Small and Sweet [TWD SI]

at this point it seems clem's just delaying the deaths then actually stopping them.
Larry is still alive, that kidnapper is no longer a kidnapper and still feels like he's not a loser because he still has all that food. Forgot what happened to his family. Carly is still alive as well. Even if you didn't help Doug and he died in the Pharmacy, Carly would have been the one killed by Lilly. Duck hasn't been bit, so neither will Katja die. And Katja shouldn't be quite at her breaking point as much as cannon. The group is stronger and more well trained than cannon. And as far as we know that woman in town never showed up.
Or or not till after you left anyway.
If I don't say anything, I can't throw off the timeline, but at least I'll be able to predict events with a bit more accuracy.

No one else was gonna die because of what I've done.

And I'm not gonna say a word about it.
Can't save people if you do nothing Clem. Risk vs Reward.

The bandits, emboldened, burst from the cover of the trees and rushed the motel's walls.

Five died in the process.
Shouldn't they have gotten grenades? Isn't that like a military staple of their weaponry?
Would it have been worth it to waste some gas on the tree line and use some flaming arrows?


I really don't enjoy characters throwing away agency, partly because I know that it can't last and sometime later the dam is going to break. I want to just skip to where the SI comes clean. It just seems to be a contrived source of drama.
Like this it ain't. Very natural.
Read an original fic once where the guy has a month to prepare to go to another world to be a Queen's concubine because there was a war and everyone else she could marry without losing power or losing power plus going into another war was dead and his great grandfather eloped to his world with another kingdom's royalty.
He starts off deciding he just wants to bring stuff for a comfortable life. He doesn't want to influence or improve the kingdom at all. That lasts about a month and starts kicking himself for not bringing anything more than the factoids he absorbed via osmosis.
Interesting but also irritating.
This fic that done in a more natural way I can believe.
I find stories where the SI comes clean too... fix-it-ficy? I mean, honestly, if you come out claiming to know the future, in a world where time travel isn't at least a known quality, you're gonna come off as insane. I find it really unrealistic when people believe the SI straight off the bat. I believe that the 'contrived drama' is a valid part of the story, and helps us get a picture of the SI's personality.
Best time to do that is at the beginning. Then just let the piecemeal info prove your truth. The guy feeling you git is a good start. Eventually they'll set their watches to it.
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I really don't enjoy characters throwing away agency, partly because I know that it can't last and sometime later the dam is going to break. I want to just skip to where the SI comes clean. It just seems to be a contrived source of drama
I agree with this point. It seems like SI Clementine is so obviously going to realize that this approach doesn't work, that being a real person they should see it right away and thus not do it. To have them need to be shown that it doesn't work seems contrived.
I agree with this point. It seems like SI Clementine is so obviously going to realize that this approach doesn't work, that being a real person they should see it right away and thus not do it. To have them need to be shown that it doesn't work seems contrived.
Eventually yeah.
But for now SI is a prepubescent little girl. StrangerDanger really showed home much the physical body, on top of the Farm tragedy, has affected her with all the those little girl chemicals in her brain at the very moment that Mark died and the SI just couldn't accept that Mark was dead so she saw the blood. Followed by breaking down instead of just coldly shrugging it off.
I didn't decide to do it lightly.

I find stories where the SI comes clean too... fix-it-ficy? I mean, honestly, if you come out claiming to know the future, in a world where time travel isn't at least a known quality, you're gonna come off as insane. I find it really unrealistic when people believe the SI straight off the bat.

Because you had a decent in story reasoning that will only hold up so long i wasn't going to instantly rebel against it, but i am on the side of the people that tend to dislike lack of agency in the mc. I liked everything so far so i am still trusting you as an author to deliver more interesting chapters, dont get discouraged over this or backtrack, keep on pumping out content and people will keep reading it.

