Alright okay, let me see if I can describe it.

You know that whole thingy mabob where you have a bunch of info in like a grey text box with multiple tabs ontop that you can shift through? And then some of those tabs have tabs? And then you can put text in them? Do I need to grab a photo? Do you understand?

Like so?

A look at the BBcode, open and endpoints colored for convenience:

{slide=Supertab A}[tabs=Supertab A|100%x520]

{slide=Subtab A1}
Content here

{slide=Subtab A2}
Content here

{slide=Subtab A3}
Content here

{slide=Subtab A4}
Content here

{slide=Subtab A5}
Content here


{slide=Supertab B}[tabs=Supertab B|100%x520]

{slide=Subtab B1}
Content here {/slide}

{slide=Subtab B2}
Content here {/slide}

{slide=Subtab B3}
Content here

{slide=Subtab B4}
Content here



Red = The main frame of the tabs that encircles everything else.
Orange & Blue = The supertabs, or rather, the first layer of tabs.
Yellow & Green = The subtabs, nested inside the supertab they're subordinate too.
Purple = A single subtab's BBcode
Last edited:

Like so?

A look at the BBcode, open and endpoints colored for convenience:

Red = The main frame of the tabs that encircles everything else.
Orange & Blue = The supertabs, or rather, the first layer of tabs.
Yellow & Green = The subtabs, nested inside the supertab they're subordinate too.
Purple = A single subtab's BBcode

Edit: goddammit the color-code end-tag bug is back again. That's not supposed to be there, ignore it.[/COLOR][/COLOR]


Now let's put some stuff into it...
Red = The main frame of the tabs that encircles everything else.
Orange & Blue = The supertabs, or rather, the first layer of tabs.
Yellow & Green = The subtabs, nested inside the supertab they're subordinate too.
Purple = A single subtab's BBcode

Edit: goddammit the color-code end-tag bug is back again. That's not supposed to be there, ignore it.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Isn't this what you're supposed to use a Code block for?
Note to self: Do not attempt to put tabs inside of an accordion. The result is an unreadable and buggy clusterfuck.
[tabs=Base|100%x720] [/tabs]

Actually, anyone mind telling me if this only is a clusterfuck due to the Stylish script affecting Accordions but NOT affecting Tabs?
Last edited:
Note to self: Do not attempt to put tabs inside of an accordion. The result is an unreadable and buggy clusterfuck.
[tabs=Base|100%x720] [/tabs]

Actually, anyone mind telling me if this only is a clusterfuck due to the Stylish script affecting Accordions but NOT affecting Tabs?
It is not a result of the stylish script, no.
[x] Test - You don't really know your opponent until you see how they react. Test her boundaries and skills for later use
Masquerade {2}
Back in fifth century BC, a Chinese military strategist once wrote a thirteen chapter book on the military. This book would later be heralded as one of the greatest books on warfare despite it's age, spreading its name throughout every corner of east Asia.

It was simply called, The Art of War.

While you had not exactly read the book yourself, you certainly had heard quotes from it numerous times before, and you couldn't help but feel like one quote in particular was particularly relevant in your current situation.

"So if you know yourself, and know your enemy, you will not be put in peril even in a hundred battles."

Dirt kicked up behind you as you dashed straight forward towards the heterochromatic women who in turn held up her fists as if waiting for you. In a burst of digitized light your blades appeared out of nowhere and into your hands as you drew them to your sides.

You rush in, trying to catch her off guard with a sudden burst of speed before using your right blade to make a quick slash at her chest before jumping back. Reacting at the speed of light, she twisted her body forward to the left while throwing a jab at your head. You yourself whip your head back in order to dodge the incoming attack.

Taking advantage of your moment of weakness, she quickly closed in before shooting several more jabs at your head causing you to weave through them all as you looked for a weak point.


She was a boxer definitely, or at least some kind of equivalent. Didn't seem the kind to make big punches from the get go either...

A counter attacker then?


Leaning back to avoid getting a kneecap to the jaw you quickly dash behind her as the ground underneath your feet starts rumbling.

"You just don't keep still do you?" Your opponent roars over the shaking of the colosseum.

"Not if I wanted to get hit." You smirk as you duck under a roundhouse kick from the heterochromatic woman before unleashing a flurry of slashes at the exposed women's side, causing her to go on the defensive.

