Snapping Turtle [Naruto SI]

Ch 43
Ch 43: Punch Rocks


Jounin Uchiha

Fugaku had been in a daze for hours after he'd received the Hokage's orders. He, an Uchiha, was first in line to become the Fourth Hokage. Did he spread that like wildfire? Or trust the Hokage to make an announcement? In his stupor, he remained silent while he went to the personnel office.

When he finally shook himself free of the stunning confidence his Hokage had in him, Fugaku found himself at a desk in the personnel office, with a notebook near his writing hand with several names already therein, and several soft-cover personnel records open in front of him. He'd been creating a team while on autopilot, he realized. So for several minutes, he went over the list of names on the list to try and determine what his thought process had been.

At least he hadn't come out of autopilot with a knife in someone's neck, or in his own neck. Again. The last war hadn't been a pleasant time.

"Uh huh… uh huh, alright -- all these people have skills useful to cutting supply lines," he realized as he muttered to himself. "Infiltration, assassination, summoning… we stop them from being able to supply the Kusa occupation, then hit them with… with what?" Kusa was hard to attack directly because of the forests which surrounded it. Though not as large as Fire Country pines, the trees there were still large and resilient to flames -- making a direct assault difficult.

"No, we don't directly assault the walls." Fugaku told himself as he flipped through personnel records and added names to his list. Transformation specialists. Hunter/trackers. Genjutsu masters. Poisoners. "We do this my way." The sneaky way. They would take Kusa back so quietly that even Death would be startled.

When he was done, every Iwagakure survivor of his efforts would regain their childhood fear of the dark.

Naturally, there were some members of his clan on the list -- they were some of the best genjutsu users on the continent, along with the Kurama Clan who was also on the list. But his list of fifteen jounin and over two hundred chunin was composed of far more clanless people than clan members. After the clanless, the most statistically present group were the Inuzuka and Akamichi -- for they had useful civilian talents which would be great for deep cover operations.

Fugaku looked over his list of names twice to make sure he hadn't forgotten anyone, and began to return the personnel records to their appropriate shelves. Next stop would be the financial office -- to requisition funds and supplies for his newly formed company. The process would, unfortunately, take days to see fully completed.

By the afternoon of the day after his assignment, covered in bruises and scratch marks, Fugaku had completed his fight with the financial office about the necessity of his requests and the Hokage's authorization thereof. The accountants of Konoha were so in love with money that they would literally fight to spend next to nothing. Fugaku left the Hokage Tower, armed with letters of credit, approved requisitions, and less blood than he had entered it with.

His first order of business after hitting the streets was to acquire one of those Oto-inspired food items from a street vendor, the strange 'burrito'. His wife had spoken highly of the 'bean, beef, and cheese', which he found palatable but extremely strange. He suspected the food item had come up from the southern continent, for theirs was the way of enclosing food so that it could be eaten with bare hands.

The southern continent seemed like a silly place.

His second order of business was to go to the two hundred plus ninja about to become part of his company and issue them their marching orders personally. He wanted to ingrain in himself that these were people with lives to come back to -- and that he had a responsibility to ensure they came marching home.

Hunting down two hundred plus people took time. When he started, the standard reaction was an expression of exasperation and glum acceptance. But he began to notice something as the hours ticked by. A narrowed eye from one person, a 'bitch please' look from another, and so on.

Something was afoot, so Fugaku went to the one person on his list he was sure would know -- his old teammate, Sakumo Hatake. Konoha's White Fang wasn't going to be part of Fugaku's efforts, but he suspected his legendary teammate to have heard the latest gossip.

When he approached Sakumo's apartment complex, he saw his old friend's son run off with some local children. Kakashi, Fugaku remembered his name being. Up the stairs to the apartment he went, until he caught the White Fang at his door with an elderly neighbor of his.

"Yoshirou," the white, spikey-haired jounin said with a 'desperately trying to be polite' face, "I really appreciate the offer but I'm still in mourning."

"Four years later?" The old man, hunched over from age, waved his cane at Sakumo. "I won't tell you how long to wait -- but you need someone who you trust to look after Kakashi when you go off to war."

"Yoshirou, we've been at peace for years…."

The old man scoffed. "Then we're overdue. Besides which, look," he pointed at Fugaku, coming up the stairs. "There's an omen and three quarters, I'll bet my teeth on it." He hobbled off and waved his hand. "My daughter will be here when you make up your mind, Sakumo. Enjoy the war, if you can!"

Sakumo's kind eyes became steel as he looked at Fugaku. "If you're hoping to recruit me for the mission in the north, I hate to tell you but I've been snagged by the southern forces already."

"I'm not here to recruit you, Sakumo," Fugaku said with a sigh. "I'm here to talk, and to hear gossip like old times."

"Oh." Sakumo's eyes softened visibly, like he was touched. "Well, if you come in for tea -- I've heard some things about you, and some juicy bits about the Inuzuka clan." He stood aside to let Fugaku come into his apartment.

"What's the one about me? Or does it need tea for the telling?" As if they hadn't been kept apart by work for years, Fugaku stepped inside and felt at ease.

"Well, considering it involves you, genjutsu, and the words 'villainous machinations', I think tea would be required." Sakumo was all cheer and smiles as he closed the door and scurried off for tea. "Heheheh, I think I still have some of that blue tea you like."

Fugaku knew the way to Sakumo's 'gossip table', so he stepped over Kakashi's toys and sleeping pug puppy on the way there. "I thought they made that stuff illegal because of the dyes?"

"They did! I've had it in storage!" Sakumo leaned out of the kitchen to show off the box with the electric blue raspberries on it, then returned to his tea brewing. Minutes later, Sakumo came to the gossip table with two cups of blue raspberry tea. "So, you won't believe the rumors I've heard about this Fugaku Uchiha guy."

Fugaku took his cup and decided to play along. "Alright. I've heard his name and already I don't like him."

"Wait, it gets worse." Sakumo sat down and sipped his tea. He shook his head and looked at Fugaku with a smirk. "That man put a genjutsu on the Hokage."

Fugaku feigned a shocked gasp.

"He did! Put a genjutsu on the Hokage to get himself a promotion. None of the jounin believe a word of it." He shook his head and sipped his tea.

"Which jounin did you hear that from?" Fugaku took a sip of his tea and winced at how aggressively sweet it was. Sakumo seemed addicted to sugar.

"Oh, I haven't heard it from any jounin -- but the chunin are all talking about it. They don't want any jounin getting in trouble, so they don't talk about it to just anyone." Sakumo rested his free hand on his chest and fluttered his eyelids. "But you know how I am with getting people to trust me."

"That's just the truth." Fugaku sipped his tea once more, and dropped the genial charade. "So who told the chunin about… this genjutsu?"

"Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer?" Sakumo looked at Fugaku like he was stupid. "Everybody jounin and above knows Danzo's trying to start something -- but no one jounin and above is stupid enough to believe him now that Lord Hokage has stopped fellating the man in public at every opportunity."

Fugaku squeezed his eyes shut and covered them with his free hand. "The mental image. Seared into my brain. Why, Sakumo?"

"Fuck you for not visiting for four years, that's why."


Arun Otsutsuki

The plan was simple. He would acquire reinforcement marionettes from the moon, and place them along the Fire Country border of Mount Koyru so that Tenmu and their earthly allies could drive their prey toward him.

Then he would kill the main family wretch before Tenmu could dishonor his father further. The ninja would have to make due with his excuses. Discipline could come later, when they were away from strangers. All around Arun, marionette birds larger than men waited in the trees with the long-armed soldier marionettes which would ride them. It wasn't impossible for the jinchuuriki to release the power of his bijuu as a means to escape. The three-tails' death spin could cover a lot of ground in a short span of time. Which was why he'd asked for bird marionettes.

He felt the air move with the arrival of a jinchuuriki, but not the one he expected to see or from the direction he'd expected. The mutual connection of all things told him that which approached was not the deep and unfathomable three-tails, but the foppish and artistic six-tails and the burning hatred of the nine-tails.

Chakra threads formed from Arun's fingertips as he flicked his arms at their would-be ambushers. The fact that he was also a would-be ambusher was lost on him. His chakra threads latched onto tiny beetles that flew about with a human's chakra in their bellies. Once he'd ensnared them all -- he smashed them together.

"I know you're there, ninja," the pompous monk declared. "This is not your affair."

From the trees, a figure in white, with a staff and a straw hat appeared. He landed on a branch of a nearby tree and seemed unconcerned with the risk attached. "I'm afraid I have to disagree." The monk bowed. "See, people keep thinking you're a monk too… and I can't have you going around, damaging our reputation." He rose, and tilted his head back. "Also, I rather like the young man you're intending to murder."

"Kousuke the Rebel, how dare you?" Arun would have glared, had he the eyes for it. "My family suffered under his for hundreds of years -- until we could do nothing else but fight for our lives. You should see the rightness of our cause."

"I heard something like that from Hizashi." The jinchuuriki monk tilted his head back the way he came. "But here's the big difference. I didn't go after my enemy root and stem. My goal was never to butcher each and every person who had ever been born on the other side. It looks like yours was." Kousuke turned his head, presumably to the Konoha ninja he had travelled with, and jerked his head toward the mountain. "So we're going to use some good old fashioned violence to stop this before you hurt anyone else."

Arun arched his brow, disbelievingly. "Kill them," he told the marionettes without hesitation. His marionettes moved as one -- they took to the air and to the trees, toward where Arun sensed their chakra.

A puff of chakra and smoke filled the trees, followed shortly by a line of steaming water that cut through the forest and two bird marionettes.

"Ninjas are such funny things." Kousuke spread his arms, as if to say 'what can you do?' "Some are perfectly reasonable and are willing to run for hours to get somewhere. Others stay crammed in a scroll so they can join the fight fresh." He calmly ducked under a stream of boiling pressurized water that took the top off the tree he rested on.

"Bring three genin, or three hundred. It doesn't really matter." Arun collected his senses and strung chakra through the air to capture debris and put that to use on attacking the monk.

Kousuke tilted his head and walked around the side of the branch, as if gravity was relative to where he had his feet, and dodged easily. His staff cut through Arun's chakra threads like they were smoke. "You're… not as good a fighter as I thought you'd be. Did you get lucky last time?"

The main family wretch's teammates crossed their battlefield in their own struggles. The Kaguya witch had her hand through the eyes of a bird marionette which flew around in a maddened state to dislodge her. Humanform marionettes launched projectiles of chakra which kept the trap master from setting up her killzone. Their dense chakra made it hard for the Aburame insects to devour, and they simply moved too fast for Hizashi to go on the offensive. The steam ninja's only contribution was eliminating a large amount of the tree cover with his wide area ninjutsu.

Arun became aware of Kushina's existence again just as he became aware of her intent to attack him. Chakra strings bound themselves to a tree trunk, which he lifted into the path of her attack chains. He tugged on them enough to convince her to pull back, then released the tree trunk so she brought it to her.

"My luck, or lack thereof, doesn't matter. Soon these poor genin will be dead, and you won't outlive them long." Why wasn't the monk attacking -- why did he only dodge when Arun attacked?

"Ninja are pretty inventive. Don't count them out just yet." Kousuke smiled at Arun. "They might surprise you."

Arun was suspicious enough to realize what game Kosuke played, and immediately turned with chakra strings streaming from his fingers. The kunai with an explosive tag that would have caught him in the back was sent away by Arun's will before it exploded. Then the next, and the next. A stream of weapons -- from the trees. Arun diverted a bird marionette to bombard the area, while he kept the weapons away.

"Yin-Yang release: Everything is nothing."

Arun had only a moment to process a blur of color that approached him faster than he could react before he was struck repeatedly in a span of seconds -- and his perception of the world turned to nothing. Darkness.

"Yin-Yang release: Part the Sea."

He couldn't use his chakra. His strings wouldn't form, he couldn't connect to the world through ninshu, and he couldn't feel the connection with the marionettes.

"Yang release: … Kousuke was directly in front of him, though Arun couldn't see him. "Buddha's Palm."

A palm-strike landed directly on Arun's face accompanied by a burning sensation. A shockwave propelled Arun through the branch he'd stood on, through the tree behind him, and the one behind that, all in a downwards diagonal path. It continued long enough for Arun to dare hope it would end when he struck the ground.

It didn't.


Tenmu Otsutsuki

Ishidate was still out of commission when morning came. Noburu's bijuu-powered medical ninjutsu wasn't sufficient to fix all the problems that the 'soldier soup' would cause -- it came from lack of nutrients and water. Tenmu, who could go prolonged periods without, hadn't brought any with him, so they had to hope there was something useful in the Tatsushiro's labyrinth.

"Are you able to use your byakugan to see, or do you need me to lead the way?" Tenmu asked as they turned a corner into a massive room with collapsed pillars and what once had been an extensive wall-mounted mosaic.

"I can see with a little light just fine," Noburu said as he adjusted Ishidate on his back. "Aki's got that covered."

"I am moderately concerned," the ninja mouse said as he held the lightning orb which apparently provided the light they needed, "that I might drop it because it's pretty slick."

"It's durable, don't worry." They kept walking, avoiding debris, and seeing wrecks of what had once been a mountainside temple. "Turn left up there." Noburu said and sped up walking.