I thought about it (metaknowledge abuse) and i would tell people things i couldn't know intentionally. Like knowing their name and backstory before they could reveal it. I would intentionally predict the futre events without giving any explanation as to how, because how doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if they think i am a time traveler, psychic, parahuman, alien, or angel, what matters is that when i say there is a monster in the basement or not to split up or whatever else i am taken seriously. I would try not to lie, though it would be tempting to sculpt the story into something believable to the setting you happened to find yourself in, you don't want to get caught in a lie and ruin your work.

It seemed to me that your si has achieved believability and will be listened to by their group without any shenanigans, only through sheer character building, which is better than a web of lies that could collapse at an inorputne time.
Because you had a decent in story reasoning that will only hold up so long i wasn't going to instantly rebel against it, but i am on the side of the people that tend to dislike lack of agency in the mc. I liked everything so far so i am still trusting you as an author to deliver more interesting chapters, dont get discouraged over this or backtrack, keep on pumping out content and people will keep reading it.

I thought about it (metaknowledge abuse) and i would tell people things i couldn't know intentionally. Like knowing their name and backstory before they could reveal it. I would intentionally predict the futre events without giving any explanation as to how, because how doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if they think i am a time traveler, psychic, parahuman, alien, or angel, what matters is that when i say there is a monster in the basement or not to split up or whatever else i am taken seriously. I would try not to lie, though it would be tempting to sculpt the story into something believable to the setting you happened to find yourself in, you don't want to get caught in a lie and ruin your work.

It seemed to me that your si has achieved believability and will be listened to by their group without any shenanigans, only through sheer character building, which is better than a web of lies that could collapse at an inorputne time.
Thank you for giving me a chance and explaining your reasoning! Like I've already replied, I don't intend for this period to last long, but I feel it is a critical point, for lack of a better word, for the SI. Their recovery from this moment will shape their future personality, outlook and actions.

Yes, the SI has gained the 'Knows Shit' trait in the eyes of the group, though the adults still try to shelter them because of the fact they are a child. Some, they attribute to the parents, teaching clem to dress and fix a wound in the first place and such. In their minds, Clem's parents were doomsday preppers who tried their best to make sure clem would have the knowledge to survive if something terrible happened. The rest, Clem's 'gut feelings' are attributed to some kind of child's intuition, which will probably evolve to 'survivors instincts' when she gets older or badass enough.
Once more another powerful chapter to read and with good timing as nothing anywhere else was updating, sooths the soul.
If she keeps up the no-talking thing for more than a chapter or two it's going to get _extremely_ boring. Honestly a bit of a pity she's kept so far to canon as it is. I'd rather she throw things off enough to end up in some of the tv events rather than the game. she certainly impressed them enough in the fence event to earn herself a stay at the farm if she'd asked, i imagine.
Honestly a bit of a pity she's kept so far to canon as it is.
You expect adults to take orders from a little girl?
If the SI was Lilly, Larry, Lee, or maybe even Kenny, (Jeez I just realized all the leadership types all have names that start with L!) then maybe the SI could get away with seemingly nonsensical orders till after they are proven correct. But I don't John Connor even managed to get into a well respected Leadership position because he said his crazy asylum mother told him so and if you see a kid named Reese Connor keep him safe he's his dad. Takes time to build trust. And that trust is power.

TD;LR there is only so much sway a person can have in the beginning.

But if people want to complain feel free to tell your brilliant ideas how to derail canon completely off the rails at the first breath.
If she keeps up the no-talking thing for more than a chapter or two it's going to get _extremely_ boring. Honestly a bit of a pity she's kept so far to canon as it is. I'd rather she throw things off enough to end up in some of the tv events rather than the game. she certainly impressed them enough in the fence event to earn herself a stay at the farm if she'd asked, i imagine.

One of the reasons I've kept to canon so far, is that most of the events are both known qualities or unavoidable.

As the childe of episode 1, clem won't actually be able to influence the adult's decision making very much.

