Star Wars The Last Hope: Rebooted, Restructured! (A CK2/Adventure Quest)

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You Are the Last Hope of the Jedi Order.

Good luck
Part 1: Who We Are, and How it All Will Be


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
Part 1: Who We Are, and How it All Will Be

The year is 19 BBY, and The Clone Wars, a war that has been raging for three years, is close to an end.

General Grievous is dead, slain at the hands of General Obi-wan Kenobi. The Separatist Leadership is in retreat, hiding in the deepest corners of the galaxy, whether to regroup or to offer terms of surrender, no one knows.

But within the Republic, an evil has infiltrated its the very heart, and he has manipulated the galaxy to bleed, all while he prepared his masterstroke.

The destruction of the Jedi Order, and the Creation of a Galactic Empire.

But that is not our Story. You are a Jedi Knight, thrust into this battle, and soon, you will rise

Who are you:
[]Insert your name

What Species are you:
[]Insert Species

What is your gender:

What is your age:
[]Write in an Age (Must be older than 19)

How would you like the world to be:

[]Canon is a Bullet Train: Besides certain events changed directly by you, canon will remain very much on track. (I will remain canon-compliant on as many events of the Star Wars Universe as possible unless you affect canon in such a way that Events of the Films cannot possibly take place)

[]The Stations Of Canon: Events are similar, but changes will occur once the story begins, derailments can and will occur and once you strike A New Hope, the galaxy will be changed. (Changes will occur organically, taking into account the changes that occurred during the events of the quest and the actions you have taken throughout.)

[]A Bittersweet Legend Is A Story We Know: The moment we begin, history will forever be altered, as events of what we know in the Star Wars Canon will not be the way you know it, and new ones will take their place. (You will be giving me free rein to do whatever the hell I want with the Star Wars universe from the opening of this quest and beyond. If you choose this, be warned, If you want things to remain rational and sane, this is not the choice for you, as things will get... Wacky.)

Where in the Galaxy Will You Begin:

[]The One on Vacation: Naboo.
One of the newest planets to enter the galactic scene, it is the homeworld of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Padme Amidala. They are in the debt of the Jedi after the blockade by the trade federation was broken by Jedi led insurrection led by Qui Gon Jinn, and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. You were there on a retreat, to rest, recuperate, and to feel the force.

Advantages: The debt to the Jedi, known sympathizers, Semi allied government, Wealthy, No Clone Presence.

Cons: Spies...spies everywhere, Palpatine's homeworld, Know sympathizers, no access to Blackmarket, Traitors among the Government.

[]The Seigebreaker: Mandalore
It's hell on that planet ever since Darth Maul took over, CIS and Republic forces battle with Mandalorian loyalists and maul's deathwatch for control over the planet. But Mandalorian Loyalists like the ones that are following Satine's sister into battle, could still be considered friends of the Jedi. You are fighting with the 501st and the young former Jedi padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Of course, after so many things have happened over the last few months, seeing a friend again made you feel grateful and hopeful for the future.

Pros: Four-Way Battle Royal for Mandalore, Access to the black market, Potential allies.

Cons: Four-Way Battle Royal for Mandalore, Extreme Clone Presence, Sith presence, Important Target for the Empire

[]The Prisoner: Coruscant
Echo, the Clone Trooper who died a few months ago had left you a good enough trail to follow. With the help of Captian Rex... you found him. The Chancellor was the Sith Lord, but he got you first, you have no idea how you are still alive or what he has planned for you.

But you were still alive... and you were going to make sure he paid for that mistake.

Advantages: In Prison. Criminal Underbelly. A Few Favors from an old friend. Week minded prisoners.

Cons: Known, Criminal Underbelly. Maximum security wing. Strong-minded Prisoners

[]The Last Guardian:
The Jedi Temple is empty of the knights and masters... only the young, the inexperienced and the near-dead are here. The light is dying, and that is something you can see in your eyes... and all you can do is do your duty. And save the Order.

Pros: New Game+, All actions that were locked out in the first quest due to education shall be available from the Start. +10 to all stats.

Cons: Palpatine Save Scums, actions are now 10% harder in all areas, Force Visions are weaker then they were last time.

AN: Star Wars Fallen Order has restored hope to this idea... So it has returned, as the Force Foretold.

But I can't continue using the old one, because I just can't do that idea anymore.

So have a new one.

Please Vote in Plan Format.
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Name: Ordo Ash'ura

Age: 26

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100%


Diplomacy: 19+10+1=35

Martial: 29+10+7=61

Stewardship: 20+10+10=40

Intrigue: 31+10+5=46

Learning: 13+10+5=38

Personal Combat: 41+19=65

Force Power: 49+8=57


Jedi Battlemaster(Knight): You were born to wield a lightsaber. Your body has been trained for battle, using force and blade alike. When conflict erupted, you were there to face it.(+10 to Personal Combat, +7 to Martial, +3 to Force Powers, +1 to diplomacy)

Force Sensitive: This character can feel the force.(You have Access to Force power stat)

Jedi Raised: You were raised by the Jedi Order, with all the training they provide. (+2 all stats.)

Ambitious: You have the drive to be the best in the galaxy. (+2 to all stats)

Just: Fairness, morality, and law. This person seeks to balance all accounts, by forgiveness and retribution alike.(+3 to Stewardship. Special Events are chosen for you on adventures.)

Diligent: You are a hard worker. When you set your mind to something, you will complete it. (+1 to all stats except personal combat. +5 to an action overlooked.)

Temperate: Calm, level-headed, and easy-going, this person goes with the flow of life while partaking in most things. (+2 to Stewardship, +1 to Diplomacy.)

Proud: This person is convinced that them being or will be, the best is an indisputable fact. Any who stand in the way of this is destined to be trampled underfoot. (+15 to personal actions, -5 opinion from everyone. A danger of Falling to the Darkside)

Stubborn: You will never give up on what you have your mind set on something. (If you fail a roll, you get a reroll, but it suffers a -10 penalty. Bonus not applicable on adventures)

Lightsaber Form known:

Juyo (Mastery): The aggression form, the most dangerous lightsaber style, uses emotions in battle. (+5 to Personal Combat. A +30 to offense against opponents, a -10 against blaster opponents, A -20 against lightsaber wielders if not supplemented by another style. Danger of falling to the Darkside.)

