Smoker the White Hunter (One Piece crossover) I

Cleaning up the aftermath was left to the PRT. Smoker already did most of the work after all. It was clear that the Wards were losing the battle, until Smoker arrived. Unsurprisingly, the Undersiders weren't much of a challenge for the White Hunter.

Their team was built around one thing, escaping. From Smoker's research on the Undersiders, they specialized in robbery. They were in and out before anyone could respond.

So why take hostages now? Why change the pattern of making a move during broad daylight? Smoker stood silently as the Undersiders were loaded up onto the PRT'S vans. Trainwreck was coated in containment foam, Hellhound was in cuffs, with her dogs being returned to their normal form trying to bite Animal Control, with Grue and Regent still unconscious.

Tattletale was being led to a van by two officers and Vista, when she caught sight of Smoker, and gave him a huge grin.

"I'll see you later Smokey." She shouted as they pushed her in. Smoker felt a slight shiver go down his spine. That...didn't sound good. Stupid thinkers. Amy excited the bank with her sister, and avoided his gaze when she saw him. What happened there?

A bloodied Aegis, wearing Clockblockers costume, slowly walked up to Smoker, with Kid Win and Browbeat with him. Hellhound dogs must have gotten to him. Smoker had to admit, their plan might have worked if it wasn't for Tattletale being a thinker.

"Thank you for the help sir. They would have gotten away if you hadn't stepped in." Aegis said ignoring the large bite mark on his arms and legs. Smoker gave them an approving nod. They did well with the cards that they were dealt, despite not being up to his standards.

"You and your team did well." Smoker said simply. Aegis nodded and extended his hand.

"It's an honor to meet you." Smoker took his hand and shook it.

"Likewise." They said their farewells as they met up with their fellow Wards.

Gunderson, Weaver and the other Marines started walking up to him. Gunderson jogged up to Smoker and saluted, with the other Marines following his example. Weaver stood there awkwardly, but Smoker nodded his head.

"Good job cutting off their escape. It would have been annoying to hunt them down individually." Gunderson smiled. Smoker then turned his attention to Weaver who was holding their squad's radio in her hands. Raising an eyebrow, she caught his silent message.

"Tashigi and Squad One prevented a kidnapping and headed back to Marine HQ." Weaver said. Hmm, this couldn't have been a coincidence. "Quartermaster Shoko has deployed Siege Protocol: Loguetown under Tashigi's orders." That bad?

Smoker narrowed his eyes. This helped him piece the puzzle together. Were the Undersiders a distraction? Or was the kidnapping a distraction?

The Undersiders usually avoided confrontations according to the reports Smoker studied.

He would have to investigate this more carefully.

"I see. Return to base for now." Smoker ordered. The Protectorate would most likely cut their trip short after hearing of this. Smoker spotted New Wave arriving out of the corner of his eye.

"Can I talk to you and Tashigi when you get back?" Weaver asked softly. Smoker gave her his full attention.

"Of course."

They all saluted, even Weaver and went to their patrol van. Amy was acting suspicious. Smoker turned around just in time to see her slap Brandish before running off. Glory Girl tried to chase after her, but was held back by Gallant.

Smoker turned his back to them and made his way to his Billower Bike. This wasn't any of his business. He wasn't her father, just an acquaintance, one who she seemed to feel comfortable around. This was a family matter that he shouldn't involve himself in.

Yet, Smoker didn't know why he drove in the direction she ran off.


Tashigi gripped Shigure tightly. They had arrived at Marine HQ shortly after her order to activate the siege protocols. No one could enter or leave without express permission from herself or Captain Smoker. All Marines were to be armed and on high alert, lethal force authorized. Chokepoints were set up, windows were closed shut.

Siege Protocol: Loguetown was only to be used in extreme emergencies, so Tashigi didn't hesitate. Dinah was sitting next to Tashigi on a coach in one of the barracks. Mifune was standing outside the door with Seo on guard.

"Squad Two is returning Master Chief. Weaver has confirmed the clearance code." Quartermaster Shoko's voice brought the radio to life. Tashigi loosened her grip on her beloved blade.

"Let them in. Are the unmarked vehicles still there?" Not long after their arrival, several unmarked vans and suvs showed up on their CCTV.

"No Ma'am. They left as soon as Squad Two's van entered their sight." That was good. Tashigi relaxed slightly and turned to Dinah with a smile.

"Everything will be ok." Dinah returned the smile with a small one of her own. Apparently, using her power took a lot out of her, causing headaches and migraines.

"Is Captain Smoker with them?"

"Negative. Sergeant Gunderson said he saw the Captain drive off somewhere."

Tashigi slapped her forehead. They were in the middle of an emergency and Captain Smoker decides to wander off!

"5.67 percent chance that they will return." Dinah said softly. That was...not as good as Tashigi hoped, but it would have to do for now.

"Begin lifting the Protocols, confirmation code Plume-Plume-Zero."

Captain Smoker had come up with these protocols himself, with some help from Tashigi of course.

"Contact the PRT and Dinah's parents. They need to be informed of this situation."

Dinah was about to open her mouth when Tashigi opened her mouth.

"Stop using your power! We are here to protect you."

Dinah simply gave a weak smile, and started munching on one of Alby's crackers. Tashigi leaned back on the couch, and sighed deeply. Who knew that she would have prevented the kidnapping of a little girl who happened to be a parahuman the same day the Undersiders decide to rob a bank.

Tashigi was going to need a whole pot of coffee after this.


Amy didn't know where she ran, she just chose to turn randomly. She didn't regret it, slapping Carol that is. Amy didn't mind being called the adopted one. She didn't mind working until the verge of exhaustion at the hospitals. Actually, Amy did mind. She did all of that, hoping to one day get Carol's approval.

Do I have your permission to heal you?

Amy worked hard to hide the true extent of her powers. She worked hard to gain Carol's approval. She worked be a hero.

Do I have your permission to heal you?

She never expected in her wildest dreams, to be the daughter of a villain in the Birdcage. It explained everything so clearly, why Carol detested her very presence.

Do I have your permission to heal you?

Amy needed her mantra and rules. The very moment she stopped...she would become just like her Father, whoever he was. Only the worst villains got birdcaged after all.

Do I have your permission to heal you?

So Amy ran. She ran not being able to see through her tear soaked eyes. She ignored Vicky calling her name while Dean held her back. She ignored them all.

Do I have your permission to heal you?

Amy ran, until she hit a dead end. A dead end, just like her. What type of person was in love with her own sister? Adopted or was a taboo. Amy was about to turn around to keep running, when a familiar cloud of smoke obscured her vision.

"What would you do...if you were told that your Father was a criminal. A criminal so horrible, that he was sent to the Birdcage." Amy said, forcing herself not to sob in front of him. She finally turned around, to see Smoker's impassive face. He simply took out a lighter and lit one of his cigars.

"You are not your father if that's what you're asking." Smoker said bluntly. Amy let out a hoarse laugh.

"You wouldn't get it." No one could ever understand her.

Smoker simply stared at her, his face never changing before speaking.

"You're right, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."

Amy simply glared at him.

"Just because he's your father, doesn't mean you're his daughter." Smoker took a step forward. "Did he raise you? Did he make you become the person you are today?"

Amy took a deep breath.

Do I have your permission to heal you?

"No." She said confidently.

"You are not your father, and you never will be. Just because his blood runs in your veins, doesn't mean you will become just like him."

Do I have your permission to heal you?

Smoker patted Amy on her head.

"Congratulations. You are a better person than he will ever be."

Amy felt her tears start flowing again, so she hugged him. Smoker froze slightly, but kept patting her head.


I'M DONE EARLY. I wasn't planning on writing this weekend, but I kept dreaming about the next chapter so I had to type it up. I hope it came out as emotional as I wanted it to be.
Damn this was a fun one to write.
Has everyone been enjoying the story? I'm having a lot of fun writing this.
What do you guys want to see in the future?
Coil had always thought of himself as a patient man. Today, he did not feel like being patient. He ordered his Tattletale and his Undersiders to rob a bank in the middle of the day, in broad daylight. They specialized in escaping, which was why Coil left them to their devices while he focused on acquiring a new asset, a power precog. It didn't matter if the Undersiders were caught, he only needed his Tattletale after all, and he had several moles planted in the PRT, ready to spring her, or put a few bullets in her should the need arise.

Everything was going according to his plan. The Protectorate were out of town, New Wave was busy dealing with Purity, so he had his mercenaries chase Miss Alcott through some mostly deserted streets. Those that stopped his men were told the cover story that Miss Alcott had run away from home. Coil had multiple squads, all ready to corner her when that van full of Marines arrived.

He split the timeline. In one, he immediately ordered his men to start shooting, while in the other they cautiously walked up to his new pet. In the first time line, a woman armed with a blade quickly sliced her way through his mercenaries.

He closed that timeline and split it again. Miss Alcott was now hiding behind the Swordswoman in a tropical shirt with a blue jacket. A few of her fellow Marines started approaching, armed with pistols and swords.

His men reached the Swordswoman first, and they exchanged some words. His Lieutenant pulled out his gun, only for his Pet's Savior to slice it in the same motion as she unsheathed her blade. In one timeline, he ordered them to hold fire, and in the other, they fired.

