Fight The Approaching Horde – 8 Votes
- after firing a warning shot or something, you're not a bad guy – 3 Votes
TTBG Roll: 5
As you decide to stand your ground, the approaching horde – although that's a pretty grandiose way of putting it. Small mob would be more accurate. Anyway, they start to appear on your minimap, little red triangles moving through the debris and ruin of the ship graveyard.
You notice that the little eye in the top centre of your screen has changed from grey and crossed out to red with an exclamation point behind it. You suspect that means they see you.
You select your shockgun – the only ranged weapon you have that might be non-lethal – and aim it at a forty-five degree angle, then let off a shot. The electricity arcs over their heads, crackling as it dissipates into the sky.
They start to shoot at you.
You feel that this situation is rapidly getting out of hand. Also, these people look like vagrants and drug-addicts; not exactly the type to form mobs and hunt down incredibly dangerous capes. You think. You're not an expert or anything, but it seems kinda counterproductive.
You peek back over the low section of rusted ship you're hiding behind, checking where they are. They seem to have followed your lead, taking cover behind various bits of hull and spar. You pop off a shot at the nearest one, then yelp and duck back into cover as a bullet skims your ear.
However, the red triangle in your target's location goes grey.
Non-Lethal Takedown! 2 XP!
Double however, your shockgun seems to be running out of ammo; you figure another ten or twelve shots, at most, before it's empty.
There are at least twenty guys out there, shooting at you. The pistol rounds ping against the metal around you, and there's the odd roar of a shotgun.
You really don't want to kill anyone.
You really don't have a choice.
Well, you'll try your best. You'll feel like shit later, no doubt, but right now you just don't want to die.
You scuttle along the low cover you've been hiding behind, while your enemies keep firing at the location they last saw you. You know where they all are; their locations are clearly marked on your minimap.
You keep low as you round the corner, switching to your electro-gloves, and get around the back of the nearest gunman. Er, gunwoman. She's focussed on the last place you were, so you can grab her bare arms with your gloves. She goes down in a limp heap immediately.
Non-Lethal Takedown! 2 XP!
Melee Takedown! 1 XP!
Man, those messages are distracting. Not as distracting as the shotgun in your face, however.
It goes off just as you duck, and you feel it rip the top of your scalp. Your vision gets a little blurry, but you snag an ankle with your electro-glove.
He doesn't go down immediately, instead firing another round into your back. You can't feel your legs.
You manage to heave him off you, and, through sheer fuck-you-edness, claw your way across the foot and a half of sand needed to put you back into 'cover'.
Your vision starts to clear again, the pain diffusing across your body, and then vanishing. Holy shit. Once was a fluke. Twice is enemy ac– no, twice is a pattern that gives you the idea that the voice might be right. You heal when you're 'in cover'. What the fuck constitutes as 'in cover' beyond these conveniently-placed chest-high walls, you aren't certain.
You fire over the top with your shockgun again, just pointing the gun over the barrier and pulling the trigger in the general direction of the red triangles. Two more go grey.
Non-Lethal Takedown x 2! 4 XP!
Double-Tap! 1XP!
Another bullet embeds itself in your exposed hand, taking off half your fingers. They almost immediately start to grow back. You sidle along your new cover and pop off shots as you go, hopefully keeping-
-them from shooting you in the fucking knees. You scream pathetically for a few moments while they heal. You decide that, frankly, fuck these guys, and pull out another TTBG. The tab pops off nice and easily, and a well-judged – how did you know how to do that – lob puts it in the middle of the biggest cluster of armed menaces.
Then the world turns into fire, as a blastwave shunts your cover, and you with it, a hundred feet down the beach.
Holy fuck
Lethal Takedown x 15! 15XP
Hot Streak! 1XP
Killing Spree! 2XP
Massacre! 4XP
You just killed fifteen people with a grenade that seemed just sub-nuclear. You can feel your skin burning, even as your cover comes to a rest on top of you, pressing you into the wet sand.
Well, at least it puts you out. You dig your way out from under it, fully healed.
Well, physically.
An arm falls from the sky and lands on your shoulder. It's still leaking.
You throw up a lot.
You pause.
You throw up some more.
