Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Iterations

Voting is open
[X] Raise a perimeter defense. Reassign all the Marines and one of the M.U.L.E.s to the construction effort. Use some of the calcite tubers (which grow to astonishing heights), rocks, cargo boxes--anything that we can use to deny access. We're talking something roughly in the shape of a triangle, with bastions at each point, and Chamomile centered. [+Base Facility: Defensive Stockade]
[X] Send Hakizimana and the Marines to pursue and detain the rogue Rover pilot. We couldn't prevent him doing damage, but we can insist on restitution.
[X] Raise a perimeter defense. Reassign all the Marines and one of the M.U.L.E.s to the construction effort. Use some of the calcite tubers (which grow to astonishing heights), rocks, cargo boxes--anything that we can use to deny access. We're talking something roughly in the shape of a triangle, with bastions at each point, and Chamomile centered. [+Base Facility: Defensive Stockade]

[X] Send Hakizimana and the Marines to pursue and detain the rogue Rover pilot. We couldn't prevent him doing damage, but we can insist on restitution.
[X] Raise a perimeter defense. Reassign all the Marines and one of the M.U.L.E.s to the construction effort. Use some of the calcite tubers (which grow to astonishing heights), rocks, cargo boxes--anything that we can use to deny access. We're talking something roughly in the shape of a triangle, with bastions at each point, and Chamomile centered. [+Base Facility: Defensive Stockade]
[X] Detail the Marines to corral larger subrids for cultivation. [+Nutrients, -Planet]
Problems on the Horizon
Vote Tally
Reaping What Was Sown

Use chull for target practice - 0
Harvest the subrids - 4
Take Foil and contact other settlements - 0
Build individual shelters - 0
Raise perimeter defenses - 9
Search for lost Foil - 0
Pursue rogue 'Rover - 12
Refit the SkyCrane - 0
Install the Data Core - 0
Special Project: Human Genome Project - 0
Build pump station - 0
More moisture catchments - 0
Expand machine shop- 0
Collect more mass - 0
Build mines - 0
Plant Terran crops- 0
Sporting event for prisoners - 0
Hold debates – 1
Speak with Erkins - 0
Debrief King and pilots - 0
Talk to Purists - 0
Talk to Supremacists - 0

  • Construction begins on a perimeter stockade for Warm Welcome.
  • Constable Hakizimana and three Marines depart on the trail of the stolen Unity Rover.
With so much of Warm Welcome's workforce already committed to emergency rescue, sensor grid, and greenhouse construction, you called in the Marines. Those previously assigned to Pereira's mortar battery were only too ready for a change of pace. Their weapon went back into the armory and they traded up for radio frequency identification tags. Over the course of the next several days, they marked the colony's empty ISO containers and helped measure out the footprint of the three-walled fort called for in Guan Biao's drawings. A M.U.L.E. began filling gabions that forklifts then stacked to start raising up the bulwarks that will anchor at each point.
Warden Jeremy Tanner Marsh said:
With a stick alone, you have a spear. But take a stick, then another, then another, and before too long, you can build a wall, simple as you please. One stick is brittle, but many together are unyielding. A wall denies. It delays. It shelters. The spear is many centuries obsolete now, but the wall is with us still. - Peregrinations of Planet
Sparing no one, LaCroix tried to do with tongue-lashings what his telemetrists could not with their instruments, and in a private missive to you, admitted that the precision of the Sensor Array had not met his high expectations. By your own reckoning, however, it is an admirable success, providing the colony's first all-weather, over-the-horizon warning system. For two days, it even tracked what the operator tagged as a probable Unity Foil, loitering at extreme range. After many unwelcome questions, you reached consensus that the movement pattern was more consistent with an object moving under its own power than one cast adrift. Properly calibrated, the Array also found the SkyCrane's transponder and most of the colony's 'Rovers, including those on deployment to the far side of the island.

Plastic greenhouses have sprouted like mushrooms due south of Chamomile, advancing farther each day behind the leveled 'dozer blades of six 'Formers. Guan has arranged for a kind of coordinated sweep that will end when the rubble is brought back around and formed into a ravelin before the stockade's main gate. For now, one of the Fission 'Rovers has been set up as a mobile generator to supply power for the domes' heat lamps. Complete with original hammer-and-sickle insignia, the battered hull put you in mind of Frankenstein's monster festooned with leads.

