3.10: More Than The World On Their Shoulders
Can you win this?

Maybe, if you got the drop on them, it wouldn't be hard. Just a thought and Symphony will be gone, and everyone will be safe.

Then how does that show how good superhumans can be?

It doesn't.

It could make things worse. But the alternative is risking your life. Is that worth it?

Yes, so long as they have a chance, a choice.

And that makes it all the more likely that you'll-

You shake your head.

No, that's not going to happen, you're not going to die today.

In fact, no one else needs to die, so long as you had enough power to get to London and end this.

And there was only one person in the entire station that fit the bill.

The thoughts one of the best you've had all day, but there's a small catch. You don't have a clue where he might be, and there's an entire facility of possibilities between you and him.

Not to mention Doctor Mother could've sent Fortuna after you by now. If she gets you, she'll talk you out of everything, and that'll-.

You palm your face, forcing your fingers through the waves so you can feel it. Come on Alex. You don't have time to think about that. Doctor Mother had her chance to help you, and all she's doing now is slowing you down.

If Fortuna wants to stop you, let her try.

All she needs to do is give you a path to save London as soon as possible. Give you that, and you'll stop. But Doctor Mother doesn't want that, so she doesn't want it either.

But if she talks to you without that in mind-Dammit no!

No more of that. It's just going to make you freeze. You need to keep moving. No thought that comes later. Action is what everyone needs right now.

So with adrenaline in your veins, you reach out and quickly press the button for the first secondary residence hall. The flick fills the air, and you feel the waves spring to life above you. There's a click as the elevator starts to move down. Matthew glances up. Whether he can see the waves or not is anyone's guess, but unlike you, he's quick to the implications around him.

"Where are we headed?"

"Hopefully?" you ask, and he gives you a flat look, "To David. First time he trained me, he snapped his fingers, and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere. If he can do that, then he's got to have a power that can get to London."

Matthew's eyes glint in understanding, but he doesn't nod. His finger taps against his arm, and his face scrunches like he tasted something sour. The silence the fallows makes you break into a cold sweat. You drag your foot against the ground, snap a few waves around to force a breeze on the growing line of sweat on your face.

The door flies open, and you have to bite your cheek to stop yourself from jerking back like an idiot. However, your foot is already out of the elevator before the door, or you have a chance to finish what you started. You're just moving on autopilot, half jogging into the hallway, only stopping to glance around the corner for anyone.

It's clear, and the seconds breaks over just as quickly as it comes.

"His room is the first on the left," Matthew calls as you turn the corner.

Like the floor above it, the rooms line the left-hand side while the majority of the other half is nothing but a window looking out to the waters below. Keeping focused, you follow the directions you're given, not even bothering to knock on the door and forcing it open with a wave of your hand.

The door buckles slightly in vain resistance, but it doesn't last long. When it opens, you're in almost a carbon copy of your room. It was like walking into similar rooms in a hotel, with a different guest's stuff thrown around.

Or in this case, the dusty wheelchair in the corner of the room, the open window leading to the ocean and the occupant that you're looking for..

David leans against his palms, sitting on the bed with his eyes glued to a muted news report. The poor anchor could barely read off their teleprompted script. Behind them, censored stills of the declaration in London shuffle across the screen. With each one that passes, David's scowl deepens to something so raw and vengeful you don't think he even notices that his knuckles are starting to crack.

"I take it you're having just as hard a time believing this as I am?"

"More than you know."

David gives you a sideways glance from his seat, his eyes shifting through the colors of the rainbow as powers cycle through him. He rings his fingers together, pursing his lips as you think he tries to hold in a sigh.

"You want to stop this?"

"Yeah," you nod, "I need-"


You snap around, and even David blinks in surprise. Matthew still has his arms crossed, and his face is little more than a line of seriousness. Then he glances at you, cracks a small smile.

You're left frozen as he walks into the room like he owns the place. You even feel yourself going as straight as a board as he passes, even David tenses, ready to spring to his feet at the ready. He looks down, frowning at the action and gripping his knee with one hand to stop it from moving.

"London is burning, and Doctor Mother has closed down the doors after an…" he pauses, his arm tensing slightly, "Argument with Alex. So we need you to get us to London," Matthew finishes.

David nods along.

"Manton told me that might happen," he says.

You and Matthew share a look.

"Manton thought this could happen?" Matthew asks.

"For as hardcoded as Doctor Mother is, Manton is just as good. He figured that if anything on Earth spirals to far out of control, she'd shut down Doormaker to stop it from getting to the facility."

"Or us from leaving," you finish.

David gives another nod.

"Let me guess; she said it was for your own good?"

You give a quick nod, and David grimaces.

"Well… that makes this worse," he turns his attention to Matthew, "Especially if you're coming to."

Matthew's eyes reflective glance to you, "I wasn't going to let him do this alone."

Surprise flashes over David's face, however, when it passes, the surprise slowly morphs into scrutiny.

"So you two," he says, pointing a finger at each of you, "Want me," the finger moves back to him, "To get you two to London so you can, what? Stop a psychopath who's leading a team that turned London into a war zone in record time?"

There's no thought, no argument, just a nod from the two of you.


You flinch back as David jumps to his feet, all traces of scrutiny gone just like that. He looks… impressed, though that changes into a scowl pretty quickly.

