Smoker the White Hunter (One Piece crossover) I

Gunderson lost count how many times he got annoyed with their newest recruit. Cipher was a smartass know it all, who looked a bit like himself if he was born female, which Kazuki proceeded to mention every chance he got. Right before they were supposed to leave, they received word that Cipher's new costume was ready.

These people worked fast, which meant it was most likely premade. Gunderson narrowed his eyes. Why would Armsmaster want to speak with Cipher? Something was going on there. Did he want her to spy on the Marines for the PRT? Gunderson didn't trust her.

Currently, Gunderson and Kazuki were waiting outside of a dressing room, where Tashigi was helping Cipher get dressed into her new costume.

"Stop trying to sneak in." Gunderson said dryly after closing his eyes. It was pretty obvious that young Kazuki had a crush on the blonde thinker.

"Who? Me? The thought never crossed my mind." Was Kazuki's denial. Gunderson made a loud sigh. He was going to have to beat out Kazuki's perverted tendencies later. Better now than ending up like poor Alby, he never should have drawn on their van. Still, he became a celebrity overnight with hundreds of requests.

The sound of footsteps took Gunderson out of his thoughts. Opening his eyes, he was greeted to the sight of Master Chief Tashigi walking out first.

"Presenting the newest member of the Marines, Cipher!" Kazuki mumbled next to him. Gunderson held in a laugh when Cipher walked out.

She was dressed in a snow white double breasted suit and pants, with a simple black tie around her neck. Around her shoulders, was a longer white coat, and a top hat on her head with the Marine logo which overlapped with a large stylized C. Cipher's face was hidden by a mask that covered her face entirely, with a large grin decorating it with simple black eyes. Kinda creepy in Gunderson's opinion.

Gunderson felt a chill go down his spine. She looked too much like a Cipher Pol. Heh, she must've chosen that name on purpose, but how did she know about them? He would have to keep a closer eye on her.

"You look great!" Kazuki's eyes widened, so Gunderson elbowed him pretty hard.

"She's a thinker idiot, so take those lewd thoughts out of your head." It wasn't even a revealing costume.

Kazuki blushed and nodded quickly.

"He's correct about that KazuKazu." Cipher said as she stretched. "Ooo, the cloth is made from kevlar? That's awesome." She continued to admire herself when Gunderson coughed.

"Oh yeah! It's time to go now." Tashigi said being interrupted in admiring Cipher's costume. Gunderson eyed the area around them. He didn't like this place, and he didn't trust this Protectorate or PRT. Gunderson also knew that Captain Smoker didn't fully trust them.

However, many of their fellow Marines did. Kazuki fully believed in this...hero thing, and Natsuko left the Marines to become away. Poor Natsuko, he really loved his fiancee, and was enraged at Captain Smoker.

Gunderson still remembered Natsuko punching the Captain. Captain Smoker didnt even turn into his smoke form, and allowed the punch to make contact with him. The Captain stayed in their temporary hotel room for the rest of the day. While Gunderson had not known Captain Smoker as long as Tashigi had, he had served with him long enough to know when something was wrong.

Captain Smoker felt guilty. Gunderson knew that he deeply cared for those who served under him, and that he took Natsuko's leaving as a personal failure. So Captain Smoker pushed himself harder, which inspired Gunderson to do the same.

Captain Smoker trusted Gunderson enough to give him a promotion, so Gunderson would work even harder. He would follow Captain Smoker's example and push himself to the limits!

No...Gunderson will overcome those limits.


Vicky laid on her bed sighing. She missed Amy a lot. Her sister wasn't answering any calls or text, and Mom was frustrated. She had an argument with Aunt Sarah soon after Amy had run away. Victoria was upstairs when it happened, and she heard everything.

As much as she missed Amy, it would be...better if she didn't come home for a while. Mom had been more...quick to anger. Victoria looked at her phone again and sent another message to Amy. Surprisingly, she felt her phone start to buzz.
A: hey….

Vicky smiled and quickly typed her response.
V: How r u?
A: I'm decent

At least she didn't say bad. Vicky frowned for a second before her fingers started flying.
V: Everything ok?
A: I don't want to talk about it
V: ok…I miss u
A: I miss you too…

Victoria's alarm started to ring. It was time for bed. Tomorrow school would start again...maybe she could see Amy there!
V: GN. :) sleep well. I luv u

Victoria placed her phone to charge after that and smiled again. At least Amy was responding now! That was progress. Dean had told her to give Amy some space, but Amy was her sister! How was she supposed to leave her alone after what happened? Vicky clenched her fist.

This was all Tattletale's fault. She was the one who revealed that Amy's biological dad was a villain. She was the one who caused these problems.

Sitting up, Victoria looked out her window in the direction where the Docks would be. She liked Smokey and Tashigi. They would be able to keep Amy safe for her when she couldn't.

If Amy was happy, then so was Vicky.


Shortly after his meeting with Cipher, Colin rushed back to his lab. Thomas Calvert was a high ranking PRT commander. He was also the owner of an Endbringer shelter company whose name Colin didn't remember at the moment. What made this even more dangerous, should something happen to Director Piggot or Deputy Director Renick, Calvert was the one most likely to succeed them.

Calvert was also a Nilbog survivor along with Director Piggot. No doubt such an experience would bring them much closer together. Essientaly, the local PRT was infiltrated to the highest level. Colin would need to find those loyal to the PRT and Protectorate.

"What do you think Dragon?" She was the only one he could trust at the moment.

"I think...that this should never have happened in the first place." Dragon's avatar seemed annoyed.

