Spider-Man (PS4)

Frankly, I felt the development of MJ into the role of reporter is something that came into being distinctly because of and in response to her discovering that Peter is SM. The majority of the scenes of them together in the main game did wonders of showing the awkwardness of a relationship that fell apart, but that both sides wanted to work.

There were also several lines (it's like after midnight, I don't remember them exactly) which gave the impression that part of the reason that it didn't work was because MJ didn't feel equal in the relationship, and that she had become fed up sitting on the sidelines. From there, it feels perfectly natural for a character as smart, quick on her feet and proactive as MJ to find herself moving to the direction of Reporter - hell, I'd wager that she probably started being a reporter before she and Pete broke up, and before he moved on from the Bugle. Working the words side of what Pete put to pictures is a development for both characters that I can not only easily see, but would love to have happened on panel/camera in any universe.

So... I dunno if it's only me, but has the DLC been buggy as shit for anyone else? I had multiple spoilers that I completely missed because the subtitles would play through during the loading screens, so I'd never see or hear stuff.
Frankly, I felt the development of MJ into the role of reporter is something that came into being distinctly because of and in response to her discovering that Peter is SM. The majority of the scenes of them together in the main game did wonders of showing the awkwardness of a relationship that fell apart, but that both sides wanted to work.

There were also several lines (it's like after midnight, I don't remember them exactly) which gave the impression that part of the reason that it didn't work was because MJ didn't feel equal in the relationship, and that she had become fed up sitting on the sidelines. From there, it feels perfectly natural for a character as smart, quick on her feet and proactive as MJ to find herself moving to the direction of Reporter - hell, I'd wager that she probably started being a reporter before she and Pete broke up, and before he moved on from the Bugle. Working the words side of what Pete put to pictures is a development for both characters that I can not only easily see, but would love to have happened on panel/camera in any universe.

So... I dunno if it's only me, but has the DLC been buggy as shit for anyone else? I had multiple spoilers that I completely missed because the subtitles would play through during the loading screens, so I'd never see or hear stuff.
In this universe, it's established that MJ had a lifelong passion for reporting and worked for the school newspaper. It actually seems like Peter got into the Bugle to be closer to her. You're spot on about her not feeling equal. She outright calls Peter out for treating her like she's made of glass.

Speaking of MJ
Why didn't she get bit by the spider? I know that they wanted to have Miles become the second Spider-Man, but it felt really forced. MJ had the spider on her for what had to be at minimum several hours and could have been over a full day. Why did the spider skip her and bit Miles? is it more of that mystic "spider destiny" shit from the comics? It would have been far more interesting if MJ became Spider-Woman rather than Miles, even if Ultimate Spider-Man is pretty cool.
I really love this game, I'm playing the DLC, but I have one major gripe:

Why does Screwball exist?

Seriously, there's nothing fun about this, and nothing interesting about her as a villain that makes fighting her fun. She's a psycho genki girl manic pixie chick running a webcam to extort superheroes into giving her clicks or people die, because the fuck? What were they on when they came up with this? What was the person who went "Yeah, that seems like a cool villain" on?

Why is this taking up a main story mission in the DLC? Why are perfectly good activities being wasted on this? Why any of this?
Frankly, she is so much better than her comic incarnation that I'm just happy to see her in a less terrible version...
Because comics are fucking stupid (and I love them dearly because of it). As a prime example of this, I present to you Stilt Man, a terrible and awe inspiring foe with the power of... stilts!

Really thought, comics have a history of taking the dumbest things and turning them in to super heroes and super villains. Like, look at Spiderman! A guy with spider powers? Sounds gross and dumb.

Yet sometimes it works, and works really well. Others, not so much.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh. She's in the NEW DLC AS WELL. They are going to keep fucking up their DLC with their idiot pet character aren't they.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh. She's in the NEW DLC AS WELL. They are going to keep fucking up their DLC with their idiot pet character aren't they.
I mean she's basically just a way to rip off the Riddler side mission from Batman Arkham Asylum. She's basically presented in the same way, as an annoying voice on the radio demanding you jump through hoops to save people.
I mean she's basically just a way to rip off the Riddler side mission from Batman Arkham Asylum. She's basically presented in the same way, as an annoying voice on the radio demanding you jump through hoops to save people.
yeah and I hated Arkham Asylum :mad: So annoying! Thankfully at least the rest of Spiderman is actually good, so that's the only cue they took from the Batman games.
Hey, so uh, does the piledriver move from Spiderman 2 make a comeback? You know, the one where you can piledrive a goon on the street from the empire state building?

the combat system is from the Batman games.
What? No it's not. Spoderman resembles Arkham games only in that you have a single 'strike' button and gadgets. Your defensive option is a dodge that flows seamlessly between what you were doing before and what you do after hitting the button, can be timed perfectly for slowmo or an instant takedown on gun wielding enemies, or used freely to dodge into a wall so you can do a kick-off attack and extend your combos to look awesome. I still remember fondly when I was first playing through the tutorial and it taught me that move, so I did a launcher and tried to chain directly into a wall bounce and It Just Worked, and I went "ohhhh this game has tech".

