Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Iterations

Voting is open
[X] Begin acclimatization routines. Ween the colonists off dependence on their pressure suits and supplemental oxygen. Design a regimen of exercise to build the muscle demanded by this harsher gravity. If the task can be performed manually, do it that way. Push-button living isn't "the future," it's potentially a recipe for social malaise. [+Planet, -Supplies, -Morale]

[X] Set up moisture catchments and impose sustainable rationing for purposes other than drinking. [+Water Economy]

[X] Build a sensor tower and put LaCroix to work solving the problem. [-Supplies, +Tile Improvement: Sensor Array]

Acclimatization helps ease the stress on resources I think, and getting stable food supplies started. Its also a hell lot more secure against attacks, if we can operate without fully suiting up

Sensor tower makes sense in general:
-It lets us detect native life getting too close before harm happens.
-It lets us track whoever is sneaking around.
-It lets us detect attackers before we get hit
-We have a big gun that could indirect fire.
-We have the bikes that could ride out and fight anything...if we knew it was coming. Theyre also too fragile to fight defensively with limited mobility
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[x] Build a sensor tower and put LaCroix to work solving the problem. [-Supplies, +Tile Improvement: Sensor Array]

Sensor tower is just all around good sense. The downside is the dwindling supply cache.

It's harder to decide on the actions. These are all things I want to do in the next few turns.

[ ] Begin acclimatization routines. Ween the colonists off dependence on their pressure suits and supplemental oxygen. Design a regimen of exercise to build the muscle demanded by this harsher gravity. If the task can be performed manually, do it that way. Push-button living isn't "the future," it's potentially a recipe for social malaise. [+Planet, -Supplies, -Morale]
[ ] Drill down to the local water table and erect a pump station. We will establish wells for local irrigation. [--Supplies, +++Water Economy, --Planet]
[ ] Staff an observation post at the opposite end of the island. Link it to the main settlement with cable. Detach a platoon of Marines for the purpose. Make sure they are given organic transport.
[ ] Equip an expedition. Let's see if we can do some mapping of the broader region. They'll take the Foils.

[ ] Embody a volunteer militia. Task King to see to the training of a citizen defense force. Their first job? Hold a perimeter against the mindworms. But start high-angle and confined space rescue drills. It won't be long before our bolder colonists begin taking tumbles on the rocks. [-Supplies, -Economic Growth Factor]
The question about mindworms still stands.
[X] Begin acclimatization routines. Ween the colonists off dependence on their pressure suits and supplemental oxygen. Design a regimen of exercise to build the muscle demanded by this harsher gravity. If the task can be performed manually, do it that way. Push-button living isn't "the future," it's potentially a recipe for social malaise. [+Planet, -Supplies, -Morale]

[X] Set up moisture catchments and impose sustainable rationing for purposes other than drinking. [+Water Economy]

[X] Build a sensor tower and put LaCroix to work solving the problem. [-Supplies, +Tile Improvement: Sensor Array]

One thing we're gonna have to start adressing is the Spartans. If we keep them as work gangs, well, for how long?
[x] Begin excavation for minerals.
[x] Order Cabo primero Pereira to take some (more) target practice. [+Veterancy, -Planet]
[x] Get Pereira down here.
One thing we're gonna have to start adressing is the Spartans. If we keep them as work gangs, well, for how long?
Work gangs won't work, it just breeds tribal mentality in and reinforces their issues.
Need to break up their groups and resocialize them in small numbers, surrounded by non-Spartans, but you can only do that for people who aren't walking security or safety hazards.
A Questioning Attitude
Vote Tally
Home Bodies

Vote 1 - Setting Up Shop, Part II
Acclimatization routines - 2
Target practice - 1
Individual shelters - 0
Embody militia - 0
Perimeter defense - 1
Reading Room - 0
Pump Station - 1
Moisture catchments - 2
Observation Post - 0
Subterranean mines - 1
Deploy Supply Crawler - 0
Inaugurate debates - 0
Sealed agricultural tents - 0
Collect more mass - 0

Vote 2 - Absconding
Constable organizes search - 0
Pereira flushes caves - 2
Build tile improvement: Sensor Array - 3
Begin mounted patrols - 0