Episode 2 was kinda unavoidable if they stayed at the Travelier, even with time between for clem to shown some competency and expertise. It also means she can really hammer home her 'gut feelings'

Episode 3, the flight from the motel, is a natural consequence of episode 2, but better prep and more trained defenders led to a far better outcome than canon.

As of reaching the train, the group is composed of:

Lilly, Larry, Lee, Carly, Clem, Kenny, Katja and Duck.

Lilly really likes clem, and tries to keep her dad's more hurtful comments in check. With her showing a bit of control over her rage-prone father, there's less of a reason for Kenny and Lee to have antagonistic relationships with him.

Katja hasn't lost hope, and Duck isnt bitten.

The group is bigger than canon, better trained, well armed, well fed and unlikely to shatter into its constituents at any given moment

I also have never watched the TV show, so I wouldn't know the first thing about writing scenes involving tv show events.

TL: DR: I have changed canon, but not significantly enough to completely go off the rails. But that point is coming, soon.
Chapter 9: Savannah, Where The Boats Are?
Eventually, Carly was called off to help with something about the train. Lee came over a bit later, and kneeled down in front of me.

"Hey Clem." He started. "How're you feeling." I shrugged. He reached over and rubbed the top of my head, messing up my short curls. I frowned at him. He gave a small chuckle at the look on my face.

"We won't be hanging around here long." He mentioned, "We just need to get the train out of the way, and we can keep on moving down the road to Savannah." Maybe he hoped this would cheer me up, but I just shrugged again.

"I'll see you later, Clem." Lee said, giving Katja a glance, then getting up and walking back to the train.

"Is Clem okay, mom?" Duck asked, in that insensitive way kids do.

"She's fine, duck. It's just... She's not happy that Mark couldn't come with us, and needs some quiet time, okay?"

"Okay. Can I go play on the train now?!" He asks, still full of energy. Katja chuckles.

"Okay, Ducky, let's go ask dad. He'll tell us if it's safe."

They walked off, leaving me alone on the log.

I let out a big sigh. This wasn't working.

When Chuck the homeless man sat down next to me, I looked up at him. He looked back down at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You look like you've been through the wars, kid." He commented, taking a sip from his bottle. I shrugged. "Knew a girl 'bout your age. Saw her get torn apart by them monsters." He continued, in an off-handed tone of voice. I just looked back down, at my hands.

"Ah, the silent type, huh? That's okay. You don't hav'ta say nothin." He took a deep breath. "Kid, I won't lie ta you. Your daddy over there asked me to talk to you." I snorted, lightly. Yeah, that sounds like Lee. He chuckled at that.

"He asked me not to tell you." Chuck shrugged, nonchalantly. "But I figure you'd 'preciate it more if I was honest with you." I shrugged again and looked up. He nodded.

"Now, I'm no head-doctor. I got no degree or fancy bit o' paper, I can tell you've got somthin you need to get off your chest. From what I understand, you folks just got chased outta your home by some bandits, and lost a couple of your own. Terrible thing to happen, losing someone." He rambled on, keeping an eye on me. I nodded.

"I've seen some bad things happen too. I've got some hard-earned wisdom, livin' alone in the world as I have. But I think you know what i'm gonna tell ya, don't you?" He asked. I nodded, and spoke.

"It's not the dead you need to worry about." I said, quietly. He nodded.

"That's right. Walkers, you call them? They're stupid. They're dangerous, sure, but they're predictable. The living are who you gotta be wary of." He took another sip from his bottle.

"People keep dying." I whispered, almost silent.

"And you think it's your fault they're dead." Chuck prompted. "It's not." My head whipped around to glare at him. He just smiled.

"I know your type, girl. You prob'ly thought you could get through all this without losing anybody, right?" I looked down again. "That's what I thought. Now, You're prob'ly gonna get mad at me for say'n this, but it's not your fault they died."

"You don't know anything." I replied, a bit of heat in my tone. He nodded.

