind of special project.
Is the forcefield currently active?

If it is then shoot the techpriests and computer consoles first with our spike cannon to avoid having them activate the big dog.

(save the one closest to us, I want to see what kind of activation protocols it has)
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The forcefield is active- it's cylinder shaped in something of an island in the center of the room, surrounded by other consoles. Within it, floating surrounded in liquid, is the experimental cyber wolf. Red in color. Somewhat larger than normal, and with a crystal protrusion in it's back.

>Shoot up the techpriests with spike cannon

In a ridiculous display of overkill, you take your spike cannon, intended for well-armored foes, across the room, each spike going through a tech priest and wrecking havoc beyond, wrecking consoles and numerous other gear. The lights in the room even flicker, as the shut down of so much at once leaves the systems to compensate. Though the force field doesn't fall, the red cyberwolf reacts and moves, stirring in it's floating position.

One tech priest remains.

He freezes. He looks around. He looks at you. He.... almost grabs his laser pistol, but then stops.

He.... doesn't seem to be moving. Just kinda a deer in headlights.

-Talk to Him/ask him what the experiment is
-Threaten Him
-Tell him to drop the forcefield
-Use your holodisguise to look like him
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[X] Restrain him and interrogate him on what the new Cyber Wolf model is.

"In the Empresses' name, I'll never tal-"

You are in a facility that has a ton of stuff to jack into implants, as well as drugs. While pain isn't the best way to get someone to talk, euphoria often works well.

"The Empresses' hound! First of many, with the Empress Crystals it'll be stronger than ever!" he babbles. "She told us how to make them personally!" -that doesn't sound right, the Empress does not get personally involved in each R&D project. "Waking it up? You've already wrecked the place, we're not connected to the main power supply any more! Soon, it will be freed on it's own, and you will taste it's punishment! It would be better if the psycho-training was complete, but that can wait!"
Hmm. Psycho-conditioning not complete, ey?

... Who wants to try flipping the loyalty switch and getting a badass cyber-dog companion?
>Try to reprogram

Altering deep psycho-conditioning? Alas, that's beyond your skills.

QM: In general, you can pull off any stunt you can think of.... related to your specialty. If there's an action movie stunt, a soldier stunt, a commando stunt, an axe-stunt, Draken-Bravo can do it (you can be a lot more fancy and over the top than you've been being). Hacking, though... maybe another Bravo could, but not Draken.
How unfortunate.

Well then, crush the dude's head like a melon and REV UP THE AXE.

Aim for the head or whatever weakpoints we know are located on that thing.
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You eliminate the tech priest, and... as for killing the Red Cyberwolf, there is the matter of the still-up forcefield. Wrecking more stuff would probably lower it, or there's waiting for it to lower on it's own.

Inside the forcefield, Red eyes you.
Further equipment is sensibly in the floor or ceiling, but you are quite capable of just wrecking stuff.

(You're a tremendously powerful legionnaire, you can be more adventurous in your options)

In your path of wrecking the equipment, you also trash billions worth of highly advanced hand-made cyborg parts.

The force field flickers and fails, and the Red Cyberwolf lands on the floor on all fours. It howls, then turns towards you- from it's shoulders, two ports opens, and you can see an electric crackle from them as the weapons warp up and the crystal on the back begins glowing.
Yeah, fuck him too.

Grab a piece of nice conductive wreckage and spin kick it towards him, followed by a volley from our Spike Cannon as we close in for AXE KICK COMPLETE WITH AXE.

(I assume we can grab our axe with our feet either through claws or magnetic clamps)
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(Now *that's* the kind of action I like to see!)

You spy a thick piece of super-conductive conduit near you, and, waiting for when you sense a discharge, you kick it right into the path of the lightning bolts- which causes the super-conductor to explode the lightning outward in all directions, scouring a little off of both your ring-field and the field of the Red Cyber-wolf, which is also trying to leap forward at you.

Behind the flash of lightning, you've already brought your spike cannon out, and unleash a fusillade of heavy spikes into the wolf, at first being absorbed the the shield- which seems tougher than normal- and then gourging into the armor.

It lashes at you with it's blade tail, and you leap-flip back under it as you drop your axe to the ground.

It leaps forward at you with a lunge, and you throw your torso and hands down and spin in place, the axe in your feet finding one of gorges in the armor with a mighty chunk, and the wolf drops.

Two things strike you-
Examining the effects on the rest of the lab, it's not quite lightning, it's something causing a bit of a molecular warping effect. Well, no time to study now.

It's too bad no-one is still alive to see that, it was pretty awesome.

And a third- people have got to be figuring out where you are by now.
First, dumpload everything you can from the computers onto a secure drive. Maybe the boffins back home can get something out of it. Second... See if you can find some directions to a reactor or a magazine, something volatile. It's a good way to do damage, and if they're catching on then heading there is likely to draw out the interesting projects.

Headlong into danger, after all!
Don't forget to loot the crystal from our recently deceased acquaintance. Or reduce it to its component atoms with our plasma rifle, I guess that works as well.
The main reactor is, you know, much lower, and has two terminals on opposite side that control it's function.

>Loot the crystals

You grab the crystals, but when you do, you feel an almost static in your head, like a voice trying to tell you something in the distance.
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You reduce the rest of it into atoms with your plasma rifle- no need to leave any salvage- but that still leaves the question, what do you do with the crystal?

As for where to go next, there's multiple routes down. You can phase through the floors, you can find an elevator- a personal one or a large one, or even go to a stairwell, which this facility does have. As you think, you do hear the sound of Imperials, so yea, they know where you are now.
Well, since we're in need of a quick way down, time to finally use our phase matrix!

As for the crystals, uh, I guess we can try and stick in our axe and see how that works?