Hoping to avoid the worst, you send Hakizimana on his sad errand with only less-lethal equipment. Confronted with four pursuers (or, better yet, the seriousness of his own transgression), you hope the prodigal Supremacist will see his way to peaceful submission. Fair treatment of the Spartans--found guilty of far worse crimes--can't have hurt. Within days, both injured mechanics were back at work rotations. Distracted by so much other news, commenters soon abandoned the DataLinks discussion thread describing the original theft and flight.

In the infirmary, more cases are being pushed through rehabilitation and toward recovery. Thanks to better gene expression, many have healed without the requirement for reconstructive surgeries that can sometimes inflict about as much trauma as the original injury. The percentage of able-bodied colonists in Warm Welcome is about to grow even without natural replacement.

Faction Specifics
Service Record:
Subject was born in Hyderabad, West Pakistan. Father was a major in the West Pakistan Army frequently deployed on peacekeeping operations, mother a nurse with Médecins Sans Frontières. Studied philosophy and medicine at Aga Khan University, specializing in thoracic surgery. Volunteered at Red Crescent camp surgery in Azad Kashmir for three years after graduation, tending primarily to victims of the Six Minute War. Later traveled extensively in North-West Frontier Province. Elected to National Assembly, serving a single term before losing heavily after criticizing Inter-Services Intelligence for its relationship with the Pakistani Taliban.

Obtained placement as a junior researcher with the World Health Organization in Basel, Switzerland exploring protein encoding for DNA repair. Signed letter of protest against Nobel Prize nomination of Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi on grounds of ethical deficiency. Leadership of protest movement elevated subject's profile in U.N. circles. Rapidly ascended agency bureaucracy to become Chief of Staff to Thai General Secretary Apsara Mongkut. Controversial for his involvement in decision-making around U.N. peacekeeping actions in Nigeria's Mid-Western Region (declaimed as making the U.N. "effectively an adjunct of the Federal Army") and again in Quebec, where U.N. forces were blamed for failure to prevent the Black Watch Killings. Conspiracy theory linking U.N. inaction to the eventual success of the Front de libération du Québec prompted subject's reassignment as Assistant Director of the WHO. Directly appointed Chief of Surgery, Unity Mission, by U.N. General Secretariat.

Psych Profile: Humanitarian
Seeks to de-escalate conflict and create harmonious environments. Dedicated to ideals of U.N. mission unquestioned, loyalty superb. Deep connection to loved ones possibly exploitable by adversary.

Preference for intellectualizing policy problems can lead to apparent contradictions in application of professed ideals. Notwithstanding subject's leadership culpability for two decisive U.N. interventions that inspired accusations of rank partisanship, interlocutors report that subject was "maddeningly prone to seeing false equivalency" between parties to any dispute. One Canadian chargée d'affaires complained: "He always gave the FLQ an opportunity to explain why they'd committed their latest heinous crime."

Very high esteem for democratic ideals may explain subject's especially negative reactions to the perceived hypocrisy of the Western powers, contrasted with tendency toward silence in regard to regimes with unbroken records of illiberal and anti-democratic behavior.

CAUTION: Subject scored abnormally low (.32) on Atherholt Trauma Function Test, indicating unsuitability for crisis leadership. Contrast with extremely positive remarks from Morgan Emergency Services instructions following simulated compartment breaches.

Faction Overview:
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Rank: Chief Medical Officer / Head of Medical Division
Colony Model: Democratic Republic
Why did civilization on Earth fail? The free flow of information was curtailed, preventing the global populace from obtaining an accurate understanding of their plight or organizing to do anything about it.
What is the fundamental truth of the universe? Only the educated are free.
What is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity on Chiron? The principles and practice of democracy.
Vision: Implement the U.N. Charter and reunite the Unity survivors under its auspices.
Starting Technology: Informatics

Affinity: Purity

  • -1 EFFICIENCY (administration requires the careful balancing of interests and perspectives)
  • Our votes on the Planetary Council count double (masters of the bureaucracy)
  • 50% chance new POPS are Talents (we attractive the intellectual elite)
  • Convene a Planetary Council under the United Nations Charter
  • Get yourself elected to the Council Speakership
  • Punish violations of the Charter
Action Points: 3
Influence Points: 3
Research Focus: Build + 4 Research Nodes focused on Discover
Economic Focus: Water
Sector [2 days]