Shi Cho (Knighthood): The basic form, good against groups of opponents. (+5 to Personal Combat. +10 to fighting groups. When fighting another lightsaber combatant you gain +10. when fighting a single enemy you get no bonuses)

Force Powers known:
Force Valor (Mastery): You have the ability to make yourself faster, and stronger by tapping into the force. (When used, you gain a +30 to personal combat rolls)

Battle Meditation (Knight): You can use the force to turn the tide of battle, disrupt the enemy, and raise the morale of the soldiers fighting for you. (If roll succeeds, your forces gain a +50 to all rolls)
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Omake Policy and Rewards
I love people who write omakes. So to give you all the added incentive to write omakes once the quest begins: Here is my policy and reward system.

All omakes canonicity are up to my discretion, as there are adventures planned in the future for padawan's and for your own PC.

But to have a good shot on making an omake canon, please PM me so we can discuss the omake, and so I can give it a once over so I can be sure that it won't conflict with any of the plotlines.

However, omakes that have not been discussed, or that contradict my notes will be labeled non-canon.

Reward System:

All omakes, regardless of canonicity, will get a +10-20 roll bonus to whatever action you want.

If there are any questions, please ask them.
Character Creation Part 2
Character Creation Part 2.

Choose your virtues: (You can choose up to 4):
[]Diligent: You are a hard worker. When you set your mind to something, you will complete it. (+1 to all stats except personal combat. +5 to an action overlooked.)

[]Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats, +5 to personal Combat rolls)

[]Kind: You always try to brighten up someone's day, even when it costs you time and energy. (+4 to diplomacy, -2 to intrigue. +5 to Diplomacy rolls on adventures.)

[]Humble: This person will never praise their own efforts, preferring to stay in the background and let others reap the spoils. (+3 to Diplomacy.)

[]Chaste: Innocent and easily embarrassed by sexual situations and thoughts. They may even be unaware of basic innuendos. (-15% Fertility, +2 to Diplomacy, -2 to Learning, Immune to seduction on adventures.)

[]Charitable: Outgoing and generous, this person sees their role in life is helping those in need (+3 to diplomacy, +10 to diplomacy rolls when out on adventures)

[]Temperate: Calm, level-headed, and easy-going, this person goes with the flow of life while partaking in most things. (+2 to Stewardship, +1 to Diplomacy.)

[]Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+2 to martial and Personal combat, +1 to diplomacy. +5 to personal combat rolls during adventures.)

[]Ambitious: You have the drive to be the best in the galaxy. (+2 to all stats)

[]Gregarious: You know the right words to say to all the right people. (+4 to diplomacy. +10 to diplomacy rolls during adventures)

[]Content: You are just one who follows the will of the force, not caring where it takes you. (+20 opinion from everyone, going on adventures are not possible for you unless forced.)

[]Just: Fairness, morality, and law. This person seeks to balance all accounts, by forgiveness and retribution alike.(+3 to Stewardship. Special Events are chosen for you on adventures.)

[]Erudite: If there was one thing you loved, it was knowledge, and teaching those who want to learn. (+2 to learning, +10 to learning rolls. Special actions available on adventures)

[]Honest: You never tell a lie, even when it would be wise for you to do that. (+2 to diplomacy, +10 to diplomacy rolls, -10 to deceit rolls during adventures.)

[]Trusting: You give your trust to people unconditionally. (+2 to Diplomacy, -2 to intrigue, -10 to deceit rolls, +10 to enemy deceit rolls during adventures)

Choose your vices: (You must choose 2 if you choose 4 virtues. If you choose less then 2, you do not need to choose a vice):
[]Lustful: Controlled by a desire for passion and flesh, this person has extreme difficulty controlling themselves around someone they find attractive. (+25% Fertility, -2 to Diplomacy, +2 to intrigue, Special Actions Available On adventure)

[]Wroth: Anger and Rage courses through your veins. (-2 to martial, +2 to personal combat, -10 to diplomacy rolls during adventures. A danger of Falling to the Darkside)

[]Slothful: You are not like others, you want to do as little as possible. (-1 to all actions, -1 to all stats, +1 to personal actions.)

[]Greedy: The world is their oyster, and they will see it exploited for their gain and no one else's.(Increase in Monthly Income by 10%, -5 to diplomacy. A danger of Falling to the Darkside.)

[]Envious:'This should be mine' is the center of this person's beliefs. They will do anything to get what they were denied. (-3 to diplomacy, +2 to intrigue. A danger of Falling to the Darkside)

[]Proud: This person is convinced that them being or will be, the best is an indisputable fact. Any who stand in the way of this is destined to be trampled underfoot. (+15 to personal actions, -5 opinion from everyone. A danger of Falling to the Darkside)

[]Gluttony: Always looking for a good meal, they will never pass up a chance to eat and often brings along an unhealthy amount of snacks. (-2 to Stewardship, -1 to diplomacy. -10 to diplomacy rolls on adventures)

[]Arbitrary: The only law that you follow is the law of your own heart. Sometimes, however, your heart and the law do not always meet eye to eye. (-3 to stewardship)

[]Cynical: There is nothing that will make you believe in any more than your own power. (+3 to intrigue, +10 to deceit rolls, +10 to detecting lies on adventures)

[]Craven: You are not brave, in fact, when faced with danger, your first instinct is to run away. (-2 to martial, diplomacy and personal combat. -10 to personal combat rolls during adventures.)

[]Cruel: There is a hunger within you. A hunger that begs to be sated, through blood and misery. (+3 to intrigue, +10 to personal combat rolls during adventures. A chance to fall to the dark side)

[]Deceitful: You always tell people the truth, from a certain point of view. (+1 to intrigue, +10 to detect lying, +10 to deceit rolls during adventures.)

[]Paranoid: You can never open yourself up to trust anyone. All they will do is betray you. (+3 to intrigue, +20 to detect lie, -10 to diplomacy rolls during adventure rolls. A danger of Falling to the Darkside)

[]Shy: You can never bring yourself to the center of attention, the words just die in your throat. (-2 to diplomacy, -10 to diplomacy rolls during adventures)

[]Stubborn: You will never give up on what you have your mind set on something. (If you fail a roll, you get a reroll, but it suffers a -10 penalty. Bonus not applicable on adventures)

But as a Jedi, you wield the powerful lightsaber.

