[X] Plan Hadiz
As Shirou, Kuzuki, and the Heroic Children fell down Caster's bottomless pit, the Emiya boy tried to tune out the screaming so he could think.
Obviously, the pit wasn't bottomless. That would be ridiculous. Caster was powerful, but even she couldn't tunnel through the earth and make that possible.
At the same time, it was highly unlikely that there was a bottom to the pit. Not only would it screw up the general theme of Caster's evil dungeon, but Medea wouldn't risk the kids being hurt when they hit the bottom.
Plus, Kuzuki was with them. If there was any actual real danger, he would have been teleported out ages ago.
So there wasn't much else that could explain the bottomless pit, other then warped space.
It was a trick Shirou had seen before, when an argument between Caster and Lancer... Escalated.
Lancer made it a point to avoid stairs in her presence ever since, but that's besides the point.
The point was, after they fell for long enough, Shirou would be able to drag everyone out, with the proper application of swords and rope.
After that... Well, he'd have to chastise Boudica for all of this. Even if it was predictable, throwing your guardian and his charges down a bottomless pit wasn't something she should be doing at such young age.
...How deep was pit, anyway? He had to be reaching the point where Caster started warping space soon.
Looking up, Shirou saw the roof of the pit some distance away. It wasn't too far, since he could still see it easily, but it was still a long distance. Probably only fifty metres.
Or, at least, it was, until it was suddenly ten metres closer. And once the group had fallen another ten metres, it happened again.
...Oh, that witch.
Caster didn't make the space warp take them to the top of the bit, but halfway down it! It was more prana-extensive, since it meant that they were being looped more often, but given that Caster had access to the Ley Line...
Well, that could be an issue.
The screams of the children began to peter out, as their throats got sore, and Shirou tried to think of another solution to the problem.
This chain of thought, however, was interrupted by a different kind of scream.
"ARTHUR!" Came the roaring voice, and a crimson bolt of energy tore through the temple, over the pit.
D-Did Mordred just use her Noble Phantasm?
But... How?
The abilities that the Heroic Spirits maintained as children were few. Tamamo had her magic, and Darius had his fire breath, but that was basically it. None of them displayed anything close to accessing their Noble Phantasm before.
This... Was a mystery for later, Shirou decided. For now, he had more pressing issues.
"Hello!" He called out, his voice echoing through the pit. "We're still falling down here!"
A moment passed, with no reply. Then, three incredibly similar faces poked over the side of the pit, too far away to be seen in enough detail to pinpoint which was which.
"S-Shirou!" Called down Saber. "You... Hold on, I'll get Caster to get you out!"
Another moment passed, before Shirou felt himself stop falling. And after another, he felt himself being pulled upwards.
Slowly, Caster placed Shirou, Kuzuki and the children on the ledge, near the gaping hole in the wall left by Mordred's use of her Noble Phantasm. Boudica was on the other side of the pit, looking like she just realized how much trouble she was in.
The Saber lookalikes, meanwhile...
Mordred was still in her usual outfit, a red version of Saber's outfit in her size. Nero and Saber, on the other hand, were dressed... Rather differently.
Saber was still in her Lily Armour, since it was apparently Caster's new favourite thing ever. That was not to say that Caster had done nothing, however. Behind her, a magically animated tail had been attached to her armour, and the headband she was included cat ears, that seemed to occasionally twitch.
Nero, meanwhile, was wearing some form of Phantasmoon cosplay. Though the outfit was a lot less revealing than the one in the show, it was still undeniably that outfit, and the heart-shaped wand helped prove that. The girl was looking incredibly smug. More so then usual, in fact.
"Oh? You wish to see me already?" Asked Nero, twirling around into Phantasmoon's signature pose. "Oh, for my adoring fans, why not? I can give you this sneak preview, before Caster starts handing out pictures."
Nero kept her pose for a moment, until Boudica threw a rock at her. The stone barely touched her, but the shock of being disrespected like that caused Nero to break her pose. A moment later, she threw the rock back at Boudica, and the two began yet another of their fights.
The other kids immediately took sides in the quarrel, with the majority of them siding with Nero, leaving only Gawain, Aoife, and Robin cheering for Boudica. After a moment, Darius joined them, solely to oppose Iskander.
Ignoring this, Shirou turned to Caster.
"...I'm not letting them go." Declared Medea.
"Yes you are." Mordred said.
"I'm not done yet."
"I'm not putting on any of your weird costumes." Mordred declared. "I have my dignity."
Saber looked away, not wanting people to see her looking embarrassed.
"Caster, please." Shirou stated. "Can we just-"
Medea suddenly blasted him, a bolt of magic throwing him back towards the bottomless pit. However, before he could fall over the edge, Kuzuki leapt behind him, catching him.
"Medea." Kuzuki stated, as Shirou stood up. "Is this really necessary?"
"I-I-I-I-I..." The Witch of Betrayal began. "Yes?"
"...No." She admitted. "But... Can I just have one picture? One group shot of Nero, Mordred and Saber? I swear, that'll be it. No complaining, no nothing."
"No!" Declared Mordred.
"...I suppose I could compromise." Caster relented. "How about, instead..."
She mused for a moment.
"I want a picture of Shirou and Saber, in the outfits of my choice." Medea said. "That, or the group shot."
Saber gulped in nervous anticipation.
Considering his options, Shirou...
[X] Tried to convince Mordred to accept the group photo.
[X] Agreed to wear whatever Caster wanted him to wear.
[X] Traced a large hammer, directly above Caster' head.
[X] Write-in.