"Why?" Tenmu arched an eyebrow at the ninja. "Do you know your way through this place?"

"No, but I don't have shoes. The ground is hotter this way -- probably means the dragon's nearby." He kept speeding up periodically, but remained silent until they got to a dead end. The hall had collapsed at some point, with the debris making further advancement impossible. "Alright -- take Ishidate for a minute." Noburu went down on one knee for better stability while he waited for Tenmu to take his boyfriend. "Hurry up, my knee's burning."

"Oh, right, sorry." Tenmu scurried over and threw Ishidate over his shoulder. Akimitsu scrambled around on the unconscious chunin to keep providing light. "You have a way to get through?"

"Yep. And it's pretty stupid but my feet are on fire, I don't care anymore." As he got up, the teen clapped his hands together, and golden chakra flicked across his body. "Isobu's chakra's more stable -- so here we go." Noburu had gathered the golden chakra into his hands, which he formed into fists. "One of you guys offer a prayer that this doesn't cause a cave-in, m'kay? I'll be busy."

"Wait, what are you going to -- " Tenmu didn't have long to wait before he found out.

Noburu had begun to punch the rocks. With his fists. Because that was somehow expected to work. To Tenmu's frustration, it did. Each punch of Noburu's left a deep crater in the rubble pile which he began to beat back by inches. To top it all off -- no cave in.

"How is he doing that?"

"I can tell you're saying something," Noburu half-shouted. "But I kinda got smashing rocks to do and my heart pumping really loud -- it's distracting. Aki! Field questions!" He continued his relentless assault on the stonework. "Take that, rocks! I'll show you! I'll show you all!"

The mouse summon cleared his throat to get Tenmu's attention. "He's using a chakra control technique employed by Lady Tsunade to grant incredible physical strength." The mouse looked quite proud of his summoner. That pride wilted as he came to the obvious caveat. "But… he's using Lord Isobu's chakra. Which is more stable here… but it's still not as stable as it would be in normal conditions. He's likely breaking his hands doing this, and just repairing the damage he suffers as he keeps it up."

"You think you're so smart, stone?! Have one of these!" Noburu rapid-fire punched a random section of stone to deepen it until he couldn't fit his arms in any further before he started on evening out the rock.

"Why's he talking to himself?" Tenmu asked the mouse, afraid that the younger teen had gone a little crazy.

"Probably to distract himself. Or to motivate himself to keep going. Or because he actually can hear us, but he wants us confused." The mouse shrugged. "I play it by ear most of the time."

"Pain… is weakness! Leaving the body!" Noburu's punching had slowed visibly, and he panted for breath more often. "C'mon! Imagine it's your manager's face, Noburu! That prick who wouldn't get off the phone while you got crushed!" Noburu regained his earlier energy for a moment after that. "I hope they gave you the electric chair, Dave! What kinda idiot stores fence panels standing up?!"

Tenmu's sweating became more pronounced as he watched, not just because of the heat. "A couple days ago, I was sitting in a cave playing marbles," he said to Akimitsu. "Now I'm in a volcano while a madman has a fight with rocks and wins."

"At least you haven't turned to drugs to have it make sense." The mouse paused noticeably. "Yet."


Dave didn't end up getting the electric chair. He wasn't ever convicted for his negligence, and in fact ran for public office later that year. He remained in office until he died from shrapnel caused by a jackhammer, used for one of his political ads, exploding.

...Diligent readers might remember the Buddha's Palm being the technique Kousuke used to put Fuguki in a coma before the fic started. It does a lot of damage at point blank range.
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Dave didn't end up getting the electric chair. He wasn't ever convicted for his negligence, and in fact ran for public office later that year. He remained in office until he died from shrapnel caused by a jackhammer, used for one of his political ads, exploding.
the horrifying thing is I could probably see this happening.
Ch 44
Ch 44: Feeling Dizzy


Tokubetsu-Jounin Kanzaki

The puppet-soldiers were harder to clean up than she expected, once their controller was downed. It was like they had their own wills and could keep on attacking -- likely some form of sealing. Sayaka speculated that they were made with the minds of real people to approximate human decision-making -- computers just didn't have the processing strength needed to fight at chunin level.

She and Junko collected as many of them as they could intact, especially the flyers, but were happy to collect pieces. Everything was going into a long and thin sealing scroll that Sayaka carried with her into battle. Her old orange coat had evolved into massive trench coat with a high collar, wide sleeves, and a huge hem to hide as much of Sayaka's body from direct view as possible. It was reinforced with metal and ceramics to provide armor, and stand on its own when she needed to leave it as a decoy. Combined with her Uemon-like wig and forehead protector combo, she was the most heavily armored ninja to walk a battlefield since the warring clans period.

Once she and Junko had collected as many pieces as they could find, they returned to the group at large. Team Orochimaru had secured the prisoners, with Haruki providing a consistent fog bank to obscure their position within it. In case he had reinforcements on the way. Naturally they didn't leave the bastard in the hand-shaped crater Kousuke had created with his monk technique.

Orochimaru had the man bound up in snakes that constricted and threatened venom -- according to their species -- at the Sannin's command. He glanced at Sayaka and Junko's return, then focused on his prisoner. "What is the source of this enmity, sir?" Orochimaru walked around his prisoner on the forest floor, and spoke with a cloying tone that carried killing intent like an echo. The delay in the killing intent, and its weak impact would put the prisoner off, but push them toward panic -- not combativeness.

Normally, anyway. The prisoner was clearly ill at ease from the snakes and the Sannin, and apparently, his own blindness. Despite his lack of eyes, he must have used chakra to see. Which was no longer possible as he, strictly speaking, didn't have chakra anymore. "You… are of the main family. A vile seed, to be crushed. If… if I fall, more will come. We will see you dead, as your ancestors would have seen us dead."

"Oh, would they have? Then, I've no choice but to hold onto you. So that you don't 'fall', and that more don't come. You'll be my personal guest." Orochimaru rested his hand on the kidnapper's shoulder. "For a long, long time."

Sayaka took her attention off the Sannin and his victim to look up at the mountain. Obscured by the mist only a little -- the mountain loomed ominously. The trees had been cut away from its slopes in most places, and even though there were clearly signs of old terraces for farming in the distance, she couldn't see any hint of people living there. No smoke, no buildings.

"My byakugan can't see past the border," Hizashi announced. "It's… like there's nothing there."

"My insects are having no trouble, on the other hand." Shibi stayed still, near his fellow information gatherer. "However, I suspect I would experience difficulty if I went there personally, from the information we have on the mountain."

Sayaka nodded, and looked to her teammates. She knew what had to be done. "Summons, Junko." Sayaka pulled her arm up through her sleeve to her mouth to bite her thumb and run her bloody digit across a chameleon tattoo on her shoulder. Junko followed her, while Haruki pouted. Of the four of them, he was the only one without a contract.

A chameleon easily the size of a carriage and four horses, with twisted horns and thick white spots along her tail appeared from Sayaka's summoning -- while an enormous black rabbit of similar size with a fluff-lined vest and Otogakure themed ear piercings emerged from Junko's.

"Kikyo," Sayaka said and pointed up at the mountain. "Reconnaissance."

"Same for you, Shinji!" Junko bade her summon. While the rabbit bounded off toward the mountain at phenomenal speeds, the chameleon remained where she'd been summoned and began to swivel her eyes up and down the mountainside.

Orochimaru approached Sayaka with Kousuke in tow -- Sayaka saw their prisoner on the ground behind them with snakes biting his face. "We'd like you to stay here and fortify this location," the Sannin told her, without the killing intent he'd expressed earlier. "It's likely we'll have to retreat this way, since Kumo will definitely send reinforcements. Either by themselves, or via Yugakure."

"That woman still hasn't informed her daimyo of our agreement?" Sayaka demanded with an arched brow.

"She's hired a courier ninja -- but even then, it'll take time for the daimyo to inform Yugakure, and for Yugakure to inform their border patrol forces." Orochimaru sighed. "It's a mess. But, back to strategy. We'd like you to stay here with the prisoner and the genin -- keep this place secure, until we return."

"I can do that for you." Sayaka nodded, and began to plan out what traps to place and where without missing a beat. "Is it just you two going, or will you bring anyone?"

"It'll be just us." Kousuke leaned his head toward the redheaded jinchuuriki and kept talking. "Kushina can speak to Noburu and I, so she'll be how we pass information to you, and vice versa."

"Assume a false flag if Konoha forces approach this position -- fight to drive them away, not to kill." Orochimaru's face spasmed toward a scowl, like he wanted to force himself to have a neutral expression. "Genuine affiliation can be confirmed after the fact."

"Understood." Sayaka nodded and withdrew her arms from her sleeves to grab a scroll from her flak jacket pouch. She wore it under her jacket so that she maximized her storage ability. If she kept on improving her storage scroll use, eventually she'd be able to create entire fortresses with a summon's help.

"I have my report ready," Kikyo the chameleon summon said. "Shinji is on his way back."

"What did you see?"

"Several corpses among the terraces. Impaled by spears, left to rot, some drowned in the waters. Two distinct groups -- one with armor, another with visible nonhuman features such as horns."

The ninja took note of that -- there was the possibility of hostiles up on the mountain. Soon after that, Junko's giant rabbit returned to them and knocked a tree over to reverse his momentum, he was in such a rush. "Hey guys I went up there and saw lots of dead people, like so many, it was kinda sad because I didn't kill any of them -- and that's always a shame, finding humans you haven't killed and probably won't get to kill because they're already dead and zombies are so rare these days." The rabbit spoke at speeds so fast that typically people who hadn't heard him before needed audio recording devices to understand him. "But yeah there was also some people up there who weren't dead and I was all 'whaaa', but then I figured you'd go up there and kill them and I didn't want to steal your kills but when you're done can I nibble on them, please?"

"Can you tell us anything about the people who weren't dead?" Junko asked, and offered her summon scritches. "Like -- were they hurt? Did they look like they wanted to fight?"

"Oh no no, they looked really sick and dying -- like they'd been without food for a long time which is really sad because then they won't make much of a mess when you kill them and cleaning up the mess is so important to the experience." The rabbit leaned into Junko's scritches. "One of them looked like really ugly, like, I had to double back to see exactly how ugly." He used a paw to point at Orochimaru. "Kinda like him, but uglier."

Every human there assembled bar Kousuke slowly turned to Orochimaru, whose tight-lipped smile was betrayed by a pointed spear of killing intent. "Thank you. For your concise reporting. And your stance on human beauty is noted."


Chunin Uemon

Ishidate felt like he'd been in a fight with Junko when he woke up. Everything hurt, he was confused as to what day it was, and he was sweaty as if he'd been fighting off an infection. The sweaty aspect was soon revealed to him -- he was surrounded by extremely hot rocks. He was on a pillar of stone with a wide cap while all around him about thirty feet down there was rocks so hot they glowed a faint red.

A wave of water rolled over the rocks and produced a wave of steam. The presence of such water made Ishidate double-take, and looked around the location more. On one side of the chamber were huge metal doors similar to where the lightning god had been. There was a path of carved stones marred with deep gouges, like claw marks, and shattered pillars along the edges. The stones looked like the heat of the volcano had slowly begun to melt them. A titanic shaking drew Ishidate's attention -- to the giant fuckoff dragon. It was roughly the same size as Korin had been, but with red scales on its back and cream colored scales on its underside. Four blue eyes, each as big as Ishidate's torso, rested in its skull.

The dragon seemed mightily upset, and blew great blasts of fire at its target -- a blur of light green fabric let Ishidate guess that it was Tenmu. Ishidate saw the blotchy blur of Noburu run opposite of Tenmu's path, and launch a wave of water at the dragon. The heated rocks at the dragon's feet cooled and steamed. The steam seemed to hurt more than the water -- as the dragon had tanked the wave but writhed in the steam.

It took Ishidate a moment to realize why. From in-between the dragon's scales, he saw things push up and out, until they fell onto the rocks at its feet. His vision was blurred by the steam for a moment, but as it cleared he saw what they were -- corpses. Some were dressed as the Tatsushiro had been, but others wore red and white Hot Water Country armor.

A tug at Ishidate's ear made him aware of Akimitsu's presence. "The dragon devoured the dead, victims and murderers. Their presence caused great pain, since their spirits weren't at peace." The mouse explained, as he read from a small sticky note sized piece of paper. "That's what Noburu says. They're using steam's natural purifying powers to make it spit them up." The mouse sighed. "But the dragon keeps re-eating them."

Ishidate grunted and tested his limbs. A bit sore, and he definitely didn't have the chakra for jutsu. But he had something which could help easily -- the Evil Eye totem. "Right. I have an idea. But I need you to vouch for me if Noburu starts yelling at me later."

"If it means getting out of this oven, fine." The mouse summon crawled up into Ishidate's wig, while the chunin made himself ready.

He watched the dragon bend its neck down to greedily swallow cadavers. It was like a fire which lived only to consume. However another wave of water promptly hit the divine beast, and forced its pores to disgorge the corpses.

On unsteady feet, Ishidate lept off the pillar and ran along the hot ground. He could already feel his sandals start to burn from the heat -- Noburu's feet had to be pretty badly messed up by then.