Starting Pieces:
  • 1 FORMER
  • 1 MILITIA Company (Peacekeeping Forces)
Faction Inventory
squadron Combat Hovercycles (Electric)
+1 squadron Unity Foils (Electric)
+1 squadron Space Construction Vehicles (S.C.V.)
+1 Skycrane, with various mission modules [undergoing repair]
+1 Supply Crawler (Terran Nutrients)
+2 squadrons Unity Rovers (Fission)
+3 Multiple Use Labor Element (M.U.L.E.)
+1 Industrial-Scale 3D Printers
+Faction Personality
(Terrance LaCroix)
+1 Heavy Mortar (107mm) [deployed]
+1 company U.N. Marine Corps (Veteran) [50% effectiveness]
+Spartan Prisoners
of Purists
of Stepdaughters of Gaia, Shapers of Chiron
of Supremacists

Other Named Characters:
Base Operations Director Guan Biao, Captain Bruce King, Cabo primero Felix Pereira (artillerist), Captain Watsoné Erkins (prisoner), Zara Karimov (medtech), Nahele Tomatuk (firefighter), Egon Hakizimana (constable), Johann Anhaldt (robotics)

Essential Statistics said:
Resource Pool:
+Water Economy

Base Facilities and Improvements:
Landing Pod (deployed)
+Moisture Catchments
+Sensor Array (east)
+Nutrient Greenhouses [under construction]
+Unity Data Core + 4 Data Nodes (Discover)

Discover: 2 (Informatics, Biogenetics)
Explore: 1 (Centauri Geology)
Conquer: 0
Expand: 0
Command: 0
Choose: 0
Unity: 0

Completion of Sensor Grid: Today
Completion of Greenhouses: Tuesday
Completion of Perimeter Defense: Friday
Relief arrives at Tomatuk: Today
Tomatuk's next check-in: Tuesday
Next research breakthrough (Discover): Tuesday

Next Chapter
Problems on the Horizon
Completion of the Sensor Array and the start of your stockade mark an important acknowledgement: that just as you reached out across Planet to take what you wanted, so must you fear the same being done in territory you consider your own. Several developments this month will make it all that much more difficult to meet threats on preferable terms.
Selectman Peter "Pete" Landers said:
Clear away from your mind this idea that we can name the aggressor only once he has implicated himself by striking a blow. If he inspires fear in you, then your suffering has already begun. By striking first, you disrupt the aggressor's rhythm, clear his assets from the board, and restore something of yourself. - Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow
First, your supply situation has reached a crisis point, both in terms of food supply and construction inputs. With the exception of collecting mass or assigning additional labor to construction of the stockade, you will be unable to initiate new large-scale building projects until the greenhouses are complete. Diverting capacity is not an option. Looking ahead, expanding Chamomile's machine shop should assume a top priority.

Second, aircraft mechanics refurbishing the SkyCrane identified stress cracks in the rotors. Already grounded for mandatory maintenance, the aircraft is unlikely to take to the skies again anytime soon since you will have to craft replacements from scratch.

Third, LaCroix picked up "strong rogue signals" coming from some of the crates you took off Unity. LaCroix couldn't foil the digital locks in the few hours available for that purpose. Nonetheless, he thought the signals might be tracking beacons. Hails sent out on the same band were not returned. King had them moved into the armory aboard the Landing Pod for safekeeping. LaCroix concurred since the intervening layers of steel will act like a baffle.

Fourth, a growing movement among the colonists is seeking permission to begin personal projects during rest hours. Guan has wondered if humoring such enthusiasms will yield happier (and thus more productive) workers, provide distractions that lure colonists away from the vital restorative of sleep, or even unleash centrifugal forces that encourage settlers to deny the importance of central planning.

What now? Choose two.

[ ]
Task workers to corral larger subrids for cultivation. [+Nutrients, -Planet]

[ ] Stop work on your perimeter defense. To conserve resources, order a general stand-down. [+Supplies]

[ ] Replace the remaining on-post Marines with the Sensor Array workers to complete the stockade. Return the heavy mortar to its hilltop perch.

[ ]
Replace the remaining on-post Marines with the Sensor Array workers to complete the stockade. Return the heavy mortar to its hilltop perch. Then, take target practice on the subrids. [+Veterancy, -Planet]

[ ] Replace the remaining on-post Marines with the Sensor Array workers. Rest the Marines. [Marines regain 25% combat readiness per day.]

[ ] Open the locked crates. Either LaCroix will hack his way in, or Pereira will blow his way in.

