Smoker the White Hunter (One Piece crossover) I

Smoker the White Hunter (One Piece crossover)
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Captain Smoker and his crew find themselves in Brockton Bay shortly after sailing into the Grand Line. (Pre-Alabasta Smoker)
Tashigi enjoyed life as a Marine. Captain Smoker was a fair commander, mentor, and strong too. Sure she was a bit clumsy at times. But that didn't mean anything! Overall, Tashigi liked her career choice. That was until Smoker decided to go after Straw Hat Luffy. Everything started out well after entering the Grand Line. Until a storm came out of nowhere.

"LOWER THE MAINSAIL." Tashihi shouted as she held onto the railing. This storm was nothing like those back in the East Blue. It was more...wild, more savage. Like nature itself wanted to drown their ship.

Captain Smoker was standing next to her with several pieces of rope firmly tied around his waist which attached him to the railing. He hated it of course, but they couldn't risk him falling into the ocean, especially during a storm. Captain Smoker hated being forced into his cabin, so this was the compromise that would keep him from falling in the water. Hopefully.

"Hold your course helmsman. You don't want to get lost in the Grand Line." Captain Smoker grunted. Tashigi only flinched a little when lightning struck close to their ship causing a big splash of water, which only soaked her and the crew even more.

"Got it Captain Smoker." The Helmsman said nervously. His job was extremely important, and dangerous. Tashigi didn't bother to learn his name.

Lightning struck again near the ship's port side, causing another large wave of water to temporarily cover the ship.

"I hate the Grand Line.' Tashigi muttered to herself. The rain seemed to pour down even harder after her statement. Yup, Mother Nature was here to make their life miserable.

Dozens of crewman and Marine soldiers scurried around trying their best to keep the ship afloat.

"ROGUE WAVE PORT BEAM." Someone screamed, they had to, otherwise the storm would drown out their voice. Tashigi turned her head, and she swore her eyes popped out of her socket.

The biggest wave she had ever seen in her life was heading towards them. Dozens of times taller than the tallest building in Loguetown, Tashigi froze with her hands holding on firm to the railing. They were going to die. They were going to die before they could ever catch Straw Hat Luffy. She was going to die before-

"HARD TURN PORT SIDE. FACE THE WAVE HEAD ON." Captain Smoker's voice took Tashigi out of her thoughts.

"Wha-" The Helmsman opened his mouth, before Captain Smoker took control of the wheel, violently turning the ship.

"There's no point in being sitting ducks. We'll face the wave head on." Captain Smoker said simply. "There's no point in dying trying to hold our course and I doubt we can outrun that wave in this storm."

The Helmsman nodded slowly before grabbing the wheel again. Captain Smoker turned to look at the rest of the crew who were staring back up at him.

"BACK TO YOUR POSITIONS. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS TIED DOWN INCLUDING YOURSELF." Captain Smoker shouted. His large form made more intimidating when lightning struck the water where the ship had previously been. The crew stared in awe for a few seconds before they all saluted.

"YES SIR." With that, they started running and stumbling around. Tashigi forced a small, fake smile on her face and turned to Captain Smoker.

"Sir, you should head below deck. It's not safe for you out here." Tashigi said. Captain Smoker's eyes met her, and she knew that he would never change his mind. Even with the side effect of his Devil fruit which took away his ability to swim.

"No. Make sure you tie yourself to the ship. We can't risk losing a skilled officer." Captain Smoker grunted as he turned his gaze back to the rogue wave straight ahead of them. Tashigi sighed internally, but a real smile. Compliments from Captain Smoker were rare, but he always meant them.

After quickly tying herself to the ship's rail, Tashigi held on tight.

The wave grew bigger with every passing second. The water beneath their ship grew more violent, and the sound of thunder filled Tashigi's ears.

"HOLD ON TIGHT." Captain Smoker shouted. Tashigu's complexion paled as their ship made contact with the wave. Water flooded Tashigi's mouth, ears, nose and lungs as she made contact with the ship's floor. After a minute of no oxygen, Tashigi's lungs finally got relief. Quickly gasping for the air she so desperately needed, she looked around. Captain Smoker was unconscious, and the rope that attached him to the ship was frayed, on the verge of being torn apart. Sitting up slowly, she saw that the others weren't so fortunate. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Tashigi cursed internally. She lost her glasses again. Good thing she always carried extra. Squinting her eyes, Tashigi took in her surroundings.

The Helmsman was gone. Most likely pulled away into the ocean by the water, and they had fewer crewmen than when they started. Their ship was also badly damaged.

Tashigi started to giggle. She was alive. She made it! Leaning back again, she felt her soaking wet hair stick itself to the back of her neck. Tashigi took several deep breaths before standing up again. They could mourn their losses later.

Making her way towards Captain Smoker's prone form, she kneeled down.

"Sir. Are you ok?" She checked his pulse. Yup, still alive. All she had to do was wake him up.

"Sir." Tashigi poked him.

"Sir." She poked him again.

"Captain Smoker sir." She poked him a little bit harder. This time he made a grunt and coughed up some water.

"Tashigi." Captain Smoker said as he slowly sat up. His soaking wet blue-green hair matted down.

"Yes Captain?"

"Where did the storm go?"

Wait a minute, Captain Smoker right. Where did it go? Instead of the violent storm, they were now seeing a clear sky with favorable winds.

"Get a headcount and a damage assessment." Captain Smoker stood up, and steadied himself by leaning on the ship's wheel.

Tashigi saluted before heading off to do so. It was only after she was done when the marine in the crows nest began screaming.


Armsmaster POV

Colin was working on his latest halberd when Dragon appeared on his large screen facing him.

"Hello Colin." Her plain looking avatar said with the faintest hint of a smile. Colin liked working with Dragon. She was efficient, and it was nice talking with her. Most tinkers would jump at the chance to work with the World's Greatest Tinker. This was a Tuesday for Colin.

"Hello Dragon." Colin said simply without turning to look at the screen. "Did something happen?" Dragon usually asked him ahead of time if he was able to talk.

"Oh yes. My sensors detected a strange energy several miles off of the coast near Brockton Bay." Colin paused. This usually meant something bad was going to happen. Why haven't any of the alarms gone off? "Don't worry, it's not Leviathan. I sent one of my drones to observe the anomaly and all it found was a light cruiser with sails."

Colin relaxed a bit before turning to Dragon.

"A ship? Hostile or friendly?" No one traveled the ocean by ship anymore. This was worth investigating.

Dragon's avatar nodded.

"A ship with a design that's not on any record." Smugglers could be a possibility.

Armsmaster sighed and grabbed his usual halberd.

"Trajectory?" Dragon transferred to his comlink as he started walking towards the garage that held his bike.

"The Brockton Bay docks. The Coast Guard has been alerted and ordered to let them land. They should be making landfall in about twenty minutes. Director Piggot has been informed and is sending a squad of PRT officers as backup for the BBPD in case a parahuman is involved." Armsmaster nodded in confirmation. Everyone knew that Kaiser could call help from Europe, but no one knew how they smuggled capes into America. If they could catch one before they land it would be a major victory for the Protectorate.

"Thank you Dragon."

When Armsmaster reached the Docks, several BBPD patrol cars as well as a PRT van were setting up a perimeter around a rundown beach. The strange ship in clear view.

Dismounting from his tinkertech bike, Armsmaster quickly walked to the agent in charge. The Agents faceless visor revealed no hint that he was surprised at Armsmaster's arrival.

"Situation." He said simply.

"The ship is due to land any minute now. Assault and Velocity will be here any second in case things turn violent."

Armsmaster nodded and walked closer to the water. Quickly scanning the vessel, Armsmaster confirmed that its design wasn't on any database he had access to.

When the ship got close enough it deployed a raft.

"Prepare for possible parahuman presence." Armsmaster said, activating his comlink. Eventually the boat arrived and Armsmaster got his first good look at the new arrivals.

The first man off the boat was well over six feet tall and covered in muscle. Clothed in a white militaristic jacket that left his muscular chest visible, the man had two large cigars in his mouth. His bluish-green hair surprisingly did not look out of place. The stranger didn't seem to mind the cold. The next person off of the boat was a woman with short hair, wearing glasses and a green hawiian shirt under her blue jacket. She would have looked harmless if it wasn't for the sword she had sheathed at her side. The other two wore some strange uniform that looked out of place in chilly Brockton Bay. They did seem to mind the cold.

Taking a step forward, Armsmaster was about to speak when the tall stranger spoke first with a deep voice.

"I'm Captain Smoker of the Marines. Identify yourself and this island."

Armsmaster was confused. He had seen and heard many things in his life. Someone calling North America an island was definitely a first. And marine? It was common knowledge that the USMC was put out of commission and combined into the Coast Guard and what was left of the US Navy. Very suspicious, but Armsmaster would play along for now. That, and Smoker was obviously a cape name.