What Form did you fight with?:
[]Shi Cho (Form 1): The basic form, good against groups of opponents. (+5 to Personal Combat. +20 to fighting groups. When fighting another lightsaber combatant you gain +10. when fighting a single enemy you get no bonuses)

[]Makashi (Form 2): The one on one dueling form, advanced and difficult to master. (+5 to Personal Combat. +20 to fighting a single opponent. Fighting more than 1 enemy combatant gives only a +5)

[]Soresu (Form 3): The pure defense form, good for blast deflection and other wielders of. (+5 to Personal Combat. +20 t0 defensive rolls when fighting blaster wielding opponents, +10 to defensive rolls fighting lightsaber wielding opponents.)

[]Ataru (Form 4): The form of aggression, physically demanding and acrobatic.(+5 to Personal Combat. +20 to fighting opponents for three rolls, A -20 is involved after this burst.)

[]Shien/Djem So (Form 5): Peace through superior firepower, a hybrid of defense and offense. (.+5 to Personal Combat. A solid +10 to defense and offense against blasters and lightsaber wielding opponents.)

[]Niiman (Form 6): The balanced form of both blade and the force, it has no strengths, but it has no weaknesses either. (.+5 to Personal Combat. +5 to defense and offense, +10 when using force chained attacks)

[]Juyo (Form 7): The aggression form, the most dangerous lightsaber style, uses emotions in battle. (.+5 to Personal Combat. A +30 to offense against opponents, a -10 against blaster opponents, A -20 against lightsaber wielders if not supplemented by another style. A danger of falling to the Darkside.)

Throughout your life, you served faithfully as a member of the Jedi Order. Taking mission after mission to preserve peace throughout the galaxy. But then the war came, and you longed for the time before it.

What were you before the war?

[]You were a Diplomat: You have always done your best to solve the problems of the galaxy with your wits and your words. When that failed, your lightsaber worked, have gotten you out you trouble in the past, it has never stopped you from completing your duty. (You are a Jedi diplomat with a diplomatic education.)

[]You were a Warrior: You were born to wield a lightsaber. Your body has been trained for battle, using force and blade alike. When conflict erupted, you were there to face it. (You are a Jedi Battlemaster with a Martial education)

[]You were a Jedi Overseer of the Agri Corp: The Agri Corp's leadership were friends of yours. With the war now close to being over, you had told them it would be possible to send some young souls there to aid them along with joining them yourself to live our and retire. (You are a Jedi Administrator of the Agri Corp with a Stewardship education.)

[]You were a Jedi Shadow: You have always been known to walk in the shadows to serve the light. You have seen the grit and grime underneath the lies people tell themselves. You know the darkness of the galaxy, and how easy it is to fall into it. (You are a Jedi Shadow, with an Intrigue based education.)

[]You were an Archivist: Ever since you were young, you loved books. Your curiosity for knowledge meant that all your free time was there. For years, you sought out knowledge for it, sometimes even adding your own philosophical ramblings as well when Jocasta and Master Aggruva wasn't looking.(You are a Jedi Archivist with a Learning Education).

When the war came, however, the council saw fit to give you a position that you never thought you'd see yourself in.

You had seen the Galaxy, fought in numerous battles, and lost, and gained many friends along the way.

You then were sent to the world of your birth: Mandalore...

And now, Your Story Begins.

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None Canon Omake: The Saga of Korim Tarsis, Part 1 by Rictus
Omake: The Saga of Korim Tarsis, Part 1

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
43 BBY

"I've been told by several acquaintances of mine that you have been making inquiries among the Judicial Forces. Asking for training. Campaigning for expansion of the armed forces."

Korim grudgingly glanced up from his datapad at the familiar voice as the door opened. The tall, thin form of his former Master loomed overhead, imposing but not intimidating. Years ago, he would have been a comforting sight for a troubled mind. But now, all Korim wanted was to be left alone.

The Firrerreo nodded and responded simply, "I have."

Yarael Poof's face morphed into a small frown. He pulled out a chair on the other side of the table and gingerly settled his large form into what must have been an uncomfortably small seat. Neither Jedi spoke for a few minutes. Yarael took the time to look around at the small room, eyeing the weaponry on the walls. The two had not shared personal quarters for several years, not since Korim's Knighting. Though his suite had space for a Padawan learner, it remained empty. For some reason, it had never quite seemed the right time.

Korim was the one that broke the silence, "Isn't there some crisis for you to be resolving?"

"Perhaps. But I am not so busy that I cannot check in on my former Padawan, am I?" The Councillor replied.

"I'm fine," The younger Jedi brusquely insisted.

"Are you?" Yarael asked. It was obviously a rhetorical question as he continued to speak, "Young Kota says you have been avoiding your friends."

Korim paused. Had he? He knew he'd been busy with the inquiries, but he didn't think it was that much. He'd gone on studying streaks that had lasted for days before. After a moment, a grimace replaced his blank expression. If Kota was worried enough about it to go to Master Poof, then maybe it was.

"I had hoped you had begun to heal, but I see your injuries still trouble you," His Master commented, giving him the look. Korim knew it well from his days as a Padawan. It always made him feel like Yarael was trying to peer beneath his skin.

"Those healed a long time ago, like they always do," Korim stated. Firrerreo were notoriously difficult to injure for long as most wounds healed near instantly. He'd taken more blaster bolts, flamethrowers, and blade strikes than he could count at Galidraan, but none had hit his head or heart. By the end, he had been wearing more rags than clothes.

"I was not referring to injuries of the body, Padawan. Troiken and Galidraan have left their marks upon you that are plain to see for those who know how to look."

Korim grimaced again, but he knew that being stubborn about it would serve no one. He started slowly, "Neither of them should have happened. Stark should never have been able to gain the power that he did, not if the Republic was working as it should have. Senator Tarkin was overzealous, even fanatical, there is no denying that. But," He paused, chewing on his lip," But I believe he had the right idea at its core. We saw it at Troiken. We saw it again at Galidraan. The Judiciary Forces are not enough anymore. The Republic needs a military again. An actual military, I mean, not a glorified security force with outdated vessels."

The Council Master took the small tirade in stride, allowing the younger Knight to vent his frustrations, "But that is not what is actually troubling you, is it?"

The Firrerreo was silent again for a long pause. He then started and stopped several times before he managed to get the words out in a quiet monotone, "No. No it is not. The fact that they happened at all does not bother me as much as how badly the Jedi handled them. At Galidraan, there was no investigation into the truth until after the blasters fell silent. Just a slaughter. We are not a military, but we're being used like one. We don't have the training, the experience, or the numbers to survive it. We are given missions we are not prepared for and we are losing more Jedi every year because of it."

