[SI,Naruto,NaNoWriMo] Go! Unashamed Reincarnation Protagonist Sakura!

Well, I guess Sakura is really immortal if she looks like a teen despite 115 years of training...
Maybe. Depends if things biologically age inside the frozen time zone, and it's certainly not unheard for those type of spells to go "nothing actually age, even on the inside", which could handle the aging issue, although the ageing prematurely version is not uncommon either. What I believe to be the inspiration for the spell in question does not explicitly state biologically aging still works, but somewhat implies that it does happens depending how you read it, although there's nothing to say that it's exactly the same spell either.

Besides, GURPS magic systems have multiple ways of tackling aging issues, even if none are easy, so that's another possibility too.

Spell in question, 4th edition:
Time Out (VH)
The area and all within it are temporarily removed from the time stream; the effect is equivalent to having the area's time accelerated infinitely. Unlike Suspend Time, this spell can only be cast from the inside, centered on the caster (the spell ends as soon as he touches its edge). Should the caster die alone in the area, the spell will never end! The caster and any objects caught in the area would simply seem to vanish from the time stream.
As far as outside observers are concerned, the area "ages" instantaneously (which may or may not be perceptible). One moment five ogres were attacking the party while their wizard cast a spell, and the next moment the ogres were dead, the party magically healed, and everybody was in a different position and drinking rum to celebrate.
From the inside, the area is bounded by a wall (and covered by a ceiling) of utter blackness. Anyone or anything touching the edge of the area is immediately expelled from the area, back into normal time. This causes an automatic mental stun to anyone other than the caster. Missiles of any sort can be thrown blindly out of the area (see Shooting Blind, p. B389) but not into it. Note that, since all missiles fired out of the area will emerge at the same outside time, an archer could create an impressive burst of arrows by simply firing casually for a few subjective hours . . .
Spells involving the outside simply fail. Any spell requiring concentration and lying inside the area lapses immediately if its caster is left outside. Likewise, any inside spell whose maintenance comes due during the Time Out lapses unless its caster is also inside.
The "flow" of mana into the Timed Out area is effectively nil. Powerstones won't recharge, enchantment is impossible, etc. Mages still recover lost energy (the physical consequences of manipulating mana go away regardless of the local mana supply), but GMs may decree that spells cost much more, or are impossible, within the timestopped area (since the power must be drawn entirely from the caster's personal life-force). This is entirely dependent on the GM's view of mana in his setting.

Duration: An instant (outside time). Within the area, the caster and any other occupants have as much time as they need.
Base cost: 5.
Time to cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and
Accelerate Time.
Staff or timepiece. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

What I'm guessing is that Sakura does not strictly cast directly from fatigue, as is usual the case for GURPS mages, if there's any "usual", but have some kind of pool of "mana" points that recharge from ambient mana, and is not simply her getting tired of channeling all that power. Spell casting might or might not still get her tired, maybe to the same degree as if there wasn't this "pool", perhaps less, and Ninja training, even if she didn't got the full benefit of it, certainly gave her good cardio if nothing else.
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I hope that Sakura continues to be the airhead that she was during the team introduction, that was incredibly amusing.
I hope that Sakura continues to be the airhead that she was during the team introduction, that was incredibly amusing.
She wasn't an airhead, though? Her goals make sense to us, as we know the plot of Naruto, they just come off as completely unknown and weird to everyone else. Least, the moon rabbit killing one does.
She wasn't an airhead, though? Her goals make sense to us, as we know the plot of Naruto, they just come off as completely unknown and weird to everyone else. Least, the moon rabbit killing one does.

Yeah, but I mean it as being air headed from the outside perspective, at least until the moment that they realize that every weird thing she was saying turns out to be true
At what rate does Sakura age then because if I've worked this out right she's spent more than 14 years training inside her time bubble.
There's no reason why she should age slower just because she's in a time-accelerated field. By any reasonable understanding of time, she should age at the same rate that she learns, completely independent of any time acceleration...

It's basically the same as e.g. hitting infinite speed in a Riemannian space-time. You might be able to spend arbitrary amounts of time of your own, for zero elapsed time in your original frame of reference, but you still age normally.

At first I was actually pretty excited for this - I'm always up for more Sakura-centric fic, given how lackluster Kishimoto's handling of her was.

But then between the SI future timeline knowledge, the nanomachines, the weird "chakra-void" thing she has going on, and now random timestop magic... Oi, oi, oi, isn't all of this at once a bit too much?

I appreciate that nothing particularly game breaking (especially by endgame Naruto standards) has happened yet, but how long can that go on if more and more things keep being piled on? I think I suddenly remembered why some shame might be a good thing!

I'm still going to keep reading though - if things keep getting more and more crazy, at least this shows every sign of exploding in an entertaining way. And if the author actually manages to keep all these plates balanced and spinning, then "impressive" will be far too mild a compliment.
There's no reason why she should age slower just because she's in a time-accelerated field. By any reasonable understanding of time, she should age at the same rate that she learns, completely independent of any time acceleration...

It's basically the same as e.g. hitting infinite speed in a Riemannian space-time. You might be able to spend arbitrary amounts of time of your own, for zero elapsed time in your original frame of reference, but you still age normally.
Magic can have weird side effects. And on a Doylist perspective, there are a number of GMs that might rather just keep chronological aging for ease of bookkeeping. :p
Magic can have weird side effects. And on a Doylist perspective, there are a number of GMs that might rather just keep chronological aging for ease of bookkeeping. :p
That's fair, but in that case let's be clear that it's magic.

There's no rational explanation for this behavior. Even if I tried my hardest to excuse it, all I'd get is "there's a post-singularity superintelligence doing it", (probably called "magic"), and then I'd have to start worrying what else it might do.
Chapter 4
C&A Productions Presents

A Work of Blatant Self-Insertion

Go! Unashamed Reincarnation Protagonist Sakura

Chapter 4

Weapons of the Gods

Momochi Zabuza was not having a good time. This arrangement with Gato the shipping magnate was getting worse all the time. He stood on the prow of one of Gato's freighters as it chugged along towards the central isle of the Land of Waves. he reached up and stroked the handle of Kubikiribocho.

At first the deal had been simple. Zabuza needed a place to hide where the hunter nin from Kiri would not find him. Gato was a useful pawn. His greed, and the extreme violence he was willing to go through to fulfil that greed, helped conceal the incidental actions of a handful of missing nin. Zabuza got a place to hide, and a way of earning money to rebuild his strength. Gato got ninja to deal with anything his knock off samurai flunkies could not.

But it was getting far past cheap. First, two of his underlings had been captured by a squad of Konoha nin. Two ninja he could hardly afford to lose. Then he'd had the bad luck of running into the infamous Copy Nin, and a squad of extremely lucky brats, putting him in a recovery bed for most of the week.

And, of course, revealing his trump card.

As if summoned by his thoughts he felt more than heard the tread of Haku's sandaled feet on the deck behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and watched as the kid approached him. As usual, he was wearing the hunter nin mask that Zabuza had harvested off the corpse of the last squad of hunters they had escaped.

"Are you ready this?" Zabuza almost wanted to take the words back. He was getting nervous. His nerves were wired. He was going to face a ninja that had almost killed him. True, he had a plan for this time, but on the battlefield there was no such thing as a plan that survived contact with the enemy.

"I have made myself ready," Haku said. Zabuza stared down at the kid. This was going to be the first real battle he had forced Haku into. Until now, Haku had been strictly support. His talent needed to be feed carefully. Haku had helped from the shadows, but it had been up to Zabuza and the demon brothers to do the actual killing.

Zabuza turned back to the shore. He could run faster than this. The boat was crawling along, obviously the pilot was afraid of grounding on hidden reefs in the darkness. But he was in no hurry. Ambushing Kakashi and his brats in the night would gain him very little. He shifted his grip on Kubikiribocho, frowning behind his mask.

He hadn't felt like this since he'd felt this kind of excitement. Not since he'd faced that demon brat, the butcher that called himself Mizukage, had he ever been this close to death. He could almost feel it in his bones. It was like watching the tide draw rapidly away, and knowing the tsunami was coming. By all rights, he should have fled. That was how he had survived his failed attempt to topple the demon, when so many who had believed in him had died.

He snorted under his breath. Who could believe in him? The 'Demon of the Mist' who had slain an entire class of children in his graduating exam. One of the bloodiest ninja to ever be produced by the Land of Water. Yet they had preferred him to the new Mizukage. How much of a monster did you have to be that a man whose claim to fame was butchering children seemed the sane choice?

"Hey, maybe we'll actually get to see him use that big kitchen knife of his this time."

Zabuza glanced over his shoulder. He had heard the arrival of Gato's two third rate samurai wannabes on the deck, but had dismissed them both. They were thugs with pretensions; good for terrorizing civilians and murdering the weak.

"Are you kidding, why would you ever want to see that thing in practice?" the taller thug said.

"Oh?" The shorter one grinned, playing along.

"That's the Kubikiribocho," the tall one said. "I read up on it, once." He stroked the hilt of his katana. "One of those famous swords from the Village of Hidden Water." He grinned mockingly. "But unlike the others, the only special power it has is the ability to repair itself using the blood of its victims." Zabuza turned his face away. He wondered where the moron had heard the story of his sword. It was even almost true. Kubikiribocho did repair itself, but it used the iron in the blood of its victims, not just the blood.

"What use is a sword whose only special quality works when its broken?" The short one laughed.

"You're wrong." Zabuza glanced at Haku, who had turned to face the thugs. "The sword is not Master Zabuza's weapon."

"I suppose he carries it just for the sentimental value," the tall one said with a mocking smile.

"I am Master Zabuza's weapon," Haku said. "For I am a ninja. And it is our purpose to be a weapon, wielded until it breaks and spilling blood." He tilted his head slightly. "In this way, the blade is a symbol of his status as a ninja. But I am the only weapon he needs."

The two thugs did not seem impressed by Haku's declaration but Zabuza found himself wondering about it. A weapon was to be used until it was broken, huh? The thought pleased him. Yet also left him uneasy.


Zabuza body flickered onto the bridge with Haku beside him. They arrived at the perfect location. The bridge was almost finished, only a few dozen meters of open water kept the end of the bridge from the far shore. The trio of ninja and the bridge builder were near that edge, and Zabuza and Haku were now between them and solid ground. True, it was not an insurmountable distance for trained ninja. Even putting aside that water-walking was an advanced skill most ninja could swim or leap or use some combination of wire and other ninja tools.

He smirked beneath his bandages. There wasn't a chance that any of them would try it. Fleeing from a Kiri trained ninja on the open ocean was the quickest way Zabuza could think of to commit suicide.

He landed just far enough that the enemy could see him, but more than distant enough that he could fade back into the mist his jutsu had summoned could protect him from the hypnotic gaze of the Sharingan.

Still, he was surprised when the water clones he had created to distract his enemies all collapsed into puddles. The ninja brat in the blue shirt had finished them off with a single move, spinning a kunai through the air in a sharp circle. Some sort of wire tied to the kunai's pommel-loop to conceal how he controlled it in mid-air, he supposed.