"I am Armsmaster, leader of the Protectorate ENE. You are on the continent of North America. More specifically, the city of Brockton Bay in the United States of America." Armsmaster said simply. The tall parahuman's face, and his companions, looked confused with every word that came out of his mouth.

"Where are we in the Grand Line?" Captain "Smoker" asked. Now it was Armsmaster's turn to be confused. Grand Line? Did he mean the equator? Perhaps he was a South American mercenary. Time to play ignorant.

"Im not sure what you mean by "Grand Line". Do you have any maps with you? Perhaps we can compare yours with our own." Armsmaster said in reply. He sent a quick message to the PRT agent from earlier to bring a couple maps. Smoker nodded and motioned one of the uniformed men with them to hand him a bundle of paper as well as a weird glass compass.

"Maps don't usually work in the Grand Line, but we have these, as well as our log pose." Smoker said simply. How the two cigars didn't fall out of his mouth while he spoke, Armsmaster did not know. Probably part of his power. Two PRT agents carried over a table, most likely borrowed from the nearby DWA, a third agent placed several maps on it. Most likely from one of the BBPD patrol cars.

Armsmaster stood from one end of the boat, while Smoker stood at the other end with the lady in the hawaiian shirt. After they laid out their map, Armsmaster froze. Their maps were...different. Scratch that. They were completely different, with four horizontal lines, parallel to each other, cutting the map in half. Grand Line? What seemed to be a long vertical continent, split the map into four sections. Smoker and his underling both seemed to mirror Armsmaster confusion.

Sending a silent message to Dragon to analyze the maps for its authenticity as well as to check the 'Marines' background, Armsmaster forwarded pictures of the maps to the necessary personnel.

"He's not on any system. None of them are, it's like they never existed." Dragon said. "The maps do not match any of our own."

Even more suspicious. Though, judging by the ethnicity of the woman at Smoker' side, as well as the skin color of the two uniformed men with him, he wasn't part of the Gesellschaft or going to join the Empire.

After a few seconds of each other analyzing maps, Smoker looked up with a hard gaze. 'What a pitiful attempt to intimidate me.' Colin thought silently to himself. After all, he had faced Lung, Kaiser, and had joined several Endbringer fights. That, and he was part of the strike squad that finally killed the Slaughterhouse Nine. They lost a lot of good heroes that day.

"Where are your real maps?" Smoker grunted, his cigars still not falling out of his mouth. The woman at his side was frozen, with her eyes staring at their maps. Their two 'guards' still standing at attention behind them, obviously confused. That reaction...would be very hard to fake.

Sighing internally, Armsmaster spoke.

"I assure you that these are real. Could you tell us what happened before you arrived?"

Smoker nodded, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"We were just entering the Grand Line, chasing after a wanted pirate when we ran into a storm. A rogue wave came out of nowhere, when we came to, we were several miles off of the coast."

Hmmm, according to the information Dragon gave him, their ship was spotted close to a weird energy reading. What if they came from an alternate Earth? After all they did receive transmissions from Earth Aleph and learned of the possibility of multiple Earths. Colin did listen to audio recordings of those essays while in the middle of tinkering. They were very interesting.

"I see." Armsmaster replied. Dragon was listening in on the conversation, and would most likely agree with him. He was about to say it to her at the moment though, in case someone who wasn't supposed to was listening at the moment. "Is there any way we can assist you at the moment? I'm sure that this is a lot of information to take in at once."

Smoker still looked at him suspiciously, but grunted in affirmation.

"Several of my men are in need of medical assistance, and my ship is in need of repair."

Armsmaster nodded and motioned several PRT agents forward.

"I'm sure we can provide the accommodations you need. These men will guide you to a place where you can dock your ship. Could you leave someone here as a symbol of good will in return?" Armsmaster said simply. One could never be too careful. Some had tried to take PRT officers hostage in the past. The result...was not pretty.

Smoker stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. Good to see that he understood what Armsmaster implied with that comment.

"Gunderson and Alby will stay here with you." Smoker said pointing to the two behind him. Said people were now staring at their leader in shock, with their jaws dropped to the floor. The woman at his side was still frozen. Did she realize what she was looking at? Most likely guessing by her reaction.

"Very well. Once you and your men are seen to, we can continue our discussion, where...less eyes and ears are around."

Naturally they are going to have to call in Panacea to check if they have any diseases that might be catastrophic to them, as well as to make sure they are immune to Earth Bet's own diseases. The first visitors from another world in the flesh, and they die from the common cold. The media will have a field day with that.

Smoker nodded again before turning towards their boat, the two PRT officers following after him. Panacea would have to give them a check up too, despite the filter in their helmets. One could never be too safe.

"Let's go Tashigi." He said simply. Smoker voice seemed to have snapped the woman, Tashigi, out of her stupor.

"I'm coming Captain!" Her light voice said as she started jogging back, all while ignoring the two who had come with them. Heh, they were being treated like background characters from an Earth Aleph anime. Such a shame Leviathan essentially ruined their own Japan.

Turning his attention to the two background characters. Colin coughed internally. He meant the 'Marines'. Both men stared at Armsmaster, confused, but still willing to obey their captain. Motioning a third PRT agent forward with the wave of a hand, the two men only flinched a little.

"Agent Walker will lead you to your temporary accommodations."

With that, Armsmaster began walking away.

Director Piggot was going to have a field day with this.

Smoker POV

It took a few minutes but they eventually managed to reach Smoker' storm damaged ship. Leaving Tashigi to guide their 'guides', Smoker headed to his private quarters to think.

Growing up he had heard many stories about the Grand Line, about the exploits of Gol D. Roger the Pirate King, and Monkey D. Garp, his Marine rival. Many pirates had gone to Loguetown in hopes of reaching the Grand line. None of them made it...until Luffy arrived. Smoker clenched fist made contact with his desk. Not strong enough to break it, but enough to make a loud thud.

Now, if he was correct, Smoker and his crew were stuck in another world. Smoker had certainly heard of such an idea, in the books he used to read as a child. Take a deep breath, and a few puffs of his twin cigars, Smoker calmed himself down.

Was he going insane? Was he actually under the spell of a Devil fruit user who had him drugged? A hard pinch to his arm quickly proved it wasnt that. Smoke began to fill the room. Some of it from the twin cigars, the other from Smoker's fist which he used to lean against his desk.

Smoker had a lot of questions. The self proclaimed Armsmaster armor, this Protectorate, city and country he spoke of. Everything was so foreign, from what buildings he saw, to those ships that were following his own from a distance.

A knock at the door took Smoker out of his thoughts. Smoker sighed, took a few more puffs from his cigars, and got rid of the smoke that his fist caused in case it was one of those 'guides.' He wasn't about to reveal his secret weapon. Especially since Smoker didnt know if this Protectorate had Devil fruit users of their own.

"Who is it?" Smoker grunted loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

"It's me Sir." Tashigi's voice answered. Smoker stared at the door for a few seconds before closing his eyes.

"Come in."

Smoker didn't bother to turn around when Tashigi walked in. After a few more seconds, Smoker finally turned around.

Tashigi stood there, with the door closed behind her. Her normally happy eyes looked downcast, sad, scared. Who wouldn't be? They were not in a land that was theirs. However dangerous the Grand Line was, at least it was theirs.

"Sir, is it what I think it is?" Tashigi said calmly. His eyes met his protege's. Smoker looked away and inhaled the smoke from his cigar.

"That we're in another world? Yes." Was Smoker's reply. With no way home, they were now stuck here, and it was all his fault. He was sure most of the crew would be mad at him, more than mad actually.

Tashigi took another deep breath and nodded. She just continued to stand there silently.

"I understand if you want to blame me." Smoker began. It was his decision to chase after Straw Hat Luffy into the Grand Line. It was his decision to sail directly into that wave. "I understand if you hate me, for dooming this ship and crew."

Tashigi slapped him hard.

"I'M SORRY SIR, I'M SORRY , I'M SORRY." Tashigi shouted bowing deeply over and over again. Smoker stared at her impassively confused. Tashigi eventually stopped and looked up at him, her face changed.

"I don't blame you, and I don't hate you. I chose to come along Sir. If I wanted I could've requested a transfer, or refused to come." Tashigi said, her voice becoming more emotional with every word. "I chose to come because I admire you Captain Smoker. I want to become stronger, just like you. And...I WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END CAPTAIN SMOKER SIR." She shouted with tears streaming down her face. Tashigi bowed deeply again, her eyes shut as her tears formed a puddle on the floor.

Smoker continued to stare at her, before he started to smile. Patting Tashigi's head, she looked up at him with tears forming streams down her face.

"Thank you."
"First contact from another Earth and Armsmaster didn't mess it up? Consider me surprised. Should I call in master-stranger protocols?" Director Piggot said sarcastically. Colin sighed internally before nodding.

