[SI,Naruto,NaNoWriMo] Go! Unashamed Reincarnation Protagonist Sakura!

Danzo's sheer arrogance continues to be utterly astounding. There is a well connected near S class world changing genius that hypothesized the existence of his organization at an absurdly young age and he doesn't think that she considered having to deal with his inevitable response? A girl that already not only stopped Orochimaru's plan, but killed him in the process?

Danzo, you're good, but you're not that much better than Orochimaru. She's clearly already setting you up to fall apart.

Also hell it's a Blazblue cross, or at least semi-inspired by Blazblue.
Ino blinked away the memory and looked at her father. She repressed her feelings. Who was she to care about Sakura as if this was a betrayal anyway? When had Sakura and her ever been friends? Sakura had taken the position that should have been Ino's. Sakura had kidnapped her, forced her to choose between death and years in limbo. Sakura made it so she hated the taste of actual food and could not hug her father with her own arms.

You dick, Ino. You only ended up like that because you used your jutsu on her without her permission. At best that was your bad luck, at worst it was your poor observation skills and decision making.

Your alone in a crowd jutsu is useless against women who have no shame.

That is a bit confusing to read without some more punctuation.

Your 'alone in a crowd' jutsu is useless against women who have no shame.
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Danzo's sheer arrogance continues to be utterly astounding. There is a well connected near S class world changing genius that hypothesized the existence of his organization at an absurdly young age and he doesn't think that she considered having to deal with his inevitable response? A girl that already not only stopped Orochimaru's plan, but killed him in the process?

Danzo, you're good, but you're not that much better than Orochimaru. She's clearly already setting you up to fall apart.

Also hell it's a Blazblue cross, or at least semi-inspired by Blazblue.

Hey, remember that clan of genius ninja with the most powerful visual jutsu in the entire series? Danzo remembers.

Also it's a crossover? Huh. Interesting.
I'm kind of confused here.

Ok, so I get that she's got her own agenda which involves saving Orochimaru and Kabuto. But at the same time, she's choosing to go along with Konoha to a degree which honestly goes a bit too far. I fully expect that her equipment will self destruct if she leaves, and that she can easily make more, but even so.
of two elements. Physical energy, which will call stamina,
which we call
efficient than mitochondria this means that you chakra network
your chakra network
Yes, that's what the tree-walking and water-walking jutsu are considered
There was an error here, but I forgot what
his hands in surrender. "But if Ebisu is going actually do the
going to actually do
The amount of chakra it will take is immense. More than you can possibly use on your own, to chakra the material nature of this much stone at will require you to control the tailed beasts chakra.
own, to chakra-imbue the material
tailed beast's chakra.
pair of black trousers under his tunic. "Don't blame them." He one of the
Error here, forgot what
"Hello and welcome to Konoha. What is you business in the village?"
is your business
Haruno rapidly befriended Hyuuga Hinata when she joined the academy during the same year and from their befriended
from there befriended
own way. Plus, of course, Hatake Kakashi." The name was spat with as close of genuine dislike as Kabuto had ever heard. History there, it seemed.
as close to genuine dislike from Danzo that Kabuto
"No buts!" Sakura said. "Because if you don't have the strength, then you'll just have to shame everyone else to stepping in and helping you with their strength. And together, you and your friends will have that strength."
else into stepping in and
single visible eye. He didn't react as Anko approached, nor when she crouched down next to him and peaked over his shoulder. That was a nice bit.
and peeked over
"Running up a waterfall isn't that hard. You've been out here two weeks."

"No up," Kakashi said with the long-suffering tone of a man who didn't want to explain something twice. "Through."
"Not up,"
went serious. "But I think i figured out what Sakura has been doing all along." Anko raised an eyebrow and he
think I figured out
"Because somehow Orochimaru, who had never even met Sasuke, knew that I was blind to until after that botched exam was
knew what I was blind to until
Interesting explanations for how chakra is generated in your fanfic world, as well as Yin and Yang. I like the concept of the training Kakashi has set Sasuke, and agree it'd be something Gai might've come up with for Lee :p

So, did you know that the mysterious fellow who visited Kabuto has the same name as a BlazBlue character? Or was it just coincidental? Could also be a second Sakura, pretending to be someone else, considering what we learned of her capacities this chapter...
Sakura can take no actions outside of Kakashi's remit.

Hazama...has no such limitations.

Also, yeah, Ino/the Yamanaka are not precisely endearing themselves to me. Yes, she's a fellow ninja of the Leaf, but at some point the cost/benefit analysis points towards "you are fucking up enough of my plans (or would be if I wasn't running 15 Xanatos gambits) that the increased cost and potential deaths of other fellow Leaf nin/good people means I shouldn't have saved you".
@Aaron Peori

"self-repair system correct" -> "self-repair systems correct"
"with subordinate." -> "with subordinates."
"commanded, other obeyed" -> "commanded, others obeyed"

"that I was" -> "that what I was" ?
Sakura can take no actions outside of Kakashi's remit.

Hazama...has no such limitations.

Also, yeah, Ino/the Yamanaka are not precisely endearing themselves to me. Yes, she's a fellow ninja of the Leaf, but at some point the cost/benefit analysis points towards "you are fucking up enough of my plans (or would be if I wasn't running 15 Xanatos gambits) that the increased cost and potential deaths of other fellow Leaf nin/good people means I shouldn't have saved you".
If it wasn't for Sakura's powers being outside the ninja norm and all the murky mess of things surrounding her she'd have been lauded even if Ino died. One mildly talented clan heir is chump change in comparison to a strategic threat like Orochimaru. Sarutobi has sighed off on worse things, hell he literally just sent a bunch of clan heirs into a death match.

The Leaf have made it clear they care of the whole of the village over individuals. That's Hizashi was sacrificed, it's why the Uchiha were sacrificed, and it's why they drove the White Fang into committing suicide.
No, technically Sakura can take no actions outside of her captain's remit.
Theres no guarantee that Kakashi remains her captain.
I don't think its particularly likely that the distinction will come up, however for some reason that rang alarm bells for me.
It doesn't even matter, as I noted. She's already gotten well around the spirit of the agreement and she fully expects more attempts to hamstring or exploit her.

They can scare up a random Root operative or political officer and have her reassigned and it doesn't really matter any more.
They're expecting a sealed, negative-pressure room to stop nanites getting out.

How cute.

No, Sakura has been hamstrung in basically no sense whatsoever. She can still do whatever she wants, and she's already shown a willingness to break the spirit and letter of the agreement so long as they don't (can't) notice. I'm sad that Ino decided not to back her, but... to be fair to Ino, Sakura really isn't on the side of the village.

From our perspective, though? Of course we'd take Sakura's side. Not only is she the protagonist, but she's also ethically vastly superior, just by way of coming from our civilization.
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You been binging the anime as you write this? Have you tried reading the manga? SB did a nice summary of it chapter by chapter here.

I read most of the manga (up to the part where Naruto singlehandedly takes out the entire white zetsu army with a bunch of Super Saiyan clones, I believe) but the manga was not available on a streaming site I already have paid for so...

But that's a useful thread for bookmarking.
Chapter 11
More backstory!

C&A Productions Presents

A Work of Blatant Self-Insertion

Go! Unashamed Reincarnation Protagonist Sakura

Chapter 11


* Seven years ago *

If you asked anyone else in the village what the most important day in Hyuuga Hinata's life they would tell you a well known story. It was the story of an act of betrayal disguised as an act of diplomacy, and the sacrifice of one brother for another. For those outside the Hyuuga clan it was a lesson in how, in this shinobi world, even friendship and family could hide a murderous blade.

If you asked Hinata what the most important day in her life was she would lie to you with a smile on her face. It was one of only two lies she ever told anyone. She would tell you about the time she decided to step in and protect a harmless animal from other children. She would talk about the pain of being pelted with stones. She would talk about how it was the first decision she had ever made for herself.

She would say that was the day she met her best friend and her life started to change for the better.

If you could see into her heart of hearts the most important day you would see there was one full of heartache and hope.

Hinata at the time was barely six years old. In a handful of weeks, she would be attending the ninja academy. Yet despite that she did not feel pride. She had fled into the woods, her heart heavy. Her father had arranged a 'demonstration' for her. She had been always happy to spend time with her two year old sister. Yet when she had been in the family dojo, watching the girl perform taijutsu that Hinata herself was struggling with, her heart had filled with overwhelming shame.

"This is the level of ability expected of the head of the Hyuuga clan," her father said, his arms crossed and his expression severe. He did not look at Hinata once, but the message was clear. Hanabi had been a joy to Hinata or the last two years. She had been enthusiastic when Hanabi had started walking at six months, and talking at eight. She had been happy when Hanabi had begun to practice martial arts at only one year and two months. She had laughed with the girl when Hanabi had first awakened her Byakugan only a couple of weeks ago.

Now, two weeks later, Hanabi was activating her Byakugan with a single hand sign. The process of learning how to awaken the kekkei genkai had been perfected by the Hyuuga over the generations; it started with a ten sign long sequence and a Hyuuga was not considered a proper ninja until they could do it without a single sign.

Hinata was still on four signs.

Hanabi finished her kata, demonstrating the beginnings of the Gentle Fist with aplomb. She turned, a wide smile on her face. The clan had not yet taught her the restraint they were famous for. This normally endeared her to Hinata.

"Big sis Hinata!" Hanabi ran over to her. "Did you see?"

"Yes, Hanabi," Hinata replied and Hanabi paused at the sudden strain in Hinata's smile and voice. Hinata forced her smile to grow more natural and her voice to take on its usual soft tones. "That was very good. I am proud of you."

Hanabi, however, only glanced at their father. His expression was stern and distant. But he nodded at Hanabi, barely more than the slightest dip of his chin. He still refused to look at Hinata. Hanabi began to look torn, her mouth opening and closing.

Hinata couldn't stand it. She kissed her sister on the forehead and left. It was only once she was out of the compound that she began to run, poorly suppressed tears staining her cheek. She was lost in the woods before she knew it.

That was when the three boys, older and stronger, found her. They laughed at her tears, and at her eyes and at the fact she did nothing but flinch back from their insults. They began to push her back and forth between them. They did no damage, not even eight year olds could be that ignorant of who the Hyuuga were, just made her stumble and lose her balance as one thrust her to another.

Eventually they stepped away and she collapsed to her knees, hiccoughing and crying. The insults continued until a new voice arrived.

"Hey, leave her alone!"

The blond boy who charged into the clearing had strange marks on his cheeks and fire in his blue eyes. He charged into the boys... and promptly was grabbed and slammed against a tree. He coughed and slumped as the boys turned their attentions to him, more free with their fists now that their target was a boy rather than a crying girl.

Yet no matter how much they struck him or pushed him down the boy struggled to his feet each time. Bruised and with torn clothes he staggered in place, his eyes narrowed and his teeth bared in a devil-may-care grin. "You think this will stop me! I'm gonna be Hokage one day, so you better step up!"

Just when the bigger boys seemed ready to follow his advice and move from playground bullying to something more serious a voice distracted them all. It was Hinata's nurse, a nervous but kind branch Hyuuga man, arrived to track down the errant girl. The voice of the adult did what all the blond boy's bravado could not and sent the bullies scattering.

The boy had just enough time to sit down hard in front of Hinata and smile at her, saying, "Hey, you okay now?" before the nurse showed up.

"Lady Hinata, there you are," the nurse spoke with some relief. He took her hand and helped her to her feet. "We must return to the house now."

"Wuh-wait..." Hinata said, tugging slightly at his hand. The man looked at her than at the boy. Some recognition lit up on his face before he scowled.

"You shouldn't be seen with this one, Lady Hinata," the nurse said, pulling her along. "It's dangerous, you could be hurt if..." He trailed off but continued to pull Hinata away. She tried to look around him, to see the expression on the boy's face and to mutter out a thank you, but his back was to her the entire time she was pulled along and Hinata didn't have it in her to refuse his quiet insistence.

That was the day she met Uzumaki Naruto, the boy who never gave up. Later, she saw him in her classes at the academy. He was loud, proud, and terrible at everything. He insulted the teacher when he failed his exercises. He followed every failure, and the laughter and name-calling among the students that always followed until Iruka got control again, with a declaration that he would be Hokage and show all of them.

He was, in short, even worse of a ninja than Hinata.

But he never gave up.

* Now *

Naruto smashed into the tree hard enough that leaves fell from its lower branches. He groaned and staggered forward before going down on one knee. He looked up through squinting eyes. "Damn," he said and spat. "You think that's enough to stop me!"

He charged, his first step uneven as he tried to rise and run at the same time. By the third step he was steady and moving. He pulled his hand back and clenched his fingers into a fist. His opponent raised an eyebrow but didn't move, keeping a loose stance with hands open and spread to the sides.

Naruto came in high, his last two steps turning into a hop that carried him above eye level and twisted his entire body into a haymaker. Delicate hands shot up, grabbed his shoulder and wrist. Before he could register the motion he was face down in the dirt, his arm twisted behind him hard enough that he felt like it would snap if he so much as twitched.

"If you don't give up, I'll break your arm," Sakura said, her tone frighteningly level. Naruto groaned and almost considered it. He was taking deep panting breaths and with every breath he could feel the truth of her words sinking in deeper and deeper. She was just faster, stronger, and better than him.

"Than you better break it," Naruto said with a growl, levering his free hand under himself and pushing his body upward. The pain flared as Sakura twisted his arm in response and for a long second he thought she really was going to do it.

"Snap," she said and released him. He groaned and rolled onto his back. He sat up and rubbed his shoulder, wincing as the pain went from a sharp insistent stabbing to a long numbing ache.

"Damn, Sakura, do you have to be so rough?" Naruto said with a groan.

"Don't blame her for your incompetence," Sasuke said. He was sitting on a tree stump, one leg held up as he rubbed at the abrasions along his shin. "You threw yourself right into that."

"Like you did any better," Naruto said snappishly.

Sasuke grunted and looked away. He had been in a mood since his own brief spar with Sakura earlier. Unlike Naruto, he hadn't ended face down in the dirt, but that was only because Sakura had grabbed him by the neck in the first second of their 'match' and jumped into the pond with him then held him under water until he'd tapped her shoulder in surrender.

"Well, the problem was neither of you took this seriously," Sakura said as she sat down cross-legged on the dirt. "I mean, I appreciate you not wanting to hurt me, but I'm a lot tougher than I look."

Naruto ceased rubbing his shoulder. He was frowning at Sakura. She had changed in the two weeks since he had last seen her during the aborted exams. She looked older for one thing, like she had aged three or maybe five years overnight. Of course, she was even more beautiful than before. She was taller, more filled out, her baby-fat face having slimmed down and her complexion somehow even more clean and soft than before. The only thing 'new' about her was the ears. Even those had an appeal to them, though her whole appearance was somehow too perfect. It wasn't... Sakura in the same way as before.

His heart ached a little at seeing her. Why did he suddenly feel like he was watching her back as she walked steadily away from him?

"You should have come at me with kunai and jutsu if you wanted to win," Sakura said. "Without those, it's easy enough for me to use some grappling to defeat you." She paused and contemplated that for a moment. "Though really, maybe you guys should work on your grappling. Your taijutsu is all strikes as it stands. You don't have any ground game." She looked up at Kakashi.

The older jonin was sitting in the crook of a large tree branch overhead. He was flipping idly through his porn-book. He looked down at the three of them, raising his one visible eye.

"Mainly because we're trained as soldiers, not martial artists," Kakashi said. "Plus we work in three to four man teams in the field. Any technique which pins you down for an extended period is a death sentence." He shrugged and slipped his book back into his back pouch. He vanished from the branch and appeared between the three of them in a swirl of leaves. "That isn't even taking into account jutsu like the Kamiwari or Bunshin. Plus there are any number of ninja you don't want to touch."

