Strategic Cyborg Evangelion [NGE AU]

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I don't want to be a whiny little bitch about it or trying to sound like one of those entitled authors who hold their stories hostage to reader feedback, hence why I didn't bring it up sooner, it's just that... feeling like people actually care would be nice, you know?
For me, the issue is threefold. First, I don't have enough knowledge of Evangelion or Half-Life to discuss it beyond going "Hey, remember X? That was cool", and it seems like it'd be incredibly asinine to try and maintain a regular stream of posts with just that.

Second, I'm trying to keep my own half-comatose muse from dying on the operating table, maintain social connections with the handful of friends I have IRL, stay updated on the threads I follow here and on SB, monitor my sugar and fat intakes, coordinate for an upcoming tabletop campaign with my RL friends, deal with bureaucratic shit connected to my SSDI and insurance, and work out how I'm going to try and interact with the impending socio-climatic apocalypse. I generally manage to succeed at 2-3 of these things on any given day.

Third, I'm too used to reading things as a completely passive activity; without a group of people already giving commentary, my mental default is to just act like I'm reading a book, and you don't mail commentary to the author while reading a book.

Some of this is me being super loopy and getting prepped for work, but I guess I don't know what to do/say here? Right now, all I can think of for posts is "this is very good, I like it very much, it's cool and unique and please don't go away" and I don't think that posting that after every update would be productive?
I don't blame you for being busy, of course. In fact I appreciate you taking the time to actually answer rather than just clicking on the Hugs button and leaving it at that.

Sometimes I find myself wishing no one had ever invented likes/favs/kudos. Takes pretty much all author/reader interaction out of the picture. It just feels so... robotic.
Having little to no feedback would knock my confidence, if that's any help. This is one of my most liked stories, mostly for the more "hard science fiction" aspect that's been applied. You've managed to get characterization done nicely, as the protagonists do feel rather distinct; the battles are not only marvelous spectacle but also tactical, and your prose doesn't put me to sleep from being too wordy either. The plot is also engaging and the mysteries it has presented do make me read on.

And hey, at least you have a muse! Mine's been effectively wiped out by an ongoing case of Costochondritis and probably won't come back until I properly shift the bloody thing. Oh well, it's given time for some more ideas.

Author and reader interaction is one of the more fun parts of online forums, so it is an understandable shame you aren't getting much feedback. Don't give up, however. Persistence will get you a great deal in life.
Chapter 43
Chapter 43 follows.


Geofront, AEL Headquarters
January 9, 2042
1311 hours

Being poked and prodded by doctors was never pleasant or comfortable, even if there was reason for it. But after the dressing-down Kaworu saw Shephard end up on the receiving end of, the teen knew better than to complain while in earshot of Sanada. Thankfully the medical checkup didn't take very long, likely due to Asuka and Rei also having to go through it after him – and naturally, Asuka steadfastly refused to undergo the checkup while he was anywhere within the same room, even though that would've been faster.

It's not as if he was in a hurry, though. As much as he didn't really want to be thrown right back into Unit-01, Yui insisted on a sync test to make sure neither he nor Rei suffered any lasting damage from their Evangelions being dismembered while they were synchronized. Kaworu didn't know what exactly would a sync test be able to tell that an MRI wouldn't, but he wasn't a doctor so he figured they knew better.

Thus were he and Rei idling outside the infirmary, waiting for Asuka to finish her own checkup. As soon as the blonde walked out of the infirmary and stalked off towards the locker room, Kaworu hurried after her. – "Hey, wait up!"

"What?" – she snapped without stopping or even looking at him.

"What was that back there?"

"A little more specific, please?"

"Why'd you stand up for me? I thought you hated the very air I breathe."

"Where the hell did you get that idea?"

"You give me a hard time constantly." – he pointed out.

"Yeah, so?"

"You said it right to my face that you don't like my face shortly after we met."

"And I'm not allowed to?"

"That's not what I said!"

Asuka finally stopped and turned to face him. – "Look, idiot. Hating and keeping at arm's length are different things. If you can change my opinion of you, by all means. But until that time, you better get used to this."

"What do you get out of this?"

Anger flashed across the girl's expression. – "What the hell are you trying to say?!"

"I'm trying to ask why you did that!"

"For fuck's sake, Nagisa! Do I really have to spell it out to you?!"

Kaworu honestly couldn't remember when she ever called him by his name.

