[X] check the loot from bakuda, there was a book...
-[X] Hang around the PRT base and chat with the guys there, maybe see what the Wards are up to.
[X] check the loot from bakuda, there was a book...
-[X] Hang around the PRT base and chat with the guys there, maybe see what the Wards are up to.
[X] check the loot from bakuda, there was a book...
-[X] Hang around the PRT base and chat with the guys there, maybe see what the Wards are up to.
[X] check the loot from bakuda, there was a book...
-[X] Hang around the PRT base and chat with the guys there, maybe see what the Wards are up to.
-[x] order gun upgrade materials
[X] check the loot from bakuda, there was a book...
-[X] Hang around the PRT base and chat with the guys there, maybe see what the Wards are up to.
-[x] order gun upgrade materials

No one expects the Dakka!
Our chief weapon is the element of Surprise!
And lighting.
Our two chief weapons are Surprise! and lightning.
And magic.
Our three chief weapons are Surprise!, lightning, and magic.
And stretching.
Our four chief weapons are Surprise!, lightning, magic, and stretching.

I couldn't resist.
Check the loot from Bakuda – 9 Votes
Hang around the PRT base – 8 Votes

You remember the alert you got after beating Bakuda – something about a bomb manual?

A thought summons the book in question into your hands. It's a slim thing, almost more of a pamphlet than a book, and the cover is just a big, cartoon explosion. You open it up, and see a bunch of technical diagrams and chemical formulae. Which you sort of understand, oddly.

Do you want to identify one kind of TTBG?

Fuck yes you do. The book dissolves in your fingers, and the knowledge of how to pick out a single type of TTBG fills your head. They aren't recognisable from outside, but there are ways to tell, and you know that you can decide if you'll get that specific type of grenade or a random one.


After that, you stroll out into the cafeteria to grab some coffee and food. You're dressed in your 'cover' uniform – that of a PRT desk-jockey – so you can eat and drink without worrying about needing to conceal your face. Your costume doesn't let you do any of that.

You chat aimlessly with the other men and women at your table, mostly discussing how their jobs are going and what their plans for the weekend are.

Your plans are 'training', for the foreseeable future. At least you have 'off-duty' hours, like now, when you can pretend to be normal.

Breakfast is all too brief, and you swap back into your hero costume. You figure you'll hit the gym for a couple of hours, work on your aim and melee skills. The electro-shock gloves are definitely proving worth the effort to learn how to use effectively. Especially with the added range.

There's already some people in there, working out and chatting and laughing, most noticeably two of the Wards. You should probably introduce yourself; you'll be working with the kids in the near future, after all.

What kind of grenade do you pick to have always available?

[ ] Heal!
[ ] Black Hole Bomb!
[ ] Enhancer!
[ ] Ribbon Field!
[ ] Sub-Nuclear Boom!
[ ] Gravity Up!
[ ] Gravity Down!
[ ] Meat Bomb!
[ ] Ice Boom!
[ ] Time Slow!

Which Wards are in the gym? Pick Two.

[ ] Vista
[ ] Aegis
[ ] Clockblocker
[ ] Gallant
[ ] Kid Win
[ ] Shadow Stalker
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....meat bomb? Like a gory flesh explosion or a burst of steak, bacon, sausage and other products? Or is it a grenade version of Mr Thingy?
[X] Black Hole Bomb
[X] Vista
Because let's face it, a black hole bomb is one of the few things that may put a dent in one of the endbringers. I doubt even dimensional bullshit can survive a singularity. Also, we do NOT want to risk throwing one of those randomly.
[X] Heal!

[X] Vista
[X] Clockblocker

Has melee takedown exp stopped occuring for some reason? It was in 1.3, but I haven't seen it since, even though the electrogloves are being used.
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@Kadmus: What exactly is a ribbon field?

[X] Aegis
[X] Clockblocker

Holes in everything? Potentially useful, but not as much so as
[ ] Time Stop!

2nd Edit: I'm freaking blind.
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[X] Heal!

[X] Vista
[X] Clockblocker

Nothing screams badass like healing by grenade throw...or that "Second round, motherfucka!" when popping a heal grenade after getting beat up by the enemy.
...may lead to "Whoops, wrong grenade. Errr... can beat them again, right?"
[X] Gravity Down!

Disablement and containment with a bit more versatility (imo) then the ribbons

[X] Gallant
[X] Shadow Stalker
Healer are rare. The ability to throw a granate into a romm full of wounded and have the explosion heal them is a far to strange scenario to pass up. :evil: