Snapping Turtle [Naruto SI]

I would assume that the Divine Curse of Hunger still applies to when Danzo is sleeping, so he should be dead or insane from starvation and sleep-deprivation in under a couple weeks, if not less.

Hopefully less, because Danzo is just too dangerous to be left to starve and the bastard will always try and stab everyone he can on the way out. And hopefully he doesn't come back as some sort of Preta, because he is definitely someone who had the powerful obsessions to reincarnate as one even before the Divine Curse of Hunger.
I'm sorry, but what Divine Curse of Hunger??? Did I forget something?
Yes, in chapter 60 the five dragon gods, in response to the pointless attack to steal some of the bubble syrup, put a curse on Konoha - first, all of the trees in, near, and around the village fell down, then Danzo was cursed with endless hunger since it was his greed that led to the divine retribution, and Hiruzen was cursed with paralysis, since it was his inaction which allowed Danzo to act.
So was it Hiashi that activated the Caged Bird Seal, or one of the other Hyuuga main branch members who didn't want to see Hiashi lose?