[ ] Direct unassigned laborers to finish taking inventory of the Landing Pod. Few of the RFID tags appear to have been correctly applied. (When loading the Pod, you made visual checks of only about one-quarter of the items you pulled out of Unity's cargo bays, though you made sure to put eyes on food, medical supplies, and certain other necessities. Even so, you loaded hundreds of containers, large and small, that have yet to be opened.)

[ ] Put a 'Foil in the water as a lure. Have it stay close enough to come inshore before any unidentified surface contact can close distance.

[ ] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]

[ ] Turn loose the Supply Crawler. Plant Terran crops in local soils. For lack of 'dozers, this work will be impeded by rocky terrain, so we can expect to lose much of the potential harvest. [+Nutrients, --Planet)]

[ ] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]

[ ] Order several days of rest and allow workers to pursue personal projects, subject to approval by Guan Biao.

[ ] Inaugurate a series of regular debates for popular entertainment. [+Morale]

[ ] Schedule that sporting event with the Spartan prisoners. [+Morale]

[ ] Speak again with Captain Erkins.

[ ] Obtain an audience with one of the Holnists.

[ ] Request an audience with the Purists.

[ ] Request an audience with the Supremacists.
Last edited:
[ ] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
This is a must.
[ ] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
Get materials for more supplies.
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]

Need to economize, take a breather, and finish the projects we have at hand. Supplies are at critical levels, lets ease the load and clear the queue. Then we get the 3D printer scaled up.
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]

[X] Open the locked crates. Either LaCroix will hack his way in, or Pereira will blow his way in.
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Open the locked crates. Either LaCroix will hack his way in, or Pereira will blow his way in.
[X] Obtain an audience with one of the Holnists.
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
[X] Order several days of unstructured rest and tour the settlement. [+Supplies]
[X] We need to collect more mass to fuel the 3D printers already in use. Start collecting the local rock and whatever composting nitrates we can find. [+Minerals]
Urgent Matters Arise
Vote Tally
Problems on the Horizon
Harvest the chill - 0
Labor stand-down - 0
Restore mortar battery - 0
Target practice - 0
Rest Marines - 0
Open locked crates - 2
Inventory the Landing Pod - 0
Set up a lure - 0
Collect more mass - 10
Plant Terran crops - 0
Unstructured rest - 11
Allow personal projects - 0
Hold debates - 0
Sporting event - 0
Speak with Erkins - 0
Speak with Holnists - 1
Speak with Purists - 0
Speak with Supremacists - 0

  • Local food production begins. [+Tile Improvement: Nutrient Domes (Terran), +Agricultural Economy]
  • Tomatuk reports the rescue of many survivors. [+1 CITIZEN, +1 TECHNICIAN]
  • Scientists announce scalar improvements to your 3D printing capabilities. [+Manufacturing Economy]
  • Base Operations declares labor holiday. [+Supplies]
  • After labor holiday, colonists pick mass. [+Minerals]
  • Commissioner Pravin Lal meets with the colonists.
Completion of the greenhouses marks a crucial first step in the colonial effort. To grow one's own food is to make an investment in the future to which no previously-accumulated stockpile of any size can compare. Spread over many hectares, four dozen plastic pavilions, some long, some round, provide the hermetic spaces necessary for controlled-environment agriculture. Formats range from the traditional--crates packed with rich, loamy Canadian soils--to the cutting-edge, such as plants grown in water containing Vietnamese crayfish. At the recommendation of your botanists, planting started with beans and fruit. Each dome is powered by a redundant system drawing on a pair of Fusion 'Rovers and watered by a dedicated catchment.
Lady Deirdre Skye said:
For the amateur gardener, plants are temperamental. To grow a perfect palm becomes the season's obsession. In fact, taken on the whole, plants are some of the hardiest of Earth's more complex lifeforms. Left unprotected outside a hab dome, humans will succumb within minutes, while Terran seeds will take root and begin to grow. - A Comparative Biology of Planet
Adding to the week's successes, Nahele Tomatuk sends news that roughly half the occupants of a cryopod were saved by your quick action. Some two hundred lives, spared from the flames. His assessment is that the relief from Warm Welcome kept responder injury rates down even as it sped fire suppression and crash rescue. Since there were not enough respirators on hand to wake every slumbering colonist, a temporary camp, U.N. Relief Station, has been established to provide temporary shelter. Those few who were awakened (either because of their great need for medical care or due to catastrophic system damage to the cryobeds themselves) were obviously shocked by the circumstances. To preserve calm, Tomatuk ordered they not be told the truth about how Planetfall was made. More than half the beds were data-stamped as the property of Struan's Pacific Trading Company, which Tomatuk assumes is a charter expedition auxiliary to the United Nations Mission. While all are technically subject to your authority as Captain Garland's legal successor, their acclimation will require care. Depending on their date of accession, the average charter colonist received anywhere from half to less than a tenth of the training of "mainline" crew members. Guan said you could expect technicians with sterling credentials in their fields (since factors didn't bother with cultural enrichment when filling billets), but without much in the way of survival skills. If there are any shareholders among them, you may also be confronted with a leadership challenge. Many charter colony participants signed on with the expectation of special privileges according to the size of their pre-departure contributions to the U.N.'s accounts.