  • Peacekeeping Forces begin acclimatization routines. [+Planet, -Supplies, -Morale]
  • Work parties expand construction of environmentally sustainable moisture catchments. Warm Welcome implements water rationing. [+Water Economy]
  • Work parties begin building Sensor Array.
  • Our researchers have made a breakthrough! We have discovered the secrets of Centauri Geology! You may now build proper Mines as a tile improvement. [Subterranean mining will be more effective.]
  • We are making steady, albeit slow progress in the expansion of our Water Economy. Several Rover crews are on the job, but the base's fund of discretionary energies is being spent on mostly other tasks.
Chiron is a profoundly hostile environment. Comparatively low levels of oxygen-per-unit-of-volume in Chiron's atmosphere inflict extreme hypoxia on any colonist not previously accustomed to life at more than 14,000' and a milder version on those who were. (In one-third higher gravity, a mere deep breath is a struggle.) U.N. hematologists are exploring a range of therapies, from injections of erythropoietin that stimulate red blood cell counts to genetic tailoring focused on mitochondrial output. Immediate steps include morning calisthenics outside the pressure seals of your hab bays, discouraging the use of supplemental oxygen when at rest, and dispensing protein supplements to assist with muscle growth. [1] Since all the steps of catchment-building are "shovel-ready," colonists are pitching the filters by hand rather than trusting in the M.U.L.E.s.
Game Warden J.T. Marsh said:
Architects tell us that form ought follow function, but the man in the bush knows that function can only ever follow form. Lack of spirit and indulgence have combined to rob us of our form. Motion and hardship—the stuff of progress—have become too difficult and are despised. "There's a machine for that," says the man. But what is a man if not a body whose purpose and value are clear only in the moment of adversity? Here is the essential issue: we can simply invent our way out of being human." - The Lost World
Grey- and black-water rationing is now in effect. Both are recycled through Chamomile's small filtration plant and reused primarily for drinking and washing. Agricultural activity remains strictly limited: most nutrients are still being obtained from survival meals. You find that the populace is responding reasonably well to these measures. Most complain, yes, but one segment embraced it as a warmly paternal gesture--just another example of the Commissioner's far-sightedness. While you are urging due care with respect to drinking water, everyone is able to be well-hydrated.
Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
Let our adversity inform our prodigy. Excellence is a cumulative art. This morning, stretch, and on the next sunsrise, you will wake the superior to yesterday's version of yourself. - The Science of Our Fathers
Ranks of sensor poles make for an eerie sight on the beaches east of Warm Welcome. During Night Cycle, the red beacons beckon the eye. Even more of a once-untamed wilderness now bears the certain mark of human intrusion. Most days, LaCroix and the sensing team work twelve hours in his trailer, working to calibrate the equipment to a literally alien set of inputs.

Cabo primero Pereira has become something of a pain, appealing to me directly to be allowed to "practice on a moving target" in the form of the subrids. Chatter about clarified butter and "cracked claw" abounds on the DataLinks. Some of the settlers anticipate that an orgy of retribution will soon be at hand. A vocal minority, mostly Supremacists, are insisting that we send in the Marines. Literally.

Inevitably, Constable Hakizimana is looking into whether the body of the unfortunate missing colonist was dumped at sea (we interrupted surveys to bring the Foils close in-short for some discreet dredging). Base Operations Director Guan is finishing a top-to-bottom scouring of the Landing Pod in case somebody thought to secret a victim there, though we all agreed that arranging for a murder victim's consumption by subrids would have presented the least likelihood of detection.
Please forgive the awful science. Consider this standing encouragement for the scientifically-minded to contact me with ideas about how to present Planet in a manner that is more scientifically accurate (and therefore, more predictably for the reader, which is a goal of mine).
In a day-long presentation, senior U.N. scientists briefed you on their conclusions regarding Planet's geology--a subject inseparable, they said, from its troubled ecology. Suffice to say, we stand on a precipice: allow the ongoing environmental changes to occur, and Planet will be dominated by less complex plant life; intervene by introducing additional carbon, and it is possible you will be able to preserve and help propagate the more-complex life forms. One sure way of performing carbon renewal would be to exploit underground hydrocarbon deposits, which are considerable. Tectonic activity is quite low: instability occurs primarily on the huge nitrate debris fields, of which there are few on your island.
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
On Planet Earth, consumption of hydrocarbons was the ultimate sin. Bans were imposed to allow the ecosystem time to recover. On Chiron, all indications are that inefficiencies in the planetary carbon economy have produced a glut of organic waste products similar to a heat-absorbent blanket. So I tell you: the answer is simple. Drill! Drill for the future! Drill for the environment!" - The Ethics of Greed
DataLinks said:
At the time of Planetfall, Chiron's surface was partially covered in a thick blanket of nitrated compost. Surface biomes were in the process of being colonized into extinction. Without additional carbon renewal, Chiron's future would be predominately fungal and algal. One obvious solution was to burn up the plant waste and go on to retrieve and process carbon deposits buried underground.

Faction Specifics
Service Record:
Subject was born in Hyderabad, West Pakistan. Father was a major in the West Pakistan Army frequently deployed on peacekeeping operations, mother a nurse with Médecins Sans Frontières. Studied philosophy and medicine at Aga Khan University, specializing in thoracic surgery. Volunteered at Red Crescent camp surgery in Azad Kashmir for three years after graduation, tending primarily to victims of the Six Minute War. Later traveled extensively in North-West Frontier Province. Elected to National Assembly, serving a single term before losing heavily after criticizing Inter-Services Intelligence for its relationship with the Pakistani Taliban.

Obtained placement as a junior researcher with the World Health Organization in Basel, Switzerland exploring protein encoding for DNA repair. Signed letter of protest against Nobel Prize nomination of Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi on grounds of ethical deficiency. Leadership of protest movement elevated subject's profile in U.N. circles. Rapidly ascended agency bureaucracy to become Chief of Staff to Thai General Secretary Apsara Mongkut. Controversial for his involvement in decision-making around U.N. peacekeeping actions in Nigeria's Mid-Western Region (declaimed as making the U.N. "effectively an adjunct of the Federal Army") and again in Quebec, where U.N. forces were blamed for failure to prevent the Black Watch Killings. Conspiracy theory linking U.N. inaction to the eventual success of the Front de libération du Québec prompted subject's reassignment as Assistant Director of the WHO. Directly appointed Chief of Surgery, Unity Mission, by U.N. General Secretariat.

Psych Profile: Humanitarian
Seeks to de-escalate conflict and create harmonious environments. Dedicated to ideals of U.N. mission unquestioned, loyalty superb. Deep connection to loved ones possibly exploitable by adversary.

Preference for intellectualizing policy problems can lead to apparent contradictions in application of professed ideals. Notwithstanding subject's leadership culpability for two decisive U.N. interventions that inspired accusations of rank partisanship, interlocutors report that subject was "maddeningly prone to seeing false equivalency" between parties to any dispute. One Canadian chargée d'affaires complained: "He always gave the FLQ an opportunity to explain why they'd committed their latest heinous crime."

Very high esteem for democratic ideals may explain subject's especially negative reactions to the perceived hypocrisy of the Western powers, contrasted with tendency toward silence in regard to regimes with unbroken records of illiberal and anti-democratic behavior.

CAUTION: Subject scored abnormally low (.32) on Atherholt Trauma Function Test, indicating unsuitability for crisis leadership. Contrast with extremely positive remarks from Morgan Emergency Services instructions following simulated compartment breaches.

Faction Overview:
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Rank: Chief Medical Officer / Head of Medical Division
Colony Model: Democratic Republic
Why did civilization on Earth fail? The free flow of information was curtailed, preventing the global populace from obtaining an accurate understanding of their plight or organizing to do anything about it.
What is the fundamental truth of the universe? Only the educated are free.
What is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity on Chiron? The principles and practice of democracy.
Vision: Implement the U.N. Charter and reunite the Unity survivors under its auspices.
Starting Technology: Informatics

Affinity: Purity
  • -1 EFFICIENCY (administration requires the careful balancing of interests and perspectives)
  • Our votes on the Planetary Council count double (masters of the bureaucracy)
  • 50% chance new POPS are Talents (we attractive the intellectual elite)
  • Convene a Planetary Council under the United Nations Charter
  • Get yourself elected to the Council Speakership
  • Punish violations of the Charter
Action Points: 3
Influence Points: 3
Research Focus: Discovery [2 days + 4 Research Nodes]
Economic Focus: Water Sector [2 days]
Starting Pieces:
  • 1 FORMER
  • 1 MILITIA Company (Peacekeeping Forces)
Faction Inventory
squadron Combat Hovercycles (Electric)
+1 squadron Unity Foils (Electric)
+1 squadron Space Construction Vehicles (S.C.V.)
+1 Skycrane, with various mission modules [deployed]
+1 Supply Crawler (Terran Nutrients)
+2 squadrons Unity Rovers (Fission)
+3 Multiple Use Labor Element (M.U.L.E.)
+1 Industrial-Scale 3D Printers
+Faction Personality
(Terrance LaCroix)
+1 Heavy Mortar (107mm) [deployed]
+1 company U.N. Marine Corps (Veteran)
+Spartan Prisoners
of Purists
of Stepdaughters of Gaia, Shapers of Chiron
of Supremacists