"Ah well..." Sakura rubbed the back of her neck. "I suppose. I keep forgetting the whole killing people for money thing."

Kakashi hummed at her and helped Naruto to his feet. "I'm glad the three of you are at least getting along." Kakashi looked at Sasuke, who was getting to his own feet. The bruises and cuts on his shins couldn't be concealed by his shorts but he was doing his best to ignore them so Naruto did the same. "I'm happy to see Team 7 won't be letting a little thing like incarceration keep us apart."

"So when do we start going on missions again?" Naruto said, bouncing on his feet. He began to mime all his super cool jutsu. "Rogue ninjas? Giant sand demons? Team 7 with the next Hokage! We'll be even more famous than the Sannin. So what's next? Rescue a princess? Fight creepy ninja mutants? Kill an evil mastermind?"

"You're getting carried away, Naruto," Kakashi said, shrugging and spreading his arms helplessly. "The Hokage gave us a whole month to train, so we'll finish that first. Then we have to go on missions that will prepare you all for the next chunin exam."

"You haven't given up on us getting promoted?" Naruto asked. "All right!" He hopped and shook his fists around.

"Extra training?" Sakura asked. "What for?"

"Normally those students who pass the second exam will move onto the third portion, a one versus one tournament. To give them a chance to exploit the intelligence they gathered in the first two phases, they are typically granted a one month period to train and develop a strategy.

"Seeing as how you performed so well the Hokage agreed to grant you that month to train. Think of it as a bonus since you managed to save all the other students lives."

"Yeah, we're getting extra super special training," Naruto danced from foot to foot, spinning his hands around himself. "In no time at all, you'll be the one catching up with me, Sakura!"

Sakura laughed behind her hand. "Naruto, you have no idea how right you are."

"Don't be an idiot, Naruto," Sasuke said. He looked up from his abused legs, having finished replaced the bandages around them that had been ruined by his little swim earlier. "I heard that Sakura fought an elite ninja, a legendary ninja even stronger than Zabuza."

"Me?" Sakura pointed at herself and then waved her hand dismissively. "In reality, I just barely held him off and then the Hokage and a bunch of Anbu finished him off because I managed to make a lot of noise."

Sasuke made a dismissive hiss and stood up, putting his hands in his pockets. "Your way of being so evasive is almost as annoying as Naruto," he said. He turned his attention to Kakashi. "We should be able to use her skills to advance our own. Your training is ridiculous."

"Now, now, give it a chance," Kakashi waved his hand up and down. "Have you even got halfway up, yet?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

Sakura looked between them, blinking rapidly. Then she shrugged and raised a finger. "Well, even if I'm forbidden from augmenting you guys that doesn't mean I can't help out."

"Help us out?" Sasuke said, leaning forward eagerly.

"Oh yeah! We can all work together to become super famous ninja!"

"So how exactly do you plan to help?" Kakashi said, slouching against a tree with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised inquisitively.

"Well..." Sakura rubbed her chin. "First off, I think that just training can be a bit stifling. You need training, but you also need challenges. In a big way, the best way for a shinobi to grow is to compete directly against other ninja."

"You want us to fight each other?" Sasuke frowned.

"No... I want us to fight other ninja, as a team." Sakura looked at Kakashi and raised her eyebrows innocently. "I'm kind of friends with most of Guy's team and was wondering..."

"...you want to set up a challenge between you?"

"Exactly!" She smiled. "They didn't get to fight in the chunin exams so... why not arrange some sort of match between us?"

Kakashi seemed to contemplate the suggestion for awhile. "On the one hand, Sakura has a point. Ninja do learn best when they have a challenge to overcome. On the other hand, this means I would have to talk to Guy." He tilted his head to the side and his expression grew haggard. "Decisions, decisions."

"We can totally defeat these guys!" Naruto insisted. "Come on, sensei, give us a chance to prove how awesome we are!" He pointed to the distance. Then paused and looked around, squinting. "Uh, who are they?"

Sakura giggled behind her hand, smiling. Naruto found himself smiling goofily in response. "Bushy brows, Hinata's older cousin and... a girl you probably never met before two weeks ago, actually. Her name is TenTen."

Naruto frowned and gripped his chin. Then he recalled the boy with the bowl-cut and huge eyebrows who had described himself as 'Sakura's rival' during the chunin exams. He snapped his fingers. "Oh yeah, I remember him! Bushy-brows with the loud voice!"

"Didn't you say that in pure taijutsu, you lost more often than you won against him?" Sasuke asked. From the look he was giving Naruto, the idea of describing any other ninja as loud wasn't something Naruto should do. Naruto stuck his tongue out at him. He could get subtly (sometimes), but just didn't care.

"Yup!" Sakura said, popping her p and smiled dreamily. It was that expression, which never showed judgement or distance, which Naruto liked best on her.

Sasuke and Naruto exchanged a glance. Naruto could see the excitement rising in Sasuke's eyes. Naruto grinned and a smirk tugged at the edge of Sasuke's lips. Just a few minutes ago, Sakura had manhandled them both with almost humiliating ease. She had agreed at the outset not to hold back or conceal her strength from them anymore. Having seen just how much she was above them both filled Naruto with a fire.

"...I'm going to have to talk to Guy," Kakashi said with a put upon sigh. He gave Sakura a mock glare. "This is your revenge for me not letting you perform unethical experiments on your teammates."

"Well, we can probably at least wait until Sasuke and Naruto have finished their training. So you get a two week reprieve."

"Ugh. I got to go back to the pervert and creepy face."

"Pervert?" Sakura looked at him and then made an ah and nodded. "Of course. Good timing."

"Yeah, but it's really hard! This climate change stuff is really worrying me."

Sakura blinked until Kakashi sighed. "It's Nature Transformation, Naruto, not climate change."

"He probably emits enough carbon from all the yelling to start it," Sakura muttered almost too low to hear. Naruto glanced at her, but she just smiled at him. "So, you're working on that jutsu? I'm surprised. You're advancing faster than I expected. How is it going?"

"Ugh, at this rate I'm getting nowhere," Naruto said, hating to admit it, but felt fine doing so with the three of them. I mean, sensei is sensei and if I can't talk to him about my problems who can I? Plus Sakura is always helpful and cute. And Sasuke... Naruto glanced at the boy. ...I guess it's okay.

Neither of them had talked about what had happened during the exam. Naruto still wasn't sure what to think. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to talk to Sasuke. He got the feeling that the black-haired boy really, really did not want to talk about it.

"At least you're learning something new," Sasuke grumbled. He looked at Sakura. "What about you, are you doing any special training."

Sakura shook her head and waved the question aside with one hand. "I'm way too busy dealing with training Ino right now to focus on anything else."

"Training Ino?" Naruto said. "How are you doing that."

She glanced at Naruto then at Kakashi and smirked. "Well, Naruto, I have a unique ability." She held up one finger. "I actually have eight other..." She looked at him and frowned. "Well, let's just say I can split my attention nine ways at once."

"Nine ways?" Naruto said with a gasp. Sasuke was also staring at her in disbelief.

"Yup." Sakura crossed her arms and nodded. "It's the second secret of my training regime. Nine separate perspectives running at the same time means that I can accomplish nine times the work!" Now she held up nine fingers.

"Doesn't that get confusing," Naruto said, squinting and tilting his head to the side.

"Nope!" Sakura popped the word again. "Right now I'm..." She looked up and closed her eyes. "I'm hanging out with you guys and have another one running through some training with Ino and a bunch running mental theory models and a couple are just chilling out."

"Chilling out?" Sasuke asked with a frown.

"Don't underestimate the value of rest and relaxation!" Sakura said, leaning forward and thrusting a finger at him. "The human body can only do so much work before you start to get diminishing returns. A proper training schedule includes sufficient time to recover your energy and heal up."

"Whatever," Sasuke said, looking away and tossing his head so his hair waved. Naruto frowned. Sasuke always acted so cool. Naruto pulled his attention away from him and back to Sakura.

"Man, that sounds really cool," Naruto said, rubbing his hand through his hair and grinning. "I wish I could train with nine brains at once."

"Ah!" Kakashi said suddenly. Everyone looked at him. He gazed at Naruto. "That might be an idea."

"What idea?" Naruto asked.

"Well, I'll have to talk to your teachers, but I think this will help you catch up with Sasuke."

"Catch up?" Naruto said. Like he needed to catch up with anyone! Well, maybe Sakura.

"Sasuke already knows shape manipulation and nature transformation for his chakra," Kakashi said, "While you only know shape manipulation."

"Yeah, loser," Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Just you watch, Sasuke! I'll beat Sakura before you do!"

"Hmm. I'll need to oversee this myself. Which means nobody will be around to supervise Sasuke's training..."

"...you don't supervise it now," Sasuke said.

"So I'll have to get someone else to supervise!" Kakashi said. He turned to Sakura, his eye entirely innocent. "And since Sakura is forcing me to ask a favour, I guess It's only fair I ask her one in return."

* Six years ago *

"A favour, from me?" Hinata fidgeted as Sakura leaned over her. She was just trying to blend in at school, sitting alone in the classroom eating lunch. It had been six months since she had started at the academy. Despite her status as the 'clan heir' of the second most powerful clan in the village, she was left mainly alone. This suited her fine.

Well, except for Sakura. Sakura had been always there, finding every excuse to come over and talk to her. This always caused Hinata to freeze up. Her throat would tighten and her breathing would become thin and sometimes she felt light-headed. She was always waiting for the other foot to drop.

Sakura never seemed to do anything but just hang around her and... talk. She kept addressing questions to Hinata. Hinata hated being asked questions. It made her freeze up and then the awkward silence would follow as she tried to force a few words out of her throat which felt like it was the size of a pinpoint.

Sakura never let those silences happen. She just waited a second to see if Hinata would answer and when she didn't (which was far more often than not) she would just sweep on into another line of babble. She never seemed to want anything from Hinata, but she never seemed to ignore her, either.

It was... nice.

"Yeah, in all the months we've been friends, I've never once seen you use your Byakugan."

"Ah..." Hinata flushed. She didn't like using her kekkei genkai outside the compound. Her control wasn't the best and besides, it wasn't like her ability with the bloodline was anything special. "Do... I have to?"

Sakura sat down next to her, blowing air out like her mouth in a long sigh. She laid her head down on the desk, pillowing it in her arms. "Nope," Sakura said, as usual she popped her word. "In fact, I can say that the moment you use it around me, our entire friendship will change."


Sakura nodded, an odd gesture given her posture, and looked up at Hinata. "Yeah. I'm... honestly surprised we became friends." Hinata looked down. Everytime Sakura insisted they were friends she had no idea how to react. She had never had a friend. She was The Heir. The Heir did not have anything so simple as a friend. "I figured one day you'd Byakugan me and then your... dad... would step in and we'd never be able to talk to each other again."

Hinata did not wince, but she looked down. Yes. Her father would certainly step in if she started making friends with people like Sakura. 'As clan heir, you must always think about how your relationships will forge your future as a kunoichi.' That had been his words.

"Then why..." Hinata couldn't force the rest of the words out. Why would she want to be driven away, now?

"I just did something really stupid last night," Sakura said, turning her head so she was speaking in her arms. "Maybe I want to be punished?"

Hinata had no reaction to that. She watched as Sakura looked up, but her eyes were fixed on another boy in their class. Uchiha Sasuke, the other powerful clan child in their year. He was calmly eating his food, not a care in the world as he ignored the commotion around him. Sometimes Hinata wished she had his confidence.

"...all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us..." Sakura murmured into her arms.

"I'm sorry," Hinata said.

Sakura sat up, rubbing her eyes. Had she been crying? Sakura shook her head. "Nothing. It's just... a good man died yesterday."

"Died?" Hinata said with some alarm.

"Yes." Sakura nodded. "They called him The Body Flicker..." She bit her lip but finally shrugged. "But that's not why I'm here." She turned to Hinata, blasting that smile at her. Hinata felt a warmth she always felt when seeing that smile. Maybe, Sakura and her were friends?

It was... nice.

"Okay." Hinata began to go through the signs. She was still at four. "I'll show you my Byakugan." And with that her eyes seemed to open again and-

-Hinata saw-

-when she regained consciousness Hinata was in her home. She could tell by the smell, that blend of wood polish and flowers. She was on a futon and a warm cloth was draped over her forehead and eyes. Her eyes hurt so she kept them squeezed shut. She could make out voices nearby.

"What were you thinking?" That was her father's voice. There was a heavy silence before he spoke again. "Did you really think before acting? Do you know how much damage you could have caused?"

"...I can't just watch..." That was Sakura.

"You have to just watch!" There was a whoosh of displaced air and a slap of wood against flesh. "Our burden is to watch. That is what we have to do."

There was another heavy silence.

"Well, aren't you going to defend yourself at least?"

"She's awake," Sakura said.

The tension seemed to drain out of the air and then Sakura heard the soft sound of slippers on wood as the man approached her. She felt more than heard him kneel beside her. A hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"Hinata, are you okay?"

That concern in his voice was unlike Father. Ah, yes, of course.

"I'm fine," she said and reached up, removing the warm cloth. "My eyes hurt a bit."

He reached up and rested a hand on both her temples. His eyes bulged as He activated His Byakugan. The pain diminished.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," He told her. Hinata looked across the room. Sakura was sitting in seiza style at the far end of the room. Her eyes were downcast and she was quiet, entirely unlike her.

"What... was that?" Hinata managed to say.

"I suppose we have no choice but to explain," He replied and looked at Sakura. Sakura met his gaze.

"She needed to know, eventually," Sakura said, uncharacteristically softly. Hinata sat up and stared at the girl.

'Maybe I want to be punished?'

"It's okay," Hinata said. "I... I'm glad." Sakura looked at her, blinking. "We're... friends, aren't we? I should see my friends... as they really are, right?"

* Now *

Ino ran a hand over the wooden deck. She could feel the resistance of her hand against the surface, but only because her haptic interface refused to allow her hand to move further down. The texture of the polished wood, the warmth of it, was entirely absent.

"What's up, Ino?" Choji sat next to her and she turned her eyes to look at him. His body was framed in a window that curved up and around her head, giving her a peripheral view of the world as well. But if she looked up or down enough she could see the edges of the screen and the illusion was shattered.

"Nothing much," she said. "I'm just... I'm glad I can hang out with you guys again."

Choji popped open a bag and began to snack on the chips within. "Yeah, you wouldn't know it to look at him but Shikamaru was practically tearing his hair out when he figured out what happened."

"Don't exaggerate," Shikamaru said. He was sitting across a shogi board from Asuma. The middle-aged jonin had a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. He had a short black beard and short black hair. He was wearing standard jonin gear with a sash sticking out from the bottom of his armoured vest showing a 'fire' kanji on it. Shikamaru was in his usual slacker clothes. "Though it has been troublesome since we can't do much. Mom is getting to be a pain insisting I train with Dad since we're not able to go out on missions without you."

"Well, we're not going to be able to do any missions outside the village for awhile," Asuma said, pulling out his cigarette and blowing a cloud of smoke to the side. Ino had always found the smell kind of offensive. She never knew she would miss it. "We have to stay within ten kilometres of the village for now." He put the cigarette back in the corner of his lips. "So it's D Ranks again for all of you."

"D-ranks?" Shikamaru groaned. "Those are even more troublesome. Weeding lawns and painting fences isn't exactly better than all that training."

"I'm sorry," Ino said with some sarcasm. "Next time I have my life upended, I'll think about how that makes you do chores."

"Guys, guys," Asuma said with a grin. "This is a difficult time for all of us, so let's be supportive rather than taking our frustrations out on each other."

"Do you... want a chip, Ino?" Choji asked, offering one. Ino smiled at him. Well, at least he wanted to help. It almost broke her heart to turn him down.