"I agree. Now we just need to know who to trust, and who to bring this to." They needed to be careful. "Director Piggot has been compromised. Who knows if any members of the Protectorate are as well."

There was a chance that Hannah was loyal, but it wouldn't hurt to be safe. The others...Colin was less sure about. Assault was a reformed criminal after all, and he was married to Battery. As much as Colin hated the idea, he would need Cipher's help in figuring out who was a mole and who was loyal.


Colin was going to need to bring in outside help. Someone who was unbiased, and had no allegiance to Coil or the other gangs. New Wave was a no go, Brandish was hard to work with and they weren't exactly discreet. Dragon could call in the Guild for assistance, but this wasn't in their jurisdiction.

It seemed Colin had to ask another favor from the Marines. At least until he knew who he could trust.

"Dragon, could you contact the Marines? I don't trust PRT or Protectorate transmissions."

Soon...the PRT and Protectorate would be purged of all traitors.


Rob Lucci's and Kimblee from FMA's outfit inspired me when I wrote up Lisa's.
I finished Pacific Rim the Black and I loved it. I just wished that there were more episodes. Can't wait for season 2. I started a new kdrama on netflix named Vincenzo. It's about a Korean Italian from the Mafia who returns to Korea to get some gold. It's also pretty good.

Mafia Taylor anyone?
Once I'm burned out Ill start on a snippet thread I've had in the works for years. I already got two snips planned out
The next day, Smoker got up without a word. He liked to spend the early morning alone. When everyone else was asleep, he would continue to train his haki, and research this world. Today, he would continue to learn about this country's...criminal underworld. Brockton Bay obviously had the Empire Eighty-Eight, the Azn Bad Boys, Coil and his Mercenaries, and Faultlines crew. Two major gangs, one minor annoying one, a mercenary group, and Coil. They would all be brought to soon enough.

Boston had Accord's Ambassadors, a cell of the Teeth, and Blasto's loose alliance of drug dealers. While they didn't have as many parahumans, that didnt mean they were any less dangerous. It seemed every major city in the country had a parahuman presence.

New York may have been home to Legend, but there were just as many criminals. Various Mafia families made the famed city their home, and crossed paths with their local Protectorate many times. Still, it seemed that they prefered to do their business in the shadows.

The West Coast seemed to be under the control of the Elite, an organization that prefered fighting with pens, paper, and money than actual confrontations. They seemed...a bit too similar to the Seven Warlords in Smoker's opinion. The PRT's policy towards them was rather lax.

The south of the country wasn't any better. Neo Confederates gangs often battled radicalized chapters of the Black Panthers, as well as the Cartels from Mexico who attempted to gain a foothold in their territory. This country was a mess, plain and simple.

It was a miracle that the PRT and Protectorate were still functioning as well as they did. Still...their main fault seemed to be their reluctance to kill. While Smoker personally followed Moral Justice, he wasn't afraid to kill if necessary. He had done so in the past, alongside Hina. That was when they first- nevermind.

Shaking those thoughts out of his head, Smoker continued researching specific threats until his alarm went off. It was time to train his haki before anyone else woke up. He was getting closer to being able to use it at will. Still, it took a lot out of him just being able to form armament haki for a few seconds. He would need to train harder.

His phone started ringing. Smoker glared when he saw the caller ID.



Taylor really hated Mondays. Not because it meant that the weekend was over, no she hated that she had to go to school. That meant she had to deal...with the Trio. Naturally, she avoided everyone's gaze on the bus. They started whispering when she took her seat. Wasn't this a public bus? Taylor slapped her cheek lightly.

'You are Weaver, you are a Marine.' Taylor started to tell herself, over and over again. As much as she wanted to miss school, Dad was getting suspicious and her period card wouldn't work again. After a few minutes of arguing with herself, Taylor sat up straight. She was a Marine, she helped capture Lung, she was...Weaver.

Emma, Sophia and Madison had nothing on her. Buzz buzz! Oh, Taylor's new phone rung. Tashigi was nice enough to buy her one...since Dad was traumatized. Slowly taking out her phone, Taylor formed a small smile. It was a text from Tashigi, saying to have a good day at school with a wink emoji. Ever since Taylor told the older woman her life story, Tashigi seemed distracted, and busy.

Taylor had grown attached to Tashigi. She was her friend. It has been a long time since she could call anyone that. Eventually, her bus arrived and Taylor took a deep breath. It was time to go to school.


As soon as she got off the bus, it started.

"Well if isn't Hebert. What's wrong? Got bored of that Merchant you've been busy whoring yourself out to?" Emma started talking first. She was standing outside the school with Madison and a few of her friends. Taylor ignored them and kept walking. That made them shout their insults even more. She tightened her grip on her backpack straps.

She was a hero. She was better than they would ever be. Slowing her pace, Taylor stopped and turned.

"Emma, go fuck yourself."

The redhead eyes widened and attempted to grab Taylor, which she avoided and kept walking. She was probably going to pay for that later when Sophia got here, but that...that felt really good.

Taylor never imagined how her day would have gone.


Jeff didn't get paid enough to be a security guard. At any other job, his salary would have been more than enough, but not here. Not at Winslow. The stupid school was full of druggies, ABB thugs, and Nazi wannabes. Jeff's predecessor was actually stabbed by one and limped around everywhere now. His case wasn't deemed dangerous enough for Panacea to be involved.

So when some van with a weird logo pulled up to the front of the school, Jeff did nothing. It wasn't worth getting shot, stabbed or maimed over the little bastards that attended school here. Jeff just kept reading his newspaper. Hm, the Wards were planning a press conference in a few days. Maybe he could take his kids there to get some autographs. Wait a minute, Jeff had seen that van before.