Other Named Characters:
Base Operations Director Guan Biao, Third Lieutenant Bruce King, Cabo primero Felix Pereira (artillerist), Captain Watsoné Erkins (prisoner), Zara Karimov (medtech), Nahele Tomatuk (firefighter), Egon Hakizimana (constable), Johann Anhaldt (robotics)

Essential Statistics said:
Resource Pool:
+Water Economy

Base Facilities and Improvements:
Landing Pod (deployed)
+Moisture Catchments
+Sensor Array (east) [under construction]

Next Chapter
A Questioning Attitude

Getting to Know Wasoné Erkins
The Captain agreed to answer certain questions, provided we do not broach on matters she feels relate to the operational security of Sparta. Choose two.

[ ] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.

[ ] Ask the Captain to fully account for her relationship with the ideology and followers of Nathan Holn.

[ ] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.

[ ] Try to prime Captain Erkins to sharpen the cleavage between the pro- and anti-Santiago prisoners.

[ ] Ask for the Captain's blunt perspective on the United Nations in particular.

[ ] Seek to understand the Captain's level of military knowledge, skills, and abilities.

[ ] Ask for the Captain's assessment of the United Nations Marine Corps.

[ ] Solicit the Captain's perspective on how you are handling the case of the missing colonist.

[ ] Seek a pledge from the Captain that she will not try to do harm to her warders.

[ ] Challenge the Captain to explain why she believes that Corazón Santiago merits her loyalty.

[ ] Propose a match of sportsball between the Spartans and the Peacekeeping Forces.
John Madden said:
When the Center goes to block you like that, you can't punch him. - Sportsball, Traditional

New Research Focus
Choose one.

[ ] Build – Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.

[ ] Discover – Related to the Terran physical and life sciences, including descriptive neurology and psychology.

[ ] Explore – Dealing with the physical and life sciences of Chiron.

[ ] Conquer – Technology with direct military applications.

[ ] Expand – Focus on population growth and mobility.

[ ] Command – Organized around technology with applications for social control.

[ ] Choose – Explores thought as a technology associated with ethical challenges of post-Unity survival.

I continue to rely on the SMAC game manual for scientific references on the fictional planet of Chiron. I used the actual computer game's convention for presenting new tech: boilerplate announcement, lore quotation, and descriptive DataLinks entry.

For information on altitutde sickeness, I read this 2017 BBC article by Emily Sohn, "The Science Behind the Super Abilities Of Sherpas."
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Here is the essential issue: we can simply invent out way out of being human."

[x] Seek to understand the Captain's level of military knowledge, skills, and abilities.
[x] Challenge the Captain to explain why she believes that Corazón Santiago merits her loyalty.

[x] Expand – Focus on population growth and mobility.
Getting to Know Wasoné Erkins

[X] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.

[X] Propose a match of sportsball between the Spartans and the Peacekeeping Forces.

[X] Build
– Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.
[X] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.
[X] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.

[X] Build – Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.
[X] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.
[X] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.

[X] Build – Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.
[ ] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.

Classic prisoner subversion tactics. Build a personal connection, be seen as a person(and one of the few persons they can interact with), rather than another suit or jackboot.

[ ] Ask the Captain to fully account for her relationship with the ideology and followers of Nathan Holn.

This is risky, humans are psychologically inclined to double down when core beliefs are challenged.

[ ] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.

Mildly risky probe depending on how its interpreted, by encouraging thought and analysis of motives, the target may come to question their ideology. However, this can lead them to reinforce their ideology.

[ ] Try to prime Captain Erkins to sharpen the cleavage between the pro- and anti-Santiago prisoners.

Premature, unless we already have a good grip on her ideology and how it differs from the collective.

[ ] Ask for the Captain's blunt perspective on the United Nations in particular.
[ ] Ask for the Captain's assessment of the United Nations Marine Corps.
[ ] Solicit the Captain's perspective on how you are handling the case of the missing colonist.

This depends on OUR reaction, if we can take shit slung at what's very near and dear to our heart, then it can be a very good way to subtly pry out core beliefs and areas of disagreement.
But if we lose control. Boom.