"What, are you dieting again?" Choji said the word dieting like others would 'came down with cancer'.

"No, I literally can't eat anymore." Ino patted her tummy. "I don't even have a stomach anymore."

Ino looked at Choji and flinched back, drawing her hands up and away. That expression! There were no words to convey the horror and despair in his face. He grabbed her hand, tears flowing. "I'm so sorry, Ino. I never realized... the horror, the horror..."

Ino laughed nervously.

"Speaking of," Shikamaru said and made another move on the board. "And that's mate." He twisted around to look at Ino while Asuma rubbed his beard and tried to puzzle out how he hadn't seen that coming. "We ever going to get to actually see the new you?"

Ino looked down at herself. It was weird, seeing the double vision of her own body and the image of her body through the window. She looked back up and shrugged. "I guess I could ask Sakura to remove the henge, but Dad thought it best I not walk around obviously changed. Then she'd have to come over and do it again before I could walk home."

"Sakura can use transformation on others?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah," Ino nodded, making her real body do the same. "And she can maintain it from all the way across the village." She leapt to her feet. "Oh, that's right. Quick, Choji, punch me."

She looked down, but Choji was on the ground, fingers scrambling in the dirt. "...no bar-b-que... no shish-kabob... no dumplings or noodles..." He moaned. "Truly, that is a living hell..."

Ino sighed. "Shikamaru, you do it."

"That's way to troublesome," he replied. "Besides, even if you ask me I don't hit girls."

"Ugh. Sensei, can you punch me, please/"

Asuma gave up trying to figure out how he had lost his latest loss and stood up. "Really? Won't that hurt."

Ino smiled thinly. "As long as you don't do any permanent damage, it'll be fine. I won't even feel it."

Asuma pulled his cigarette out and snuffed it on the palm of his glove before flicking it into an ashtray set a dozen meters away on the wall of the Sarutobi compound. "Okay. If you say so." He walked over and slugged her one in the shoulder. Ino felt herself moving back as the interface moved her mental body in response to her physical forms involuntary motion but felt no pain or pressure.

From the blow on her shoulder a ripple of rainbow light flowed out across her body, briefly revealing her actual appearance beneath, before it snapped back into place like a water ripple rewinding back until her 'original' appearance returned.

"I see," Shikamaru said, turning away and crossing his arms. "This is too troublesome."

"...no deep fry... no soup..."

"I don't understand this at all," Asuma said, stuffing his hands into his pockets and pulling out his lighter and another cigarette. He didn't light up, instead idly spinning the cigarette in one hand and snapping the lighter open and closed in the other. "But maybe it's time we did some actual training. Even if it's just D-Rank Missions, you'll still need to be prepared for some dangerous situations.

"So you really can't use chakra, right, Ino?"

Ino sighed and made the hand signs for the Bunshin no Jutsu but no clones appeared, not even the pathetic smoke and monochrome images that Naruto used to produce in class all the time. "See, nothing happened. Can't use chakra while my spiritual and physical energy are separated like this."

"That is an issue." Asuma stuck the cigarette between his lip but still only tossed his lighter from one hand to the other. "Without the Yamanaka family jutsu, the Ino-Shika-Cho combination your team is built around will fail."

"Hey, could you ask Asuma something for me?"

Ino glanced to the side, seeing a figure standing just beyond the edge of the window.

"Ino?" Asuma's body tensed and he glanced in the same direction Ino was. Of course, he couldn't see what Ino could see. Shikamaru seemed to pick up on the sudden tension and also shifted into a position that would be easier to leap into action.

"I'm sorry, sensei." Ino waved at him. "Sakura has something she wants to ask you, could you wait a moment?"

"So you're in contact even now..." Asuma's eyes narrowed, but he nodded.

Ino gestured sharply and the window she was watching vanished to the side, shrinking until it was the size of a hand mirror. Two of the Sakuras were waiting just to her side. She glanced between them. The one with the scary glasses she knew, the one with hair styled in a pair of twin-tails and a haughty expression she had seen around in the crowd but never been 'introduced' to.

'Befriend the target and relay intelligence to your handler, who shall be me.'

"Can I help you, Sakura?" she asked.

"We hate to interrupt," Scienca said with a tone that said she was only being polite out of formality. "But since you're finally getting back to training your new body, we thought it was time to start experimenting with your control."

"Experimenting?" Ino said, not keeping the distaste from her voice.

"What experiments?" Asuma's voice sounded distant and tinny as it came from the tiny screen.

"You're still linked to your haptic," Scienca said with a shrug at Ino's questioning look. "Even if you did minimize the image feed."

"And that's what I am here for," the one in the elaborate dress with the frills said as she stepped forward. She had a device in her hands, some sort of helmet made out of a web of metallic wires. "To improve your haptic interface and start training you on the real mysteries of your body." She smirked haughtily. "Or, your mind, to be more specific."

"Can we ignore the cryptic for now," Ino said, rubbing her hand over her face. "And what do I call you?"

"Sakura Mentum," the other girl introduced her. "And this, is a psionic induction helmet."

"A what?"

Scienca adjusted her glasses. "It's a test of a theory." She gestured towards Ino. "Since your spiritual form is taking on the exact image of your physical body, I am hoping the brain is similarly there. Thus, even if you aren't hard-wired into the simulation we can still use emulated-"

"You're confusing her," Mentum said as she thrust the helm into Ino's hand. Ino struggled to grab it. "The ultimate lesson is this. If this works, you'll be able to control the Ars Psionica imbedded in your body."

"You mean, I could use the mahoujutsu?" Ino asked, alarmed and intrigued.

"Hmpf." Mentum tossed one drill-shaped hair-tail with the back of her hand. "What you call mahoujutsu is really three different arts, the Ars Magica, the Ars Technica and the Ars Psionica. What you commonly see as jutsu is the ars magica, which only we can use properly. The tools you see us use are Ars Technica, advanced machines. The final one is the Ars Psionica.

"The power of the spirit unlocked."

"Spirit unlocked?"

Mentum turned and walked away before swinging around and holding up one figure in a lecturing pose. "Ars Technica is purely physical, based on physical laws. The Ars Magica draws on an extra-dimensional energy source that is poorly understood, even by us. The two are as different as reality and imagination. Technica exploits the physical laws of reality, and Magica alters those laws by imposing one's from other universes.

"Psionica is less like Magica and more like Technica, except it works purely on the spiritual level."

"Spiritual level?" Ino frowned, concentrating and trying to memorize this.

"We discovered in our experiments that there are two layers to this world. The physical layer, and the spiritual layer. They reflect each other, but only really interact when you create chakra."

"Where is this spiritual layer?"

"All around us, all the time. It's part of reality. We call it Astral Space. As far as I have been able to determine, it is a layer of reality produced by the perceptions of all thinking beings." Sakura Mentum gestured and a diagram formed in mid air of a human outlined with wavy lines extending out of it. "This energy is produced most during sleep, and least during periods of intense concentration. Though the astral leakage is less energy produced and more 'energy unused'.

"Ars Psionica harvests that energy and uses it to alter the physical world. Though it's less versatile than Ars Magica because it's based on actual laws rather than picking and choosing them. The functional range of Ars Psionica is only ten metres, in fact."

"Ten meters?"

"Well... the ultimate range is determined by the individual. Each person has their own perspective and thoughts, but ten meters is the maximum I can reach." Mentum shrugged elegantly. "It's one of the reasons I never bothered to develop anything but the psychokinetic engine. The telepathic engine remains a theoretical exercise at this time."

"Wait, can't you already use telepathy like when you let me speak to my team at the exams?"

Mentum turned up her nose. "That was an illusion, one only your team could hear, but just an illusion. "

"You can put illusions in people's thoughts?" Ino gaped.

"It's less useful than you think. Without specific techniques that Mr Ethics insists are wrong anyone can easily distinguish mental illusion from reality." Ino wasn't certain about that, but she pushed it aside. Asuma could hear half this conversation, so he would have more useful insights than she would get from prying for information.

"So... you want me to try this out?"

"Well, with your sensei's permission first," Mentum said with a dignified sigh. "I've been informed we can't just do whatever we want anymore." She gestured. "I asked Hatake Kakashi for permission, but he said, 'Only if her sensei approves.'"

Ino took a deep breath then she turned back to the window and gestured to have it fill and wrap around her vision again. "Asuma, I need to ask you for permission to try out some of the jutsu built into these bodies."

"Jutsu?" Asuma asked.

Ino nodded. "Apparently my body has built in mental jutsu that I can probably use."

Asuma rubbed his bearded chin and chewed on his unlit cigarette. "Could it hurt you? Or the others?"

Ino looked over her shoulder.

"No more so than any other jutsu. Just don't aim at them," Sakura replied.

"It should be fine."

"Then... I suppose go ahead. It will be useful if you can use some jutsu again."

Ino nodded. "Okay, let's try this out."

"Stand still." Ino tried her best to do that as she felt two sets of hands begin to weave something into her hair, and attach the wire to locations on her skull. She shivered and fidgeting slightly even as Sakura made tsking sounds and had to remove some things and reattach them.

"Right, so what's next?" Ino asked when Sakura backed away.

"Take out a kunai and place it on the ground in front of you," Sakura said. Ino complied. "Now... focus your thoughts. It's not like a ninjutsu or molding chakra. You have to expand your perception to include the electromagnetic waves between you and the kunai and if you work at it, it should only take you about two hundred hours to..."

"Is that, moving?" Shikamaru asked. Choji looked up from his horror filed sprawl and even Asuma raised an eyebrow as the kunai steadily rose up into the air and hovered in front of Ino.

"...or you could perform the exercise on the first try with no explanation," Sakura said, sounding shocked. "That's also a thing that could happen."

"It's... easy." Ino said, and had the first genuine smile on her face for what felt like a long time.

* Five years ago *

"It's hard," Hinata said, panting as she sat on the ground, her legs sprawled to both sides and her hand planted on the ground trying to prop herself up. "It's too hard..."

"You must learn to stand on your own two feet," Father said. "If you can not do at least this much then you will not be considered-"

"Hey, Hiashi, why don't you leave her alone?"

Hinata looked up. Sakura sat in the rafters, one leg dangling over the edge. She had her red cloak she had taken to wearing only a few weeks ago. It had been less than a year since she and Sakura had become friends.

"What are you doing here?" Father was glaring up at her. "How did you get in here?"

Sakura dropped to the mats of the dojo and walked over to Hinata. She crouched down next to her. "Hey, Cricket, are you okay?" Her hand dropped on the girl's shoulder.

"I'm..." Hinata coughed and tried to smile.

Sakura frowned. "You know I hate it when people go up to girl's and tell them they should smile more. If you're sad or hurt, you don't need to smile."

"I... don't need to..." Hinata nodded along. "I... want to..."

Sakura's frown turned into a smile quickly. She shook her head in disbelief. She looked over her shoulder at Father, who was walking up behind Sakura with an expression of annoyance. "And you think she's weak?"

"What gives you the right to be here?" Father said. "You think that just because of the work you did for my family..."

"Don't get to full of yourself, Hiashi," Sakura said, raising to her feet. "Don't forget what is swimming around inside your eyes even now." He hesitated. "Oh, don't be afraid. I'm not the kind of person who would build a way to torture you into my solution." Sakura flashed her teeth. "Didn't you tell me yourself that you wanted to end that hatred between you and your brother? That it was your dream? Did I fulfil that or not?"

"Sakura..." Hinata gasped.

Father looked down at her, his expression grave. He turned away with a tch of annoyance, but his composure intact. "Do what you want then." Hinata stared at his back for a long moment.

"C'mon, Cricket, stand up." Hinata snapped her attention to Sakura, a brief flash of betrayal fading quickly as she saw that the girl was extending her hand. Hinata took it and climbed unsteadily to her feet.

"If she doesn't learn to do it on her own, she'll simply be a burden that needs to be protected."

"You think reliance on others is a weakness?" Sakura sighed. "That explains so much about your family.

"Let me tell you something about weakness, Hiashi. Weakness is what built all of human civilization. Compared to other animals, we're nothing special. Our hides are thin, our natural weapons feeble. Compared to the ants, we're even bad at society. Our children are helpless for many years after they are born.

"And that weakness, means that the only way we can accomplish anything is if we rely on each other. So I don't know what you hope to accomplish by teaching her this bullshit. Needing a hand up isn't anything to be ashamed of."

Father stood at the far end of the hall. He still had his back to the two of them. "Perhaps, you have a point for normal people. But Hinata is not a normal person. She is a kunoichi. More than that, she is my daughter, the heir to a powerful clan. Do you think that her enemies will give her sympathy?"

"Do you know they won't?"

Father looked over his shoulder.

"This world is full of damaged people, who live in a cycle of hatred." Sakura laced her arm around Hinata's shoulder. "And if someone wanted to... they could end it with dreadful finality. Imagine the ultimate expression of hatred. You think you have seen how much damage jutsu can do? I've seen entire cities wiped off the map in blooms of baleful light. And that was nothing compared to the horrors that could be unleashed.

"But this world doesn't deserve that. People don't deserve that. So much of the hatred in this world can be stopped.

"Hard men making hard decisions isn't what this world needs. Hinata is a better person than you or..." Sakura trailed off, looking down at her own feet. She looked up. "If you can't see that, don't punish her for your blindness."

"...what would you have me do?" Father asked. Hinata drew in a deep breath.

Sakura grinned. "Maybe we should both try trusting Hinata to make her own path?"

* Now *

The room emptied of the various jonin and division commanders, some walking and others flickering away or vanishing in plumes of chakra smoke. This left the Hokage alone.

Except for one man.

Hiruzen looked over his hands at the man who had, once, been his dearest friend. Even when they had been placed on different teams, they had always been able to talk as friends. Then there had been that unpleasantness six years ago.

"You disapprove of my actions," Hiruzen said, leaning back.

"It's not my place to gainsay my Hokage," Danzo said in response. His tone was carefully modulated.

Hiruzen did not sigh. He instead pulled up a scroll and tossed it to the man. Danzo caught it with his unbandaged hand. "Do you remember back when we weren't constantly treating each other like enemies, Danzo."

"I remember when you approved of my work."

"Yes, your work." Hiruzen sat forward. "What do they call you outside the village? Ah yes, 'The Darkness of Shinobi'. The unnamed threat, the knife in the back that those who would oppose Konoha would face if they don't submit to our idea of peace."

"You know my opinion of words without deeds," Danzo said. His face was damnably impassive. His one eye was squinted almost to being closed.

"And how many people have to die for that?"

"I will do what is good for the village."

Hiruzen pointed to the scroll. "Haruno Sakura spent the last six years learning every weakness in our security procedures she could. There are gaps in our sensor barrier that she was aware of which even our own sensory division did not know about. I invited you to this meeting so you could see me closing up all these holes and because I knew that even if you weren't here for that meeting you'd know all about the new security arrangements within two days."

"What do you want from me, Hiruzen?"

"Haruno Sakura is perhaps the most brilliant young mind I have seen since the Fourth Hokage. Yet, she distrusted her own village enough that she was looking for ways to go Missing Nin. And she was that paranoid because she saw a world in which you existed in the darkness of the shinobi world."

"And you still trust her?" Danzo leaned forward, resting his weight on his cane. "If this girl is as brilliant as you say, she is a strategic resources for the village. Much like the jinchuriki, she should be held safely within our walls and used to bring external threats in line. Her ninja tools must be studied and exploited and her ability to modify bodies fully understood. Treating her like any other kunoichi is a mistake."

"So you would dictate her destiny."

"I would do what is needed."

"Like you dictated the destiny of the Uchiha clan?"

The silence between them was profound. The words were out there now. Even that day, they had gone unsaid. Both of them knew what had happened and who had arranged it all. Yet while Hiruzen had disbanded Root and stripped Danzo of most of his influence the accusation itself had never been said.