Tearing his eyes away from the newspaper, Jeff saw a tallish woman with a sheathed sword in her left hand exit the vehicle, alongside a half dozen of men dressed in a strange white uniform and a familiar cap. Jeff squinted his eyes and cursed his bad eyesight. Wait...the cap said Marine.

Shit, Jeff definitely wasn't paid enough to deal with capes. He went back to his newspaper. They soon walked past his seat, with the woman angrily kicked in the front doors and walked in. Ooo Blackwell wasn't going to like that. Maybe he should have stopped them and asked for a warrant.

Nah, Blackwell refused to give him a raise last time he asked. So Jeff continued to read his newspaper. It wasn't his business what happened to this hellhole. Ooo maybe he could get an autograph from those Marines when they were on their way out.

His daughter would love that.

This one's a bit shorter than usual and really rough around the edges. It's been a fun one as always. More actiony scenes will come near the end of this arc.
I think.
Netflix really needs to add more One Piece episodes. I'm dying of boredom when I'm not writing. Sometimes I'm bored while writing as I stare at the blank google doc planning out the scenes.
Smoker stared at his phone for a few seconds before answering it. He held it up to his ear.

"Smoker here."

"Hello Captain Smoker. This is Dragon." The apparently world famous Tinker? Why did the caller ID say Armsmaster? Maybe PHO was right about their rumored relationship.

"What is it?" Smoker replied bluntly. The Protectorate never called unless they needed something.

"I would like to meet you and Cipher in person as soon as possible." Armsmaster said, taking over from Dragon. That urgent? Smoker looked at his clock. The Protectorate should know that the Marines don't work on their time. Plus, he couldn't afford to miss any training session.

"Marine HQ at Noon."

"Thank you Captain Smoker." The transmission ended soon after that. Smoker took out a second cigar and his room was soon filled with smoke again. He glanced at the clock again.

Perfect, he still had enough time to train before he took Amy to her school. Education was very important after all. Maybe he should have Kazuki signed up for classes? Yeah, that would be for the best.

Smoker couldn't afford to ruin anymore lives.


Blackwell was in her office when she heard her secretary start shouting.

"You can't go in there without an appointment!" Hmm, what was this commotion about? Another gang fight perhaps. Blackwell squeezed the bridge of her nose. That was one of the downsides of being the principal. There was a silence for a few seconds, when someone kicked her door down and an Asian woman woman with short, black hair barged in, with...uniformed men. She had a sheathed sword in her hand which made Blackwell pause for a second.

"Prudence Blackwell, you are under arrest."

What the hell! Blackwell's eyes widened in shock, and she hardened her face, slamming her fist on her desk. She seemed...familiar. Wait, the uniformed men's cap said Marines? Why were capes here?!

"On what charges?!" She demanded. The Asian woman simply pulled out a small folder and slammed it on Blackwell's desk.

"Covering up assault, corruption, embezzling public funds." The Marine lady's face was neutral, barely hiding her disdain. Blackwell stared at the folder blankly and opened it. She lost her breath. Everything was here, the money the PRT sent to the school to keep their Ward here, proof of Hebert being assaulted by said Ward. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Suddenly, her lips felt very dry. Blackwell looked up and glared at the Marine.

"I want my lawyer."

"An attorney will be provided. Take her away." The Marine Lady snapped her fingers, and two of her stooges moved to grab her.

"Wait wait wait!" The two Marines paused for a second. Blackwell glared at both of them, and settled her gaze on their leader. "I'm sure there's...something I can do to avoid this hassle?"

Their leader stared at her dryly. "Are you trying to bribe me?"

Blackwell's heart sank. Oh no…

The Marine leader leaned forward and slammed her fist on the desk, causing a small dent and splinters to fly.

"I'll let this pass if you do me some favors." The Marine lady whispered.

Yes! A way out of this predicament. Blackwell couldn't afford to lose her job, not now.

"What are they?"

The Marine Lady gave her a glare full of hate.

"I want you to transfer Taylor Hebert to Arcadia." That...would take some of Blackwell's connections, but it was doable. Why Hebert though? It would probably be better not to delve into that question. Cape problems never went well for normal people.

"And I want you to report Sophia Hess, Emma Barnes, and Madison Clements to the proper authorities." That was...much harder than the first request. Blackwell would gladly give up Barnes and Clements, but Hess was a Ward. If she reported that-

She could work with this. Blackwell would have to write up a whole story, and blame the whole thing on the social worker assigned to Hess. Nodding slowly, Blackwell extended her hand.

"You have an agreement." This would save her career, and look like she did her job according to those PRT idiots. The Marine Lady looked at her with disgust and walked away. Before she left her office, the Marine paused.

"Keep up your end of the bargain...or next time I won't be knocking." They all left soon after, and Blackwell fell back on her chair. Her secretary walked in a few seconds later.

"I-Is everything alright ma'am?"

Blackwell rubbed her forehead and nodded. "Make arrangements for Taylor Hebert's transfer to Arcadia." The Secretary nodded and Blackwell was soon left alone.

She had a lot of paperwork to fill out in her future.


Tashigi still felt angry when she got into their van. This school was corrupt, its faculty and students. Poor Taylor who had to deal with this nearby every single day. She felt someone tap on her shoulder and was ready to unsheath Shigure when she saw Private Seo's face. He had taken a liking to young Weaver as well. Soon he was going to start training Cipher in handling pistols.

Speaking of Cipher, Tashigi was going to have to thank her when she got the chance. She got this much dirt on Blackwell thanks to her, and she gave advice on how to handle it.