"I've been waiting for a chance to put that bastard down."

"So what's stopped you?" Matthew asks.

David grimaces, even running a hand through the strange mop of hair on his head.

"I can take them out, but doing that alone would risk more people's lives than I'm willing to live with. You coming along makes the job of getting them out a lot easier."

"... you care about everyone getting out?"

As much as it hurts you, you can't stop the surprise from leaking through the question. Or, in fact, the question getting out at all. David shots a glare your way.

"What kind of hero doesn't save people?"

You open your mouth to answer, but when both of them send looks your way, you decide not to comment. Coughing into your hand, you figure it's time to address the elephant in the room.

"When are we leaving?"

David turns around, sending an odd glance to the window.

"Once I've finished charging a few things up, and Rebecca finishes suiting up. She was also getting some supplies from Charles."

You blanch instantly. Rebecca was coming with you? Oh no… no that's not good. Your hear heart roaring in your chest, and your hand goes to your head to keep the floor from swaying anymore.

"We didn't see her in the elevator," you hear Matthew say.

"Flying's faster for her," David answers, "She hasn't used the elevator for as long as I've known her. Is that ok, Alex?"

You're snapped back to clarity, and David leans forward, his hands flashing silver for a second.

"I'd prefer if you started with that," you say.

"Why? So we could leave without her?"

You let out a sputter of air, and David rolls his eyes, a small smirk of victory over his face.

"Then it's better that you didn't start with it."

The door opens and… wow. When David said that she was suiting up, he really wasn't kidding. If you didn't recognize her voice, you wouldn't be able to recognize her. She looks so much stronger than you ever imagined her being.

It's beautiful.

"He'd probably be overreacting more if you did," she says.

You don't blink, but you feel a hand gently guide your jaw back to a close. Matthew glares at you, and you finally notice the box that she has tucked under her arm. Whatever it is, the distraction is enough to provide you with the strength to speak.


"No, not a word out of you yet," Rebecca cuts you off as she walks over to David.

You're left blinking following her every step as David somehow earns an explanation with a look.

"Charles will come later, right now he's keeping Manton and Contessa busy."

She stops, holding out a set of earbuds that seemingly appeared in her hand. He takes them and gets to work putting them in his ears. The second they're gone Rebecca grabs another set from the box and tosses the set to Matthew. He barely manages to catch them, leaving Rebecca to turn back to you.

You stiffen in place and awkwardly glance to everyone else in the room. David watches his hand go from blue to silver, and Matthew is a lot further away than you remember him being two seconds ago.


Suddenly, Rebecca's right in front of you with the box sitting comfortably on the bed next to David. Her arms cross, and unfortunately, because of the helmet, you can't see her eyes. Although, the stubborn frown is familiar enough to send a shiver down your spine. At least you don't move that much, but again, because of the helmet, you couldn't tell if she noticed.

"You ok?"

The question is reflex at this point. You don't feel it coming, and from the small flinch, Rebecca didn't either. Her frown fades away, all that's left is the desperate grip on her arm and a shaky line.

"No," she whispers.

You crack a small smile, but you have no idea who it's for.

"Yeah, me neither."

Rebecca returns the smile, and mercifully it comes as quickly as breathing. A cough breaks both of you out of it, and David looks… jealous? Rebecca quickly tucks a small bit of hair under behind her ear with one hand and clears her throat to the other.

"Is everyone up to speed?" she asks.

"Somewhat, but it's more than just us," David scoffs, "Thanks to these two, Doctor Mother isn't going to let us go the easy way."

Rebecca darts her head between the two of you, her frown narrowing every second that passes before he gives an almost tired sigh.

"You're the reason the doors are down, aren't you?" she figures.

"... yeah." You admit

Rebecca huffs a little, and David rolls his eyes, earning him a small glare from Matthew.

"It was something about him wanting to go in and save people without sounding like a suicidal idiot," David retorts to Matthew.

The glare from Matthew intensifies, to which David notches a challenging eyebrow. A second later, Matthew relents, leaving you gawking at the two of them.

"That's not what-"

"If the doors are down, yes it was," Rebecca cuts in.

You send a glance of betrayal Rebecca's way, but she ignores it, pinching the bridge of her nose and stifling a groan behind her hand. Matthew smirks from the side, and you force a look his way that makes him stop. Tapping her finger on her forehead slightly, Rebecca glances up at you and Matthew.

"No one wants to hear it, but we can use the extra time."

She glances at David, who almost flinches at her glare.

"How long will it take your teleporter power to get set up?"

You tilt your head, set up?

"About five more minutes," David answers, "But even then, we'll probably have to fly a bit."

Ok, back up.

"Why? Aren't you just going to get us all to London?" you ask.

David shakes his head.

"As much as I'd like to do that, I'd have to waste a power slot to manage it."

"Power slot?" you repeat.

David notches an eyebrow, but when he notices the confusion on Matthew's face as well, he sighs.

"I have a lot of powers, but I can only hold about four at a time," he explains, "To get us all exactly to London, I'll have to use about three powers. Flight so I don't just drop out of the air when we get there, the teleporter to get us off this rock, and probably some precog ability to aim the teleporter. That leaves me with one power to protect myself against Symphony, and any power that I use from then on needs a little time to charge up. I've got a power I'd like to keep charging right now, but it's going to take a while."

