Well, whatever the case, they can manage the impress that they aren't completely hopeless for another year.
Spiderverse had excellent animation
Indeed it did.

The thing is though, 'Best Animated Film' is somewhat ambiguously defined as somewhere between being the best animation and being the best of the group of films the Academy has arbitrarily segregated off from the rest of cinema.
I'd just like to say that while Incredibles 2 was a perfectly enjoyable film, I really liked that I could watch Into the Spider Verse without having to ignore Brad Bird's usual randian gunk. In fact, I really appreciated how egalitarian the film was in comparison.
I'd just like to say that while Incredibles 2 was a perfectly enjoyable film, I really liked that I could watch Into the Spider Verse without having to ignore Brad Bird's usual randian gunk. In fact, I really appreciated how egalitarian the film was in comparison.

I still remember Brad Bird's bullshit for Tomorrowland, where effectively he bitched that noting potential issues in the future was "BAD" and the best course of action was to ignore issues because ignorance equaling bliss was better than dealing with issues.

Thank god Into the Spiderverse's "Do something about it"ism won out.
Yeah, was rather confused when I found out they basically stole Miles' thing to put into Peter's story. Was there ever a reason behind that given?
Yeah, was rather confused when I found out they basically stole Miles' thing to put into Peter's story. Was there ever a reason behind that given?

I would speculate that oblivously the MCU jumped on the Peter the first chance they got and figured the odds they would do something with Miles were probably low in the immediate, they wanted Peter to have a friend, but oblivously Harry Osborn is waaay too played out by now, so they figure out Ganke Lee would fit and most people woudn't mind.
The big thing is, for all people claim Peter's glory days were in high school, he was out of it fast. As in, he graduated high school in 1965, after his first appearance in '62. The only big supporting cast names he had at high school were potential girlfriends and Flash Thompson.

So, for a film about Peter actually focusing on the high school parts, they had two choices. Transplant his college and Daily Bugle supporting casts to high school (which as been overdone already with Harry, as Redem mentions), create characters out of wholecloth, or nab some high school supporting characters from his spinoffs. They chose a mix of the latter two.
Yeah, was rather confused when I found out they basically stole Miles' thing to put into Peter's story. Was there ever a reason behind that given?
Because for cynical business reasons they wanted to do Peter Parker but Peter Parker is played out so they harshly downplayed stuff like Uncle Ben and responsibility practically to the point of actively dancing around it and filled in the gaps with Miles thus creating a character pretty much Parker In Name Only.

And yet Ant-Man was able to handle introducing the successor to the title as the main character with the old mentor still having his own role to play just fine :thonk:
Because for cynical business reasons they wanted to do Peter Parker but Peter Parker is played out so they harshly downplayed stuff like Uncle Ben and responsibility practically to the point of actively dancing around it and filled in the gaps with Miles thus creating a character pretty much Parker In Name Only.

And yet Ant-Man was able to handle introducing the successor to the title as the main character with the old mentor still having his own role to play just fine :thonk:
I mean did you really want to see yet another production of Uncle Ben dies and "With Great power etc". It's an active joke in Spider-Verse that such a story is so played out that people know it without any real elaboration.
Because for cynical business reasons they wanted to do Peter Parker but Peter Parker is played out so they harshly downplayed stuff like Uncle Ben and responsibility practically to the point of actively dancing around it and filled in the gaps with Miles thus creating a character pretty much Parker In Name Only.

And yet Ant-Man was able to handle introducing the successor to the title as the main character with the old mentor still having his own role to play just fine :thonk:
Hank Pym isn't a Big Name; Peter Parker is. Aside from Wolverine and MAYBE Captain America, Peter "Spider-Man" Parker is the only pre-MCU character any random member of the general public would be able to recognize. It'd be like if the DCCU decided to have Terry McGinnis rather than Bruce before bombing their portrayal of him hard. Spider-Man is basically THE marvel character, the one who's always been on par with Superman and Batman (particularly Batman - notice how those two get the lions share of their companies' cartoons).

As such, they can do more or less whatever they want with Ant-Man and only comic-book geeks will notice, whereas they change Spiderman too much everybody gets up in arms.