Trial and error have taught our mechanics how to keep the 3D printers at near 100% capacity. These experiences have also illuminated fundamental design principles, and flaws, in the polymerization process. Working with your materials scientists, they have perfected the use of a larger range of inputs and prototyped much larger models than you currently employ. Without bothering to wait for your formal approval, Guan rushed the prototypes into operation. One of the most important outcomes of these studies is the concept and design for a piece of infrastructure called a mass pump, a kind of derrick that draws mineral content out of the planetary crust. The earliest models will be fairly crude, and large volumes of caustics will be needed to purify the raw take. [1]
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Mass conversion will be the indispensable technology of the future. A lump of coal today is a diamond only after a billion years in the geological furnace. But if that same lump of coal can be broken down into basic elements and reconfigured over the course of only hours or days, then all that which is currently valueless to us will be given great value indeed. - Morgan Metals Annual Report, 2107

To mark the conclusion of so many exhausting endeavors, you allowed every member of the workforce fifty-four hours of personal time. Besides preserving morale, it will also diminish the caloric requirements of each individual colonist, slowing consumption of the packaged rations just as your colony opens its arms to hungry new mouths. Rotational work continues on the stockade as a matter of necessity, but in shifts. Colonists greeted the announcement enthusiastically. Dances were held in Chamomile's cargo bays, the more adventurous sought rare solitude inside the greenhouse seals, and hundreds caught up on sleep. Making the rounds, you marveled at how many have found ways to personalize their survival gear or commemorate a fallen comrade. Many citizens sport shocks of bright-dyed hair or have decorated the reflective sun shields of their helmets in mask art reminiscent of Japanese menpō: the faces of angry bears, wild-eyed demons, and proud peregrines. One of the empty ISO containers, lifted back into Chamomile's hold, became a swimming pool, bathers watchfully tended by Olympic athletes. Peacekeepers read, visited, and convalesced.

"Picking mass" put you in mind of stomping divots on the polo pitch: in a long, snaking line, colonists gathered rocks, handfuls of nitrate, subrid crackling--anything animal, vegetable, or mineral, really. Several 'Rovers were needed to cart the mass piles back to the slag piles heaped around Chamomile's perimeter, ready to be shoveled into the chemical baths that will render them into a useful slurry for the printers. One unexpected result was a pleasantly clean inner courtyard for your new colony.

Faction Specifics
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Service Record:

Subject was born in Hyderabad, West Pakistan. Father was a major in the West Pakistan Army frequently deployed on peacekeeping operations, mother a nurse with Médecins Sans Frontières. Studied philosophy and medicine at Aga Khan University, specializing in thoracic surgery. Volunteered at Red Crescent camp surgery in Azad Kashmir for three years after graduation, tending primarily to victims of the Six Minute War. Later traveled extensively in North-West Frontier Province. Elected to National Assembly, serving a single term before losing heavily after criticizing Inter-Services Intelligence for its relationship with the Pakistani Taliban.

Obtained placement as a junior researcher with the World Health Organization in Basel, Switzerland exploring protein encoding for DNA repair. Signed letter of protest against Nobel Prize nomination of Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi on grounds of ethical deficiency. Leadership of protest movement elevated subject's profile in U.N. circles. Rapidly ascended agency bureaucracy to become Chief of Staff to Thai General Secretary Apsara Mongkut. Controversial for his involvement in decision-making around U.N. peacekeeping actions in Nigeria's Mid-Western Region (declaimed as making the U.N. "effectively an adjunct of the Federal Army") and again in Quebec, where U.N. forces were blamed for failure to prevent the Black Watch Killings. Conspiracy theory linking U.N. inaction to the eventual success of the Front de libération du Québec prompted subject's reassignment as Assistant Director of the WHO. Directly appointed Chief of Surgery, Unity Mission, by U.N. General Secretariat.