"No Ma'am. If my theory is correct, then we have found proof that there are other Earths that are drastically different from our own and Earth Aleph. Their Earth has been codenamed Earth Blue at the moment." Colin said simply. He was standing in her office, his armor locked so he could relax for a bit. Shortly after the meeting with Captain Smoker, Armsmaster made his way to PRT headquarters after leaving their 'hostages' with a PRT officer. After Panacea had seen to the injuries, and finished the checkups of the newcomers, Captain Smoker and his officers would be brought to headquarters for a more thorough discussion. "It appears that their 'Marines' happen to be their Earth's version of the Protectorate/PRT."

"I see, and you left Miss Militia in charge to come make your report in person." Director Piggot continued. That was also correct. Colin didn't trust the PRT servers with such sensitive information. After all, how else could the Empire quickly organize raids on their prisoner shipments heading to the Birdcage? No doubt the PRT had traitors in their mist, but there was nothing he could do other than start a witch hunt. That would only weaken the PRT even more and hurt the public's perception of them. That, and he didn't want the Empire interfering with first contact.

"Yes. Miss Militia has excellent social skills and is able to perform well under pressure." That was stating the obvious. Director Piggot seemed pleased, and snorted.

"Hm, very well. Once you are sure that our new guest won't die of a fever, gain common ground and confirm that their leader is a parahuman. Chief Director Costa-Brown has approved a warrant to have Panacea tell us the results of her test." Ah yes, the corona pollentia. Another interesting subject.

"How are our two guests doing?"

"According to the agent escorting them, it seems that they came from an Earth where technology is not as advanced as ours. They seemed mildly shocked by the vans moving on their own, as well as everything else in general. It should be expected judging by their ship. At the moment they are admiring the light poles and various buildings."

"I see. I want you to take the lead on this for now. You did well during the initial meeting, and you already established a rapport with them. Do the soft sell. Indirectly push that they are stranded here, and that we can help them. We need all the capes we can get. You did say that their leader was a parahuman correct? I want you to confirm just to be sure." Colin simply nodded.

That they do, with the Empire rivaling the Protectorate in size and power, and Lung being able to fight off most of the East Coast by himself.

"Head back out. Make sure you don't mess this up." Director Piggot said, glaring at him. "Now get out of my office."

Armsmaster saluted and walked out, heading for his bike again. He knew of the Director's...views on parahumans. How she didn't trust them, after all she was there at Ellisburg. Colin didn't blame her for it. He would have turned out the same way. Armsmaster made a quick call.

"What do you think Dragon?"

"Captain Smoker is most likely a parahuman, judging by how confident he was, until he saw the maps. The others with him, it could be a possibility." His eyes, eyes were said to be the window to the soul. Armsmaster knew the man was a parahuman as soon as he saw them.

"I agree. I'll call you later. I have several other calls to make." With that, Colin cut the transmission again. Quickly dialing a number as he mounted his bike, Colin spoke.

"What's the situation there." A statement, not a question.

"Panacea has just arrived with Glory Girl. Captain Smoker's ship arrived a few minutes ago. It seems that their ship is slowly taking on water, but it still wont sink. Several of his crew members seem badly injured. They look like they barely survived a storm." Miss Militia replied. That seemed to confirm their story. Good, Armsmaster could be there in a few minutes if he took a few shortcuts.

"Good. I will be there soon." If they played this right, they could get a potentially very strong parahuman to join the Protectorate. This could turn the tide of the 'war'.

They just needed to play their cards right.

Tashigi POV

They were stuck in a new world. One that was vastly different from their own. At first she thought it was some bad dream, that she was probably sick with fever below deck.

That was just lying to herself. She slapped herself several times before her meeting with Captain Smoker. The pain confirmed it. The impact her hand felt from slapping the Captain, and the puddle she formed at her feet only furthered that.

After her meeting with Captain Smoker, she felt bad after slapping him, but he needed it! How dare he blame himself for what happened. Tashigi was telling the truth when she said she would follow Captain Smoker anywhere. He was the only one who gave her a chance when everyone else made fun of her for joining the Marines, just because she was a woman who wanted to become a swordsman.

Everyone ridiculed her. Tashigi's family, they called her crazy and her Father forbade her from ever returning as long as she wielded a blade, her Marine Instructor at Headquarters, he made her life hell by giving her all of the cleaning assignments and hard duties. Her fellow Marines were the worst, catcalling her, harassing her, making her feel useless.

So Tashigi worked harder, and harder. Training to make up for her lack of strength, to prove that she can rise the ranks despite being a woman.

Then that day came, she was in the middle of a sparring match with two other cadets, both taller, larger,...stronger. Tashigi won in the end, bloody and bruised, but still standing tall. She didn't know that a younger Lieutenant Smoker was watching.

Everything else after that was history. He asked her, no...ordered her to transfer to be under his command. The then Lieutenant Smoker told her that she was skilled, and that he would need skilled officers once he was made captain.

If needed, Tashigi would die fighting for her captain.

"Master Chief, it's your turn to be seen by the doctor." Tashigi was taken out of her internal monologue abruptly and almost fell out of her chair. Startled, she looked up at the embarrassed seaman who started apologizing. It was one of the new transfers who joined before leaving Loguetown. Kazuki if Tashigi's memory was correct.

"I'm sorry!" He bowed repeatedly. Heh, Kazuki must have heard the rumors the others spread about Tashigi kicking their asses.

"Don't worry about it." Tashigi said, flashing him a smile. Kazuki calmed down a bit, but nodded with a small blush on his face. Tashigi left before he could say anything else. Captain Smoker said he would be looked at after everyone else had, so he was going after her.

They were set up in one of the buildings near where their damaged ship was docked. Armsmaster arrived shortly after. Captain Smoker stayed outside with Armsmaster since he was banned from smoking inside the building. It was actually quite amusing seeing the Captain argue with Miss Militia, the lady with a red, white and blue scarf covering her face.

Walking up to the door where the healer set herself up, a young blonde girl in a white dress floated up to her. the air…strangely enough it wasn't the weirdest thing Tashigi had seen in her relatively short life.

Their eyes made contact, and Tashigi felt a chill go down her spine. The girl kept a passive face, and Tashigi started to feel happiness?


Was the strange girl going to attack her?


Why was she feeling happiness and admiration for this stranger?

"GOD YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! YOU LOOK LIKE A MODEL!" The weird girl screamed as she quickly floated around Tashigi examining her. Feeling a blush form on her face, Tashigi crossed her arms in an attempt to hold her modesty. Good thing she always wore her shirts buttoned up. That and she had her modest blue jacket on. Tashigi wished she had brought her beloved Shigure with her, but Captain Smoker only allowed a few seamen to bring weapons, mostly pistols hidden in their uniform.

"Uh...who are you?" Tashigi said, confused. Now this was really weird. The weird blonde girl paused, and stared at Tashigi who was starting to feel even more uncomfortable.

Damn academy days.

"Sorry! Im Victoria Dallon, otherwise known as Glory Girl." She struck a heroic pose with that last declaration. Tashigi smiled in return and extended her hand.

"Im Tashigi." Tashigi said, still smiling. Victoria stared her hand before taking it. "It's nice to meet you, but I'm supposed to be meeting the doctor right now."

"Oh-sorry! That's my sister Amy." Victoria pointed at the door behind her. "Usually I'm with her but doctor-patient confidentiality means I have to stay out here."

"I see. Well it was nice meeting you!" Tashigi said as she stepped around Victoria and knocked on the door.

"Come in" A young female voice said. Tashigi walked in a bit cautiously. The girl leaning against a chair was the exact opposite of Victoria. While Victoria's clothes practically begged for attention, her sister's were as conservative as possible. Tashigi approved.

"Sorry I'm a bit late." Tashigi said as she took off her blue Marine jacket and placed it on the chair opposite to the healer.

"Uhuh, Im Panacea by the way." Panacea said with a bored voice. "Do I have your permission to heal you? I can also fix your eyes while I'm here."

"Yes." This seemed...a bit fast for healing, and weird. The way Panacea said it made it sound like this was a normal day.

With Tashigi's permission, Panacea touched her hand and her eyes widened.


This...was not what Tashigi expected.

This whole chapter was written with that joke at the end in mind. I felt that the quality went down in this chapter and anatomy in One something else.
The room was suddenly filled with an awkward silence. Amy's face turned bright red, while Tashigi's face mirrored hers. Amy should not have said that out loud, or at all. Suddenly, Tashigi slapped Amy in the face turning her cheek more red, letting a smack fill the room. Yeah she did deserve that...why didn't Vicky run in here yet? She probably wondered off somewhere, most likely talking to those Amy just healed.

"PERVERT!" Tashigi got up to leave grabbing her blue jacket, but Amy reached out to grab her arm.

"I'm sorry! And I'm not done so sit down!" Amy said. The blue beauty glared at her, and then sighed, closing her eyes.