"I admit, brat, I'm impressed despite myself." Zabuza shrugged theatrically. "You seem to have grown from that quivering faker at the lake."

"Even if the clones are only ten percent as strong as the original, it is an accomplishment to go from a child who could barely out manoeuvre a single clone to defeating five of them in a single blow." Haku's voice was almost eager.

"Don't talk so big," the blue-shirt brat said with a growl. "You think we're going to believe a single word you say after that ham acting back at the lake?" He rubbed a thumb along his chin. "Why don't you come over here and I can show you just how strong I am?"

"It is a remarkable spirit you have," Haku said. "I would hate to kill you. But if you insist." Haku turned his face, still hidden behind his hunter nin mask, towards Zabuza. "If you would allow me?"

Zabuza narrowed his eyes. 'I would hate to kill you...' Did Haku really mean that? Despite everything, he had yet to prove himself with blood. Zabuza turned his attention back to the trio of ninja standing between him and the bridge builder. Kakashi looked to be fully on his guard, one hand holding a kunai and the other formed into a neutral seal in front of his face. The third one... was smiling dreamily at him.

That expression... it was the exact same expression she had worn at the lake. Even when he had unleashed the full strength of his killing intent and his well honed intimidating display, she hadn't lost that dreamy smile. The kind of smile that showed absolute confidence that he was no threat to her.

He couldn't escape the feeling that had been growing ever since he had confronted these Konoha nin at the lake. The feeling he was walking blithely to his own death. He hadn't felt this way since he had confronted the Mizukage and felt that demonic chakra overflowing from the monster's body.

Still... a weapon existed to be broken in service to its master.

"Haku, go."

"Yes!" Haku flashed forward, his entire body spinning like a top. The air whirred as the kunai he was holding slashed the air. The boy in the shirt sprinted forward. A tremendous ring sounded out as their kunai clashed. Haku was jarred to a halt, but didn't so much as stumble.

Zabuza smirked and crossed his arms. For a moment, the two young ninja struggled and shifted, their feet sliding across the water-soaked ground where Zabuza's water clones had been destroyed.

"You should not have picked this fight," Haku told the boy.

The boy only grinned. "Don't flatter yourself. You're fast. But I'm faster." He pushed, the kunai held in his right hand slowly pushing back the kunai held in Haku's right. "And stronger, too."

"Perhaps." Then Haku lifted his right hand up to face level. "Perhaps not." With that, Haku began to fold and flick his fingers through specific forms. The Konoha shinobi's eyes widened.

"Hand seals! With one hand!" The boy flinched back. Even Kakashi seemed nonplussed.

It was a perfect trap. Already the area was soaked with water. The boy's hand was caught holding the bind, which meant he only had one hand to defend himself. With Haku's special bloodline he could do hand seals one handed. Which meant this wasn't a battle of taijutsu but of-

There was a crack and Haku went flying backwards. He skidded across the bridge, rolling on one shoulder. He managed to halt his momentum and used the last of it the kick to his feet. A sliver of ceramic fell from his mask and clattered to the bridge.

The Konoha nin stood, his fist still extended in the arc of his punch. He smirked and spun his kunai in his now free right hand. "I'm sorry, was I supposed to be impressed?" Zabuza narrowed his eyes. He hadn't even seen the boy move.

"My, that was certainly something," Kakashi said. He stepped forward slightly. "I would say, if I hadn't been drilling Sasuke in speed for the last month, that jutsu would have caught him off guard." He glanced at Haku, who was fingering his cracked mask. "I would guess... a kekkei genkai, am I correct?"

"Don't underestimate Haku," Zabuza said. "He's just getting started." Zabuza forced levity into his voice. "His potential is boundless and no regular ninja, no matter how fast, can hope to defeat him."

"Sasuke," Kakashi said. "There is no need to put yourself in any danger. If this boy really does have a bloodline, your trump card would be useless." He stepped past the boy.

Zabuza snapped his hands into a seal and flashed across the bridge the arrive in front of Kakashi. "No, I don't think so. Your opponent, Kakashi of the Sharingan will be-"

"Excuse me!"

Zabuza slipped backwards, grabbing the handle of his giant sword. Where had she come from? Zabuza had meant to appear between Kakashi and Haku but somehow that dreamy smiled girl had been between them, standing under his guard! She was grinning at him.

"Sensei, sensei!" She raised her hands and bounced on her heels, like an over eager student in middle school. "Oh, oh! Pick me, pick me!"

"Now, Sakura, the adults were talking."

"Ah, but Sasuke gets his own super cool rival fight to the death," Sakura said with a pout. An actual pout. "I want to have a epic ninja fight, too!" She began to bounce back and forth on her heels, her long red cloak flopping around her as she shadowboxed.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck. "Sakura, you're embarrassing me in front of my mortal enemy."

The girl turned to face him, clutching her hands beneath her chin as she gazed up at him like an eager puppy. "Please, sensei!" She then smiled slyly. "Besides... I may be a freak among freaks but so far all my freak stuff has been pure theory. I need to know how I stack up against a real ninja." She glanced over her shoulder at Haku and Sasuke, who were approaching each other in a cautious spiral. "And I wouldn't take this fight from Sasuke."

"Enough," Zabuza growled. He flickered behind the girl. Kubikiribocho released from its harness with a snap and he drew it around in a wide arc, all his power behind a one handed blow. He was not about to be mocked by some overconfident brat.

There was a loud clang, the sound of metal on metal. Zabuza's eyes widened. He had expected the sound of blood splattering across concrete, of flesh parting like water. He had even expected the clatter of wood or crack of construction equipment scattering across the bridge as the girl managed a last minute substitution.

What he was not expecting was for her to be holding back his great cleaver with one hand, her thick red cloak wrapped tightly around her fist. She was staring over the line of her arm and his blade, her wide green eyes focused on his. The pupils of her eyes had shrunk to pinpricks. Her lips had pulled back in a rictus grin.

"Wait your fucking turn," she said. Her voice had totally changed character. Rather than the eager student, it was a voice thick with malicious intent. "I don't have sensei's permission to play with you. So back off or they'll let me out and then you'll be in all kinds of shit!"

Zabuza launched himself backward. He spun his great cleaver-shaped sword in front of him in a reflexive defensive move. Was he actually retreating? The Demon of the Hidden Mist was retreating from some candy floss haired brat not even half his size! He began to shake. He, who had once terrorized an entire elemental nation? He, who had come within a hand's breadth of defeating the demon infested Mizukage?

The girl turned her attention back to her sensei. "Well, Kakashi, how about you give me a chance to prove myself to myself?" Her voice was all sweetness and light and airheaded delight again.

Kakashi look at her for a long moment. His eyes trailed over her cloak and then looked at Zabuza's blade. "Very well." He held up one finger. "But if I think anything is going wrong, I'll step in."

Sakura jumped, pumping both fists. "All right!" She turned to face him. "I've waited so long for this you have no idea." She stepped between him and Kakashi, throwing back her cloak and holding out one hand. "And if you're going to have a giant sword..."

"Ars magica: restriccione in contrarium inde absolvisti; schola porta quod corium discuteret." Zabuza shifted his stance as a circle of pink light formed in front of her hand. Some sort of sealing art? He didn't recognize the form at all. Then she reached into the circular mandala and grasped the air. With a crack of displaced air a sword appeared in her hand.

It was huge, easily half again as long as the girl was tall. The handle alone was as long as her forearm. The entire blade was made of some silvery metal, run through with traces of gold etching that formed complex ideograms all up and down the length. It was shaped like an elongated diamond, double edged and perfectly symmetrical. In the centre of the widest part of the blade was what look like a cross between a clock face and a series of gears. They spun in lazy circles. The pummel of the blade was balanced by a orb the size of a fist, an orb so black it seemed to drain the light from the air.

"Ars technica: Interfectis Gladio Dei Victoriae." She bounced the massive blade out of her palm and caught it one handed. "What do you say we slice each other up like a couple of real-life, honest to goodness sword fighters?"

"Brat, don't think you can intimidate me with a sword so big you can't possibly wield it at your size!" Zabuza shouted.

She glanced at the blade. "You're right. This thing is too light for my strength." She smirked. "Anima Invictus, please increase to two gees." The cement at her feet suddenly cracked.

Her smirk became a vicious grin and then she moved. He heard the bridge cracking in sequence with her footsteps, so quickly the sound almost dissolved into a single long roar. Her face was suddenly right in front of him and that monster blade came down in a one handed overhead.

Blood scattered everywhere. There was a curl of smoke and a popping sound. Blood became cement. Pieces of shattered body became the remain of a mixer, flying in all directions as if torn apart by a grenade. The bridge beneath the sword cratered.

Zabuza landed on one of the safety rails, his hands unclenching from the substitution seal. Sakura turned her face towards him, twisting her neck almost unnaturally. Her cloak floated around her almost lazily. "Hey there!" she called out. "You're fast."

"What the hell, brat," Zabuza snarled. "Did you think such a straightforward attack would actually work?"

Sakura stood up, balancing the haft of her sword on one shoulder. "Nah. At least not without cheating even more." She held up her free hand. "Ready for round two?"

Zabuza didn't give her a chance to act. He flung Kubikiribocho so fast it hissed through the air. She twisted sideways to avoid the spinning blade. Zabuza flickered behind her and caught the sword in mid-air, twisting with its momentum. He brought the blade up and around at the gap in her legs. Cement and rebar geysered up as Kubikiribocho tore apart the bridge in its arc.

The blade slammed to a bone jarring halt. "What-" Zabuza gasped. The girl had brought her free arm down. A hexagon of light had sprung up from some sort of jewel on her wrist, stopping the giant cleaver cold.

"Oy, Sakura, we're being paid to help build a bridge, not destroy it." Kakashi sounded flippant.

"Right," Sakura grinned at him. "Let's take this somewhere else. Ai, full combat mode, please."

Zabuza leapt back, wondering what fresh insanity was happening now. As the girl straightened her cloak liquified as if it was melting. The material stretched and folded around her body in a flash, before hardening into a skintight bodysuit. Pieces of ceramic that she had been wearing under the cloak pushed through her and there. There was a hiss of escaping steam as nearly imperceptible hinges irised open revealing more of those jewels all over her body. The air around her briefly flared with visible light before it faded.

"Let's take this fight away from the bridge so we can really cut loose, eh?" she grinned. "Ai, tau shield, level 2."

Sakura blurred. Zabuza's eyes widened. No time for kaminari! His sword came up to his side, held across his shoulder. The shock travelled through his arms and shoulders with stunning force. It took him a moment to realize he was in free fall.

He spun in midair, his body cutting through the mist. The ocean approached from below. He landed in a crouch, not even sinking so much as a millimetre into the water. The girl came after him. And she was running on the mist.