"Are you ok Boss? I haven't seen you this mad since Captain Smoker drank your expensive coffee on accident." Tashigi loosened her grip on Shigure and sighed softly.

"I dont know." At least Taylor would finally have a chance at being happy now. "I think I'm ok."

Seo nodded and went back to talking with the other Marines, leaving Tashigi to her thoughts. Of course she wasn't planning on leaving Principal Blackwell to her devices. Cipher was going to make an anonymous call to the BBPD and the local school board once Taylor was settled in at Arcadia. Tashigi didn't trust Blackwell not to do something like that again.

Days like these, Tashigi felt the most like a real hero.

I wrote this chapter back to back with the last one. A lot of people keep asking me if I have a job. I say, yeah I'm unemployed.
Ha ha ha
All jokes aside, I've decided I'm going to be a translator for koreans. I can already read the language, I just don't know what it means.
Trilingual gang gang.
These chapters are a bit shorter, but I'm pumping out a chapter a day so deal with it!

"Do you have your notes?"

"Yes." Not really, Amy either left them at school or Carol's house.

"Lunch money?"

"Nope." That was a lie.

Smoker floated her a twenty with some smoke. Amy grinned and took it, score!

"Don't kill anyone." No promises there. Amy imitated one of Smoker's grunts in response as he pulled up to Arcadia. More than a few students pulled out their phone and started taking pictures or videos. Great...this was going to be all over PHO.

Amy got off of his Billower Bike and looked at him.

"Anything else?" Amy asked. He had been doing this the whole way to school. Smoker insisted...that she should go. Specifically, he said to talk to her sister. 'Family was important.' She heard Smoker say in the back of her head.

"Tashigi will pick you up in the afternoon. If she can't make it someone else will come." Amy nodded with a small smile. She turned to move when she heard him speak.

"No vaping. Only **** vape." Smoker drove off in a puff of smoke a few seconds later. Coughing only slightly, Amy started walking to the school entrance. It seemed Vicky wasnt here yet. Amy was both...relieved and disappointed. She really missed her sister, but Amy couldn't go back...not to that house.

Oh no, Vicky's friends were here. They were gathered in a small circle right by the main entrance, probably waiting for the bell to ring so they could be fashionably late. Maybe she could sneak past them?

Nah, Dean was there with Dennis. Dean would notice her as soon as she got close, and Dennis was a loudmouth who would expose her. Pulling her hood over her head, Amy quickly walked past whispering students. Some were talking about her, and others were about their own business. Dean gave her a weird look, but Amy ignored the Ward and was about to enter the building, her hand grabbing the cold door handle, when she felt a familiar, comforting aura come over her. Vicky…

Amy felt a smile grow on her face.

"Amy!" She heard her gorgeous Vicky say. Amy slowly turned around to see her beautiful sister.


I love you.


Smoker was stacking some rocks when Armsmaster arrived. It was one of his favorite pastimes, especially when he combined it with cigars. It helped him to focus...and relax. His shoulders carried a heavy burden after all. He wouldn't fail his men the same way he failed Natsuko.

Today's Haki training showed some improvements. It would be useful when fighting more challenging opponents.

Cipher walked in, followed by Armsmaster. Smoker eyed them as he kept stacking rocks slowly.

"I see you're having fun huh Papa Smoke." Cipher said. She was wearing her costume, minus the suit, coat, and tophat. She still wore the white vest and shirt though, with that irritating mask. Cipher sat on the couch across from Smoker, and placed her black shoes on his table. With an annoyed glare, Smoker turned to Armsmaster, who stood next to the couch, looking like a statue. He was giving Smoker's Transponder Snail a weird look at the moment. Tashigi also had one at her house, only to be used in extreme emergencies.

"Thank you for hearing me out Captain Smoker."

Smoker grunted in response and placed a rock on top of another. "What do you want?" Cipher glanced at Armsmaster and nodded.

"He needs your help." She said before Armsmaster could speak. Armsmaster flashed Cipher an annoyed look before nodding. Smoker could sense her grinning under that mask.

"She is correct."

Smoker kept his face blank and stared at Armsmaster. "With what?"

"Cipher had agreed to provide me with information. In exchange, she wished to join the Marines." Armsmaster started. Was Cipher...a spy? Smoker hardened his gaze.

"What information." That wasn't a question.

"Information about a villain infiltrating the PRT." Smoker paused and glanced at Cipher. She was nodding along while looking at her nails.

"That's true." She said casually. A criminal infiltrated the PRT? The Marines had had their own fair share of traitors. The now disgraced Captain Nezumi was being court marshalled before Smoker's expedition, for collaborating with a fishman pirate, and was instrumental in the death of hundreds of Marines. Every organization was bound to have scum.


Armsmaster seemed more serious.

"Coil has infiltrated the PRT as a high ranking officer. I would prefer to keep PRT matters within the organization, but Cipher has brought to my attention that any move I make, Coil would be aware of." Armsmaster clenched his fist. "I need your help to purge the local PRT of traitors, and I need Cipher's help to identify traitors and loyalist."

Smoker took a few more puffs of smoke, and stacked another rock. This was a lot of information to take in at once. Plus, it might put the lives of his men at risk. Still, joining the Marines was a risk by itself.

"The Marines have no jurisdiction in PRT or Protectorate matters, unless they have been caught in a crime or an arrest warrant has been issued."

Another rock.

"But we will help where we can." Armsmaster nodded and turned to Cipher.

"Can you help identify if any members of the Protectorate are moles planted by Coil." Of course Armsmaster would need to secure his team first. He would need a base of power to make any moves.

"I'll see what I can do." Cipher shrugged casually. Smoker placed another rock on his pile, and glanced at Armsmaster. The armored hero would have made a decent Marine back home.