"Fine." Tashigi said as she sat down angrily. She crossed her arms over her chest. that's what she thought Amy was talking about. Yeah she should have worded that better. When Amy touched Tashigi's hand,who was confused why she needed to hold Amy's hand, she saw everything, including Tashigi's future growth. She was going to have a lot of back pains in the future, and who the hell had that type of waist? Tashigi looked like she needed to wear kids belts! That and combined with her future bust, she was going to look like a Barbie!

"I wasn't talking about your boobs." Amy said awkwardly. Tashigi seemed a bit sheepish after words as her mouth formed an o.

Other than Tashigi's future body, the rest of her seemed similar to those she healed before her. Their muscles and bones were denser, and could easily be classified as a brute one at the very least. The most interesting part, their lack of the corona pollentia in their brains. Amy would have found this to be very suspicious and think a biotinker was involved, if Miss Militia didn't brief her when she arrived. Another Earth, who would've thought. Now she was going to need to fill out a whole stack of NDA's, great.

Finishing up the last touches, Amy fixed her eyes and nodded.

"I'm done now." Amy said, removing her hand from Tashigi's. It was still awkward. Tashigi took off her glasses, blinked several times, and smiled.

"I'm uh, I'm sorry for slapping you!" Tashigi said standing up and bowing at her soon to be smaller waist.

"It's fine. I should phrase my sentences better." Amy replied, waving her off. Tashigi nodded nervously.

"Are all the doctors here like you?" Tashigi asked. Amy looked at her confused. Doctors, like her?

"Oh! Nope, I'm not a doctor. Just everyone's favorite healer." She muttered that last part bitterly. "My power allows me to fix people up." A bold lie.

"Ohhh I see. Must be nice having a devil fruit power like that. Anyways, thank you so much for helping us! I'll let the Captain know it's his turn." Tashigi bowed again and left quickly before Amy could respond.

Devil fruit power?

"Well that was weird."

Leaning back in her chair, Amy sighed. It was just like Armsmaster to call in a favor like this when she was on her break. At least she didn't have to see Carol for another while longer. Imagine her surprise when she showed with Vicky, only to discover she had to heal about twenty men and one woman from another Earth.

Most of them were on the verge of having scurvy, a few already had scurvy, and a couple had broken bones. That combined with the wreck of a ship nearby meant they had gone through hell.

A loud knock came from the other side of the door. Well, at least Amy was almost done now. Sadly, Carol wouldn't let her go to the hospital after this.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a huge, muscular man walked through. Amy had seen him briefly arguing with Miss Militia when she arrived, it was pretty hard not to see him. Easily over six feet tall, with blue-green hair, and covered in muscle that was still showing despite him wearing a white jacket with cigars everywhere, he made a pretty impressive figure despite being shorter than Uncle Neil.

"Please sit down." His name was Smoker if Amy heard right. Heh, that was funny. Smoker's cold eyes met Amy's, and he grinned when Amy didn't look away.

Smoker sat in the chair opposite to Amy. She was mildly surprised it didn't break under his weight.

"I'm Panacea. Do I have your permission to heal you?" Amy extended her hand.

"Captain Smoker. Go ahead." Smoker extended his hand after taking off his glove, and Amy grabbed it. This...was not normal. She had seen the man with two cigars in his mouth, yet there was no damage to his lungs! Amy doubted that he had just started smoking too. Like the others, he had denser muscles and bones, but Smoker was also different. Amy closed her eyes to focus. Something else was there. Meanwhile, she fixed his bacteria and immune system to be up to date.

Smoker's...wasn't entirely human. Something else was there, and Amy didn't know what it was.

"Are you part of this 'Protectorate?" Smoker asked. His voice was deep, and very masculine.

"Nope. Me and my sister are a part of New Wave, another hero group." Amy responded. Wow, so his hair is colored that way naturally, and she couldn't detect any trace of steroids.

Smoker grunted in affirmation.

"You don't hide your faces like them." Smoker continued. Amy paused for a second. That was mostly true. Only Eric wore a visor on his face.

"New Wave believes in cape accountability." Amy said. That is what Aunt Sarah had told her when she was younger. "It was meant to start a movement, but its feet never got off the ground I guess."

"A shame. Only cowards hide behind masks, though I do see the reason behind them. Not everyone can defend themselves as we can." Smoker said. So he was a cape then. Maybe his power had something to do with smoke?

Amy shrugged in return.

"I'm done now." She stood up to stretch.

Smoker grinned and placed his glove back on his hand.

"On behalf of me and my crew, thank you. I shall remember this." Smoker stood up as well, easily dwarfing her.

"It's nothing, just doing my duty." Amy waved him off. Everyone always said that.

Smoker looked her in the eye, but nodded in thanks again.

"If you ever need any help, let me know." Smoker started walking towards the door, but paused. "And you look like you'll need this." He took something from his jacket and threw it at her, which she caught.

It was a cigar. How did he-

Smoker was already gone when she looked up. Weird, Amy didn't hear the door open.

This one is shorter than usual. Sorry!
There aren't many fights yet, but don't worry they'll come after Smoker and crew are settled down. Or maybe not.
Smoker silently closed the door behind him. Panacea seemed a bit weird, but definitely a good person. Everyone had to do their own duty to society. Smoker's duty was to catch pirates, and to protect the innocent no matter what.

The downside, Smoker was now indebted to these people. The lives of Smoker and his crew are now in their hands. Smoker was confident in his abilities, in Tashigi, and most of his men. The greenhorns, not so much.

"Nice muscles Mister." A light young voice said. The same blonde girl, Glory Girl, who chased Tashigi around the perimeter of the building after informing Smoker it was his turn to be checked by the healer, was floating in front of him with a smile on her face. Smoker stared at her impassively, before walking past her. He didn't like the aura emanating from her.

"Oi, I'm talking to you!" Glory Girl reached to grab Smoker's arm, only for her hand to go right through, a section of his arm turning to smoke. It reformed after she pulled her hand back. Smoker looked at her from the corner of his eye, Glory Girl was obviously confused before realization slapped her in the face.

"Your Mom must've been able to tell the future to be able to name you Smoker." Glory Girl immediately started laughing. Smoker sighed, her sister must have gotten all of the brains from their family. Well, maybe not. The two looked nothing like each other, so maybe adopted?

It was then that the door opened again, revealing Panacea. Yup, definitely not related by blood, or she got the looks of one parent and not the other.

"Vicky, stop bothering Captain Smoker." Panacea said. She seemed a bit tired, and overworked. Panacea really needed a cigar it seemed. Smoker needed one too, but that lady with the blue, white and red scarf said he wasn't allowed to smoke in the building.

"I'm not!" Glory Girl defended herself. They started to argue. Panacea quickly looked over at Smoker and pointed her head away.

Heh, her sacrifice would not be in vain. Quickly walking away, Smoker went out of the building. His crew had already formed a semi-circle as they stared in wonder at everything they saw. Armsmaster stood off to the side, talking with one of his helmeted underlings, while Tashigi talked with Miss Militia. Judging by the sword Tashigi had at her side, she went to retrieve it from the ship while Smoker was busy.

Pulling out two cigars and lighting them, Smoker took a few puffs of smoke before walking over. Tashigi quickly noticed him, and smiled while waving him over. She wasn't wearing her glasses anymore, another reason why Smoker was indebted to these people. Tashigi's eyesight often leads her to have accidents, or tripping over herself.

"Tashigi, Miss Militia." Smoker said simply. Smoker swore he saw Miss Militia scowl when she saw his cigars.

"How do you feel Captain?" Tashigi asked, her eyes filled with excitement. It wasn't everyday your eyesight was fixed.

"I feel fine. Status update."

Tashigi saluted.

"Everyone has accounted for and has been seen by Panacea." Tashigi said. Smoker grunted and turned to Miss Militia.

"When can I expect my ship to be repaired? We can pay for the repairs." Smoker said. He had managed to amass a small fortune of berries. Smoker usually used it to buy cigars whenever he found them. He put their supplies on the Marines tab.

"We are in the middle of arranging its repair with the local dock workers." Miss Militia said. Good, now to find accommodations and plan what to do. It's not like they had a way to go back home.

"Thank you." Smoker didn't like this.

Armsmaster walked up to Smoker shortly afterwards.

"Captain Smoker, Director Piggot would like to speak with you." Armsmaster said. Another thing Armsmaster explained to him while Smoker was waiting for his turn to be healed. Apparently the Protectorate was a group of government superhumans that worked with 'normals' in the PRT, the government agency that kept watch over them. Apparently, people can acquire powers without the need to eat a Devil fruit here.

"Very well." They most likely suspected that Smoker had powers of his own. Well, it's not like they asked him, and Smoker had just shown it earlier to that weird girl who tried to touch him.

"Transportation has been arranged for you and your men." Armsmaster continued. Hmm, Smoker would only be taking a few with him.

"Tashigi, Gunderson, Alby and myself will be the only ones going. The rest are going to stay here and guard the ship." Smoker said firmly. Smoker also needed to tell his men the truth. He would do that once he returned from this meeting. Tashigi moved off to the side.