No... small circles of pink light bloomed with each step beneath her heel. It was like she was charging down a steep ramp straight at him. "You bitch! You think you can beat me on the open ocean!" He spat and brought up his hands in a seal. "Come to your death!"

He cycled chakra through his feet and skated backwards, barely fast enough to avoid having his head removed by the sword. She stepped onto the water and began to chase after him. Her grip reversed as she improved her aerodynamic profile. Great splashes of water were thrown up behind her with every step. Zabuza stayed just outside her reach, his fingers flashing through hand seals with desperate speed.

"Water release: Water dragon missile!"

"Ai, Tau Four!"

His jutsu released a massive dragon shaped water spout, slamming through the air in front of him. The girl did not just blur. She vanished. His eyes widened. Behind him!

Nearly wrenching his shoulder out of the socket he managed to grab Kubikiribocho with both hands and place it between them. He felt the ringing impact of a dozen blows across the blade. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was like there were multiple clones of the girl, but they were all overlapping and striking at the same time. No clone technique could do that!

With a series of cracks and pops Kubikiribocho disintegrated under the onslaught. Jagged pieces of the sword flew in all directions. Blood began to leak from multiple shallow cuts across his body. Zabuza staggered back, one foot sinking up to his knee in the water. Great waves rippled across the ocean surface behind him, sending foam into the air. He clutched the hilt of his broken sword in one hand, barely able to hold it up.

"What kind of monster-" Zabuza cried.

"You don't have to die here, Momochi Zabuza," Sakura said, pointing the tip of her blade at him. The fragments of his sword had bounced off her body, tiny hexagons briefly flashing into existence each time.

"Lord Zabuza!" There was a soft splash. Sakura jerked her head to the side as icy needles flashed past her ears. She skipped backward to avoid another hail of projectiles. Haku was charging across the water.

There was a blue flicker and the boy, Sasuke, dropped in front of his rescue. "I think you forgot that I am your opponent."

There was another flash of pseudo motion and Kakashi appeared on the water. His arms were crossed and his Sharingan was uncovered. "I think I forgot to warn you that you're biting off more than you can chew." Haku tried to unleash another hail of ice needles but Sasuke seemed to flow in and around them, impossibly finding a gap that allowed him to close and thrust a palm into the other boy's stomach. Haku staggered back and then Sasuke was behind him, a kunai held at Haku's throat and one arm detly wrapping ninja wire around both Haku's wrists.

"First off, allow me to introduce, Uchiha Sasuke. The genius number one student of this year's academy class and last of the prestigious Uchiha clan."

Zabuza starred as the boy looked up from around Haku's shoulder. Both his eyes had turned blood red, with small magatama spinning in their irises. "The Uchiha clan," Zabuza hissed.

"Yes. The clan famous for being born with the Sharingan that I inherited." Kakashi nodded towards the girl with her oversized greatsword. "And you've also met Haruno Sakura, this years most brilliant ninja. Who has developed her own special ninja tools." Sakura wiggled her fingers at him.

Zabuza chuckled. "So I was walking to my death after all..." He threw his head back and laughed. "What a joke, did we ever stand a chance?" He dropped his head. "But even if you kill me, Kakashi, you still lose."

"Oh?" Kakashi seemed willing to hear him out.

"Gato is not the kind of man who puts all his hopes in one plan." Zabuza grinned viciously. "Even now, his men have fanned out across the island. Ever man who worked on this bridge will be dead, and their families with them. Starting with the bridge builders own!"

"Really now?" Kakashi seemed unperturbed.

"And you left your charge all alone..." Zabuza hissed.

Up on the bridge, which was now in plain sight since the mist from Zabuza's Hidden Mist technique had faded away he could see the bridge builder leaning on the safety railing, watching them with interest. Behind the man, the last water clone Zabuza had formed and kept in reserve appeared-

And broke apart into a cloud of vapour. The bridge builder held his fist up where he had casually backhanded the clone away. He grinned and with a cloud of smoke and a soft pop was replaced with the orange ninja kid that had outsmarted him at the lake.

"A transformation jutsu?" Zabuza said more to himself.

"And last but certainly not least, this years most unpredictable knuckle-headed ninja, Uzumaki Naruto." Kakashi turned to the boy on the bridge. "Hey, Naruto," he shouted. "Are you all finished?"

"You better believe it, sensei!" Naruto shouted through his cupped hands. "My kage bushin report that every single one of Gato's thugs have been rounded up and dealt with." He dropped onto the water, landing slightly unsteadily but walking with confidence.

"Though next time one of your gets to scour the entire island for the small fry and I get to have the epic ninja duel!" Naruto's voice was whining.

"Did you find Gato himself?"

"Oh yeah." Naruto nodded. "He and like this whole army of guys were on a boat just around the cape. I snuck out all ninja stealth with my awesome water walking and was like bam-" he punched "-crash-" he kicked "-Uzumaki style ultimate beatdown."

Who was this brat? Not even Zabuza could send his water clones more than a few dozen meters away from his real body and they expected him to believe he could summon enough shadow clones to blanket the entire island? Just his luck, a team of absolute monsters.

"Lord Zabuza..." Zabuza turned his attention to Haku, who had his face turned towards Naruto. "I'm sorry, Lord Zabuza. I can no longer serve you."

"Oh man," Naruto said with a groan. "It's really all over? I didn't get to fight a single ninja."

"You fought to protect the people of this island," Haku said to him. "Was it just for the money? Or are they precious to you?"

Naruto gave the bound ninja an odd look, almost as if he had heard the question before. "I had the most important job of all," Naruto said. "Saving this nation from bullies. Because even if we just met, they trusted me to help them, so I had to do it. That's my ninja way."

"I see." Haku ducked his head. "Lord Zabuza, the purpose of a weapon is to be broken in service to its master."

Sakura's head snapped up. "Sasuke, watch out!"

But it was too late. Red sprayed across the water as Haku threw himself forward. Sasuke's kunai sliced cleanly through his throat. Sasuke gasped and lost his grip. The wire holding Haku's wrists loosened.

Even as the boy was sinking into the water, seeming to float in slow motion to Zabuza's eyes, his hands flashed into a series of seal. Sakura was running past Zabuza sprinting at Haku. Her sword dropped from her hand, vanishing into a mandala of light. She was chanting at high speed, her hands flashing through the air and creating a geometric pattern of pink light as she reached out one hand for Haku's throat.

Her body was flung back as a series of ice mirrors suddenly formed a circle around Haku and Zabuza. Zabuza landed in a crouch, catching the boy in his lap. Haku coughed, blood leaking from under his mask and flowing freely from his neck.

There was a crash. Zabuza looked up. Sakura had punched a fist through one of the mirrors, but even as she drew her fist out to strike again the damage healed itself. "No!" she cried. Her fist smashed another hole but smaller this time. Even as Haku's life was fading, his chakra was growing stronger.

"That chakra... the Gate of Release?" Kakashi sounded surprised and horrified. "Where did you learn that? Why did you teach..."

Zabuza stared down at the boy in his lap. He gently removed the mask, revealing Haku's face. He was gazing with adoration up at Zabuza, unmindful of the pain.

"That... that girl!" Naruto gasped.

"Dammit no!" Sakura slammed her fist into the ice mirrors again but they didn't even crack. "Let me in! LET ME IN! I can save him! I can still heal him!" She began to punctuate each word with a blow of her fist. "He. Doesn't. Deserve. To die!"

"It's her... him? That kid, from before we started the training..." Naruto muttered.

"Kakashi, I have to get inside! I can fix this! I just need to get inside before he dies!"

"Sasuke!" Kakashi ran around opposite the blue-shirted boy. "Snap out of it, Sasuke! It's time to use that jutsu!"

Sasuke was staring at the bloody kunai in his hand. He seemed to snap to attention and dropped the knife as if burned. He jumped back a half dozen paces. "Ruh-right!"

"We'll have to time this perfectly," Kakashi said. "Our only hope to overwhelm his chakra is to hit from opposite direction at the exact same time!"

Like perfect mirrors the two began to make hand seals at the same time. Then both dropped their right hand and clutched their forearm with the other. A buzzing sound like a thousand birds taking flight at once filled the air and the chakra in their hands became so intense he could see it with his naked eyes.

"...zabuza..." Zabuza looked at Haku's face. "...use my body... my blood..."

"Don't do it!" Sakura roared and began to smash her fists into the mirrors so hard that the water around her was sent flying backward by the shockwaves. "AI! TAU EIGHT!" Her body became a kaleidoscope, a chimera with a hundred fists. Slowly the mirror began to crack under her attack.

Zabuza looked at the handle of Kubikiribocho. The beheading blade, that regenerate from the blood of its enemies. His eyes narrowed. Yes. Even if he had lost, been outmanoeuvred at every step, he could still have his revenge.

He drove the broken shaft of the sword into Haku's body. It was time for him to remember the demon who had slaughtered a hundred children in a single hour. He began to make hand seals above the hilt of the blade. He could see the mirrors weakening as Haku's life force drained away. The Uchiha and Kakashi began to sprint towards the mirrors, those deadly glowing palms held behind and to their sides.

"Bloody Mist; Iron Whirlpool."

He released his jutsu just as the two ninjas shattered through the mirrors. The entire complex disintegrated into mist. Zabuza gripped the handle of Kubikiribocho and swung it in a long arc. The human body was sixty percent water, and most of that was blood!

Haku's body floated up like a puppet, the centre of a maelstrom that expanded in all directions. Long lines of blood flashed in all directions, twisting into a vortex. Zabuza slashed his sword through it; the blade didn't so much repair as reform almost instantly. His blow nearly caught the Uchiha, who only barely managed to dodge to the side. He struck with his glowing palm. The blow cracked Kubikiribocho in two.

It hardly mattered, the blade reformed again instantly. With a flex of his free hand the sheared off section of blade twisted through the vortex and came at the boy from behind. A red and pink blur grabbed him by his popped collar and dragged him out of the maelstrom. Kakashi aimed at Zabuza's heart, but only struck the reformed blade. It, too, shattered into a dozen pieces. But it reformed just as quickly and Kakashi throw himself out of the vortex as Zabuza just barely failed to chop his legs off with the reformed Kubikiribocho. Even so, he was still tagged three times by the swirling remnants of the blade as his chakra pulled them around.

It would do him no good. Kakashi gasped and fell to his knees. Blood was streaming from his wounds into the vortex, draw across the distance between them with an awful gravity.

"Kakashi," Sakura shouted and appeared at his side. Her hands gestured frantically and a mandala of light formed as she rapidly chanted and touched his wounds. They sealed in burst of rainbow light and Kakashi staggered back.

Zabuza grinned behind his bandages. He could feel the wounds opened earlier in the fight burning. The technique was indiscriminate. Every wound opened by Kubikiribocho was effected, even his own. He had less than a minute left before his technique drained him like a vampire. Before then, he would take at least one of these arrogant Konoha ninja with him!

"You... you bastard!" Naruto roared.