Armsmaster left soon after, leaving some tinkertech communication device to contact him with. Smoker just handed it to Cipher without another thought. He didn't need that thing ringing while he was stacking rocks. That would break his focus.

"It seems I'm going to have a lot of work in my future." Cipher stood up. "And headaches." She added.

"That doesn't mean you're going to skip training." Smoker grunted and started another rock tower. "Hand to hand with Weaver when she's back from school, and you'll be hitting the shooting range with Seo when he comes back."

Cipher groaned and walked out, silently closing the door behind her. Smoker grinned when he was finally alone.

Finally, peace and quiet. He gently placed another rock on the tower.

After a few minutes of silence, Smoker glanced at the clock. Just a few more hours.

He had an appointment with some Merchants. It would be rude to be late. Smoker took a few more puffs of smoke.

Skidmark was going to get his ass kicked.

I read this Oreigairu fanfic with a yakuza twist. The ending was extremely rushed and I am disappointed. The way it was written seemed like it had a few more arcs, but then BAM. Epilogue, and an unclear end on who Hachiman ends up with.
That ruined my day.
Speaking of ships, I have none planned in here, since it's not a romance story. I might add some later, but they aren't going to be forced. I only have one obvious pairing that has been referenced once a chapter or so ago. Cookie if you find it.
Decided to post tomorrows chapter today. This one will go up on SB tomorroa
Laurence hated his name. His Ma had been the one to name him, but he didn't want a lame ass name. Growing up, he received his own fair share of bullying.

….everyone called him Larry.

No wonder no one in the Merchants respected him with a nickname like that! It was always Larry this or Larry that. Stupid Ma...she already ruined his career choice.

"Oi Larry. Skidmark wants to know where his product is." Some douche kicked the back of Larry's knee and he fell over. Currently, they were in one of Skidmark's farms. Larry was in charge of making sure their 'plants' survived. It was getting harder, especially in the Docks. Those stupid Marines have been cracking down on all of Skidmark's operations, and more than a few that belong to the chinks. The Empire tried getting their claws in, but that Smoke Guy put a stop to that.

Giving Douchebag a glare, Larry pointed to a locked door. "Where the hell do you think it is?" Even he wasnt stupid enough to steal Skidmark's stash. He did smoke some of it though, good shit.

Douchebag flicked him off and grabbed a key out of his pocket. Larry was left alone again, watching some lame ass cartoon. He had pulled the short straw, so he was stuck in this farm until the shit was ready to be harvested. Five other guys roamed the farm as security. Then they'll have to pack up before those Marines found out where they were.

Larry pulled out a joint and lit it. Mmm, that was good. He blew some smoke out of his nose. Suddenly, Larry heard the sound of fighting. Those assholes must've been arguing again. Turning off the TV with a sigh, Larry grabbed his pistol.

He walked up to another door and started banging on it. "Oi shut up." It went silent. Larry blew some more smoke.

"Finally some peace and quiet." Larry turned around to head back to his seat, when the door burst open, causing a shower of splinters. Larry was sent flying and slammed against the wall.

"W-Wha-" Larry slowly raised his head to see a swirling vortex made of smoke. Eventually, an infamous face appeared, with two signature cigars in his mouth.

"You're all under arrest."

Larry missed his Ma now.


Raids like these were the reason Smoker enjoyed his alone time. He went out alone at night, raided a few Merchant or ABB drug farms, called the BBPD, and then headed back to Marine HQ. Tashigi would then reprimand him in the morning for not inviting her or the other Marines.

Cipher would watch in amusement before getting a haymaker to her face, courtesy of Amy. Cipher didn't have to go to school, so she spent most of her time at Marine HQ or shopping with Tashigi. Essentially, that would be a normal day.

It had been two days since Smoker's meeting with Armsmaster, yet Smoker felt like he hadn't done much since he arrived here. Sure he arrested Lung with help from Weaver, but he hadnt done anything else of importance.

So Smoker conducted these raids. If he needed help, he would bring a squad along to handle those that tried to run. So far, no one had escaped the law.

Smoker smirked. Skidmark was a slippery bastard, but he'll slip up once he hears of how many of his farms have been burned. The last of the Merchants here were being loaded up into a police van.

"Thank you for your help Captain Smoker." A young police officer walked up to him. The BBPD had jurisdiction as long as no other capes were around.

Smoker simply nodded and made his way to his Billower Bike. The night was still young, and plenty of ABB slavers and Merchant drug dealers to arrest.

Now if he could only provoke Skidmark, Squealer, Mush, Oni Lee and Bakuda into one big brawl, he could move onto the Empire.

His phone started ringing. It was Tashigi again. He pressed ignore and took a right. The phone started ringing again. Why was she even awake at this hour? Smoker sighed and let the phone ring out. Tashigi was worse than his own Mother. Smoker didnt even have one! He was born an orphan. Well, maybe he did have one, not that he had met the woman.

His phone started buzzing. Yup, here came the voice mails and text messages. Maybe he should answer Tashigi? Nah, she wasn't his boss. He was her boss. was better to be safe than sorry. When angered, Tashigi could be a monster.

He called her back.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT NIGHT WITHOUT BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH." Smoker mentally checked out several seconds into her rant.

Yeah, maybe he should delay heading back to Marine HQ for a few hours. Tashigi usually stayed at her own home, but it wouldn't hurt to be safe.

Yeah, that was a great plan.


Gunderson enjoyed a good night's rest. As a Marine, he could be called on duty at any time, so he needed all of the sleep he could get. Sadly, Gunderson was assigned to the same room as Kazuki, Alby, and Seo. He easily got along with all of them. They were friends even.