"Your ship is in a relatively safe area and PRT agents will also be stationed here to keep outsiders away."

"My men will stay here." Smoker glared at Armsmaster. The armored 'hero' stood his ground. Miss Militia then moved in between the two of them.

"Captain Smoker is trying to decide what is best for his men. We should respect his wishes, Armsmaster." Miss Militia said, trying to cool their tempers.

"Very well." Armsmaster said cooly before walking away. Miss Militia quickly started to apologize.

"I'm sorry about him. It's not everyday when we get visitors from another Earth. He's just stressed."

Smoker kept silent so Tashigi quickly spoke up.

"Me and Captain Smoker understand. Captain Smoker just wants to make sure the crew is safe." Tashigi said with a casual smile. Miss Militia seemed to smile under her mask.

Their transportation arrived soon after. After ordering his men to guard the ship and stay safe, Smoker got into their weird metal carriages with Tashigi, Gunderson and Alby. Tashigj practically ran inside when she caught sight of Glory Girl and Panacea.

"Armsmaster usually travels by motorcycle. So I'll be with you in here." Miss Militia said as she sat next to Tashigi who was in between Miss Militia and a facess PRT agent. Smoker sat across from them with Gunderson and Alby, both who looked extremely nervous.

"Oh ok." That came from Tashigi. Smoker simply continued to take puffs from his cigar, which was starting to fill the back with smoke.

"Excuse me, but could you please not smoke while we are all in here? Some of us don't like the smell and future lung damage." Miss Militia said coldly as she glared at Armsmaster. Smoker stared at her for a few seconds before he caused the smoke from the cigar to disappear, leaving only what was left in the air. Gunderson and Alby's jaw practically attached itself to the floor. "Thank you."

Miss Militia turned to look at Tashigi.

"So how is Earth Blue? I mean, how different is it from here?" Miss Militia asked. Earth Blue? Ah, is that what they are calling home.

"Well, it's certainly more colorful, and there are so many amazing islands." Tashigi started explaining. Smoker tuned out their conversation and closed his eyes.

"Do people have powers back in your world?"

Smoker's eyes immediately opened. Tashigi paused, and looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Smoker nodded slightly.

"Yup. Back home we have Devil fruits." Tashigi said not missing a beat. Miss Militia looked at her confused. They were bound to find out anyway. Hopefully, Tashigi wouldn't mention his weakness to water.

"Devil fruits?" Miss Militia questioned. She was most likely ordered to figure out information.

"Yup. It's a mysterious and mythical fruit. Eating one can give you indescribable power, though it mostly depended on which fruit you ate."

"Ah, I see. Do you have any examples?" Miss Militia asked. The PRT agent on Tashigi's otherside became interested as well.

This time, Smoker spoke up.

"There was a pirate that was turned into a rubber man. He could stretch his body to impossible lengths, and was stronger than most men." Most men, but not Smoker. "The man said to be the strongest in the world was strong enough to create shockwaves by shattering the air like glass causing earthquakes and tsunamis. If he wanted, he could destroy everything." Miss Militia seemed...sullen after that.

"And another, had the ability to control smoke itself." Smoker said casually. Miss Militia's dark eyes widened, and the PRT agent froze like a statue.

The smoke disappeared.
The rest of the ride was silent, and kind of awkward in Tashigi's opinion. Still, it gave Tashigi time to think about

"We're here." Miss Militia's voice sliced through Tashigi's train of thought. The back door opened, and they exited the metal carriage. Captain Smoker was about to resume smoking, when he saw the no smoking sign and sighed. Tashigi took a good look around her surroundings. Metal carriages, lots and lots of metal carriages in the same body style as the one that brought them here.

"We took the back garage entrance to keep things under wraps. " Miss Militia said, she mumbled something about rules under her breath. Then, several PRT agents approached them, some with helmets, but a few without. Armsmaster showed up on his bike a few seconds later. Wait till he saw Captain Smoker's Billower Bike in action. Armsmaster went to speak with them.

Tashigi nodded. keeping a hand near her sword at all times. Captain Smoker simply grunted in response, while Gunderson and Alby just stood there shivering. Tashigi giggled internally, maybe they were cold? Armsmaster walked up to them soon afterwards.

"Please follow me. Director Piggot is waiting." Armsmaster said simply. Smoker shrugged and motioned him to lead on.

He led them through some entrances, a couple hallways, and something called an elevator. Eventually they reached a well furnished room. A woman sat behind the desk, and immediately stood up.

"Director Piggot is ready." The secretary said. Smoker turned to Gunderson and Alby. The two kept staring at random objects until they felt Smoker's gaze.

"You two wait out here." Smoker said, pointing to two chairs. "Don't cause any trouble."

He then turned his attention to Tashigi. "You're coming with me." Tashigi nodded as the other two saluted their commanding officer.

"Please follow me." Armsmaster said simply as he led them through a simple door to their right. Another desk was set up, with a blond, heavy set woman sitting behind it. She remained seated when they walked in. Armsmaster moved to stand beside her, while Miss Militia walked to the side of the room.

"Hello, I am Emily Piggot, Director of the PRT ENE branch." Director Piggot said simply.

"Captain Smoker of the Marines." Captain Smoker replied, his two cigars no longer in his mouth. He motioned to Tashigi. "This is Master Chief Petty Officer Tashigi." Tashigi kept her face calm, even though she was extremely nervous on the inside. Their future depended on this meeting.

Director Piggot nodded before motioning to the two chairs situated in front of her desk.

"Please take a seat. I'm sure we have much to discuss."

Tashigi looked at Smoker who nodded. Taking their seats, Director Piggot pressed a button on her desk, which resulted in metal sheets to lower from the roof, covering the walls and lone window in the room.

Tashigi really wished she brought her sword. This could have been an ambush for all they had known.

"This is simply a precaution, so no one can listen in on our conversation." Director Piggot said seeing Tashigi's alarmed form. Captain Smoker simply sat there confidently.

"I see." Well, that was understandable.

"Armsmaster briefed me on your situation, but I would rather hear it coming from you Captain Smoker." Director Piggot's hard voice continued. Man, she was fat. Not as fat as those back in the East Blue or the Grand Line, but pretty big compared to those they have seen here so far.

"I was in command of the Marine garrison at Loguetown, a city in Polestar Islands, when an infamous pirate and his crew arrived." Captain Smoker began. Tashigi nodded as he spoke. "The criminal managed to escape so me and my men decided to chase them into the Grand Line."

"The Grand Line?" Director Piggot asked.

"It's an ocean current that divides the other four. Only the strongest pirates and Marines can enter and come back out alive." Tashigi answered.

"We were in pursuit of their ship when we ran into a storm. When the weather cleared up, we were several miles off your coast." Captain Smoker finished. Tashigi noticed that he left out most of the details, but that was probably for the best.

"Are there parahumans in your world?"

"Not in the same manner as you have them here. We have Devil Fruit powers back in Earth Blue." Earth Blue sounded weird in Tashigi's opinion.

"Hm, I see." Director Piggot wrote a few notes down before looking up again.

"Would you be willing to join the Protectorate or the PRT?" The PRT offer must be for their crewmen. The only one who had Devil fruit powers was the Captain.

Tashigi quickly turned to look at Captain Smoker. He kept the same passive face he always has.

"No. I swore an oath to the Marines, oaths that I don't take likely, but I am willing to cooperate if needed. I cannot speak for my men, but I will pass along the offer." Captain Smoker said bluntly. Director Piggot nodded and turned her attention to Tashigi, who froze.

"What Captain Smoker said." Real smooth Tashigi. Hopefully they didn't get offended.

"Understandable. As a sign of good will, the PRT will arrange and pay for the repairs of your ship, as well as help you and your men find accomodations. To help with your legal status, we will fill out the proper paperwork as refugees."

Uh oh, now they really owed these people a lot, they already owed them for the medical assistance and curing her eyesight. Captain Smoker wasn't going to like this, but what else could he do without offending their host in an unknown world?

"On behalf of me and my men, thank you." Captain Smoker bowed his head slightly. Tashigi bowed her head as well. Tashigi could sense Miss Militia smiling from where she stood.

"Once you and your men are settled in, perhaps you could come in for some testing?" Test? What kind of test?

"Perhaps." Was all that Captain Smoker said.

Tashigi drowned out the rest of their conversation. It still felt like a dream. Tashigi never imagined in her wildest dreams that they would somehow end up in another world. Her former goals were useless now. How was she going to find those legendary swords? Still, she meant what she told Captain Smoker.

Tashigi would follow him to the end.

"Lets go Tashigi." Captain Smoker's voice pulled Tashigi from her thoughts. The metal walls were gone.


"I have a speech to make." Was all that Captain Smoker said as Tashigi followed him out. The crew wasn't going to take it well, but they would be fine.