"Are we done?" Danzo said a little stiffly.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and waved dismissively. Danzo left the room, his movements slow but deliberate. Hiruzen looked down at his hands. He could use a draw on his pipe now, but he refused. His hands trembled slightly. They were thin and feeble, covered in liver spots and varicose veins.

He was old. He was tired, but mostly he was old. The will of fire, that had once served him well had died down to smouldering coals. Twice now he had chosen sentiment over expediency, and they had seemed like good excuses at the time.

But then that debriefing of the Haruno girl had come in and he'd seen just how far he'd let things slip out of his fingers. She had seen Orochimaru coming because she had been examining the shadows of the village for threats for years, threats that he had not dealt with.

It was time for him to choose a successor. As much as he wished to preserve Minato's legacy, he would accomplish nothing by being too weak to hold on to it.

* Four Years Ago *

Hinata moved through the forms as quickly as possible, sliding from stance to stance. Every blow sent a ripple of white chakra from her palms as she moved. She finished the sequence and came to a halt, trying to hold the rigid stance.

"Enough," He said.

Hinata relaxed, allowing her hands to drop to her size. She was two years into the academy now. She glanced around the dojo. Sakura sat on one end, watching with interest. Next to her was Neji, her older cousin, who had a dismissive expression on his face.

Hinata turned to her instructor. Her father's face looked back at her. He was walking towards her. He paused and dropped to one knee. "The form was incomplete, there were flaws," His words were soft. Hinata nodded and closed her eyes.

"I understand," she said.

"This is a waste of time," Neji said to the man. "You and I should be completing my training."

"Maybe he's right," Hinata said to Sakura. "The form is too complex for me."

Sakura looked at her for a long moment. "Well Cricket, do you want to give up?" she asked.

Hinata paused. She thought back to earlier this week, how she had followed Naruto out into the woods. They had been learning the clone jutsu this week and Naruto's had been... underwhelming. Yet out in the woods, Naruto had been using the clone jutsu again and again. He hadn't been improving, but he hadn't been giving up, either.

"No... but..."

"No 'but's," Sakura said as she stood up. "Either you try or you don't." She cocked a thumb at Neji. "Maybe he learns it the first time, but if it takes you a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand attempts, you both learn it."

"And if she just fails?" Neji asked. He didn't quite sneer.

"Neji..." The elder Hyuuga knelt next to him. "This isn't helping." Neji looked at him. Then he looked down and closed his eyes.

"Yes, of course." Neji looked up again. "But if all she's going to do is the same thing over and over expecting different results, she will fail."

Sakura tapped her finger against her chin. "Okay. Cricket, what do you think is wrong?"

"I..." Hinata closed her eyes. "I... can't tell. It feels right when I'm doing it, but afterwards..."

Sakura looked at her. "Okay. Time for an experiment. Create a clone."

"A... clone?"

"Yes. Please. We worked on that together at the academy this month, right?"

"Ruh-right!" Hinata made the hand signs carefully. "Bunshin no jutsu."

There was a puff of smoke and a small popping sound as a clone of herself appeared next to her. The clone was very well done. Hinata had been slightly proud of her progress. Though really, if Sakura hadn't been there with her every step of the way her clones would probably be as feeble as Naruto's.

"Okay, time to test something out." Sakura gestured through the air. "Ars magica: imperium illusio." A series of lines formed of shifting mathematical symbols formed beneath Sakura's feet and then slid over and floated beneath the clone. Hinata felt a sense of sudden disconnection and then blinked as the clone began to walk around in a way that she hadn't commanded. "Right, tell me if you can still see the chakra of this thing."

"Okay!" Hinata focused and made a single sign. "Byakugan!" Her vision expanded, but as usual she flinched a bit away from Sakura's bizarre not chakra. She focused her attention on the clone.

"I can see it." She said. It was obviously a clone, but she could see the nebulous chakra cloud that made it up.

"Huh, neat. I thought that wouldn't work. It looks like an illusion is an illusion is an illusion. Just like water is water is water, whether you conjure it with ninjutsu or mahoujutsu." Sakura gestured and the clone moved to the centre of the room. "Now, I can't emulate the gentle fist attacks but I can perfectly record everything I see and thanks to the wonders of digital playback I can play that back. Now, watch this closely."

Hinata sat down next to Neji as the clone moved into the starting stance of the sequence. Then she watched as the clone moved through the attacks. Now that she was outside she could see the errors and flaws, the imperfections in the motions. She frowned.

Once the sequence was finished the clone moved off to the side. "Right, now that you can see for yourself, can you tell where you made the errors?"

"Yes," Hinata said.

"Good, and can you tell where you succeeded?"


"Watch again, this time with an eye towards what you did well." Again, Sakura ran her clone through the sequence. This time Hinata tried to ignore her errors and focus on the parts she did well. To her surprise most of the sequence was done correctly, not well, but acceptably.

"I see them..." She murmured.

"Good." Sakura gestured and the clone moved back. "Now what's the difference between this transition." Hinata watched herself smoothly move through the four thrust sequence. "And this." This time the Hinata moved through the sequence but flubbed the last blow.

"My right foot. I miss the last step."

"Okay. So, how do you fix that?"

Hinata looked down. "I don't know."

"Your chakra was off." They both turned to Neji. He raised and eyebrow. "You can't see it in the clone, since it's just a chakra cloud, but when you did the original sequence your chakra flow was off."

"How?" Sakura asked.

Neji shifted. "It was going to the right places at the right time, but she's taking shortcuts through the pathways instead of sending it through the right circuits.."

"Why does that matter?" Sakura asked.

Neji rolled his eyes. "Because chakra has weight of course. It's like throwing a water balloon. If you just let it slosh around however it wants, you'll end up with a random arc."

"Chakra has weight?" Sakura said with some awe.

"So... I need to change what pathways... but how can I control that?" Hinata asked.

"You have the Byakugan. Look at your own pathways and figure out how to do it."

"Perfect!" Sakura clapped her hands and the clone vanished into a cloud of smoke. "So, we have a new plan, let's get going."

* Now *

Anko considered Haruno's words as they walked up the spike-sided ravine. The girl was walking in front of her, but backwards. She wore a black-and-red bodysuit, the red coming from strips that broke up the otherwise dull black leather in a way that would break her silhouette. A pair of pouches were strapped to each thigh and the small of her back. Her hitai-ate was wrapped around her neck to guard it from throat strikes. She was spinning a kunai from hand to hand, making a game of catching the ring adorning the hilt with a different finger and spinning it off into the air as she moved.

"...it's a lot to take in," Anko said, finally.

Haruno shrugged, somehow not missing a throw, and continued backwards up the river. "In the end, I can't convince you what I'm saying is true."

"The idea that he was just... jumping from body to body like some... parasite." Anko rubbed at her stomach, the texture of her mesh bodysuit biting into her palm. "It makes my stomach turn."

"If it helps, he did it because he failed."

"Failed?" Anko looked at her, narrowing her eyes. "There was very little he ever failed at."

Sakura pursed her lips. "That mark on your neck, do you know what it is?"

Anko shifted her shoulders to move her coat up to hide the mark better. "His power," she said.

"Nope," Sakura popped the word. "In reality, it's stolen power from someone else. Orochimaru only tainted it with his own DNA to try and make an anchor for him to steal bits and pieces of natural chakra."


"Orochimaru's curse mark is nothing more than an attempt to cheat his way into being a Sage, like Jiraiya, by finding people who can be Sage's and stealing their abilities. But because he's using senjutsu without actually learning to control it himself it backfired on him. His body breaks down the more he uses until he's forced to find another person with sage potential and steal their talent as well.

"You were right. He was just a parasite, trying to be someone he was not."

They moved into the basin at the bottom of the waterfall. Sakura turned here and looked across the water. A boy was sitting on the water, shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts. He was soaked head to toe. He was unwrapping a ragged bandage from one of his legs, revealing a bruised and abraded shin beneath. He winced as he removed the last of it.

"Just like he was trying to steal kekkei genkai he wasn't born to," Haruno said softly.

Anko looked from the girl to the boy and back again. "So this is the boy you killed Orochimaru to protect?"

"I didn't-"

"The snake didn't teach me much worth knowing, kid," Anko said sharply, cutting her off. "But he taught me that false modesty is worse than pride. It was your plan, your execution. You may not have delivered the death blow, but you did it.

"So why don't you stop playing at being the master manipulator and just come out and ask what you want to ask."

Sakura looked at her a long time. Anko grinned. The girl was really an open book. After years of having her emotions and perspective fucked with by a legendary Sannin, she wasn't impressed with a little textbook psychology. The boy at the waterfall was standing up now and had turned to face them.

He frowned and put his hands in his pocket, unashamed and challenging. Anko almost wanted to crack his skull open. Nothing got her hackles raised like arrogant young shits not taking challenges seriously.

"So let's get real. You feed me a bunch of stuff about Orochimaru because you know that I hate him so much I'm hungry to hear how pathetic he was. Then you butter me up about how special I was, but that he used me for that. Dried up and thrown away just like he dries up and uses up bodies, right?

"No, don't answer. Then you lead us right to your teammate and point out that he was the one Orochimaru wanted to use. Tie us together, subtly remind me of the debt I owe you for doing what I couldn't and make it sound like my idea, right?"

"Well, if you want to take all the drama out of it," Sakura said with a smirk. Anko grinned back. She decided she liked this kid. Anyone who could be caught out playing bullshit and just grin through it was okay in Anko's book. She still might remove her spine if she was being an asshole, but what was a little bloodlust between friends?

"I kind of wanted you to mentor him," Sakura didn't ask.

"What are you two talking about?" Sasuke asked, walking towards them.

Anko patted the pink-haired girl on the shoulder and approached the black hair boy. "Turns out, I'm going to be helping you with your training."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "What about Kakashi?"

"Kakashi is a great teacher, but he can't teach you everything you need to know. That's why I have volunteered to expand your horizons."

"Do I get a say in this?"

Sakura and Anko exchanged a look then looked at him. "Nope!" they said with the exact same tone. Anko walked past him and grabbed his shoulder, dragging him along in her wake as she moved up to the waterfall.

"So Kakashi has you walking up the falls, huh?"

"Not up, through." Sasuke grunted. "It's ridiculous, but I think it's working."

"And it might, if you had a decade to spend conditioning yourself. But you gotta work smarter, not harder, brat."

"Smarter?" Sasuke frowned.

"Yeah, you want to go up through the waterfall?" Anko snapped her hands out and ran through the signs before the boy could blink. She bit her lip and slammed her palm into the water. "Kuchiyose no jutsu!"

The snake that emerged from the water was massive, it's head easily as large as Anko was tall. It burst up and up, rising from the smoke and spearing up through the water, turning the water fall into a dozen smaller ones as it parted around the monsters snout. Up and up it rose, vanishing into the shadows above.

"Yeah, you take the express path."

Sasuke stared at the giant serpent before turning to Anko, a hungry look in his eyes. Anko crossed her arms under her chest and rolled her shoulders. The other key to manipulation Orochimaru had taught her. If you can't dazzle them with bullshit, awe them with results.

* Three years ago *

Hinata was now at the end of her third year in the academy and she wasn't certain if she could believe her eyes. She held out the evaluation record to Father. He sat on the somewhat raised dais where he took formal petition. The recent passing of her grandfather had elevated him to head of the clan. Hinata knelt while he examined the scroll prepared by her academy instructors.

"Adequate," he said and snapped it closed. "You have improved."

"Yes, Father."

"It is still insufficient to surpass your sister," Father said.

"I understand, Father."

"Very well, then you are dismissed." He tossed the scroll to her and she caught it with one hand.

Hinata rose to her feet and walked in dignified silence from the room. She took a deep breath once she was out of a room but kept her reaction muted. She got all the way out of the compound before she allowed herself one soft sob.

"Let me see that."

The scroll was snapped from her hand and began to unroll in Sakura's hands before Hinata could react. Not that she would try to stop her. Hinata had learned that attempting to stop Sakura was like attempting to stop the rain.

"You know," Sakura said as she snapped the scroll closed with a flip of her wrist. "Last year, you were in the bottom third of the class. This year, you're in the top third."

"Barely," Hinata said. They were walking through the civilian district now.

"'Barely,' she says." Sakura threw her arms up dramatically. "If you can't be happy for yourself, can you at least be happy for me being happy for you?"

Hinata tried to sort out that logic in her head and gave up. It was raining, after all. Best to just throw your head back and enjoy the feeling of it on your cheeks. "Okay." Hinata smiled.

"Cricket, what am I ever going to do with you?" Sakura said with a laugh. She skipped ahead and began to walk backwards in front of the other girl, hands laced behind her back. Her red cloak flapped around her legs. "You should be celebrating. In fact, we are celebrating."

"Celebrating?" Hinata said.

"It was your idea to put together the study group," Sakura said.

"All I said was 'I bet Shino and Shikamaru know the answers' when we were studying."

"And they did."

"They're very smart," Hinata said.

"Yes, but Shikamaru is really lazy and Shino is... well, he's Shino." Sakura gestured around her. "Honestly, I think both of them would be wasting time at the academy if you hadn't pushed them to be better."

"I didn't do anything much. Shikamaru only went along because I'm less..."

"Bossy than Ino?"

"...I wouldn't put it like that."

"And we're here," Sakura said. She turned and gestured grandly at... her house. Hinata glanced at her and blinked. "Well, I'm not made of money." She paused. "At least without crashing the economy, anyway." She waved the thought aside vigorously. "Mom and Dad bought me a cake for getting perfect grades. Come on."

She led the way inside, calling out to her mother as she walked up the stairs.

"Hinata, what a pleasure," Mrs Haruno said.

"Hello, Mrs Haruno." Hinata bowed slightly. Mrs Haruno bowed back.

"I'm glad to see at least one person can get Sakura out of her shell," she said.

"Mom..." Sakura dipped her head down the stairs. "We have some celebrating to do."

"Of course, but don't fill up on cake. Your father is due back later today and I thought we'd all go out... you know, as a family?" There was a bit of sarcasm in her mother's tone.

"Sure Mom, later."

Hinata and Mrs Haruno shared a look as Sakura walked back upstairs. Their smiles were equally strained, but for different reasons.

* Now *

Inoichi rubbed at his cheek. It itched. His wife had finally dragged him into the bathroom and told him he either shaved or slept on the couch. Also, he was going to shower no matter what option he picked. His cheeks always itched when he shaved off that much growth.

"Master Yamanaka, you're up late again."

Inoichi looked up as one his clansmen entered the room. He had orange rather than blond hair and his pupils were wide enough to be visible, both signals that he was one of the secondary households, not as pure bred as the main house. He wore baggy brown clothes that covered everything but his head. His hitai-ate was worn traditionally.

"Fu? Isn't that your name?" Inoichi asked.

"Yes, Master Yamanaka." The man bowed slightly, always keeping his eyes on Inoichi. An affectation of the ninja world. Nobles may show reverence by groveling their faces in the dirt, but ninja could never get rid of that instinct for self-preservation.

"I haven't seen you in a while." Inoichi went back to his papers.

"I was incommunicado," Fu explained. Inoichi nodded. Anbu then. Technically all of them were anonymous. As a matter of practicality, there were almost no Anbu that Inochi did not know the name of. He recalled that Fu had been fast tracked through the training cadre of Anbu from a young age; the Root division under Danzo.

Hiruzen had disbanded that division almost six years ago. Part of his initiative to move to a peacetime footing, like banning excessively young graduations from the academy or promotions to chunin before twelve. Though they were more 'norms' and less 'rules'.

"You've been up late the last four nights," Fu said.

"Catching up on paperwork," Inoichi said with a forced laugh. "Turns out, can't waste too much time worrying about family issues."