Suddenly, the arena stops shaking and a bright flash of light bursts through the stadium, blinding you for a moment, allowing the girl to land a sharp punch to your chest sending you flying. You quickly adjust your body before grabbing onto a... branch?

Wait what?

Your head tilts downward from where you hang on the branch only to reveal a giant white tree now standing in the middle of the arena.

"And Gladiator's Arena has shifted!" Shamal exclaimed, her face appearing on a monitor in the sky. "From this point on no one knows what to expect on the battlefield!"

"Alright!" You hear Vivio yell as you spot her jumping onto the closest branch before climbing up by jumping from branch to branch.

Tilting your head to the sky, you realize you can't see the top of the tree at all. Instead all you can see is it piercing through the cloud with a sort of... divine aura emitting from it.

You aren't really sure what to do. At the moment, you have less of a footing to do your sword work with and with her counter attacking style you'd need a reliable space to dodge. Yet at the same time if you continue on upwards you could only hope to get lucky...

And at that moment, the world splits.

[] Route One: Flash Move to her location and attempt to knock her off the branch

[] Route Two: Chain Bind Vivio and drag her up to where you are

[] Route Three: Chain Bind to the highest branch you can see and try to drag yourself towards it

AN: A bit on the short side for the wait but the choreography here was a nightmare
[X] Route Three: Chain Bind to the highest branch you can see and try to drag yourself towards it
So I'd like to take a moment to summarize this part so far.

Kungfu Space Jesus gets challenged to a fight by Super God Ninja Super God and they start having a one on one duel in what totally isn't a rip off of the pokemon stadium from Smash

And it looks like Sir Robin is winning.
[X] Route Three: Chain Bind to the highest branch you can see and try to drag yourself towards it

When on bad terrain, exit it.
Eh, let's lock the votes in say... 15 hours.

Bit of a stretch for this quest considering the playerbase but fuck it, I'm sleeping in late again.
Hm, according to my calculations... votes are locked.

Damn, and I really thought I calculated for sleeping in as well.
Masquerade {3}
"Flash Move." You intone as you feel the the card activating. The world turns into a blur as you shoot to where your opponent is at high speeds before landing on the branch Vivio is hanging on. "My apologies."

You then proceed to unceremoniously kick her hands until they let go of the branch-

"Chain Bind." You mutter as the card works it's magic. A magic circle once more appears in front of you before several chains begin to shoot towards the falling girl before wrapping around her-

You really need to get away.

For one thing, you aren't really in a position to do any fighting, at least not from here. You're currently hanging one handley on a branch while Vivio begins to climb her way up here. You need to find better ground, and you need to gain distance on the heterochromatic girl.

The best way to do that?

Go up.

The highest branch you can see is around fifty feet away, if you're guessing correctly. Of course, there's a couple more branches near the breakthrough into the clouds, but that's a little too close to the unknown for your comfort.

The problem is that Flash Move is a bit too risky to go that far a distance, and you have absolutely no faith in your ability to fly. At all. Actually, you don't think Vivio does either, so that's something you could use to your advantage.

Speaking of, the girl herself seems to fallen off the branch and if you squint you can faintly see chains around her for a few seconds.

Wait a minute.

You summon the Chain Bind you got yesterday into your hands, before looking back up at the branch. If this worked for Flash Move, maybe, then, maybe...

"Chain... Anchor." You mumble as the card glows. A magic circle is quickly summoned, before your chains shot towards the branch before wrapping tightly around it. Throwing away all hesitation you let go of the branch and let the chains pull you towards the sky.

Learned [Chain Anchor]!

The wind feels absolutely great in your hair as you were zipping through air at speeds you have absolutely no idea of but it all comes to an end as you approach your new branch, using the chain to swing around it before landing on your feet.

You give a slight wince and start to lean against the tree as you begin to stich your memories together-

"Chain Anchor!"

You whip your head down only to see the familiar chains of Chain Bind coming straight at you even they're recolored in, of all things, rainbow. Unfortunately you still had to deal with stitching your memories back together correctly, and by the time you had managed to get a firm hold on them the chains had already wrapped around the branch causing, you to look up towards the nearest branch.

...Which was one of the branches beginning to peek into the clouds. Great, that left standing your ground or risking it.

You get off your spot on the tree before summoning your swords back into your hands, positioning yourself for escape at any moment.

"Wait!" The blonde haired girl/women-who-is-actually-way-younger-than-she-looks exclaims as she lands on the branch, "That thing you just did, it's not normal is it?"