There was only one major problem.

All three of them snored, loudly. Seriously, it sounded like someone was trying to kill them. Currently, Gunderson was trying to suffocate his ears with his own pillow.

It ended in a failure sadly. So Gunderson sat up, grabbed his pillow and blanket, and made his way to the Mess Hall. It should be empty if the squad assigned to night duty was out. Dressed in a plain white shirt, baggy pants, and his blond hair in a small bun, he arrived at the Mess Hall.

He wasn't alone. Sitting at one of the tables was the young Panacea with a cigarette in her mouth. Gunderson had not spoken much to the healer. She spent most of her time with Captain Smoker, Tashigi, and most recently, Weaver and Cipher.

Gunder climbed a neighboring table, placed his pillow down, and laid down, with his blanket over him.

"Couldn't sleep?" He heard her ask.

"Yup." Was his sleepy answer.


"Alby." Stupid Alby.

Gunderson would only be able to get a few hours worth of sleep when the explosions started.

AHAHAHAHA. No offense to all my Laurence's out there
This will be the last chapter for now, so enjoy the cliffhanger. I decided that it would be better to rest now than to burn myself out and hate this awesome story.
I won't stop writing though, in the meantime I will be expanding one of my snips.
100 Years will be turned into Do you fear Death? It will be a Pirates of the Caribbean crossover. It'll be in first person from Taylor's POV with about every other chapter being from someone elses in third. I want to see how my first person style has improved since Chimera. So keep an eye out for that.
This story is almost as long as Chimera. There's about a few hundred to thousand word differences.
Smoker the White Hunter will return! Eventually. I have plans
Ill be back when I'm bored of Do you fear Death?
In the years to come, many residents of Brockton Bay would ask each other the questions, where were you when the explosions started? Were you one of the lucky ones? Did you lose any loved ones? How about friends? Were you one of the lucky ones that the heroes managed to free? If so, you were a lucky bastard. Despite dozens if not parahumans having lived in Brockton Bay, destruction on this sort of level was new for the residents of the Bay.

Smoker was already heading towards the nearest explosion on his Billower Bike. Who would be insane enough to cause this? Judging by the large block of ice that Smoker was heading towards, it was most likely the ABB since rumors had spread of Lung recruiting a bomb Tinker before his capture. Still, why would they decide to do such a thing-

Smoker narrowed his eyes and changed directions. Random bombs going off in the city could mean only one thing, the bombs not targeting ABB territory only made it seem more suspicious. Still, it would be safer to make sure.

Smoker immediately pulled out his phone and called Marine HQ.

"Captain Smoker sir." Shoko's voice responded. The Quartermaster was a good Marine. That's why Smoker placed him in command of Marine HQ if Tashigi or himself were indisposed.

"Pass me to Cipher." Smoker grunted, his two cigars never falling out of his mouth. He sped up at an intersection.

"Yes sir."

A few seconds later, a familiar voice came through.

"Hey Smokey." Cipher yawned. "Can you bring me some coffee on your way back?"

"No, I have a job for you."


"Find out if the ABB is behind this, and what's their goal." Smoker tightened his grip on the handles. For all they knew, the Empire could be framing the ABB, or Squealer created cars full of bombs.

"Hm, it's definitely the ABB-" Cipher paused in the middle of her sentence. All Smoker heard was the sound of frantic tapping.

"Well? Spit it out." Smoker ordered. He took a left at the next right as a firetruck raced past him with several PRT vans following. Random pedestrians were running around like frightened ants.

"This is all just a distraction…"

"The ABB plan on breaking out Lung."

Smoker's face turned dark. It seemed that Brockton Bay's dragon needed to be taught another lesson.

"Coordinate with Tashigi and the PRT." Smoker grunted as he raced past several buildings.

"I have a dragon to hunt."

Armsmaster was in his lab when the explosions started. He was working on one of his side projects with Dragon, who kept trying to convince him to go and take a nap. She kept failing of course. Colin had a lot of work ahead of him.

"Report." Armsmaster made his way towards the Rig's brig, halberd in hand. Several explosions had rocked the Rig, with PRT officers running in various directions. Some trying to put fires out, with others armed with containment foam ran towards the brig.

"Lee's here. He dropped an ice tinkertech bomb near our hangar, and several conventional bombs near Lung's cell." Triumph's voice said through Armsmaster's communicator. "Assault, Velocity and the Wards are in the city proper assisting where they can. The ABB have started harassing several police stations."

Damn, his motorcycle was in the hangar. It took him two weeks of nonstop work to get it running. Well, at least he got to build a new one now with upgrades.

"Meet me near Lung's cell. Contact Miss Militia and Dauntless as well. We need to make sure Oni Lee doesn't get another chance to-"

Another explosion shook the Rig, with a loud roar following soon after.

"...break out Lung…"

Smoker knew he was too late when he heard a loud roar coming from the Rig. Pausing near the water, Smoker's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the Rig. It seemed that a chunk of the Rig was covered in ice, with various holes with smoke coming out from them. Another explosion occurred, when Smoker caught sight of his target. Covered in scales and growing larger every second, Lung tore a hole through the Protectorates HQ. The sound of gunfire, most likely from Miss Militia filled the air.

What to do! Smoker eyed the water that laid in front of him. He should be fine as long as he didnt touch it. Revving up his Billower Bike, Smoker launched forward onto the water, his bike allowing to cross. Narrowing his eyes, he grabbed his spare jitte from his back.

A Marine never backed down from a fight. Lung grew even bigger as Smoker drew closer. Hopefully he could distract Lung long enough for the Protectorate to prepare a counterattack. It was time to see if Smoker's haki training paid off.