"I see," Yarael said simply, "And what will you do to rectify this?"

He was always like this. There was never a lecture, but always there were questions. Then there were the subtle hints and guidance.

"Train," Korim answered just as simply. He paused before continuing, "But not with the Jedi."

When Yarael raised an eye ridge, the Firrerreo quickly elaborated, "I don't mean leaving the Jedi. Being a Jedi is my life," He took a deep breath and sighed, "But despite what Madame Jocasta says of the Archives, all the wisdom in the galaxy does not lie with the Jedi alone. And I'm afraid that we've forgotten that since the last Sith War. Jace Dallin proved that to me on Troiken."

After a moment of hesitation, Korim uncovered the datapad he had been reading so closely before the Master had sat down, sliding it over to him. As the screen lit up, it revealed an application for a military academy.

"Corulag. One of the best, and most prestigious, military academies in the Republic," The Quermian took a moment to scrutinize it closely, "Though I do have to ask why you falsified your personal information."

"As a Jedi, I'd be treated differently from a regular cadet by both the instructors and the other students, intentional or not," Korim answered easily, "It would ruin what I was trying to do."

"Understandable," Yarael nodded hesitantly before drawing attention to something else, "I see that you have an endorsement from Commander Wilhuff Tarkin for this endeavor."

"Thankfully, the younger Tarkin is much more...agreeable than his uncle," Korim replied, "Once I explained my intentions, he was all but happy to help. Despite his uncle's fall from grace, the Tarkin name still carries weight in military circles."

"Indeed," The Jedi Master's face was carefully blank, "And what do you intend to do afterwards?"

"Bring back what I've learned to the Temple," Korim declared, "The galaxy is becoming more chaotic and dangerous and the next generation of Jedi need to be ready to face it. I would propose Leadership and strategy classes. Mandatory if I can manage it, voluntary if not. I dislike that I see this as necessary, but I won't see more Jedi die simply because they were unprepared for the reality of our time. Pray for peace, prepare for war."

Yarael was quiet again for a long while. To Korim's disbelief, the Jedi Master was actually fidgeting with the datapad in his hands.

"I do not appreciate the fact that you went behind the backs of the Council to arrange this," He finally said, "Sifo-Dyas' influence, no doubt."

Korim opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by a raised hand.

"But despite that, I...cannot see fault in your reasoning or your course of action," Yarael admitted reluctantly. Despite being one the greatest swordmasters of the Order, the Quermian was a renowned proponent of non-violence. To have him admit to such was nearly mind-boggling. As such, Korim stayed quiet out of shock as his former Master continued, "The Jedi have grown...detached, perhaps too much. Perhaps this will be the first step to healing. Both for you and for the Jedi."

Long, delicate fingers typed into the datapad before he set it back on the table, "As such, I will also endorse your efforts. You will attend Corulag Academy under my authority. But be aware that you will be watched closely. If you are found out to be a Jedi during your tenure, you will return to the Temple immediately."

Korim's mouth opened and closed a few times, "Master...I..." He finally settled on a small smile, "Thank you."

Yarael gave a smile of his own, "But while you are there, I have something for you to study. I think you are ready for the responsibility. Tell me, have you ever heard of the art of Battle Meditation?"

A/N: Korim is a character I used for an RP that just kind of died off suddenly. He appeared in another RP based off that one as a Jedi survivor of Order 66.
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Non canon Omake: The Saga of Korim Tarsis, Part 2 by Rictus
Omake: The Saga of Korim Tarsis, Part 2

Gladitorial Arena, Geonosis
22 BBY

"This is Galidraan all over again," Korim grumbled, his yellow lightsaber flicking to and fro as he deflected blaster bolt after blaster bolt, "Dooku's here, there's a Mandalorian shooting at me, and the Jedi leaped feet-first into metaphorical Bantha poodoo again."

True to his words, Jango Fett was pouring on the blaster fire alongside the droids around him, with the gray-armored Mandalorian focusing on him in particular. The sheer weight of combined fire was preventing the Jedi Master from advancing.

"Hey now," Roan Shryne spoke up from the Firrerreo's left, "Watch the language around the impressionable Padawan!"

Almost to emphasize it, his blue lightsaber lanced to the side for just a moment to block a blaster bolt that would have hit his student's blindspot. The much younger Jedi, a Nikto name Draak, flushed briefly before adjusting his stance to cover it.

On Korim's opposite side, Rahm Kota scoffed, "We're in the middle of a warzone and language is the thing you're worried about?" Catching a blaster bolt on his green blade, he reflected it back towards the enemy ranks. He cursed under his breath when Jango ducked under it, causing it to miss and hit the Super Battle Droid behind him.

"I'm more concerned at how you three are just engaging in casual dialogue when we're being shot at!" Nat-Sem, the fifth member of their little circle, stated incredulously as he tried to focus on his own defense.

"Practice," All three replied in unison.

After the Jedi had been forced out of the stands, Korim, Kota, Shryne, Draak, and Nat-Sem, Shryne's former Master, had grouped up to cover each others' flanks. A shot that got through Korim and Nat-Sem's defenses would be caught and reflected by Kota or Shryne, respectively, and all four Masters kept an eye on the much less experienced Padawan. When possible, Kota and Shryne would go on the offensive by either reflecting blaster shots, throwing their lightsabers, or utilizing telekinetic blasts.

Shryne would occasionally throw grenades from his own bandoleer or steal some from downed droids. Additionally, he was the reason Jango Fett was now down one jetpack after he used the Force to trigger its missile.

All five of them could feel each and every death around them. Powerful Masters, experienced Knights, and their Padawans. They were all getting worn out, slowly but inevitably.

"Getting tired, old man?" Shryne asked his Master. His tone was light, but all of them knew how serious he actually was.

"I'm starting to feel a bit of a burn," Nat-Sem replied in kind. Though he was clearly joking with them, the exhaustion in his movements was evident. The Rodian Master wasn't elderly, but he was much older than the other three Masters, who themselves were in their forties.

Korim could see some of the other Jedi around them were beginning to tire as well. More than one took a bolt because of it.

That decided it. They needed to break the encirclement and get out of the arena before they ran out of stamina.

"Kota, we need an exit," Korim declared.