"I hear," Fu said. "My sister Saya told me about it."

"Not all about it, I trust." Inoichi smiled. "Some of that is still classified."

"No. Saya knows how to keep things secret." Fu shrugged. "But people talk. Rumours and gossip."

"Yes, of course." He turned back to his desk.

Fu waved goodbye as he left the room. Inoichi leaned back and looked around. Nothing appeared disturbed. He closed his eyes, seeking out any foreign chakra but found none. He relaxed. He was jumping at shadows. Too much suspicion lately.

* Two years ago *

Hinata was ten years old today and she was suspicious. She was beginning to form a strange and compelling idea. One that would, if she was right, turn everything on its head.

"I think he likes you," Hinata said, whispering into Sakura's ear.

Sakura started choking on her drink. Hinata smiled and leaned away from her.

Around them the party was in full swing. Shikamaru was under a tree, pretending to sleep with a napkin over his face. Choji was next to him, eating his fifth slice of cake for the day (impressive considering they had served it less than an hour ago). Shino was staring with some interest at a butterfly fluttering against one of the trees in the park.

In fact, there were more people here than Hinata had thought. Father had said he couldn't come to this out-of-clan celebration. So of course, He had arrived. "Ah, a shadow clone," He explained when Sakura's parents asked how he could tear himself away from business.

And since He was here, Neji had followed.

"What are you talking about?" Sakura said.

Hinata nodded at Neji, who was watching them both with a frown.

"No. No way." Sakura looked at her. "That's not possible." She looked at Neji. "No. I refuse."

Hinata giggled. Ah, it was nice to see the shoe on the other foot for once. "Well, he's always finding excuses to attend our training sessions."

"You're lying."

"And he joined our study group, despite being a year ahead of us."

"Cricket, Hinata, I will seriously give you money to stop talking."

"He's staring at you even now."

"Oh dear lord, can he read lips?"

Neji began to blush.

"He can read lips." Sakura turned to Hinata. "This is wrong on every single level you have no idea."

"I think it's cute." Hinata smiled. "You're the only person our age who can routinely defeat him."

"Because I'm immune to his gentle fist," Sakura said, pouting.

"It's good for his ego."

Hinata looked up. He was here, the Shadow Clone. He knelt next to the two of them and waved at Neji, who turned away and found something else to stare at. "I think it's cute, too." He said with a wink.

"You, of all people, should know how horrible that sounds," Sakura said to Him.

"Well, with all I owe you, sometimes it's good to get some payback." He chuckled and walked away.

Only for a blast of smoke to explode above his head and a pile of balloons to tumble out of the smoke. They burst, splashing technicolour paint onto everyone in the centre of the clearing.

"Hah! I got Hinata's dad and everyone!"

"Oh great, who invited Naruto," Shikamaru said as he sat up, looking at his paint covered legs.

Hinata looked at Sakura.

"Well, your father said under no circumstances was he to be invited. But oops, I lost an invitation somewhere near his place."

"You're terrible," Hinata whispered.

"You have no idea," Sakura said, slugging her in the shoulder.

* Now *

Kabuto knelt behind Danzo as the two men entered. The orange haired man walked with a noticeable limp and one of his arms was heavily bandaged. The other man who came in beside him had short black hair and his face mostly concealed by a tight black mask with insert white lens. Other than that he wore a black, high-collared jacket and slacks.

"Report," Danzo said.

"I was able to get in and out without arousing any undue suspicion," Yamanaka Fu said. "The pain suppression jutsu allowed me to act normally."

"Excellent, and you, Torune?"

"My rinkaichu were able to keep themselves alive on Fu's cells and chakra until they got into the office. Once there, they dispersed, seeking out all active chakra signals and leaving microscopic pheromone trails in their wake. Since they can survive only seconds outside of a human body, they died and their chakra dispersed before even Inoichi could sense them."

"So we have a full map of all the fuinjutsu protecting the intelligence department head's office, then?"

Both men nodded.

"Good." Danzo looked at Kabuto. "You will treat Fu."

Kabuto walked over to the man and ran a hand over his arm. He kept his expression neutral, but the damage was... extensive. "Even with cellular rebirth, the damage is beyond my ability to heal entirely. He'll regain the use of his arm, but he won't be able to make hand signs." Kabuto glanced at Torune. "Those destruction insects of yours, an Aburame speciality?"

Torune didn't respond. Kabuto nodded anyway.

"They certainly are impressive, almost comparable to the SnakeDie nanovirus in destructive potential."

"Within a few days, we will have all the intelligence department's psychology profiling of Haruno. Then we will have her pressure points and weaknesses. We will also know exactly how deeply she is embedded into the Hyuuga clan."

"Taking on the Hyuuga is a tall order," Kabuto said as he treated the injured Yamanaka.

"They are a powerful clan." Danzo nodded. "But no matter how powerful the clan, there is always a weakness to be exploited."

You would know that, old man. Kabuto kept his expression neutral.

"And what of your research into those rings I procured?"

"It appears the report was correct. They're totally inert. Whatever power source Haruno uses for her jutsu, we'll have to get within one meter of her to activate them."

"That can be arranged," Danzo said. "Do we have any volunteers?"

"Any ninja would be crippled and driven insane by the pain of the modification," Kabuto pointed out.

"Yes, but vivisection of their bodies will reveal Haruno's secrets."

"Then we need less volunteers, and more patsies."

"You have someone in mind?"

Kabuto smiled thinly. "I have the perfect candidates."

* One year ago *

"This is ridiculous," Neji said. He frowned down at the paper in his hands. "This is not a training exercise."

"I don't know," TenTen said, holding up one of the brightly coloured dice. "I mean, as a way of examining the statistical likelihoods of the outcome of ninja battles, I've seen worse."

"My Taijutsu Expert would like to rage!" Lee shouted.

"Lee, you're not in a fight right now," Sakura said from behind her folded screen.

"But he burns with the power of youth!"

"Maybe you can rage later," Hinata suggested.

"I can't believe you invited them," Shikamaru said, though his words were muffled as his face was buried in his arms.

"The only way to get their sensei to give them time off to hang out with us was to have a training exercise," Sakura explained.

Shikamaru said something indecipherable into his arms.

"I don't hate you." Sakura smirked. "We could always play shogi."

"Ugh, and lose again?" Shikamaru looked at her with drooping eyes. "No. At least in this game, you don't cheat."

"The dice fall where they may," Sakura said. "Shogi is a mathematically solved problem, is all. This game has randomness, which much better emulates the way actual battles play out."

"I want no part of this," Neji said. "It's silly and you're all silly for engaging in it."

"But Neji, you're busy the rest of the week. This is the only time you get to spend with us. And it would be wrong for Shino and Shikamaru to have wasted so much time preparing," Hinata said with quiet insistence.

"What dice do I roll to rage?" Lee asked, holding up one of the tiny pyramids. "These are strictly inferior to caltrops," he observed.

"You don't use them to..." Sakura muttered.

"...fine," Neji said, glancing at Sakura. "I'll stay." He held up a finger. "For one game."

"... Neji, if you say you're not doing this because you like me and call me stupid, I will have to hurt you."

Neji narrowed his eyes at her. "What can I do in this game?"

"Well, you pick either a taijutsu expert, a ninjutsu expert, a genjutsu expert or a medical nin. Then you can use your special abilities to defeat enemy nin and various summons." Sakura shrugged. "There are categories within the categories as well, and you can multi-class."

"My dad is going to kill me when he finds out I'm doing this," Shikamaru muttered as he slumped back in his chair.

"Sakura does not say that the ninjutsu expert is clearly the most powerful character, outstripping all the other types." Shino, as always, sounded deadly serious. "Though at genin levels, the other types outperform them once you hit chunin and beyond there is simply no comparison."

"I like my genjutsu expert," Hinata said.

"Yes, a blond orphan boy with a never say die spirit," Sakura said in a deadpan. "Of course you like him."

Hinata flushed but said nothing.

"When do I get to rage?"

* Now *

Kimimaro watched as the boy was strung up by his wrists. His mask lay broken in the corner. His pale skin was covered in bruises. He was slim and almost effeminate in his build. His inky black hair was in disarray after Tayuya and Sakon had worked him over.

Kimimaro reached to his palm and watched the boy's expression carefully. The skin of his hand split and a long bone, shaped halfway between a femur and a handle, extended from it. He kept drawing it, even as the end tapered to a wickedly sharp point.

The boy's expression never changed. He barely blinked. He hadn't cried out once during the rough 'treatment' of his subordinates. Not that a few kicks and punches counted as true torture. Yet Kimimaro sensed that it would be pointless to torment him. No, there was something dead about this one's eyes.

"Let us cut through the waste, Leaf Nin." He placed the tip of the blade against the boy's throat. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now."

"If you do that, you will never have your revenge," the boy said. Kimimaro nodded. He had expected this. The boy had managed to sneak past all their defences and warning systems. He obviously either had an extremely detailed report of their layout, or was a genius with unique infiltration jutsu.

"So you came to make a deal?" Kimimaro asked, running the tip of the bone-dagger across the boy's cheek. No response. Not even a break in his pattern of blinks.

"Fuck this guy," Tayuya growled. "Let me crush those pretty-boy eyes."

"Language, Tayuya," Jirobo said with a grunt.

"Be quiet," Kimimaro said a trifle snappishly. He was getting weaker by the day. He could feel it in his bones. He turned his attention back to the messenger. "Well?"

"As you have guessed, I am but a messenger. There are some among the Leaf Nin who would have welcomed Lord Orochimaru's invasion of Konoha. One of them was a close associate of Lord Orochimaru before his exile. He did not either aid or oppose your master's plans, a decision he now regrets.

"He would like to make up for this oversight by granting you access to Konoha so that you may eliminate the one who eliminated Lord Orochimaru."

"It's a trap," Kidomaru said with a snort, all six of his arms were crossed. "Why should we trust some random Leaf Nin."

"Why indeed?" Kimimaro said. "But more importantly." He stabbed the bone through the boy's shoulder. The boy barely flinched, his eyes narrowing in pain and his mouth tightening as Kimimaro twisted the blade. "Tell me the status of Lord Orochimaru."

"Lord Orochimaru is dead."

Kimimaro almost lost it, right there. He could see his vision filling with red flowers and his hearing grow distant and yet also thunderous. His mouth dried and his neck muscles ached.

Yet he forced the murderous impulse down. It would do him no good. So this is how Jugo feels all the time, he mused. He stepped away, leaving the bone dagger embedded.

For a moment, he was dizzy. But he caught himself between one step and the next. He would not fall here, either from shock or illness.

"I do not believe you," Kimimaro said finally, once he could trust his voice.

"It was perhaps the case you would not," the boy said. "So I was given a message in a code I was told only you would understand."

"A coded message? Show it to me."

"The code is not written, it is a single phrase."

"Fine. Tell me."

The boy blinked once, slowly, then began to speak, "The white snake will never again shed its skin again, but it can grow a new skeleton." The boy paused. "That is the exact words used."

Kimimaro looked at the boy and then turned away. His body was weakening and he needed rest. "Clean him up and don't let him die. As soon as possible, make preparations for all of us to journey to Konoha."

* Later *

Hinata was twelve years old as she returned to Konoha. Her team was coming back from a long patrol through some of the more stable parts of the Fire Country. A leisurely C-Rank for her team, three long weeks away from home.

Hinata had no illusions about this being a new level of trust in her and her teammates. She knew exactly why she had been sent away. Two days of interrogation, and then the moment she was released her team had been sent as far from Konoha as they could be sent without putting them in danger.


Hinata smiled as the village walls came into view. Kiba shouted and ran ahead, Akamaru clinging to his hair. Shino kept to the back, not showing any emotions except the slightest easing of the tension in his shoulders and back. Kurenai heaved a sigh as Kiba ran ahead. Her dress was made of overlapping bandages and only came down to mid-thigh. It was more daring than anything Hinata could ever see herself wearing.

When she came within sight of the gate, Hinata herself broke into a jog. She came to just inside the village and turned to smile at the girl waiting for her. She was wearing her public face.

"Sakura, they let you out."

Sakura didn't respond, instead she merely pulled Hinata into a hug. For a moment, she clung to Hinata with a sort of desperate strength. Hinata clasped her arms around Sakura's shoulders. After a long minute Sakura pushed her away, holding her by the shoulders.

"Don't you ever do anything like that to me again!"

Hinata's first impulse was to apologize. Instead, she pulled Sakura's arms off her shoulders one at a time and held the other girl's hand. "Sakura... if I was the kind of person who let those Rain Nin die, would you have become my friend?"

Sakura pulled her hand free and shook her head. "When your forcefield maxed out and ceased working, I almost had a heart attack."

"Thankfully, you have four spares."

"Ah, Cricket, is that a joke? Are you teasing me?"

"Maybe." Hinata smiled. She looked over her shoulder. Shino and Kurenai were waiting for her. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Mission report. We can get together later?"

Sakura seemed about to object, but she lowered her arms and nodded. "Cricket, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never have to find out," Hinata said. "I promise. For everything I owe you."


Thanks to Robo Jesus for betaing and suggestions.
"They are a powerful clan." Danzo nodded. "But no matter how powerful the clan, there is always a weakness to be exploited."

You would know that, old man. Kabuto kept his expression neutral.

There goes Danzo. Saving the village, one clan at a time. I guess when there's only him and Root left it will be perfectly safe.

"What dice do I roll to rage?" Lee asked, holding up one of the tiny pyramids. "These are strictly inferior to caltrops," he observed.

"You don't use them to..." Sakura muttered.

Hah. That's what you say. :p
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"Don't get to full of yourself, Hiashi," Sakura said, raising to her feet. "Don't forget what is swimming around inside your eyes even now." He hesitated. "Oh, don't be afraid. I'm not the kind of person who would build a way to torture you into my solution." Sakura flashed her teeth. "Didn't you tell me yourself that you wanted to end that hatred between you and your brother? That it was your dream? Did I fulfil that or not?"

In fact, there were more people here than Hinata had thought. Father had said he couldn't come to this out-of-clan celebration. So of course, He had arrived. "Ah, a shadow clone," He explained when Sakura's parents asked how he could tear himself away from business.

"It's good for his ego."

Hinata looked up. He was here, the Shadow Clone. He knelt next to the two of them and waved at Neji, who turned away and found something else to stare at. "I think it's cute, too." He said with a wink.

"You, of all people, should know how horrible that sounds," Sakura said to Him.

"Well, with all I owe you, sometimes it's good to get some payback." He chuckled and walked away.
hold the fuck up is that hizashi

... I mean in hindsight, if Sakura's capable of inducing transhuman mods through bullshit nanotech, storing Hizashi's soul inside his head until Sakura can make him a new body isn't too big of a leap.

Which also partly explains Neji's crush (and the nonexistent stick up his bum), what with bringing his dad back to life.
"Sakura does not say that the ninjutsu expert is clearly the most powerful character, outstripping all the other types." Shino, as always, sounded deadly serious. "Though at genin levels, the other types outperform them once you hit chunin and beyond there is simply no comparison."
"This is why I favor the fourth revision to this ruleset. Why? It does much to redress the quadratic ninjutsu linear taijutsu imbalance."
Danzo... This is why no one can have nice things...

Things Danzo made worse, for no good reason;

- Causes Nagato to become Pein (Akatsuki and Flattened Konoha) while trying to Ally with Hanzo, an old fashioned tyrannical dictator {who may also have been paranoid}.

- Works with Orochimaru, both driving him further down the rabbit hole at first and enabling him later on. (Orochimaru goes full Mad Scientist)

- Grants Orochimaru access to Chunin exams (Hiruzen Dies, all sorts of knock on effects).

- Kabuto... Just about everything he did is Danzo's fault (Orochimaru Survives several times, the Edo Tensei Plague, creation of the second most aggravating character, being even more of a cockroach than Orochimaru).