Somehow, the Swordswoman managed to dodge the bullets and managed to cut down half of his men, before her fellow Marines quickly managed to evacuate his Pet.

He collapsed that timeline and ordered his men to retreat. Coil opened another one. In one, his men retreated to their vehicles, and feigned a retreat in the other. That attack failed too.

The Swordswoman and her Marines easily killed all of his men. Coil snarled and collapsed that timeline too. It wasn't supposed to be this way!

"Follow them Lieutenant." He ordered. He split the timeline again. Calls to other men were made, and Coil opened up his PRT database. Coil may not have much information on these Marines, but Thomas Calvert might.

Lets see, Marines. What? Only Emily, Armsmaster, a few Directors, and the Chief Director had access? This was...not what he expected. Not at all.

Coil turned his attention back to his men. Three vans, two suvs, and four cars full of men who owe their loyalty to him. A quarter of his forces that he currently had on hand. In any other situation, this would have been overkill. Here, it might not be enough. They surrounded the Marine base.

"Beta Squad, Alpha Squad, breach the garage. Sigma, Delta, begin assault." He ordered in one timeline. His men started their move. Not even a few seconds after they began, gunfire started coming from opening in their defences.

Three mercenaries went down within seconds, the others attempting to rush the Marines defences.

None managed to reach the building's interior. Balling his fist, he smashed his keyboard and collapsed that timeline. Another timeline split.

"Sigma, Delta, Foxtrot, flanking maneuver. Epsilon, Beta, rush the front door." Coil will expose all of their tricks.

Another failure, another timeline collapsed. Cape support would be needed to breach the building. Hmm, maybe if the Undersiders escaped in time he could manipulate their way towards this location.

He turned his attention towards the Bank robbery, using his cameras he had installed beforehand.


All of them captured? There's no way that-

Coil let out a frustrated scream. These 'Marines' were more of a nuisance that he thought they would be. He should have planned in case they got involved.

His negligence just cost him his Tattletale and new Pet.

It was be patient again.

Marine reinforcements were arriving when he ordered his men to fallback.

Coil needed to make a few calls.


They stood in that position for a few minutes, with Amy's arms still wrapped around him, Smoker felt only a little bit uncomfortable. Eventually, she pulled away and wiped away a few tears with her sleeves. Her bloodshot eyes met his own.

"Sorry about that." She said, her voice hoarse. Smoker simply gave her a small smile and patted Amy on her shoulder.

"Dont worry about it." She gave a weak smile back, before her face formed one of horror.

"I-I don't think I can go back home tonight." She pulled out her phone, most likely filled with missed calls and text messages.

"You can stay at Marine HQ if you wish." Smoker said, causing the smoke around them to disappear. "Im sure Tashigi wouldn't mind if you stayed in her old room." Plus it could also give Weaver a chance to socialize with someone else close to her age. She stayed at Marine HQ when she wasn't dealing with issues in her civilian life.

Amy nodded slowly. "That...would probably be for the best for now."

"You can stay as long as you need to." Smoker said as he led her to his Billower Bike.

The drive back to Marine HQ was in silence.


Once Amy was settled in Tashigi's old room, Smoker made his way to his office to receive Tashigi's report.

Three figures were sitting on his couch when he walked in.

"Captain Smoker sir." Tashigi stood up with a salute. Weaver remained seated with a little girl napping on the couch, her head on Weaver's lap.

"Tashigi, Weaver." Smoker nodded.

So this was the kidnapping victim.

"Did you call the PRT and her family?" He asked. Tashigi nodded. Apparently, the young girl was a thinker.

"Director Piggot has been informed and is waiting for our arrival with Miss Alcott's parents. Armsmaster has already returned."

That was good. Smoker turned to Weaver.

"There was something you wanted to tell me?"

"I-It can wait!" Weaver held Miss Alcotr's head. "She should be safe first." She said softly.

"Very well." Smoker looked at Tashigi from the corner of his eyes. "Gather Squad One." He looked back at Weaver. "You can come if you want." It has been a long day after all.

Weaver nodded. "I'll go."

Smoker smiled. At least she was getting more confident. Tashigi was being a good mentor it seemed.

"Let's bring Miss Alcott home."


I never thought I would have written this much when I decided to start writing again. It's to write than chimera. Whenever I see Chimera, I see all of the mistakes I made.
For those questions about whether anyone else from the One Piece universe will or will not arrive, that's some spoiler territory.
Feel free to guess or theorise, but I doubt anyone will get it. Cookie if you do manage tho.
That's if not lying about anyone else coming.
I hope my writing has been enjoyable so far.
SV is close to catching up to date with SB
The trip to PRT Headquarters was normally a relatively short one. It felt like forever in Smoker's opinion. Squad One was loaded up in one of their vans, along with Weaver and Miss Alcott. She had woken shortly before they left, obviously in pain from overusing her power. Smoker drove his Billower Bike in front of the van, acting as their escort. Smoker noticed a few unmarked cars attempting to follow them, but he used his smoke to obscure their vision.

Only a monster would attempt to kidnap a young girl, even a parahuman one. This monster seemed to have a great amount of influence. Smoker tightened his grip on his bike's handlebars. They obviously weren't ABB or Merchants.

That left the Empire, or Coil. They didn't seem like skinheads, and Tashigi did not report seeing any swastikas or iron eagles. Smoker narrowed his eyes as he took a right.

This left Coil. The secret fifth power in this city after the gangs and the PRT. The PRT only had a few reports on him, mostly involving sightings or mercenaries. They didn't even know what type of power he had.

The enemy you didn't know about was more dangerous than the one in front of you.

He was taken out of his thoughts when he caught sight of the PRT's headquarters. With a few puffs from his cigar, Smoker drove closer.


They were quickly led inside the building proper after they drove into the garage. Smoker decided to leave Squad One with their van, taking only Tashigi, Miss Alcott, and Weaver. A squad of PRT agents, and Miss Militia were waiting for them. Just like Smoker predicted, they ended their trip early.

"This is for Dinah." Miss Militia said as she handed the young girl a simple mask, most likely to help conceal her identity. Dinah cautiously grabbed the mask and placed it on her face. It...didn't help much. Most masks seemed to be just for show in Smoker's opinion. If you knew who you were looking for, masks were useless.

It was either that or people in this world were blind. Probably the latter in all honesty.

They were led down familiar hallways. Smoker had lost count how many times he walked down these halls. Tashigi continued to carry Dinah, with Weaver quickly walking behind her.

Eventually they reached Director Piggot's office. The squad of PRT agents took their positions outside of the room, and everyone else went in. Director Piggot was sitting behind her desk with Triumph standing off to the side. There was also another couple-

"DADDY!" Dinah jumped from Tashigi's arms and ran towards her parents. Embracing each other, her Father looked up at Tashigi.

"Thank you…" Her Mother repeated the same thing. Tashigi simply smiled in return.

"I only did what anyone else would have done." The reunited family were full of smiles. Weaver leaned side to side awkwardly. At least she was opening up a bit.

The family reunion was interrupted by Director Piggot coughing.

"As wonderful as this is, we have a lot to discuss." She said simply.

That they did.

Weaver took a seat off to the side. Smoker wanted her here to prove that he had complete trust in her. Actions spoke louder than words after all.

A few minutes later, they were all seated except for himself, Triumph and Miss Militia, who stood beside the Director's desk. They all listened carefully as Tashigi gave her report on the events of the day, with Dinah adding some additional comments.

The Alcott's seem horrified that someone would actually attempt to kidnap their daughter during school. They were even more horrified to find out that their beloved daughter had triggered.

"What should we do?" Mr. Alcott asked with shaking hands. Triumph seemed like he wanted to speak, but kept silent.

"97.89 percent I'll be safe with the Marines." Dinah said with a wince. Smoker took a deep breath. They were not equipped to handle a situation like this.

"And what about the Wards?" Miss Militia asked with a soft voice, her eyes full of compassion.

"98.76 percent that I'll be safe with the Wards." Dinah said weakly. That would be for the best. The PRT knew what they were doing, mostly.

"The Wards are here to help children like Dinah Mr and Mrs Alcott." Miss Militia started. "And I'm sure Vista would love to have another girl on the team." It was obvious that she was smiling under her mask.

Mr. Alcott started nodding slowly. The man loved his daughter. Mrs. Alcott seemed a bit more cautious, but eventually agreed with her husband. Smoker took another puff from his cigar.

At least he wouldn't have to deal with another new recruit.


"Meeeemorrry, all alone in the moooonlight-"

"Will you just shut up!"


Lisa smirked when she heard the muffled sound of Brian stuffing his face with their PRT issued pillow. Alec had woken up about a half hour ago, and decided that he would sing some showtunes, just to annoy them. They were all stuck in separate PRT containment cells, with Alec's being right next to Brian. Trainwreck was still covered in that foam stuff, and Rachel was snarling at any agent that walked by.

Rachel wants her dogs back. Is worried for their safety. Her dogs are at a PRT funded dog kennel.

Speaking of PRT Agent, another one walked by and gave Lisa a weird look. Works for Coil. Has orders to help bust me out or kill me, whichever he decides to do.

Lisa just kept smirking. She already had a plan on how to escape Coil's greasy pedo hands. She let her power run wild on Smoker right before she was brought to her cell.