[ ] Seek to understand the Captain's level of military knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Assess her as an asset or threat. Given what we know of the Spartans this might please them, even as they might refuse to cooperate.

[ ] Seek a pledge from the Captain that she will not try to do harm to her warders.

Could pledges from self-identified rebels to an unjust order and freedom from the shackles of society be even trusted?

[ ] Challenge the Captain to explain why she believes that Corazón Santiago merits her loyalty.

This would likely torpedo her as a potential lead, though it'd be informative for coming up with deprogramming strategies.

[ ] Propose a match of sportsball between the Spartans and the Peacekeeping Forces.

This suggests a level of freedom and cooperation we've plainly not seen.

[X] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.
[X] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.

[X] Build – Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.

As for tech, Build of course, we're low on supplies and need to start producing parts soon.
[X] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.
[X] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.
[X] Build – Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.

It's nice to have a clear path forward: build (and destroy) fundaments.
Building is literal fundament laying- won't make a base without proper know-how.
And we won't convert the Captain without knowing where to hit her beliefs.
[X] Welcome the Captain to tell you her personal story. How came she to be a stowaway? Urge her to present herself to you as someone more than a follower of Spartan ideology.
[X] Inquire how the Captain came to identify with the hyper-survivalist movement.

[X] Build – Advances in materials science and engineering, mostly useful for base-building.

Veekie talks good sense, and we could use better infrastructure right now.
A Matter of Urgency
Vote Tally
A Questioning Attitude

Vote 1 - Getting to Know Wasoné Erkins
Ask her personal story - 6
Relationship to Holnists - 0
Why a hyper-survivalist? - 5
Sharpen divide among prisoners - 0
Feelings on U.N. - 0
Skills assessment - 1
Solicit perspectives - 0
Pledge to do no harm - 0
Why loyal to Santiago? - 1
Propose sporting match - 1

Vote 2 - New Research Focus
Build - 6
Discover - 0
Explore - 0
Conquer - 0
Expand - 1
Command - 0
Choose - 0

  • Requested that Spartan prisoner, Captain Wasoné Erkins, tell us something of her background.
  • Inquired whether Captain Erkins would confide how she came to be a hyper-survivalist.
  • Directed our scientists to focus on materials science (Build)
Over the course of three hours, Captain Wasoné Erkins drew you gradually away from Chiron and back to the troubled streets of mid-twentiy-first-century Montreal. Afterward, you dictated a lengthy memorandum that one of the base librarians used to compose a Service Record and Psych Profile.

DataLinks said:
Name: Wasoné Erkins
Rank: Captain, Canadian Forces (AWOL)
Position: N/A
Country of Origin: Canada
DOB: 2-8-2075

Service Record:
Born 2075 in Little Burgundy neighborhood of Montreal as separatism surged in Francophone Canada. Father, a Canada Post mail carrier, invalided by FLQ bombing. Joined Canadian Forces upon graduating secondary school. Posted to Royal Canadian Regiment. Deployed regularly in Montreal pursuant to War Measures Act. Disciplined for signing open letter protesting U.N. peacekeeping deployment to Quebec. Participated in arrests of gunmen following Black Watch Killings. Provided Army Intelligence with personal effects later used successfully to unmask perpetrators as Soviet spies. Joined Price Mutiny, October 2084, when Canadian Government signed accords recognizing Quebec independence.

Entered wartime United States c. January 2086. Traveled to Lake Tahoe Basin after reading Corazón Santiago's "Spartan Thesis" and learning about her role in the defense of poor Miami neighborhoods two years prior. Entrusted with training Spartan militia volunteers, including paroled Holnists.