As soon as the worst of the steam had cleared, Ishidate ran toward the fallen. "You are dead, and the dead should be mourned," he said as fast as he could as he dashed over the heated stones. His sweat made it hard to see, but he kept going. "I will mourn you like you are mine, because someone must!" He found a corpse, and grabbed it with his gauntlet's hand. The Evil Eye surged to life and leeched some of Ishidate's unstable chakra to turn the cadaver to stone. He dodged one of the dragon's stomping feet as he ran for another.

Out of every wave of water which drove corpses out of the god's body, Ishidate was able to get two or three of them petrified and unable to be eaten again. As the number of corpses the fire god could eat dwindled, so too did the dragon's anger. The heat became less intense by inches.

By the time the last corpse was ejected from the dragon's pores, the divine beast had ceased to breathe flame or try to stomp Ishidate. It stood with its head hung, and shoulders shaking. By then, the heat in the chamber was barely above a hot summer's day, so Ishidate could meet up with Tenmu and Noburu. It worried the chunin that he saw blackened flesh actively flake off Noburu's legs and feet as Lord Isobu's regenerative powers healed him.

Tenmu seemed to have lost some of his trousers and sleeve length to fire, given the scorch marks. Other than that, he seemed fine.

"Right. Let's get to the bowing and appeasement." Noburu muttered, and started their chant. All three of them started to kowtow on the no-longer-superheated rocks. "He of great strength, teach me how to be strong. He of thunderous voice, teach me how to be heard."

The dragon languidly raised its head to look at them, expression unreadable.

"Lord of Flames, show me the way through the darkness."

The dragon took a deep, shuddering breath, and spoke. "While the others went to sleep, we stayed with the Tatsushiro. They were our children, and we couldn't abandon them to the cruelty of mankind." The dragon looked over the petrified corpses it had repeatedly devoured -- both of its children, and their murderers. "We thought, if enough time passed, they would become human enough to survive without us -- or they would become enough like us that we could bring them with us. But it was not to be." The dragon turned back to them, and bowed its head. A tear fell from its eye and struck the ground, where it gleamed red. "The Tatsushiro are gone. I will mourn them from this day, until the end of days. But in their place -- I, Rekka, grant you my blessing and the ability to move through my territory. Goodbye." The dragon's shoulders shook again, and it began to weep in a horrifyingly human way as it reached upward. The gaps in its scales melted together, and they lost their color. Where once the dragon had stood, there was a pile of volcanic stone which reached up toward the roof -- where Ishidate saw a balcony built into a stalactite. A way out of the volcano, perhaps.

"Right! Two down! And none of the rest are all that challenging, honestly." Noburu skipped over and grabbed the glowing red object. "Fire power, acquired!" He struck a bizarre pose, like they'd completed a mission or something.

"Can we please get out of the volcano now?!" Akimitsu shouted from within Ishidate's wig. "My tail is sweating and I don't like it!"

"Fine, fine, whatever. Ruin the moment some more, why dontcha?" Noburu tossed the fire orb to Ishidate, who put it into his ninja pouch next to the lightning orb. "Everyone, start climbing. I'll give y'all a once-over with medical jutsu once we scale the dragon rock."


Legendary Sannin Orochimaru

Up the mountain the infiltrator and the rebel went, violence on their minds. And in their eyes, for as they scaled the mountain they indeed came upon the corpses which Sayaka's summon had told them about. Dead civilians of the Tatsushiro clan, and Hot Water Country footsoldiers. Apparently the daimyo of Hot Water had wanted the mountain relatively recently.

"Hold up, info from Noburu," Kousuke said and stopped on the edge of a terrace, while Orochimaru landed on the branch of a nearby tree. The monk bowed his head, as if deep in thought, and nodded. "Alright." He lifted his gaze to Orochimaru. "According to him, the five genryu are in mourning for the dead Tatsushiro. He's been able to secure powerful relics for helping them to resolve their grief -- so far, he's gotten fire and lightning. He's hoping to get all five -- we can grab water, earth, and meet up with them as they're getting the wind relic."

Orochimaru frowned. When had a rescue turned into a retrieval mission? "What do these relics do?"

"According to Noburu, whoever holds the relic can use the elemental release paired to it even if they don't have the training."

Orochimaru was about to object, but he considered -- if he studied those relics, he could duplicate that effect possibly. And godly relics were especially durable, so they could be fitted into weapons to create things like copies of the Second Hokage's Raijin sword perhaps. He'd need to bring them to Takumi village for a full rundown of their applications. "...Fine. Just so long as he doesn't get eaten by a dragon."

"I'll relay that to him." Kousuke did so, and they were underway moments later. "He said to look for a giant metal door, which is where the other two groups of Tatsushiro took shelter."

Orochimaru kept his eyes open as they ran along the side of Mount Koryu. "I see it," he said and gestured to a natural terrace high above. In short order, the infiltrator and the rebel scaled the mountain and stood in front of a metal gate, partially ajar.

"Ninja! Ninja have come!" A woman's voice from around the edge of the gate called out. "Help me close the door!" Sure enough, the open gate began to pull closed.

Survivors, Orochimaru thought and immediately rushed forward. He heard Kousuke's feet behind him, but didn't look to make sure. Rather than plead with frightened people to stop being frightened, the infiltrator ran at the gate and slipped through it with the monk behind him by seconds.

A woman's scream filled the air, as the gate slammed shut from momentum. A baby began to cry.

Orochimaru's quick eyes took in the situation. A woman with grey hair and green triangles tattooed on her face, with horns that jutted out from her scalp and curved back over her hair. A baby all bundled up was held to her chest by a strap across her Tatsushiro robes -- she looked at Orochimaru with both fear, and confusion.

Beside her, obviously injured from a blade wound to the chest, dressed just like a Tatsushiro, and every bit as confused as the woman was Orochimaru's brother. Jirou. Orochimaru had looked at his picture too many times, and noted their similarities too many times to not recognize him. His robes were bloodstained, as were his hands -- and it looked like, at any moment, he would drop dead.

The legendary infiltrator just stared, stunned.

"Oh fuck me to death," Kousuke muttered. "This ain't gonna end well."

"St-stay back!" The woman stepped in front of Jirou like she was his protector, despite the baby she had with her. "Intruders! Murderers! Leave me and my family alone, before we call on the genryu to strike you down!"

"Y-your… face…" Jirou wheezed, his hand outstretched to Orochimaru. "Like… me…." He leaned forward, his brown oblong-pupil eyes unfocused, and he hit the ground.

"Ji-jirou! No!" The woman didn't want to turn her back on the ninja and monk -- but she crouched down and tried to shake Jirou awake with one hand while the other held her wailing baby. "Don't leave me alone with these people, please! Your son can't grow up without a father! Jirou!"

Every moment that Akami and Noburu had spent with Orochimaru to talk about their mutual relation played back in Orochimaru's head. The way Akami's hope had melted when she found out he wasn't Jirou. The bitterness when Noburu said his father had probably found a cliff and jumped. The warmth with which his sister in law had welcomed him, the tightness of her embrace as she proclaimed him family -- and the eventual acceptance of Noburu.

Jirou had just… left, to have another family. Another son. Which he had also abandoned. He'd had a loving family and just… left. Thrown it all away.

The mental scream that lingered in Orochimaru's mind whenever he had to play the part of wise sensei or respectable family member came back, alternating between psychotic laughter and despair-filled wailing.


Can't you see?! The best place to hide is insanity~
So the dragons allrepresent the five stages of grief then? That's interesting.
"When a god is alone with their grief, it results in zombies or living emotions. I've been there multiple times, I've been a god and inflicted it multiple times. It's never pretty -- not the least of which is because the first thing those zombies eat is the god which spawned them." Noburu shuddered. "Immortal beings cannot discharge their grief, their anger, or any negative emotion on their own. They need mortal assistance."
Now that doesn't seem very right. For one it makes it seem like immortals aren't people if they can't have emotions with causing a local apocalypse. That and it would make them incapable of functioning without mortals to constantly stave off insanity. That seems like it would only really be a thing in some very specific setting, rather an omnipresent phenomenon.
Now that doesn't seem very right. For one it makes it seem like immortals aren't people if they can't have emotions with causing a local apocalypse. That and it would make them incapable of functioning without mortals to constantly stave off insanity. That seems like it would only really be a thing in some very specific setting, rather an omnipresent phenomenon.
Are immortals the same as gods? The perspective of humans and cuttlefish are vastly different, likely it is the same for gods who were never human. How humans deal with emotions is partly that we forget, when we're trapped in emotion long past the event it's ptsd. If a god doesn't have the luxury of forgetting, If no one and nothing comes to draw it to new pursuits, there's no reason it wouldn't spiral into grief just like a human. Plus it wouldn't have the distraction of maintaining a body. Besides self harm is a thing people do. Murder suicide is a thing people do. Lashing out in grief is a thing people do. Just magnify it to god scale and you have a proper apocalypse.

tldr: If you leave a human alone in their grief with no comfort bad things happen. Not sure why it would be different for gods.

When a god is alone with their grief
The most important bit is alone.
So the dragons allrepresent the five stages of grief then? That's interesting.
Not in order, because the five stages of grief are neither universal or sequence-based. It's possible to start at acceptance and end up in denial, for example.

The most important bit is alone.
That's the important bit. They can't discharge negative emotions without assistance, which makes it really bad that presently there are two Tatsushiro alive.
Ch 45
Ch 45: Bargain


Rebellious Monk Kousuke

Kousuke wasn't typically one to get involved in family disputes. But when Orochimaru started bludgeoning the corpse of his brother, screaming about how could he do 'this' to 'them', Kousuke knew he had to get involved. A couple of precision nerve strikes later, and the Sannin was left motionless on the ground with his fists tinged pink from bits of his brother's flesh. The corpse was no longer fit for display barring a cloth over the face, and the poor man's second widow was beside herself with despair.

"If you're here to kill us," she blubbered as she comforted her bawling baby, "get on with it. I don't… I can't go on like this."

"We were under the impression you were already dead when we came up here," Kousuke explained as he knelt down beside the corpse of Noburu's father, and covered the dead man's mangled face with his hat. "We arrived to help the water genryu move on from the death of your people."

The woman remained unconvinced. She grew more agitated as she remained unmurdered, until at last she lashed out at the monk with a punch at his face. To her apparent surprise, Kousuke's lack of dodging or counter-attacking was justified by how unmoved he was by her attack.

She was occupied with shaking her sore hand as her knuckles reddened in the following minutes. "What are you made of?" She hissed as she grit her teeth. "Solid iron?"

"Close!" Kousuke grinned, but it didn't last long. "You're not going to convince me to murder you, and he," Kousuke extended his staff and tapped the disabled Sannin with it, "is no condition to assist someone in suicide. So, let's start with introductions." Kousuke offered a disarming smile. "I'm Kousuke, from Sea Country. That emotional wreck is Orochimaru, from Fire Country. He's your brother-in-law."

That made the woman pause, though her baby kept bawling. "What?"

"Specifically he is Jirou's younger brother." Kousuke held up a clarifying finger. "He's paralyzed right now. Get a look at his face, you'll see the resemblance."

The woman hesitantly did as Kousuke suggested, and gasped when she fully processed what she'd seen.

"Yeah. And he, unfortunately, has reason to be upset with your husband over this." Kousuke looked at the man's corpse with the eye of a general determining his enemy's weapons from a fallen scout. "He took a spear to the chest, did he?"

"...Yes. The soldiers seemed keen on not physically touching us." The poor woman seemed stunned with the revelation of Orochimaru and Jirou's relation to each other. "I… I don't know what to do with…." She glanced at Jirou's corpse, and suddenly realized her baby hadn't stopped crying. Immediately, she started to soothe the infant. "Shh, Kuroma, shh."

Kousuke sighed, and began last rites for the deceased. He couldn't do a full funerary service himself, as that would require giving the corpse to the ocean per Sea Country tradition. "Find your place in the next life, let your karma be counted kindly," he prayed for the departed man. "May you glimpse Nirvana and lead a new life of compassion, in the footsteps of the Buddha."

Which was really awkward, considering the son Jirou had abandoned had been a Buddha.

Orochimaru growled as he began to move around again, the paralysis' effects were only temporary.

"Are you going to attack the corpse again?" Kousuke asked, waspish.

The Sannin popped his joints as he sat up. "...What good would it do?" He snarled, absolutely hateful in his tone.

"Indeed, what good would it do to attack your brother's corpse in front of his…widow?" Kousuke was about to use the word 'second' to describe the woman -- he didn't even know her name -- but that would just alienate her. Jirou had only died minutes ago.

"It's what I felt Noburu would do -- after finding Jirou like this," he whipped his arm toward the corpse and the Tatsushiro survivors, "after leaving for years."

Kousuke couldn't gainsay that. Noburu had cannibalized an entire crew of pirates in a fit of pique that one time. The sounds of crunching bones still haunted Kousuke's sleep.

"...Jirou never told me he had younger siblings." The woman said, confused as she looked Orochimaru up and down with caution. "All he mentioned were older siblings who died in the Warring Clans period."

"My brother seems to have a habit of keeping secrets," Orochimaru said with an unhinged laugh. "It doesn't surprise me."