As long as Captain Smoker was in command, everything was going to be alright.

Thank you to everyone reading.
2.1 *posted out of order*
A month had passed since Smoker and his crew first arrived in Brockton Bay. It had taken a while, but it seemed that they were finally being able to settle in. Mostly. Smoker was usually busy with meetings with Director Piggot, Armsmaster, as well as the heads of the PRT and Protectorate respectively, Chief Director Costa-Brown and Alexandria.

Smoker's eyes hardened slightly. Alexandria looked nothing like her photos in his opinion. A body double most likely, they did have similar features overall, but Smoker was always one to look at details. In the end, Smoker and his men, the ones that decided to stay under his command, would be an independant 'hero' group. Similar to New Wave, except they would be Protectorate sponsored and work closely together. They would also serve as a sort of embassy should they find a way to contact Earth Blue.

They also spent a lot of time acquainting themselves with this new world and its customs. Sadly, Seaman Natsuko decided to leave the crew and accepted the Protectorates offer. He blamed Smoker for everything, not that Smoker blamed him. Last Smoker heard, he was assigned to some city named Los Angeles, but hasn't heard anything else aside from that.

On the plus side, the majority of Smoker's crew sided with him to form the Marines, Brockton Bay's newest heroes. They haven't made their debut though, Smoker was too busy negotiating and didn't care about publicity. Tashigi was his second in command of course and was adapting well, she didn't have many close family members, though she did miss her friends. They did the test that the PRT requested, Smoker held back of course. He wasnt going to reveal all of his secrets.

Marine HQ was now a building in the Dock, with a dock big enough to fit their now repaired ship. The building was big enough to house all of them, but it was still a bit cramped. Attached to the side, a 'garage' held the three metal carriages gifted to them by the PRT. Something called a 'van' along with a 'motorcycle' which was similar to Smoker's billowerbike. Smoker let Tashigi have it.

They owed these people too much. Smoker didnt like it.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" A woman screaming interrupted Smoker's brooding section. That...sounded like Tashigi. Grabbing his new jutte, Smoker hid his older one so no criminal could use the seastone against him somewhere in the building, he followed the screaming.

"I'M SORRY!" A guy's voice screamed back. Was that Alby? Smoker turned his body into smoke and went into the air vents. What was going on here?

Eventually, Smoker reached the garage and reformed his body, jutte in hand, with the back of the vans facing him.

Tashigi had shigure out and was swinging it wildly at Alby. Said marine was attempting to escape her by bobbing and weaving in between the vans, which led to Tashigi tripping several times. Smoker sighed, sheathed his jutte, and filled the room with smoke, grabbed Tashigi and Alby with his two hands appearing from the smoke.

"What is going on here?" Smoker grunted as he eyed both of them. Tashigi's face was bright red, and was glaring daggers at Alby's nervous form.

"H-he drew me on one of the vans!" Tashigi screamed after she took several breaths, pointing at the side of one of their new vans. Smoker raised an eyebrow and looked at Alby who smiled sheepishly. Damn little vandalizer.

"If I let you go, will you promise not to kill him." Smoker said simply sighing. Tashigi seemed like she wanted to protest, but Smoker's impassive face made her back down.

"Yes sir." Tashigi sighed, and Smoker let them both go, reforming his arms back onto his body. By now, a few more Marines had gathered to see what was going on.

Smoker walked to the side of the van Tashigi pointed at. What he saw made his eyes widen.

It was a...rather risque painting of Tashigi adorning the van's wall. Smoker quickly looked away and glared at the perverted vandalizer.

"Clean this up and apologize."

Alby nodded quickly and was about to open his mouth when he was interrupted by a wolf whistle coming from another marine.

"He also drew one of you on the other van sir."

Scratch that, Smoker was going to kill Alby himself.


Tashigi leaned against the wall in her room panting, it took everything they had to keep Captain Smoker from killing Alby. Sure deep down inside, Tashigi wanted to murder that little pervert, but she was going to be the one to do it! Though...he did have some skill in drawing. Tashigi blushed when she remembered Captain Smoker's painting.

Damn it, now she can't take him seriously, always wearing his jacket unbuttoned. Tashigi heard a lot of footsteps outside her door. Marines were walking back and forth, some decorating their barracks to feel a little bit like home, others were cleaning. Alby was now assigned to bathroom duty for the foreseeable future, once he was done cleaning his handiwork. Tashigi shivered when she thought about how Alby got inspired.

Tashigi sat at her new desk, and stared at her new computer and delicately placed shigure next to her. It was...something different. Miss Militia explained to her several times on how to use it, but Tashigi needed more practice. Captain Smoker was simply content to learn how to use a 'cellphone' which was basically a transponder snail. He still didn't know how to text though.

Typing slowly, Tashigi signed onto PHO. It was one of the first websites Tashigi learned how to use. Heh, another hero saved a cat from a tree. Captain Smoker also had an account, along with about half of their crew, but he didn't bother learning how to navigate through the website. Looking out the window, Tashigi saw the sun was starting to go down.

"Where did I put it?" Tashigi asked herself as she looked for the piece of paper she wrote several important websites on. Ah, here it is.

She opened up another tab for a real estate website. Captain Smoker said he wanted her to find an actual house, claiming that she should be able to feel at ease when relaxing or when Tashigi wasn't on patrol. Such a weirdo, she literally lived on their ship surrounded by men when they were at sea. Tashigi knew he just felt guilty over everything, so she followed what he said. Captain Smoker did offer to help with her downpayment after all. Hmm, this was a cute house. It wasn't in the best neighborhood, but it certainly wasn't the worst either. The best part, it wasn't even that far from the docks.

Tashigi's search was put on hold when a large fire went up in the air, a few miles away from Marine HQ. Grabbing shigure, Tashigi's phone started ringing.

"Yes Captain Smoker?" Tashigi said as she rushed out of the room.

"Gather a squad. I'm going to investigate." Captain Smoker ended the call.

A Marine's work never ended.


Im a bit rusty when it comes to One Piece and worm. I believe I said this an A/N or so ago. This has been pretty enjoyable to write. I feel that its a bigger improvement over my previous stories, *cough*Chimera*cough*
Emily stayed seated as their new guest left with Miss Militia. She had a lot to think about, and paperwork. Paperwork runs the world after all.

"Should we have made our recruitment pitch more firm?" Armsmaster said as he walked towards the center of the room. "I received Panacea's report. While Captain Smoker and his men don't have a Corona Pollentia, Panacea managed to confirm that all of his men could be considered parahumans, which was further cemented by Miss Militia's quick field report about Captain Smoker's powers on her way here. Additionally, all members of his crew could be considered Brute 1s at the very least without any testing according to Panacea."

"No. Captain Smoker will be on the defensive at the moment, his primary concern would be the well being of his men. Any more attempts at recruitment might alienate them." Emily turned her eyes to Armsmaster's armored form. Captain Smoker's background in law enforcement might allow them to establish common ground. "Our movements need to be indirect and we need to gain their trust." They didn't need any more enemies, especially a ship full of potential parahumans.

"You and Miss Militia will act as our main contacts with the Marines. If we attempt to introduce anyone else they might hanker down. I want Miss Militia forming a bond with their Master Chief, and I want you to keep an eye on the Captain." That wasn't something Emily ever planned on saying, having Armsmaster bond with anyone besides his lab. That, and Assault needed to be kept far away from the Marines. Who knows how they would react to his humor.

"Kaiser and Lung have been quiet for now. We need to make sure it stays that way. I don't need any more headaches."

"Very well. I shall have my official report done by this evening should no other matters require my attention." Armsmaster said simply. Emily nodded in return. She had a lot of work to do as well. Some Emily would pass on to Deputy Director Renick such as finding a place for the Marines to stay, but she would handle the more important things.

"Good. Now get out of here. I have work to do."

Emily was soon left alone in her office. Chief Director Costa-Brown would be expecting her report soon, followed by a meeting with the other PRT directors. Emily grimace, Tagg was going to be a bitch to handle.

Still, the look in Captain Smoker's eyes reminded Emily of herself. The large man would do anything to protect his men and judging by his story, the man was relentless as well. Emily felt her first and only smile of the day form on her face, if they could get Captain Smoker to work alongside the Protectorate, they could increase their chances of kicking the gangs out of this damn city. Emily's dialysis alarm went off.

She really needed to get rid of that one. Only an idiot wouldnt have accepted a healing from Panacea.

Smoker POV

The trip back to Smoker's ship was a quick one. Tashigi and Miss Militia reignited their conversation, most of which Smoker mostly ignored. He did manage to catch several words such as Endbringers, Shigure, boardwalk. Smoker thought about what to tell his men. His crew who placed their trust in him, their commanding officer. Brave men, each and every one of them. Except for maybe Alby, he kept shivering next to Smoker.

"Oh, it seems like we're here now." Miss Militia said. Their metal carriage stopped moving. The smell of the ocean filled the air, it was a scent that Smoker was familiar with, yet it still felt foreign here.