You decide that this is significantly more bullshit than you ever wanted to have to deal with. You lie in the sand and cry.
Sure. You don't really feel like moving too much right now.
[ ] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
[ ] Baggage Handler: Increases your grenade capacity by 2!
[ ] Shockingly Decadent: Recharge your shockgun with 80 proof or higher alcohol!
[ ] Electrosmith: Gain the skill Electrosmith, allowing you to improve your electro-gloves and shockgun.
[ ] Explosives: Gain the skill Explosives, allowing you to improve your explosives.
[ ] Sorcerer: Gain the skill Sorcerer, allowing you to improve your spells.
You make your selection, then manage to force yourself to your feet.
Where do you go?
[ ] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[ ] Call the authorities and turn yourself in.
[ ] Man, fuck this.
[ ] (Write In)
[X] Baggage Handler: Increases your grenade capacity by 2!
[X] Terrifying Touch: Increased melee accuracy.
[X] Sorcerer: Gain the skill Sorcerer, allowing you to improve your spells.
[X] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[x] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
[x] Terrifying Touch: Increased melee accuracy.
[x] Electrosmith: Gain the skill Electrosmith, allowing you to improve your electro-gloves and shockgun.
[x] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[x] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
ranged touch attacks are bullshit [x] Unnerving Hearing: Increased accuracy while firing blind.
blindsight! [x] Sorcerer: Gain the skill Sorcerer, allowing you to improve your spells.
magic! [x] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
and then... [x] Man, fuck this.
[x] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
[x] Terrifying Touch: Increased melee accuracy.
[x] Electrosmith: Gain the skill Electrosmith, allowing you to improve your electro-gloves and shockgun.
[x] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[x] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
[x] Terrifying Touch: Increased melee accuracy.
[x] Electrosmith: Gain the skill Electrosmith, allowing you to improve your electro-gloves and shockgun.
[x] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[X] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
Enemies already drop ammo, they don't drop melee reach.
[X] Unnerving Hearing: Increased accuracy while firing blind.
He already had to fire blind over cover, being better at it. Yes please.
[X] Electrosmith: Gain the skill Electrosmith, allowing you to improve your electro-gloves and shockgun.
Do I really need to explain?
[X] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
Loot loot loot loot loot-y loot loot!
Yeah, let's make a note to never use our tinkertech bullshit grenades unless they can either be identified(doubtful) or in a situation where there is at least a minimal chance of unnecessary casualties
[X] Reach out and touch someone
[X] Unnerving hearing
[X] Electrosmith
[X] Man, fuck this.
At least the corpses are so blown to bits and our grenades effects so random that nobody should be able to recognize it was us who killed them, however I'm sorta scared somebody might have noticed the barely sub-nuclear blast and will come looking, so I vote we get out of here NOW.
That said Inb4 our next grenade is the same effect at the most innopportune time
[X] Shockingly Decadent: Recharge your shockgun with 80 proof or higher alcohol!
[X] Unnerving Hearing: Increased accuracy while firing blind.
[X] Sorcerer: Gain the skill Sorcerer, allowing you to improve your spells.
[X] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[X] Shockingly Decadent: Recharge your shockgun with 80 proof or higher alcohol!
[X] Unnerving Hearing: Increased accuracy while firing blind.
[X] Sorcerer: Gain the skill Sorcerer, allowing you to improve your spells.
[X] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
[X] Baggage Handler: Increases your grenade capacity by 2!
[X] Terrifying Touch: Increased melee accuracy.
[X] Sorcerer: Gain the skill Sorcerer, allowing you to improve your spells.
[X] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.
Welp. We seem to have done decently in the tutorial fight. Also killed a bunch of people who were there for unknown reasons. If we want to be a hero or a villain, we're going to need to practice nonlethality.
Also, guessing the TTBGs have some form of healing effect with the wrong/right roll(relatively common with things like them in games), so we should be wary of that.
[x] Reach Out And Touch Someone: Increase your melee reach by 5 feet!
[x] Terrifying Touch: Increased melee accuracy.
[x] Electrosmith: Gain the skill Electrosmith, allowing you to improve your electro-gloves and shockgun.
[x] Check the bodies. There might be wounded. Or loot.