- Uchiha Clan Massacre, and possibly events leading up to it. (Dead Uchiha Clan, Dead Shisui, Itachi gone Missing Nin, Sasuke spends the rest of his life as a Brooding Emo)

- Root (single most messed up drone production line ever. Fueled by orphans who are made to fight each other to the death... Danzo, Why!?. Causes more problems than it ever solves, and is never useful for solving any problems that require human interaction...)

- Sharingarm (Danzo, I have no words for this bit of stupidity... When is an arm that lets the old, somewhat out of shape cripple dodge 10 lethal blows ever more useful than 5-10 ninja!? Especially since they could use the spinny doom eyes as more than a 1up effect! And why did you let a traitor you encouraged graft an arm made from mutative cells that take over and destroy people's bodies onto you !?)

Anyone remember any others?

Edit - Kills one of the most skilled up and coming Uchiha Jonin for an eye that can subtly influence any one person... Less than once a day (and that's with Hashirama Cells, so it's likely much less than that in its default state!)... It's like he never does anything that considers anyone but himself to have even a smidge of intelligence (if you even want to consider him in the slightest bit intelligent... Or even competent...).
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Chapter 12
And here, we, go...

C&A Productions Presents

A Work of Blatant Self-Insertion

Go! Unashamed Reincarnation Protagonist Sakura

Chapter 12


"Remember, our goal is the ring. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Yes, but if we manage to get our hands on the brat at the same time, that's two for one, right?"

"The ring is all we need."


"Is Ino going to be joining our team?" Naruto asked.

Sakura was walking backwards in front of Team 7, arms crossed behind her neck. They were leaving a restaurant where they and Team 8 had been having a meet and greet. It had been a bit okay, though Naruto didn't like losing time from his own training. He was close, so close since he'd started on his shadow clone training.

But his mind kept coming back to the reason for the meet and greet. The 'fifteen kilometre rule'. Apparently they and Team 8 would be within fifteen kilometres from each other for the foreseeable future.

"Nope," Sakura answered his question with her usual popped word.

"We'll just be working together with Team 8 or in the same area on parallel missions," Kakashi said. "Which is good, because with more of you available it means you guys can do more C-Rank missions."

"All right," Naruto pumped his fist. "It just sucks that we have to do it with Ino."

Sakura gave him a level look as she moved her hands to her hips. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, Ino has always been a bossy one, walking around the academy by herself like some princess too good for the rest of us."

Sakura looked down, considering his words. Sasuke let out a soft grunt, not really caring. Kakashi just walked behind the team, letting them talk amongst themselves.

"She did spend a lot of her time alone, didn't she?" Sakura said.

"And she's still treats me like an idiot." Naruto frowned and squinted at her. "And I don't like the way she treats you."

"...she's nothing but kind to me, considering," Sakura said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, she says nice things and she smiles at you, but it's all false smiles and empty words." Naruto shrugged. To his surprise Sasuke clapped him briefly on the shoulder and nodded. Naruto nodded back. He knew. After the Shukaku, Sasuke knew how much Naruto had grown up with false smiles and empty words.

"...maybe," Sakura said. "She can be mean and bossy. But..." She ran a hand over her brow. "She's in a cage." Sakura tapped her temple. "Imagine what that's like, being stuck looking out of someone else's eyes all the time. Not able to move anywhere that the jailer doesn't want you to. Not even being able to feel anything they don't let you to.

"If I were in that position, I might be an asshole too."


"You know, I always heard that Konoha had defences like a sieve, but it's been surprisingly difficult getting in here."

"They have mended most of the holes in their territory."

"Then we better get out of here quick."


Uzumaki Naruto stood on the rocky mesa, one of a thousand. Across the plateau, dotted with multistory tall rocky pillars, was a sea of orange clad young ninja. Each had spikes of blond hair that didn't so much flutter as swirl clockwise as if caught in a miniature tornado.. Each Naruto stood in a circle with as many others of their identical doppelgangers as could fit around single pillar, their hands were pressed against the stone.

The air was filled with the roar of a thousand voices raised at once. There was no visible effect, other than the strange non-electric motion of Naruto's hair. If a person were to walk into this scene, however, he would begin to feel it. The air was thick in a way that had nothing to do with humidity or pressure. It was a slick feeling, like a heaviness on the limbs. It came and went in waves, causing the hairs on one's body to twist in waves from right to left.

Here and there came a sharp snapping sound, something between a crack and a pop. Following these came the soft clatter and rustle of pebble sized stones dropping to the mesa floor; as if the pillars were eroding rapidly under invisible waves.

"Okay, that's enough, Naruto," Kakashi said. He was laying on a wooden bench flipping through a porno, and sat up as he spoke. "Dispel all of your clones and absorb what they have learned."

"Right!" the reply was made thunderous by the sheer volume of voices speaking it. With a series of pops they vanished one by one into clouds of chakra smoke that sublimated into the atmosphere. For a moment, Naruto's eyes widened in understanding. Then they struggled to stay open, his lids suddenly heavy. He floated on his feet, his body drifting in a circle before gravity unbalanced him and he began to faint.

Ebisu arrived before he fell, holding him up by the shoulders. His eyes were hidden behind his dark wire-rim glasses and his body was clad head to toe in black. Yet his mouth was upturned in a reluctant smile.

"I never would have thought he had it in him," Ebisu said.

Kakashi walked over with a more casual pace. He helped prop Naruto against one of the pillars. "He once told me that he would never give up or go back on a promise, that it was his ninja way." He paused. "Granted, he was bleeding from a self-inflicted kunai wound at the time, so I didn't take it too seriously."

Naruto sneezed and opened his eyes. "I..." He pushed himself to his feet and stood unsteadily for a moment, before his legs firmed up and his face broke up into a grin. "I think... I think I got it!"

He glanced at Kakashi and Ebisu then past them to Yamato, who was still holding his palm towards Naruto while sitting within his circle of Foo Dog-headed wooden columns. He rubbed his nose with the ball of his thumb and turned to face the pillar. He clapped his hands together, palms pressed together and fingers raised as if in prayer, and then slapped both hands against the rock.

He focused, feeling the chakra flowing out from him and into the stone. It spread and spread, thinning as it did. He wasn't going to fill the whole thing. He just didn't have enough chakra. Yet that was the trick, the thing he had finally figured out. You couldn't do the transformation piecemeal. It had to be all at once. So simple and yet so daunting. If you didn't do the whole thing at once, then the friction between the transformed and untransformed would cause the whole thing to collapse before you finished.

He didn't have enough. So he needed more.

He reached deep and pulled-

the stink was almost the same, but also missing something. He rose up to his knees, then his feet. The light was dim, almost completely absent, just enough to suggest the shape of the boxy sewer and the twisty maze of pipes up above. Then there was the metal cage, really little more than two barred doors with a small slip of paper holding them together.

(It said 'seal'. Naruto could learn things.)

"You aren't carrying the One-tails or that wretched Uchiha with you, this time."

Naruto walked forward. He stared through the bars at the shadow figure, really nothing more than slitted red eyes the size of a man and the suggestion of a head in the depth of shadows.

"So, you're the Nine-tails," Naruto said.

"You want my power."


There was a silence in the wake of that word, the enormous sound of the so-called demon fox's breathing stopping entirely for a few seconds. The deafening silence was shattered as something huge pressed against the bars. The eyes grew larger, pressing closer. There was the shape of a snout, a flicking triangle that could only be an ear.

"Do not toy with me, brat."

"I don't want your power," Naruto said, his voice growing in strength as he spoke. "I want to be able to do this all on my own. But if I can't... then I can't."

"You would give up?"

"No." Naruto approached the bars. The bars were far enough apart that he could have passed through without even bending sideways. They were perhaps far enough apart for a single talon, scaled to those immense eyes, could pass through as well. But Naruto wasn't thinking of that.

("If I were in that position, I might be an asshole, too.")

Naruto placed his hands on one of the great cage bars. "What I want to know... is your name."

"My name? Don't be a fool. You do not give your name to insects you would crush underfoot without even noticing."

"Listen," Naruto barked, his very limited temper at its end. "I don't care about your attitude or the fact you're some super beast which is so much better than me. You and me? We're stuck together whether we like it or not. So we better learn to like each other, or else this is going to be miserable for both of us."

"Your misery will end when I chew your soul to pieces. I am eternal, and you will pass. For me, this is nothing but a heartbeat."

"Yeah, well, it'll be a really terrible heartbeat," Naruto insisted. "So I'm not going to demand or threaten you or something dumb like that. But if you want to sit in your room and sulk until I'm dead, then you better get damn good at sulking because I'm going to be the best ninja that ever lived, I'm gonna be Hokage and I won't die until everyone in the village acknowledges me like they do old man Hokage!"

The only response was a deep thrumming in his bones as the beast breathed in and out. Naruto clenched his fists, his mouth caught between a grin and a frown.

"So that's it. We work together, or I get to the big hat on my own." Naruto rubbed his nose with his thumb and forced a feral grin onto his face. "Because with or without you, I'm gonna make it. So decide if you wanna watch, help or get out of the damn way."

It took a moment for Naruto to realize that the horrible skull-vibrating sound that emerged from the cage was laughter.

"Fine. Take my power, brat. Every bit of it will shorten your life and my time to freedom. Choke on it."

Naruto watched as red mist, bubbling and seething, began to seep out of the bars-

-his eyes snapped open. He could feel it, his teeth were grinding against each other, the canines biting into his lower lip. His cheeks were straining as the marks on his cheeks deepened painfully. His vision became sharper. The smells became clearer, his own sweat mixed with the dry dust of this place.

"Kakashi!" Ebisu was shouting.

"I can see it," Kakashi said, his voice strained but level.

"Is that... a tail?" Yamato asked in awe.

"I can see it with my naked eyes," Ebisu said. "Yamato, quick, before-"

"NO!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, we have to suppress the fox-"

"I said no!" Naruto cut Ebisu off, his voice deeper and more feral than before.

"Naruto," Kakashi said.

Naruto continued staring at the rock. "Isn't this the whole point? What have we done all this for if you don't even give me a chance!"

"Yamato, hold off." Kakashi's voice was soft.

"But, Captain!" Yamato shouted.

"Let him try."

Naruto grinned and leaned in, pushing deeper. He closed his eyes. This was it, the whole point. Either he controlled the fox chakra, or it controlled him. He could feel it flowing around him. His skin burned as it crept over his body.

Right away he knew this wasn't going to work. The chakra was destructive, boiling, energetic to the point of being explosive. If he pushed this chakra into the stone he would break it all right, but only by blowing the whole thing to bits.

Even with the energy he had spent the last month pursuing, he was going to fail.

"Don't underestimate me!"

What had he been training to do, except to transform? He gathered that malicious chakra and focus his attention on it. There was a terrible moment, where he felt like he was pushing boiling acid through his stomach and then a sense of release.

"Wait, what happened, where did the beast's chakra go?" Ebisu was adjusting his glasses. Yamato lowered his hand, the flames atop his dog-headed pillars snuffing themselves out. Kakashi walked forward, hands in his pockets. Naruto sat down hard, bracing himself with both hands. Sweat poured down his brow and cheeks, stuck his undershirt to his chest and back.

He smiled.

Kakashi reached out one finger and flicked the rock pillar.

The air was filled with a sharp series of pops and cracks. Hair-thin lines spread rapidly from the point of kakashi's touch, quickly covering the entire pillar. Then with a crash the entire thing came apart. A cascade of jagged stone spread across the ground like a wave, covering Naruto up to his knees.

Kakashi looked down and then offered him a hand. "Good job."


"What is it?"

"An aberration."

"A good aberration or a bad one?"

"...come with me."


Yamanaka Ino guided herself down the street towards the Hyuuga household. She was nervous, but kept her body language even as it reflected through her interface to her body. Nobody gave her another look, the illusion Sakura had cast over her showing nothing more than her old self.

The only person who even paused was one of a pair of monks she brushed past on the street. She glanced over her shoulder as she moved past. Monks were common enough wandering the roads of the elemental countries. They were more common in the Hidden Villages where the pacifist preachings of the monks often fell on unreceptive ears.

With them out of her mind she made her way to the Hyuuga main house and walked through the open gate. She subtly glanced around, taking the interior of the compound in. It was built in a way that was totally unlike the Yamanaka clan's home.

The Yamanaka clan was a part of the village. They ran a flower shop right on the main street. Their home was built on the back of the shop itself, giving the entire thing an impression of approachability and earthiness despite how large and well furnished the household was.

The Hyuuga compound was far more traditional. It was set away from the main streets and commercial districts of Konoha, in an area with broad boulevards and single story homes that spoke of wealth. The walls were large enough that they blocked out all views of the house from the street and vice versa. Most of the interior was given over to meticulously landscaped parks; traditional cherry trees and red-painted bridges over running brooks and koi ponds, mixed with bamboo groves and flower beds artfully designed to be aesthetically pleasing while not drawing attention to themselves as obvious artifice. The house itself was similarly somewhat archaic, little more than four large buildings connected by covered walkways surrounding an interior courtyard.

Ino knew that the majority of the Hyuuga did not live in the compound. Only the 'main line' lived in this location, with the various branch families having their own apartments or houses throughout the village. Apparently one of two branch families lived in the main compound, mostly those very closely related to the main line members.

One of those branch members stood nearby, gardening in a meditative manner. Ino gave him a short look before glancing at her mini-map. Like many of the other conveniences of her new condition, Ino was rapidly beginning to wonder how she had ever survived without it. The map was a small circle in her vision (she could place it and resize it with a few hand gestures) which showed a 'top down' view of everything around her. Various 'icons' appeared on the map based on her expressed interests, including her current destination. If she focused on it, the map even traced out suggested routes.

This must be what it's like to have a dojutsu kekkei genkai, Ino thought to herself as the map created a dotted line through the compound for Ino to follow. Thinking about the legendary bloodline powers inherited into the eyes caused her to look around. Of course, the Hyuuga were one of the most famous of those. The other being the Uchiha, of which Sasuke was the only survivor.

The thought of Sasuke caused Ino to look down. Last night she had a chance to meet Sasuke for the first time since her modification. Unfortunately she had been hidden behind the layer of Sakura's illusion jutsu, just like Sakura herself. The boy had dodged away from her various attempts to play grab-arm or corner him for a more private conversation during the 'meet and greet' between her team and Sakura's.

Honestly, Ino didn't see the point of it. It wasn't like Shikamaru and Sakura hadn't already known each other and he spent most of the dinner staring at the ceiling. Choji had spent it taking a double portion of everything ("Neither Sakura or Ino need to eat, after all, right? So we don't want it to go to waste, right?") on top of his usual double portion. He had seemed to avoid Sakura, but he and Naruto got along (as much as an argument on the merits of bar-b-que versus ramen could be considered getting along).

If any serious discussion happened during that meeting, it was entirely between Asuma and Kakashi as they sat at the bar across the restaurant from the booth the two teams had occupied.

These thoughts occupied Ino as she moved mostly on auto-pilot through the compound. She ended up heading to the right-most building (each of which was helpfully labelled by little floating words in her vision, another thing that made her feel like a dojutsu user) where she was actually required to trade her sandals for house slippers, and from there to a porch which looked out into the inner courtyard.

The porch opened up into Hinata's room, paper doors slid aside to open up the room into the courtyard as if to suggest the entire thing was just part of her personal space. The room was much more elegantly arranged than Ino's own room back behind the flower shop. Ino had stuffed her room full of all sorts of nick-knacks and mementos; her walls papered with illustrations and photographs (only a small portion of which were of Sasuke, though more from lack of opportunity than intent) and her shelves full of books and scrolls and plush toys she had never thrown away since childhood (each one maintained in almost mint condition despite her tendency to abuse them).