Disembarking, Smoker saw what was left of his ship. The front mast was broken, the railing was broken in multiple spots, and a little under half of Smoker's crew met their end sailing that treacherous storm.

"A few PRT agents as well as myself will remain here if you need anything. Director Piggot has made arrangements for provisions to be provided to you and your men. I'm sure you're all going to enjoy a hot meal after a few days at sea." Miss Militia said as they walked closer. A few marines were playing cards, others were on guard on the ship.

Smoker nodded. "Thank you." Words couldn't describe how much he owed these people.

"Gather the crew." Smoker told Tashigi, not bothering to turn around. Smoker walked past his men as they all stood at attention as he walked by. No commanding officer would have placed his men in such danger. Being in the Marine inherently meant you would always be in danger, whether from pirates, disease, ocean life or the weather. End

Still, many of those under his command haven't even left the East Blue. Now Smoker had to explain that they were in another world. While Smoker didn't have any particularly close family members back home, most of his men did. None of them would ever be able to see their loved ones again.

Smoker made his way towards the helm, each step heavy.

"Everyones here sir." Tashigi followed him on his way up and took her position next to Smoker.

Smoker turned around to see the faces of his men. All of them had their eyes on him.

"Men, I'm sure some of you know this…" Smoker looked at every member of his crew. Quartermaster Shoko's third son was born a few weeks before they left port. Seaman Natsuko was recently engaged and was planning on having his wedding once Luffy was caught. That was never going to happen now. Smoker hardened his eyes.

"We are no longer in the Grand Line."

All hell broke loose. Grown men started crying, others froze. Natsuko almost fell over, Alby and another seaman had to hold him up. Most of them never even left the East Blue, the ones that had Smoker could count with one hand.

"We are now in another world." Smoker continued. "Thankfully, our new host has decided to help us." Smoker saw anger, disappointment,...shock.

"As your commanding officer…" Smoker eyes met theirs. "Words cannot describe how sorry I am." With that, Smoker bowed his head. Sobbing filled Smoker's ear.

"Captain Smoker sir!" Someone shouted, their voice hoarse. Smoker looked up slowly and saw that Gunderson had taken a foot forward, streams of tears flowing down his face.

"Thank you for keeping us alive!" Gunderson shouted as he bowed deeply at the waist. Several more followed his example shouting the same phrase. A few of the greenhorns had passed out.

Smoker softened his gaze. He wished he could have said the same for those who lost their lives in that storm.

"Thank you for your trust." Smoker was sure some were going to lash out once their initial shock was over.

Smoker decided to let them mourn, and left Tashigi to keep order as he went to his captain's quarters. They would need to move out, the ship only had a patch job to keep it from sinking.

Smoker took out two cigars and started smoking. At least he had new cigars to try out here. Smoke began to fill the room, just the way he liked it. He leaned his head back. Smoker didnt know how much time passed when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Tashigi walked in with a steaming hot bowl. She sat it down on his desk and produced some eating utensils.

"The food is here. Be careful, it's hot." Tashigi smiled and left. Smoker stared at the soup before grabbing one of the spoons, and he took a small sip.

"Heh, it's cold."

I hope I got everyone's characterization right here. I didn't want them being too casual reacting to the news. Warning, this is an AU so some worm stuff may be different.

I just noticed I posted one out of order. This chapter was suppose to be before 2.1
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Smoker's Billower bike made an impressive sight. Smoker kept his focus as he drove past the mostly empty streets. A few onlookers stared in shock, or took photos with their cellphones. Smoker ignored all of them as he got closer to the bright fire, with it rising in burst every few minutes. Bystanders were now running away from said fire.

Smoker carefully took out his cellphone and called Tashigi.

"I'll deal with the disturbance. Keep an eye out for any civilians or criminals." Smoker was getting closer to the source. The area he was in now was mostly filled with abandoned buildings, with gang signs covering many of them. Azn Bad Boys were prominent in the docks.

Smoker was going to change this. Suddenly, Smoker heard a loud roar. Smoker parked his bike on the side of the road and decided to proceed by foot.

Eventually, Smoker saw the perpetrator. Seven feet tall, and growing with metal scales and breathing fire, Smoker took out his jutte. Lung. Smoker had read up about the major criminals in the city. Lung was the head of the Azn Bad Boys, or ABB for short and one of the most powerful men in the city. Apparently he managed to fight off the entire Protectorate in Brockton Bay and won.

Lung was being swarmed by a rather large swarm of bugs, and was attempting to chase after a figure in grey clothes who was on the roof of a building.


Taking several steps forward, Lung quickly turned his head and stared straight at Smoker. Flames were starting to form around him as the bugs swarmed him.

"OOOOO ARRRR OUUUUU." The unintelligible monster said. Lung took a step towards Smoker. Smoker said nothing as he advanced with his jutte in his right hand. Seemingly angered by Smoker lack of response, Lung charged. The swarm blinding his eyes and biting at him.


Lung raised his fist and swung, his strike going straight through Smoker. Smoker simply stood there as he turned part of his body into smoke. Smoker smirked as smoke began to fill the street.


Smoker swung his left fist into Lung's face as hard as he could, making the monster stumble. Lung quickly tried to counterattack with another swing when Smoker smashed his jutte into Lung's face, bugs still biting him.

"I'm Smoker."


Taylor's eyes widened when she saw the large muscular man just punch Lung in the face. What the hell was he doing? Taylor quickly ran to a better vantage point. Still keeping her swarm on Lung, she navigated the spiders to his vulnerable parts. Where the hell did all this smoke come from?

After descending and climbing another ladder, she settled on top of a nearby building, Taylor gasped.

"I'm Smoker." She heard the man in the white declare, which led to Lung unleashing a stream of flames into his face. 'Smoker' simply turned into smoke and reformed behind Lung before kicking the back of Lung's knee and repeatedly punched where his kidney would have been.

"Shit." Taylor let out and Lung's face full of bugs turned to look at her. Oh no-

With a loud roar, Lung armored form jumped in the air. Taylor scrambled away trying to get off the building when she felt a burst of heat behind her after he landed. Ducking and hoping for the best, Taylor smelled smoke. She turned around to find the other parahuman counter Lung's flame with a stream of smoke.

"Get out of here." Cigar man grunted as he tackled Lung, who was growing and bloodied, off of the building.

Taylor took several deep breaths. She could do this. Sure her first night out wasn't going as well as she planned. Taylor redoubled her efforts with her swarm, having dragonflies and other flying creatures drop her more poisonous spiders onto Lung. That's right, bite his dick.

"RAAAA. AH LL KELL OOOOOOO!" Lung sounded like an animal. From what Taylor could see, Lung was all bloodied up and over in bites, most likely filled with poison.

Smoker simply raised his weapon, and smashed it against his head over and over again. The tip of the weapon turned black for a second. Man, that guy was strong. Lung didn't even leave a scratch on him. Eventually, Lung went silent. Taylor panted, at least he wouldn't be able to hurt those kids. She descended the ladder carefully, to see the smoke hero stare straight at you.

"W-ho are you?" Taylor asked. The man easily towered over her, and most of all, he didn't wear a mask. Instead he was smoking two cigars at once. They didn't fall out during the fighting?

"Smoker, leader of the Marines." Smoker said simply before sheathing his weird two prong weapon which was now bent at a weird angle. "Who are you." A demand, not a question.

"I-I don't really have a name yet." Taylor stuttered. Smoker stared at her for a second before nodding.

"I see. Good job. I doubt I would have been able to get him down before he grew too strong." Smoker said motioning to Lung's prone form. Then, Taylor heard the sound of engines. A van with...questionable art drawn on it pulled up, with was that Armsmaster?

They both pulled up next to them, and out of the van came a woman only a few inches shorter than Taylor armed with a sword, along with six men dressed in some weird sailor uniform. She pointed at a few buildings, and with a salute the men left. Armsmaster had gotten off of his bike by then and walked up to them.

"Captain Smoker." Armsmaster said simply as he injected Lung with something from his iconic halberd. Smoker nodded in return. They knew each other? Armsmaster then turned to Taylor.

"And you are?" Are you a hero or criminal went unsaid.

"I uh, don't have a name yet." Taylor said, a bit embarrassed. How many times would she have to say that? "Im a new hero." Armsmaster's face was unreadable, but it seemed he was analyzing her costume. Taylor did look like a villain after all.

"Is she one of yours?" Armsmaster asked Smoker. Smoker simply shook his head. Taylor stared at Armsmaster in shock. It was...weird seeing one of her favorite superheroes in person.

"She was already here by the time I got here." Armsmaster seemed satisfied with his answer and looked like he was about to speak when the woman from the van showed up.