"Dantooine?" The white-haired Jedi asked, deflecting a bolt that would have hit Nat-Sem's arm.

"Dantooine," The former confirmed with a nod.

He grimaced, but agreed anyways, "I'm going to need some cover then."

The "Warrior Three," as they were called, had fought and trained alongside each other for decades. They knew the ins and outs of each others fighting styles near-intimately and could react instantly. When Kota abruptly moved to the center of the group, deactivated his lightsaber, and knelt in brief meditation, Korim and Shryne seamlessly shifted to cover the opening in the formation. Shryne's bond with his Master and apprentice allowed them to mimic it, but not match it exactly.

Draak was a step too slow and he nearly paid dearly for it. Nearly two dozen blaster bolts were heading for him, too many to block with him in an awkward position. All he could do was brace himself and wait for the inevitable.

But it never came as Korim placed himself between the Padawan and the hail of blasterfire that sailed towards him. While several were knocked off course by his yellow blade, thirteen slipped by his hasty defense to hit home. Three hit his legs, five his arms, and five his torso, each being greeted with little more than a grunt. Each blast scorched his robes and the skin beneath, causing the smell of burning meat to fill the nearby air.

The Jedi Master never missed a step, returning to his previous position without a word. Draak couldn't help but feel that something terrible had been averted, but it was quickly pushed aside.

Though his robes were still blackened, the wounds beneath had already closed and were in the process of mending, the pain dulled by Crucitorn.

Jango noticed that something was wrong and focused his efforts on Kota, but Korim and Shryne effortlessly parried every shot.

Another minute of chaotic fighting passed before Kota's voice said simply, "Ready."

The armored Jedi stood, his hands clenched. As he stepped foward, Korim and Shryne parted ways without a glance back.

Somehow realizing something was about to happen, Jango quickly vacated the area. Just after that, Kota unleashed.

A massive wave of telekinetic force lashed out with a roar, ripping and tearing the droids unfortunate enough to be standing in the way. The blast kicked up sand from the arena floor into a cloud as it tore a trench into the floor, briefly obscuring the surviving droids' sight. Additionally, it collapsed one of the tunnels that the droids were using to enter the arena. The droids it didn't crush on the spot were thrown and pinned against the walls.

Though Kota slumped in brief exhaustion at the effort, he was still able to keep up with the others as they ran for the stands. But before they got far, the sound of descending ships drowned out the sounds of battle.

Kota squinted up at the descending transports and the warships that were now overhead, "The hell? Whose are those?"

His question was promptly answered when the first of the transports opened fire, its main guns scything through the ranks of the droids below. It was soon joined by the others as they cleared away a landing zone.

Korim smirked, "Ours, apparently."

"I wouldn't be too sure," Shryne interjected, pointing at the soldiers seen through the open doors, "Since when did the Republic field Mandalorians?"

Sure enough, each trooper bore the distinctive T-visored helm of a Mandalorian warrior. However, it was extremely odd. Mandalorians never had uniform armor and every set was unique. But before him, all of the soldiers were wearing blank, sterile white. In between deflecting blaster bolts, Kota was now giving the ships a suspicious look.

Before their discussion could continue, Nat-Sem interrupted, "They could be Hutts for all I care at the moment. They're here and they're helping. Leave the navel-gazing for later. I don't know about you gentlemen, but I think I saw Master Yoda on one of the transports and I do believe I'll be joining him."

The three other Masters grudgingly agreed before the group fought their way to the nearest transport.

The troopers around the craft nodded respectfully, giving greetings of "General."

"Seems we've been given promotions," Kota deadpanned as they stepped into the transport, "Hey Korim, what was your last rank?"

"Captain," Korim replied with a smirk, "Or it was before I got the boot from the Judiciary Forces when I was outed as a Jedi." As the transport started lifting off, the Firrerreo knelt on the floor, "Now Kota, would you mind making sure I don't fall out of the transport? I'm going to give our pilots a hand in making sure we don't get shot down."

"What, you don't trust me?" Shryne asked, mock hurt in his voice.

Korim shot him a heatless glare, "You'd let me fall for a laugh. I would prefer not to walk to the nearest command center."

Not waiting for a reply, he delved into the Force, bolstering the pilot of his transport and the ones of the nearby transports with Battle Meditation. Subtle nudges in the Force allowed them to bob and weave around anti-aircraft fire without realizing it.

Shryne stuck his tongue out immaturely at the meditating Jedi before looking around, "Anyone got a spare droid popper? I'm out."

There was a pause before all ten soldiers in the transport detached a grenade from their belts and held it out.
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Turn 1: 0-10 minutes
Turn 1: 0-10 minutes

The Battlefield was always a place of… chaos, danger, and adventure.

Those three things, above all else, were things you craved. You wanted the chaos to be righted by your blade. You wanted the danger, to be snuffed out by the great power of the Force… and adventure… The adventure of ending a chaotic situation, and bringing peace to a place of war.

That was all you ever wanted, and as you looked over the CIS stronghold on Mandalore, you knew that soon, all three things would be… Exasperated.

"Master Ordo, are you alright?" Ahsoka's voice piqued your interest and took your mind away from the stronghold.

"I'm fine Ahsoka…" You replied with a small smile. The Former Padawan was quite the help, and the 501st detachment that she was in command of was the greatest help you could ever have.

She was a great company, her and Captain Rex. "You can forgive me... I'm just trying to make sure the plan will work." You did not mind being upstaged by the Padawan. She had proven herself time and time again, and you were not going to let the damage to your pride let that someone so young could make such a daring attack. "In my mind at least."

"Well, I can say that this plan is far better than yours." Rex snarked.

You shake your head, ignoring it. "Well, at least we'll be right as the rains when we take the capital." You paused. "Let's get to our positions."

Precognition rolls: 80/100/110. Reward: You see events come to pass, giving you the knowledge to change your future.

Precognition Roll:1D100 => 90+10 (Force Power)=100

You then doubled over, the flashes finally breaking through your mind…

You saw… clones aiming blasters at you…

You saw, Ahsoka and Captain Rex fleeing the battle, with Ahsoka trying her best to not kill any of the clones, and Rex… bleeding from his head, from a lightsaber slash.

Your body was lying limp, as the Mandalorian forces, opened fire on the clones… realizing one of their allies has been betrayed.

"Uh… General Ordo? Ahsoka!? Are you alright?" Captain Rex exclaimed.