That wasn't entirely fair, Jirou would have been a grown man by the time Orochimaru had been born -- it wasn't likely he'd known about Orochimaru's existence. But Kousuke held his tongue on that subject. "...You say your son's name is Kuroma?" The monk asked of the woman. "And you are?"

"...Beniko," she said hesitantly. "Beniko Jiang, of the Tatsushiro clan."

Orochimaru laughed, almost maddened, and held his head in his hands. "Oh, he left them behind -- but he kept her last name! That's just going to Akami's day! No, her whole year!"

Kousuke really hated that he was in the situation he found himself in. They hadn't even gotten to the damn dragon yet! Still he patiently let Beniko look at Orochimaru in confusion then turn to him for answers. "When Jirou left, it was under circumstances where… the rest of his family assumed he had died," he explained. "So you can understand… this, I hope. He just found his brother to lose him again."

Beniko's eyes drifted down to the corpse of her husband. "...I don't… this is all too much," she said and held her baby closer.

Kousuke sighed, and knew what he'd have to do. "Orochimaru, I'm going to contact Kushina and Noburu about this."

Orochimaru's crazed eyes and Kousuke's indifferent eyes locked in a staring contest. "You can't tell him this. It'd destroy him."

The rebellious monk raised both his eyebrows. "I think you're underestimating him. And overestimating how much he loved… Jirou." Kousuke almost let slip their relationship. "Akami will be the one we must be careful with."

"Akami is his… sister, I take it?" Beniko asked, and so denied Kousuke the ability to be oblique about the situation.

Orochimaru glanced at her, then glared at Kousuke. "I'm in no mood to be polite about this," the Sannin growled. "You tell her, if you want it done gently."

Kousuke couldn't say that Orochimaru was being unreasonable, given the impossible situation they found themselves in.

"No," the monk said gently to the widow. "Akami… is Jirou's first wife."

And soon the situation, in all its visceral reality, was laid out for the woman.


Tenmu Otsutsuki

Above the fire dragon's magma chamber were many levels of tunnels. Some were collapsed, some weren't, it was tedious to get through. Eventually, they came out to a large stone temple. In the temple, the artistic bend was not on the diagonals of lighting, or the curves of fire, but in radiant lines which spread out across multiple art pieces. A gem on the wall would emit pale light, with the wall around it decorated in radiant lines that were continued onto the floor, and the pillars around them.

Once they were out of the heat of the volcano below, Noburu began to look them over with a medic's eye. He started with Akimitsu and Ishidate, and completely ignored how charred flesh flaked off from his legs the entire time.

"Alright, this is the light dragon's area -- and it feels abandoned since my chakra isn't impeded at all," Noburu said as he surrounded his hand in green energy again. "How're you holding up, guys? Aki, want me to get Keigo back in here?"

"And what's he going to do?" The ninja mouse asked, from his place in Ishidate's wig. "Sabotage the dragons?"

"Fair point. What about you, Ishi?"

Ishidate sighed. "Right now I'm just… tired. And kinda hungry. I'll pop open a rations scroll when we're done."

The medic's eyes snapped to Tenmu, then. "And you?"

"I'm… worried that we haven't seen anyone from Kumo, or Arun, yet." Tenmu admitted. "Kumo put significant effort into your capture -- and Arun explicitly wants you dead."

"But physically, you're fine? Good, good." Noburu continued to heal the chunin, while Tenmu continued to watch flecks of black flesh litter the floor. "Stop staring, I'm fine. Isobu's fixing me up."

"Didn't that hurt, though? You said using Isobu's chakra was painful, on top of standing on all that hot rock…." Tenmu didn't know what to make of such endurance. The stories from the war said the main family were pampered, they fell easily when their luxuries were taken away.

"Of course it… did." Noburu stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ah. The seal I have isn't meant to channel that much of Isobu's chakra all at once. Thankfully, neither the wind, water, or earth dragons are nearly as challenging as the fire dragon. We won't need to fight them, most likely." He sighed through his nose. "Arun's been beaten up by Kousuke and Orochimaru, along with my friends. He's going to be a 'guest' of Konoha, which is every single kind of annoying."

"Then we only really need to worry about Kumo," Ishidate muttered. "Can you two with the wide-area searching abilities check to make sure we're not being ambushed?"

Tenmu focused on his grasp of ninshu as Noburu made clones to scout the area with his byakugan. I didn't take long for him to feel the echoes of lightning-tinged chakra across the mountain -- along with something which burned like fire. Points of watery coolness joined them as he put more attention on the mountainside.

Noburu flinched. "Contact," he muttered. "Kumo and Shimo ninja -- loaded for bear."

Tenmu spent a second trying to understand what he'd heard. "Um. Bear Country is on the other side of the continent?"

"He means they're equipped for a fight," Ishidate said and got to his feet. "Right, we have to move."

"Due south of here is the wind dragon's territory," Noburu pointed in the relevant direction. He focused on Tenmu, with his byakugan active. "Now that Arun isn't a factor anymore -- you're free to go."

Oh right, they'd taken him 'hostage' as insurance against Arun. Tenmu… could just leave. Go back to the moon, and leave Arun for dead. That would be the intelligent thing to do, he realized.

"...No," Tenmu said with a sudden burst of conviction. "You're in this situation because of me. And… and… we're part of the same clan. I want to help mend the schism between our families."

"Right," Noburu said with a brisk tone as if Tenmu hadn't just opened up to him in a major way. "Standard kidnapper caught feelings situation. We can work with that."

"Didn't you eat the last person who kidnapped you and caught feelings?" Ishidate asked as he looked southward and tugged Noburu along down the temple halls.

"Irrelevant unless he wants me to have my eyes ripped out for some stupid reactor."

Tenmu couldn't help but speak out on that, even though it was a bad idea. "I want to convince you that it's for the best -- but I won't do it against your will."

"See? This one knows what consent looks like!"



The turtle spirit remained in constant communication between Saiken and Kushina to let them and Noburu know what was happening on the mountain. The Seal of Hooks wasn't going to last another fight like what they had to do against Rekka -- already the decay of the seal had accelerated to where Noburu could feel it break and splinter.

The Five Elements Seal provided less support than was hoped -- its incomplete design perhaps to blame. Isobu didn't know what to do about that -- already the chain of Wood had broken away as the section of the Seal of Hooks it was anchored to became nonfunctional.

"Brother," the three-tails asked of the six-tails. "How did you come to reside within Kousuke without a seal?"

The slug, great and oily, gurgled in the empty space between their minds. "A lotta time and effort, yeah? We had to become at peace with one anudda. But… you gotta make space inside for all the chakra too, yeah? Can't pour a bottle o' sake into a thimble." The slug gurgled at him again. "Whassamatta? You don't bring dis kinda thing up outta the blue."

Isobu knew he would be betraying Noburu's trust a little -- but they needed help he was unwilling to ask for. "My seal has become damaged. It will likely break in the next couple of days at most."

"...You can't see it right now, because I don't got eyelids, but I'm giving you such a look." The slug gurgled. "Especially because I got such bad news to give you from Kousuke."

They conducted a trade of bad news. Seal information, for Jirou's confirmed death and Orochimaru's status. Neither of them were particularly happy about this.

"...This all seems too coincidental." Isobu said, at last. "Like, someone or something had pulled strings for such a series of calamities to happen all at once."

"Or it could be that we was dancing around these issues for a long time, and this is the price of the good times we had." Saiken gurgled. "There really ain't nothin' we can do about this. Not unless you know one of us which knows sealing jutsu?"

Isobu pondered, and considered, and ruminated on the situation since he had the benefit of a brain the size of a palace. "Mito was the architect of her own seal, correct?"

Saiken shuddered at the implications. "You ain't seriously thinkin' of going near Kurama when they're awake, are you? They're nailed to a goddamn iron ball right now."

The turtle spirit shrugged his shellbound shoulders. "It seems a better option than to do nothing."


Chunin Uemon

From the temple of the light dragon, they went south and soon found themselves in another zone of restricted chakra. The southern slopes of the mountain were covered in gravel, sand, and other signs of wind erosion -- which made sense given the dragon involved.

Noburu borrowed Lord Isobu's power to create oblong boards of smooth coral for them to ride down the sandy slopes upon. It was a bit difficult to balance without the ability to secure himself via chakra adhesion -- but Akimitsu helped him to know when he went too far to either side.

"Good news!" Noburu said as they slid down the slopes of the mountain. "The dragon is between us and its door -- so if we stay on this heading, we'll hit the dragon without needing to go through the ruins of its temple."

That was good news -- it meant they could make haste to the earth dragon after they secured wind.

"Bad news! The wind dragon's capable of flight so it's less likely to be easily reached!"

Ishidate frowned as he slid down the sand. Of course it had to be something stupid like that.

"Best news you've heard today," Tenmu shouted and pointed down to the end of the sands. "The dragon's on the ground!"

"How can you tell?" Ishidate responded, confused.

"From the size of it -- its heart is roughly the size of horse and carriage. My ninshu senses are still keen enough to hear it!"

They continued to board down the slopes, while Ishidate glanced around for any enemy ninja. Sure enough, he saw a couple distant specks that made great jumps across the slopes of the mountain, then abruptly stopped. They must have hit the edge of the wind dragon's territory.

"We gotta be quick!" Ishidate shouted as they neared the end of the slopes. "And get ready to fight!"

The coral boards were smooth enough to keep scraping the stone as they reached a pseudo-canyon in the mountainside, a huge open area which resembled an arena. In the distance, Ishidate saw the dragon. It resembled an ancient flying lizard crossed with a bird, smooth green skin on its back with a long serpentine neck that sported two trails of spines with fleshy webbing between them. It had feathers along its front legs, and a tuft of the same at the end of its tail.

The most concerning part, however, was how the dragon didn't react to them at all as they approached. Its massive eyes remained fixed on the ground.

"Right, everyone, beseechment poses!" Noburu clapped his hands together as they had for the lightning dragon. But their beseechment didn't seem to move the dragon at all. "He of great strength, teach me how to be strong."

"He of thunderous voice, teach me how to be heard," Ishidate spoke with a note of worry as the god didn't respond at all.

"Lord of the Sky, show me the path ever upward."

The dragon remained still. They tried again, and still the dragon didn't respond. Ishidate could see distant figures on the mountainside -- headed toward them. Kumo and Shimo were hot on their trail.

Ishidate turned to Noburu to warn him, when he realized something. There were no Tatushiro corpses in view. The great metal doors were still closed -- but the Tatushiro either hadn't taken shelter in the wind dragon's presence, or had been whisked away. "Akimitsu, do you smell dead humans?"

The mouse emerged from Ishidate's hair and sniffed the air, then shook his head. "I don't smell anyone but you guys, and those humans over there." He pointed with his sewing needle back towards the mountain.

At last, the dragon stirred, and shook its head. "What will you offer me to mend this hole in my heart? I am a parent, who has had to bury my children in my sands all alone -- what could you give to me to make me offer you my blessing?" There was exhaustion in the dragon's surprisingly feminine voice. "Will you use your chakra powers to bring them back from the dead?"

Ishidate didn't expect to bargain with the dragon for their blessing. He hadn't expected them to be lucid enough for such talks. However, while he was surprised Noburu responded with similar levels of exhaustion.

"You know better than to ask that, Lord of the Sky. Already, your children are finding their place in their next lives. You can't ask me to steal children away from other parents because of your pain."

The dragon hung its head, and struck the earth with its tail. "I wish that these mortals had the strength to kill me, too. I wish that those who chase you cared enough to put me out of my misery."

"Death is not an escape from misery," the medic said. "The only escape is to keep moving forward. So that's what I'll offer for your blessing."

Ishidate glanced at the distant enemy ninja, and nudged Noburu to be quicker about his bargaining.

"My people come from miserable circumstances too. We've lost people, too. We've lost so many that we still have to struggle to get up in the mornings. But we do get up, we do keep trying. Even if the pain never fully goes away." He sighed, and gestured to the west. "And in the domain of your brother, two Tatushiro still live. We'll give them a home, where they can grow back to their old numbers as the years tick by. In exchange for your blessing now, I offer you a future."

The dragon considered for a moment, long enough for Ishidate to fear the offer would be rejected.

"...Very well. The bargain is struck." The dragon stretched its wings to their full extent. "I will mourn the fallen from this day, to the end of days. The blessing the Tatsushiro enjoyed is now yours. I, Tenku, grant you the right to travel my territory as you wish." The sand suddenly exploded up, and a dust tornado enveloped the dragon. When it dissipated, only a pale green mote of light remained where it had stood.

A chakra string reached out, and grabbed the wind attuned dragon orb. "Wind powers get." His byakugan briefly activated, which made him scowl. "And of course those pricks are back to top speed." He pointed behind them, toward the giant metal doors. "Path to the earth dragon is down that way, and into the caves!"

Ishidate didn't hesitate to go where Noburu had instructed, he just hoped that they could get to the caves before the enemy got to them.


So yeah. Jirou's dead dead. This was the result of a minimal-context poll on the discord, where two possible new characters were proposed to be introduced. Beniko ended up winning.
Ch 46
Chapter 46: Denial and Acceptance


Legendary Sannin Orochimaru

His brother was a horrible person. Orochimaru knew it, his sisters-in-law both knew it and, on some level, his nephew knew it too. No child would have even contemplated the idea that their parent had killed themselves in ideal circumstances. Noburu had treated it as a given.