The muscular hero had a soft spot for broken things. Lisa would just say the truth, plain and simple. Being in the Wards would mean she would still be under Coil's thumb, but the Marines would allow her to finally be able to breath without him knowing. She just had to push the 'I was forced to join the Undersiders at gunpoint or else I would have been a drugged up slave' point.

Eventually, a famous figure stood at the front of Lisa's cell. The leader of the Protectorate opened her cell with the press of a button, and two PRT officers walked in with cuffs. Armsmaster wants to interrogate the thinker first. He believes that I'm the brains of the group. He was only half right.

Lisa was then dragged to an interrogation room, all alone with Armsmaster. She saw a one way mirror to the side. Two agents observing the conversation. The Deputy Director is watching. Another member of the Protectorate? Possibly Dauntless. Aegis of the Wards also observing.

"Tattletale, you are being charged with…" Armsmaster started. Lisa ignored most if not all of what followed. Is simply following his procedure. "How do you plead?" Hmm, if Lisa asked for a lawyer, Coil would simply manipulate one of his people into that position and she would be back where she started.

"Guilty." Lisa said smiling. Armsmaster is surprised at my honesty. "In fact, let's cut to the chase.' Armsmaster jaw tightens. He is annoyed that I interrupted him.

"You're about to say blah blah, underaged, blah blah, go to juvie or join the Wards." Lisa said bluntly. Isn't surprised given that I'm a thinker.

"Let's cut a deal. I'll spill the beans on how you can get most of the others to join your little boys club, some secrets you're definitely going to want and I get to name some conditions." Armsmaster is thinking about it. Will need to talk to the Director. He is very interested in it.

"Go on." Has a lie detector on him. Tinkertech, no way to get past him. Half truths might work.

"Grue will be the easiest to convince. Just make him some probationary Ward until he turns eighteen, with the condition that he gets custody of his sister when he graduates to the Protectorate." Brian's Dad was a good man, but he wasn't ready to raise a teenager like Aisha. That's not even mentioning their Mom. "Send him to Boston for all I care."

Armsmaster simply listened silently.

"Just give Regent a couch, a TV and some games and he's all yours."

He's going to pause me in the middle of the next statement.

"Bitch's going to want-"

"What do you want from all of this?" Armsmaster asked. Lisa grinned in response.

"Make me an honorary Ward if you want…" Lisa paused for effect.

"I want to join the Marines."

Suck it Coil.
"I'm afraid that the PRT and Protectorate have no say in the Marine's personnel." Armsmaster said simply. It didn't take long for him to pull up Tattletales records. Tattletale, aka Lisa Wilborn, born as Sarah Livsey. It was standard protocol to do research on underaged villains that entered PRT custody. She apparently triggered after her brother's suicide. Quite tragic, dying so young. Dragon was silently listening in on the conversation, sending him messages on his visor.

They couldn't risk Tattletale's thinker power from figuring out that Dragon was listening in. Armsmaster wrote some random words on a sheet of paper in front of him to get Tattletale to focus on that.

"We both know that the Marines owe the PRT a lot of favors so I'm sure you can get it done." Tattletale said casually. She eyed the one view mirror. "Can we talk alone?"

Armsmaster wrote down another word. "We are alone."

"Cut the bullshit Armsy." She pointed her thumb towards the window. "I know you got like half of Headquarters there." That was an exaggeration.

Hmm, what was so important?

Nodding slowly, Armsmaster sent a message to Dragon, she would be able to scan the room for any bugs. With the press of a button on his gauntlet, a metal wall covered the window.

'All clear.'

"What is it?" Armsmaster said, keeping his face neutral. Tattletale just grinned and leaned back in the metal chair she sat on.

"I'm sure you probably know this, but the PRT is full of traitors." This caught his attention. "But what if I told you, that someone is using their clearance for their own personal gain." Armsmaster was aware of this. Quite a few PRT officers had connections to the Empire, others to the ABB surprisingly. He had brought this up to Director Piggot several times, but she simply waved it off saying that it was better to have an enemy you know than one you didn't.

Armsmaster didn't trust her as much after that. The PRT ENE needed a purge of all traitors. It was obvious that was the reason so many villains managed to escape their custody. So many lives lost due to corruption. His jaw tightened.

"I'm aware." Armsmaster said dryly.

"What if I told you that a villain holds a high rank in the PRT?" Truth.


Armsmaster's eyes widened. That...should have not have been possible. Dragon was silent still, though he could sense her shock.

Tattletale smirked and smacked the table.

"Get me a position in the Marines to guarantee my safety and I'll tell you who it is. I don't care if I have to be an honorary probationary Ward or some shit." Her eyes turned serious. "I was forced at gunpoint to be in the Undersiders. The other option was to be drugged up so often I probably wouldn't be able to walk…" Truth.

"I just know that if I stay in PRT custody, I might not be alive tomorrow." Truth. Tattletale's eyes fell. He wouldn't allow that to happen. Armsmaster won't allow another life to be taken, not on his watch. Dragon asked him his Master-Stranger code which he gave. He was doing this by his own volition.

"I'll personally advocate your terms to the Director once she's done with her current appointment."

Colin couldn't trust anyone around him. At least he had Dragon with him.


Tashigi, Captain Smoker, and Weaver left Director's Piggot's office soon after. It wasn't their business what happened from now on, but at least Dinah was safe. That made Tashigi happy. Now they were sitting in the PRT's mess hall. It was a long day, so Tashigi missed lunch. Miss Militia always did say that the PRT cafeteria served some decent food.

Captain Smoker simply closed his eyes as he continued to smoke his cigars. Weaver had brought some books, so Tashigi was the only one eating that was definitely not decent.

Even Tashigi could cook better than this! Taking a bite from the 'pizza', Tashigi shuttered. This was basically a piece of cardboard with cheese! Times like these made her miss food from home.

Sighing, Tashigi saw Weaver eyeing Shigure, which Tashigi had placed on top of the table they occupied.

"This is a Meito sword." Tashigi said. Weaver gave Tashigi her full attention.


"Well, they're basically some of the best swords back home." Tashigi said with a smile as she grabbed Shigure. "Shigure is a Grade sword though, so she's not as strong as the Supreme, Great or Skillful Grades."

Tashigi's dream was to go and reclaim those famous blades from criminals. That was never going to happen now.

Stupid Roronoa Zoro. If she couldn't even beat him, how could she defeat stronger pirates in the Grand Line? She had to get stronger, even though Tashigi might never be able to go back home, she had to get stronger.

"She's beautiful." Weaver said as she admired Shigure. Tashigi just smiled again. Talking about swords brought back bad memories.

"Thank you Weaver."

Captain Smoker woke up from his nap.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he waved the smoke away from the air.

Shoot, Tashigi completely forgot about Squad One waiting for them in the van. She gave her plate of food one last disgusted look before nodding.

"Sure. Weaver has something to tell us back at HQ anyways." Captain Smoker nodded.

They were leaving the cafeteria when they walked into Armsmaster.

"Captain Smoker." The armored hero said simply. Captain Smoker simply gave him a blank stare.


Armsmaster turned to Weaver, who fidgeted slightly under his gaze, her Marine cap looking less out of place now.

"We meet again. Do you have a cape name now?"

Weaver nodded slightly. "I'm Weaver."

Armsmaster did what Miss Militia said was impossible.

He smiled. "A pleasure to see you again."

He turned back to Captain Smoker.

"There's something I would like to discuss with you and Director Piggot."

So much for going back to HQ. Squad One had better packed their playing cards.


They were led back to Director Piggot's office. Miss Militia had already left to introduce Dinah to the Wards, and her parents were with Deputy Director Renick signing paperwork. Tashigi sighed softly as she sat back in the same chair next to Weaver.

Hard to believe that all of this happened in one day. The PRT worked pretty fast when they wanted to. There was only one problem.

A certain blonde fox that was in the form of a human. Weaver stiffened when she saw the Undersiders' blonde thinker. Tashigi simply sighed.

"You want me to basically be this criminal's probation officer." Captain Smoker said slowly, his face hard. Tattletale just grinned from cheek to cheek.

"In a sense, yes." Director Piggot said, her hands intertwined with her own. Armsmaster nodded as well. "Allow her to join the Marines. I would offer her a place in the Wards, but given her personality she would simply aggravate them. We believe that...someone more disciplined will be able to handle her."

"Hey! I'm still here you know." Tattletale pouted. Judging by Weaver's reaction, Tashigi did not doubt that she had several bugs on Tattletale.

Captain Smoker just gave them a cold stare. Tashigi knew he had no choice but to accept. The PRT had helped them out since their first step in this foreign land, and have not asked for anything major in return. Until now that is.

Tattletale's grin got bigger upon seeing their reaction.

"Miss Livsey was forced into villainy by her employers at gunpoint." Armsmaster commented.

"Wilborn actually. I don't go by Sarah Livsey anymore." The blonde fox added onto Armsmaster's comment.

To anyone else, Captain Smoker's face appeared to not have changed, but Tashigi had known him for a long time. She saw his eyes soften slightly.

"On paper she will officially be a member of the Wards, but will make her debut with the Marines. We will provide her with a new cape name and costume. Since Miss Li-Wilborn has already gotten her GED, you will simply be in charge of making sure she stays out of trouble." Captain Smoker simply sighed before nodding.