Makes sense. Even if you do have to fly, you're pretty sure that if you pushed the waves, you could go pretty damn fast. And seeing how quickly Rebecca could move just in these small spaces, she could probably book it as well.

So even if it isn't exactly on point, the distance lets David charge up the big guns. And from how Rebecca's stroking her chin, it gives a little time for a strategy.

"Then get charging," she orders.

"Already on it, and I'll do you one better in a second," David says.

Rebecca nods and points to you and Matthew, then the box.

"You two need to get into costume."

Despite yourself, you chuckle.

"We have super suits too?"

Rebecca nods, looking at you like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You think I was the only one Charles made a suit for?" she asks, jerking a finger at the bow on the bed.

You frown a little, and you get the feeling that Rebecca is rolling her eyes from behind the visor.

"Listen. No one is going to care about a bunch of teenagers flying into London to fight," Rebecca explains, "But they will care if we give them an image to hold onto, some reference to that instantly brings to mind what we're about to do."

She taps the side of her helmet.

"It might not be much, but a mask will help us more than anything else right now."

Her expression darkens.

"That… and it'll be harder for everyone to…"

She quickly shakes her head.

"The point is normal clothes aren't exactly going to be the best choice if we're going to be going up against people like Symphony. The suits at a base are streamlined for faster flight, have monitors built in and for the benefit of those who need it, are bulletproof."

Wow, that sounds… amazing.

She turns a little to meet the questioning look of Matthew.

"They're also designed how you wanted them."

Matthew stares blankly at her, so Rebecca heads over to the box, rummages around for a second before pulling out a golden domino mask. Wait, no, it's not just a mask. Even from here, you can see circuits and other things sticking up from under the fabric. Turning on her heel, she hands the mask to you.

"A gift from Charles,"

Your head snaps down to the mask, did he finish it already? Your hands bring it to your face as fast as they can, and the mask seems to vacuum itself against your head. It itches a little, but otherwise, it feels-


The spark flashes through your eyes, and you feel Rebecca prop you up with a gentle hand.

"He said putting it on would be painful."

No shit.

Before you can say it out loud though, something flashes over your eyes. Like a tv right in front of your face, numbers flash across the screen.

Calibration complete.

Dampener Efficacy: 98% remaining.

You blink and look around. Matthew jumps a little, and in your line of vision, a golden line outlines him. You will a few waves into existence around him, and the screen shifts again.

Calibration complete: Optimal levitation frequency obtained.

What the hell is this?

"New toys and bulletproof suits aren't going to do much here, considering what we're getting ourselves into."

You tear your eyes away from the screen, watching as David tells the unspoken truth. He gets up from the bed and takes a long moment to look at everyone in the room.

"I want to say that what I'm charging will keep you guys safe, but I can't."

He winces, disgusted at the words coming out of his mouth, but he keeps going.

"Whatever plan we make getting there is going to go straight to hell faster than any us will expect. So for the first and the last time, is everyone absolutely sure that they want to do this?"

Rebecca's nodding before you can blink. In the corner, Matthew glances at the floor, to David, and his hand starts to shake. David's face softens into something more solemn, but he doesn't say a word.

Matthew then looks to you, to Rebecca, finally to the light arcing between his fingers. When he looks up again, the shaking stops.

David takes it and then looks to you.

"… what kind of hero doesn't save people?" you hear yourself ask.

"…fair enough."

David puts one hand in the box and points a finger two you and Matthew.

"Then let's get you two ready."

He waves his hand, and the box glows. When it fades, Matthew's gotten an upgrade. He goes a few shades paler for a second as he looks himself over. He runs over to the mirror, and it turns out he's not the only one who got changed.

It takes a second to recognize yourself in it, but it's definitely you in that suit. Not a kid, but someone who can save London. You need to grow into it a bit more, but it's a start.

David waves a hand over himself, and he changes as well. He folds his arms, and you get chills. Rebecca, on the other hand, takes it in stride.

"Anything else?" he asks.

"Just seting up communications, we'll think of a plan on the way there," Rebecca explains.

To prove it, Rebecca reaches up and presses her earbuds.

"Press the receiver, state designation, and then say your name," Rebecca explains.

It takes a second, but then it hits you. You're going to show yourself to the world. No freak chances, no covert mission, just you, standing out for the whole world to see. And no one would be inspired by a hero named Alex.

"Designation: Alexandria."

Alexandria, the city if you remember correctly. There's a click, like a hammer being pulled back from a gun. Guess that means it's working if Rebecca doesn't seem to care. She puts her hand back down as the knowing expressions watch over her.

"You'll need to tap the edge of your mask."

David scoffs a little from behind his mask, lazily putting a finger on his ear.

"Designation: Eidolon."

Keeping his finger there, he looks at Matthew and waits. He lowers his head a little, in reverence maybe, but his voice echoes throughout the room.

"Designation: Legend."

Once it clicks, everyone turns to you. There's curiosity behind Matthews mask, a prideful smile under Rebecca's helmet, and anticipation as David goes deathly quiet.

They're expecting so much.

Matthew saw everything that you saw on that monitor, but he's still here. He's always willing to help. And David, behind all the pride and the bluster, knows what he signed up for better than you do.