The Sannin regarded his new sister-in-law cooly as Kousuke communed with the other jinchuuriki. Beniko was significantly thinner and shorter than Akami, but she had a similar fierceness. Perhaps that ferocity was what his brother liked in women, less their looks. It didn't matter much. His eyes drifted to his baby nephew -- Kuroma. There wasn't much he could see about the child, swaddled as it was in a blanket. While the dragon disrupted their chakra, both his nephews were in danger, so he knew what he had to do.

Orochimaru, legendary ninja, went to the shore of the lake in the dragon's sanctuary and knelt at the edge. By his reckoning, it counted as a lake due to the depths -- the clear waters made it easy to see down deep enough to where light no longer penetrated. At the edges of such darkness, he could see the moving limbs of the dragon god.

"Our families are joined, now," Orochimaru told the god with a soft voice. "Mine, and yours. Your family is those two people over there," he gestured at the woman and baby dismsisively. "Mine is with your brothers, and on this mountain. It isn't safe for them here anymore." The Sannin didn't bow to the god, he didn't even know if he was looking into its eyes due to the distance. "We will take these Tatsushiro with us to Wave Country, to Otogakure. You can come with us, and watch over them, or be left here and wonder how long they'll survive."

Orochimaru stared into the water, and he felt a weight on him as something stared back. After all that he'd gone through in his life, he felt hardened at his core. No weight from a god was heavy enough to make him crumble if his brother's stupidity and his nephew almost being kidnapped hadn't. He didn't know if he was strong enough to endure telling Akami the truth, but that would come later. At that time, in that place, his will matched a dragon's.

Bubbles disturbed the surface of the lake. Inside one of them was a glowing blue stone, a sphere the size of an eyeball. It floated atop the water when the bubble which contained it burst. At the same time, Orochimaru felt his chakra's internal flow return to normal. As natural as breathing, he stood and walked onto the surface of the water to retrieve the blue stone.

"The Tatsushiro as they were are gone," spoke a warbling voice from within the sphere as Orochimaru picked it up. "I will mourn them from this day, to the end of days. But the Tatsushiro aren't wholly gone while we live, and guard those who keep their bloodline alive. I, Suiko, grant you and your fellows the right to walk my old territory and to use my blessing as you see fit."

When Orochimaru looked down into the depths again, he found that there no longer was an aphotic zone. He could see the bottom of the body of water as if it were only a few feet deep. Not even fish lingered in its waters.

Orochimaru bit his finger, and made handsigns quick as a flash. When he returned to the shore, he slamed his hand into the dirt and a cloud of dust burst forth. When it cleared, a pair of snakes as thick as tree trunks and long enough that when coiled into mounds they towered over Orochimaru stood. "Stay here, please," he told them with his soft tone and deadened eyes. "And protect my sister-in-law and nephew." He gestured to Beniko who had flinched from the snakes' arrival.

"As you wish, Lord Orochimaru." "With precision and skill, Lord Orochimaru."

Without further regard to the snakes or to his sister-in-law, Orochimaru walked to Kousuke's side and waited for the monk to rise.

He did, after a moment, with a deep sigh and put his hat back on. "Alright. I know roughly where Noburu is. But we have to hurry." The monk's eyes were tired as he met Orochimaru's. "All the strain of using Isobu's chakra to evade capture is accelerating the seal of hooks' collapse. We have days, at best, before it starts to implode."

After all the nonsense which had been happening recently, Orochimaru found himself oddly calm about such happenings. "Then we should go. Before the seal's fragility or Kumo's stupidity make this whole affair even more tragic."


Chunin Uemon

The caves of the earth dragon's territory were surprisingly well-lit. Gaps in the ceiling and walls cut through to the surface, and allowed shafts of light to illuminate their way. For ninja who needed to escape other ninja, such a thing was a double-edged sword. Noburu was able to buy them time by frequently putting up coral walls up behind them and in the direction of paths they didn't go -- as distractions.

"Okay, so the good news," Noburu said as he caught up to them from one such distraction coral wall. "Is that from here I know exactly where to go to get to the dragon." His breathing was heavy, and the gold chakra of the turtle spirit flickered as he held up his hands. "Bad news is the seal's grown so unstable, I can't rely on this anymore. Ready for the worse news?"

Ishidate frowned and glanced at Tenmu. The moon-man's face was pulled tight, like he'd eaten something bitter. Neither of them were really ready for more bad news. Still, they had to hear it. Ishidate turned to Noburu and nodded, even though it was a lie.

"The dragon's chamber is a dead end. If we get to it, we're trapped. We're going to have Kumo beating down the door, and there will be no running." Noburu diverted course, and led the three of them and the ninja mouse toward a region where the natural walls of the cave became oddly smooth. The floors were strangely even. It was like someone had wanted to keep the aesthetic of the natural cave while they made the place liveable.

As Noburu lead them through the area, they passed some disturbing sights. Every few chambers there were rugs laid out along walls, with what looked like statues along their outer edges, surrounded by candles and offerings. As they passed one particularly closely, Ishidate had the chance to really look at them. He saw a skull with sunken eye sockets look back at him, partially covered by a veil and a straw hat.

By that point, they had passed by at least sixty such arrangements of mummified corpses posed in the act of praying. Ishidate hoped that they hadn't starved themselves to death as Swamp Country monks sometimes did to achieve similar effects.

"There's the door!"

Noburu's shout was followed shortly thereafter by an explosion in the direction they had come from. In the distance, Ishidate could hear the sounds of sandals on stone. They were being followed, someone had caught their trail. Up ahead, Ishidate could see the great metal doors inscribed with dragons facing one another. They were swung open, and revealed a long path toward a pit.

"Oh that's not good." Noburu's pained tone was understandable on the grounds that the doors were open and thus useless in keeping Kumo out, but it became doubly so as they ran down the path.

In the midst of the pit was a giant stone dragon with a head that bore protrusions like a samurai's helmet. It was easily the biggest of the dragons that they had seen, even bigger than Rekka or Korin. Its hide was all of brown and tans, like it was made of stone. All around it were mummified bodies that sat with candles around them -- praying toward the dragon. At first, Ishidate thought it was simply asleep, or perhaps grieving in silence. But then he noticed the moss and fungi that grew on the god's scales. It had been like that for a long time.

What sealed the dawning horror was that there were no eyes in its sockets -- just empty pits. The god was not at home.

They had run into a dead end, and there was nothing they could do.

"Noburu, you know any way to get that thing to wake up?" Ishidate asked as he drew a kunai and looked back the way they'd come. He saw four figures in Kumogakure flak jackets approach at full sprint. Two were swordsmen, and the other two had no visible special equipment. If he could land a solid hit with his petrification gauntlet, he might have a chance.

"I can't even tell if he's alive but sleeping, or dead," the splotchy-skinned genin muttered. He turned to face the Kumo ninja too. "Heh. You know -- I realize now that even if we could close the doors… it wouldn't do anything but slow them down. The door opening thing's right outside."

"So this was a terrible idea." Tenmu sighed and assumed a taijutsu stance. "Oh well. At least the maybe-dead dragon's messing up their chakra too."

With no other choice, they waited for the Kumo ninja to come to them.

As the Kumo ninja approached, Ishidate took a deep breath and steeled himself. He would fight until he was dead, because he knew what would follow if they took any of them alive. A sudden motion tripped Ishidate's instincts -- he caught what had been thrown at him from the side automatically.

It was the green orb, from the wind dragon Tenku.

"Uemon ninja use airborne poisons a lot, right?" Noburu smirked at him. "Think you can use that to make them regret not bringing masks?"

"Well, I'm normally much more partial to that fine gentleman's influence," Ishidate responded with a pointed kunai at the slumbering dragon. "But I suppose it does go with my eyes…." He sheathed the kunai in his leg holster then grabbed a trio of trinagular poison bombs from his hip pack. "Let's see if these folks are partial to aersolized dysentery."

As it turned out, channeling chakra into the orb was just like channeling chakra into his gauntlet.


Legendary Sannin Jiraiya

The gates of Konoha were a welcome sight as he carried his last student on his back. "Just a little longer, Minato. Hold on." The kid wheezed against his back, a good sign. He was breathing at least.

Shichiro and Ji-Woo weren't. Their remains were sealed into a scroll he kept in his hip-pouch. They'd gotten a larger dose of the poison those Suna-nin had used, he'd lost them before they were even out of the contested lands.

Jiraiya didn't honestly care if Sarutobi-sensei gave him flak for abandoning the mining operation, or if Orochimaru groused about how important the fancy rocks were. He'd either retreieved or destroyed as much of the notes as he could -- his focus was on getting his students out. The miners would be left alive for a little while, at least. Someone had to dig out the rocks for Suna and Tani.

Dirty from a desperate pace, Jiraiya didn't stop to greet the gate guards as he entered the city with his intent set on the hospital. Tsundade wasn't around, but Orochimaru had to be back from Oto. If he wasn't, Jiraiya didn't know if they had medics with the skill to whip up an antidote in time to save Minato.

He arrived at the hospital and barked an order for the poison treatment team right away. Medical ninja brought out a gurney for Minato, which Jiraiya quickly laid him on. The boy's blonde spikey hair was matted with cave dirt and mud. He had bags under his eyes, a symptom of the poison the rest of the team had shown almost immediately. As Jiraiya watched his last student vanish into the hospital past where he could go, he tried to think of that as a positive. That symptom had only just cropped up, which meant Minato likely had a long time before the poison killed him.

"Lord Jiraiya?" A nurse-ninja with a medical mask approached him with a wary look on her face. "Where… where are your other students? Do they need treatment as well?"

It hit him then, how just a day or two ago all three of his students had been busy training for the Chunin Exams, and how not too long ago, he and Minato had to watch as two of them choked their last breaths. With a bitter frown, and only iron will keeping him from weeping like a woman, Jiraiya took the storage scroll he'd put Shichiro and Ji-Woo's bodies into and passed it to her. "Here they are. Please advise the medical examiner to take precautions, they died to Suna poisons."

The nurse was young. Perhaps too young to have been in the last border skirmish. She looked horrified to have a scroll with two teenager's corpses inside in her hands. "I'm… I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, me too." Since he hadn't been poisoned, it was up to him to report to the Hokage. Someone had to let him know Suna and Tani had made their move. Without so much as a glance toward the nurse, Jiraiya left the hospital's entry room and lept to the rooftops. He had to get to the Hokage Tower.

In the Professor's place in the Hokage's office, he found the old bastards Koharu, Danzo, and Homura. The manner he found them, on any other day, would have been outright hilarious. In fact, he fully intended to remember it once his recent pains were more bearable so he could laugh. Homura, Koharu, and Danzo had been in the midst of a scrap about who got to sit in the actual Hokage's chair when Jiraiya entered the office.

As soon as they saw him, they all made a break for the chair. It ended up with all of them seated in it, stacked on top of each other. Koharu on the bottom, with Danzo on her lap, and Homura on Danzo's. They all made an effort to look supremely serious despite the wild inappropriateness of their actions and bearing.

After a solid minute, true sixty seconds of utter silence between Jiraiya and the old bastards, the Sannin spoke up. "I have a report I have to give to Lord Hokage." His voice was hoarse, strained from heavy breathing for hours. "Is he on lunch or something? It's important."

Koharu leaned to one side to speak back. "He is away at the capital, to speak to the daimyo about the possibility of war. His schedule has him back tomorrow afternoon."

Homura, the tallest of the three and the one on top had no need to move to the side to speak. "Why have you returned to Konoha without orders? You were supposed to hold the mines."

Jiraiya closed the door behind him and sighed. "The anticipated attack on the mines happened sooner than we expected. Suna and Tani now control the mines, and the mineral silo. I retrieved or destroyed everything I could before withdrawing." He placed his hand on his hip pouch, wherein another scroll lay. There was no way he would hand it over to anyone but Sarutobi-sensei or Orochimaru, however. "...Two of my students were killed in the attack, by Suna puppeteer poison."

Danzo nodded without moving to either side to address Jiraiya. "With the alternative being your capture or death, retreat was the correct solution. The loss of the mines are regretable, but without the research notes then all they will have are what appear to be precious stones. Once Orochimaru returns, we can put him to the task of recovering the mines."

Jiraiya's face pulled tight as he realized what Danzo had said. "Orochimaru isn't back yet?"

"No. Otogakure was attacked, and its jinchuuriki stolen. Orochimaru is assisting in its retrieval."

The toad Sannin cursed and dragged his hand across his face. He was barely holding it together with the loss of two of his students -- if Minato died too, then… Jiraiya didn't want to think about it. "I get the feeling that I need to be brought up to speed on a lot of stuff that's happened."

As he soon learned -- when it rained on Fire Country, it poured.


Legendary Sannin Orochimaru

It didn't take long to find the earth dragon's chamber once they were down in the tunnels. A lot of the passageways had been blocked by coral, yet there was one path that had shattered coral fragments strewn along it. They simply followed the path of destruction.

Orochimaru's internal laugh-crying helped him remain numb as he readied himself to potentially find his nephew's body, or to find evidence he'd been taken again. He could tell Kousuke was in a similar situation -- but his acceptance came from genuinely being at peace. Orochimaru wished he could be so undisturbed by what horrible things they had seen, and unaffected by compounding stress -- perhaps he would take some time at a monastery, to learn their apathetic ways.