You took several breaths, before looking to your hands. You then looked to Ahsoka. "Did you?"

"Yes." She whimpered.

"What is going on sir? How can I help you?" Rex asked.

"You shot me…" You glared at Rex. "You killed me."

Rex's eyes widened as he realized what had been said. "Fives." He glared at you. "I think I know what happened."

He told you about the control chip in the clone's brain.

"We won't have any control… We'll just be puppets… good soldiers." Rex replied bitterly.

"Who has the authorization to give you those Orders?" You asked.

"Only three people… The Chancellor, our manufacturers…. and... Senator Amidala, she just became Vice-Chancellor." Rex replied.

"Sir! Clankers are coming!" A trooper shouted.

Turn 1 Begins!

You have Three Actions, due to having only Rex and Ahsoka to Help you.

For all the Actions for this turn: You have a +20 to all rolls.

Ahsoka has a +10

Rex has a +5.

Good Luck.

Critical Actions: If you are to survive, you must complete these actions. Failure is not an option. If you fail any of these options, you will not be able to survive.

[]Defend Your Position: You need to Drive Back the Droids before you can do anything really.: Rolls Needed: ??? Reward: You drive off the Droid Army. Actions Become Available.

Diplomacy Actions: You are not in any position to really negotiate with anyone… but this is desperate times.

[]Contact the Temple: You need to Warn the Temple that something Terrible is about to happen. Rolls Needed: ??? Reward: Unknown? The Force is clouded, and rewards are unknown.

[]Contact the Mandalorians: Bo Katan has been an uneasy ally in this battle, despite being your friend...but you need her help if you are going to survive this. Rolls Needed: 60> Reward: You contact the Mandalorians, and try to coordinate with them.

[]Contact Senator Amidala: You need to know how in the Force She can prevent orders from turning your men into mindless puppets. Rolls Needed: ??? Reward: Senator Amidala is contacted, and she can potentially stop the Order from getting out.

Martial: You need to focus on the battle:

[]Continue as Planned: You are in no position to just ditch them and Run… you need to win this battle quickly, NOW! Rolls Needed: 5> Reward: You attack the Stronghold.

Actions Currently Unavailable.

Stewardship: Force those droids out!

Actions Currently Unavailable.

Intrigue: You need something… now.

[]Get Rex into Surgery: You need Rex's Chip out of his head before he tries to kill you! Rolls Needed: 40> Reward: Rex will be out for one turn, but will no longer be able to kill you.

[]Tell Ahsoka to Run: You need that girl to get away from here, and fast. She won't survive the onslaught about to come. Rolls needed: 70> Reward: Ahsoka leaves, and you are on your own.

[]Escape: You cannot stay here Rolls Needed: 70> Reward: Prologue ends.

Learning: By the Force… you need a miracle.

[]Meditate: You need to focus on what the hell is going on, this planet has always been home to force anomalies, but never like this. Something is going on here, something that will change the galaxy. Cost: (Can only done by you) Roll needed: 10> Reward: You gain a +10 to the Precognition Roll.

[]Battle Meditation: You need your men to win, and you will do so with the Force. Rolls needed: 20> Reward: Your forces will automatically win their engagements for the next turn.

AN: Plan Format Please.

There is a 3 hour moratorium for discussion and planning.

Enjoy being up shit creek without a paddle
Non canon Omake: The Saga of Korim Tarsis, Part 3 by Rictus
The Saga of Korim Tarsis, Part 3

22 BBY

As flak shells exploded around them, Korim remained as still as a statue as he held the Battle Meditation, gently nudging the pilots of the craft around him to evade the incoming fire. Kota's firm hand was clamped on his shoulder, keeping him from sliding out the transport's open doors.

Nevertheless, Korim flinched as one of the transports exploded when it failed to swerve aside in time.

Aside from himself, his old friend, and the white-clad soldiers, the compartment was occupied by Shryne, Nat-Sem, Shryne's Padawan Draak, and the diminutive form of Master Yoda.

Though he was still deep in meditation, Korim frowned slightly when he felt a small slip of emotion escape Yoda's calm exterior as the ancient Jedi stared out the bay doors into the desert. Something was troubling the Grandmaster, though what he wasn't entirely certain. Despite that, he suspected it had to do with Dooku. Despite the diminutive Jedi's words, the Firrerreo doubted that he was going to stay at the forward command center.

Korim was tempted to ask Kota to go with him. However, his intuition told him that the battle-hardened Jedi was needed more on the ground with the troops.

As they landed, Kota and Shryne disembarked, though Korim stayed put.

"Not coming?" Kota asked.

Korim shook his head, "I'll head for the forward command center," He paused, reading the battlefield through the Force, "Kota, I suggest you take command of the right flank. The droids are starting to push them back. Shryne, coordinate the artillery and force the droids back to give Kota time to reform the ranks."

Both men looked at each other before nodding in agreement. Kota's battlefield experience would serve better on the front lines and while Shryne was a capable warrior on his own, his technical expertise surpassed it.

"Where are you going, General?" The pilot asked, turning in his seat to face the Jedi.

Though the sight of a T-visored helmet had quietly disturbed him ever since Galidraan, though he pushed it out of his mind with practiced ease to better focus on the situation at hand.

"The forward command post," Korim repeated loudly enough for the pilot to hear, "I need to get to a tac-map and a comm unit."


Acclamator-class Assault Ship "Resolution"
22 BBY

In the aftermath of the battle, the survivors of the arena had been evacuated to the Resolution, one of the Acclamator-class Assault Ships that had come to their aid. Compared to the noise and chaos of the ground battle, the silence of the hold was deafening.

Of the two hundred and twelve Jedi that had gone to rescue Kenobi, his reckless Padawan, and the Senator, only thirty had made it out of the Petranaki Arena. Many of those who survived were injured. Some were missing limbs, had been blinded or deafened by the explosions, or had suffered other afflictions. Three Jedi Council Masters had perished, one in the Arena and two on the field of battle.

Korim was seated on a small crate, stripped to the waist as he tried in vain to patch the dozens of holes in his tunic with shaking hands. While Firrerreo healed extremely quickly, they still scarred, leaving his torso littered with old, ugly scars ranging from cuts from blades to blaster shots. Many of the wounds would have been lethal or severely debilitating for almost every other species, though to him they were only temporary annoyances. The only spots that were completely unblemished were the ones directly over his heart.