"Naruto, no! Stay away from him!" Kakashi tried to stand but slumped to one knee. Sakura grabbed his shoulder and leapt back with him.

"Stand still," she said with a hiss and began to chant, forming another of her mandalas behind his back.

Then Zabuza snapped his gaze back to the boy. He was hunched forward, snarling. A pressure exploded from him. "You... fucking.... bastard!" Naruto snapped his eyes open and the pupils had turned to slits. "He was your comrade! He was your friend!"

The whisker marks on the boy's cheeks grew more defined, furrowing into his face. His canines extended and his fingers curled like claws. Zabuza could only laugh. Oh, yes, he recognized this pressure. He knew this awful chakra.

He had faced it once before.

"What... what is this?" Sasuke cried.

"Damnit," Kakashi said. "All that training we did, constantly pushing him to the edge in that place; it weakened the seal!"

"You killed him! You killed him because he wanted to help you!" Naruto snapped his hand up and something began to swirl in his palm. "He only wanted to save you, and you killed him!"

"Of course I did, runt," Zabuza said. He felt like spitting in the face of death. "That is what ninja are for. To be used up and thrown away. Just like you will be, one day."

"RAAAAHHH!" Naruto leapt into the maelstrom. Zabuza swung Kubikiribocho to meet him but he snapped his palm forward and a swirling orb connected with the blade. The weapon was instantly torn to shreds. But in the bloody vortex, it reformed in an instant. Still, the orb pressed forward, tearing the giant clever into shreds again and again and again.

The swirling currents filled with hundreds of shards of razor sharp steel. The boys body began to jerk and twitch as they tore into him. Steam rose from the wounds as they closed almost as they opened, but still they ripped out more and more of his blood. Zabuza smirked as the boy fell towards him, the swirling force in his palm ripping his blade apart faster than it could reform.

It was fitting, that he would escape one demon only to die at the hands of another. He watched his death approach-

Only or the boy to suddenly fly backwards, pulled out of the bloody storm. Sasuke spun, ninja wire extended from his fingers and wrapped around all of Naruto's limbs. Shuriken were hooked together keeping the net in place.

"Sakura!" Sasuke shouted. "Quick!"

Sakura snapped her hand onto Kakashi's back and the older ninja seemed to jerk. Rainbow light seemed to pour out of his body for a moment as he stood up straight. Then Sakura was flying across the water towards Naruto. The boy seemed to stagger drunkenly, his features returning to normal.

"Sasuke..." The name came out slurred. "I don't feel..." He groaned and collapsed. Sasuke caught him under the arms, his face pale.

Sakura reached him as her mandala formed some impossibly complex shape. Zabuza stepped forward, only to pause as Kakashi appeared between the children and him. Zabuza smiled as he looked into that Sharingan eye.

"Damn..." Zabuza coughed. He collapsed to one knee. "Not even one of you? How pathetic is that?"

"You're almost out of chakra to maintain that jutsu," Kakashi said.

"You're right, I can't even move." He looked down but Haku's body had sunk beneath the waves. The Iron Whirlpool had used him up and cast him aside.

"You're dying," Kakashi said. "That technique, it's a flawed opening of the Gates. Just like the boy used. It burned out your ability to regulate your chakra and now its feeding on itself."

Zabuza smirked. "The man who owned Kubikiribocho before me, he was killed by a Konoha nin using those Gates. I developed my own version, but it wasn't perfect." He coughed and collapsed onto his hands, his fingers sinking through the water. "I guess I couldn't fulfil my dream, after all. I could only live my nightmare."

"Why do this to yourself?"

"I don't envy you, Kakashi." He reached up and pulled away his bandages from his face, revealing his sharpened teeth. "You have three monsters. Ninja. And the use of ninja is to be broken and thrown awa-"


It was dark when Kakashi finally sought out Sakura. The squad was going to be leaving tomorrow. As he expected, he found her at the small grave she had insisted on building for the fallen ninja. The hilt of Zabuza's giant cleaver-sword thrust into a small cairn, with Haku's mask hanging from it.

There were no bodies under that cairn. For some reason Sakura had insisted that the bodies be entirely destroyed, burned to ashes and the ashes scattered to the winds. Neither Sasuke or Naruto had been able to understand why she built a grave for Zabuza.

"Sensei," Sakura said when he joined her on the shoreline. She was gazing out at the water. In the distance, the bridge was barely visible. "How are Naruto and Sasuke?"

"Sasuke is fine, just a little exhausted." Kakashi found a large stone and sat down. "Even with all that extra training, he wasn't fully prepared to use the Chidori like that. I've forbidden him to use it again until we have a chance to properly build up his chakra."

Sakura nodded thoughtfully.

"As for Naruto..." Kakashi looked down. "He's okay. Physically, at least. Psychologically? Who knows." He looked out at the water with her. "This is the first time he has seen death with his own eyes."

"...and I did nothing to stop it," she said bitterly.

"You wanted to save them?" He gave a pointed look to the dual grave. "Both of them."

"I didn't see the harm in letting them live," she said mostly to herself. "I mean, how could they have endangered-" She cut off and looked at him. "They would have been no danger to us, to Tazuna or the Land of Waves or to Konoha. With Gato taken down, there was no reason for us to fight anymore."

"And yet you fought him anyway." Kakashi rubbed a hand through his hair. "You came up with the plan of ambusing Gato while his ninja were distracted at the bridge. We could have just stalled until Naruto was finished and then parted peacefully, if that was your intention."

She clenched her fists, her eyes locked on the grave. "I fucked up. Again." She blinked, her eyes shining. "My own stupid pride. I wanted to play ninja for real." She looked at him, tears dribbling down her cheeks. "I said to myself 'What did this mission matter in the big picture?' I told myself that no one would notice if I finally got a chance to let loose." She stared down at her hands. "Over a hundred subjective years of preparing. Training endlessly, day after day after day. I gave up sleep and food and pleasure. Rewired my own brain to enjoy it. So I wouldn't skip a single hour. All to make the math work. To maximize return on investment. I became a freakshow so I could do anything but stand on the sidelines and cheer..."

Kakashi placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Fucking useless pride." She rubbed her fists into her eyes. "Haku didn't deserve this. But I took away that choice. I knew what could happen and I fucking choose to show off anyway!" She was shaking under his hand. "This isn't a game. I have to keep telling myself that. It's not a game but I keep goddamn playing."

Eventually she cried herself out. Kakashi rubbed the small of her back as she sat hunched on the shoreline. Some of the blood had stained the sand here. Sakura stared at it, then gestured sharply and tossed a ball of fire onto the beach, burning away the blood.

"Sakura," Kakashi said, catching her attention. "Just like I have forbidden Sasuke to use the chidori until he has more training, I'm also forbidding you from using your time stop jutsu." She looked into his eyes. "I think... I think something about that place outside time is not good for everyone in it." He stood up.

"You're talking about what happened with Naruto, aren't you."

Kakashi hated himself but he could not answer. He couldn't. They deserved to know, but he couldn't answer. He looked away.

"Sasuke saw it all with his Sharingan and I'm a certified genius, sensei." She smiled sadly. "We can put things together on our own."

"Nevertheless, I don't want any of us to be in that timeless space again until i understand why it had the effect it had on Naruto." He paused. "Or Sasuke for that matter. His chakra didn't grow nearly as much as it should have from nearly a month of subjective training."

"I agree," Sakura said. "I honestly didn't know it interacted with chakra that way. I suppose I should have guessed being cut off from the natural chakra cycle would be harmful in some way." She rose to her feet.

"Which I suppose leaves only one question, sensei."


"Now that you know more of the truth... who are you going to share that with?"

Kakashi gave her a long look. "This power of yours, Sakura. It's dangerous and unknown. The Hokage should know."

"If you tell, that's your choice." She nodded. "I can only say I had good reasons not to tell the Hokage." She looked away. "There is a way that everything the Hokage knows seems to spread to other people." She looked at him. "And I did the research. Have you ever wondered why the village has never produced a clanless genius?"

"Clanless genius?" Kakashi frowned at her.

"All of the most brilliant ninja in the village come from clans, who zealously guard their progeny. If you believe the standard line, its because the clans have better resources and skills to produce truly exceptional ninja." Sakura looked him straight in the eye. "But talent doesn't work like that. It's as much nurture as nature. So why is a village so unusual or its focus on teamwork and cooperation one of the ones with the least number of clanless geniuses that rise up through the ranks." She stepped away from him. "It's almost like the truly exceptional ones... just vanish before they can even reach the academy."

Kakashi watched her leave, his feelings uncertain.

"You have three monsters. Ninja. And the use of ninja is to be broken and thrown awa-"
His talent needed to be feed carefully.


but more than distant enough that he could fade back into the mist his jutsu had summoned could protect him from the hypnotic gaze of the Sharingan.

Sentence is a bit confused. Perhaps ...

but more than distant enough that he could fade back into the mist his jutsu had summoned, protecting him from the hypnotic gaze of the Sharingan.

Here I type some stuff
It doesn't really matter
Too few words warning
Honestly, I have to say that keeping with the "Haku and Zabuza" die after all the changes was rather annoying and disappointing.
Listening to the Revengance soundtracks again, I can totally envision a world in which the Metal Gear series plot happens in the Naruto universe. Just replace parasites and nanomachines with chakra and bloodlines and it still makes the same amount of sense (which means we still have no idea what is even happening)
Honestly, I have to say that keeping with the "Haku and Zabuza" die after all the changes was rather annoying and disappointing.

Mainly I wanted to have the heroine seriously manage to fuck up because despite all her power and foreknowledge, she's not perfect.

Also, I had no idea what I would do with Zabuza and Haku if they stayed alive.

This was originally the climax of chapter 3 but with Sakura doing far more of the heavy lifting and coming across as even more brokenly overpowered and bitchy.

So I can understand why you would be unhappy with the results. All I can say is that after the Wave Arc, things begin to change pretty significantly. Including getting hints of some things Sakura has already changed.
"Clanless genius?" Kakashi frowned at her.

"All of the most brilliant ninja in the village come from clans, who zealously guard their progeny. If you believe the standard line, its because the clans have better resources and skills to produce truly exceptional ninja." Sakura looked him straight in the eye. "But talent doesn't work like that. It's as much nurture as nature. So why is a village so unusual or its focus on teamwork and cooperation one of the ones with the least number of clanless geniuses that rise up through the ranks." She stepped away from him. "It's almost like the truly exceptional ones... just vanish before they can even reach the academy."
Hints of Root, I see. Kakashi was once in that organization, so I wonder if he'll pick up what she's implying? I do hope that the butterflies caused by Sakura shall prevent the death of the 3rd Hokage, and possibly the invasion of Konoha - the latter might be a tad too ingrained to prevent, however.
Chapter 5
So people have been wondering when canon is going to start to seriously diverge?