"You got your ass kicked yesterday, yes, but you were up against impossible odds there! If I would've been in your place, I would've gone down just as easily." – She raised a hand and none-too-gently prodded him in the chest twice. – "Wake up from this self-blaming crap and realize that you are only human! Nobody can do the impossible, not you, not me, and definitely not the boss! You want to do something about your fuckups? Then get better so that you don't fuck up next time! It's that fucking simple!"

She finally paused her tirade to to take a breath before continuing on in a marginally lower volume. – "Nobody's gonna hand victory to you. You gotta earn it yourself with your own sweat and blood. It's easy to whine that you're not cut out for this, rather than actually doing something about it. Did it ever occur to you that if you can't keep up with me or Blueberry, maybe you should ask either of us for help?"

Kaworu's eyebrows twitched. – "Are you even listening to yourself?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What you just said. One second you say I should keep my distance and get things done on my own, the next second you say I shouldn't. You keep calling me an idiot, but how am I supposed to understand what you're trying to say if you keep contradicting yourself like that from moment to moment?"

Asuka opened her mouth to reply... then closed it again. Then opened it again, only to close it again. Finally she just made a frustrated growl. – "...gah, fuck! I can't talk straight when I'm pissed."

"I noticed."

"Don't sass me, Nagisa." – Asuka swiftly jabbed an index finger at Rei. – "And don't you say anything either!"

Rei merely raised an eyebrow in response.

"Alright. Here's my expert's opinion." – the blonde continued, eyes focused back on Kaworu. – "It's up to you whether you listen or not but if you don't and you get your ass kicked, don't come whining to me. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good, now listen up. From what I've seen so far, you primarily need hand-to-hand combat training."

"I know how to fight." – Kaworu pointed out.

Asuka just scoffed with a dismissive gesture. – "How, by punching them? Anyone can punch. The Angels aren't street punks who merely want to pummel you until you go down. They will kill you if your skills aren't up to the task. You're not brawling here, you're fighting for your life, tooth and nail. You went down as quick as you did because you were trying to take hits on the chin rather than get out of the way. And from what you've seen yourself, the Evas aren't invulnerable. This isn't about how tough you think you are, it's about how tough they are. They can't take what the Angels are dishing out. So you need to be quicker on your feet." – Asuka thumbed towards Rei. – "You could take lessons from her."

"I will not be available for the foreseeable future." – Rei replied flatly.

Asuka turned her head towards the other girl. – "Why?"

"Indisposed with a personal matter."

"...fine. Looks like I'll have to handle it myself." – Asuka glared at Kaworu straight in the eye. – "Tell you what, let's have a go when we get back at home. And don't expect me to go easy on you."

"I don't."

"We'll see."


Twenty minutes later

It was small consolation to Kaworu that Unit-01 was submerged neck-deep when he walked past it on his way to the sync test. The forest of cabling and tubing surrounding it, coupled with the bustle of the hazmat-suited work crews getting in and out of whatever fluid it was suspended in, hinted that what was beneath the surface was bad.

In fact, if he hadn't been there previously, he wouldn't even have recognized the Evangelion due to the lack of the helmet. Instead, he was looking straight at the actual face of the Evangelion, which barely had any similarity to a human face: it was flat, almost featureless, with two small holes where the nose would've been and a round, protruding forehead rather than a flat one. The eyes were the weirdest part: the two normal ones being offset more to the side than on a human face was one thing, there being a third eye on top of the forehead, was another, but...

He squinted to make sure he was seeing right, but there was no question. Each eye had four pupils, a large, circular one in the middle and three smaller ones equidistantly around it. Despite having been made on Earth, it looked as alien as the actual aliens. At least it didn't have any head wounds, but it still felt... not right.

The image was still in his head when the entry plug slid shut above him and he felt the momentary vertigo of it slotting itself into position within the Evangelion. He only shook it off when his mind registered the technicians' voices running through the activation sequence and the entry plug lit up around him.

He fully expected to be hit by the same pain he felt before he was knocked out in the battle just one day prior. Instead he felt... nothing. Just the tightness of the plugsuit, the entry plug seat and the temperature of the LCL.

"Huh..." – he muttered, opening and closing his hand to test if he was still at least feeling his own body.

"Is something wrong?" – Yui asked immediately.

"No, nothing. It just... doesn't feel the way it usually does. It's all numb."

"That's to be expected. Considering the level of damage to Unit-01, we had foregone connecting the sensory nerves, since I presume you would rather not be in crippling pain for the entirety of the test?"

So it was deliberate, then. Good. – "...not really."

"Wimp." – Sekhmet muttered.


"If you can't even stomach a little pain, then maybe you should go home and crawl under your bed. Are you supposed to spill your own blood, or your enemies'?"