"Very well."

"Thank you Captain." Armsmaster seemed happy. Heh, probably happy he didn't have to deal with a crazy thinker.

"On one condition."

Armsmaster and Director Piggot looked at the Captain expectantly. Turning to Tattletale, Captain Smoker pointed to the silent Weaver. Tashigi didn't notice until now, but Weaver was holding her hand.

"Apologize to her."

Everyone's eyes widened. Tattletale looked confused for a second, and turned to Weaver.

"I'm sorry I approached you in your civilian identity and broke the Unwritten Rules." She even bowed her head slightly.

Weaver also seemed confused, it wouldn't have taken a thinker to know that.

"I-I accept your apology."

With that, Captain Smoker grinned for the first time since they walked through the door.

"Report for training at 0500."

Tashigi wished she took a picture as Tattletale's face morphed into one of horror.

Wrote this one yesterday night to try and get ahead. What's everyone's favorite One Piece character?
If I decide to bring in more characters, they're definitely going to be Marines. I already have an idea who.
The trip back to Marine HQ was an extremely awkward one. Not for Smoker though. Good thing he didn't have to ride in the van with their newest...cadet. She was probably bothering Tashigi and Weaver. There was however, one major problem with their newest recruit. Aside from her criminal background.

Amy was going to kill Lisa, Smoker was sure of it. The sun was on its way down, so today had been a pretty busy day. Amy's wounds were still fresh and bloody. Hopefully she was still asleep when they got back. They stopped at a red light. Hina would definitely be laughing at him now. Smoker wondered what she was up to now. She was probably still a captain, if not a commodore. She was competent enough for it.

The light turned green and off they went. A few camera flashes later, they arrived back at Marine HQ. Alby was scrubbing the garage floor when they arrived.

"Captain Smoker sir!" He jumped up saluting, accidently slapping himself in the face with the dirty towel. Smoker simply glared at him, as Squad One exited their van with their new guest. Weaver jumped off first followed by Tashigi and Tattletale with the rest of the squad.

"Mifune, escort Cadet Wilborn to her new quarters." Smoker ordered as Lisa looked around in wonder. Mifune saluted and was about to grab her when she spoke.

"Damn, the PRT really paid a lot for this huh." She caught sight of Alby who stood frozen in his salute. "What! You're the one who drew on the van?" Alby blushed softly and nodded.

"Yuppers." What the hell? Brockton Bay seemed to be turning his men soft. Who talked like that?

Lisa just grinned as Mifune dragged her to her new room. Smoker sighed for who knows how many times he had today. Squad One started to disperse.

"Weaver, Tashigi please come to my office." It was time for the talk that Weaver wanted. Withthat, Smoker turned around and started walking, not waiting for their response.

A few hallways later they were now seated in Smoker's office. He sat on one couch with Tashigi, while Weaver sat on the couch across from them.

"There was something you wanted to discuss?" Smoker asked. Weaver squirmed in her seat nervously. Tashigi just smiled like always. He could tell that they both were tired, most likely mentally.

"Yes." Weaver said after a few seconds, summoning all of the courage she had. Smoker simply raised an eyebrow and kept smoking. Weaver slowly raised her hands to her mask, and pulled it off along with her marine cap in one motion.

"I'm Taylor." A pretty young woman with curly hair and large eyes stared back at them. Smoker smiled, just like Tashigi. They finally gained her trust it seemed. This was good.

"It's wonderful to meet you Taylor!" Tashigi exclaimed, pulling Taylor into a hug. She really needed to be more professional.

Taylor's eyes widened in confusement once Tashigi let go of her.

"You don't remember me?" Taylor asked slowly, her eyes wide. Tashigi seemed oblivious and shook her head.

"I'm your next door neighbor."

"WHAT?" Tashigi's face turned red from embarrassment. Despite having her eyesight cured, she was still extremely clumsy.

This was...interesting in Smoker's opinion. Fate must have brought them together. Why else would such a coincidence happen?

Smoker took in a few more puffs of smoke. So many things were happening in one day. He was going to need that expensive liquor he bought.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" They were cut off by the screaming of a very familiar voice. Amy was awake.

Smoker was definitely going to need that whole bottle.


After Mifune dragged Lisa to her new room, she went to work. No bugs have been placed in the room. No one is listening in. Lisa grinned and jumped on the simple bed. She was finally free! Sitting up, Lisa gave her new room a good look. A bit spartan for her personal taste, but she could always fix that.

And she was going to need some new clothes. There was no way in hell that Lisa was going back to her old apartment, as nice as the clothes she had. She felt a pang of guilt about her former teammates, but Lisa did what she had to do. She loved herself more than she liked her teammates after all. Rachel barely tolerated her, Lisa only managed to communicate with her with her thinker power after all. Alec didn't care about anything and Trainwreck was only there to keep an eye on her. She felt sorry mostly for Brian.

He was a decent leader, but it was time to jump ship. She would never become Coil's slave. Still, joining the hero team of a group from another Earth was new. It was pretty easy to figure out. She did spend a few hours in her cell, and while mildly shocking, they were her best shot at survival. Captain Smoker is a hard man, but will follow his heart when needed.

That was all Lisa needed to know. Dang, there wasn't a computer in here, and she didn't have her cell phone anymore. Time to explore her new home then! Standing up, Lisa stretched her legs and left her room. Wow, no guard at her door? Nice.

Smokey never said she wasn't allowed to wander after all. With that, Lisa allowed her power to guide her to something interesting. Lets see.

Men's showers on the right and left. Women's shower is only available in one room. Not mines. She took a right down a hallway full of sweaty Marines dressed in workout clothes, all of them giving her weird looks. They're confused why I'm here. Training room is at the end of the hall. The youngest one thinks I'm cute. Around my age. Most likely has the rank of Chore boy.

Well that was interesting. He was...weirdly shaped in Lisa's opinion. Just a slight tad too muscular at the top. She kept walking. Mess hall is near the center of the building on the first floor. Second floor has a few rooms. The front of the first floor serves as Marine HQ's visitor center. Most barracks are on the first floor. This place was pretty big.

It seemed pretty defensive too. Walking past a window, Lisa got a good look at the Marines ship. Design is not from this Earth. Yeah no kidding. Did they still make boats with sails here? Yes. Well that was fun.

Walking up some stairs and lazily saluting another confused Marine with shoulder length blonde hair, Lisa continued her tour. He looks like a male version of myself. Is not a standard Marine grunt.

Too busy with her thoughts, Lisa accidently bumped into somebody.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Nah, I should have been looking where I was going." A familiar voice said. Wait a minute. Fuzzy brown hair, average height, bloodshot eyes, has been crying, that voice. Oh shit. Panacea.

Both of their eyes widened and Lisa made a prayer for the first time in years.


Basically, I have decided I will bring in more One Piece characters. Won't be saying when, how or who, but quite a few people managed to mention them in their comments. Here you get a cookie, you know who you are. More people than I thought mentioned them. I would write some omakes, but they'll distract me from the main story since I'm trying to update every day.
Amy had spent most of the time crying in Tashigi's room. Well, it was her room now since she couldn't exactly go home. Not with Carol there. After crying, she would just lay there in the silence. Then maybe cry again if she had any tears left. Now she was staring at the roof of the room. She raised her right hand, and stared.

Her powers were a curse. Amy was forever destined to burn herself out, trying to save one more ungrateful person. She needed to get back to the hospital.

But...Vicky might already be there...waiting...searching for her. Amy appreciated Smoker for allowing her to stay here. She had only known him for a few weeks, but to Amy's surprise, they bonded. He never judged her when she decided to rant to him, he never gave his opinion unless Amy asked for it, and when he did give it, Smoker was always blunt and honest.

He was basically like the Dad she never had. Mark had depression so he was usually never there. Sure he smiled at her, but most of the time, he doesn't even look at her. She didn't even know who her biological Father was...and deep inside...Amy did want to know, if only to get closure.

She sighed and allowed gravity to let her arm to fall back on the bed. Curling up on the bed, a loud rumble shook her silence. What was that-oh…

That was her stomach. Amy hadn't eaten since breakfast this morning. Slithering out of bed slowly, Amy approached the door that led out of her new room. Grabbing the door handle with a shaking hand, Amy took a deep breath and walked out.

Only to accidentally run into somebody. Quickly gathering herself Amy looked away.

"Oh I'm sorry." Said a very...very familiar voice.

"Nah, I should have been looking where I was going." Was Amy's automatic response. Suddenly, she got a good look at who she bumped into. Blonde hair, green eyes, that infuriating resting bitch face, Amy felt her anger blaze up.

Tattletale, the girl who ruined her already pitiful life.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Amy screamed as she attempted to lung at Tattletale who simply tried backing away. Amy allowed her anger to take over. Amy was inches away from touching Tattletale's skin, to give her something that she would probably regret later, when a familiar, comforting smoke appeared, and she stopped into her tracks.

Amy couldn't move as the smoke swirled around her and Tattletale. That didn't stop her from trying, and suddenly, she was floating in the air away from Tattletale.

A pillar of smoke formed in between them, and Smoker was in their midst. He truly deserved his mover rating and name. Reforming his body, he kept it smokey and mist-like, almost like a ghost.