"LUNG!" Smoker shouted, his two cigars never falling from his mouth. The Dragon of Brockton Bay immediately turned his head towards Smoker.

"Youuuu…" Lung growled as nubs of metal and bone popped from his back, forming what seemed to be wings.

With that Smoker jumped from his bike, transforming his lower body into smoke and charged straight at Lung with his jitte ready to strike.

Smoker took a deep breath full of smoke and felt a grin form on his face.

Lung's fist met Smoker's own.

Well, this took a long time to come out. I'm sure that most of you know that a lot of stuff has happened since the last update. Most notably the release of, Do you fear Death?, Lore Khepri, Bangtan Taylor, and Chimera's rewrite, Chimaera, have been released in the four months since I last updated Smoker the White Hunter.
It felt weird writing in third person after getting used to first person.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter?
Who is your favorite One Piece Admiral?
I have a Kizaru cosplay planned for next year. Still haven't decided if I'll wear it at a comic con or an anime con.
Swinging with all of his might, Smoker's darkening fist made contact with Lung's own, causing a small shockwave. Smoker's grin grew even larger as Lung screamed in pain. He wouldn't be able to sustain his haki for long, but all he needed to do was make sure his strikes landed. Lung's detached jaw shrieked and flames came from his mouth, attempting to burn Smoker to a crisp. It didn't phase Smoker one bit as he simply turned into smoke and reformed it behind Lung's growing body. A swing from Smoker's jitte slammed into Lung's neck, causing the jitte to bend slightly.

Smoker narrowed his eyes. These jittes weren't as well made as his original one with the seastone that he kept hidden. Lung tried swinging, but Smoker avoided the strike as he flew around Lung, his smoky lower body launching him throughout the air.

"Ahll keel uuuuu." Lung growled as his wings started growing larger. Smoker really doubted that the criminal could, but he was at a disadvantage fighting in the middle of the water here. Smoker charged again, completely turning his body into smoke. Lung vomited more streams of fire. Separating the cloud of smoke into five clouds, Smoker reformed the upper part of his body on top of Lung and swung his jitte again, the metal turning black just as it struck Lung's body. Lung went flying as his growing form flew into the Bay, causing a large splash.

Smoker narrowed his eyes as he monitored the rippling waters. That should stall Lung long enough for Protectorate reinforcements. Speaking of the Protectorate, Smoker flew back towards the burning Rig. He could come back for his Billower Bike later.

Landing in one of the openings that Lung made, Smoker raised his right fist in the air, causing all of the smoke to form a ball. Within a few seconds, the water sprinklers came to life to help fight the fire. Smoker formed a grin on his face. This smoke was going to prove to be quite useful. He threw the smoke out of the opening, causing a dense fog of smoke to cover the Bay.

Lung would no doubt surface soon, and Smoker would be ready for him.

"All squads's prepare to launch." Quartermaster Shoko's voice droned through the intercom as Tashigi practically flew down the hallway leading towards the garage. With her beloved Shigure in hand, she was ready to assist wherever she was needed.

"Master Chief!" Gunderson shouted from his squad's van as Tashigi finally made it into the garage. Her squad was still arming themselves, while Amy looked around confused after being handed a pistol.

"If your squad is ready, go!" Tashigi shouted. Gunderson nodded and closed the door to the van with a salute. Their van sped off without another word. Gunderson's squad was going to be understaffed since Weaver stayed the night at her own home. They would have to make do without her.

"The hospital is going to need my help." Amy said nervously as she handed Tashigi the gun, who took it and slid it into her empty holster. She may be a swordswoman, but having a range weapon as a backup wouldn't hurt.

"We can drop you off on our way." Tashigi nodded as Seo and Spencer finished boarding the van. Amy nodded as she pulled the hood of her robe over her head, not doing much to cover the Marine cap that sat on her head.

Jumping inside the van, Tashigi slammed the door shut once Amy climbed on.

"Let's go Mifune." Tashigi lightly smacked the side of the van and she felt them start to move.

It was time to show everyone what being a Marine was all about.

By the time the fire was under control, Armsmaster's armor was now covered in black soot. Thankfully the smoke disappeared, which saved quite a few PRT officers who didn't have their helmets on when the explosions started.

"One of my suits is inbound." Dragon reported. Dragon's armor would be useful in assisting Captain Smoker fight Lung. Triumph reported that Dauntless was injured and in need of medical attention, so they were one Protectorate member down. Miss Militia also reported that she engaged Oni Lee, who managed to escape amidst the confusion.

"Excellent." Colin had to activate his chin guard, his helmet covering his entire head, in order to prevent smoke from causing him any unnecessary harm. "Have you detected Lung yet?"

"He engaged Captain Smoker a few minutes before landing in the Bay. Captain Smoker is keeping an eye on where he will surface." Dragon said simply. "Armor is five minutes out."

Colin nodded internally as he used his halberd to slice his way through ruined metal. "Contact Miss Militia. I need her to organize a search and rescue for any missing personnel."

"What are you going to do?" Dragon asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

Armsmaster simply hardened his gaze when he reached one of the openings that Oni Lee's bombs made.

"I'm going to see if the good Captain requires any help."

This chapter is way overdue, but I honestly got stuck on it. I didn't like the first version so I scrapped it, and then I got stuck after writing the first paragraph of this version.
Plus a lot of stuff happened since the last chapter. I have a job now so hurray! I also published other stories such as the Snow Queen's Worm, my Frozen crossover. Feel free to check that out.