That's the price of using a Big Iconic Figure as your main character. You get name recognition butts in seats, but you also get loads more expectations of what Should Be Included built into those butts in seats.
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I mean did you really want to see yet another production of Uncle Ben dies and "With Great power etc". It's an active joke in Spider-Verse that such a story is so played out that people know it without any real elaboration.
That's not at all what I said. What I said is that they take it so far as to actively dance around it, as if even saying the name 'Uncle Ben' will trigger the bombs to go off, contrast to Sonyman where characters are perfectly comfortable to talk about the incident when it makes sense in context without having to do a full flashback recreation (because those are the only two options I guess????)
Hank Pym isn't a Big Name; Peter Parker is. Aside from Wolverine and MAYBE Captain America, Peter "Spider-Man" Parker is the only pre-MCU character any random member of the general public would be able to recognize. It'd be like if the DCCU decided to have Terry McGinnis rather than Bruce before bombing their portrayal of him hard. Spider-Man is basically THE marvel character, the one who's always been on par with Superman and Batman (particularly Batman - notice how those two get the lions share of their companies' cartoons).

As such, they can do more or less whatever they want with Ant-Man and only comic-book geeks will notice, whereas they change Spiderman too much everybody gets up in arms.

That's the price of using a Big Iconic Figure as your main character. You get name recognition butts in seats, but you also get loads more expectations of what Should Be Included built into those butts in seats.
Yeah and Peter Parker's already had five fucking movies :V. People were fucking sick of Peter Parker and the Responsibility Rumba. Disney-Marvel could've used Miles instead of Peter because they're Disney-Marvel and they're utterly bulletproof at this point but they not only cowarded out but made it even worse by actively stealing shit from Miles to pass off as a 'fresh new take' on Peter, and Into The Spoderverse proved that they had no real reason to do so.

Like to use your analogy imagine if the DCCU brought in Batman but for whatever reason Zack Snyder was lured away from the wheel by promises of snacks and tummy-rubs, and whoever was responsible for The New Batman made him Terry in all but name, right down to suckering himself to a previously-established character as his mentor and having an arc about proving himself a worthy hero in his own right. You would rightly ask "if you're gonna steal from Terry so much why didn't you just fucking use Terry". In fact if anything it'd make more sense for the DCCU to do that because Dawn Of Justice Batman is some insane blood-hungry burnout who's been doing it too long and already lost Jason Todd offscreen and everyone knows who Batman is already so Terry would slot in naturally but not really because Batman retired in Beyond because his ailing health forced him to compromise his morals and Snyder Batman has none.

Point is I'm glad Spoderverse exists because it and Sonyman kinda wombocomboed MCU-Spoderman's presumption that they just had to use Peter and only Peter because he's so i c o n i c (and in fact Spoderverse kinda soured me on Sonyman in retrospect because they build up Miles for so long to so little effect when he can clearly work so well it's kinda lulzy).
Yeah and Peter Parker's already had five fucking movies :V. People were fucking sick of Peter Parker and the Responsibility Rumba. Disney-Marvel could've used Miles instead of Peter because they're Disney-Marvel and they're utterly bulletproof at this point but they not only cowarded out but made it even worse by actively stealing shit from Miles to pass off as a 'fresh new take' on Peter, and Into The Spoderverse proved that they had no real reason to do so.

On the contrary, Miles was able to shine because we already have Peter in MCU. Thinking that Marvel would have given up on Peter is not exactly a sound decision in any aspect.
Blu-ray is out! :D Was nice to re-watch it, and the special features were good. Only complaint was it would have been nice to get a featurette on the animation and such.
In hindsight the throwaway line by Aunt May when Liv appears is really heartbreaking because it implies a close friendship with Octavia.

That means that one of her close friends, possibly even a past lover payed a huge role in the events that led up to the death of her adopted son and the only family she has left, and in fact was the one that enabled it.

And if she didn't know already she finds out in the worst way possible.


Also I saw that Miles was using QQ and was floored. I didn't think anyone used it in the states!
me back again with opinions like 3 full months after this movie stopped being relevant

I honestly didn't really like the way Peni Parker was portrayed. We don't really know enough about her given that she only has two comics (not series literally just two books) to her name, but it's clear that she was intended to be an homage to Evangelion style anime rather than the moe-moe cutesy kawaii anime character that's become prevalent since then. I understand that all of the Spiderman characters have been changed a bit in order to fit the film, but I feel like Peni Parker is the one they most dropped the ball on. The way she's depicted you'd guess that the writers didn't actually bother to do research at all, they just saw "anime" and "smol Japanese girl Peter Parker" and just went full stereotype with the character design and writing.