They did find bodies, but not the ones they'd feared to find. All along the way to the chamber, they passed mummified remans of monks dedicated to the earth dragon, hands still clasped in prayer. And at the great metal doorway, they found four Kumo ninja -- in a fouled state, with an odd green-white dust over their partially stripped bodies with fluids and stains all over the ground around them. It didn't take Orochimaru long to look down the path in the dragon's sanctuary, see an Uemon wig, and guess what had happened.

The monk and the ninja entered the sanctuary as if it were merely a scenic vista they had come to see. The Uemon chunin which Orochimaru had learned went missing in the first retrieval attempt, Ishidate, was seated with his back to a pit in the floor. He watched them warily, but relaxed once Noburu, who sat at his side but facing the pit, pushed his shoulder.

Noburu had acquired the flak jackets of the Kumo ninjas, and was in the middle of checking their scroll pouches. Two katanas rested at his side in their sheaths. Far to another side was one of the boy's kidnappers. The young Otsutsuki boy.

"He defected to us," Noburu said with a bored tone almost the moment Orochimaru's hand drifted toward a kunai. "You're free to be pissed with him, but no stabbing. Not today."

The Otsutsuki teen kowtowed in Orochimaru's direction. "I apologize for what I have done, and will work to make amends. I was mistaken and -- "

"And I don't care," Orochimaru said, cool as ice, and paid the boy no more mind. He walked as if on auto-pilot, and came to sit next to Noburu facing the pit. Inside there was a statue of a dragon -- perhaps the god's physical body. Vacant. "Kousuke told you?"

He ignored Ishidate, and had eyes only for his nephew who put the flak jacket scroll away. "Yep. I'm a big brother, suddenly." Noburu sighed and rested his head in his hands. "Mom's going to go into another depression over this."

"But not you?"

"In hindsight, it becomes rather obvious." Noburu took his head out of his hands and looked up. There were flowering vines that hung from the ceiling, of five different colors. "He married my mom and had me so that he could get looked at by Kiri's doctors. When they didn't have anything for him, he left because he didn't want to be treated like a slave for the rest of his life."

It hurt Orochimaru to hear Noburu dispassionately describe his father's abandonment like that. It hurt because it reminded him of how frustrated he'd felt with Sarutobi-sensei's antics a few years prior, how he felt used rather than valued.

"But hey, I got a little brother out of it." The turtle ninja took on an almost cheerful tone as he turned to Orochimaru. "And he'll get to grow up without my 'daddy abandoned me' baggage cause he'll have me, you, and two moms to look after him."

As Orochimaru processed those words, he realized how unlikely it would be that Akami and Beniko would agree to cohabitate or to have a positive relationship with each other. Everything he knew about women -- from espionage, Tsunade, and Jiraiya's books -- told him they would hate each other with a passion. But then, those same sources told him that Noburu should hate the boy too. But he didn't.

"So, how long are they going to be so caught up in what they're doing that they don't notice the dragon came back to life?" Ishidate asked in a stage whisper.

"If you hadn't said anything, they might not have noticed at all," hissed Kousuke in reply.

Orochimaru turned to look into the pit just as Noburu did. Togehter, they saw the stone dragon had leaned his head toward them, eyes suddenly in his sockets.

"The Tatsushiro clan is broken. They have died, and become something new." Rumbled the dragon god as it spoke to them. "I accept this change, as you have accepted the change in your family. With this, I see you worthy of furthering the compact we had with them. I, Kongo, will mourn what was no longer. With my blessing, may you make the Tatsushiro into something new." The dragon opened his mouth and revealed a glowing brown orb therein.

It was simple enough to grab the orb, just as the dragon statue began to crumble into dust.

"Right," Noburu said as he stood up. "We got all five. Now we can leave this horrible mountain and never come back."

"Agreed," Orochimaru said as he stood and placed the brown globe in his pocket. "Something stupid has likely happened in our abscence, anyway." He took a note from Noburu's tactics, and used a blase attitude to hide how happy and anxious he felt about the mess that likely existed outside the mountain.

"On the list of stupid things, let's get you back to Oto so we can fix your seal," one of Noburu's ninja mice said as he popped out of Ishidate's wig. "And you can also explain to everyone in your report why you fought your kidnappers without trousers, and a fire dragon without sandals."

Orochimaru's mental screaming came back as he realized he'd known about neither of those things prior.

"Snitch," Noburu hissed at the mouse as they left.


Thank the glowing magic balls of these dragon gods the Mount Koryu shit is done. Now we can return to our usual programming of face-nipple shaming, and abusing respected shinobi.
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Ch 47
Chapter 47: Broken Hook


Genin Fujimoto

"I can't believe you got kidnapped." Haruki laid down with his head propped up by his hand and smirked at his adopted brother. "You lost a fight so hardcore that they were able to take you alive." It felt good to lord over Noburu on the subject, like delivering a bit of karma. "And since it was just you, you can't punt blame onto me!"

Orochimaru's team, their captives, and the Wave crew all sat on the head of a giant snake -- a purple and black striped snake called 'Manda' which had dared to be uppity to the Sannin before Orochimaru shut him up with his legendary killing intent. Manda followed the coasts closely so that he didn't draw the attention of any krakens, but even in the shallows his swimming speed was faster than their running.

Noburu's eyelid twitched as he bore Haruki's scorn. He sat cross-legged among his teammates and friends, who had each taken turns talking shit to him. Haruki had just drawn the short stick to go last. "I got a little brother and a cousin out of the deal -- plus some dragons for us to use."

"And also scarred me mentally by making you look at you like that when I woke up," Kushina muttered, shuddered, and looked away in disgust. "At least the dragon gods had trousers in your size."

Haruki's smile faded as he looked over at the 'other woman'. Beniko, Noburu's father's second wife. And the baby she had swaddled close to her chest. She sat near Kousuke, her eyes wide as she took in the landscape as Orochimaru's snake transported them. She was younger than Akami, and thin as a whip, but he had no doubt that Akami would allow her into her home. Whether that meant an apartment in the Turtle House, or living with them directly, he didn't know.

Then he snapped his eyes to their captives. The 'Moon monks', with the older slatted to be taken to Konoha for interrogation and the younger to be kept as a 'guest' of Otogakure. Apparently they were relatives of Noburu's grandmother -- a different branch of the same clan. The older one, Arun, was held inside one of Kousuke's bubbles -- strengthened so much that not even a bijuu could bite through it. The younger one, Tenmu, sat near him and kept his closed eyes fixed on the horizon.

"You also got some loot," Junko said and giddliy scooted over to Noburu. "You have swords now! Now we can do team exercises! And you can still reattach our limbs when we mess up!"

"Which assumes, of course, that Kumo steel is worth using," Sayaka muttered, and crouched down. Her enormous coat ballooned out like a tent as she pulled her head and arms in through their holes. Once she'd reached out and grabbed Noburu's swords through a hatch in her coat, a light went on inside. "Okay… decent tempering. Edge is well maintained. Steel is of decent quality." She doused the light, and stood up again. When her arms came back through her sleeves, they had the swords offered for Noburu to take. "Better than the standard issue swords most ninja villages offer, but they're still mass-production models."

"Aww, that means they'll break real easy…" Junko sighed. "Going to have to be all 'delicate' and 'careful'."

The more Haruki watched his adopted brother, the more he began to realize something was amiss. Golden bijuu chakra mixed into his sensor profile more and more as time went on. It would lunge down his chakra pathways at times and cause minor tremors in his limbs -- which ought to have been full-blown spasms. Some seal fuckery was afoot, and he wanted to learn about it.

Orochimaru stood on a scale dead-center of Manda's head, a quick walk for Haruki. "Lord Orochimaru?" Haruki could tell from how stiff-backed Orochimaru was that he was in mission mode.

"If you're worried about Beniko and Akami," the Sannin said with his eyes fixed on the horizon, "I understand your concerns. Akami and I will talk, then reach an understanding with Beniko, you needn't worry."

"It's not that." Haruki crossed his arms and kept his voice low. A few hidden handsigns and he had a sound-dampening barrier between the two of them and his team. "I'm… sensing a lot of Isobu's chakra mixed in with Noburu's. Should I be concerned?"

Orochimaru took his eyes off the horizon to look down at Haruki. "Has he begun to show visible symptoms?" When Haruki shook his head, then Orochimaru returned his gaze to their destination. "Then you needn't be worried or concerned." The legendary Sannin was inscrutable, and revealed nothing of his feelings on the topic.

Haruki frowned and crossed his arms. "So, there are visible symptoms I need to look out for? Good to know, good to know."

He returned to his friend group just as the conversation grew slightly heated.

"What -- you gave Shibi shit for getting you to safety?" Noburu looked at Kushina with incredulity. "What was he going to do, scout them to death? He has the fighting skill of a geriatric!"

Junko nodded in full agreement with the turtle-teen, while Sayaka shook her head.

The Aburame teen drew his neck into his jacket a bit. "I'm not that bad in a fight…."

Hizashi nodded, and clapped his teammate on the shoulder. "Your genjutsu skill is impressive for being a genin -- but it was still in our best interest for you to secure our teammate."

Kushina crossed her arms and looked away, pouting. "He didn't even try, is all. Just turned and ran…."

"Not everyone is as stupid and/or lucky as Minato, you numpty!" Noburu exclaimed, then gestured at Ishidate. "Look at this nerd! He pulled that heroism stuff and got struck… seven? Eight?" He turned to the chunin with a questioning expression.

"Seven," Ishidate clarified with a gracious nod.

"Thanks. Seven times! By dragon-god lightning strikes!" Quicker than a cut could bleed, he turned back to shout at Kushina.

"Noburu, don't worry," Junko said and patted the turtle ninja on the arm. "We're going to help train him in some combat skills. Specifically me." She smiled, wide and ecstatic. "I've already got some dogs near starving back home so we can train his endurance."

Haruki couldn't help but shudder as he remembered his stint in the 'escape the starving dogs' training routine. Echoes of Kirigakure still lingered in those traditions, at least. "They aren't very intelligent when they're starving," he said in the hopes that he could help Shibi get through the training with minimal stitches. "Just don't panic, and you'll do well."

"I… thank you." The Konoha ninja inclined his head. "I'll try not to hurt the dogs."

The idea that Shibi would worry more about him hurting the dogs than the other way around did a lot for the group's sense of levity.


Mother Jiang

Raiga was at her door late in the afternoon to tell her that they'd gotten Noburu back, and they were on their way to the hospital almost as quick. While in the witch's bubble moving from tower to tower, they saw the new guest of Otogakure -- a dragon which resembled a mix of porpoise and fish. All around them, multicolored fish would appear from seemingly nowhere and swim up to shallower waters.

She wanted to think that the dragon was a nature god of some sort -- awakened to protect them from some evil, but she'd been let down before. Instead, she focused her energies in the bubble toward getting herself presentable for seeing her son again. Haruki wouldn't tell him of the mess she'd been when she came back to find her home ransacked. Haruki hadn't been there to tell Noburu about how she'd put off sleep while the apartment was repaired because the stress was too much.

It was over, she told herself as she wiped her face down and applied just enough makeup to be presentable. Her son was back, and would be allowed to leave the hospital after Suzume cleared him. He'd be home that night, most likely.

Raiga, like a good leader, kept a strong and determined expression that projected his control of the situation. However, he couldn't help but lean closer to her as they passed through a cloud of fish. "The dragon is creating new fish, not summoning them." His eyes followed the whale-sized entity as it swam around the village. "We might be able to ask it to create island lobsters -- bring them back from extinction."

Akami nodded. "...I know island lobsters take so long to reach maturity that I likely won't live long enough to cook one -- but I want to." There was a reason the nobility had hunted island lobsters to extinction -- they were delicious beyond words.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found the lobby full of people. Orochimaru's team, Raiga's team, and several Uemon clan members all milled about on top of those who waited for admittance. Raiga broke off from Akami to get them cleared to enter the hospital ahead of visiting hours, during which she went to the ninja she knew.

Haruki grumbled when his adopted mother hugged him in the middle of talks about kenjutsu training routines, but he hugged her back once he'd wriggled around to face the right direction. "M' glad you're feeling better," he said, muffled by Akami's voluminous coat. Once he was free he adjusted his hair and clothes back to their proper orientation. "I… don't want to make you worry more, but it's not good. He got up to some major shenanigans to get away and stay that way until we could get him."

Akami frowned and nodded. Kumo ninja weren't as barbaric as Kiri had been -- but they were good at stealing people away. As long as her boy still had both hands and feet, she'd be happy. "I… heard from Kokoro that Ishidate went missing on the retrieval."

Sayaka waved her hand dismissively. "He got Noburu away from them, and they made up. But beyond that… you need to talk to Orochimaru. Raiga-sensei hasn't heard our report yet."

"Then you had best get to writing it up," Raiga said with an arched brow as he walked over. He glanced at Akami and gestured to the double-doors from the lobby to the hospital proper. "I've cleared the way -- he's on the fourth floor."