"Is it?" You ask while shifting your feet a little, "I don't exactly know much about this game, and I hear you're a newcomer as well."

"Only by a few days," The women shrugs, "But I know for certain that's not normal."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Shh, let me finish." Vivio whispers with a smile, playfully bring up a finger to her lips with a wink. "Let me guess... do you have any relationship to Nanoha Takamachi?"

You don't give her an answer but your body tensing up is all that she needs as a light giggle escapes her lips.

"If you're wondering why I know about her it's quite simple," She smiles, walking towards you as you keep your ground. "Flying prodigy, taking on the best players days after the game was released, and coming in third with her team in the first ever Brave Duel tournament... she's quite famous you know? Her duels are everywhere on the internet."

"Where are you taking this?" You state as calmly as can manage while your grip grows tighter on your swords.

"Eh? W-W-Wait calm down!" A look of shock crosses the woman's face before she began to flail her arms around, much to your amusement. "I-It's just that she's particularly famous for her special technique."

"Special technique?" You haven't heard about this, "and what would that be?"

The women lets out a sigh of relief, turning her back towards you while looking up towards the clouds. "Unison Rerise. It lets her combine her personal card with another person's personal card in order to gain a new form. Truthfully, anyone can do it, but you'd be hardpressed to find someone with another personal card. Getting someone to straight up give you their card? No way."

"If you're wondering where I'm going with this..." Vivo trails off, turning back to you before tilting her neck causing your eyes to widen, "Well, I can do the same thing. But a bit... more advanced."

Normally you wouldn't be so shocked by an opponent but sitting on her neck...

Sitting on her neck was the exact same black cross that was imprinted onto your hand.

Instantly your left hand turned into a blur as you slashed at the girl in front of you only to stop by the sound of metal ringing against each other. Your eyes trailed downwards as you slowly take in the sight of your sword being stopped.

Your sword being stopped by another sword held by the girl in front of you.

Your sword being stopped by a sword that looked exactly like your own.

"It's a cheater's ability I admit, and I bare no pride in owning it." The heterochromatic woman states, staring directly into your eyes. "But this ability of mine... it lets me copy the skills, weapons, and cards of an opponent."

You... A feeling you haven't felt in a long time wells up within you.

The wind begins to pick up, as a tense silence fills the atmosphere before the two of you descend into a fury of slashes. Vivio easily matching every move you make, with the same fluidity of that of someone who's practiced for years. There was no waste of movement as your blades cut through the air, slowly picking up the pace until it felt as if your edge had extended onto the winds.

It was frustrating, watching the style you had trained for so long in copied so easily, but...

But as the sound of metal rang throughout the arena you almost fell into a meditative trance, allowing you to realize what you felt. At first, it was anger, but now? Now it's just simple curiosity-

Something touches your skin as the temperature drops several degrees colder. Slowly the two of you drop your blades as you register this new feeling, looking up to the sky as particles of white begin to fall from the sky.

"...Snow?" You mummer, "And it's getting heavier."

Strangely though... You don't feel cold. Sure a part of your body feels a chill but it feels like a warm light is heating up your back. Vivio seems to be dealing with it not as good as you but well enough.

"Kyouya, do you mind putting your hand against the tree?" Vivio asks seriously, "I promise I won't attack until I've tested something."

Keeping an eye on the girl, you slowly press your left hand against the tree trunk only to be assaulted by the warm heat of a summer day. You quickly whip your hand back and turn around only to be assaulted by the fact that the tree is glowing.

"The tree gives off heat." You mumble, turning back to face your opponent. "Is this another change to the arena?"

"No, that would be the snow. This would count more as a reaction." The girl says, dismissing the swords in her hands, before lifting her hands up to the wind. "And it's getting heavier."

Heavier, huh? Interesting...

Hm... You still have no idea how far that ability of Vivio's goes and it would be best to get a handle on her capabilities.

"Hey," You begin, adjusting your feet before smirking at the girl who's just looking at you with a confused expression on her face. Perfect. "Try to keep up."

And at that moment you kick off and begin to run on the tree...

[] Upwards. You're willing to risk it now, if the snow will keep in your way.
[] Downwards. The best footing is solid ground, even if the temperature is dropping

AN: Vivio's ability really annoys me in it's simplicity but it does go further then what she explained in the update. On a side note, a total of five people have beta'd this quest! Yeah, I tend to ust bug whoever's available.