"I see that you're awake now." Smoker said simply as he floated Tattletale next to Amy, but just out of arm's reach. His eyes met Amy's own and he slowly lowered her to the floor. It was...gentle almost. "Don't do anything you'll regret later."

With that, he released her from the smoke and Amy's feet were now on the floor. Taking a deep breath, Amy glared at Tattletale, who simply looked away from her, and turned back to Smoker.

"What is this Bitch doing here?" Amy seethed. She was going to give the blonde whore delayed obesity and acne. All of her food was going to taste like bile. Amy felt her knuckles turn white.

Smoker's impassive face simply stared back at the both of them, and sighed.

"Director Piggot requested that the Marines take in Miss Wilborn." Smoker...didn't sound happy. "She cut a deal with the PRT and they called in one of the many favors that we owe them. Basically, I'm to act as her probation officer." He grumbled. Smoker definitely wasn't happy with this.

Amy relaxed her fist slightly. Smoker continued.

"Rest assured that she will however, receive punishment." Smoker grinned, which kinda creeped Amy out. It wasn't a happy or confident grin, it was a 'You're going to go through hell' type of grin. That made...Amy feel a little better. Giving the older girl a glance, Amy smirked when she saw her horrified look. That definitely made her feel better.

Smoker lowered Tattletale as well, albeit not as gently. Motioning his head towards Amy, Tattletale nodded with a pained smile.

"I'm sorry for ruining your already bad life."

Scratch obesity and acne, Amy was going to turn her hair an ugly shade of green.

"Wilborn." Smoker growled, smoke swirling around all three of them casually, yet threatening. Tattletale flashed her a sheepish grin. She was lucky that Smoker probably had faster reflexes than herself.

"I'm sorry I was forced to be a villain and ruined your life even more." Smoker sighed. Tashigi and that Weaver girl then ran up to them.

"Whatever." Amy seethed. Everyone had problems.

"It seems that's all you're going to get out of her." Smoker said simply. He turned to Tashigi. "Escort our guest back to her room. She's going to need all of the sleep she can get." There was that grin again.

Tashigi nodded, flashed Amy with her signature smile and grabbed Tattletale's arm. This left the three of them now.

"You should follow Tashigi. She'll take you home." Weaver nodded and did her best imitation of a salute and went off to follow the short haired beauty.

Now Amy was alone with Smoker who completely reformed his physical body. She stared at him silently until a grumble from her stomach shook the silence.

Smoker simply chuckled.


With her cheeks red from embarrassment, Amy nodded. Smoker simply gave her a real smile and pointed down the hall.

"Let's go get you some food."

Amy smiled for the first time today.


Natsuko eyes opened, only for a bright light to force them shut again. He had already forgotten how long he had been imprisoned here. Days...weeks…months...all he knew is that leaving Captain Smoker's side was the second worst choice of his life. The first was volunteering to join him on their doomed voyage.

Natsuko was just...angry. He was angry at Captain Smoker for bringing them into this unknown world, for taking him away from his beautiful Rose. Most of all, he was angry at himself. When the PRT made their offer, Natsuko took it without hesitation.

It was a chance to start over. To start a new life...without constantly being reminded over what he lost. They transferred him to Los Angeles, and gave him the name of Fidelis along with a new costume. The first two weeks were amazing! Natsuko became a local celebrity as soon as he debuted.

He was treated with the respect that Natsuko deserved. Until one day, he woke up to find himself in a cell. A strange woman wearing some hat would drop off food...whenever they felt like it. He started missing his fellow Marines.

Trying to move his left arm, Natsuko found that he couldn't. He tried with his right, the same result. Forcing his eyes open despite the pain from the bright light, he got a good look of his surroundings.

He wasn't in his cell anymore, but some weird looking lab.

"It appears that the test subject is awake." An unfamiliar voice said. Natsuko opened his dry mouth to speak, only for nothing to come out. He couldn't even turn his head to see who was speaking.

"Mmmmm." Something was wrapped around his mouth! He started struggling with his restraints, when he felt a sharp needle pierce his skin.

"A stronger dosage is needed to keep him sedated. Bring Hero here."

Another voice spoke. "The path says not yet."

"Hmm very well.This…'Marine' shall be the finishing touch for his experiment."

Natsuko's eyes closed until sleep overtook him again.

SV is officially caught up to SB. Wish I could say the same about FF and Ao3 but its almost there.
Can we anticipate other characters from One Piece showing in this story

Lisa was very confident of herself. Sure she might not have been the most in shape, but she was fit enough to start running when she needed to. You needed to be able to run if you're going to rob Lung after all. Lisa was more of a sprinter in all honesty.

Marine training was brutal if what her power said was true. Some dude named Kazuki woke her up at five in the morning. 'Captain Smoker's orders.' The stupid Chore Boy said. Lisa needed her beauty sleep for goodness sake! Captain Smoker was already in the training room when she arrived all sleepy eyed. Kazuki was also there all happy.

Lisa forced herself to not use her power. Yesterday had taken a lot out of her. Dressed in his normal clothes, Captain Smoker simply stared at her as he smoked his morning cigar. He can't get lung cancer. What did I say power? She didn't need to know that boring stuff.

"Good morning Cadet." Smoker said between puffs of smoke. Kazuki looked at his superior with a shocked face. Jealous that he's still a chore boy, while I'm a 'recruit'. Hehe, now if she could only get her power to shut up.

"Morning." Lisa yawned. She only had enough time to change into some PRT issued workout clothes. A trip to the Boardwalk to buy some clothes should be planned soon. Maybe she could force Tashigi to go with her. The young woman needed to expand her closet to more than tropical shirts and skinny jeans.

"Kazuki here will be your partner during training. If you're going to be a part of the Marines, you need to be able to stand up for yourself in combat and every day operations." Smokey grumbled. He knows that I perform best away from the front lines. He wants this to be my punishment. Well that was reassuring.

"Okey dokey. So what's first? A warm up?" Smokey boy just grinned. Down brain! Lisa didn't need her power to tell her everything. She had to take some painkillers last night once her adrenaline wore off.

"You'll do twenty laps around this room with Kazuki." All of this before breakfast? Yes. Grrrr-
How many miles would that be? It was a pretty big room after all. Ten miles.

Shit. That was way more than she ever did. Lisa's thoughts were cut off by the sound of a whistle. A grinning Smoker had blown it with a cigar in his mouth.

"Start running or I'll make it thirty." Oh hell no. Lisa started running with Kazuki right behind her. There was no way in hell it could get any worse could it?


It definitely got worse. She almost tripped several laps in, and was starting to breath heavier. Her lungs burned with every breath she took. Kazuki's bitch ass simply passed her up several times as Lisa's pace slowed. After an eternity, Lisa finished her laps.

Drenched in sweat, Lisa walked up to the now shirtless Smoker who was drinking a cup of coffee in a recliner some Marines brought a dozen laps ago. Her legs felt like they were on fire, and Kazuki kept that stupid look on his face since he didnt even break a sweat.

"Am…I..." Deep breath "....done now?" Lisa asked, even though she didn't need her power to answer the question for her. Smoker looked up from his phone. He's reading an article that talks about dealing with moody teenagers.

"No. Drop and give me forty." He wants to see how far I can get before giving me food and to see how determined I am in joining the Marines. That's just plain cruel. Still, Lisa wasn't going to let Smoker win. With a sigh, Lisa started doing her push ups next to Kazuki.

Now her arms were burning alongside her poor legs. After her last push up, Lisa's arms gave out and gravity took over.

"Soooo tired." Lisa groaned from her spot on the floor. Ignoring Kazuki laughing, Lisa slowly sat up and looked at Smoker. Her new boss simply took a sip of coffee and leaned back in his chair.

"Go shower and get breakfast. You stink. Combat training begins once you're done." Smoker was testing me, still part of my punishment. Forcing her power to shut up, Lisa stood up on unsteady legs and started walking.

"The others have been ordered to stay out of the shower on the right for your privacy." Smoker said as Lisa forced her legs to walk. He does feel bad about my past. Shut it brain. Lisa just formed a victorious smile as she finally went to shower.

Which shower was on the right again? His right, our left. How did that even make sense? Lisa was going to need stronger pain killers.

This was still better than being Coil's slave. Funny how low Lisa's standards have dropped. Suddenly, she heard Smokey order Kazuki to start picking up some weights.

Time to get out of his view while she had the chance. Lisa wasn't that stupid. Wait a minute? Combat training? You're screwed. Kazuki has been training relentlessly. He won't hold back just because he finds me attractive.

Scratch getting vicodin, Lisa was going to need morphine.


Taylor got home just in time last night. Dad had...gotten home early and was wondering where she had been. She came up with some lie that she was out with some friends. Dad simply smiled and went back to watching TV, a beer bottle in his hand. Well...that showed how much he cared about her. She knew that he loved her, it's just...he wasn't all there.

This morning he complained that the school had been calling him about her absences. Taylor did skip a lot of school to go hangout with the Marines. She used her period card and he backed off. Taylor felt...only a little guilty. Today was a Saturday, which meant Taylor was alone since something came up at work and Dad had to leave. Climbing up to the attic, Taylor opened up her work bag. Her Marine cap stared at her from the bags opening. She she belonged with them. Maybe she could come up with an excuse about interning for them! Nah, an after school club was more believable.