And Rebecca… there are no words to describe this.

So, for the first time today, you know exactly what your answer needs to be. No bullshit, no spouting speeches or throwing things around.

Just a purpose, and a memory.

"You're not Atlas, you can't carry the world on your shoulders."

Clint said that, but here you are, staring at the three of them as they wait for you to just that.

Only so that they could help you carry it.

Your finger moves to the edge of your mask, pressing the side till the click sounds out.



Ten minutes later, 1 hour since Symphony's attack


Don't stop to help anyone that's tripped, don't look at anyone who isn't moving. Just keep running, or else you'll end up just like them.

If someone is slowing down, throw them aside, they'll slow you down too.I want to believe that I can think of something else, but that's all anyone can think about right now. I can barely breathe from the smoke, and buildings were falling all around me. I didn't need to think about what the hell was going on, or how the fuck this was happening.

Just run, run and pray to god that I can make it out.

Please god, please!

Don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die!

Every time I scream it in my head, I feel my heart beat faster in my chest. I turn the corner of the remains of a building and… oh, fuck there are people under this.

I gag but manage to keep running.

Then I see the Thames, and how many there are on the only Elizabeth bridge.

They're getting out of here. They're going to live!

My feet break into a sprint, and I smash into some old bloke in my way.


I push a lass aside, punch a bloke trying to stop me, and before I know what's happening, I'm in the middle of a hundred other people just as determined as I am.

Then someone screams, and everyone starts to look up.

Against everything, I look up as well.

One of those flying robots, the firelight glinting on the metal. One look and I and everyone else goes double time across the bridge.

The metal fucker stops above the bridge, and the gun under it clicks the hammer back. Some people quit, staring like sheep down the barrel. It won't help them, and it won't stop what's coming.

But that doesn't help me move.

And it doesn't make me move either.

Then the barrel turns, and it spits fire.

On the supports.

Two bursts are all it takes to take out the lines above me, and as it goes down, four more explosions make the entire bridge lurch. It comes back up, to watch as the ground gives out from under us.

Then, everything happens at once.

Something black comes out of nowhere, and the bot's gone, smoking piece of metal remaining. The concrete cracks and I go weightless.

Then, everything goes gold, and it freezes in air.

The bridge, the cars on it and the support collapse into the Thames. But I and everyone else who's running across is just frozen in the air, surrounded by a golden light.

I've no words, and even if I did, I don't think that I could say a thing.

"Don't worry. I've got you."

I crane my neck, and my jaw drops.

A man, wreathed in gold descends from the cloud of ash. His hands extended waving across all of us. His brow furrowed in concentration, he gently moves his hands, and everyone begins to move. A bunch of us scream, a few cries, and a few laugh as everyone comes to the same conclusion.

He's getting us across.

He's helping us!

Impossible things keep going as the golden light gently sets everyone down on the other end of the river. The fire still rages, and then fucking blue lasers come down like gods judgement to put them out.

"Keep moving!" the golden man's voice reaches everyone like it was screaming right next to all of us, "Continue as calmly as you can, and I promise that you'll get out of the city!"

I nod, and despite the fire, the shit, I believe him.

He's going to get me out.

He's going to save me.

"Who are you!?" some bloke asks.

He turns to the man and does the impossible.

He smiles.

Despite the world burning around us, we could see it. An action filled with something that we all must've thought was dead as hell raged around us.


"I'm Atlas, and we're here to save you."

Well, that's one way to make an entrance. Good thing you didn't fly so fast that you could see them. And even then, with so many people falling, you didn't think you could stop it all without hurting someone.

Good thing these visors work like a charm.

Charles, you're a fucking genius.

The victory is short-lived with the flames of the city roaring all around you. Combining with the light of the waves, you could barely see a thing.

Not to mention, someone with Symphony probably saw that, hell they probably heard it too. The crystal dome and the majority of the damage is still a few miles out, but given how quickly you got here, it wouldn't take long if someone wanted to get here.

But even so, and you had a plan for this, and it was too…

[] Focus on getting the civilians out. They're what's most important. Once you get all of them out of harms way, then you can deal with the threats.
[] Take out Symphony and his friends first. They're the ones that did all of this, the sooner they're taken care of, the better.
[] Split up the group, make a team of fighters and a team that will get people to safety.
-In that case, who's going to be doing what?
-[] Civilian Team
--[] Write-in
-[] Battle Team
--[] Write-in

And if anyone got into any fighting, they're supposed to….

[] Blast them away, leave nothing left. They made their choice, now they need to know the consequences. Even if you don't want to show them.
[] Take them down, not out, you're not like them. You're better, you have to be.
[] Lead them out of the city, get as little damage to the surroundings as you can manage.
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3.11: Running Out the Clock
Your head goes on a swivel. No sign of the knight, robots, Symphony or the flying ball of fire. How they're managing to keep the last one out of sight is a mystery to you, but any sign that you're in the clear for now is good news.

A barrage of 'Thank you's and cries of happiness break you out of your thoughts. You smile hasn't wavered an inch, and it turns the few shouts of gratitude into a chorus of them.

Fantastic, spectacular even.