She threw him a grateful smile and rushed in the direction he indicated. So ecstatic was she that she shifted between her feet both waiting for and riding the elevator. On the fourth floor she passed by several civilians in their rooms -- as well as some strange looking people she hadn't seen before. Blue hair -- really rare in that part of the world.

After asking a nurse for directions, she found her son in an OR prep room, with a nurse shaving his hair off.

He cracked open an eye to look at her and waved. "Sup?"

Akami gave him a once-over, and checked under the blankets to make sure he had both feet still. Aside from some burns that healed far too slowly for Akami's liking, he seemed fine. So why was his head being shaved, she wondered. Then she saw the seal on the back of his head revealed as his hair was shaved off, and realized. The ink from the original seal, without the five flame-marks around it, had faded almost to nothing. Only the turtle shape at its core remained fully inked.

An ice-cold chill spread through her, just like when she'd been told her boy had been made a jinchuuriki. Just like when Orochimaru had told her that his seal was poorly made. She connected the dots of what she saw with what Haruki had mentioned earlier. Noburu must have pushed the seal too far.

Once the nurse was done, Akami pulled her boy into a hug unlike any she'd done before. It was just as much to comfort him as it was to try and drive the fear away. She hadn't heard anything from Orochimaru about a newer, updated seal.

"I'll be fine, mom," Noburu muttered into her chest while she squeezed him harder. "We've got a good hospital here. One of the best."

"Ma'am," the nurse said, after he had stepped outside the door. "Princess Tsunade and the abbott would like to speak to your son… and Lord Orochimaru would like to speak to you."

All her instincts told her she should have refused, she should have stayed with her son at what could be the end of his time as a jinchuuriki… one way or the other. But she put aside those instincts and chose to trust her son's trust in the hospital. One last squeeze, and a whispered demand that he fight to live, then she left the room as the nurse had asked.

It was a bad omen that Tsunade and Orochimaru outside both looked like they'd been force-fed something bitter.


Sotaicho Kurosuki

From the gallery of the operating theater, Raiga crossed his arms and watched nurses clean the room for it's emergency use. At his side, Suzume stood with a scroll of seals partially unrolled for them to review.

"Naturally, the Seal of Hooks is off the list of possible options," Raiga said with a low tone without even a glance her way.

"Of course. It hasn't been updated -- so the seal wouldn't be useful for our purposes. And because it lacks a key, we can't do maintenance if it becomes damaged." Suzume's eyes raced up and down various seal configurations stolen from Uzushio years prior. "The number of seals in the size category for a bijuu are few. And Noburu would not approve of us using Kushina's seal type…."

Raiga sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We really shouldn't have left the three-tails' urn back in Kiri. It's likely ashes, like the rest of the village." But the ships had all been at capacity getting people and vital supplies out. The urn was half a ton of weight that would have displaced people or food. "How long will it take to seal the bijuu into an object?"

"Seven hours," Suzume said with a sigh as she rolled the scroll up. "I'm hoping that the spirit will cooperate to cut that down, but we have to begin unsealing Isobu as soon as possible. If the seal collapses before we're ready, the bijuu will emerge all at once. And keeping Noburu alive won't be possible."

Raiga raised his eyebrows and casually reached out to some nearby wood to knock upon it. "Do we have an estimated timeframe when the seal could fail?"

"Any predictions we'd make would place us within the margin of error at this point." Suzume shook her head and adjusted her glasses. "It could happen any minute. If this kidnapping hadn't happened… we'd have at least another year to resolve this."

"Right. Can the Five Elements seal stand on its own?"

Suzume shook her head. "I haven't heard any updates from the Sannin about it. They could have it secretly ready, but we haven't been informed."

Raiga closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "So. If the seal is about to collapse, and we don't have a way to unseal and reseal the bijuu… what options do we have?" He waited a moment, in silence, before he added to his query. "Other than killing him."

Suzume's silence was his answer.

"...Find a vessel sturdy enough to contain the bijuu, and use the seal most likely to work. I need to speak with our friends from Konoha." They just couldn't afford to not have one of their best medic-nins out of commission when war could be declared any day. Raiga sighed, and turned to leave the gallery. He wanted to stay and watch over his student… but the needs of the village demanded he consult their allies about the likelihood of war.

If he was lucky, the war wouldn't be because of someone's greed. Again.

As he left and passed a long stretch of windows, he got to see the water dragon that had come to inhabit the village swim alarmingly close to the tower, and peer in through the windows.



"Kurama, please," the turtle spirit begged and bowed his head before the nine-tailed-fox. "I have asked precious little from you in the past."

In the dark meeting place where the bijuu could speak to each other, the turtle spirit and the fox spirit sat across from one another. The turtle, with head bowed, and the fox with a stately woman in their mighty hands.

"No," Kurama growled and tossed their head. "Your seal is about to collapse -- that's good. You can be free, and escape into the ocean depths as the plan was decided. When Chomei reforms, she will ascend to the heavens and Madara's plan will be ruined."

Mito Uzumaki, in the fox's grip, glared up at her captor. "Fox spirit, I was never this rude to you -- " she started, and was silenced by the fox's mighty roar.

"You held me prisoner for decades! That is rudeness in itself! That is an injury, in itself! You had your chance to be free of me, and you threw it away. Now you're my prisoner." The fox's red eyes, each bigger than Konoha's gates, narrowed as their owner smirked. "And I won't let you go."

Tentatively, Isobu dragged himself closer to Kurama. "Kurama, please. Noburu taught your jinchuuriki how to sing, he warned us of Madara… Mito's knowledge of sealing and medicine could -- "

"It could see you locked up in a new, even more horrifying way!" Kurama didn't shy away from using the fist which held Mito for grand gestures as they spoke. Their tails lashed and created great gusts of wind. "Humans can never be trusted. Never! You have forgotten that, Saiken too!" The fox shook their head and bared their teeth. "But I haven't. No, little brother. You will not have my prisoner to foolishly help you keep yourself prisoner."

Isobu lifted his head to meet his sibling's eyes. "What can I say to convince you? What could I do? My host has treated me with respect -- he has obeyed my wishes, even when he doesn't want to. Saiken and I have both found humans who can be our friends."

"You have both been deceived," Kurama's voice became hard like diamonds. "A deception I won't enable any further. Mito is my prisoner now, and I say she cannot access this place to speak with you any longer." The fox tossed the woman as if she were trash, and she vanished from the shared mental space just as her ninja training had her flip through the air. "Nothing you say could convince me otherwise."

Isobu's hands clenched into fists. "I do not feel deceived. I feel like I have finally found humans since the Fujiokas who respect me."

The fox scoffed. "You were deceived then, too. Do you forget why the gods left this world?" They used their greater height and imposing number of tails to loom over the turtle. "Humanity's malice and greed drove them to covet our power. You have forgotten how cruel they've been after a few paltry years with one human? Chomei died to be free." The fox took a step forward to loom ever more over Isobu. "Gyuki tears himself to pieces to refuse humans. One dead human is worth your freedom, brother. If you'll be brave enough to seize it."

In the big picture, the whole world, Isobu could see where Kurama's perspective lay. But in the small picture, he stood to lose a precious friend. His first friend in decades. With Kurama being unreasonable, Isobu allowed himself to be just as unreasonable, and bit one of the fox's tails as it passed near him.

It wasn't worth the gouges in his shell and having to re-grow his arm when he returned to his seal. But it had been his only way of retaliation against Kurama.

No longer in the void between the bijuu, Isobu looked around him as the ocean the seal imitated grew shallower as he watched. He watched bits and pieces of the actual hook flake and fall away like snow. It would not be long now.

Freedom for Chomei had been a moment of perfect joy. Freedom for Isobu would be bittersweet, at best. Perhaps he should have asked Saiken to accompany him to plead with Kurama, but he legitimately didn't know if the slug could convince the fox any better than he had. Kurama's grudges ran so deep, Isobu didn't know if they would ever forgive humanity.

Deep in his thoughts, the turtle tried to ponder out a solution to the predicament he and his jinchuuriki found themselves in. All the while, unfamiliar eyes peered in on him.


Giving fair warning, because people tend to get upset when I blindside them with AU elements. That middle-stage between the byakugan and tenseigan I talked about a while back? Remember it.
Ouch. Kurama really thinks he's helping Isobu doesn't he? Or maybe his own experiences have him thinking whatever would hurt a host is a good thing.
Ch 48
Chapter 48: The Shadow


Legendary Sannin Tsunade

Not for the first time, she wished she had learned more about seals to be helpful. While Orochimaru and Suzume were hard at work trying to find a short-notice seal that they could use to hold the three-tails, she focused on the medical aspects.

"Kin," she said as she prepped a ventilator to be removed from the storage room. "When the operation begins -- I want you to apply the lake and heaven seals to allow Noburu's brain to bypass the brainstem."

The Oto medic-nin nodded as she affixed the ventilator's wheels so that it could be speedily rolled away. "No problem, Princess Tsunade!"

Tsunade distracted herself by prepping anything and everything she could imagine would be useful in the operation to be pulled from storage -- even a portable iron lung. Just in case. Eventually, however, she ran out of things to prepare and had to find some other distraction. Since she was going to be needed -- she couldn't go get drunk, or go to the casino. The legendary medic soon found herself in the new patient ward -- looking over the charts for their guests.

Orochimaru's younger nephew had jaundice, but he was being treated for it -- the poor boy would be unhappy for a while, though. His mother was in serious need of rest and relaxation -- ulcers in her stomach and signs of extreme sleep deprivation were the big ticket problems she saw on Beniko's chart. The moon-monks, both with the surname Otsutsuki, were fine. Arun, the older, was held in a medically induced coma while the messengers that Orochimaru had sent off let Konoha know to expect a new prisoner. The younger, Tenmu, was perfectly fine. There wasn't even a restriction on the boy's chart, which meant he could seek discharge at his leisure.

Given that the boy was partially the cause for the seal's weakening, Tsunade opted to peak in on the young man. She saw him, through the window in the door, seated by the room's window. Tsunade recalled him being blind, so why he was faced to look out the window puzzled her. Perhaps the texture of the Otogakure bubble-windows interested him?

She didn't want to go in and talk with the young man -- Raiga was going to have a conversation with him soon, so she turned to leave. As she did, she witnessed Akami follow a nurse into Beniko's room. Everything she knew about marital problems told her she needed to be ready to intervene, in case a fight broke out. She glanced in through the window as she prepared the surveillance jutsu she hadn't used in years.

To her surprise, she found Akami about to sit on a stool next to Beniko's bed rather than about to knock her lights out. Tsunade passed by the room and lingered on the other side of the door, where she couldn't be seen through the window even if the door opened. "Ninja art: Gossip snoop jutsu." The chakra heightened her ears so she could hear the conversation inside as if she were there.

"I've seen your boy. Kuroma." Akami said with a somber tone. "He looks just like Jirou. Hopefully he grows up to be just as handsome."

"Thank you," Beniko replied with a soft tone. "...You probably want us to leave this village -- to go with Orochimaru to his, yes?"

"If you want to, you can. But I own property here, and I was going to let you stay as long as you liked." There was a pause in their conversation where only cloth shifted around. "I have photos of Jirou, from when we were together. I'll put together an album so your boy can see what his father looked like, whatever your decision. And, if you wish it, I'll arrange the wake and funeral for him. I've… unfortunately got to do the same, in case my son doesn't make it."

"You… you aren't upset?"

"I am. Just not with you. Not with your boy." Akami's tone conveyed a sense of resignation. "I'm upset with Jirou, but he isn't here anymore. I've been on the receiving end of people blaming me for the actions of someone else -- even if their feelings were valid, it was wrong." More cloth shifted, another pause in their conversation dragged out. "I've done my grieving for Jirou. He may as well have died years ago. But… for you, it's fresh. You deserve the chance to mourn for your husband, and your son's father, just like I did. I'd love to give you that chance, and to help you raise your boy."

Tsunade blinked at that. Akami had just shown a level of kindness she expected reserved for comrades at war. She hadn't known civilians could offer such support. She heard the sound of whimpers and held-back tears and put her full attention back on snooping.

"I can imagine you wouldn't want to mourn in front of a stranger. I'll go." The stool scraped the floor slightly as Akami stood. But no footsteps followed. There was rustling cloth, and then a widow's wail, slightly muffled. "I know, I know. It's not fair. Let the pain flow out like water."

Tsunade glanced in as she passed by, and saw Akami bent over the younger woman in a hug. The large woman seemed content to let Beniko let her emotions out on her.

Perhaps Orochimaru was right, and they didn't need to worry about the two widows.


Legendary Sannin Orochimaru

The Five Elements Seal was not ready, so they had to find alternatives. Villages guarded their seals jealously, lest their enemies sort out the unsealing jutsu for their effects. Sealing helped make military intelligence more secure, as well as the rapid deployment of soldiers and resources possible. While he hadn't studied it nearly as much as Jiraiya had, Orochimaru hoped that he and Suzume would find something which could work.

"The seal used on Kousuke took seven days to prepare," Suzume said and pushed up her glasses. They were in her office, on either side of her desk, with a scroll from long-dead Uzushio along with several books of seal arrays between them. "We could… start on that, and hope we have time."