Psych Profile: Idealist
Highly sensitive to perceived "betrayal" of Montreal citizens, both Anglo- and Francophone, by Canadian Government. "What use is a government that will not defend its patrimony?"
Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
The cornerstone of the American dream was each man's inalienable right to property. A man's land is his patrimony, and also his future. From his possessions, he makes his livelihood. For the promise of a freehold, farmers with fowling pieces were willing to pledge their mutual fortunes in war against the greatest empire of the Earth at that time. - Promises Made and Kept
Expects personal loyalty to be rewarded by superiors with courageous leadership and consistent application of stated ideals.
Record of dissenting behaviors indicates subject may not abide by major decisions with which she disagrees. Subject claims not to have been aware of "the depth of Holnist depravity and the emptiness of their political rhetoric," paying little attention to the politics of American unraveling during Canada's civil war, and describing their behavior and demeanor in Tahoe as "typical of what we had come to expect from Americans." When reminded that Canada suffered its own rash of Holnist violence, subject replied that she had believed the Holnist badge was "just an off-hand, over-general label used for movements people didn't really understand." Commissioner Lal did not detect duplicity.
Draws unfavorable contrasts between Canadian Forces' response to Quebec separatism and Santiago's Florida State Guard, a volunteer militia that occupied seawalls and municipal sluice gates during Hurricane Ivore to prevent Federal destruction of Miami's hurricane barriers in bid to relieve flood pressure on wealthy neighborhoods.
Appears not to take specific umbrage with the U.N., blaming Canada for failing to prevent the intrusion on its sovereignty.
Captain Erkins protests that the term "hyper-survivalist" says more about the speaker than the subject. Were walled Kellerite communities and their Minutemen any less ferociously survivalist than the Florida State Guard? "Hyper-survivalist," she said, "is really just another way of saying 'so poor, you don't have a pot to piss in.' Nwabudike Morgan wasn't a survivalist. He was a "jobs creator" for the private military industry." Erkins envisions herself a reasonable actor faced with circumstances that had only one solution. Would you not have signed the letter? Would you have continued to serve a government that tolerated U.N. peacekeepers even after a wave of terror killings by Anglophone vigilantes turned out to be a literal Communist plot? Didn't the peacekeepers owe it to Canada to force the FLQ to hold up their end of the bargain and disarm? Instead, they got the Battle of Montreal.

Erkins said she joined the Spartan Movement because Santiago "was serious about representing the people who had no representation." As a woman without a government, Erkins was technically unable to be included in the Unity Project, so Santiago's decision to forcibly join the expedition wouldn't have seemed a crime. More important, Erkins had reason to believe that the U.N. was incapable of staring down the threat of bad-faith manipulation by unscrupulous governments. You pressed hard to keep the U.N. in place in Canada during the FLQ debacle, and sympathized personally with the self-determination movement. Erkins challenged that only a minority of Francophones supported the separatist cause prior to the Black Watch Killings and that the precipitous plummet of Canadian credibility in Francophone eyes after the fight in Montreal's city center could have been avoided had the U.N. moved against the FLQ. You had looked to the broader issue--of whether the U.N. had a role to play in moments such as that one. For the sake of avoiding an argument you sensed you would lose even in your own heart, you refrained from trying to justify your decisions at the time, which were taken in a context of American collapse and Soviet domination of the Security Council. Canada was a success for the U.N. inasmuch as it led to the independence of an un-free people (in your estimation) and preserved the credibility of U.N. peacekeeping with the most important audiences of that era. By the time you knew the Black Watch was a Soviet ruse, how was anyone to have put the cat back in the bag? The terrorism had had the desired effect, triggering a cycle of self-starting retaliatory actions throughout the province and beyond. You also know that the reason the U.N. did not attempt to disarm the FLQ was that it could not have done so safely. The separatists, heavily equipped by both the Communists and the French Union, later so badly bloodied Canadian regulars and American paratroops in street fights that the Appleton Government cast its only remaining choice as a binary between leveling the city or going to the peace table. And the Canadian Forces, with their American and British allies, were far more capable than what the U.N. had to hand. The Ethiopians were tough and the Yugoslavs well-led, but neither contingent was equipped with more than armored personnel carriers (which anyway often did not run) and neither had carte-blanche to suffer heavy losses. You didn't disarm the FLQ because you couldn't. You understand that.

Faction Specifics
Service Record:
Subject was born in Hyderabad, West Pakistan. Father was a major in the West Pakistan Army frequently deployed on peacekeeping operations, mother a nurse with Médecins Sans Frontières. Studied philosophy and medicine at Aga Khan University, specializing in thoracic surgery. Volunteered at Red Crescent camp surgery in Azad Kashmir for three years after graduation, tending primarily to victims of the Six Minute War. Later traveled extensively in North-West Frontier Province. Elected to National Assembly, serving a single term before losing heavily after criticizing Inter-Services Intelligence for its relationship with the Pakistani Taliban.