You flew here as fast as you can and were met with a literal city on fire. But despite that, despite all these people have been through and how they scared they are, a small smile is all you need to give to make them cry tears of joy.

It's… easy, easier than you ever thought it would be.

Guess there's another thing to be thankful for.

Someone cries, in distress. Your head snaps to the noise, a building beginning to fall over. Your hand snaps out, directing a legion of waves to surround the building. Rock, even dust stops dead in the air.

Protection Frequency Archived.

Blinking out the lights in your vision, you follow the visors direction, adjusting the waves till they match the output. Slowly, the building leans to the side, collapsing in on itself and barely even peppering the civilians with some dust.

The silence barely lasts a second before more cheers ring out, but you keep your head on a swivel. The fire and the damage are going to make it hell for this number of people to get out of here, and as you agreed your on the strike force against Symphony.

Rebecca said to go straight for the dome, but…

You look out over a sea of people, desperation littered all over their faces, only to look to you for some semblance of hope.

Rebecca wouldn't mind a small detour of one of you, right? You reach to the edge of your mask, the click of connection starting to sound all too familiar.

"Legend," you call, "I've got a group of civilians here. They've got no protection and no way to get out, they need an escort."

A neon flashbang explodes right next to you, and Matthew forms from the shimming lights. He glances down, then gives you an offhanded thumbs up. He thrusts a hand out, sending down a shower of blue lasers that put out the fires closest to everyone, leaving nothing but frost and a cold breeze.

"You heard the man," Matthew calls, "We can't stop until we're out of the city!"

A few members of the crowd shakily look to you, a perfect mix of confusion and worry painted all over them. All you need to do is nod, and suddenly Matthew's words become gospel. They move as a mass down the street while Matthew stays by your side, firing beams to snuff out fires that get to close and destroy debris that's gotten in the way.

He'll do good work, he'll get them out.

"Good luck," you say.

He sends a look you can't understand, holding out a hand and firing away.

"We all need it."

He floats over, shepherding everyone as best he can. You don't watch them go, your eyes scanning the city as the waves push you upwards. Fires and destruction, but nothing that can't be rebuilt.

In the distance, the dome lurches.

The crystal walls push against the ground around it, scraping away buildings, cars, even statues that stand in its way. The upper edges reach for the sky and the faint sounds of music echo from inside.

In the center of it all, a golden light show, as a psychopath enjoys every second of what's going on.

"Are you guys seeing this?" You call on your mask.

"No," David growls.

You grit your teeth and force your eyes to stay put as the dome pushes against the river. A thousand tons of water doesn't even slow it down.

"I'm seeing it," Rebecca calls in, stopping the pounding in your chest with three words, "And whatever power you're using to get here Eidolon-"

"It's already going as fast as it can."

"Then make it faster, I'll proceed as planned," you say.

Just like that, the pounding returns, but it becomes background drums as the ringing returns. You feel the waves build behind you, ten piling together to make a hundred, a hundred into a thousand.

Sound Break Frequency Achieved.

The waves fly free, and the street under you buckles and shakes. It blurs as the sounds of fire fade into the background. The blocks fly by in the blink of an eye and you will the waves in front of you to slow you down.

But you swipe them away as something makes the sky go dark.

Sound comes back to you in a blast of force. Your ears ring, and a ball of crystal the size of a semi truck comes barreling towards you.

Waves surround it instantly, and you will the thing down. It drops like a rock in front of you, smashing into the ground and breaking through to the underground railway. You catch it cracking through right before you catch the source in the air.

Her shoulders are surrounded by the same crystal the that domes juts out as spikes. Green armour comes around her chest, not doing it any favors. Beyond that, a patchwork of pieces of similarly colored armor crudely surrounded her thigh, feet and her elbows. Anything that isn't covered by that has the same crystal surrounding it, turning her entire body into some sort of 3D stained glass project. Over her face, a crystal mask protects everything but her eyes with only a mop of dirty blonde hair staying unprotected.

Her hand grasps the air, and as her palm opens up, the crystal from her skin flows. Like water flowing over someone's skin, it rushes from the spikes on her shoulders into her hands.

Shit, you need to fight, and you need something to work with. No one screaming, so hopefully, no ones around. The city's gone through enough already, but there are plenty of cares.

They'll do.

Your eyes narrow and you reach out. The waves pick two cars from off the ground as easily as you would picking up toys. Your hand clenches down, and the metal bends until they're nothing but three balls of floating scrap.

The woman flinches, throwing the liquid in her hand straight at you. The waves under you explode, lifting you and the scrap skyward. Something emerald goes wide to the side of you, but you don't even have to blink before you're already on the same level as her. She tries to fly back, but with a flick of your hand, a ball of scrap turns into an artillery shell. It goes over her shoulder, the wind buffeting her back with the ball itself smashing into the dome with enough force to make it sound like a bomb went off.

The woman freezes, and you get the feeling that realization is starting to form in the back of her head.

"Get out of here."

The woman jerks back, surprise lighting up in her eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you, but you're only getting this one chance."

To prove your point you raise another hand, but wince as a million waves ignite under you. Another erupts right in your face, forcing you back and out of the range of a jet black fist that misses your jaw by inches. Your last ball drops and the crystal woman throws something out. It forms a disc of translucent crystal that stops in the air, letting the black figure grabs it, put a foot against it and push off.

