Also, the thing about Gwen. If we assume that there was a Gwen in the Miles' universe, it is very likely that she probably knew Peter. It can also be assumed that Gwen of his universe probably died.

So, to reiterate, Aunt May might've been visited not only by an alternative counterpart of her recently deceased son, but also by his dead friend - or even maybe his girlfriend.
Annoyingly I may have to re-write a fanfic I started, because I didn't address that right.


Had a thought about the whole 'no capes' thing:

"Why no capes?" Miles asked.

"Hmm?" May looked at him curiously.

"The older Peter really had a thing about Spider Man not wearing a cape," Miles explained.

May nodded slightly. "When Peter started out, he didn't plan on being a hero. He wanted to use his powers as a preformer."

Miles nodded attentively.

"His 'stage' outfit had a cape, you see. Anyway," May sighed, "he was leaving a show when a criminal ran by. Peter didn't stop him, thinking it wasn't his problem. Later on, the man killed someone in a failed robbery."

"Oh wow," Miles winced.

May didn't mention it had been Peter's uncle who had died. There didn't seem much point. "So after that, I don't think he ever wore the cape outfit again," she said, "and I expect something similar happened with the other Peter."

"I'm sorry," Miles said quietly.

"You didn't know," she patted his arm.
So I know it's not especially likely but I kinda hope Gwen and Miles actually just stay friends.
Also really liking Miles' arc. Wish we could have had the same for the others but I guess that's what the other movies are for.

The older Peter Parker is, after Spider Gwen (well and Noir Spider Man and Peni Parker) the most intriguing. I'd like to see a movie focusing on him trying to get back into the game, make amends with MJ and get in shape after so long as a slob (and it'd be a fun and somewhat new way to do things), also with Peni that is both sad and adorable (losing the robot her dead father built... but building another perhaps).

*waggles hand*

Ehhhhh kinda damned if you do, damned if you don't there.

Either you fall into the cliche of "male lead and female lead always wind up in a romance" or you perpetuate the "Hollywood really doesn't like to depict interracial pairings especially when it's black male/white female" thing.
*waggles hand*

Ehhhhh kinda damned if you do, damned if you don't there.

Either you fall into the cliche of "male lead and female lead always wind up in a romance" or you perpetuate the "Hollywood really doesn't like to depict interracial pairings especially when it's black male/white female" thing.

I dunno, there can be more characters than just the Spidey cast? Like I'd like to see this film be a sort of reverse ensemble, it established Miles Morales and the Spideyverse and gave us hints as to the multiverse and the multi-spiders inhabiting it, now I want focused films for each of the main casts (including Spider Ham for the memes) to follow up on that rather than trying to just go straight back to another crossover event.

Of course the other problem is that Gwen is the only female character of a suitable age to ship with Miles- Peni is too young, Liv and May are the OTP too old and MJ is a widow and also too old. Having an exclusively Miles focused movie would help with this, TBH my biggest complaint is that they didn't/couldn't develop the characters as much as I'd have liked (albeit they did very very well at introducing them and making the most out of the time they had- I still wish we'd gotten more of Miles' family and especially his uncle before hand but there's only so much time). We need the time for supporting casts as well as the mains and all of them could use more focus.
Looks like that's the original SP//DR, rather than the movie one.
Honestly the way penny was treated in spider verse has to be one of my only bug bears with the film. I get not wanting to add another serious spider since there is enough drama to go around with Peter Gwen and Miles, but shaving down a interesting character into a rather cheap anime joke is kind of a waste.
Depends on which Spider-Man 2 is being discussed.

Spider-Man 2 (The Doc Ock villain). I remember being happy with the visuals in that story, but there was the scene where Peter got aided by the people of new york, a little dramatic for wish fulfillment. This film also had the pizza delivery scene inside it, I think. Then there was Peter and Octavius hammy discussion on the science project scene, with a come work for me worked in if my memory is right.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
I can't remember this movie. I just can't remember, help?

Spider-Man Far From Home
The writers seem to have taken the script from Iron Man 3 and repeated it here. There are parallels that can be placed on Far from Home and Iron Man 3. Love it or hate it, it's not unique.

Spider-Man into the Spiderverse, has a consistent plot, an interactive production team that publicly appear to love their project. A unique way of handling Spider-Man in a way that hasn't been done on the screen before. Rather few flaws in the actual film itself. Brought forth a fresh take on Spider-man with a plot we haven't actually seen before on the screen in a stand-alone film.
Spider-Man 2 (The Doc Ock villain). I remember being happy with the visuals in that story, but there was the scene where Peter got aided by the people of new york, a little dramatic for wish fulfillment. This film also had the pizza delivery scene inside it, I think. Then there was Peter and Octavius hammy discussion on the science project scene, with a come work for me worked in if my memory is right.

This is the one and I don't get any of these as criticisms. The Raimi films were over the top and campy but also took themselves seriously at the same time. That was part of their charm and the tone they set up, IMO.
To add my two cents to the discussion, I never was a fan of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. To be fair, that's just cause I'm not a big fan of Maguire in general, I think Pleasantville is the only movie I have no real problems with him in. The CGI as a whole has not aged well at all. It's a whole world better than 1 but still made me wince in multiple parts. There's also the simple fact that a lot of people aren't a fan of camp and its a style I think has fallen out of favor, for both good and ill, since the beginning of the 2010s.

Moreover, and it will take time to tell for certain, but I think Spider-Verse will have a timelessness that will ensure it endures in the cultural consciousness in a way the Raimi films won't. 1 and 2 are good but there are multiple parts of them where you think, "Oh yeah, this was an early-to-mid 2000's movie and it shows." The only things that really date Spider-Verse are its soundtrack and maybe one or two jokes, and the soundtrack offsets this by painstakingly ensuring it matches the what's happening on screen (where a lot of pop music based soundtracks tend to intrude in whats happening on-screen Spider-Verse's tracks supplement it) along with including older hip hop with the newer stuff that makes up most of it.

To sum it up, and this is my opinion here, for all people harp on things like Peni's portrayal (and even then I can't really think of how to include canon Peni in a way that works with a general audience), the inclusion of Spider-Ham, and other small things, Spider-Verse is, in my eyes, a near perfect movie. I've watched it like six times since it came out on Netflix and I find new things to like every time and almost nothing that makes me wince and think "I would have done that different" like I see in most of the other Spider-Man movies I've seen.
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New tie-in comic mini-series coming!

New Spider-Verse Comic Continues Miles Morales' Story

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is getting a comic book follow-up!

Looks like that's the original SP//DR, rather than the movie one.

Even if it's not a direct tie-in, it's very clearly inspired by the movie.

Plus, Peni had to rebuild her robot at the end of the movie. Good excuse to introduce some new mecha designs. Maybe she's got her own Iron Man closet.

Also, we've got what appears to be a Spider-Chef and a Mary Jane Spider-Woman who looks a lot like a Elasti-Girl.
Spider-verse won a hugo!
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

Also beat Infinity War.

Announcing the 2019 Hugo Award Winners - Reactor

The winners of the 2019 Hugo Awards have been announced! You can read the full list below. The Awards were presented on the evening of Sunday August 18th, 2019 at a ceremony at the 77th World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by Afua Richardson and Michael Scott. Winners for...
Spider-verse won a hugo!
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

Also beat Infinity War.

Announcing the 2019 Hugo Award Winners - Reactor

The winners of the 2019 Hugo Awards have been announced! You can read the full list below. The Awards were presented on the evening of Sunday August 18th, 2019 at a ceremony at the 77th World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by Afua Richardson and Michael Scott. Winners for...
A deserved victory!