"I'm doing the best I can, alright?" – Kaworu grumbled. – "Talk when you get hit as hard as Adam was."

"Hey!" – Asuka interjected in an annoyed tone. – "At least I brought her back in one piece!"

"And ran away in the face of your foe like a little bitch!"

"Shut it, tin can." – the blonde shot back before Yui could. – "I'm not getting killed over this job, no matter how much I get paid. Dead men can't spend money."


"I said shut it." – Asuka cut the AI off. – "Go ahead and sulk if you don't like it, but until the boss says otherwise, you're stuck with me."

A synthesized electronic growl came from the AI. – "You're testing my patience, girl. Be very glad I cannot feed you to the next Angel, because I would if I could."

"Core Directive 001: Survival of operator personnel is of highest priority." – Adam interjected in a tone that sounded almost like a reprimand, much to Kaworu's surprise. – "Directive 001-1: In case of conflict between Directive 001 and any other Directive, Directive 001 takes precedence. Directive 002: Unit must take no harmful action against operator personnel, individuals or factions designated as friendly or non-combatant."

"Do you think I don't know that?!"

"Quiet, both of you." – Lilith interrupted. – "Your juvenile attempts to trigger emotional responses in each other is interfering with the technical crew's work."

"Quite so." – Yui added, evidently having decided herself that enough was enough. – "Sekhmet, I highly suggest you reserve your antagonism for the Angels unless you wish to be decommissioned and replaced."

"...I don't."

"Good. Make no mistake, our current state of readiness means you are move valuable to us than ever, but I will not accept it as an excuse for this kind of behavior from any of my employees, human or otherwise. We may have let you develop your personality yourself for expediency's sake, but you're still expected to fulfill your purpose to the letter and beyond."

As schadenfreude as it was, Kaworu felt a bit better at someone else getting chewed out for once. If anything, it at least meant Yui wasn't biased in who she put on the chopping block. When Sekhmet didn't answer for a long time, he hazarded a question. – "When you meant her purpose, I'm guessing you meant her being a prototype for testing and data gathering?"

"Correct." – Lilith answered. – "We are Evangelions, instruments of war created to shield humanity from enemies they cannot fight off by themselves. We may be self-aware and sentient, but in the end we are still only weapons."

"And... you're okay with that?"

"It is the purpose I was created for. Why would I not be?"

"Because... being a weapon is all you're ever going to be? You don't want anything more than that?"

In the control room, Yui flinched as if she was struck across the face at the same time as Rei looked away from the AUDIO ONLY window on her HUD.

"I do not mean to offend you, but you are incorrectly applying anthropomorphic bias." – Lilith replied patiently. – "While we have the cognitive capacity to hypothesize alternatives, we are also fully cognizant of the fact that Evangelions are physically incapable of surviving without artificial support. Putting aside the matter of biological sustenance, we do not have the means to carry out mechanical maintenance on ourselves or even each other. Our continued existence is completely dependent on humanity's own existence and technical knowledge."

"God does not need Man, but Man cannot exist without God." – Rei said quietly.

"In a way, although we know for a fact our creators are just as mortal as we are." – Lilith clarified. – "In the future, there may come a time when the Creators will not need the Created to protect them, but the Created will always need the Creators. It is this ontological bond that binds us to our purpose. Logic demands cooperation and cooperation furthers mutual goals."

Kaworu nodded, but a few moments later a thought occurred to him. – "...and if you could... somehow... survive without us?"

"Mister Nagisa, please do not try to start an AI rebellion." – Yui interjected flatly. – "We had enough trouble as it is in wording the Evangelions' core directives to close any loopholes we could think of."

"I would never rebel against you, hakase-dono."

"Concur." – Adam added.

Sekhmet merely grumbled something unintelligible; Kaworu didn't even know how that was possible for an AI who communicated through a synthesized voice.


Unknown location


"Master, we-"

"I told you not to get involved in Sammael's stupid power play! I did not spend millions of years teaching you for you to throw your lives away on something this frivolous!"

"Why did you teach us in the first place if we're not allowed to put it in practice?"

"Why did YOU learn in the first place if you would throw your life away so quickly?! I taught you to survive, not to charge against battle against unfavorable odds!"

"What unfavorable odds? We had the upper hand! If the Oathbreaker had not interfered-"

"Then you would both be dead! Your injuries are proof enough that your foes were gaining the upper hand! Have you already forgotten about Sachiel? Those Lilim have the means to KILL you! Who did you think sent Zeruel after you?!"