There's no waves to warn you as the air blasts out of your lungs, putting the world into a merry go round. You feel your shoulder smash into something, and you hear the tell crumbling of rock. Adrenaline forces you to your feet, and your ears bleed as the waves blare and an artillery shell blasts into the ground.

No, not a shell, the knight.

Barely a breath of rest and he's charging out of the crater that he made straight towards you. Your hand shoots out, a million waves smashing into him, his first red hot and ready to take off your head. You see his eyes widen, then like the fist of an angry god he's blasted away as the waves come to life.

But not before his fist goes black and you're shot in the opposite direction. Your back smashes through four, maybe five walls, only to have your arm burn as it slows you to a stop. You blink the stars out of your vision, you catch a massive splash, then an explosion of neon lights up the sky above you.

You look up, and a dozen different beams smash into a sphere of diamond. It soars through the sky and you lose it over the roofs of buildings.

"Thanks," you cough out.

A second passes, but no response. Oh, your hand isn't against your mask, right. You shake your head to try and rid yourself from the ringing in your ears. The edge goes away, but as you start to float into the air, it rushes back with a vengeance.

"Easy there tough guy, you're going to break my stuff doing that."

You blink, and if you'd been flying forward at that point, you would've stopped dead.

"Charles?" you ask.

"The one and only!"

Oh god, you can practically feel the smile radiating off of him at that declaration.

"Stay focused," Rebecca reminds everyone, "Where are you Charles?"

You hear a grunt from across the line, giving you a chance to see where you are. In the middle of the street, glowing like some Christmas decoration.

Keep moving, if you can't, find a place with cover to hide.

Rebecca's warning blasts through your head and instantly your head is back in a swivel. All the buildings are destroyed, mostly because of you. A few walls from the remains of an ally are still up.

It'll have to do.

A wave pushes against your side, sliding you between the remains.

Landing Frequency Obtained

A number flashes in your visor, and you force the waves under you to dwindle till they match the number in front of you. You don't even hear yourself land, not that it's much of an achievement given the fires around you. Though, now that you weren't lite up like New Year's, you could actually get a breather in. You take a deep breath, and the ringing mercifully fades away.

With it gone, you press yourself flush against the wall, reflectively glancing down both ends of the alleyway. Wincing, you check your arm. The suits still there, thank god, but it still burns. You flex, tap your fingers together, everything works.

Again, small mercies.

"I'm in my lab in Cauldron. Just give me another few minutes and I'll be able to fly out there," Charles answers.

"Then move faster," David, ever the demi-god, declares.

You grit your teeth, and for a second, your hand starts to glow. Damnit David this not the fucking time.

"It doesn't matter," Rebecca calls.

From her tone, she agrees with you.

"What does is that Charles needs stay in Cauldron," Rebecca orders.

You can practically feel the shock through the channel.

"B-but I can-"

"No buts!" Rebecca exclaims, and Charles' line instantly goes dead.

In fact, every line goes dead. You can barely breathe. This… this is Rebecca? For a second, you can barely hear the sound of crackling. Then, a sigh.

"Charles," Rebecca whispers, "You can stand here and list the hundreds of reasons you could help here, but without you monitoring channels we're never going to get information. We're still blind out here, and I'm not risking any more than we already are."

Silence fills the line. Cuts of movement come from Charles' end, something bashing against a table, and a sigh.

"... Ok, well, the military channels are defining right now. Air strikes, spec ops requests, full navel bombardment, you name it and some government wants to do it. Some lines are calling for concentrated evac efforts, but no one seems to be listening. Any lines that are trying to get into the city go quiet, so either someone's blocking them or they're…"

He doesn't finish, no one wants him to. But Rebecca does it anyway.

"The city is locked down, no one gets in or out."

You swallow the block of ice that suddenly lodges itself in your throat. Mattew might be with one group, but how many others are on their own right now?

"How are they doing this?" Matthew asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.

"The drones," you answer, remembering the robot above the bridge.

"They're keeping the big guns out in the open, crashing through buildings and setting them on fire to get everyone's attention while the robots went to work taking out anyone who could defend themselves," Rebecca explains.

"I'd call it a good plan if it didn't make me wanna puke," David growls.

For once you agree.

"Focus, and listen up," Rebecca calls again, "Legend, you're the fastest of everyone. Make lines through the city and take out any drones that you can."

"I've still got civilians with me."

"Then get them to safety and get to work as soon as you can."

Some glass on the line, sending a burst of static through along with a swear from Matthew. There's a wiz, another explosion, and a distant cry of joy.

"What about the attack on the dome?"

"Like Atlas said, he and I will buy time till Eidolon gets here," Rebecca answers, "Atlas has already made a lot of noise over there, and it'll only get worse. Having one less thing to worry about will be as much as we can get. Everyone clear?"

"Crystal," David says.

"Yeah," Matthew says before his line goes dead.

"Loud and clear," you add in.

Breaks over.

You stare at the ground and will another set of waves into life. More press against your back, then another comes around your side, then in front of you.

Wait… you're not making those.

You gasp, and nothing. You can't breathe, oh god why can't you breathe!?

You fall to your knees, hitting the waves. Your chest burns, you can barely see a thing.