Hinata's almost spartan room had polished wooden floors and a handful of dressers along with a single desk with a stool in front of it. On the desk was a vase with a bouquet of gardenias and azaleas, Ino was interested to note. A patient or modest secret love? Ino speculated who that was referring to.

There was no bed, but a closet nearby was probably filled with a futon and other furniture. Right now a low kneeling table had been placed in the centre of the room. On the table was a harness of some kind, made up of straps and ceramic plates with embedded jewels the colour of amber. Hinata sat on one side and Sakura on the other. Sakura held one of the plates up with one hand, turning it back and forth slowly. A great crack split the embedded gem in half with smaller cracks radiating out from it like a lightning bolt.

Neither of them seemed to have noticed Ino so she paused in the doorway, holding her own bouquet (anemone and daffodil to display sincere respect, arranged freestyle) and listening.

"Well, there's nothing else to it, the focusing crystals are completely shot. I'll have to replace them all which means synthesizing them from scratch," Sakura said with a sigh as she dropped the plate negligently on the table. "At least the batteries weren't damaged. They're just a matter of recharging." She placed one hand on the table. "You seriously could have died out there. I guess Gaara did this?"

"Yes. I was... concerned when he buried me under a massive mound. Watching the force field collapse was very worrying." Hinata's voice was soft, but the fear in her tone was absent any immediacy. "Still, he gave up just in time and I was able to escape with a kaiten."

"What on earth were you thinking?" Sakura said snappishly. "I told you how dangerous Gaara is at this point. I didn't give you this exofield harness so you could think you're invincible and fight a jinchuriki on your own."

Hinata looked down. "I thought..." She looked into Sakura's eyes, her lips thin but her gaze steady. "I couldn't stand to see that pain and do nothing?"

"The Rain Nin?" Sakura frowned and crossed her arms. "I wouldn't be so quick to give them sympathy. Their master is-" Sakura cut herself off and rubbed her face. "Cricket, you're going to be the death of me one day."

"It wasn't just them," Hinata said. "That boy..." Her fingers curled into fists in her lap. "The expression on his face, it reminded me so much of Naruto!" She frowned. "I couldn't stand to see a face full of that familiar pain twisted by hatred. I had to help him."

"...help... Gaara?" Sakura blinked once, slowly. "How did you plan to do that?"

Hinata blushed and looked down again. "I attempted the five element sealing palm."

"You what?" Sakura looked aghast. "Cricket, what have I told you about messing around with fuinjutsu! Only Orochimaru and Jiraiya ever perfected that jutsu! The backlash of a failed attempt to seal a jinchuriki could-" She choked off the rest of her words and waved her hands in the air frantically, as if trying to convey the unspeakable with her jerking limbs.

"I just wanted to help him," Hinata said softly. "He was so sad." Unlike her recollection of her near death experience, this time there was a presence to her words as if the emotion of the moment had never quite dulled.

Sakura sighed and drew a hand down her face again, hooking her fingers in her mouth and pulling it open in a silent scream before shaking her head and placing both hands on the table. "Don't ever change, Cricket."

Hinata blushed again but nodded. Then she deliberately turned to look at Ino. "I'm sorry, I'm being a terrible hostess." She stood up and walked over before kneeling and bowing slightly. "Welcome to my home."

"Please take care of me," Ino responded reflexively. She presented the bouquet and Hinata made all the correct appreciative noises before placing it on an low table in the corner where it would be displayed to best effect. Sakura leapt up and walked over, dragging Ino to the table.

"Don't feel the need to be so formal," Sakura said without any attempt to be circumspect. "Hinata practically sweats pure etiquette, but in reality she can't stand it."

"Sakura!" Hinata said.

"Am I wrong?"

"You're not supposed to just say it," Hinata said, smiling. "It's rude."

Ino sat down and looked at the mess on the table. She reached out with one hand and left it hovering just above the mess. With an effort of will the harness and plates began to rise into the air and float towards a corner.

"You're scarily good at that," Sakura said, wrapping her arms behind her neck.

Hinata actually clapped. "Sakura never wants to show off like that."

"The walls have eyes, especially here." Sakura smirked.

"It's fun," Ino said with actual sincerity. "I'm just glad I'll never have to worry about weight gain again, because with this Ars Psionica stuff I'm going to laze around like a pampered noblewoman all day."

"I guess the chakra training must translate over, somehow," Sakura said in a musing tone. "If you're this good at running the psychokinetic engine I almost want to design a telepathic and astral engine to see what you could do. I'd be neat to see what the outer and inner astral is like. I just haven't had time to explore all the ars psionica."

"You could put more jutsu in my body?" Ino asked.

"Yup," Sakura popped the word. "At the moment you're just using the psychokinetic engine. It just manipulates physical things using astral energy. Mainly fundamental field forces outside the body and biological reinforcement of the body through biofeedback principles." She waved her hand at the ceiling. "Then there is the engine which opens up the telepathic communication, like your family jutsu, and the other one which opens up extra-sensory perception thus access to the astral layer itself." She sighed. "Too bad it requires extensive brain surgery to install."

Ino grimaced. "No brain surgery for me, thank you."

"It always comes back to brain surgery with you," Hinata said.

"I could solve so many problems with it," Sakura said with a dramatic sigh.

"No, bad Sakura," Hinata said in a teasing tone.

"Noisy Cricket," Sakura murmured.

"That's an odd nickname," Ino pointed out.

Sakura waved the observation away. "Grasshopper was too cliche." Ino glanced at Hinata to see if that made sense to her, but Hinata gave a tiny shrug and confused smile back.

"I thought your Ars Technica didn't work away from you," Ino said gently.

"Oh, that." Sakura shrugged and looked at the harness in the corner. "One of a few things I made for the Hyuuga. I can build batteries for the techina, at least the ones not also embedded with magica. It only last a few hours, but it's better than nothing."

"So you can make them work for anyone?"

"Well, yes." She looked at Ino. "Though since you have a reactor inside you then you can also have the broadcast power receivers work as well, if you want me to build you a nanosuit or exofield harness." She frowned and crossed her arms. "The tau field requires a magica enhanced battery, however. So no time-space manipulation for you."

"There's a reactor inside my body?" Ino looked down at herself. "Like, one of those giant turbines at the power station?"

"Well, you don't eat or sleep anymore. Did you think your energy came for free?" Sakura smirked. "Though you won't need refueling for fifty years, give or take."

"Can they take the generator out?" Ino asked with feigned innocence.

Sakura actually went white. Not just pale. All the blood drained from her face and her eyes widened, her mouth dropping in a horrified O as her posture went entirely rigid. She shook it off and frantically waved her hands in front of Ino. "No, absolutely not! Never! Do not under any circumstances try to remove your reactor! It's folded away into a subspace pocket and designed with about a dozen failsafes and redundant backup fail-safes that will vent the fuel into a pocket universe if there is a breach, but if some ninja medic is messing around with fuinjutsu or space-time manipulation they might just breach the entire thing and That. Would. Be. Bad."

Ino was concerned now. She had never seen Sakura like this. "How bad?" she asked, her voice thin.

"Let me just say that if Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest motherfucker in space than Mr Albert Einstein is the deadliest motherfucker in the goddamn universe and leave it at that. I won't go into the math, but trust me, do not, under any circumstance allow someone to try and breach your reactor."

She held Ino's eyes for a long moment and then leaned back and clapped her hands. "But that's not why we're here. Barely one weeks rest and they're sending poor Hinata off on another long mission to the boondocks of Fire Country tomorrow. So I want to spend time with my friends doing girl stuff and I was promised a tea party."

Hinata smiled and rose. "Ceremony, Sakura. Tea ceremony."

"Don't make me quote Cid Highwind," Sakura said ominously. "I take tea very seriously."

"You both make yourselves comfortable, I'll be back."

Ino waited until Hinata had let the room before talking. "Sakura, we can't even dri-"

"Don't ruin this for me!" Sakura pointed at her. "Or I swear to god I will genetic engineer baby pony unicorns so cute you will literally die."


"So that's her, huh? I'm not impressed."

"Don't underestimate her."

"We should make contact now. This is getting complicated."

"...very well."


It took a moment for Kabuto to realize the mouse was not normal. Down here in the murk and damp there was a surplus of vermin. The black and white mouse blended into the shadows well. It scampered across the floor towards them and that's when he saw the mouse looked far flatter and liquid than a normal mouse.

Danzo unrolled a blank scroll and the critter leapt up, suiciding against the paper and leaving a splatter of ink. The ink ran quickly into artistic calligraphy. Danzo glanced down at the paper.

"They have arrived," he said. He looked up at Kabuto. "Are you ready to do your part?"

"Yes, but it might be more difficult than you imagine. The holes in the villages defences have been efficiently closed."

"Do not worry. I have arranged a distraction."

Kabuto knelt, placing one fist against the floor and then body flickered away.


"Well, well, I wasn't expecting that."

"The mission remains unchanged. The ring is our priority."

"But if we get a chance to grab the brat at the same time, we take it."



Inuzuka Kiba yawned and scratched at his underarms. Akamaru gave a sympathy yawn and crawled out of his hood and lay across his shoulder, licking idly at Kiba's fingers as he played with the puppies snout. The road out of the village was deserted this morning. The sun was barely risen and no one with any legitimate business was on the road, except four ninja.

Hinata and Shino came up behind him, both shouldering large packs. "You have insufficiently packed. Why? This journey will take three weeks to circuit through the towns within Fire Country."

Kiba patted his smaller pack. "This will be enough. Akamaru and I can live off the land."

"Survival training?" Hinata asked. "That isn't the mission."

"Yeah, but we're never gonna be better ninja if all we do is walk and camp," Kiba pointed out. "If I knew C-Ranks could be as boring as this I almost wish we were just doing D-Ranks again. At least then, there was plenty of time for training."

"Maybe he has a point, Shino," Hinata said. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault you guys get these kind of missions."

"Don't blame yourself. Why?" Shino adjusted his glasses with a pair of fingers. "If we are your team, it is our responsibility to look after you. So if you throw yourself into danger, either we stop you, or we throw ourselves after you."

Hinata smiled. "Thank you, Shino."

"Thank you Shino?" Kiba jumped in front of her. "What about thank you, Kiba?"

"And you, too." Hinata smiled at him. Kiba found himself smiling goofily. Hinata reached out and rubbed a hand over Akamaru's ears. "And you." Kiba almost complained about Akamaru getting special treatment, but felt his cheeks flushing and his tongue filling his entire mouth at the thought.

"So, it's survival training for everyone?"


"Lady Kurenai!"

Kurenai had appeared out of nowhere, standing in their midst without so much as a pop or a puff of chakra smoke. Kiba only yelped a little bit, though Akamaru barked happily. Kurenai was dressed in her usual dress made of overlapping heavy bandages. She smiled, blinking her large red eyes a few times.

"Survival training sounds good, Kiba." Kurenai turned to the two other members of Team 10. "Why don't we make it a team activity."

"Right!" Hinata said, giving a tiny pump of her fist. "Never stop improving."

"I agree. Why? It is the task of a ninja to exploit every opportunity."

"Good." Kurenai clapped her hands. "Hinata and Shino, empty your packs of all but the bare essentials. You have fifteen minutes."


"Ugh. All this sneaking around is getting on my nerves."


"Yeah, yeah, stop complaining. We'll be there soon. Still, this is beginning to raise my hackles. If I don't destroy something soon, I'll get cranky."

"Be quiet."


"So this is where the third exam would have been held?" Sasuke asked as he looked around the huge auditorium. The actual arena was mostly bare dirt, with a handful of trees and rocks near the large wall. They climbed up two to three stories all around the arena, smooth an empty. Probably to keep large ninjutsu from effecting the crowd. About half the wall was topped with auditorium style seating. "Whatever."

"Be a bit more respectful," Sakura said. "The Hokage was nice enough to let us use this place, even though it's supposed to be reserved for special occasions."

"Oh yeah!" Naruto bounced around, pumping both fists. "This is just a preview! In six months, I'm gonna be back here and then I'll be seen as a chunin!"

"Idiot," Sasuke said. "The next exam won't even be in Konoha."

"Yeah... well..." Naruto squinted at him and hunched over. "So what if that's true!" He bounced up, grinning. "I'll carry the spirit of Konoha wherever I go! That's the purpose of the Hokage!"

Sakura rubbed her hand through his hair affectionately. "Never change, Naruto." She looked up at Kakashi, who was standing off the side with one of his books open but held down at his side. "So, do I have your permission to go all out, sensei?"

"It's fine." Kakashi snapped the book closed. He nodded towards the other end of the arena. "Just don't use anything lethal, okay?"

Four figures were walking in. Well, three were walking. One was walking on his hands. He cartwheeled onto his feet as he spotted them.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival!" His voice carried even across the massive arena, echoing off the empty bandstand style seating. "Truly this will be a test of youth. Which of our brilliant young men and women will burn brightest!" He twirled in space and pointed one finger at them. "My eyes cannot behold this shining majesty, it blinds me with it's magnificence!"

"Is this clown really Kakashi's rival?" Sasuke asked, hands in his pockets.

"He's certainly Bushy-brows sensei," Naruto said as he shaded his eyes. In the distance, a green-clad figure was jumping around the taller man. They had identical bowl-cuts but while the one was shouting it was much harder to make out his words compared to the older man's.

The other two figures with them were slowly but surely edging away from the group. Sakura stepped forward and waved frantically. "Neji! Do your best! I believe in you!"

Neji looked at her a moment, his posture stuff, then his hair flew back as he turned his head abruptly away.

"Heh, tsundere defence mode number one; embarrass them into submission." Sakura grinned and crossed her arms.

"Sakura, do I have to have The Talk with you?" Kakashi asked mildly.

Sakura flushed and murmured. "Of course Kakashi is the one who knows that means."

Naruto glanced at her, than at Neji, then back at her. Sasuke braced himself for imminent stupidity. "Hey, Sasuke. That guy is mine!

"Naruto," Sakura said sweetly and leaned over next to him. "If you start getting possessive I'll break your legs."

"Uh..." Naruto coughed. "I mean... we'll do this as a team?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

Kakashi vanished and appeared in the centre of the arena and after a moment Guy joined him. The two began to talk in low tones.

"Right. So, here's the plan guys." Sakura turned to face them, walking backward a bit. "First, no Chidori or Rasengan. This is a friendly fight between allies, not a death battle."

"Right," Sasuke said, and Naruto nodded quickly.

"Sasuke, use your sharingan and engage them in close combat. Keep them distracted. I'll cover you with long range jutsu. Naruto..." She looked at him. Naruto frowned at her. Then she gave him a thumbs up. "Improvise."

"That's your plan for Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

"What's the use of having the world's most unpredictable knucklehead ninja if you don't let him be exactly that?" Sakura grinned.

Sasuke found himself smiling. "She's right, Naruto." He stepped past her, eyes on his opponents as he pulled his hands out of his pocket. "She trusts you, even if you are a screw up. Besides, with everything we've been through together, we know how each-other thinks better than anyone."

"Yeah." Naruto rubbed his nose with his thumb and also walked past Sakura. "Just like in the genjutsu world!" He looked back at her. "Besides, she can do that jutsu that lets us understand each-others feelings again, just like in the forest!"

Sakura was turning to face them when Naruto spoke. She froze in place and blinked. "Feeling sensing jutsu?" she said hollowly.

"Yeah, like that speed jutsu or the shield jutsu," Naruto said, not looking at her. "The one that let us all understand each-other practically like we were one person!"

"I..." Sakura opened and closed her mouth. "I... don't have such a jutsu..."



"Ugh, another patrol? You know, with all these security upgrades I'm surprised your old protocols still work."

"They do not."


"We are being followed."