Psych Profile: Humanitarian
Seeks to de-escalate conflict and create harmonious environments. Dedicated to ideals of U.N. mission unquestioned, loyalty superb. Deep connection to loved ones possibly exploitable by adversary.

Preference for intellectualizing policy problems can lead to apparent contradictions in application of professed ideals. Notwithstanding subject's leadership culpability for two decisive U.N. interventions that inspired accusations of rank partisanship, interlocutors report that subject was "maddeningly prone to seeing false equivalency" between parties to any dispute. One Canadian chargée d'affaires complained: "He always gave the FLQ an opportunity to explain why they'd committed their latest heinous crime."

Very high esteem for democratic ideals may explain subject's especially negative reactions to the perceived hypocrisy of the Western powers, contrasted with tendency toward silence in regard to regimes with unbroken records of illiberal and anti-democratic behavior.

CAUTION: Subject scored abnormally low (.32) on Atherholt Trauma Function Test, indicating unsuitability for crisis leadership. Contrast with extremely positive remarks from Morgan Emergency Services instructions following simulated compartment breaches.

Faction Overview:
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Rank: Chief Medical Officer / Head of Medical Division
Colony Model: Democratic Republic
Why did civilization on Earth fail? The free flow of information was curtailed, preventing the global populace from obtaining an accurate understanding of their plight or organizing to do anything about it.
What is the fundamental truth of the universe? Only the educated are free.
What is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity on Chiron? The principles and practice of democracy.
Vision: Implement the U.N. Charter and reunite the Unity survivors under its auspices.
Starting Technology: Informatics

Affinity: Purity

  • -1 EFFICIENCY (administration requires the careful balancing of interests and perspectives)
  • Our votes on the Planetary Council count double (masters of the bureaucracy)
  • 50% chance new POPS are Talents (we attractive the intellectual elite)
  • Convene a Planetary Council under the United Nations Charter
  • Get yourself elected to the Council Speakership
  • Punish violations of the Charter
Action Points: 3
Influence Points: 3
Research Focus: Build + 4 Research Nodes focused on Discover
Economic Focus: Water

Starting Pieces:
  • 1 FORMER
  • 1 MILITIA Company (Peacekeeping Forces)
Faction Inventory
squadron Combat Hovercycles (Electric)
+1 squadron Unity Foils (Electric)
+1 squadron Space Construction Vehicles (S.C.V.)
+1 Skycrane, with various mission modules [undergoing repair]
+1 Supply Crawler (Terran Nutrients)
+2 squadrons Unity Rovers (Fission)
+3 Multiple Use Labor Element (M.U.L.E.)
+1 Industrial-Scale 3D Printers
+Faction Personality
(Terrance LaCroix)
+1 Heavy Mortar (107mm) [armory]
+1 company U.N. Marine Corps (Veteran) [75% effectiveness]
+Spartan Prisoners
of Purists
of Stepdaughters of Gaia, Shapers of Chiron
of Supremacists

Other Named Characters:
Base Operations Director Guan Biao, Captain Bruce King, Cabo primero Felix Pereira (artillerist), Captain Watsoné Erkins (prisoner), Zara Karimov (medtech), Nahele Tomatuk (firefighter), Egon Hakizimana (constable), Johann Anhaldt (robotics)

Essential Statistics said:
Warm Welcome (HQ)
U.N. Relief Station (temporary)

Resource Pool:
+Water Sector
+Agricultural Sector
+Manufacturing Sector

Base Facilities and Improvements:
Landing Pod (deployed)
+Moisture Catchments
+Sensor Array (east)
+Nutrient Greenhouses
+Unity Data Core + 4 Data Nodes (Discover)

1 (3D Printers)
Discover: 2 (Informatics, Biogenetics)
Explore: 1 (Centauri Geology)
Conquer: 0
Expand: 0
Command: 0
Choose: 0
Unity: 0

Completion of Perimeter Defense: Friday
Tomatuk's return: Saturday
Next research breakthrough (Discover): Tomorrow

Next Chapter
Urgent Matters Arise
Happiness never travels alone: trouble refuses to be left behind. That Sensor Array is paying for itself, but in the wages of fear. Hazikimana's 'Rover has been stopped for over twenty-fours. An automated alert beacon is now active. Radio contact is impossible due to electromagnetic interference. Since Pereira's battery was recalled for assistance with the stockade and other matters, there is nobody positioned to perform a visual search.

