Slow But Fine (A Historia Quest)

Working Up 0.2
It is the Great War, the World War, the War to End All Wars, the War of Worlds. It is all of these and more, stretched out throughout time in reimaginings and new angles. With every iteration comes new war machines and ways of dealing ever more terrible deaths. From rapid fire ballistics and poisons on the surface of France to high energy collimated gamma ray beams over Jove the battles between Allies, Axis, Tripartite, and Entente have raged in every corner of existence and in more than a few fantastic realms.

"We need to stick with what we need."

Tracked vehicles and walkers advanced alongside infantry. Sometimes before, sometimes behind, for reasons that are deceptively simple once known. Constructs ranging in scale from mobile mountains down to single man conveyances in the air, on the ground, or within the sea trade shells above the heads of unarmored conscripts and powered armored elites on a dozen killing fields. The smell of diesel exhaust mixes with the tang of hot metal and blood and reveals the true costs of industrial warfare.

"Alright, that's probably good. Even without it being fully translated it's making me concerned for the well being of our volunteer..."


The biggest concession made to comfort over sustainability in the main resort complex was in the medical bay. Before the Collapse it had been accepted that some of the activities available in the Preserve could be dangerous and so this one part of the resort had been fitted with growth vats for rapid repair of injured visitors and thus required a space for recovery. These original beds, with aerogel foam and minor antigrav emitters, had been carefully nursed along rather than torn apart for parts to maintain other, more important systems. After all, convalescence was a serious matter and no one would claim that the injured needed the resources less than they did.

This had only gotten more prevalent as animal attacks and even gunshot wounds had become more common. And as you were only recovering, rather than needing tending to ensure tissue acceptance, you awoke in a side room set aside for your privacy.

You soon came to the conclusion after awaking that having two clashing sets of experiences was very disorienting. It wasn't quite to the level of cognitive dissonance, thankfully, but having two opinions grapple with each other every time there was a stimulus. Hearing voices that were familiar and speaking in a strange manner, for example. Or marveling over the medical bed you had been laid in despite having done so before. Things like that.

Eventually you marshaled some semblance of order in your thoughts and decided that you had been laying about long enough. There was work to be done and you hadn't gone through the academy without learning the benefit of doing things now and getting up early. After a slightly embarrassing length of time spent hunting for the controls you deflated the bed and swung your legs off of the rapidly firming surface. You were feeling reasonably good, as you should be given there was no structural stress involved in the procedure you had volunteered for, which also managed to make being in the medical bay an alien experience.

A notepad had been left on the adjoining table and you flipped through the tabs on it with a faint sense of approval for how easy the ubiquitous and well understood piece of technology was to use. It's contents consisted of a pair of personnel files with instructions to fill them out, one for you to check for any unforeseen effects and one for an "alter ego" to better ease the integration of the engram, and an itinerary for the rest of your morning. Meetings with your engineering head (the individual who was in charge of running the fabrication bays and growth vats, as well as integrating recovered technology into your databanks), your command staff (a number of artificial soldiers produced for the task of relaying orders, sorting information, and so on), the department heads (the civilian leadership of the Gehenna Preserve), and a descending number of minutiae focused around building morale and otherwise establishing your position as the head of the hierarchy.

That thought makes you pause as it is recognizably from the experiences you had downloaded. Taking action to centralize power for yourself? Why would you do that rather than come to a tasteful compromise that gets everyone what they..? Right. Some times, you would have to make far reaching choices without the time to talk with all involved. Like each of your soldiers. Or demanding more energy from the civilian council to create a reserve or blocking force before something spawned in the blackest pit crawled into the camps under your jurisdiction.

...You turn your attention away from that mess and back to filling out the provided forms.


This vote will be done by section (that is to say, a Personal vote and a Nation vote) rather than by plan. As for why this is such a small vote, items in the nation generation process will be decided on as they become relevant.

[ ] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[ ] Name (write in)
-[ ] "Are you a boy or girl?"

[ ] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[ ] Imperial Russia
-[ ] United States
-[ ] Japan
-[ ] France
-[ ] English Empire/Commonwealth
-[ ] Ottoman Empire
-[ ] Soviet Russia

Voting will be open for at least twenty hours. No discussion period needed.
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Jonathan Livingston
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] United States
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Klaus von Stauffenberg
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] German Empire
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[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Akarui Asashi
-[X] Boy

[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] Japan

People usually don't go for Japan in this kinds of scenarios, as far as I've seen, so I think it's an interesting choice.
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Klaus von Stauffenberg

[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] Ottoman Empire
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Klaus von Stauffenberg
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] German Empire
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Akarui Asashi
-[X] Boy

[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] Japan
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Klaus von Stauffenberg
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] German Empire
With only the slightest lead, it's not looking like an update tomorrow. That being said, that people are gravitating to a sort of "New Game Plus" is... Interesting. Not that it will actually be such, mind.
I'm sure my assistant will be "thrilled" to see this.
Changing my vote to this because I'd really rather not be Germany yet again.

[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Jonathan Livingston
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] United States
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Darya Anjelika
-[X] Girl
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] Soviet Russia
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Darya Anjelika
-[X] Girl
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] Soviet Russia Traveller. I respect your choice of choosing a Russian Girl, as it's not a common choice, and could bring about an interesting character.
However, I implore you to choose Akarui Asashi, for the fun of diversifying, and since it's an uncommon choice, similar to russian. Traveller. I respect your choice of choosing a Russian Girl, as it's not a common choice, and could bring about an interesting character.
However, I implore you to choose Akarui Asashi, for the fun of diversifying, and since it's an uncommon choice, similar to russian.
As you wish.

[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Akarui Asashi
-[X] Boy

[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] Japan
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Jonathan Livingston
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] United States
[X] Personal (deciding who you are)
-[X] Name: Jonathan Livingston
-[X] Boy
[X] National (mostly for flavor/appearances)
-[X] United States

Now then... since the US will not win, do you guys want to switch to the German Empire?

We can design our units as Death Korps of Krieg.

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