Star Wars: Galaxy in Shambles

[X] Avi Singh, Separatist Senator of Raxus Secundus, and the current Speaker of the Separatist Parliament after Dooku. While generally unopposed domestically after the slaughter of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader, he now has to contend with the realities of being the head of a government that has perpetuated countless atrocities, while also having little to no military to speak of after the deactivation of the Droid Army by Nute Gunray.

Getting to play as a Seppie not in on Palpatine's Grand Squeme sounds like a really interesting prospect, not to mention it will be challenging since most of our military laid down arms. The corpos in charge were all taken care of by Anakin too, so we can potentially spin the movement into something else entirely.
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[X] Grandmaster Yoda of the Jedi Order, one of a mere handful of Jedi to survive the Second Jedi Purge. Not only is the Order practically nonexistent, but it also is not generally looked upon favorably by either the Empire or the Confederacy. There's also the matter of the Skywalker Twins...
I'm really interested in a quest focused on rebuilding the Jedi Order and coming to terms with the issues that ked to us almost being wiped out.

"We have been made War Leaders instead of Peace Makers. Agents instead of diplomats. No more. We return to our roots to contemplate on the force and heal the wounds of our order."
[X] Avi Singh, Separatist Senator of Raxus Secundus, and the current Speaker of the Separatist Parliament after Dooku. While generally unopposed domestically after the slaughter of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader, he now has to contend with the realities of being the head of a government that has perpetuated countless atrocities, while also having little to no military to speak of after the deactivation of the Droid Army by Nute Gunray.

The free people of the galaxy must stand against the corrupt 'republic' that has just shown it's true face! Death to the Jedi too while we are at it!
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The free people of the galaxy must stand against the corrupt 'republic' that has just shown it's true face! Death to the Jedi too while we are at it!
I think we should consider working with the jedi. Both of us have been played like puppets by the sith and burned by the republic. Plus given how much sith influence the CIS has we might need them as a counter weight.
[X] Avi Singh, Separatist Senator of Raxus Secundus, and the current Speaker of the Separatist Parliament after Dooku. While generally unopposed domestically after the slaughter of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader, he now has to contend with the realities of being the head of a government that has perpetuated countless atrocities, while also having little to no military to speak of after the deactivation of the Droid Army by Nute Gunray.
I think we should consider working with the jedi. Both of us have been played like puppets by the sith and burned by the republic. Plus given how much sith influence the CIS has we might need them as a counter weight.
The same Jedi who have spent the last years working to oppress the free people of the galaxy as the 'Republic's' favoured thugs!? Never! We demand justice for the Separatist Council and undoubtedly countless other people slaughtered mercilessly by the Jedi!
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If the CIS survives we could see the Droideka Mark ll see deployment.
Oh god yes we are so doing this, as well as making scorponek annihilators mark 2s, because at this point why not go for overkill?

The free people of the galaxy must stand against the corrupt 'republic' that has just shown it's true face! Death to the Jedi too while we are at it!
This kinda misses the point of the jedi though, the jedi, however misguided during the war were ultimately a force of good, being compassionate warriors for peace that were ultimately forced to enter a war that they by all rights shouldn't have even fought in. Even then they still fought with the clones, campaigned for them and encouraged them to be unique and build their own identities and not just be numbers.

Instead of that we should be championing the return of pre-corruption Republic where the jedi are clearly separate from it but still working for the good of the galaxy. And if someone says about using the mandalorians to keep a eye on them I will be very cross with you.
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As our great leader Dooku, who was most certainly not a Sith or anything, may he rest in peace, said:
"The Republic cannot be fixed. It's time to start over."
Dooku was also huffing the sith shitheel juice and wasn't above using torture to train savage, using sith lightning, y'know, that technique that is specifically used to cause as much pain and suffering as possible?

Funny thing about Dooku, he was secretly a raging bigot, believing that through the Clone Wars, the Republic could be made into a stronger Republic, a better Republic, a human Republic.
Doubly funny, sidious didn't really share that believe, oh he still was a psychopathic monster with no redeeming qualities but he wasn't really racist or speaciest, he just hated everyone and thought they were lesser then him and unfit to rule the galaxy and had to be controlled by him only.
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[X] Grandmaster Yoda of the Jedi Order, one of a mere handful of Jedi to survive the Second Jedi Purge. Not only is the Order practically nonexistent, but it also is not generally looked upon favorably by either the Empire or the Confederacy. There's also the matter of the Skywalker Twins...
[X] Avi Singh, Separatist Senator of Raxus Secundus, and the current Speaker of the Separatist Parliament after Dooku. While generally unopposed domestically after the slaughter of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader, he now has to contend with the realities of being the head of a government that has perpetuated countless atrocities, while also having little to no military to speak of after the deactivation of the Droid Army by Nute Gunray.
We can easily offer sanctuary to Jedi who agree to sit out the rest of the war as they are now an oppressed religious minority who were used and cast aside by the corrupt senate when they realized Palpatine's evil.
Be interesting to see how many people on the losing side stick around past this vote.
[X] Avi Singh, Separatist Senator of Raxus Secundus, and the current Speaker of the Separatist Parliament after Dooku. While generally unopposed domestically after the slaughter of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader, he now has to contend with the realities of being the head of a government that has perpetuated countless atrocities, while also having little to no military to speak of after the deactivation of the Droid Army by Nute Gunray.
[X] Grandmaster Yoda of the Jedi Order, one of a mere handful of Jedi to survive the Second Jedi Purge. Not only is the Order practically nonexistent, but it also is not generally looked upon favorably by either the Empire or the Confederacy. There's also the matter of the Skywalker Twins...

I'm sorry but if the concept is AU and the divergent point is Yoda killing Palpatine. I kinda wanna explore that through the lense of Master Yoda.

Not that the other options aren't all interesting. But this is the one that stands out to me most.