Obtained placement as a junior researcher with the World Health Organization in Basel, Switzerland exploring protein encoding for DNA repair. Signed letter of protest against Nobel Prize nomination of Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi on grounds of ethical deficiency. Leadership of protest movement elevated subject's profile in U.N. circles. Rapidly ascended agency bureaucracy to become Chief of Staff to Thai General Secretary Apsara Mongkut. Controversial for his involvement in decision-making around U.N. peacekeeping actions in Nigeria's Mid-Western Region (declaimed as making the U.N. "effectively an adjunct of the Federal Army") and again in Quebec, where U.N. forces were blamed for failure to prevent the Black Watch Killings. Conspiracy theory linking U.N. inaction to the eventual success of the Front de libération du Québec prompted subject's reassignment as Assistant Director of the WHO. Directly appointed Chief of Surgery, Unity Mission, by U.N. General Secretariat.

Psych Profile: Humanitarian
Seeks to de-escalate conflict and create harmonious environments. Dedicated to ideals of U.N. mission unquestioned, loyalty superb. Deep connection to loved ones possibly exploitable by adversary.

Preference for intellectualizing policy problems can lead to apparent contradictions in application of professed ideals. Notwithstanding subject's leadership culpability for two decisive U.N. interventions that inspired accusations of rank partisanship, interlocutors report that subject was "maddeningly prone to seeing false equivalency" between parties to any dispute. One Canadian chargée d'affaires complained: "He always gave the FLQ an opportunity to explain why they'd committed their latest heinous crime."

Very high esteem for democratic ideals may explain subject's especially negative reactions to the perceived hypocrisy of the Western powers, contrasted with tendency toward silence in regard to regimes with unbroken records of illiberal and anti-democratic behavior.

CAUTION: Subject scored abnormally low (.32) on Atherholt Trauma Function Test, indicating unsuitability for crisis leadership. Contrast with extremely positive remarks from Morgan Emergency Services instructions following simulated compartment breaches.

Faction Overview:
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Rank: Chief Medical Officer / Head of Medical Division
Colony Model: Democratic Republic
Why did civilization on Earth fail? The free flow of information was curtailed, preventing the global populace from obtaining an accurate understanding of their plight or organizing to do anything about it.
What is the fundamental truth of the universe? Only the educated are free.
What is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity on Chiron? The principles and practice of democracy.
Vision: Implement the U.N. Charter and reunite the Unity survivors under its auspices.
Starting Technology: Informatics

Affinity: Purity
  • -1 EFFICIENCY (administration requires the careful balancing of interests and perspectives)
  • Our votes on the Planetary Council count double (masters of the bureaucracy)
  • 50% chance new POPS are Talents (we attractive the intellectual elite)
  • Convene a Planetary Council under the United Nations Charter
  • Get yourself elected to the Council Speakership
  • Punish violations of the Charter
Action Points: 3
Influence Points: 3
Research Focus: Build +4 Research Nodes focused on Discover
Economic Focus: Water
Sector [2 days]
Starting Pieces:
  • 1 FORMER
  • 1 MILITIA Company (Peacekeeping Forces)
Faction Inventory
squadron Combat Hovercycles (Electric)
+1 squadron Unity Foils (Electric)
+1 squadron Space Construction Vehicles (S.C.V.)
+1 Skycrane, with various mission modules [deployed]
+1 Supply Crawler (Terran Nutrients)
+2 squadrons Unity Rovers (Fission)
+3 Multiple Use Labor Element (M.U.L.E.)
+1 Industrial-Scale 3D Printers
+Faction Personality
(Terrance LaCroix)
+1 Heavy Mortar (107mm) [deployed]
+1 company U.N. Marine Corps (Veteran)
+Spartan Prisoners
of Purists
of Stepdaughters of Gaia, Shapers of Chiron
of Supremacists

Other Named Characters:
Base Operations Director Guan Biao, Third Lieutenant Bruce King, Cabo primero Felix Pereira (artillerist), Captain Watsoné Erkins (prisoner), Zara Karimov (medtech), Nahele Tomatuk (firefighter), Egon Hakizimana (constable), Johann Anhaldt (robotics)

Essential Statistics said:
Resource Pool:
+Water Economy

Base Facilities and Improvements:
Landing Pod (deployed)
+Moisture Catchments
+Sensor Array (east) [under construction]

Next Chapter
A Matter of Urgency

Twenty-six hours after being dispatched, Nahele Tomatuk has reported back from the Unity Pod crash site through the good offices of one of Pereira's gunners. Your instincts were correct: the pod did contain cryobeds, apparently in their hundreds. Tomatuk's party has scarcely slept and has sent you an urgent plea for additional resources to complete rescue operations. The revelation comes at a bad time: a beached Unity Foil was pulled from its resting spot during a sudden gale, bringing the total of missing colonists to seven, and Guan Biao warns that supplies are dwindling. If you plan to decant new arrivals, you will need to devote immediate labor power to Nutrient production, but, as expected, the intense workouts featured in your acclimatization regimens have already pushed the colonists to exhaustion. Choose two.