"Right. I don't know. I don't know the context, I don't know the hows, the wheres or the whys." He admitted. "But let me tell you somethin. They made their own decisions, or other people made their decisions for them. Unless you put a gun to their heads yourself, and pulled the trigger, it 'aint your fault."

I sighed.

Of course I knew it wasn't my fault.

I'm an adult. Or at least I was, before.

I tried my best to get someone to stay with Doug, so he wouldn't be alone with the St Johns. I didn't expect them to be so desperate or stupid that they'd attack Carly, even knowing we were armed and still had people at the motel.

Ben... The only thing I can think of, is that the bandits never contacted him. Or if they did, he turned them down, and they waited for when he was on watch so they could get him while he was exposed, in some kind of revenge.

Mark... I took a deep breath. Mark wasn't my fault. I may have encouraged him to run across, but he chose that moment, and his shooter chose that moment to fire. We're lucky only one person died. In Canon; Katja, Duck, Carly and Lilly were all victims of leaving the motel, one way or another.

"I know it's not my fault." I said, quietly. "That doesn't mean I don't feel bad about it."

He nodded, but smiled.

"You're a smart kid. Good head on your shoulders, tidy hair, and from that bulge in your jacket, you're packing."

"I think you'll be just fine, kid." His cheer was infectious.

I smiled back. Damn Charles. I can't be mad at you.

I turned to face him and held out my little hand. "I'm Clementine, fourth leader of the group." I said firmly.

He took my hand and shook it with his own, much larger, gloved hand. "Nice to meet you, Clementine. I'm Charles, but you can call me Chuck. Fourth leader, huh?" He asked, raising an eyebrow again.

"Well, they might not know about that part," I admitted, "But they listen to what I have to say often enough I may as well be." He chuffed with humor.

"So, y'all a democracy, then?" I made a so-so gesture.

"A republic, more than anything else."

With that, the train's huge engine turned over and began chugging.

"Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." Chuck exclaimed. "I never thought I'd see this old thing move again!" I shrugged.

"Lee was trying to fix it, so of course he'd get it to work." He's the protagonist, after all. Chuck smiled at me.

"You got a lotta faith in your daddy, there, don't ya." I shook my head.

"He's not my dad." I said, rolling my eyes. "People always say that. We don't even look like each other. He's just trying to make sure I survive. My parents are in Savannah, but they're probably dead." I finished, sadly. No probably about it.

"I'm sorry, Clem." Chuck commiserated. "Don't rightly know where my family's at, haven't seen 'em in fourteen years anyhow..." We watched as the train shifted forward just enough to unblock the road, then stopped. As it powered down, everyone started gathering in front of the RV again.

"C'mon." I said to Chuck, getting up. "We should get going." he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're just inviting me along?" I smiled. "I feel like you're a good person. My gut hasn't been wrong yet, never mind that you took time out of your day to cheer me up."

"We'd be happy to have you." I said, sticking out my hand again.

He took it. "I've been alone long enough, I reckon."


Everyone else had assembled when Kenny and Lee finally arrived.

"Alright folks, train's out of the way. Let's get back on the road." Kenny said, sounding a bit disgruntled. "I still reckon the train's the better way to go."

"it's too loud, we'd draw a huge amount of walkers. We also don't know what the tracks are like, they might be broken, or blocked further ahead, then what would we do." I commented, getting stunned looks that slowly turned to relieved smiles. Lee chuckled and gave me a side-hug.

"Took the words right outta my mouth, sweetie." He said, looking a lot happier. Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know I'm outvoted. Well, c'mon! If that noise didn't draw every walker in the area, I'll eat my hat."

With that, the group boarded the RV and we rode off along the highway.

I smiled.

Well, Canon was well off the rails now. No train, means no Christa or Omid. Then again, I'm not sure we'd even meet them. It's incredibly unlikely that the timing would end up exactly the same, to let us run into each other. It also means that Savannah won't be overrun with walkers, making our job there much easier.