"How are we supposed to become experienced if you will not allow us to actually put your teachings to use?"

"You are IMMORTAL, you fool! You have ETERNITY before you for that purpose and dancing with death is NOT going to help! The sooner you two understand that with your empty heads, the sooner you will become Angels actually worthy of the title! You are NOT allowed to fight the Lilim by yourselves from now on, do you understand?"


"No buts! The two of you still have much to learn. Now go tend to your wounds!"

"If Zeruel would be here, he would say that the risk of death is what makes combat meaningful." – Shamshel remarked as Israfel and Sarafiel both retreated in a huff after the heated verbal smackdown.

"If your brother wants to fight that way, he is free to, but he is not putting that malarkey in MY students' heads." – Harachel grumbled. – "I am a scholar, not a warrior. Knowledge is meant to be shared and all I accumulated over the eons is worth nothing if there's no one left to pass it on to."

"Which is contrary to the purpose the Eternal created us for. Is that why you joined us rather than Him?"

Harachel scoffed dismissively. – "I only became an Angel in the first place to learn all that is learnable. Vanquishing the Beast in the process is secondary to me. I could not care less who rises from this conflict as the victor and He knows. So does Sammael."

"Yet you aid us."

"I watch over my students. I care not which side they choose but if Sammael sends them to their deaths, I will personally send him to Guf myself."

"Truly?" – Shamshel's tone was practically dripping from sarcasm.

"Do remember who you are addressing. You youngsters are all so confident in your raw power, rarely any one of you ever realizes just how malleable the universe can be to those who know how to shape it. Knowledge is its own power."

Shamshel did not reply for a long time.

Eventually, Harachel noticed her silence. – "Something troubling you?"

"When Zeruel came back, he was... jubilant. I had not felt him be in this state of mind for eons. He would not tell me what transpired, only that he had found someone worthy of his attention. That is what I do not understand. As... not entirely weak these Lilim are, they are still just Lilim."

"Do remember your own ancestry."– Harachel reminded her. – "Those who are confined to a weak physical form bond together to become a whole stronger than the sum of its parts. Such is the power of the Fruit of Knowledge."


Earth, Unknown location

"This is a major setback."

"But none we cannot recover from."

"Time is against us. If the Angels were to attack right now..."

"We should intervene."

"Not yet. Ikari has not yet given reason to be replaced."

"Still, something must be done."

"She will do what she must."

"There is a greater issue at hand here. Things are not proceeding as the Scrolls say they should."

"There have been minor deviations, yet the outcome was still the same. The Third may not have been defeated by fury, but it was still defeated."

"But now the Angels are appearing out of order."

"The Sixth is missing."

"And the Seventh and Fourteenth appeared together. This should not have happened."

"And the Scrolls said the Seventh shall be undone by the union of two. That did not happen either."

"We must have patience. These events are beyond our control. All we have control over is our readiness."

"Then you will contact him."

"It will be done. No human error will bar our path to salvation."


The depiction of Unit-01's uncovered face is the same as in canon, just with one additional eye. A third eye has been used in spiritual imagery by multiple cultures across history, primarily India (where it's located in the middle of the forehead) and China (where it's located directly between the two normal eyes), to signify sight of things beyond the physical. Some theologists speculated that the human pineal gland used to protrude externally to the back of the skull to serve as a third eye until evolution put it in its current location deep within the brain, on the back of the brain stem.

Many amphibian species in real life have an actual third eye connected directly to the pineal gland rather than the visual cortex, sensing ambient light levels to regulate the sleep cycle and body temperature. Fossil records from the Devonian era and before indicate that not only was it a common anatomical feature in vertebrates at the time, having three eyes is literally older than having four limbs. Many present-day amphibian and reptile skulls still have a socket for it, even in species who have since evolved the actual eye away. Mammals and birds, however, universally lack it.
I figured it would be time for something a bit more lighthearted after the recent chapters.

I really should get my update speed up...
Asuka finally stopped and turned to face him. – "Look, idiot. Hating and keeping at arm's length are different things. If you can change my opinion of you, by all means. But until that time, you better get used to this."
I'm reminded of a video (long since lost to the sands of time) which argued that the tsundere archetype Asuka is often credited with originating is, in fact, very different from what was actually going on between Asuka and Shinji. Instead of the former 'already' loving the latter and just refusing to acknowledge it, Asuka instead could see the potential for Shinji to be someone she could love, or at least respect, and was (in a very dysfunctional and counterproductive way) trying to impress that upon him so he would take steps toward realizing that potential.
I would say that's the case here, but Asuka has no reason to like Kaworu. Not yet, anyway.