LaCroix spent some time with the Unity Data Core but was unable to successfully cross-reference the locked containers being held in the armory. Too soon to say whether they were on a portion of the manifest not yet covered by the automated search, smuggled aboard, or mis-identified on the manifest (as so much cargo was). He is certain the signal is still getting out, albeit with range and clarity steeply diminished.

Vote 1 - Directing the Labor Force
Once our labor holiday is finished, how to apportion our labor force? Food is still in critically short supply. We should see also see about about building up our productive capacities--both in terms of a stockpile of inputs and the actual number of active printers. Choose three.

Emergency Operations
[ ]
Rush breathing apparatus and transportation to Tomatuk so that we can evacuate U.N. Relief Station as soon as may be practicable.

[ ] Send a search party to Hazikimana's last known location. Go ready for trouble.

Settlement Defense
[ ] Return the heavy mortar to its hilltop perch.

[ ]
Order Pereira to take target practice on the subrids. [+Veterancy, -Planet]

[ ] Embody a militia. Their first task will be to stand guard along the settlement perimeter.

[ ] Put a 'Foil in the water as a lure. Place Marines aboard. Have it stay close enough to come inshore before any unidentified surface contact can close distance.

[ ] Mount a search for the lost 'Foil. Send the returned Marines in two of the remaining 'Foils. [-Supplies]

[ ] Order the Marines to sea aboard two 'Foils and have them intercept any contact that wanders within range of the Sensor Array.

[ ] Dispatch some of the Marines to U.N. Relief Station in case we aren't alone.

[ ] Build shielding for the locked crates. Represents a significant commitment of mass. [--Supplies]

[ ] Send the 'Formers to grade a road between Warm Welcome and U.N. Relief Station.

[ ]
Detail the Marines to take a 'Foil and attempt to make contact with other settlements inside a two-day travel radius. Provide them with items to establish trade. [--Supplies]

Inventory Management
[ ] Open the locked crates
. Either LaCroix will hack his way in, or Pereira will blow his way in.

[ ] Direct unassigned laborers to finish taking inventory of the Landing Pod. Few of the RFID tags appear to have been correctly applied. (When loading the Pod, you made visual checks of only about one-quarter of the items you pulled out of Unity's cargo bays, though you made sure to put eyes on food, medical supplies, and certain other necessities. Even so, you loaded hundreds of containers, large and small, that have yet to be opened.)

[ ]
Drill down to the local water table and construct a pump station. We will establish wells for irrigation. [--Supplies, +++Water Economy, --Planet]

[ ] Set up more moisture catchments to expand our supply of clean water. [+Water Economy]

[ ]
Task workers to corral larger subrids for cultivation. Dissect some of the bigger ones. [+Nutrients, -Planet]

[ ] Clear some ground, then let loose the Supply Crawler. Plant Terran crops in local soils. [++Nutrients, --Planet)]

[ ] Build more greenhouses. [+Nutrients, -Supplies]

[ ]
Collect more mass by hand. [+Minerals]

[ ] Detail the M.U.L.E.s to collect mass. [++Minerals]

[ ] Use the 'Formers to drill and set an automated mine that will produce minerals on a regular basis. [++Minerals, -Planet]

[ ] Build a mass pump that will consume mass in an area close around. [++++Minerals, ---Planet]

[ ] Use the output from the 3D Printers to expand the Landing Pod's small machine shop. To put it simply, build the capacity to make more printers. [---Supplies, --Minerals, +Manufacturing Economy]

[ ]
Build a Reading Room. Tape readers will allow uploads and downloads from the Data Links. [-Supplies, +Research]

[ ] Install the Data Core. For one, our research output will be vastly improved. Access to the Unity's records can also give us a more complete understanding of the ship's final hours, let us review U.N. personnel records for all official passengers, and access more records for our 3D printer. [+Base Facility: Data Core, +2 Unity Tech]

[ ] Build a Biology Laboratory to expand your exploration of the Terran and Centauri life sciences. [---Supplies, -Energy]

[ ] Reassign our medical resources to begin a Special Project: Human Genome Project. What if Dr. Pahlavi is correct? Imagine a world in which every error in the map of our common future is first corrected, and every infant born healthy, strong, and wise. Finish the project begun on Old Earth. Map the last gaps in the euchromatic human sequence, including heterochromatic regions, and compile a more detailed inventory of individual anomalies. [+Secret Project: Human Genome Project]

Base Operations
[ ] Start pitching individual shelters. Common habs are more efficient but privacy is a cornerstone of healthy living, both physically and mentally. [+Health, -Supplies]

[ ] Replace the SkyCrane's rotors. Represents a significant commitment of mass. [--Supplies]

[ ] Allow workers to pursue personal projects, subject to approval by Guan Biao. [+Morale, -esteem U.N. Loyalists]

[ ] Inaugurate a series of regular debates for popular entertainment. [+Morale]

Faction Interactions
[ ]
Schedule that sporting event with the Spartan prisoners. [+Morale]

[ ] Speak again with Captain Erkins.