C&A Productions Presents

A Work of Blatant Self-Insertion

Go! Unashamed Reincarnation Protagonist Sakura

Chapter 5


Sarutobi Hiruzen did not consider himself a unsociable man. For a ninja who lived in a village of ninja and had the job of out-ninjaing a bunch of ninja he thought he was remarkably outgoing man. He made a habit of being seen among his citizens as often as possible, especially the children. He tried to make time for the personal concerns of his shinobi and kunoichi. He never missed a festival of holiday. He actually loved making speeches. He felt he had a knack for it, and sometimes spent hours practising in front o his mirror.

His oratorical skills were not as universally beloved as his personable attitude, but none of his ninja were rude enough to bring it up to his face.

These thoughts struck him as he considered how difficult it was for the man in charge of the most secrets in a village dedicated to keeping secrets to actually keep a meeting secret. First, it couldn't take place in his office. It couldn't even take place in his home. Or the home of either of the men he was visiting with. He couldn't meet anywhere that the meeting could be confused as a social visit.

Especially not with these two.

The room they ended up in was one of the emergency shelters built into Monument Mountain. There was only one entrance and the ground around it had been reinforced over the generations by retired jounin with seals and jutsu for four generations. Further, his two companions were perhaps the single best for determining if anybody had somehow broken through all his precautions and found some way to eavesdrop.

"Gentleman, I presume we are officially alone?" he asked, holding his pipe in one hand. He wore casual clothes but his hate-of-state was hung up on a nearby wall, unobtrusive but obvious to watchful ninja.

Hyuuga Hiashi released his hands from the focusing seal as his eyes returned from the active to inactive stage of the Byakugan. "I can confirm there are no interlopers to the limit of my perception."

Hatake Kakashi slid his forehead protector back over his Sharingan eye. The subtle seals etched into the inside of the hitai-ate would help him put the eye to rest. Hiruzen knew it was a constant drain on the man's chakra. But still, with its chakra perception it was second only to the Byakugan.

"Very well then, gentlemen, let's not waste time." Hiruzen tapped his pipe out into a pouch in his other hand and began to refill it with some of his favourite blend. "Even with shadow clones distracting our usual watchers someone will miss our presence eventually."

Kakashi held up a one handed seal. "I suppose I'm the one who should start then," he said. "I'm the reason we had to go through so much trouble."

"...and you were late."

"I'm sorry," Kakashi said. Hiashi gave no impression he had said anything. Hiruzen snapped his fingers and summoned a tiny flame to light his pipe. "I have a great deal to report about the recent mission Team 7 undertook in Wave."

Hiruzen listened attentively as Kakashi explained a great deal that was not in his official report. The details were startling, perhaps even unbelievable. If the man delivering the report had not been Kakashi, he would not have entertained that it even could be truth. Yet as he spoke, Hiashi did not have a look of disbelief on his face. Instead there was only a sort of resigned confirmation. The occasional subtle nod or shrug at Hiruzen's glances was enough to tell him that the normally prosaic clan head was taking everything Kakashi said seriously.

Finally Kakashi lowered his hand and slipped it into his pocket. His posture was crouched but Hiruzen had known him long enough to read the tension in the tilt of his neck and the tiny lines around his one visible eye.

"And you can confirm this?" Hiruzen asked Hiashi.

Hiashi had his hands folded in front of his stomach, the sleeves of his green overcoat concealing them from view. "I can't speak from personal experience." He unlaced his arms and held out one hand which had a scroll rolled up into it. "But this document was written by my brother before his death. One of his last requests was that all its details be locked behind family secret fuinjutsu." He approached and held the scroll to his Hokage. "I have unsealed it and took a brief look..."

Hiruzen took the scroll and carefully unrolled it. He allowed a cloud of smoke to escape from his lips and took another breath through the pipe, allowing the nicotine taste to spread down through his lungs and calm his nerves.

"I admit, what is in that scroll is beyond me." Hiashi stepped backward and resume his formal posture. "My brother was the trained medic, not I. The routine anatomical training of our clan, while greater than most, was insufficient to the task."

Hiruzen repressed a shudder. It wouldn't do for any of his soldiers to see their general being unnerved. Sometimes he imagined most of the Hokage's job was projecting strength and invincibility, rather than actually having strength. He scrolled through the document quickly, his eyes flickering from the complex technical language to the extremely detailed diagrams and back again. Finally he snapped the scroll closed with a flick of his wrist.

"I haven't seen anything so disturbing since the time we broke into the hidden laboratories of Orochimaru." He vanished the scroll into an inner pocket. "It certainly puts some trust into Kakashi's report. Though the other aspects seem strange to me. Time-space jutsu that can create a zone outside of time's flow? in all the summoning jutsu I have studied I have never seen anything so bizarre." He glanced at Kakashi. "And you said it weakened the seal of the Nine-tailed Fox?"

"It was that which ultimately convinced me to bring all this to your attention," Kakashi said. He looked away for a moment. "For a time there, I considered keeping it a secret like Sakura requested."

"You seriously considered that?" Hiashi sounded shocked. "If I'd know what was in that scroll nine years ago..." He trailed off.

"I mean, a few minutes is 'a time' isn't it." He shrugged and turned his attention back to his Hokage. "Sakura... can be extremely convincing when she puts her mind to it."

"Oh?" Hiruzen prompted him to continue. Sometimes getting things out of Kakashi was like fly-fishing. Patience and a deft hand were required.

"When she summoned that time-space zone, no even before that, I should have put a stop to the training she proposed right there. An untested and unvetted jutsu cast on my entire team at once? Especially one made of that chaotic presence that infuses her?" He sighed. "Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking." He shrugged again. "When you're talking to her she comes off as so trustworthy and harmless. She really does look like a perfectly innocent cute little girl, and that doesn't help. Yet later, when I'm alone I feel doubt about my decisions after her requests. I keep thinking that I should have reacted differently."

"Do you think she was... influencing you somehow?" Hiashi's question seemed to lower the temperature in the room.

"A genjutsu?" Hiruzen frowned. He blew a cloud of smoke to conceal his unease.

"I had my Sharingan open during a significant part of our training. If she had been using a genjutsu on me, I would have known."

"How can you be certain?" Hiashi waved his hand in a subtle gesture that kept the smoke away from him and also conveyed his concern. "You yourself said that whatever this chaotic cloud that Sakura generates, it doesn't register as chakra. Would you Sharingan be able to pierce it?"

"I believe so." Kakashi considered his response after her said it and then nodded. "With the Sharingan active I was able to see through her chaotic energy much like I am normal genjutsu or transformation techniques. For instance, she is running around all the time with a constant illusion over her body."

"An illusion?" Hiashi asked.

"You noticed the diagrams of Sakura's ears?" Kakashi gestured to his own as if to illustrate. "Her ears are actually funnel shaped and extended something like ten centimetres to the sides. And there are several other cosmetic changes."

Hiruzen coughed, thinking of his one female student. "At least she shows some traits of a teenage girl."

"You would think, but if anything her illusion makes her less attractive. She adds minor blemishes, reduces her height by a few centimetres and-" He coughed and gestured vaguely at his chest. "Well, less mature in general." Hiashi's eyebrow rose alarmingly but Kakashi could only give him a pained look. "If anything, under her illusion she is almost too perfect. She looks like a sculpture or a ideal fantasy from some story."

Hiruzen cleared his throat. "Yes, well... aside from that..." He tapped his pipe against his palm. "The fact remains, what are we going to do about her?"

Kakashi considered his request. Hiashi remained quiet. "I don't think she is a threat to the village," Kakashi said finally. "Or to her team. Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age, but I genuinely think she did more damage out of ignorance than anything resembling malice. Plus, there is the fact she managed to significantly improve both Sasuke and Naruto's chakra control basically overnight that needs to be taken into account."

"If she is an infiltrator, it is the longest con job in the history of the Elemental Nations." Hiashi nodded to Kakashi his agreement. "Her mother hasn't left the village since years before she was born, ever since she was assigned to the code-breaking and analysis unit. Her father does nothing but courier dispatches between low priority villages throughout the Fire Country. She was born and raised in the village. Unless someone managed to sneak into a kunoichi's womb, we can be sure she isn't an outside plant."

"Though if she does have the ability to 'step outside time' she could have done all sorts of journeying about that we wouldn't be aware of," Hiruzen said. He didn't really believe it himself but it was worth saying. "And what do you think about her desire to conceal her true nature from her Hokage?" He focused his attention on Kakashi again.

Kakashi took his time answering. "She's afraid." He looked down. "Almost paranoid. She thinks that someone in the village is a threat to her, or the entire village. She is convinced that if she had allowed her unusual nature slip years ago, something would have happened to her by now."

"And your opinion?"

Hiashi snorted. "This belief that Konoha produces no clanless geniuses is ridiculous. The fourth Hokage and Lord Jiraiya alone put her words to doubt."

"The question isn't whether its true," Kakashi said. "It's whether she believes it."

"Why would she believe it?" Hiashi said.

Kakashi glance at Hiruzen. "Remember ten years ago, when she was first coming into her power, was when a large number of chunin, jonin and genin vanished." Hiruzen clenched his pipe in his teeth. Orochimaru... how far did one foolish old man's mistakes extend?

Kakashi sighed. "I guess if anyone is going to talk about it, then it has to be me." He turned to face his Hokage. "The fact is, there are very few ninja from the other side of the sheets."

Hiashi gave Kakashi a frown. Hiruzen coughed again.

"In a ninja village, ninja relieve stress wherever they can." Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck. "There are bound to be... one night stands and such. Birth control in the village is advanced for that reason. But... accidents happen."

"Are you suggesting...?" Hiashi trailed off into a slightly offended expression.

"I'm just saying that a lot of ninja in Konoha seem to have certain clannish traits. The Hatake have strong noses... just like the Inuzuka. Certain other ninja have seemingly pupilless eyes. And so on."

"That's ridiculous," Hiashi said and turned his nose up.

"Even so." Kakashi looked at Hiruzen. "It seems that, in a lot of cases, these children with... undocumented parents. Not many of them end up joining the academy. For various reasons." Kakashi shrugged, his hands in his pockets. His eye focused on the Hokage. "But still, we both know that sometimes young people end up on dark paths in life."

Hiruzen gripped his pipe tightly and inhaled sharply. Hiashi was protesting but Hiruzen didn't care about the words. The fact was, he trusted everyone in his village. Yet, in times past he had been betrayed. His own student, Orochimaru, had been experimenting on civilians and ninja beneath his very nose for years.

His grip became white-knuckled then he forced himself to relax. Orochimaru was a problem for the future, not something to worry about now.

"So, you're saying that Sakura saw these trends but came to the wrong conclusions?" he asked finally.

"It's possible," Kakashi said. He shrugged again. "She's a genius, certified brilliant. She could have put together hints and rumors and a bit of of the books research and come to an almost correct idea.

"She certainly came up with a brilliant plan in Wave country. I never would have thought of cutting right to the heart of the issue by taking out Gato himself."

"A mission you weren't paid for," Hiruzen said mildly.

"Yes, well, at that point we were volunteering anyway so why not go all the way?" He shrugged. "The fact the enemy nin ended up dead shows her planning skills aren't as advanced as they could be. She understands people, but not ninja."