Sure the training might be a bit brutal, but Taylor had never felt better! She was even starting to grow abs, which helped make her feel confident...slightly. Placing her cap on her head, Taylor checked in on her spiders. Yup, production of her spider silk was still steady. She might even be able to make a second costume since her first one was kinda starting to smell like sweat.

Taylor placed the cap back in the bag and left the attic, bag over her shoulder. It wouldn't hurt to be prepared if she was called in early. Smoker said to take today off since she worked so hard yesterday. She remembered his grin when she finally decided to reveal her identity. Gunderson was right, Smoker was a big softy.

Walking past a window, Taylor got a good look at Tashigi's backyard. Man...Tashigi's backyard was bigger than hers! Speaking of Tashigi, it seemed she hadn't gone to Marine HQ either. Wearing a blindfold and wielding a wooden sword, Tashigi was surrounded by training dummies.

'Hya!' She struck one on the head, and quickly slashed another one behind her. Fighting her invisible enemies, Taylor just watched. Despite being pretty clumsy, Tashigi always performed to the best of her abilities. In a way...Tashigi reminded Taylor of her Mom. In fact...if you squinted your eyes and looked hard enough, you could see a resemblance. After taking off her blindfold, Tashigi started stomping her feet extremely fast, and jumped several feet, but seemed disappointed. She tried it again several times, only to look even more disappointed. Taylor felt a pang of jealousy. Tashigi was still pretty, even with a scowl on her face.

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Taylor kept walking. Tashigi seemed happy that Taylor was her neighbor. Maybe Taylor should pay Tashigi a small visit? Tashigi was in charge of training her after all. Taylor didn't want to be a bother though.

After a few minutes of arguing with herself, Taylor found herself knocking on Tashigi's front door, hoping that she wouldn't notice or hear since she was in the back.

"I'm in the back! Come on around." Taylor heard Tashigi shouted. How...was she able to hear her? Dang...there went Taylor's plan. Walking around to the fence, there was a door that led directly to her backyard. With a deep breath, Taylor pushed the wooden door and walked in. Tashigi was in the middle of some weird looking book, and quickly placed it behind her back when she caught sight of Taylor. Heh, must've been porn.

"Taylor! How are you?" Tashigi smiled as she placed the book on a desk she brought outside and hugged Taylor. It has been...a long time since anyone hugged her. Taylor hugged Tashigi back softly when the gorgeous woman released her from her embrace.

"I'm good. Thank you for asking." Taylor replied politely. While Smoker acted like the badass cool uncle, Tashigi acted like a mother hen, doting over Taylor. When they weren't training that is. The others were pretty cool. Kazuki was a bit annoying, and Gunderson was always polite, he even gave her some tips.

Tashigi smiled and motioned her to a lawn chair. Sitting across from Taylor, Tashigi wiped away a bit of sweat that had formed on her forehead. Tashigi wasn't wearing her normal outfit. She didn't wear her blue jacket, or a colorful shirt. Instead she wore jogging pants and a simple crop top that concealed her...ample assets. How a woman could have a waist like that was beyond Taylor's imagination.

"That's great! So what brings you over?" Tashigi took a sip from a water bottle she had off to the side.

"I saw you training, and I didn't have anything else to do….so I thought you might need a partner?" Taylor felt stupid now, and probably looked like a stalker now.

"Sure." Tashigi smiled again and grabbed her wooden sword.

Time to learn how to kick ass.


Correction, it was time to learn how to get your ass kicked. Tashigi was brutal when it came to training. Armed with a wooden short sword, that was around the same length as her baton, Taylor easily lost every round she fought Tashigi.

"You're getting much better." Tashigi stated as she casually swung her sword. Using some flies Taylor had placed on her, she was able to get a few warnings, but Tashigi was too fast.

"Really?" Taylor backed away from the strike, but Tashigi was already moving her wooden blade and struck Taylor on the thigh. Ouch…

That was definitely going to hurt later on. Silently crawling some ants up Tashigi's legs, Taylor went on the offensive.

Clack! Thunk! Their wooden blades met each other and Taylor disengaged from that battle of strength.

"Yup. You're starting to anticipate some of my moves." Tashigi was obviously going easy on her. They slowly entered a rhythm. Taylor would attempt to strike, and Tashigi would easily block any attacks Taylor would try.

"How's school going?" That made Taylor miss a strike and Tashigi easily took advantage of her distraction with a few slaps to Taylor's legs and abdomen.

Seeing Taylor hesitate afterwards, Tashigi lowered her blade slowly. Heh...was she that obvious? School was was worse than hell. She never should have followed her ex best friend.

"Is everything ok?" Tashigi asked, concern written all over her face. wasn't. Not since Emm-

Tashigi hugged her again more...carefully.

"I hope you know that we're here for you." Tashigi whispered. "If you ever want to talk about it...I'm here for you." That...was comforting.

Taylor never noticed that her cheeks were wet from her tears.

I wanted to start off with a chapter that was a bit longer than normal for this arc. I hope the quality was consistent throughout. I have a few fun chapters planned until drama starts. Friendships need to be built, not rushed.
One thing that I will confirm.
Garp is not the Marine that will be coming. While he's a great character, it'll basically turn into a curbstomp. Same with the other admirals though they sound very interesting. If I hit a writer's block I'll write an alternate what if chapter.
Vice Admirals (that arent Garp) all the way down to chore boys might make it in. How many Marines and who will not be revealed for a few more arcs.
Who is your least favorite One Piece character?
Tashigi held Taylor for a few more minutes before releasing her. While the younger girl was usually quiet and polite, Tashigi noticed something when she asked her question. Heartbreak, pain...loss. No one deserved to go through that. Unless you were some dangerous criminal of course. Taylor cried silently for a few more minutes before wiping her bespectacled eyes. Her large expressive eyes met Tashigi's own.

"I-I had a friend…" Taylor started speaking slowly. Tashigi simply listened. That's what you do in moments like these. "Her name was Emma…"

With that, Taylor told Tashigi her story. How her best friend betrayed her, stabbed her in the back. How they bullied her….turned the whole school against her. How they broke her late mothers flute. The teachers didn't even do anything about it, instead many of them covered it up.

That made Tashigi angry. Wait, not angry.

Tashigi was pissed, and she was sure that Captain Smoker would be too.

"Do you have any proof? I'm sure there's someone who'll help!" Tashigi asked after Taylor was finished speaking. The younger girl nodded her head.

"I have notebooks recording everything they did...and I printed out their emails." Perfect. "But no one at school believes me." It seemed... that Tashigi and a few members of Squad One and Two a visit to Winslow High School. For Marine investigations of course.

Hehehehehe. Tashigi must've made an evil face judging by Taylor's reaction. Flashing her young protege with a reassuring smile, Tashigi wrapped her arm around Taylor.

"We are here for you." Taylor gave Tashigi a small smile. They were friends after all.

Standing up, Tashigi extended a hand to Taylor. "Lets go get some food. I'm hungry." That seemed to take Taylor's mind off of her...situation outside of the Marines. Still, Tashigi knew one thing for certain.

Those three bullies were going to pay...severely.

Amy groaned as she walked through one of Marine HQ's many...many hallways. Thankfully she managed to learn her way around without too much difficulty. She had just woken up not long ago and had just finished eating breakfast. Normally on Saturdays, she would hang out with Vicky, or maybe go to a hospital to help out, but Amy was pretty sure that as soon as she arrived, Vicky would find out. Amy...wasn't ready to face her yet.

Anyways, after asking around about Smoker's whereabouts, thank you Shoko, Amy arrived at the training gym. Apparently, he had been there all morning. Walking in, she welcomed the sight of Tattletale taking a solid haymaker to her face. Now that...that put a smile on Amy's face. Kazuki then tried dodging a few swings, and tackled Tattletale to the floor.

Smoker was just...watching some cat video on his phone while occasionally giving pointers. Amy slowly walked up to them. Without even looking at her, Smoker pointed at a recliner that sat next to him. Taking a seat, Amy grinned when Tattletale started smacking the matted floor in defeat. Kazuki immediately released her.

"What's going on here?" Amy asked as Smoker finally looked up from his phone. He smoked for a few seconds before forming an arrow made out of smoke from his cigar, pointing at Tattletale.

"I'm overseeing the Cadet's punishment." Smoker said simply. The smoke arrow disappeared. "She's been at it since five." That was early.

"Ha ha ha. Laugh it up." Tattletale said walking up to them with a slight limp and a small bruise forming on the side of her face. "Once I'm good at this I'm going to kick everyone ass." She turned to Smoker. "Probably not you with that smoke shit."

Tattletale legs gave out below her and she laid down with a groan. "I'm totally going to feel that tomorrow."

"What doesn't kill you is going to make you stronger. Ten minute break." Smoker went back to his cat video and started chuckling.

Tattletale gave a thumbs up and let her arm fall.

"Stop calling me Tattletale in your head. It's Lisa." She said sarcastically. What! Oh, thinker bullshit. It seemed that Lisa needed another round with Kazuki, who was now lifting weights and making exaggerated sounds each time he lifted one.

"You're not going to ask me to heal her?" Amy asked. Smoker simply kept looking at his phone.