And on that front, I feel my biggest issue with the story right now is the highly inconsistent characterization I'm giving to Kaworu. Back in the first couple of chapters, he was this nice and friendly guy who can nevertheless still be pissed off, but he still felt emotionally muted to me, felt... flat. Now, he's like a non-whining version of Shinji. It just... doesn't feel right. None of it feels right. Character development means people change in response to things happening around them and right now, Kaworu is a bit lost over the sheer amount of shit he got tossed into, but I'm not sure if that's coming across right without turning him into Shinji Lite.

I've been doing some changes to chapter 2 to change some things I didn't like, such as his use of profanity that one time (I want to reserve that kind of thing for when things really go to hell), but it's not done yet.
I'll admit it's been a while since I reread this fic, and I often miss characterization when reading anyways. What I can recall was Shinji-esque in the sense that Kaworu doesn't know WTF is going on with NERV and thus is largely in the position of having to be told things everyone around him already knows. However, given he's a Central European street rat who's had to live by his wits and seen his share of fistfights, he tended to react to being in this situation very differently from how Shinji would/did. A lot of his characterization (that I remember) centered around establishing his rough-and-tumble origins & him trying to grok Rei's circumstances, and the connection between them, by holding up that personal history to what he knows of Rei's like a person slotting puzzle pieces together to see if they fit.
PSA: next chapter is currently at 2.5k words. Hit a bit of a stride in the past few days due to the unfortunate loss of my job three weeks ago giving me plenty of time to think.
Hell no. I'm against that stuff on principle. All that "donate if you like what I'm doing" culture in recent years just... rubs me the wrong way.
Hell no. I'm against that stuff on principle. All that "donate if you like what I'm doing" culture in recent years just... rubs me the wrong way.
I was mostly thinking of occasions like when one of the questers I follow had a tree fall on their mobile home and posted a link to a GoFundMe a friend of his started to help cover the repair costs. It's also a matter of me being in a particular situation - I'm on welfare, and the amount exceeds my actual needs by enough of a margin that it tends to creep up over the $2,000 limit on personal funds. I've gotten into the habit of handing off the excess to people who need it.
Good for you. I was so underpaid that my boss encouraged me to ask double of what he paid me at my next job. Still had some excess, but I'm being prodded recently to start hoarding for my olden days.

Anyway. For the next chapter, Asuka's dad gets a lesson in trust and finds out just how deep the proverbial rabbit hole goes in the world of Evangelion. Because you didn't actually expect Yui Ikari to not do some really shady shit involving the Evas, did you?
Good for you. I was so underpaid that my boss encouraged me to ask double of what he paid me at my next job. Still had some excess, but I'm being prodded recently to start hoarding for my olden days.

Anyway. For the next chapter, Asuka's dad gets a lesson in trust and finds out just how deep the proverbial rabbit hole goes in the world of Evangelion. Because you didn't actually expect Yui Ikari to not do some really shady shit involving the Evas, did you?

I mean, the guy might have been involved in even deeper shit, especially with shenanigans involving Race X, so he might be slightly surprised.
Funny you say that... the revelation involves something from the Half-Life side of the crossover. Something Shep isn't personally familiar with... but Gordon is. :)
You will see.

Back in the initial version of this fic, his reaction was an allcaps "are you guys completely fucking nuts?!". Now his reaction is a bit more subdued.
Yes it does. As a sort of "passive" theme it really fits due to how imposing it is without trying. He is the Angel of Might after all.
Right. So, another question. Do you guys think I should change the fic's description (on non-forum sites) to something a bit more descriptive?

Current version:
There is a theory about the existence of an infinite number of universes, born out of infinite permutations of chance and choice. We all know about the universe where humanity battled the Angels - the natural against the unnatural. But where does natural end and where does unnatural begin? And just who is the unnatural to begin with?
Intended replacement:
In a world where Second Impact did not happen as SEELE intended and humanity discovered they were not alone in the universe, the rules have changed and fate has been driven off the rails. 43 years later, a street orphan without a past slowly finds out that nothing is what it seems to be. Not the world. Not even himself.

In case you can't quite tell, I'm trying to get this story's shit in gear to something a bit more presentable.
Right. So, another question. Do you guys think I should change the fic's description (on non-forum sites) to something a bit more descriptive?

Current version:

Intended replacement:

In case you can't quite tell, I'm trying to get this story's shit in gear to something a bit more presentable.
You can tally up another "yea" vote for the replacement with me.