I am now imagining a sort of uber sidekick. Our evil butler will be hired by small time crooks looking to go big time, and more or less set them up, make arrangements, organize things in the background, and act as an amazing backup minion . . . until the money runs out or some other violation of his contract comes up. It will always be the client that fucks up, fails to follow his advice, or otherwise stumbles and ruins things. Unlike Alfred, his loyalty is limited and strictly mercenary, which gives him a good reputation . . . for those that qualify/can afford him.
So, like, Batman goes on this amazing hunt during a caper, and only at the very last second realizes that the guy he caught doesn't even remotely have the capacity to have plotted out and pulled off the crimes he did . . . but the evil butler gets away scott free, even if Batsy knows there's more to the situation. The 'episode' could end on the client's phone call, calling the butler, expecting him to arrange an attorney, etc, but he's shut down because "As stipulated in the contract, my services end the moment you are taken into any sort of legal custody, and may not be resumed until and unless you are legally released from that custody. Also as stipulated, I do not work for convicted felons or the clinically insane, so I doubt you will qualify for my services once you are free. Good day, sir."
If he does get apprehended, Alfred will be the one who pulls it off.