All you can see, are the waves, and they're dimming.

"Just... just get me get out of here."

The ground glows, and you're flung upwards. Your arms and legs flail like a ragdoll, but you suck in, and the rush of air breaks away the black of your vision. Your fingers curl, and you stop dead in the air. You look down, past the clouds to a white figure. It's looking up at you, and both of you hear the crack. A black blur crashes into it. They grapple, and with a mighty shove, the white figure tumbles through the air. Something cracks the ground on the other end of the river. It leaps and hits the white streak, sending them both crashing into the distance that's so far away you can only hear the result.

"You were supposed to throw them out of the city."

Your neck cranes and the only thing that stops you from flinching is that Rebecca was the one speaking. She stares at the dome, while you look back to the direction of the two figures.

"Rebecca," her head snaps to you, "How are they supposed to survive that?"

Her lips are a flat line, but she doesn't meet your gaze, even through the helmet.

"She was caught, but I was careful. She won't be using her arms anytime soon, but she'll live."

Your feel a scowl slowly etch itself onto your lips, and Rebecca's lips quiver ever so slightly. Then, it hardens over and for a second, you can't recognize her.

"Just… let's just crack the dome and finish this."

You stare at her, and you can't stop the small scowl. Raising a hand, you focus on the edge of the dome. A million waves exploding right next to it. If that doesn't crack it, then you'll just try for ten million next time.

"Well, that took quite a bit longer than expected."

Your hand jerks back, the waves disappear and not even a mask can hide the surprise from Rebecca's face.

"What the fu-Who is this!?" Charles demands.

The voice chuckles, but the underlining current of unease masks any amusement that could be had.

"I would hope that enough of you recognize me that an introduction is unnecessary. All the remainder of you need to know is that without me, the odds of a casualty amidst your group are… Sixty-three point four-five percent. Your plan is quite poor, honestly."

You'd know him? You're sure you've never heard this voice in your life.

"Rebecca, what the hell is this guy-"

"His name's Roland, he's a precog" Rebecca blurts out.

You blink, was that… was that respect?

"Considering the circumstances, I'll be going by Oracle."

"We didn't ask," you mutter to yourself.

"Who cares? All I want to know how got into my channel in the first place. Cause I don't appreciate it," Charles mutters darkly.

"I'd like to know why a precog would think now would be the best time to talk," Matthew cuts in.

The line warbles a bit, as though the connection is almost going haywire before stabilizing again.

"This was both the quickest and most efficient way to contact you all. I would apologize, but considering your lives hang in the balance on the back of my path to victory…" Oracle's voice trails off, putting an almost obscene amount of emphasis on those last three words.

For a second, you're back in your room, as Fortuna gives you everything you've ever wanted.

And all she had to do was talk.

Was he... No.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Charles screams defensively.

"Don't worry, I'm not her. But it's unfortunate that she isn't capable of directly assisting me, I would have appreciated the assistance," Oracle half-drawls, almost sounding… Casual.

"Well you're doing a fantastic job so far," Matthew spits out.

You barely catch it, but you think there's the sound of a pen tapping against something on Oracle's line.

"This wasn't a situation that could be avoided, I'm afraid. Thankfully, I had time enough to prepare in order to stave off the worst of the destruction in many of London's suburbs. Though I have to ask, what about you, Mr. Bryant? How long ago did you become aware of the attack on the city I have, so far, done more to protect?"


Matthew sends a tirade through the line. It's getting no one anywhere, and there are worse things to deal with. You steal a glance at Rebecca. She was able to make all the lines go dead with barely a word.

If she isn't going to stop this, you at least needed to try.


Your voice echoes through the streets, drawing a wince from Rebecca but stopping Matthew from going further than he needs to.

"Mr Everett, while I appreciate your efforts in diplomacy, now would be the time to evacuate."

You blink, why? Then you notice that Rebecca's expression twists. Her jaw drops, and her helmet starts to reflect gold.

That's… that's not coming from you.

An arm wraps around you, pulling you down to earth faster than any normal wave. A golden streak slices through the air right above you, so close that you could almost touch it.

It hits one of the waves that kept you up, and it narrows into a concentrated stream. You try to breathe, but Rebecca keeps pushing you down and the beam starts to follow you down. Wind rushes through your ears, then everything goes quiet.

Another arm wraps around your neck, twisting you and Rebecca till you see the roof of a building an instant before Rebecca's back smashes through. Waves keep the dust off of you but you can't see a thing.

What you know is that Rebecca's grip tightens. She pulls you faster than any wave, smashing back first into a wall, then another, and another, and so many more till the world fills with the sound of broken stone.

You jerk to the left, and Rebecca's grip loosens. You blink and jerk your head around. You're behind a pile of rubble, no river or dome in sight. You catch Rebecca pull herself off the ground, shaking the dust off her helmet and dusting herself. She gives you a once over, before flying to the corner of the ruble. You push off of a wave and manage to catch up with her, peaking your head out like she is.

You can barely see the dome in the distance. God, you must've travelled two miles away at least. Although, you can see the line of nothingness that the beam's made. An entire section of the city is just… gone. Buildings, cars, even the street's been erased.

You grit your teeth to stop another legion of waves from forming.

How many people could've been there? How could he not care?