Just need to find the house with the boat, and make sure Molly doesn't get us killed.

Ha. Leaving the derailed train behind caused a derail. Irony.

Charles fit well into the group, he was kind and respectful, without being judgmental. The only one who didn't really like him was Larry, but Larry didn't like anyone anyway. It was a little crowded, but we made do.

The mood in the RV was a lot more positive than just an hour ago.


We pulled into Savannah in the late afternoon, about an hour and a half before sundown. The highway just outside of town was badly obstructed by cars, so it took another hour to push enough cars out of the way to get the RV through.

So far, the outer neighborhoods had been sparse, walker-wise. The odd corpse wandered about, a few drawn to the RV as we drove by. However, as it got later, and the walker population got denser, we knew we'd have to find somewhere to bunker down for the night.

Kenny was still driving, "It's my RV, I'm driving." He called out when he saw a house that looked defensible, and after a few that were shut down by Lee and Lilly, we found ourselves a temporary base. It was a two-story with a long driveway and high fences. The driveway was clear of cars, and the doors and windows looked intact.

Unlike the canon house, this one didn't have a doggy door, which meant we had to break in the hard way. We were careful not to make too much noise, though, and under the light of the setting sun, we piled into the house.

I quickly advised a night watch be set up, to the agreement of Lee and Lilly. All the adults would take turns in two positions; a back window and a front window. Lee and Lilly agreed to take first watch, Kenny and Carly Second, with Larry and Chuck in the last shift before dawn.

Everyone said goodnight, then split up between the three bedroom house. (Chuck wanted to sleep on the sofa, said he couldn't sleep on a bed. "It'd be too soft." he said.)

I went to sit with Lee for a bit, after everyone was asleep.

"What're you doing up, Sweetie?" Lee asked, looking away from the window.

"Just wanted to talk, a bit." I said, sitting up on the window frame.

"Alright, what about?" Lee said, looking past me, out into the dark of the backyard.

"Why'd you ask Chuck to talk to me?" I asked, curiously. He chuckled.

"You figure that out, or he tell you?"

"He told me."

"Yeah, figured he would." Lee went silent for a bit.

"Sometimes, I feel like you're a lot older than you are." Lee admitted. "It's like I'm talking to one of my old students at the university." I nodded, and he continued. "It's easy to talk to you, and I know you'll understand what I said, but I know that's not normal. You're eight years old-"

"Nine" I interrupted. "My birthday was on the fifth." What? I liked Clem when I played the game, so I looked her up on the wiki. There's some things that are really hard to figure out without using every single option in there.

"Nine years old," Lee corrected with a smile, "You were in elementary school, I shouldn't feel like I'm talking to someone just a decade younger than me. But I do."

"Mom always said I had an old soul." I lied as easily as I breathed. Lee nodded.

"Exactly! You're a lot more mature than Duck, even though he's a couple of years older than you." He shook his head. "You see what I mean? I wouldn't be talking to another nine year old like this." I nodded.

"Yeah, I get it."

"But anyway," He continued, "My point is... After we lost Mark, seeing you act like a nine year old was a little jarring. I didn't know how to talk to you about it. So, after Chuck introduced himself and we talked for a bit, I asked him to talk to you. I don't know what you talked about, though." he looks a little sheepish.

I hugged him.

"Thanks for looking out for me, Lee." I said, with a big smile. Lee, awkward around kids as he is, was doing his best.

He hugged me back. "No problem, Clem."


The next morning, we had a quick breakfast and tried to donate Chuck one of our guns. He shook his head, and pulled a revolver from his jacket.

"I've got my own, though thank ye for the offer." He'd said. "I will say though, we'd be better off with something for close-range. It's a lot quieter. You get me?" Everyone pulled out a screwdriver, or revealed their military-issue CQC knives.

Chuck blinked in surprise, then nodded. "Yup, That'd do it. I'd prefer something with a bit more range, though. If you end up cornered, one little knife ain't gonna save ya."