"I see."

"Then do we trust this girl?" Hiashi cut straight back to the point.

"She's no danger to my team or the village."

"I agree." Hiruzen waved his hand to dismiss the question. "Perhaps a trifle paranoid, but her unknown power is no reason to drag her to Torture and Interrogation all by itself." He took another draw on his pipe. "Keeping her abilities secret is not a special request in a village of ninja, who can live or die based on their abilities being leaked to enemy nin." He released a cloud of smoke. "I'll agree to keep this all a secret between just the three of us for now. There is no other ninja I would entrust this valuable girl with than you, Kakashi."

"Thank you, Hokage." Kakashi gave as good a formal bow as he could, which wasn't much.

"There is one other thing." Hiashi removed another scroll from his sleeves. "This letter my brother wrote before his death and asked me not to unseal until the untimely death or disappearance of Haruno Sakura. I still haven't broken the seal on it."

The question was obvious. If ordered, Hiashi would unseal it at the request of his Hokage. Hiruzen spent a few minutes enjoying his pipe and considering the offer. His mind flashed back to that confrontation, ten years ago in the sewers beneath Konoha. The forbidden knowledge sealed down there, forever, by his own hand. What kind of terrible secrets had been contained within? What path did curiosity lead to?

Finally he extinguished it and tapped the ash into his pouch. "Very well, I'll leave that in your capable hands. I imagine it contains some secrets of Sakura's mahoujutsu, much like the medical report contains secrets of her body modifications. Intellectually interesting but until we can turn them from theory into something all ninja could benefit from, not worth breaking a brother's sacred trust."

Hiashi vanished the scroll into his sleeve again.

Hiruzen straightened up and walked slowly but gracefully to the exit. "If that is all gentlemen, I have other duties I am not doubt being missed at even now. in less than two months we begin the chunin selection exams and there is much to prepare for." He paused and looked over his shoulder. "Isn't that right, Kakashi?"

"I understand, Hokage." He nodded and made a hand sign, then vanished.


Yamanaka Ino was excited. Here she was, barely three months out of the academy, and already her sensei had put her up for the chunin exams. Ino wasn't certain about her teammates. Shikamaru was crouched next to the wall, looking wistfully out the window. The lazy fool had to be cajoled by her into even agreeing to show up. He had his short black hair tightly bound in a topknot that looked like a spiky pineapple and wore a vest and ninja mesh. His expression, as usual was pained and tired. He even wore his hitai-ate as an armband, as if he couldn't be bothered to tie it on properly.

Then there was Choji, who was nervous eating as he looked furtively around auditorium full of foreign nin and older Konoha genin. She could tell it was his nervous eating, rather than his bored eating or excited eating or just eating eating because he concealed the crunch of his potato chips. His brown hair stuck out from the holes in his hitai-ate, which was at least on his forehead. His cheeks were marked with red spirals and he wore a long scarf and green jacket open in the front to show off his clan seal on his shirt.

Ino knew that her father and theirs had made some sort of super team, but so far Ino had been dragging her teammates around by their necks. Unlike her two fashion disaster teammates, Ino wore a flattering purple dress, belted at her waist by her hitai-ate. All the better to let her fabulous blonde locks free, displayed elegantly in a combat suitable ponytail.

Obviously, Azuma was overwhelmed by her skill, determination, intelligence, amazing jutsu and, most of all, beauty and charm! This would finally prove once and for all that Yamanaka Ino was the best kunoichi of her generation and it was her that deserved to be Sasuke's one true love! She clenched her fist and smirked to herself.

"Look out, here it comes..." Shikamaru muttered to Choji. Ino choose to ignore it.

"I can't wait to show Sakura up with my new chunin vest," she said. "It's going to be so cool. I'll finally prove that I'm better than her at every ninja technique and win Sasuke's heart at the same time." She crossed her arms and nodded.

"Yup," Shikamaru said.

"I'll teach her to edge me out in every exam," she continued. "Ms. Perfect Grades can't be a teacher's pet forever. In the real world, practical skills beat out theory every single time."

"That's right," Shikamaru said.

"Imagine the nerve of that girl. 'I don't need you Ino, sorry.'" She mimed Sakura's pathetic voice perfectly. "Throwing away my offer of friendship to hang out with that Hyuga princess. Always rubbing it in my nose that she's better than me."

"You bet, Ino."

"And the pinnacle of the insults is that she got in the same team as Sasuke!" Ino threw her head to the side, letting her long ponytail fan out. "That isn't even air, doesn't she already have a boyfriend?"


"Man, Shikamaru, why do you have to go along with this?" Choji asked between handfuls of chips.

"Going along with her is easier," Shikamaru said. "Having her yell at me is too troublesome.."

Ino suppressed her twitching eyebrows. She reminded herself she needed both of them to get through the exam and earn what was rightfully hers. She'd show Sakura and Shikamaru as well while she was at it. If part of being a chunin was showing leadership, she'd show she could motivate even a lazy ass like Shikamaru and a glutton like Choji.

"Ino, how pleasant to see that you have been put up for promotion, too."

Ino jerked her head back to her front. Her mouth formed a moue of displeasure. Hinata and her team had arrived while she'd been distracted ran- ... that is, airing her annoyance.

Hinata was shorter than Ino and wore a large overcoat that seemed more suitable to winter weather than the normally pleasant heat of the Fire Country. She had her hitai-ate tied prominently to her forehead, with her dark, almost purple, hair styled in a neat bob cut to frame it. Her eyes had pupils that were the same white as her eyes, making them almost impossible to pick out. Almost the same way Ino's pupils had shrunk so much that it almost looked like she had nothing but irir. Both were a legacy of clan breeding.

Standing behind her were two boys. Like her, both wore their hitai-ate properly around their forehead. The one on her right was the scruffy Inuzuka, wearing a dirty hoodie and with a puppy perched in his unkempt brown hair. Even his fang-shaped cheek tattoos looked uncleaned. Ino shudders at that level of dirt. The other was the silent Aburame from their final year's class. Like always he wore a high collared coat and tinted wire rim glass that left most of him concealed. For some reason, he had always made her feel more disgusted than Inuzuka Kiba's open uncleanliness.

"Hinata," Ino said warmly. Hinata was a contrast to her two creepy squad members, and carried herself with a sort of meticulous pride. Ino wished she could have gotten to know her together. As the two genius clan kunoichi of their year the two would have been natural allies. But Hinata was always walking around with Sakura. And worse yet, Hinata was so nice and open and pleasant to everyone that all the girls in their class wanted to hang around with the two of them rather than Ino. "Your team is participating, too?"

"Ah, I suppose we are." Hinata blushed demurely but didn't take her eyes off Ino. "Though sometimes I think sensei Kurenai just wants to push us extra hard."

"C'mon, Hinata," Kiba said as he slugged her playfully in the shoulder. "This is just proof that we're the cream of the crop." He grinned, his enlarged canines giving his expression a feral look. "I keep hearing stories from my pop and older sister about how in the old days, the promotions came fast and furious in the field. We're just going to show them that this generation is full of great ninja."

"We must have earned this. Why? Because I trust sensei to have faith in us." The Aburame adjusted his glasses with one hand and then hid his hands in the pockets of his long coat.

"This is great," Ino said. "It's going to be fun to have a chance for just us girls to work together and pass the exam together." She her own hitai-ate at her waist. "But don't think I'm going to go easy on you if we end facing each other in the exam. You won't have Sakura around to bail you out anymore."

"I look forward to the competition," Hinata said. "But Sakura is right over there." She pointed.

Ino's smile was a little forced as she twisted her head. Sure enough, her own personal menace was walking towards the two groups of rookie genin with a dreamy smile on her face. She waved absently. Sakura walked behind her team. Her hitai-ate was hung around her neck like a necklace. She had taken to wearing a long red cloak that she kept open, revealing her ankle to neck black bodysuit she wore underneath. Her boots, along with fingerless gloves, elbow and knee pads and some sort of belt were made of armoured ceramic. Her long pink hair glittered in the meagre light of the auditorium.

In front of her came that absolute loser, Naruto. He wore his forehead protector properly, which only made his spiky blond hair look even more ridiculous. He wore a loud orange coat and pants. His grin was both challenging and cheerful.

Just to Naruto's left walked-

"Sasuke!" Ino threw herself over his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her chest against his.

"Ugh," Sasuke said and stiffened. "You again."

"Sasuke, you talk about me in that tone and you'll hurt my feelings," Ino said with a seductive croon.

"Can you get her off me?" he asked Sakura.

Sakura blinked and waved her hand dismissively. "Oh no, I learned my lesson about getting between the two of you in another life."

Ino let him go and backed off, though she made certain to angle her stance to perfectly flatter her charm points. "Don't be so coy, Sasuke," she said in a teasing tone. "Eventually, you'll be won over by my beauty!"

Sakura coughed into her fist and for some reason the Aburame barked out a short laugh immediately after. Kiba gave the Aburame boy a weird look before going back to casting the stink eye at Sakura.

"Man, they really let the standards for this test drop if you two are in," Kiba said with a sneer towards Naruto and Sakura. "A chakraless brainiac and a hopeless idiot." He smirked at Sasuke. "I guess they have to may allowances or the top rookie to get in."

Sasuke gave him a level stare. Then he grunted and put his hands into his pockets and turned away. He glanced at Hinata, who had shrunk back a bit. She was blushing prettily and fidgeting her fingers. All the decorum seemed to have faded out of her.

"Oh, hey, I see Lee and Neji!" Sakura said and pointed. "I'll be right back, I want to say hi." She stepped away. Naruto perked up and chased after her, waving to attract her attention. Sasuke looked like he wanted to follow, but apparently decided to not bother.

Hinata was left gazing longingly after the departing pair. She had an odd look on her face as the two chatted amiably while they walked. Naruto had his hands laced behind his neck. Sakura was making some obscure gestures with her hands.

"Why do you like those two so much anyway, Hinata?" Kiba asked bluntly. "They're losers and always will be losers."

"Kiba!" she said with a very polite force. "Sakura has been my friend for years and Naruto..." She trailed off and tapped her fingers together. She shook her head. "Sakura has been nothing but nice to me. I wish you two could get along."

Kiba grunted and rubbed his nose. His puppy barked encouragement. "She just rubs me the wrong way, playing at being a ninja because she thinks she's so smart." He grunted. "Besides, she stinks." Everyone stared at him. "C'mon, you guys can smell it too, right? It's disgusting." He spat as if trying to get the taste of her scent out of his mouth.

"Ah, Neji, you're here, too?"

Ino stepped back as a trio of older genin were dragged into the circle of Konoha rookies. Neji was obviously the tall Hyuga boy, his long hair immaculate and his pristine beige top and black shorts complimenting his pale skin. He was also being dragged along by Sakura, who had her arm lopped through one of his. The boy had an expression of serene annoyance on his face. Ino was impressed, she had never seen someone manage to pull that off.