"You're choice, though I don't exactly trust you to leave her completely normal." Amy liked that about Smoker. The man was honest, and allowed Amy to make her own choices.

"Ditto and I'm still here you know." Lisa groaned again. Smoker smirked and placed his phone in his pocket.

"You should feel lucky that Tashigi isn't here today." Lisa's eyes widened in shock and quietly started smacking her head against the matted floor.

"So what's the plan for today?" Smoker directed his gaze towards Amy. He grinned and tossed her some gloves he had in his pocket.

"Put those on. Just because you can make someone fall asleep when you touch them doesn't mean you can't learn how to defend yourself." It was Amy's turn to be shocked, and Lisa started cackling like some witch.

"W-What? I'm a healer! I don't need to fight!" New Wave also made Amy stay behind usually since she was scared...scared of being caught in the crossfire.

"Even medics need to learn to fight." His eyes narrowed. "What are you going to do when you can't touch your opponents skin? Are you just going to bend over and say 'I'm a medic, it's against the law to hurt me'. Criminals don't care."

That...made sense in a weird way.

"Wilborn will start off as your sparring partner. Let's see how much she learned in these few hours."

Wait a minute, that was going to be pretty fun. Placing the gloves on her hand with a grin, Amy cracked her knuckles. She was going to really enjoy this. Lisa's eyes widened before smirking.

"I bet you have never been in a real fight PanPan." True, but Vicky had given her some pointers. With a groan, Lisa stood back up and stretched, her pain all gone. Probably the adrenaline.

"Bring it on bitch." Amy was about to beat that smug grin off of her face.

"Caaaat fight." Kazuki's immature self shouted as he ran from the room. Smoker sighed and went to pull out another cigar to join the lone one in his mouth.

The Marines were weird, but Amy loved it. Here...she she belonged.

Plus she got to kick Lisa's stupid ass.


Smoker watched Amy and Wilborn fight silently. A small group of Marines had gathered around them. Some cheered for Amy, and others cheered for Wilborn. Of course, this was part of Smoker's plan. Let them get their frustrations out by pummeling each other until they're tired. Then give them some random talk. Wilborn's power should allow her to be a decent opponent.

Leaning back and taking a sip of coffee, Wilborn blocked one of Amy's strikes, and proceeded to attempt knocking her over. Amy planted her feet firmly and tried grappling Wilborn. Seeing her plan, Wilborn moved out of Amy's reach.

"Come on Panny. You hit like my Grandma, and I've never even met her." Wilborn taunted, her arms in a protective stance. Amy charged Wilborn, who delivered a kick to her side. Hmm, Wilborn had some form of rudimentary combat skills. Most likely from her time as a petty criminal. Amy wasn't better off. Her stance was sloppy, she practically didn't have one. Still, she grinned when she managed to get a few good hits on Wilborn.

Eventually, both girls laid on the matted floor breathing deeply.

"I…" Wilborn coughed. "I win."

Amy shook her head in denial. "Like...hell."

Both of them were covered in bruises, but with big grins on their face.

"Are we good?" Wilborn asked between breaths. Amy shook her head again.

"Fuck you."

Now that...made Smoker laugh.

BAM. another one. My writing slowed down a bit because I got addicted to this Oregairu and MHA crossover. I loved it and it's pretty long which made it even better. Plus I started Pacific Rim the Black on Netflix and it's actually really good? I can't wait for the next season. Now I want to see jaegers getting destroyed by Leviathan.
Amy and Wilborn laid there for a few more minutes relaxing and exchanging some verbal insults. The crowd of Marines had dispersed, with some going out on patrol in the streets around Marine HQ, and others to get enough sleep for their nighttime patrol. Smoker took a sip of coffee from his mug and looked at the two teenagers lying in front of them. He chewed them out for a few more minutes before taking another sip of coffee.

"It feels better to let out your emotions than to hold them in right." Smoker said casually. Both girls groaned and attempted to sit up. Covered in bruises, if you squinted, they looked exactly the same. Minus the skin tone and their hair colors of course.

"Honestly, you're kinda right." Amy said wincing after she accidentally touched one of her bruises. She had pulled off her gloves now, and while her long sleeves hid her arms, it was obvious they were bruised up. They were going at it pretty hard.

Wilborn remained silent and groaned in pain. Smoker worked her hard enough today, so he would let her rest for now. Eventually, she sat up next to Amy, both looking like scolded children. Smoker sitting on a recliner in the middle of the training gym didn't help to change that look.

"Give me your hand." Amy said, turning to Wilborn. She stared at Amy for a few seconds before taking her hand. A minute later, the bruises on Wilborn turned a pinkish color instead of blue and purple. "I just changed the color to your bruises. They'll still hurt but they won't look as bad as before."

Wilborn stared at the pinkish bruise on her arm, poked it, winced and grinned. "Yay! I'm still normal."

Amy scowled in return. "Don't make me regret this." At least Amy wasn't trying to kill Wilborn anymore.

"You got a meeting with the PRT PR department in an hour Wilborn." Smoker went back to his cat videos. These were...oddly entertaining. "Tashigi should be here by then so she'll escort you. Gunderson and Kazuki will follow as well. Shower and get dressed before then. You stink again." Amy giggled at Lisa's misery. Turning his attention to Amy. "You stink too. Go shower." Now it was Lisa's turn to laugh. Smoker went back to his video.

"Man, this will be like my third shower today." Lisa complained as she slowly stood up. Amy remained seated and laid back on the floor once Lisa was gone.

"Thank you." Smoker heard her say. He didn't do anything really.

"I didn't do anything." Was his blunt response. Heh, Armsmaster trying to get a cat off of a tree was pretty funny.

"I mean it." Amy sat back up again and was staring at him. Smoker didn't bother looking up. "Thank you for letting me stay here and...for listening to me."

A grunt was the only response she got. With a lazy smile, Amy got up and patted Smoker on the shoulder as she walked out. Miss Militia drawn as a cat? Smoker would have to show Tashigi that picture later.

Putting his phone away, Smoker looked around the training gym.

"Who's dumb idea was it to bring a recliner in the gym?"

Probably Alby.


Amy was glad she was using Tashigi's old room. It had a bathroom attached to it, which meant she didn't have to go use the big communal one that the Marines had to use. Plus she got to show it off in Lisa's face. Walking out of the bathroom with a towel around her neck, Amy spotted something on her bed. She had seen a lot of them before.

A Marine cap. Slowly grabbing it, Amy got a better look at it. The front said MARINE with their classic font as well as their logo. Turning it around, Amy paused.

Her name was stitched onto the back. Placing it gently back on the bed, Amy dried her hair and changed into a plain t-shirt that had some Japanese letters and blue jeans. Grabbing the hat again slowly, Amy turned to the mirror on the cabinet.

With shaking hands, Amy placed the cap on her head. She gasped and leaned against the cabinet. perfectly. Amy's phone started ringing again. Vicky was calling again…

Amy wasn't ready to go back home. Carol probably wouldn't even let her come back or even take a step in their house. Suddenly, someone started knocking at her door frantically. Opening the door, Amy was greeted to Kazuki's scared face.

"Brandish and Glory Girl are outside! Captain Smoker stopped them from entering."

What? They were here? Amy's legs felt weakened, but she started running for some reason. Her legs were already on fire from her fight with Lisa, but she just ran faster. After almost running into a petrified Alby and a surprised Shoko, Amy made it.

Smoker was blocking Carol and Vicky from entering Marine HQ, its double doors wide open. Hiding behind one, Amy's hand started shaking.

You're a monster, just like your Father.

"Let us in. Victoria already told me that Amy comes here after school when she's skipping her hospital visits." Carol said. Amy's eyes widened when she saw smoke spreading everywhere. It was...comforting.

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about Mrs. Dallon." Smoker's impassive voice said. Vicky remained silent throughout the conversation.

"I'll press charges for kidnapping Smok-"

"That's Captain Smoker to you Mrs. Dallon, and I will be pressing charges for trespassing on private property." Smoker responded sarcastically.

Do you want to be a villain?

Amy wrapped her arms around herself. She was just a coward. She couldn't even face them. Maybe she was just like her Father. Amy should have been at the hospital. How many families lost their loved ones just because Amy was too focused on her own problems? Taking a deep breath, Amy was ready to get up when Smoker spoke again.

"The next time you come here I will be calling Child Services and reporting child abuse."

Carol scoffed. "Child abuse? I've never laid a hand on her. In fact, she's the one who slapped me!" This...was starting to turn pretty ugly.

"Child abuse includes mental abuse as well." Smoker said simply. Carol sounded like she was about to argue when Victoria interrupted her.

"Mom let's go." Amy heard Vicky say dejectedly. After a few seconds, Amy heard them leave. She let go of the breath she didn't know she held in.

"You ok?" Amy looked up from her hiding spot to see Smoker standing over her. Amy nodded before looking down.

"You know she's a lawyer right? That wasn't just a threat."

Smoker just shrugged. "I dont give a damn." He gave her Marine cap a glance. "You're one of us now even if you still are a member of New Wave officially." Amy smiled softly.