[ ] Obtain an audience with one of the Holnists.

[ ] Request an audience with the Purists.

[ ] Request an audience with the Supremacists.

Vote 2 - Research Focus
Towards what new horizons shall we next point our scientists? Choose one.

[ ] Build
[ ] Discover
[ ] Explore
[ ] Conquer
[ ] Expand
[ ] Command
[ ] Choose

[1] The mass pump is an idea taken from the Supreme Commander games.
[X] Send a search party to Hazikimana's last known location. Go ready for trouble.

[X] Open the locked crates. Either LaCroix will hack his way in, or Pereira will blow his way in.

[X] Clear some ground, then let loose the Supply Crawler. Plant Terran crops in local soils. [++Nutrients, --Planet)]

[X] Build

We've got a lot more mouths on the way, and those crates are a ticking time bomb. No real opinion on the science, but I like economy builders in 4x games, so there.
[X] Send a search party to Hazikimana's last known location. Go ready for trouble.
[X] Task workers to corral larger subrids for cultivation. Dissect some of the bigger ones. [+Nutrients, -Planet]
[X] Use the 'Formers to drill and set an automated mine that will produce minerals on a regular basis. [++Minerals, -Planet]

[X] Build

Just dealing with fundamental issues still. I think finding Hazikimana's small squad is important after they went looking for the earlier runner, just in case there's already trouble around. Then basics of more food since we're still in a bad way there, and a mine to help supply the 3D Printers.

Voting Build for tech since we're still building up Warm Welcome, and are about to increase our population by 50% when the survivors of the Cryopod get here, so hopefully we can score tech to make that build-up easier. Explore wouldn't be too bad either.
[X] Send a search party to Hazikimana's last known location. Go ready for trouble.
[X] Task workers to corral larger subrids for cultivation. Dissect some of the bigger ones. [+Nutrients, -Planet]
[X] Use the 'Formers to drill and set an automated mine that will produce minerals on a regular basis. [++Minerals, -Planet]
[X] Build

We can afford to burn some of our Planet rating, we need resources now and we need a full-scale mine to scale up our manufacturing output and get our supply deficit under control.

@Trenacker What is the perk of technicians over basic citizens in this game system?
@Trenacker What is the perk of technicians over basic citizens in this game system?

Technicians who perform skilled labor other than as part of faction administration, such as engineers and military officers. Technicians may be required to operate complex machinery or complete large-scale projects. They speed up and increase the probability of success for complex tasks.
Technology Overview
Research Focus Areas

The Build path contains advances in materials science, engineering, and industrial organization that are directed toward the built environment. Follow this path to enhance base infrastructure and improve production.

The Discover path relates to the Terran physical and life sciences, including descriptive neurology and psychology. Follow this path to unlock the potential of the flora and fauna brought to Chiron from Earth.

The Explore path deals with the physical and life sciences of Chiron. Follow this path to learn more about how to influence or exploit Planet.

The Conquer path focuses on technology with direct military applications. Follow this path to expand your arsenal.

The Expand path is concerned with population growth and mobility. Follow this path to expand your footprint and awareness on Chiron.

The Command path is organized around doctrines with implications for social control.

The Choose path explores thought as technology associated with the ethical challenges of survival in a hostile environment. Follow this path to train your followers in ascetic techniques like water discipline or to inculcate civic virtues.

The Unity path zeros in on learning from, repairing, and adapting the survival kit recovered from the Landing Pods, Colony Pods, and wreckage seeded by the dying Unity. This path can only be accessed through events.
Technicians who perform skilled labor other than as part of faction administration, such as engineers and military officers. Technicians may be required to operate complex machinery or complete large-scale projects. They speed up and increase the probability of success for complex tasks.

Great! Especially given we're manpower-crunched. But given they are over at our relief camp, they can't help us directly yet. Though they're probably handy over at UN Relief Station while they acclimate.

Gives us reason to rush them back, but getting our local security issue and food supply dealt with is still a priority.
Voting is open