Strange Tides

[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Semni
-[X] Organize the cults. It is well past time to resume proper worship, lest the gods grow angry for this slight.
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
Guys, Argurios is currently discontent with the king. We forced him to marry someone he perceives as far, far beneath his station, and then we had him oversee the pottery kiln building which of course ended in disaster and humiliation for him. Putting him in charge of the military now of all times is a bad idea, and a recipe for a coup. Having him do literally anything else is better.

[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
[X] Semni
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
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Does "can communicate properly" equal full proficiency, though? Argurios would not want a repeat of his shame and so would be rather motivated to get every detail right, something I do not believe he has managed as of now.
Yeah, there is that. It really hasn't been that long at all. There's "I can get by" and "I 100% know this language and can match native speakers".

But more than that @Artemis1992 I truly do not mind them wasting time. They're not good at rulership, Semni can't travel due to pregnancy, Argurios absolutely should not be put in charge of the military, etc. Having them stay put and forced to interact might hopefully warm things up between them. In any case they won't be able to cause trouble.
[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
[X] Semni
-[X] Help Argurios

// I really hope "Help Argurios" works out and doesn't end in a divorce
[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
[X] Semni
-[X] Help Argurios

// I really hope "Help Argurios" works out and doesn't end in a divorce

This is Mycenaean Greece. You do not have divorce, you have wars like that minor domestic spat at Troy.:V
This is Mycenaean Greece. You do not have divorce, you have wars like that minor domestic spat at Troy.:V
In our case, she goes back to papa because her husband sucks, and we've got our war.
Or we've got a domestic hassle and one dead and either civil unrest or a nice war.
That kind of divorce.
Semni shouldn't be traveling at this stage of her pregnancy. She isn't due for months, but travel in this time period is painfully slow and dangerous.

She is one of many people living within this community, putting her above the wellbeing of the greater all is foolish

We forced him to marry someone he perceives as far, far beneath his station,

She is not perceived as beneath his station, she is beneath his station within the Greek culture and that's what matters

He is old nobility,
In CK2 terms this is worse then marrying a peasant, because he married a foreign heretical peasant,
In terms of loss of personal prestige this is akin to a punishment, especially since the marriage is not even official before his own gods

If you cannot get your head at least somewhat into the time and culture and make a compromise between it and your own ideals we are gonna have some real problems soon

and then we had him oversee the pottery kiln building which of course ended in disaster and humiliation for him.

Yeah maybe he wouldn't be so angry if you would put him where his strength lies and not you know where he has his worst stat

You cannot blame the sword for not being a hammer after all and it's the sign of an incompetent ruler to not play into the strengths of his advisors

Argurios absolutely should not be put in charge of the military, etc.
Diplomacy 3
- Charm 1
Combat 4
- Close Combat 1
Warfare 3

Rulership 1
Learning 2

Put him in charge of the thing he is the best with as a show of trust and let him play his strengths
[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Semni
-[X] Send someone to negotiate with the local people to deepen ties or heal past insults.
--[X] The Mountain Shepherds
She is one of many people living within this community, putting her above the wellbeing of the greater all is foolish

She is not perceived as beneath his station, she is beneath his station within the Greek culture and that's what matters

He is old nobility,
In CK2 terms this is worse then marrying a peasant, because he married a foreign heretical peasant,
In terms of loss of personal prestige this is akin to a punishment, especially since the marriage is not even official before his own gods

If you cannot get your head at least somewhat into the time and culture and make a compromise between it and your own ideals we are gonna have some real problems soon

Yeah maybe he wouldn't be so angry if you would put him where his strength lies and not you know where he has his worst stat

You cannot blame the sword for not being a hammer after all and it's the sign of an incompetent ruler to not play into the strengths of his advisors


Put him in charge of the thing he is the best with as a show of trust and let him play his strengths

Yes, let's put the discontent noble in charge of the military. That's not going to go poorly at all.

Yes, let's put the discontent noble in charge of the military. That's not going to go poorly at all.