Behind the two of them came two other older genin. One was a girl wearing a pink top with her hair done up in buns. She was gazing at the back of the Hyuga and Sakura with a wistful look. The other was a boy with an ugly bowl cut, an uglier green spandex jumpsuit and even uglier giant bushy brows. He was bouncing on his heels and ran into the group.

"Ah, my fellow young genin! Truly I am pleased to see you burn so bright these days!" He clenched one fist and gestured expansively towards the crowd of other examinees clustered around the room. "It will be amazing working together and against each other, in the spirit of competition."

"You moron," Neji said. At some point Sakura had released his arm and was standing nearby, rocking slightly with a dreamy smile on her face. "Stop drawing attention. All that effort at the fake entrance will be wasted if you keep this up."

"Stop picking on Lee, Neji!" Hinata said, poking him gently in the shoulder. Neji frowned and grimaced at her. "You're supposed to be friends."

"But Hinata…"

"Don't but Hinata me." Hinata crossed her arms. "You suck at making friends, Neji. If I don't bully you then you'd be driving everyone off with your dour face and attitude."

Neji ducked his head. "Ah, Hinata, don't be that way."

"Apologize to Lee, then!"

Neji looked at her with a resigned expression and then to Sakura. She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He rubbed his face. "I'm sorry, Lee."

"All is forgiven, my stoic teammate!" Lee said with excessive enthusiasm. He gave a thumbs up as well.

"Wow, Hinata can be bossy when she wants to be," Naruto said in wonder.

Suddenly Hinata froze. Her face turned deep red. She glanced at Naruto, who had wandered back into the group again. She was stammering and poking her fingers together. Naruto glanced at her than at Sakura. Sakura was rubbing her face with both hands and shaking her head slightly.

Ino and the kunoichi in the hair buns exchanged a knowing glance.

"Sakura, you have my overwhelming gratitude," Lee said and turned to her, clenching both fists. "Allow me to repay your kindness by taking you on a date!" He snapped into a new pose, giving her a thumbs up and a wink.

Sakura's grin was a little strained. "Lee..." She ducked her head. "Lee, you truly are the hero this world deserves but not the hero it needs." She looked up, tears dripping from her eyes in big extravagant streams. "But I can not return your feelings!"

Lee rocked back on one leg and grasped at his heart. "My heart will burst if you keep treating me this way!" He stamped down, causing a small cloud of dust to raise from his feet as he pointed at her. "But I will prove myself!" He turned to Neji. "Just you wait, Neji, I will exceed you in Sakura's heart."

"You can have her, Lee." Neji looked vaguely ill. "Stop dragging me into these childish games." He glanced at Hinata, but she appeared distracted. "...fool."

"Then Neji leaves me no choice!" Lee spun back to Sakura and pointed at her again. "I challenge you, again! To win your heart."

"That isn't how it works, Lee," Sakura said with a long-suffering smile.

"Then I challenge you, to a race to make chunin first, and if I lose, I will run one thousand times around the village on one hand!" He spun dramatically and pointed at the sky.

"Lee..." Sakura spun and pointed at the sky as well. "I accept you challenge! And if I lose, I'll do one million math proofs!"

"As expected of my rival," Lee said with a goofy grin. "Truly, your penalty games fill my soul with dread."

"Wait, wait," Naruto broke in. "You're Sakura's rival?" He turned to Sakura. "This bushy brow is your rival, really?"

"Indeed," Lee said with a nod. "So far we have fought one hundred times, and of those times, I have emerged the victor fifty-one times!"

Suddenly Sasuke moved, grabbing Lee's extended fist by the wrist. "Fifty one times?" he said with a snarl. "You have to be joking."

"Nope," Sakura said with a whimsical popping sound. She crossed her arms behind her back and rocked on her heels slightly. "I find Lee is an excellent chance to test out my taijutsu."

Sasuke stared between Lee and Sakura for a moment before releasing Lee's wrist. Sasuke rubbed his hand slightly, giving the bandages wrapped around Lee's wrists a careful glance. Lee grinned at him. "You would be Uchiha Sasuke," he said with a smile. "I had hoped to catch you outside the exam room so that we could test each others skills."

Sasuke smirked. "Why stand on formality," he said. "If you want to fight, I'm right here." His eyes narrowed.

"Seriously, is nobody else amazed that bushy brow is anyone's rival?"

"To fight you would be a pleasure." Lee's face never lost its cheerful demeanor but now had a more serious frown. "You are one of the ones known as a genius. But I wish to prove myself a superior ninja with nothing but hard work and taijutsu. You would be a stepping stone on my path." Lee stood straight, one arm tucked behind his back and the other with the palm held up, inward towards his face.

"I'm nobody's stepping stone," Sasuke said with a smirk. He began to fall into a stance.

"Get him, Sasuke," Ino shouted.

"You guys should be careful, you're drawing attention to yourselves."

The words seemed to diffuse the sudden tension and everyone turned. A tall genin with a Konoha headband and white hair was standing a few paces away. He wore a purple uniform which looked vaguely like what the nurses in the hospital wore.

"I'm sorry for butting in on a reunion between friends, but I, and everyone in the room, couldn't help but overhear." He stepped forward. "If you want some advice from a veteran of the-"

He stopped suddenly as Sakura appeared between him and the group. Her stance was tense, her body angled to present him the smallest profile. Her hand had snapped out and caught the older boy's wrist. Her pupils had shrunk even as her eyes widened and her grin was defiant and wild.

"Nobody asked for your fucking advice you piece of shit," she said. "Why don't you squirm back into whatever sewer you crawled out of before I decide to save myself a lot of trouble and rip your fucking head off?"

The boy pulled lightly at her grip and for a single moment Ino thought Sakura really was going to attack. Then she released him and stepped away, still keeping herself between him and the rest of the rookie genin. The boy examined his wrist.

"Quite the grip," he said. He shrugged. "But if you don't want to talk to me, then I won't intrude." He turned away but paused, speaking over his shoulder at them. "But maybe think of how seriously everyone else in this room, many of them from very far away, are taking this exam even if you guys are acting like school kids."

Sakura chuckled as he left and turned back to the group, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Sorry guys, sometimes I get away with myself."


Yakushi Kabuto walked across the auditorium, rubbing his wrist. A discrete scan of his wrist showed some minor stress fractures on the bones. The girl was strong, he had to give her that. He flipped out one of his data card and activated it with a pulse of chakra. Her stats were illuminating, though there was no indication of any special strength or the chakra control required to enhance it.

Orochimaru was going to be upset with him for not getting himself closer to the Uchiha boy. Still there were going to be plenty of more opportunities throughout the exam to follow his secret master's agenda. He made certain to take a long route back to his team, which was also packed with spies Orochimaru had managed to either insert or corrupt out of the supposedly loyal ninja of Konoha. As he walked he passed by the trio of Sound ninja from the new village of Sound.

He wasn't impressed by what he saw. He was even less impressed by how horrible the security must have been in the village. All three of the young ninja were acting hostile and suspicious, which wasn't unusual. What was unusual is that the ninja from the other villages at least came from allies that had been trusted for years. None came from a group that had appeared almost literally overnight, in the ten years since Orochimaru's defection, and came from a land that Konoha had never even visited.

Disposable weapons, Kabuto concluded as he approached the rest of his team. All of them. Orochimaru had some agenda of his own here, some greater plan. Kabuto wasn't certain if it was about Uchiha Sasuke's nascent Sharingan, the destruction of Konoha for revenge or just the sheer amusement or if he was doing all of it just because he could. Kabuto honestly thought it might be a combination of all three.

"You're back quickly," Yoroi said when Kabuto arrived. Kabuto smiled thinly. He could read the condemnation in the simple words, even behind the man's mostly concealed expression.

"I was surprised," Kabuto said. The two gave him long looks. "Just be ready to play your part. Keep in mind our mission." The two turned their attention away from him to focus on the group of Konoha rookies across the room. They were clustered like children, laughing and mocking each other.

A brief flare of pain escaped from Kabuto's heart, but it was quickly captured and removed by his iron will. His fingers twitched and he turned his attention from the Uchiha to the girl who had so suddenly and thoroughly driven him out of the group and away from his primary mission. He looked at his hand again and smiled, a secret knowing smile.

Sometimes even Orochimaru underestimated Kabuto's skills. Kabuto had been working for Orochimaru for years, but before that he was a weapon of Root and had been on more infiltration and undercover missions than he could easily remember. Being underestimated and unknown was his specialty. He was so good at it that on occasion Kabuto found it difficult to actually recall his own identity.

Yet it also had benefits. Like his ability to use the Diagnosis Jutsu without any visible hand signs or other clues. He rubbed his wrist and allowed his smile to remain in place. Yes. There was certainly something that had surprised him.


"Well fuck."

Ino froze. The first thing she noticed was wrong was that she was still in her own body. The Yamanaka secret jutsu, Shintenshin, allowed her to move her mind into the body of another. It was originally designed to be used on animals, but had been perfected for the use on humans and even enemy ninja over time. It was the ultimate infiltration technique, allowing a ninja to enter an enemy stronghold as one of the enemy. As a result, Ino had been drilled extensively on the use of the jutsu with all sorts of bodies. It was a requirement that she be able to perfectly assume the body language of her target instantly, often right in front of sentries or alert bystanders.

So when Ino had looked at the questions on her exam sheet that freaky scar-faced proctor was forcing them to go through her first thought had been that there was no chance of her answering half of these questions. Ino was smart. You didn't learn the ability to adopt the mannerisms of dozens of different people without having some degree of intelligence. It didn't take her five seconds to realize that she wasn't intended to answer any of these questions, especially when combined with the speech given by the proctor about how the test was being graded.

In effect the rule was 'cheat, but don't get caught.'

If there was one person Ino knew would have all the answers, it would be Sakura. The girl had taken pride in answering every question at the academy she could, always vying for attention on the basis of her book smarts, given that her chakra was so low that Ino couldn't even feel it. So Ino had, of course, decided to let Sakura produce the answers for her.

So she had been expecting to make her hand seal, shoot her soul out of her body and into Sakura, and take over the girl's body long enough to steal all the information she needed. She certainly had not been expecting to appear in a... wherever this was.

She was certainly not in the auditorium any more. The place was made of softwoods and glass, with furnishings in the form of comfortable stuffed leather chairs and semi-circular couches and lounges. They formed intimate conversation circles or secluded nooks and crannies where one could be alone with their thoughts. Plants, some Ino recognized and others she had never seen before, decorated the walls and floor along with objets de arts, such as sculpture and painting. Along one wall there was a serving window which opened into a kitchen of some kind.

The other windows looked out upon... an impossible vision. Far of in the distance, hovering like a glowing blue and white jewel, was a sphere. It was impossibly huge, and incredibly distant. Ino's fingers were shaking as she looked at it. She had heard the theories in classes. Navigation was a required course, and navigation required an accurate knowledge of the shape of the planet. She was staring down... down on the world itself!