I'm still working on my Three Admiral, plus Luffy cosplay. I have Kizaru's glasses, Akainu's hat, and am working on Aokiji's sleeping mask. Finally got Luffy's Wano robes so just waiting on the hat/sandals before moving onto the Admiral suits.
I also bought some yellow finger lights to mimic Kizaru's devil fruit power. Should be pretty fun.

ILL RETURN EVENTUALLY. None of my stories die, I just get really lazy, or distracted with other story ideas. I even wrote a Miraculous ladybug crossover with Violet Evergarden.

Till next time~
5.0 reposted since the color won't change on the previous one
Swinging with all of his might, Smoker's darkening fist made contact with Lung's own, causing a small shockwave. Smoker's grin grew even larger as Lung screamed in pain. He wouldn't be able to sustain his haki for long, but all he needed to do was make sure his strikes landed. Lung's detached jaw shrieked and flames came from his mouth, attempting to burn Smoker to a crisp. It didn't phase Smoker one bit as he simply turned into smoke and reformed it behind Lung's growing body. A swing from Smoker's jitte slammed into Lung's neck, causing the jitte to bend slightly.

Smoker narrowed his eyes. These jittes weren't as well made as his original one with the seastone that he kept hidden. Lung tried swinging, but Smoker avoided the strike as he flew around Lung, his smoky lower body launching him throughout the air.

"Ahll keel uuuuu." Lung growled as his wings started growing larger. Smoker really doubted that the criminal could, but he was at a disadvantage fighting in the middle of the water here. Smoker charged again, completely turning his body into smoke. Lung vomited more streams of fire. Separating the cloud of smoke into five clouds, Smoker reformed the upper part of his body on top of Lung and swung his jitte again, the metal turning black just as it struck Lung's body. Lung went flying as his growing form flew into the Bay, causing a large splash.

Smoker narrowed his eyes as he monitored the rippling waters. That should stall Lung long enough for Protectorate reinforcements. Speaking of the Protectorate, Smoker flew back towards the burning Rig. He could come back for his Billower Bike later.

Landing in one of the openings that Lung made, Smoker raised his right fist in the air, causing all of the smoke to form a ball. Within a few seconds, the water sprinklers came to life to help fight the fire. Smoker formed a grin on his face. This smoke was going to prove to be quite useful. He threw the smoke out of the opening, causing a dense fog of smoke to cover the Bay.

Lung would no doubt surface soon, and Smoker would be ready for him.

"All squads's prepare to launch." Quartermaster Shoko's voice droned through the intercom as Tashigi practically flew down the hallway leading towards the garage. With her beloved Shigure in hand, she was ready to assist wherever she was needed.

"Master Chief!" Gunderson shouted from his squad's van as Tashigi finally made it into the garage. Her squad was still arming themselves, while Amy looked around confused after being handed a pistol.

"If your squad is ready, go!" Tashigi shouted. Gunderson nodded and closed the door to the van with a salute. Their van sped off without another word. Gunderson's squad was going to be understaffed since Weaver stayed the night at her own home. They would have to make do without her.

"The hospital is going to need my help." Amy said nervously as she handed Tashigi the gun, who took it and slid it into her empty holster. She may be a swordswoman, but having a range weapon as a backup wouldn't hurt.

"We can drop you off on our way." Tashigi nodded as Seo and Spencer finished boarding the van. Amy nodded as she pulled the hood of her robe over her head, not doing much to cover the Marine cap that sat on her head.

Jumping inside the van, Tashigi slammed the door shut once Amy climbed on.

"Let's go Mifune." Tashigi lightly smacked the side of the van and she felt them start to move.

It was time to show everyone what being a Marine was all about.

By the time the fire was under control, Armsmaster's armor was now covered in black soot. Thankfully the smoke disappeared, which saved quite a few PRT officers who didn't have their helmets on when the explosions started.

"One of my suits is inbound." Dragon reported. Dragon's armor would be useful in assisting Captain Smoker fight Lung. Triumph reported that Dauntless was injured and in need of medical attention, so they were one Protectorate member down. Miss Militia also reported that she engaged Oni Lee, who managed to escape amidst the confusion.

"Excellent." Colin had to activate his chin guard, his helmet covering his entire head, in order to prevent smoke from causing him any unnecessary harm. "Have you detected Lung yet?"

"He engaged Captain Smoker a few minutes before landing in the Bay. Captain Smoker is keeping an eye on where he will surface." Dragon said simply. "Armor is five minutes out."

Colin nodded internally as he used his halberd to slice his way through ruined metal. "Contact Miss Militia. I need her to organize a search and rescue for any missing personnel."

"What are you going to do?" Dragon asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

Armsmaster simply hardened his gaze when he reached one of the openings that Oni Lee's bombs made.

"I'm going to see if the good Captain requires any help."


This chapter is way overdue, but I honestly got stuck on it. I didn't like the first version so I scrapped it, and then I got stuck after writing the first paragraph of this version.

Plus a lot of stuff happened since the last chapter. I have a job now so hurray! I also published other stories such as the Snow Queen's Worm, my Frozen crossover. Feel free to check that out.

I'm still working on my Three Admiral, plus Luffy cosplay. I have Kizaru's glasses, Akainu's hat, and am working on Aokiji's sleeping mask. Finally got Luffy's Wano robes so just waiting on the hat/sandals before moving onto the Admiral suits.

I also bought some yellow finger lights to mimic Kizaru's devil fruit power. Should be pretty fun.

ILL RETURN EVENTUALLY. None of my stories die, I just get really lazy, or distracted with other story ideas. I even wrote a Miraculous ladybug crossover with Violet Evergarden.

Till next time~

This literally happens like once a week with the font color