A carefully-aimed bolt from your plasma rifle pierces the Shiva's shield and takes it's head, the tentacles falling limp. Outside of an arena specialized to it, even a lone elite cyborg of that level no threat to you.
The cyborgs aren't as quick or deadly, but as you do have to close all the distance to them, they get off two volleys of their laser cannons. Leaping and jumping, you dodge the brilliant beams, molten flecks of floor splattering against your ring-shielding. Once you land there, you cleave one of them vertically in half with your first swing. The second leaps at you in an attempt for hand to hand- and the flat of your blade flings it into the others strong enough to finish them all.
The rest of the way has only tech priests and work drones- all of which are easily dispatched.
All-in-all, an uneventful trip.
Soon, you come upon your goal- the Cyber Wolf machineshop, and the dogs are, fortunately, away.
Inside you spy tech priests, several cyber wolf shells with no brains in them, and.... something big in the middle. A custom cyber wolf, in a tank behind a forcefield, that looks like must be some kind of special project.