"Nice, isn't it?"

Ino turned her head slowly. Sakura was crouched next to her and that was the point where Ino realized she had collapsed onto her backside, barely propped up by her arms. Except, it wasn't Sakura. It was a girl who looked a lot like Sakura but also a lot unlike her. She had features that were more defined, with less little imperfections. Plus her ears were long and pointed, shaped like funnels or knives.

"Sakura..." Ino said.

"It's not what you think," Sakura said. She gestured out the window. "That isn't our world out there." She smiled wistfully and place her chin in her hands. "It's a planet called Earth. Of course, I've never been there except in VR."

"It's only a model," another voice said. Ino twisted her head and saw another Sakura... no wait. This wasn't the same Sakura. For one thing, this was a man. It looked like an older version of Sakura, a brother perhaps. The same pink hair, but styled more boyishly. "Now what are we going to do with you?" he asked.

"Aaron, we can't hurt her," Sakura said, bouncing to her feet.

"I never said that," this older male version of Sakura said, crossing his arms. "Besides, it's not a decision I can make all by myself." Ino looked around and noticed that there was more than two Sakura around the room. There were eight. The one standing near them was the only male version, all the others looked like variations on Sakura, like a clan of older sisters. Though each had distinctive traits as well.

"Would you guys keep it down in there," a voice, Sakura's voice, suddenly flooded the room from what sounded like an intercom. "I'm trying to keep an eye on this exam."

The male version held up his hand, clutching some sort of device that looked like a small microphone. "Forget the exam. It's not important now. We have a level 1 security breach in interior consciousness. We need everyone on deck."

"What?" The voice in the intercom sounded shocked. "That's impossible."

"And yet..." the boy-Sakura said.

"Well, they're going to notice if I let us collapse face first in the deck in meatspace," the voice responded.

"Run a gamma fork or a NPC simulation," the boy replied into his device, waving his other hand dismissively. "It's not like anything important happens here. We could pass this entire test by sitting still for the whole thing."

"Aren't you the one who said that Ino should ignore us for the entire test, as well?" the Sakura next to Ino asked in a mocked tone.

"We'll figure out why she targeted us later," the boy said to her. He looked up at the ceiling. "You ready yet."

There was a hiss of steam from a nearby doorway. A cloud of white steam billowed out as another version of Sakura stepped into the room, waving the mist away from her face. She appeared like an adult version of Sakura, more developed in every way. She was also wearing a pair of glasses and had her hair pulled back in a bun. Like all the other Sakura, she had long ears but unlike most her features were sharper.

"It really is Ino," the new Sakura said and walked up to the small group. The rest of the Sakuras were clustered around the walls, watching carefully. Except one, who had walked over and thrown herself into a stuff easy chair, kicking her feet up on the arms of another chair nearby. She pulled out a kunai and began to sharpen it with a whetstone. She caught Ino staring and looked at her, grinning. Ino shuddered back. The girl had teeth like needles and eyes slitted like a cats. There was something feral and dangerous about her that Ino didn't like.

"Fascinating," the newly arrived Sakura said when she arrived at the group. Her eyes were studying Ino through her glasses as she gripped the frames with one hand. She crouched down to get a better view. "Absolutely fascinating. There is no chakra network for her to grip onto, so how is she here?" She looked at the male Sakura. "She should have passed right through us like a wall or a mist."

"Well, so much for theory, I guess," the boy said and placed his hands in his pockets.

"I don't think you understand how amazing this is," the glasses-girl stood up, her fists clenched in front of her face. "This has implications for our entire theory of natural law for this world!" She bounced back and forth on her heels, grinning impishly. "Could it be that her 'soul' is not made of chakra, but some other substance entirely? There could be whole entire layers of existence that are being opened by this revelation!" Her voice rose in pitch as she spoke until she began to squeal out her words. "And for her soul to interface with our sensie implants and embody itself in a virtual simulation!" She spun in place, throwing out her arms towards the ceiling. "Could this be 'residual self image' or some other phenomena yet to be discovered!" She spun and leaned over Ino, reaching out with both hands, her fingers undulating in a terrifying manner. "I want to dissect her soul..." she said hungrily.

"No!" The teenage version of Sakura jumped in and began to push the scary glasses lady version away with one palm. "Bad! No dissecting souls!"

The older one was making feeble efforts to get past the younger version. "But... but science!"

"No!" younger Sakura insisted. Ino shrank down in her shadow, her heart felt like it was beating a thousand a second. She clutched at her chest and throat, trying to breath and calm herself. She was a ninja! What was this pathetic performance?

"I'm sorry about her," the boy said, crouching down next to her. "Some of me doesn't understand ethics or morality very well. That's why we usually make big decisions together."

"I am not a committee!" one of the ones on the periphery of the room shouted and then broke down laughing. Everyone glared at her until she grew quiet. She backed away, muttering to herself and sulking. "Philistines, do you know how long I've been waiting to make that joke..."

The boy shook his head and turned his attention back to Ino. He stood up and offered his hands. "Come on, stand up."

Ino batted his hand away and leapt to her own feet. "Who? What?" She flicked her vision from point to point in the room. "What is this? Some sort of genjutsu? What game are you playing, Sakura?"

The words seemed to amuse him because he smiled slightly before wiping the expression off his face. "This is confusing. I understand." He reached out his hand again. "I'm sorry I startled you. This is a lot to take in all at once."

"All at once?" Ino yelled. "I won't be fooled by your genjutsu, Sakura. I don't know how you managed to capture me out of the Shintenshin, especially with your pitiful chakra, but you won't gain anything with this charade."

"Hey, that's an option," another of the Sakuras said, walking in from the corner of the room. This one was older, like the terrifying glasses lady, but wore a long robe and a big pointed hat with a wide brim. "We could just let her continue to think this is a genjutsu. Just me messing with her head." She looked at the boy. "Or I could alter her..."

"No," the boy said firmly. "We're not messing with memories or identity." He shook his head.

"You never let me have any fun," she sighed and gestured, floating one of the chairs over and sitting in it. "You have my suggestion. I literally could not care less about what happens to the Yamanaka."

"The trouble will be if she reports this," another Sakura said. This one was leaning against the window with her hands laced behind her back. She was dressed more provocatively than the others. "Even if she believes this is just a genjutsu, what if the village authorities don't?" She tilted her head back. "We're too close to the plan starting in earnest to let a wild card interfere now."

"Let's kill her," the feral Sakura with the needle teeth said.

"That's your answer to everything," the one at the window snapped back.

"I am what I made me," the girl said with a grin. "Unless any of you bleeding hearts have the will to do what is required in the end?" Everyone gave her grave looks but raised no objections. "I didn't think so. Fucking useless compassion, all of you."

The boy glared at her. "We've been letting you out too much, you're getting arrogant."

"Let?" the girl smirked.

"Beside, if we kill her there will be even more questions than if we let her out with a crazy story about weird genjutsu."

"I could whip up a parasite seed," scary-glasses-lady Sakura said eagerly.

"No killing!" teenage Sakura said.

"We'll store her original personality as a ghost program," the scary one said waving her hand up and down placating. "And she'll be better off with a full nanomorph body anyway!" She looked around. "I've wanted to see how a chakra network would interact with a full bioplas body for ages! Please!"

"I agree with Sakura Prime," the boy said with a sigh. "No killing and certainly no messing around with people's bodies or minds without their permission."

"Hey, Ino, can I please dissect your so-"

"No! Bad!" Sakura the teenager pointed to a corner. The glasses-lady ducked her head and walked over like a chastised child.

"What a mess," the boy rubbed a hand over his face. "Anyone else have any plans - that don't involve murder or mind rape?"

"I agree with Sakura Arcana," the one at the window said. "If we can't do anything drastic, we have no choice but to let her go and hope her story is so crazy no one believes it." A general assent passed through the crowd of Sakuras.

The boy turned to Ino and nodded. "Okay, you can go. Maybe you should go now, before you see anything else that will give you nightmares?"

Ino looked around the room. She had no idea what Sakura hoped to guess from such a crazy genjutsu but she decided she didn't care. This was obviously a dead end, and Ino needed to get back to her own body so she could find another source of answers. Choji and Shikamaru were counting on her to gather intelligence!

"Fine, whatever, crazy Sakura." Ino made a hand sign. "Shintenshin, release!"


"Shintenshin, release!"

Ino felt the first creeping edges of panic. She made the hand seals again and concentrated, trying to draw up chakra. "Release!" she called. Nothing happened. "What, why can't I feel any chakra flowing through the seal..."

"Uh, Ino." The Sakura with the pointed hat held up one hand and sat forward. "How do you use jutsu when you are possessing someone else's body?"

"I..." It wasn't exactly a secret. "I use the chakra of the victim."

All the Sakuras exchanged a series of chagrined glance. The feral one threw back her head and laughed.

"Well, fuck," the boy said, rubbing the back of his head.
Hints of Root, I see. Kakashi was once in that organization, so I wonder if he'll pick up what she's implying? I do hope that the butterflies caused by Sakura shall prevent the death of the 3rd Hokage, and possibly the invasion of Konoha - the latter might be a tad too ingrained to prevent, however.

Honestly, despite his good intentions, Sarutobi is to blame for a lot of Konoha's problems, or rather him letting Danzo get away with his bullshit is. God of Shinobi he may have been, but he's old and tired. Coming out of retirement instead of, say, kicking Tsunade's ass into shape and installing her as Hokage when Minato died was probably still better than putting any of the other jonin we know of in that age group in the big seat, but only because Konoha didn't have any other S-rankers available at that point as far as we know. There was various other bullshit going on behind the scenes as well I suppose, but my grasp on the late-manga revelations is weak due to losing interest around the start of the 4th ninja war arc.

edit: :ninja:s delivered a new chapter while I was typing! How handy.

Post-reading the chapter edit: Local Sarutobi is more on the ball than canon's seemed to be, for sure. And Ino is stuck! Heh, that premise has made for several good fics, though I don't think I've seen it with Sakura as the target or during the Chuunin Exam before. Gonna be a big change there if she doesn't wake up in time, though I suppose if the Council of Sakuras was making suggestions about how to send a minion-mind to occupy her body instead that means they probably have some way of semi-plausibly hiding it in at least the short term.
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@Aaron Peori

in chapter 5:

"front o his" -> "front of his"
"I'd know what" -> "I'd known what"
"even air, doesn't" -> "even fair, doesn't"
"allowances or the" -> "allowances for the"
"her than at" -> "her then at"
"data card and" -> "data cards and"
"Far of in" -> "Far off in"
"and place her" -> "and placed her"

"in the deck" -> "on the desk" ?
"a stuff easy" -> "a stuffed easy" ?
"a thousand a" -> "a thousand times a" ?

"chagrined glance. The" -> "chagrined glances. The"
(If this is a crossover from something else or the author has given details on
how parasite seeds work, then the following might be impossible, but otherwise)

I suppose one possibility is whipping up a
parasite seed containing Ino's original personality.