"Captain Smoker! I'm sorry we got here so late! We ran into the Undersiders on our way here.`` The perfect looking asian woman said as she jogged up. Taylor felt a pang of jealousy. She had short, back hair, with curves and waist that were hidden by her jacket. How did Taylor know? She uh, She looked like a model. The woman also didn't wear a mask. Who were these people?

"Tashigi. It doesn't matter. We can catch them another day." Tashigi saluted. Smoker looked at Armsmaster. "I shall leave him with you." Smoker motioned towards Lung, smoke still coming from his cigars. Taylor coughed a little bit from the smoke. Smoker looked at her for a second, when the smoke around her disappeared. So that was his power...ironic.

Armsmaster nodded. "I injected a tranquilizer I came up with that should keep him down. However, we still need to discuss who would get the credit." Smoker glared at Armsmaster.

"Lung was already wounded when I arrived. She should get most of it." Smoker pointed a finger at Taylor, who felt pride swelling up inside of her. She helped take down Lung!

"I understand that, but she is an independant. If word got out that she was involved in Lung's capture, she would have a targeted painted on her back. Independants don't last long." Armsmaster said simply. "Unless you join up with the Protectorate, your safety cannot be guaranteed.

Protectorate? Oh, he thought Taylor was old.

"I'm too young to be in the Protectorate." Taylor blurted out. Armsmaster placed a hand to his bearded chin. "Would you be willing to join the Wards then?"

Taylor paused, she...thought about joining, but she didn't need anymore drama in her life.

"Im...not sure right now. Maybe in the future?"

Armsmaster turned his attention back to Smoker.

"You will have to get the credit then. Her protection cannot be guaranteed and I will not have a young hero killed for glory seeking. If you refuse, I will be forced to." Taylor felt a little of that Hebert temper rise in her. Armsmaster just got here!

Smoker blew more smoke from his cigar.

"No. If you can't guarantee her protection then I will."

What? The six guys from earlier returned.

Smoker turned to Taylor.

"You helped catch Lung. Good job. If you need any help feel free to call me." Smoker patted Taylor on her shoulder, handed her a small card with a weird logo and number on it. With that, he walked off.

Tashigi gave Taylor a smile and bowed slightly.

"He must like you." Tashigi ran off towards their obscene van.

Smoker paused when he got closer to it and saw a picture of himself staring back at him with lustful eyes.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALBY." Smoker's form disappeared as he turned to smoke.

"Uhoh, MIFUNE START THE VAN AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU DECIDE TO PICK THIS ONE!" Tashigi screamed as she ran towards the porn van.


They were...some of the weirdest people Taylor had met. Armsmaster coughed slightly after seeing the van, causing Taylor to look away quickly.

Time for a cold, cold shower when she got home.

I'm not that good at writing fights. I hope it was passable. I accidently posted the previous chapters in the wrong order, but I managed to fix the threadmarks so use that.

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♦ Topic: Lung Captured!
In: Boards ► Cape news
(Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Apr 4th 2011:
Late last night Lung was spotted in the Docks fighting an unidentified parahuman.
Picture link *here*
Unknown cape was noted to not have been wearing a mask and was beating the shit out of Lung with his smoke based powers.
Video link *here*
Armsmaster arrived shortly with an artfully drawn van. I would post a link to the van but as it's NSFW I don't want to get banned.
A second cape was spotted, but nothing else was noted about them.
The unidentified cape who beat up Lung is now identified as Smoker of the Marines, Brockton Bay's newest hero group!

(Showing page 1 of 2)

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
(This user has been temporarily banned)

►Tin Mother (Moderator) (Admin)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
Please don't post links to NSFW images as tasteful as they are.

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Pun master)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
@Xx.Void_CowboyxX that is a man...
*covers Vista's eyes*

Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
About time someone took down Lung. How strong is he exactly?
Did anyone else see that other cape dressed in black?

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
I'm proud to announce that the unknown parahuman is actually Smoker of the Marines, Brockton Bay's newest hero organization.

Replied On Apr 4th 2011:

Is that why part of the Docks were closed off?

►TRJ (Veteran Member)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
I saw that fight from my house. Smoker legit walked up to Lung's face and punched him. It seemed like someone else was there, but I couldn't get a better look. Some people in white uniforms blocked off the street.
Video to the fight *here*

►Feychick (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
Seems to be at least a Brute, breaker, and mover.

►BadSamurai (Banned)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
(This user has been temporarily banned)

End of Page. 1

(Showing page 2 of 2)

►Tin Mother (Moderator) (Admin)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:

Threats are not allowed. Enjoy your ban :)

►Good Ship Morpheus
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
It seems that Smoker has his own PHO account! Can someone give him a tag that says Daddy? :D

►NotAlby (Artist) (Marine)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
It's so nice to see my skills being appreciated! :)

►Tin Mother (Moderator) (Admin)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
@Good Ship Morpheus

We'll think about it....

Replied On Apr 4th 2011:

You drew that!!! You have some magic hands dude

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Pun master)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:

You should totally draw one of me ;)

►Miss Militia (Verified Cape) (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:


Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
My eyes...have been enlightened

►Glory Girl (New Wave) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:

►Tin Mother (Moderator) (Admin)
Replied On Apr 4th 2011:
This thread will be locked if the conversation continues to talk about that hunk of muscle.
Anyone who continues to talk about NSFW Smoker will receive a temporary ban. That includes you Clockblocker!

End of Page. 1, 2


"Captain Smoker's not going to like this." Tashigi muttered as she scrolled through PHO. News of his fight with Lung had spread like wildfire, along with their vandalized porn van. Alby was now assigned to cleaning every single thing that was dirty, with his own toothbrush. Eh, he would be fine. Private Mifune only received a mild talking to. Captain Smoker cared for his men, but he also made sure to discipline them.

Tashigi scrolled through some more threads. Surprisingly, people seemed more interested in the van than the actual fight. People were weird and fickle creatures.

Captain Smoker was locked up in his room, either sleeping, smoking, rock stacking or even all three! Tashigi stood, stretched and grabbed her beloved shigure. She had a lot of things planned today. Tashigi was going to go look at that house she saw, and maybe visit the Boardwalk. She had an appointment with a 'real estate agent.' Tashigi didn't get out much during their first month here. She was busy overseeing the remodeling of Marine HQ while Captain Smoker was in his negotiations, and she made sure to keep the crew trained.

They needed to grow stronger, even the one chore boy and the greenhorns. Tashigi walked the halls stopping to return a salute here and there.

'Hmmmm, should I take the motorcycle or walk?' Tashigi thought to herself. She actually hadn't had much practice with it. Eh she could walk. It would give her time to explore and come to know Brockton Bay with her own two eyes. Tashigi smiled, she didn't need glasses anymore! Tashigi felt grateful for Panacea and her healing power.

"Going out for a walk, Master Chief?"

Tashigi looked to her right. Mifune was staring straight at her. Mifune was the first Marine to learn how to drive, the man was a natural at it, so he was designated as a driver.

Tashigi nodded.

"Yup. Tell Captain Smoker once he leaves his room."

Private Mifune saluted Tashigi, an act she returned and left. A few people gave Tashigi weird stares, but that's alright she guessed. Tashigii did have shigure with her. Starting to jog, Tashigi followed the map she copied off of the internet.

Left, right, straight, almost tripping over a crack in the sidewalk, then right again. Some tall, skinny girl with long curly hair gave Tashigi a weird look, not that Tashigi even noticed.

Eventually, Tashigi arrived in the extremely normal neighborhood. It wasn't extremely pretty, but it was plain and in her budget. Being close to the Docks helped a lot too. After another minute of walking, Tashigi found the house she was looking for, a short round man waiting in front of it.

Tashigi walked up to him, who turned to look at her. He gave her sword a weird look, but shook it off.

"Are uh, Miss Tashigi?" He asked. Tashigi nodded.


"Excellent. Im Mr. Laborn. A pleasure to meet you." Mr. Laborn extended his hand, which Tashigi took. The man obviously used to be a soldier.

"Strong grip." Mr. Laborn said. "I always appreciate a strong handshake."

"Thank you." Tashigi smiled. Mr. Laborn motioned towards the house.

"Shall we?"

The house was cute, and affordable. It had three rooms, as well as a decent sized backyard, perfect for training.

"So what do you think?" Mr. Laborn said after they finished touring the house. Tashigi placed a finger on her chin and nodded.

"I'll take it."

"Great. I'll give you a call when the paperwork is ready. " Mr. Laborn said as they walked out.

"Thank you Mr. Laborn." He left soon after that Tashigi looked at the houses next to hers. Maybe once she moved in, Tashigi could greet her new neighbors. The one right next door had a slightly overgrown front yard, with a visible broken step.

Tashigi mentally slapped herself. Stop being nosy! Tashigi pulled out her phone to look at the time. Perfect! She had enough time to go check out the Boardwalk.

Tashigi was going to have a lot of fun.

First time making a PHO chapter, so I hope it came out well. Feel free to like and comment. Its nice to see people enjoying my story.