The only thing Spoderman could stand to learn from Arkham is some kind of shortcut system to access gadgets quicker because boy using the weapon wheel slows things down when punching goes faster and is funner.
What? No it's not. Spoderman resembles Arkham games only in that you have a single 'strike' button and gadgets. Your defensive option is a dodge that flows seamlessly between what you were doing before and what you do after hitting the button, can be timed perfectly for slowmo or an instant takedown on gun wielding enemies, or used freely to dodge into a wall so you can do a kick-off attack and extend your combos to look awesome. I still remember fondly when I was first playing through the tutorial and it taught me that move, so I did a launcher and tried to chain directly into a wall bounce and It Just Worked, and I went "ohhhh this game has tech".

The only thing Spoderman could stand to learn from Arkham is some kind of shortcut system to access gadgets quicker because boy using the weapon wheel slows things down when punching goes faster and is funner.
Yeah, I was pretty sure they don't, in fact, use the same system. Batman did not flow like this.
Spidermans combat engine resembles more of a character action game than Batman style combat. A coworker of mine loves the Bayonetta and DMC games and he says that there are a few strong points of similarities there, especially with how the combos flow together.
Spidermans combat engine resembles more of a character action game than Batman style combat. A coworker of mine loves the Bayonetta and DMC games and he says that there are a few strong points of similarities there, especially with how the combos flow together.
IIRC the producer/developer for this game took a lot of inspiration from Devil May Cry's air combat.
I just finished the DLC took me longer than expected because hammerhead base secondary objective were a pain

It maybe because the game is set in the post game and they have to scale up to a 50+ level spider-but geek but it feel like the ennmies are so numerous by now that it's getting hard to manage the crowd on melee alone

I rather like the indoor setpiece and that they keep finding new activies for Spider-man to do

I wasn't that into the story to be honest, I feel that Yuri and Spider-man should hang out more, though I guess they wanted to keep it from feeling to much like the heist

they must be a huge board at insonamiac with "no boss fight about that are about dodging a charging opponements" and that how we go this weird "Hammerhead in a mech suit fight" felt a bit like a Iron Man vs Spider-man boss fight

I don't really care that they brought hammerhead back, insomaniac take on him felt weird, because he's a mash-up of Apple design millitary tech and 70's gangster that don't mesh together, I would have kept him dead

So the cop.....it's chamelon, right?

Oddly enough I easily made my best score on the challenge on this DLC
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Screwball's Stealth challenges in Turf Wars make me want to fucking die. The only reason I'm doing them is based on the vague promise that she'll get arrested again once I do every challenge.

Update: The whole Turf War DLC is wretched. Every single thing in it took a remarkable nosedive in quality and by the end of it I was just saying "Oh fuck off" to the things happening before my eyes. I dunno if they just phoned this one the fuck in because they're saving all the real work for Silver Lining or what but woof.
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Screwball's Stealth challenges in Turf Wars make me want to fucking die. The only reason I'm doing them is based on the vague promise that she'll get arrested again once I do every challenge.

Update: The whole Turf War DLC is wretched. Every single thing in it took a remarkable nosedive in quality and by the end of it I was just saying "Oh fuck off" to the things happening before my eyes. I dunno if they just phoned this one the fuck in because they're saving all the real work for Silver Lining or what but woof.

The stealth challenges are pretty annoying.

One thing to note is that, unlike the Taskmaster challenges, it's often best to not go after everyone you can in an area, even if it's safe to do so, because sometimes leaving a guy all vulnerable on his lonesome will trigger a Photobomb, which, if he's the last guy left in the area, can be done very easily and net you an extra couple thousand points.

For this challenge, the photobombs don't seem entirely random, so it might just depend on what order you take out the mooks in, and knowing where the photobomb will show up should allow you to get yourself into position. Aiming for the cameras is a bot annoying, but they can be webbed up.

Web strike takedowns makes it so much easier, and web strike doesn't actually break stealth if you manage to get a guy on his lonesome. (I mention this because I spent a long time thinking only perch takedowns were silenced, but it turns out perch takedowns just make it so bodies can't be discovered, which if you're going through the challenge quickly enough, shouldn't be a problem anyway).

Cameras can be webbed to temporarily disable them, though aiming at them is a bit annoying.

I don't think you need ultimate ranking in all the challenges to unlock her sidequest, though.

(The challenges I hated were the combat ones, personally. Damn photobombs seem random, and occasionally needing to run over to one, wait for baddies to come to me, and hope they get to me before the challenge runs out makes the whole thing feel way more luck based than it should be.)