On the floor next to the crate, Kota was dabbing at a minor burn on his arm with a bacta patch, his durasteel cuirass dotted with scorch marks from blaster fire. He had a few other scratches and scrapes from where he had gotten too close to a fragmentation grenade. Of the survivors, he appeared to be the most composed, having seen losses of far greater scale before.

Shryne was in the Resolution's medical bay with many others. He had taken shrapnel when an AT-TE had exploded, several of which were serious.

Having given up on repairing his tunic, Korim instead sat in meditation, attempting to organize his thoughts. Despite the crowds of soldiers milling about the hold of the Acclamator, the Force was quiet around him. Only a few minutes prior, he had seen several of them with their helmets off.

They were clones.

"I don't trust them," Kota grumbled quietly. Too quietly for the troopers to hear, but loud enough for Korim to pick it up.

"I will admit that the circumstances are rather...suspicious," Korim muttered back, drawing himself out of his meditation and opening an eye to look at him, "But they're pleasant enough."

"Good little soldiers," the human scoffed unkindly. He gestured vaguely, "Look around you. Notice anything strange?"

"Besides the eerily identical faces, you mean?" Korim replied facetiously before growing serious again, "Yeah, I see it. They're too professional. Too robotic."

"You've been around soldiers just as much as I have. What do soldiers do when not on duty?" He asked rhetorically, "Play cards, drink, sports. Something," He spat to one side, leaving a small puddle of saliva on the pristine floor, "I haven't seen one Pazaak deck since I've been here. Not one bottle of Corellian Ale. Not even a pair playing catch. They just sit and maintain their gear. They're like droids, just covered in meat."

The Firrerreo Master had to agree, "They're definitely alive, but their presences are...reduced. Barely there. If I wasn't looking for it, I might have missed it entirely."

Kota grimaced, "Yeah, I sensed it too. Makes them uncomfortable to be around. Creepier when they call us "Generals." The snarl that briefly appeared on his face told Korim that he had been reminded of something bad, "I don't trust them. And I don't think we should use them for the war."

Korim didn't bother arguing the last point. They both knew war was inevitable at this point. The first major war in nearly a thousand years.

Instead, he chose a different subject, "And what would you use then?"

"Volunteers. Conscripts. Anything other than them," Kota answered quietly, "Something about them bothers me. Reminds me too much of the other kids back home."

Korim winced, knowing very well how Kota came to the Order, "Unfortunately, we don't have much of a choice. The Judiciary Forces won't be enough to push back against the Separatists and a new army will take time to build up."

"It'd be worth it," Kota said darkly before repeating, "Anything but them."

Right there, Korim promised to himself that he was going to have a long talk with Master Yoda about how exactly they had acquired this army, just in time for the war to start. He agreed with Kota. Something about this reeked.
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Canon Omake: A Spar Between Friends: By DaOneInDaCorner
Mind spreading outward to the surrounding area, Ordo allowed himself a moment of respite, sweat glistening off his skin in the dim lighting of the training rooms. For many, the calm fountains were the most helpful place to meditate, though Ordo had never been able to find that same serenity. Instead, the scorch ridden training rooms allowed him to bask in the echoes of the force that danced across each scar in the room. Finding peace in the battles of the past and allowing his mind to simply float off-

"YOUCH!" The normally proud, if somewhat haughty Ordo leaped to his feet at the feeling of a slight sting upon his side. His sweltering gaze fell dangerously to the person responsible, having been distracted in the force to have not even noticed the approaching attacker. The sight of a grinning young boy, no older than eleven came as no surprise.

"Skywalker," he bit out, as the boy casually twirled his now unsheathed training saber between his fingers.

"Hey Ordee, Master Obi-Wan said to go out and get some air," which translated to 'You are driving me mad Padawan, now leave me to my peace before my fall to the dark side becomes inevitable!' which Anakin seemed all too aware of, his mirth written upon his face. The boy's joyous and mischievous demeanor was uncommon for most any other in the Order, but Skywalker was not most.

"So you came to me?" Ordo questioned in a deadpan, receiving an excited nod in response. "Any reason you felt it necessary to gain my attention by way of your saber then?" At fourteen years old, Ordo knew he should have outgrown this kind of pathetic reaction, but Skywalker had a way of riling up anyone.

"Have to keep you on your guard, Ordee! I'm doing you the favor," he bragged jovially. "Spar with me again!" The boy all but leaped forward with a grin upon his face. "You know that everyone else loses too quick, c'mon!"

Arrogance or not… he wasn't wrong. Ordo had been called by Knights and Masters before to evaluate other individuals and point out those of note; Ordo was sought after for his eye for combat and battle after all. Anakin had been a standout performance right from the start, and he'd kept an eye on the child due to such remarkableness. That was until he'd been assigned to train with him regularly. Apparently Skywalker was just a bit too exceptional for most of the other boys his age, at least in terms of combat.

"I'm meditating," the young Zabrak replied with callous disregard. Skywalker groaned, kicking lightly at the floor.

"But I'm booooored," he whined.

"Skywalker that is of no concern to m-"

"Boooooooooored!" He said louder.

"This won't get you anyw-"


"Fine Anakin!" Ordo relented with a shout, clearing his throat suddenly in concern. The boy now smiled up at his senior Padawan, while Ordo looked away with light red on his cheeks.

"... You know I won't relent to your childish whims forever," he stated, rising to a standing position as Anakin back stepped to create proper distance. His large smile and antsiness at least rose a small bit of humor from the usually stalwart blade master.

"Nah, we both know you love being around me Ordee, don't deny it." The cocky child stated assuredly, receiving a roll of the eyes in return. Ordo struggled in turn not to let his mirth show anywhere upon his face. If Skywalker ever found out how much he enjoyed these exchanges… well, he'd sooner run away to hide his shame than anything. Best never admit he held a bit of fondness for his fellow weapons master.

"Enough talk Skywalker," he said, alighting his lightsaber as the boy did so in kind, falling into an Ataru form easily. "Begin!"

So this is pretty short, but it just establishing the relationship the two had in their youth. I'll go more in-depth with future installments that touch on their friendship further.
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The Young Jedi and the Final Victory
The Young Jedi

Three Weeks before Order 66...

The Young Jedi Movement, was a failed political and Social Movement inside the Jedi Order. Started by a group of 70 Jedi about three weeks before the Battle of Geonosis.