The backyard held a shed, which when looted revealed a shovel, which Chuck deemed fit for him. Lee collected his old fire-axe from the RV and Kenny went without, commenting he wouldn't need one.

With no more delays Lee, Kenny and Chuck all set out for the docks.

It was as we waved them off that I realized something. We were in a completely different area to canon; a different part of town. The people who lived in these houses likely couldn't afford to own a boat.

Finding the boat was going to be harder than I thought.


AN: CHUCK! I love this guy. So full of homeless person wisdom and knowledge. Much wow. He kinda stole the show, there. You know how sometimes a character just writes themselves? He did that. I didn't intend for him to have so much dialog but, eh, that's just how it works.
I just want to point out something, realistically even if clem/stranger came out with all the meta knowledge to the group IF something went wrong after they took Clems word for it fingers would be pointed at her, she would then be isolated and feel like a freak.
that's not even mentioning the time differences. there is no set time for events in the walking dead so all she can give are vague times when things will happen and if the group know and avoid it already all her metaknowledge has gone out the window.
keep in mind that that's only in a realistic setting were the characters are people and not robots sticking to what's "Cannon"

and lastly ALMOST every insert fic i've read to date whose spilled the beans is a gimmick for drama in 1 chapter and only ever becomes relevant because PLOT any other time.

Love this story by the way thanks for sharing it
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Ahh. Hobo magic. Nothin like it. Downside of course is that you don't know what's gonna happen next then you can't have any more 'gut feelings'. Worse you could be wrong.

Hope Omid shows up. I liked the livety he brought. Oh well.
Just found this today, and its a insta watch from me :)
I think the Clem SI is a pretty unique idea, and I can't wait to see how everything goes down. I also enjoy how you write dialogue, Stranger ;)
I think it would be interesting if Clem's mother was still alive this time around and the group finds her. Can you imagine the SI's reaction? Would they have to come clean at that point or continue their deception?
Taking a break day today, though I'll be busy tomorrow and likely won't get a chapter out then, either. The day after tomorrow, however, I should have a chapter for you guys.
I'm losing momentum, words come slower. scenes aren't as smooth as i wish them to be.

We've reached the crucial point.

I'm going to dive head-first into the Walking Dead Videogames once again, hoping to re-ignite the spark/inspiration. if my muse is displeased, however, this story, like my other ones, will go on the backburner until i get another burst of inspiration.

I will return when i have news.
I'm losing momentum, words come slower. scenes aren't as smooth as i wish them to be.

We've reached the crucial point.

I'm going to dive head-first into the Walking Dead Videogames once again, hoping to re-ignite the spark/inspiration. if my muse is displeased, however, this story, like my other ones, will go on the backburner until i get another burst of inspiration.

I will return when i have news.
I, for one, will await your return with great anticipation. I haven't plaed the Walking Dead video games yet but I really do enjoy the effort you've spent taking the time to create this story!
I'm losing momentum, words come slower. scenes aren't as smooth as i wish them to be.

We've reached the crucial point.

I'm going to dive head-first into the Walking Dead Videogames once again, hoping to re-ignite the spark/inspiration. if my muse is displeased, however, this story, like my other ones, will go on the backburner until i get another burst of inspiration.

I will return when i have news.
no worries if you get that flame going again it just means the story will be even better because it's fun and interesting.

either way I'll be waiting
I'm losing momentum, words come slower. scenes aren't as smooth as i wish them to be.

We've reached the crucial point.

I'm going to dive head-first into the Walking Dead Videogames once again, hoping to re-ignite the spark/inspiration. if my muse is displeased, however, this story, like my other ones, will go on the backburner until i get another burst of inspiration.

I will return when i have news.
You could try watching the series, I'm enjoying this fic so far but seems a little strange that you haven't seen the show or read the comics. Just try the first three episodes, I guarantee you'll enjoy them.