In regards to your somewhat overblown fear about 'rebellion'

1. Just because he is unhappy with the situation it doesn't mean he is about to rebel, especially when his narrative is that of a young men grown up by the hardships,
however he will rebel if we continue to use him ineffective and then slight him because of petty fears
2. he is charismatic old-blood warrior, if he wants a coup he can organize it easily on his own, he doesn't need us as you are so clearly believe
3. at this point any rebellion that should happen, would be 'bloodless' and quick because our situation is so poor and people are so few that they know they cannot afford to lose more
4. we are playing a civ quest, not a bloodline quest nor a character quest, if named characters die or get killed in a rebellion, then pity but we will move on with the next character anyway
In regards to your somewhat overblown fear about 'rebellion'

1. Just because he is unhappy with the situation it doesn't mean he is about to rebel, especially when his narrative is that of a young men grown up by the hardships,
however he will rebel if we continue to use him ineffective and then slight him because of petty fears
2. he is charismatic old-blood warrior, if he wants a coup he can organize it easily on his own, he doesn't need us as you are so clearly believe
3. at this point any rebellion that should happen, would be 'bloodless' and quick because our situation is so poor and people are so few that they know they cannot afford to lose more
4. we are playing a civ quest, not a bloodline quest nor a character quest, if named characters die or get killed in a rebellion, then pity but we will move on with the next character anyway
1. He's a diplomat as well, that's what he was advertised as when we got him. Learning new languages to aid in his main job is playing to his strengths. The honey trade with the Sardinians looks like it might go well.
2. And I think it's dumb to make it even easier for him. You would literally be handing him complete control of the military. I don't trust him not to misuse it.
3&4. Yeah, no. These two basically just say that the rebellion won't be that bad and that we shouldn't worry too much over the potential losses. To make this clear, I'm not worried about losing important characters or bloodlines (though that would be a blow) so much as I'm trying to avoid major loss of resources. The rebels might attempt to take the fledgling city with minimal losses, but this is basically up to chance.
3&4. Yeah, no. These two basically just say that the rebellion won't be that bad and that we shouldn't worry too much over the potential losses. To make this clear, I'm not worried about losing important characters or bloodlines (though that would be a blow) so much as I'm trying to avoid major loss of resources. The rebels might attempt to take the fledgling city with minimal losses, but this is basically up to chance.
Also, there'd be an aftermath.
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To chime in on this, the action in question would not put Argurios in charge of the military. You are still running the Bronze Age equivalent of a emergency government, with the guy in charge being mostly named king out of habit and as a description of his work, not because he has a right to this title that is recognized by anyone else. You won't have a proper Strategos for a while yet.

In reverse, this also means that people can exploit the rough and tumble nature of the state against Isidoros. To make an example there, the potters could have tried to seize some measure of power for themselves if you had given them free reign to requisite resources for their work. People don't need a mostly informal title bestowed upon them by Isidoros to act against him and that is what titles mostly are right now. Empty.

Right now you are politically carried by left-over inertia from how Orchomenos was run, but ultimately, Hyphyria has no political traditions and little was done so far to change that. If Argurios wants to start a coup, he can just do it. The military is more likely to listen to him then to Isidoros by default, as he has actual social skills and some measure of military knowledge and fame, to say nothing of having the right birth, while Isidoros was a pretty unremarkable clerk in the old government.

At the same time, hero units don't exist in a vacuum. Other interest groups exist and might act for or against you. Take the feast for Demeter. While potentially getting the goddess herself angry if you had refused, you might also have earned the enmity of the priesthood by that move.

Long story short, stuff is complicated and people have their own wants and desires and leadership is ultimately about balancing those. Not about moving chess pieces on a board.
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[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Semni
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
Check: Learning - Art

Hoping the language option for Semni has her learn a dialect different than her own or maybe has her make observations into her language she couldn't before. Light work for her, I think.

Having her around the army would be a mistake.
[X] Duesal

This will either go really well and make their couple a little less of a trainwreck, or really badly and fuck up the action too. Risky!
[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Semni
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
Check: Learning - Art
[X] Isidoros
-[X] Pottery Kilns
[X] Argurios
-[X] The soldiers are a bit restless after a year of idleness. See if you can organize drills and training to keep them sharp and to potentially expand your forces.
[X] Semni
-[X] Learn the tongue of the local folk. Though not the most skillful or diligent pupil, Argurios is sure to get the most use from it, but Isidoros would be swifter in study
Check: Learning - Art