Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

Well, yeah, I'm exaggerating for effect. However a sizable enough technological edge goes a long way to even the odds even when they outnumber us. A general superiority in weight of metal is irrelevant if it can never translate into tactical superiority due to our ships being too fast to catch. We just need to actually build said ships.
That does assume that we only need to worry about warship vs warship encounters, when attacking port cities or merchant shipping or sending troops over to base out of Canada for an attack from the north to the Worker's Republic, are also concerns.
That does assume that we only need to worry about warship vs warship encounters, when attacking port cities or merchant shipping or sending troops over to base out of Canada for an attack from the north to the Worker's Republic, are also concerns.

I mean, the way I'm envisioning us actually fighting the RN is screening a WR invasion of Canada. We've been building shore batteries to secure our major ports.
Our merhcant shipping so far seems to be pretty minimal?
I mean, the way I'm envisioning us actually fighting the RN is screening a WR invasion of Canada. We've been building shore batteries to secure our major ports.
Our merhcant shipping so far seems to be pretty minimal?
We're using the money from our pharmaceutical sales overseas to buy something more cheaply -- if it's not being balanced by our trade, then it's likely being balanced by imports into the Worker's Republic, otherwise we're not actually getting anything from it other than adding more specie to circulate around our economy.
We're using the money from our pharmaceutical sales overseas to buy something more cheaply -- if it's not being balanced by our trade, then it's likely being balanced by imports into the Worker's Republic, otherwise we're not actually getting anything from it other than adding more specie to circulate around our economy.

Fair point.
[X] Socialist Party

Decent program. Gotta keep our leaders from being repeatedly sick.
[X] The Freedmen's Party

I'm worried about a land war with Mexico. Our fortifications are noted for be critical.
[X] The Freedmen's Party

I'm worried about a land war with Mexico. Our fortifications are noted for be critical.

You'll notice that army mechanization is on the to do list for this year, and that opens up certain doors.
Combined with our artillery, scout dirigibles, and radio communications, I think the aim is to do a lightning war - which doesn't much benefit from prepared defensive positions.
I dunno, I just really don't feel that we're taking military prep seriously for the amount of war we want to do?

Like… we want to fight EVERYONE. Not all at once, but we're steadily putting our fingers in all the pies.

I don't think some military prep the same turn we're going to war is enough, especially this lighting war idea… are we that technologically ahead of the world? Are our logistics good enough to maintain such a pace? I doubt it at this point in time.
[X] The Freedmen's Party

While I do like thought of dabbing on some reactionaries, I think that the Freedmen's Party's focus on peaceful diplomacy is better for us in the long term, even if it's only to prevent too many ruffled feathers when we inevitably go full Monroe Doctrine on the Mexicans. I also think that having only one faction in power is going to impoverish our political system down the line.

Honestly, I'd have voted for the Socialists if they were willing to be in a coalition with the Freedmen's Party; I actually almost prefer their platform.