"Resealing the three-tails into Noburu would take another week after that, though." Orochimaru flipped through pages of sealing lore Jiraiya had shared. "So many of these seals assume you have time to prepare for them. Sealing something as big as bijuu on short notice isn't something they planned on."

"Doing something that fast with such a massive chakra source… it's likely whatever seal would accomplish that would demand a steep price." Suzume's eyes drifted down. "It looks like the shortest timeframe we have for prep is five days, for the Winding Roads seal." Silence spread between them. "We… could focus our efforts on keeping Noburu alive? Let the seal collapse, and reseal the bijuu when time allows?"

"It would take too long to get Noburu back into the OR. Someone placed his seal in the spot most likely to kill the jinchuuriki when it broke." Orochimaru glared at Suzume for all of a second, then returned to work.

Suzume sighed, and rested her head on her hands. "What exactly is unfinished with the Five Elements Seal? Maybe we could make a breakthrough on that?"

The biggest issue was that the Five Elements Seal was five separate seals arranged to work together. They were strong enough to reinforce an existing seal, but they lacked the fine details to work as one. But Orochimaru knew he couldn't reveal that to Suzume, even if it would save his nephew. He was still a Konoha ninja. And by dint of the unsealing jutsu paired to the seal, they couldn't allow it's knowledge outside the village chain of command.

"The version of the seal I have memorized is out of date," Orochimaru admitted to avoid having to highlight the barrier of trust. It wasn't exactly a lie, he just adjusted his definition of memorization slightly. "We would need the most up-to-date version. Which is in Konoha."

"Then… we're out of options." Suzume shrugged. "We have to hope that the seal will hold out long enough for us to prepare."

Hope had not served them well in the past. At least, not the past week. Orochimaru made no reply as he continued to flip through pages he'd already checked -- to the point where he barely noticed when Suzume left.

A melancholic darkness took hold of Orochimaru. All that brilliance, all that praise as a genius, and he couldn't improvise something. Something must have been passing overhead -- his hands seemed cast in greater shadow than he recalled previously. As if on instinct, he pushed aside the books and scroll of seals and opened a notebook to a blank page. Once he grabbed a pencil, he started to list out the things the seal needed to accomplish.

Orochimaru didn't feel totally in control of his hand while he wrote -- but then he hardly felt in control of his life anymore. A vacation was desperately needed.

He watches his hand write the words 'known seals inadequate' then, underneath, the words 'unknown seals? Kousuke? Dragon gods? Otsutsuki?' His hand paused once he'd finished it. Kousuke's seal wouldn't work -- but perhaps the monk himself knew one. And the dragon gods might know something helpful. The shadow passed from over Orochimaru's hands, as whatever cast it moved away.

With speed, Orochimaru left the office -- he knew only two of the five dragons were near Oto itself, while Kousuke had possibly returned to the monastery at the surface. He had a lot of ground to cover.

He left the darkness in Suzume's office, and it lingered.


Tenmu Otsutsuki

"Those of great strength, teach me to be strong. Those of thunderous voice, teach me to be heard."

Tenmu hadn't been a particularly religious person before he kidnapped his cousin with the intent to rip his eyes out. Yet, he found himself at the window of his room in the hospital -- praying to gods he had met in person. Creatures so mighty that even ninshu wavered and failed at times.

"Kongo, of hardened stone. Suiko of torrential water. Korin of lightning's halo. Rekka of wild flames. Tenku of the heavenly winds. Through the bridge of spiritual and physical energies -- I would know you better." Ninshu worked across great distances, it allowed one to see without sight, to be present without presence.

It was also hard to interrupt, so the sudden arrival of guests in his room didn't upset his communion with the divine dragons.

In strode two men, both fairly young though older than Tenmu. Both with long hair -- but one with a feeling like Korin's keen lightning, and another with rough scales. Orochimaru and someone new.

"I don't know if you remember me," the younger one of the two said while he advanced on Tenmu carefully. "You fought me and my students when we tried to take back our comrade."

"I… mostly remember the woman with white hair -- she resembles one of my ancestors. Quite beautiful." Tenmu answered while his spiritual and physical energies reached out to touch the dragons. Through the communication, he noted that Suiko's aura strongly bonded to the concept of trust -- like it was a core value of his.

"You stole into our village. Kidnapped my student. And wanted to pass him off to Kumo." Without prompting, he felt the younger man rest his hands on Tenmu's shoulders with a faint hint of killing intent. "I want to know why I shouldn't kill you right now."

Orochimaru stood silent, and watched.

"I am the leader of my clan. We are wealthy, with great knowledge of jutsu and philosophy. Because I hope to convince Noburu of my clan's rightness, I want to organize an exchange of ideas. Trade. Which you would miss out on if you killed me." Tenmu reached out to Korin, and found that wisdom was just as greatly valued in him as trust was in Suiko. It seemed that the dragons each had a concept at their core, in addition to their element. "Naturally, the first thing to discuss would be reparations."

The young man's hands on his shoulders remained until he stepped away. "Noburu tells me your clan wants to hunt him and his relatives down. That they're members of your clan descended from a survivor of some war."

"Yes. It will… take great effort to compel my people to let go of their grudges. But I'm head of the clan, and they will heed me. Or else." He remembered Noburu's words in Korin's temple. He wouldn't let his clan become monsters hunting the last dregs of the main family. There had been enough bloodshed. With that sentiment, he was able to hear Rekka a bit clearer -- and felt righteousness from him. "Noburu and I have a philosophical debate. Arun wanted to continue a long-ended feud."

"...I see." The younger man clearly doubted what Tenmu said, and if ninshu were not in play his doubts would have been hidden. "Naturally, we will want to know about how you created those seal disruptors, and controlled those puppets."

"I can do you better, and teach you how to do the same."

Orochimaru finally moved, and sat next to Tenmu at the window. "You know what's happening with Noburu's seal?"

"I do." Tenmu turned to face his distant cousin, for politeness' sake. "It's partly my fault he's in that position."

"It is." Orochimaru's soft tone delivered blame with the delicacy of a powder puff. "Does your clan happen to know any methods which can help us? Sealing techniques?"

Tenmu tilted his head to one side. "Does… he need a seal? Can he not simply carry the bijuu within him?" He could feel how the barrier between Kousuke and whatever spirit he carried was gossamer thin, while Noburu and Kushina had more defined thresholds.

"He does. He's only been a jinchuuriki for three years. And… we're still iffy on how the turtle will behave without a seal."

Tenmu sighed. He didn't know any seals himself. But there was something he could do. "The method we used to disrupt the seal -- it could also be used to hold it together for a little while. It could buy you time, especially if it's used multiple times."

"That would be extremely helpful. If you could demonstrate…?" Orochimaru's tone warmed up as Tenmu could sense a smile.


Third Hokage

As soon as he returned to Konoha, he knew something had happened. The reinforcements he'd ordered sent to Jiraiya weren't yet deployed -- because Jiraiya was back in Konoha with only one student of his team alive.

As he read the report in his office, with his council and Jiraiya himself present, he couldn't help but feel for his student. The sannin weren't his only students, they had just been the first to live to adulthood. The world wasn't kind to genin. With Orochimaru's reports, the situation seemed ever more unstable.

Otogakure was definitely going to be focused down upon by Kumo, for the perception of weakness relative to Konoha. Tani and Suna would discover the properties of the legendary mineral Orochimaru had found in the contested lands soon, if they did nothing to stop them. And Kusa required their attention.

They didn't have the resources to fight a war on so many fronts. Hiruzen covered his eyes with his hands and slumped in his seat as he contemplated what would need to be done.

"...Naturally, Orochimaru will need to be recalled," Danzo said when no one else in the room deigned to speak. There had been so much silence since Hiruzen arrived, Danzo's voice was a welcome reprieve. "We can't trust the alliance we have with Soup Country to hold up, since Kumo has shown interest in them. Nadeshiko has no jinchuuriki of their own -- they will want to move on Oto before Kumo can regroup."

"Tsunade and Kousuke are both in Oto. They'll be able to hold out." Homura coldly replied. "But the three-tails jinchuuriki… we cannot count on his stability anymore."

"If a mercy killing is not to be considered," Kotaru said and exaggerated a shrug with her arms. "What can they do? Bijuu-grade seals take time to prepare."

Hiruzen sighed and lifted his head enough to meet Jiraiya's empty eyes. "Do you have something prepared? Something ready to go?"

As if he'd been lost in thought Jiraiya shook his head and looked around before fixing his eyes on Hiruzen. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What'd ya need?" When Hiruzen gently repeated the question, Jiraiya shrugged. "I… think I have something lying around, a leftover from when Kushina's seal was being developed."

"A leftover simply won't cut it." Danzo's eye was steely as he locked it on Hiruzen. "I have something prepared, a copy of the initial seals used by the First Hokage to hold the bijuu when they were auctioned off to our enemies." The spymaster tilted his head ever so slightly. "Naturally, I would send it along to our friends in Oto. So that Jiraiya would not need to leave his remaining student alone."

Hiruzen and Jiraiya shared a look, before the Hokage spoke cautiously: "In exchange for… what?"

Danzo was silent for a moment, he leaned back in his chair and directed his gaze out through the window, toward the village. "Kumo would still come after the boy, even if he weren't a jinchuuriki, because of his relationship to Orochimaru. Because of the byakugan. My condition for sharing a valuable heirloom seal of this village with strangers would be the application of the caged bird seal to the boy. Or him being brought to Konoha."

Hiruzen tapped his fingers together on his chest, in consideration. It would help mend relations with the Hyuga… and Wave already had a copy of the caged bird seal on hand for the application.

"Sensei," Jiraiya said in a warning tone. "You can't be considering it."

"Of course I am." Hiruzen snapped, and pinched his brows together to glare at Jiraiya for all of a second. "We are about to go to war. This recent fiasco has me convinced Oto isn't yet up to the task to maintain their own borders -- however, I won't deny they have guarded Fire Country's ports well these past few years." Hiruzen felt his hands begin to shake from the stress of the situation, and quickly pulled his pipe from the desk to start a bowl to soothe his nerves.

"Oto's infrastructure, particularly its hospital, make it invaluable in that region if the war shifts to include Kumo, Soup, or the sub-continent." Kotaru stroked her chin. "We wouldn't be remiss to send at least some ninja to reinforce them."

"Given the jinchuuriki has refused all invitations to come to Konoha while Danzo lives," Homura said with an arched brow. "The seal is an adequate form of control. And a worthwhile check on Oto's growth. When Kousuke dies, we will need to lobby for the replacement jinchuuriki of the six-tails to be similarly bound."

"And then Taki will assume we aim to have them bind their jinchuuriki the same way," Jiraiya snapped with more fire than Hiruzen had seen in him since he returned.

"Perhaps that would be best. They have a history of struggles to control their jinchuuriki because of the flight the beast grants."

"No," Hiruzen said and put his lit pipe to his lips. One deep breath, and he let the pipeweed ease his nerves. "Only for Noburu, and only because of his kekkei genkai. And only if he refuses to come to Konoha. This situation would not be nearly so bad if the boy hadn't won the bloodline lottery." He directed his gaze to Danzo. "I trust your heirloom seal is ready for transport?"

Danzo's face was perfectly neutral for all of one second before he smirked ever so slightly. "I have men waiting at the southern gate with it, ready to go on your signal."

With a heavy sigh, and a long, bloody conflict ahead of him, Hiruzen pulled his hat down over his eyes, and gave the order. Even with Noburu's many warnings in his head… he couldn't not trust Danzo. That damn assassin's smile was too charming. Far too much.

And he couldn't bear to look Jiraiya in the eye after having given Danzo what he wanted again.


God fucking damnit, Hiruzen! Stop letting your boyfriend talk you into doing things!
hopefully they can all get things done before Danzo's seal gets there.

i wonder if they can slowly unseal Isobu, as in, leaking out into a smaller, remote control Izobu that slowly gets the rest of the chakra, while also giving Noboru enough to survive?

kinda like what Gyuki did for B?
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hopefully they can all get things done before Danzo's seal gets there.

i wonder if they can slowly unseal Isobu, as in, leaking out into a smaller, remote control Izobu that slowly gets the rest of the chakra, while also giving Noboru enough to survive?

kinda like what Gyuki did for B?

Honestly that likely only worked because Gyuki is a Ox/Octopus (an Oxtopus if you will). There's some pretty powerful imagery in there of tentacles regrowing, and from there a severed tentacle growing into a new entity, so Gyuki has ontological support for that sort of thing as a more 'dispersed' or spread out being. Isobu is a turtle; singular, strong, armored, sturdy. Isobu wouldn't stretch and regenerate like Gyuki, he'd crack and shatter.

That said, Isobu does have a clone technique (of sorts), but we don't know if it works externally. Surely there have been a few situations where it would have been quite useful if it did. It seems more like a form of internal defense/immune response, rather than an offensive mechanism. Soldiers manning the fort dealing with intruders or trapped attackers, rather than an outwards projection of force. I suspect several if not most of the Tailed Beasts have some way to deal with what they swallow fighting back (Kyuubi's hypercorrosive chakra and general damage resistance, Gyuki's smoothmuscle body constricting, Saiken's Acid and Sticky Fluid, Kokou's Steam, Son Goku's green flame and Lava, Matabi's Blue Flames, and, naturally, Shukaku's Sand).
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