[ ] Guan's gentle hand with the chull is failing to dissuade them from venturing too close to the colonists. And they aren't harmless. We've had injuries. Order Cabo primero Pereira to take some (more) target practice. [+Veterancy, -Planet]

[ ] Pull colonists off the sensor grid to bolster Tomatuk's incident response.

[ ] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.

[ ] Send Pereira and a corporal's guard worth of Marines out to Tomatuk. [-Mortar Battery; Heavy Mortar back in storage]

[ ] Ask Erkins to lead the prisoners out to Tomatuk, under guard by the warders, but raise Pereira and tell him to be prepared for the possibility this could go wrong.

[ ] We are now in extremis. Have Biao kill a few of the larger, more dangerous chull and harvest the meat. [+Nutrients, -Planet]

[ ] Start pitching individual shelters. Common habs are more efficient but privacy is a cornerstone of healthy living, both physically and mentally. [+Health, -Supplies]

[ ] Raise a perimeter defense. Use some of the calcite tubers (which grow to astonishing heights), rocks, cargo boxes--anything that we can use to deny access. We're talking something roughly in the shape of a triangle, with bastions at each point, and Chamomile centered. [+Base Facility: Defensive Stockade]

[ ] Drill down to the local water table and erect a pump station. We will establish wells for local irrigation. [--Supplies, +++Water Economy, --Planet]

[ ] Set up more moisture catchments and impose sustainable rationing for purposes other than drinking. [+Water Economy]

[ ] Use the output from the 3D Printer to expand the Landing Pod's small machine shop. Fill the space left behind by all the fuel sent off with the SkyCrane. [---Supplies, --Minerals, +Manufacturing Economy]

[ ] Begin excavation for minerals. Send the 'Former into the tunnels beneath the island. [++Minerals, -Planet]

[ ] Clear the rock and turn loose the Supply Crawler. [++Nutrients, --Planet)]

[ ] Inaugurate a series of regular debates for popular entertainment. [+Morale]

[ ] Establish sealed agricultural tents. We don't have a sense of the local ecology. Let's not have a biological containment breach our first season, okay? [+Nutrients]

[ ] We need mass to fuel the 3D printers. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]

The Canadian separatist story is taken from A Colder War, ed. Tsouras. cited previously.
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We have the excess Planet stat. I say we cull some chull and send help to Tomatuk.

Problem is that we also (presumably) need minerals to get our supplies back up out of the red.
[X] Establish sealed agricultural tents. We don't have a sense of the local ecology. Let's not have a biological containment breach our first season, okay? [+Nutrients]
[X] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.

We need Nutrients, we get Nutrients.
Science is the least urgent at the immediate moment, so off they go.
We hadn't aggroed the Planet much so I don't particularly expect a major wildlife response yet.
[X] Establish sealed agricultural tents. We don't have a sense of the local ecology. Let's not have a biological containment breach our first season, okay? [+Nutrients]
[X] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.

We need food, but turning out the supply crawler without more research on local ecology sounds like it will bite us in the ass later from being too hasty to producing stuff we can't consume from local soil. Study before planting and risking biological cross-contamination we can't predict.

Likewise we need manpower. Could be swayed to dispatch the mortar team, have we faced anything that really needs artillery?
[X] Clear the rock and turn loose the Supply Crawler. [++Nutrients, --Planet)]
[X] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.
[X] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.
[X] We are now in extremis. Have Biao kill a few of the larger, more dangerous chull and harvest the meat. [+Nutrients, -Planet]
[X] Establish sealed agricultural tents. We don't have a sense of the local ecology. Let's not have a biological containment breach our first season, okay? [+Nutrients]
[X] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.
[X] Establish sealed agricultural tents. We don't have a sense of the local ecology. Let's not have a biological containment breach our first season, okay? [+Nutrients]
[X] Ask for volunteers from the science staff to go to Tomatuk. Take anyone not required in the infirmary: librarians, off-duty reactor operators, botanists, and the like.
Voting is open