Slow But Fine (A Historia Quest)

Light Fighter Wing (Interbellum) (4 Energy): A fighter wing of aircraft built for engaging other aircraft or harassing enemy ground troops with light bombs and machine gun fire. Three squadrons of twelve fighters, plus associated ground support teams.
A fighter wing, 3 squadrons of 12 fighters. Assuming specialization is possible we would have a pair of elite squadrons with top notch pilots. Think aquadrons made entirely of ace pilots lead by vetran Aces who fought in multiple wars, flying the highest performing fighter planes of this type.
Oh, right, Scout Wings are the only ones that come with only twelve planes. Doh. Whoopsies.

I still want a reply from DaLintyGuy on if a logistics attachment will actually do anything for a Fighter Wing given their lack of need for carrying all their supplies with them, and I'm also not entirely convinced that Elite Fighters are what we actually would find the most useful right now. It'd seem to me that elite fighters would be most useful if we want to engage against the Dragons soon (or at bare minimum another flying enemy type of which we have not yet found), which I thought we were all in agreement for not doing. Whereas for what we'd actually probably be using them for any time soon, IE, light bomb dropping and infantry harassment, would still benefit more from having a third squadron around even if the pilots aren't trained quite as well.

I'm also not convinced your description of what applying the elite modifier to a fighter is actually accurate, given the description of the elite modifier being 'Cutting unit size to allow for more growth and development time for the vatform troops. Improved neural implants, skill downloads, and equipment gives a sizable bonus to quality at the cost of decreasing the unit size by a third and increasing dependence on the supply line.' This sounds to me like it results in them getting better training and better equipment, but given how every unit we've built so far have started out as 'Green', I find the idea of them starting out as 'vetran Aces who fought in multiple wars' doubtful.

On that note, I want to draw attention to the fact that our Conscript Infantry unit is actually our most skilled/elite unit right now, being rated as 'Shaken Trained', whereas literally every other unit we have is rated as 'Confident Green'. Given that our conscript unit started as green just like all the other units started as green, this is one of the reasons I'm pretty sure our 'Elite Fighter' unit, if we built it, would also start at green, not as Veteran Aces.
Uhh... @DaLintyGuy, is it possible to make an Elite Specialty Fighter Squadron? I was assuming the specialties and attachments were mainly for the ground units. And if so, would it actually benefit from a logistics attachment given they'd be operating out from our airbase where our actual main base is, so I'm unsure of what 'Additional trucks and labor troops to strengthen the logistical support train of the unit' would actually be able to do in terms of increased logistics.
I'm going to say it would, though the flavor would be more like having additional tractors and labor crews to reduce turnaround time.

But yeah, most of the current Supports don't mesh well with aerial units. If you can think of something that does feel free to ask for it.

Specialties... Conscript and Elite yes. Long Range probably, trading for fewer, heavier guns that are less good against large numbers of targets (like infantry for one).
On that note, I want to draw attention to the fact that our Conscript Infantry unit is actually our most skilled/elite unit right now, being rated as 'Shaken Trained', whereas literally every other unit we have is rated as 'Confident Green'.
My apologies, but I have actually switched those around to get something like this:

Civilian: no idea how to use the equipment they have been given.
Trained: can use and maintain their equipment but have limited teamwork due to abbreviated training cycles.
Green: know how to function as soldiers but lack combat experience.
Regular: have acquired seasoning to make them dependable.
Veteran: experienced, effective troops who have earned numerous battle honors.
Crack/Elite: rare, but know themselves, the enemy, and their equipment enough to drag out unlikely victories and turn entire battles.
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Cool. We can build them up more quickly so there ready for when we head north sooner.
They also have better gear because of their status, as greater supply demands are accepted for better performance.

That being said, I am probably going to give all aircraft wings (your spotter planes are fine) a 1 Energy cost when in heavy use ie combat, due their needing high performance fuel and a lot of it.