Ino glanced at her observation window for a moment before. The rest of her team was hanging out in the Nara clan lands again. Shikamaru was playing shogi against Asuma and Choji was eating chips under a tree. Ino let her autopilot handle her body for a while as she moved back into the training facility Sakura had created for her. She resized the window with a few gestures and placed it to the side and out of her main field of vision.

She had learned how to have the mysterious Anima Invictus summon up various training scenarios for her. Now Sakura should be off on her pointless exhibition match against Team Guy. All of her attention should be focused there for at least a little while. Something she had said during the tea 'party', no before it, had Ino worried.

"Ai," Ino said as she stood in the wooded simulation. "I need books... on a Sir Isaac Newton and a Mr Albert Einstein." She'd look up the other names Sakura casually dropped around Hinata later, but felt it best to start with the ones related to whatever thing Sakura had stuck in her body.

There was a pause, then a voice came out of nowhere. It was soft and feminine, but also somehow electrical and mildly distorted. "Clarification: Do you wish to study information rather than train physical or psionic abilities?"

"Uh... yes?"

"Information: Print media is inefficient and archaic. User; Yamanaka Ino has been granted access to all archives. A codex interface would be more efficient."

"A codex interface?"

Another holographic window appeared. This one had a symbol; a grey sphere made up of interlocking jigsaw pieces each of which had a different symbol on it. Some she recognized from the common alphabets, others were from the ancient Eigo language and others she had no knowledge of. Beneath it floated another screen, this one covered with symbols it took her a moment to realize that were the components of various kanji and other alphabets.

"Information: Enter the search term you wish to access. Access other relevant files by selecting the highlighted hyperlinks."

"Ah." Ino looked down at the screen and rose her fingers above them. "Thank you, Ai. This will do nicely."

"Supplemental: Still ancient technology, but direct mental interface is not possible."

"...right." Ino shook her head. How many voices did Sakura have?


"So much for quiet."


"And, begin!" Guy shouted, dropping his hand in a vicious chop and then vanished. He and Kakashi appeared on the lip of the bandstand seats.

Naruto yelled, charging forward. Sasuke dropped into step behind him, letting Naruto take the lead. Naruto grinned and made a hand sign. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

A half dozen Narutos appeared in a wave of smoke. He Replaced himself with one of them under the cover of the smoke and lead the charge, making it look he was at the back of the pack.

The members of Team Guy ranged out, Neji in the front and Bushy-brows and TenTen going left and right respectively. The girl began to fling kunai into his line. Despite his attempt to dodge two of his clones vanished under the onslaught. Where was his support?

Then Sakura appeared next to him and grabbed his collar, dragging him to a halt.

"Time out!" she cried.

Everyone staggered to a halt.

"Sakura?" Naruto asked, stunned by the intensity in Sakura's voice.

"Sakura, we can't exactly stop in the middle-" Neji began.

"Quiet!" Sakura snapped at him. She pulled Naruto closer. "This effect! Tell me everything about it."


"Sakura, are you saying you never intended Naruto and I to sense each-other's emotions?" Sasuke asked.

"No!" Sakura shook her head. "This wasn't supposed to-" Then she cut off and looked up and away quickly. "No, wait-"

Naruto pulled himself away as Sakura's grip suddenly went slack.

"That alarm-"

In the distance, a thunderous crack and boom was heard. Then a column of smoke rose into the sky.


They were only an hour out of the village when everything went to hell.

Kiba snapped his head up as Akamaru growled. "That scent-"

Kurenai was already moving when five figures burst from cover and descended on them. Her body flickered to the side, barely a single step. It was enough to avoid being skewered by a golden arrow. The arrow carved a crater nearly a meter deep into the earth where it hit.

"Break for the village!" Kurenai shouted, her hands snapping through hand signs.

"Sensei!" Hinata shouted.

"She's using genjutsu!" The one in the sky cried. He had six arms and his body was bright red, with horns extending from his head and a third eye.

"On it!" A sound filled the air, sharp and discordant.

Kurenai winced, her hands hesitating. "My genjutsu..."

"That one!" Kiba shouted, rushing forward. A woman with long red hair stood at the edge of the forest, playing a tune on a flute. "Akamaru!" He flipped a pill into the air.

The air cracked. A pale hand appeared, clasped around the pile. Kiba stumbled. Akamaru was already in the air. There was a meaty thwack as the hand came around in a vicious bakchand, sending the puppy flying into the woods with a heart-wrenching howl of pain.

"Akamaru!" Kiba snarled and crouched, drawing his fist down. His opponent was a shirtless man, pale skin and pale hair. His eyebrows trimmed and stained in imitation nobility. There was a flicker and his fist buried itself in Kiba's stomach. The boy coughed, spraying blood from his lips and curling around the blow.

The air filled with a syncopating buzz as a great cloud arose from around Shino. The six-armed one above them, still floating somehow, took in a deep breath and then released it, filling the air with purple smoke.

"Poison!" Hinata shouted, the veins around her eyes bulging. "Shino, call your kikaichu back!"

A huge man burst from the ground beneath Hinata. She leapt, barely a second ahead of his grasping hand. His fingers curled around empty air where her ankle had been. She landed in front of him, hands coming up defensively as he rose out of the ground.

"They're prepared for us!" Kurenai shouted.

"Leave the girl to me, Jirobo." The pale-skinned man said, dropping Kiba into a heap on the ground. The boy clutched at the man's foot, growling through bloody lips.

"She must have spotted me moving through the ground," Jirobo said.

"Hinata, run!" Kurenai shouted and ran forward, pulling a pair of kunai out of her dress. She was forced to backflip away as another arrow smashed down where she had been.

There was a sound like knife through flesh and a long white spear emerged from the pale-skinned man's palm. It extended down and down until it pressed against the struggling Kiba's temple.

"You can surrender, girl, or I can kill him right now."

"...Hinata... don't..." Kiba coughed.

"There is no reason to think they will let any of us live. Why? We are too close to Konoha to allow to escape or be found and give away information." Shino had retreated away from the cloud of purple smoke, a trail of dead bugs between him and the settling poison. "There is no tactical benefit to complying."

Kiba whined as blood began to well up under the point of the pale-skinned man's spear. "I don't care a bit about any of the rest of you. Your father killed Lord Orochimaru," he said, speaking directly to Hinata. "Since the man is behind an impenetrable security field, I will take out my frustrations on you." Kiba began to scream as the blood flow continued. "And exchange your broken body for his attendance at my revenge."

"Do not consider it, Hinata!" Shino spoke with uncharacteristic force. "Why? Soon the surveillance teams at the gate will notice our battle and come to assist."

"You think so," Jirobo said with a laugh. As if on queue, a cloud of smoke began to appear from inside the village. "We've arranged a trump card in the village to catch their attention."

"Stop!" Hinata held up her hands. "If I go with you, will you let the rest of them go? With no further harm?"

"You can't dictate terms to us-"

"Silence," the pale-skinned man said, holding up one hand towards the man floating in the air.

"Hinata, don't even think of-"

"Sensei!" Hinata cut Kurenai off. She turned to her and smiled. "Trust me. I'm in no danger."


Ino's hands were shaking. Her body was frozen and her hands were shaking so hard she couldn't control them. In front of her was the final result of her browse through the extensive database. Looking up the two men had raised some strange questions (When had these men lived? None of the dates or locations matched anything Ino had ever heard of,) but she had shelved most of them. A particular phrase had struck her as important so she had ended up searching for it.

' Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest motherfucker in space'

What did two 'scientists', some sort researcher but in 'natural law' not jutsu, have to do with killing people? So she had searched the phrase entirely. It was some sort of reference to how projectiles fired in a frictionless microgravity environment would just continue and continue until it hit something. So what did that have to do with this Einstein?

Then she had come with up with a terrible idea. She'd pulled up the schematics of her body. She'd looked into the reactor specifically. She'd looked up the power source.

"No way... no way, Sakura..." Her hands drifted down to her stomach. "...I have that inside me... you can't be serious!"

She raised her head up. "Ai, show me a effect map of an unvented reactor breach."

The image on the window changed. Ino felt her mouth go dry and her stomach shrivel.

"This is too much, Sakura." She forced herself to look away and dismiss the window. "I have to tell Dad..."

Even as she spoke the air filled with a harsh siren. She looked around as red hexagons began to appear everywhere she looked. Each had "DANGER" spelled out in them.

"Warning: Multiple S-Class Threats Detected. Immediate evacuation is recommend."

Ino snapped her had down and tapped her bracer and the air filled with a vision of the yard again. A large plume of smoke was rising up nearby. Asuma had leapt from the veranda and stood in the middle of the yard, trench knives in hand.

"What was that?" Ino asked as she stood her body up. Shikamaru was rising as well and Choji was already standing beneath the tree he had been resting beneath.

There was an explosion, the sound blotting out all others from somewhere far too close. A cloud of smoke burst out from just over the wall.

"-inside!" Asuma was saying as sound returned. "Get inside, now!"

She began to move, but it was too late. The wall burst inward, sending debris scattering like shrapnel through the yard. Ino shrieked and raised her hands, reaching out reflexively. She blinked when the wall of debris in front of her slowed to a stop and then proceeded to simply float in space.

"I... did that?" Ino asked.

"Ino!" Asuma appeared behind her and grabbed her shoulder. "Good job protecting your team now get inside!"

Choji was already running and Shikamaru had thrown open the door to the porch. Ino began to turn in that direction, allowing the field of debris to crash into a heap behind her. Then two figures leapt through the hole in the wall and landed in the middle of the yard. One was huge, and the other appeared even slighter than normal.

The cloaks suddenly struck her as familiar. Those monks from yesterday? Yes, it was the same abstract red clouds.

Ino was just reaching the veranda when a trio of figures appeared. They wore grey cloaks and porcelain masks.

"Anbu!" Choji cried in relief.

"Damn, we're running out of places to run," the large one said. His hat had been knocked askew and Ino could see a flash of blue skin and extremely white teeth as he spoke. His voice was what something with way too many teeth would sound like.

The Anbu broke up, turning to surround them. The slight one turned his head slightly. Red sparks glowed in the shadows of his hat. "They do not intend to let us run anymore," he said.

"Let?" The large figure was holding a huge bandaged object now (some sort of enormous club?) which he used to deflect a shower of shuriken.

"We have been herded here," the slight figure said, looking around. His eyes stopped and stared at Ino. "Ah. This would be why."

"The kid?" the huge figure said.

"Yes. It appears we have no choice now. Kisame, take out the Anbu. I will deal with the children."

Ino starred as the man turned and removed his hat. He threw it aside. His face was both familiar and strange. It looked so much like Sasuke, but older and weathered with thick worry lines on his cheeks. Ino felt herself freezing in place as his red eyes met hers. Within those eyes, three tomoe shapes floated in the irises.

"Uchiha Itachi!" Sakura's voice came from right behind her.


Kurenai was obviously not going to let Hinata surrender. She moved to attack, only to stop as black snakes snapped out of the grass around her and wrap around her legs. Another figure, this one with a single red horn, dropped behind her.

"It's too late," he said as he grabbed her shoulder.

"Another ambush?" Shino said.

"Don't move, woman, or I'll destroy every organ in your body one by one," the man said.

Kurenai froze, obviously believing his threat.

"You, bug boy, stand still or both your sensei and your teammate die."

"Do as he says, Shino," Hinata said. "They can't afford to kill you all here."

"Oh, and why's that?" the six-armed man on the extremely thin line of chakra above them said.

"Because if they are going to use me as a hostage for my father, they need me alive. And if I fight back, the only way they can take me is to kill me." The five of them exchanged glances. "And with my Byakugan, I can see if they try to kill you once they lead me away."

"I say we do it anyway," the one with the single horn said. "We're wasting a lot of time here."

"No, she's right. We need her alive." He gestured to the huge man. "Jirobo, seal the others away and hold them while we get away."

"If he does that, he will die when their people come looking for them if he stays this close to the village."

"So be it. Jirobo, do your duty in memory of Lord Orochimaru," the pale man said and withdrew his spear into his palm, the flesh sealing up around it as it vanished.

"Right. You, bug boy. Stand next to your friend. Sakon, move the lady into the capture zone."

Shino glanced at Hinata, who nodded. He moved with some reluctance and knelt next to Kiba, checking the boys vitals. Kurenai was duck-walked over to them both before being released as the one-horned man leapt clear. Even as he did, the rotund man slammed his palm into the ground, a dome of rock covering her teammates.

"You will not resist, or Jirobo will crush them," the pale man said.

"I will not resist." Hinata nodded and walked forward as they moved to bind her arms and legs. She kept her expression worried but determined and very much did not smile. What was it Sakura always said at times like this? Ah yes.

Just as planned.


"No, no, no, no, this is not going as planned!" Sakura yelled as she sprinted across the arena. Sasuke didn't pause, following her. The other four genin came in his wake, obviously thrown off by the girl's sudden frantic motion.

Sakura didn't pause, simply running up the side of the wall as quickly as she could. Sasuke and the other genin followed her and landed around their senseis in a loose cluster.

"Kakashi, Guy!" Sakura looked around, her head snapping back and forth, trying to look in two directions at once. "Damn, the worst timing in the world... damn."

"Sakura, what's going on?" Kakashi asked, calm but concerned.

"You have to... you have to go to the Nara household, right now! Right away!" She pointed at him and Guy. "The two of you are the only ones who have a chance here. If you don't move, all of Team Asuma could be dead within minutes."

Kakashi looked down at her. "Explain." Sakura looked at Sasuke for some reason. Her hands clenched into fists. She looked up at Kakashi again, her lips trembling.

"I... Kakashi, this isn't... this is the worst time..."

"Sakura. We talked about this. Tell me what is going on, and then we can act."

Sakura took a deep breath. "Team Asuma is in the middle of a battle between Anbu and two S-Class missing nin. One is Hoshigaki Kisame. The other...

"Uchiha Itachi."

Sasuke's heart beat loudly in his ears. His eyes widened. His skin grew cold and then hot in waves. He looked at Sakura and she winced, looking away from him.

"Uchiha Itachi?" Guy asked.

Sasuke did not wait. He was already running before the name finished coming out of Guy's mouth.


"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted, about to leap after him. Sakura grabbed his arm and pulled him to an abrupt halt.

"You can't!" Sakura said sharply.

"Guy!" Kakashi pointed his chin sharply.

Guy gave a serious nod and then grinning and giving a thumbs up. "I'll protect the boy, Kakashi!" He vanished.

"Sakura," Kakashi said, turning to her. "Stay here. Don't interfere." He looked at them all. "That's an order for all of you." He looked down at Naruto. "Especially you, Naruto. Don't come after me. This isn't a fight you can help with."

With that, he vanished as well.

"Like hell!" Naruto pulled at Sakura's grip but it was like trying to budge a mountain for all it helped. He remembered. He remembered that awful face, so like Sasuke's and yet so cold and cruel. Now he had a name, but he knew that Sasuke needed him. "We have to go, Sakura! Sasuke needs us, he needs us both!"

"We can't," she said. Naruto snarled at her. "Listen to me, Naruto! We have to trust Sasuke with this."

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto growled. "You can't be the Sakura I know!"

"We can't help him, because if we don't go now, Hinata could be killed!" Sakura shouted.

"Lady Hinata?" Neji gasped. He grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away from Naruto. She released her grip and Naruto rubbed at his arm. "What is happening with Lady Hinata?"

"...we can talk, or we can start moving. Things are falling apart and we need to move now before she gets herself killed!" She pulled her shoulder free and turned towards the wall of Konoha, just visible in the distance. "If things go like I think they will at the Nara compound, we might be the only ones who can save Hinata and her entire team!"


In the depths of the hidden redoubts of Root, Shimura Danzo sat and listened to his operatives report on the battle breaking out within their village. He clasped his cane with both hands.

And smiled.


Thank you @Robo Jesus for beta work.