The demands put forth by the group of young Jedi Padawan and knights were the allowance of Attachments and allow them to follow a much looser interpretation of the Jedi Code to allow more healthy mindsets and fairer uses of the Force. The original signers of the compact included Aayla Secuara and Barriss Offee, along with Anakin Skywalker and Ordo A'shur.

Then the war started and the attempts to negotiate grew infrequent and shorter and shorter as many of the others died and died in the war. Most of them were killed in the early days, those that had a good idea of what they were doing had lasted a bit longer.

Every now and then, the news reached his ears that another one of their friends had perished on the battlefield… and another body was added to the Catacombs of the Temple.

It got lonely at times...hence why Jaden stopped going to meetings and focusing on practicing what he preached.

"Jadan are you alright?" Riyo asked as she noticed your sighed.

"It's nothing dear...just tired all the sudden. Like everything is going to end for us all soon." You respond bitterly.

"Its not going to end...its just going to life." She responded nuzzling up against you. "Come back to bed."

She was right, most Jedi worried too much about the future, Jaden had to worry about what was right in front of him now. It was all he could do now.

The movement took the young by storm for those who truly understood it. Carmen Lupin was one such individual.

If you had asked her why she joined it, she would say mostly to screw with her master and cause as much trouble as possible for the Universe in one moment and save it in the next.

She wanted to be allowed to not follow the rules for a time and LIVE her life a free individual, and it was a simple request too. But the War sapped most of her free time and the rest of it was spent with what few remaining friends she had left.

She felt less like the free spirit she wanted to be and more like the patsy of the Jedi Council that her master wanted.

Of course there was the matter of what the hell Barriss did and ruined everything and got most of them sent to literal hellholes and or got them killed.

Really the plan to change the order kinda fell apart after she bombed everything in the temple.

Really ruined everything She and the gang had done to gather support for those things to that point.

"What's the will all be ruined by another faction of Jedi in a few decades." She mused bitterly as she shape changed into Mace Windu. "Your victory is pointless and fleeting, going up against everything that the Jedi stand for! What is the point of doing it at all?"

She changed back. "To allow ourselves to experience the life that Master Qui-Gon lived, trusting the Living Force as we were meant to. We are mindful of our ways, but we can't be blind to the here and the now!"

She huffed and shape changed back to her true form, before huffing and slouching onto the floor.

"Why did you stop child?" A voice caused Carman to perk up and look around. She saw the tall, armored Librarian, the fixture of the Temple Library… Master Aggruva. "That was the most entertainment I have gotten from you young ones in a year…" He started to chuckle. "Your Master Windu impersonation was spot on by the way." He stated.

"Master Aggruva." She stood up and bowed. "I apologize for such… terrible display of disrespect."

Aggruva nodded and laughed. "Why should you give respect to someone who clearly has not earned yours… Come now, I may be old but I am not like them." He said quietly.

Carman huffed. "They don't listen… all they do is spout out the same dogma we've heard our entire lives… but never give us a reason why we should follow it?"

"Have you heard of the story of the Long Defeat child." Aggruva said as he sat down next to you. "It was a tale Master Yoda told me a long time ago. One he heard from his master, and his master heard from his master before him."

"No master...the Long defeat?" She sat down next to the old librarian. "Sounds like a sad tale." She noted.

"It is a sad filled with nobility and strife, suffering and agony. A tale that is seldom told even in these halls." He said calmly.

"And why would you tell me that tale?" She asked.

"We as Jedi shall never live to see the greatest of victory over the darkside, but we have to do our part in building the foundation for that final victory." He said.

"You make it seem like we can't win." Carman said bitterly.

"No It is one we can win...but every victory over the darkside, no matter how small it may be, is but a taste of our final victory over the darkside once and for all. We will see it as we become one with the Force. As we become energy and gude the next generation to their victories, as knowledge, even as spirits connected in the Force."

"Why do you call it the Final Victory? Do we destroy the darkside?" She asked.

"No… we overcome it… and in doing so, the Jedi itself, as we know it, will be irrelevant. We no longer need to live, and train in the force as Jedi… We only need to live and train as people of the Galaxy. There is no light, or dark… just life, and everything that connects it." He stated warmly. "So do not give in to your fears and anxiety, or failure. You can fail a thousand times young one, and still win in the end."

He stood up and smiled behind his helmet, Carman was sure of it. "So… you support us, Master Aggruva?"

Aggruva nodded. "I always give support to those who need it. It is you who cannot give up on the task you believe in."

Carman nodded. "Thank you master."
(1 Hour Before Order 66)

Aggruva sighed as he clutched the console.

So that was their plan all along… Prevent bringing of Balance to the Force.

You had been so blind… Yoda… Obi-Wan… they had been deceived by the others.

They knew… They knew all along… and they did nothing.

Aggruva should have seen the signs… the deals, the secret meetings. The lack of care for the younglings and padawan's as the war tore them apart.

Ahsoka's trial… Barriss' Actions against the council and then the temple itself… Anakin's groom by the Chancellor, and the lies told by the Council to Obi-Wan, and Anakin.

To Qui-Gon… Even Yoda…

Even you.

Aggruva flipped through the ledgers, the histories… even the records he had long since believed to be lost when he was on archeological adventures.

Dates, names, regions of the galaxy, even entire councils after the Russan Reformation, even the death of the Jedi Lord's and Russan itself…

Bane. The Rule of Two… It was allowed to continue, unabated.

The Jedi knew, and they did nothing.

All to prevent the Final Victory.

The destruction of both the Jedi… and the Sith.

They wanted to prevent the Balance… The Final Victory.

They were willing to destroy those who were not them… to keep power.

"Jaden, gather the Padawan to the Archives… We do not have much time." He stated quietly.

The Jedi and the Sith… They were planning their final moves…

To keep the struggle going on forever. An endless back and forth

You did not have much time now. The Council... The Sith, The Republic... It didn't matter now.

Those who did not follow the council would be destroyed.

That was why they told them all to leave, why so many Jedi were with clones, and those without were being monitored heavily by Republic Intelligence.

Anakin was in danger.

So Aggruva did the only thing he could do.

He picked up his commlink, and powered it on. "Anakin... Please, get away from the Senate Building... Get away from the Council... Get away from them all."

He then said words that would change everything. "They want to kill Padme. Palpatine has lied to us all... and the Council has too."

AN: Let the Jaws, hit the floor.