"The Marines have more manpower than New Wave does." Smoker continued. "Plus I managed to defeat Lung with help from Weaver. An opponent that has defeated the combined strength of the Protectorate and New Wave several times." Smoker was smirking now. "New Wave is old news now and havent made any high profile arrests recently." For a man that hated politics and bureaucracy, he certainly knew how to play them. "They can't touch me."

Smoker was pretty strong. The pessimistic side of Amy thought that Carol...probably wanted Amy back since she was...the most famous person in New Wave. Panacea was a world famous healer after all. She was basically New Waves walking PR magnet.

"She'll be back."

"I don't care." Smoker brushed off some imaginary dust off of his shoulder and offered a gloved hand to Amy, which she took. "You can go whenever you want." Amy nodded. The sound of a motorcycle interrupted the silence after and Tashigi walked in with a masked Weaver. Amy hadn't spent much time with the Marine's bug specialist, but she seemed alright. A bit standoffish and quiet, but Amy wasn't the most talkative person either.

"Hiya Captain Smoker." Tashigi smiled. Smoker nodded at them for his greeting. Lisa then sauntered up to them with a black mask on her face, Kazuki walking beside her.

"The whole gang's here! Well, everyone important that is." Lisa had her signature grin on her face.

"Not for long. Gunderson's bringing the van around front." Kazuki said, which got him an elbow to his stomach.

Not even ten minutes later they were gone, leaving Amy and Weaver alone in Marine HQ's visitor room. Smoker had gone to his room to brood.

" any good books recently?" Weaver asked awkwardly.

Yeah, this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship alright.

I need to flesh out everyone's relationships before the juicy stuff happens. I have fight scenes planned, showdowns and rivalries, the eventual endbringer.
This may not be the most popular story, but I'll keep writing this until I'm burned out or have completed it. Thank you to everyone who comments, watches and likes.
I appreciate each and every one of you.
It was hard to believe that just yesterday, Lisa was still under Coil's 'employ', the brains of the Undersiders, and helped ruin Panacea's family life...mostly. The Dallon and Pelham family had a lot of problems. Brockton Bay's celebrity family was a bomb ready to go off any second. Lisa smirked after taking a right. This was more entertaining than manipulating Alec into an argument with Brian.

Speaking of the two Undersiders, Brian had apparently taken Armsmaster's offer and was immediately shipped off to Boston. Good for him. Alec also accepted the offer, but with a long list full of demands. Trainwreck rejected it, most likely waiting for Coil to organize a breakout. Rachel was about to be shipped off to juvie, when she finally broke and asked about her dogs.

How did Lisa know all of this? Thinker bullshit mostly. Now she had a slight headache though. It was a lot of information to take in at once. Rubbing her forehead, Lisa took a left. Tashigi was strolling behind her, having some talk with Miss Militia. Both are ranting about their gruff superiors. Gunderson and Kazuki were probably talking about some game. This time, she forced her power back down.

"Here we are." Their small group stopped after hearing Miss Militia speak. They stopped in front of a simple door that said PR Department. It looked...painfully plain.

"Gunderson and Kazuki wait out here. Miss Militia and I will be just around the corner." Tashigi wants to meet the Wards and check on Seer. Here comes her headache again. With that, Lisa walked in and was greeted to a messy room. Mannequins covered in half made costumes were thrown everywhere, action figures were placed on cabinets along the wall.

It was disgustingly colorful. Taking a step forward, Lisa felt something squishy under her shoe and looked down. Five day old pizza. This room was just plain disgusting.

"Heyyy! I was going to eat that...eventually." Said an extremely annoying voice. Looking up, Lisa caught sight of the creator of this mess. Glenn Chambers, Head of Brockton Bay's Public Relations office. Dressed in the ugliest Hawaiian shirt plus shorts Lisa had ever seen, along with a giant pink mohawk with half of his face coated in makeup, Lisa really doubted that this was the same man who managed to make Armsmaster marketable. His public appearance is to get people to underestimate them. He only dresses like this at work and actually has good fashion taste. Glenn Chambers is a shrewd man. That...actually made sense.

"Come here." He motioned a fat, stubby hand to a foldable chair in front of his desk. After Lisa sat down, Glenn pulled out a sketchbook.

"Lisa Wilborn with the Marines." His grating voice mumbled under his breath. Glenn started flipping through some pages before stopping.

"Yup." Lisa replied, making sure to pop her P.

"Ok ok. Pick a name." Glenn handed the sketchbook to Lisa. Slowly grabbing it, Lisa's eyes widened. There must have been over a hundred names here! Lets see, Insight sounded a bit too basic. Ooo Jabberwock sounded really interesting. That would definitely be a hard maybe. Still, Lisa wanted a name that was more...uniqueish.

After a few minutes of searching, Lisa found the perfect name, Cipher.

"I choose this one." Lisa said pointing at it. Glenn looked over and shrugged. He's mad he doesn't have much creative control this time, but will still do his best.

"Eh, that one of the alright ones. Now about your costume." Glenn turned his computer screen to Lisa showing off different costumes. "I'm thinking of a sailor girl theme." The first costume was...extremely girly. It was essentially a sailor outfit, complete with miniskirt and all. While Lisa did have the legs to pull that off, that was a bit ridiculous.

"Yeah no. I'd rather not have half the Bay trying to look up my skirt."

Glenn laughed at that before shaking his head.

"It's not that different from a skintight purple outfit." Touche Mr-I-Have-An-Ugly-Hairdo. Glenn changed the picture to a different one.

Lisa grinned. "I'll take it."

She was so going to kick Coil's ass.


"Miss Wilborn is here for hee appointment with the PR department." Colin heard Dragon say as he worked on his latest project. He had been working on his newest halberd. It would go well with the prediction software he was also working on.

"I see. Thank you Dragon." Colin looked up from his workbench. Now it was Wilborn's turn to hold up her end of the bargain. With the thinkers help, Armsmaster would slowly begin the purge of traitors in the PRT. First, he needed to know which villain held a high position in the PRT. He just needed to know who was trustworthy, and who wasn't.


Not long after leaving his lab, Armsmaster came across Miss Wilborn on her way out of the PR department. Judging by her grin, she had gotten what she wanted from Mr. Chambers. Two other Marines were with her, standing out with their uniform.

"Armsy!" She exclaimed as he walked up to them. The younger Marine stared at him in amazement, but remained silent like the older, blond one

"Tattletale." Armsmaster used her previous cape name. He wasn't aware if she had chosen another, and it was too risky to use her real name here.

"As of two minutes ago, I'm Cipher now." The black domino mask did nothing to help hide her smile. Armsmaster nodded and turned to her two guards.

"May we have a moment to speak privately." The older one seemed to hesitate for a second before nodding.

"We plan on leaving in ten minutes." That was more than enough time.

"Thank you."

"You don't need that much time Armsy." Cipher patted his back. External armor sensors indicated she placed something on him.

"Tata Halbeard." She sauntered off in the other direction, leaving behind the two confused Marines who started chasing after her.

"All bugs and cameras are disabled for now Colin. My sensors don't detect anyone in hearing range." Dragon said. Quickly grabbing the sticky note on his back, Armsmaster's eyes widened.

Thomas Calvert is Coil.


Taylor decided that she liked Amy. It turned out that they had plenty in common. They liked the same book series and had an absent parent among other things. They moved to the mess hall after a while, and were now playing UNO.

"So how did you meet Smoker?" Taylor placed down a red card with a four.

"The PRT called me in to check their immune systems since...well you know." A sailboat full of soldiers from another world? That sounded like a comic book Greg would read. Amy placed down a blue four. Shoot, she didn't have another four or a blue card.

"Sounds fun." Taylor grabbed a card from the stack in between them. Blue seven! Taylor placed it down.

"Not really, but I got to meet Smoker, Tashigi and the other Marines. So that's a plus." Amy winced and grabbed another card from the stack, then another, then another, and another one. She placed down a yellow seven.

Taylor nodded in agreement. "I never thought I would have ran into Lung on my first night out. I'd probably be dead right now if it wasn't for Smoker." Taylor placed down a plus two yellow card.

"I'd probably be stuck at home with...nevermind." Amy sighed as she grabbed two cards from the deck. Taylor didn't push her to talk about it. "It's...nice to have another girl to talk to. That isnt my sister, her friends, and Tashigi." Taylor never brought up how much of an honor it was to meet the world famous Panacea, so that was probably why. Amy raised her hands. "Tashigi's nice and all...but she can go a bit overboard sometimes."

That was true. If you asked her about Shigure, Tashigi would erupt into a rant about swords and stuff, even pulling out a small notebook about them! Somewhere along the way she would mention someone named Zoro and freeze up.

Amy placed down a yellow three card. Taylor placed a red three.

"I like your hat." Amy laughed at that. Taylor smiled under her mask. Her own Marine cap said Weaver with a scarab on the back, which was nice. It made her...feel wanted...and important.

After a few minutes of battle, Taylor smirked under her mask.



The plot slowly advances with some more filler. I've been doing some thinking and I realize that this being a One Piece crossover scares away a lot of people. Smoker and crew being the MC scares away even more since he's not exactly the most popular character.
Maybe I would have had more readers if it was a Taylor altpower with Smoker's logia, but where's the fun in that! I'm happy with what I have so far.
How's my characterization of everyone? Am I doing a good job? If not, who am I messing up so I can improve.