"Impressive reactions, Ms Brown. Words alone don't do your abilities justice," Oracle compliments.

You catch Rebecca's lips go back to the hard line she had on earlier. She taps the side of her helmet, taking a few more steps behind the rubble for what little cover it provided.

"What's your plan then?" Rebecca asks.

Your eyes widen so fast no mask could hide the reaction. What... what the hell is she talking about?

"Wait, back up, we're asking him for advice now?" Charles asks, the disbelief palpable from his tone.

"You're willing to throw away the advice of a precog?" David asks.

"Yes, I mean..."

Charles trails off, muttering something under his breath as his line rattles.

"If you would like the time to discuss it, there are approximately three and a half minutes remaining before London takes unacceptable losses," Oracle conveys, the sound of that tapping pen coming through once more, "I would offer to drop the line, but I would know what you said regardless. You're all coming through quite loud and clear now that you're not hiding away in that facility of yours."

"Then you can clearly hear me tell you to shut up while I think," Charles grunts.

"You were the one that wanted to help," David says, "Here's the chance. You and Oracle send information through, and everything goes smoothly."

"Fuck that! He could be working with Symphony!" Charles points out angrily.

There's the sound of a throat clearing over the line.

"If I were working with Richard, I'm afraid your chances of survival would already be zero."

"Then we'll make our odds better by telling you to get out," Charles bites.

"Charles remember we need all the help we can get," Rebecca reminds him.

"We'll get it the second that Doctor Mother hears me tell her where everyone is. Then we'll have Contessa and we don't need to hear this."

"But until then, everyone don't have much to go on till I get there," David comments sidelong, exasperation clear in his voice.

"But we trust her," Matthew says, "I don't trust him."

"Neither do I," David admits, "But you heard Alexandria, we can't pass up any advantage that comes our way."

"That still doesn't solve the issue Eidolon."

"Then trust me," Rebecca presses "If any of us don't make it out of here because of him, I'll find him, and I'll make him regret it."

Again, that pen keeps tapping away in the background. It has you gritting your teeth in annoyance.

"Trust isn't the issue, it's capability. So long as I'm in London, mine is the only path to victory you'll be capable of utilizing."

Dead silence reigns over the comms for a full few seconds.

"No, Mr Fehey. I will not be leaving London, so don't bother. Heroes you may be, but-"

He actually cuts himself off, weirdly enough, and his line goes completely dead for a full second before it comes back in.

"There's no point to this. Time is running out. The fact of the matter is that two of you are willing to trust me while another two are not, so..."

There's a shift on the line, and you feel a chill run down your back.

"You've been largely quiet, Mr Everett. What do you think?"

Just like that, your mouth goes dry. You catch Rebecca take her hand off of her helmet, cutting the connection to the channel.

"It can't hurt," she whispers.

"But why are you pushing this?" you ask.

Rebecca tenses and you find yourself hating that visor even more.

"I'm…" she starts, cutting herself off to look over the city.

"I'm trying to get both of us out of here."

You stare at her, but nothing comes out. You wait, hoping whatever gave you the strength to speak in moments like these would come back.

But it doesn't.

There's nothing.

"Two minutes left. Well, Mr Everett?"

[] Trust him. If he can help, then you need to take the chance that he can.

[] Ignore him. It's too good to be true. You have a plan, and you've wasted enough time talking to him.
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3.12: The Best Laid Plans...
[X] Trust Him. If he can help, then you need to take the chance that he will.

First impression, you don't trust him.

Or at least, you don't trust the kind of person that he is. Path to Victory? The only chance that you have? He might be trying to push your buttons, but whether he is or not, the more he reminds you of Contessa, the less you want to let him work.

Then again, you were wrong about her. Behind all the powers, the suit and the gun was someone. She might have just said her name, but she was horrified that she could even reveal that much. For a moment, one brilliant shining moment, she was a person.

And the path took that away.

Now here this guy comes in with a cocky attitude to rival David's, and Rebecca's respect not to mention her trust.

If that wasn't bad enough, he didn't have to talk for a second before splintering everyone into ranting children. Charles thinks he could be working for Symphony, and you can't blame him for thinking that. The timing is so perfect it might as well have come from those awful B movies your dad used to watch.

And that's nothing compared to what he could want out of this. Setting you up for failure, getting you, Rebecca, Matthew, David and everyone killed. Controlling you, without even showing his face!

Your fist smashes against a wall, sending spiderweb cracks along the surface and making Rebecca's head snap to you. The shame that follows is enough to make your heart wrench.

What the fuck are you doing? You're here to stop Symphony, not waste time while people needed your help.

Alex spent time worrying over every little detail. Alex wasted time worrying about what might and what could happen if he acted.

You weren't him right now.

You're Atlas; all you need to do is stop this, and save everyone that you can while you do it.

Could and would of the situation be damned.

David could've been a self-centered prick, but he wanted nothing more than to stop this and help you prove something.

Something that couldn't come true if you ignored every voice that tried to help on the off chance that they might turn on you because they have an ulterior motive. Anyone can have one of those. Doctor Mother taught you that much.

The fact is that you're outgunned, barely have a plan, and still had god knows how many people to save all the while protecting each other so your path can come alive.

You needed help, and if he can get everyone out of this… it's worth the risk.

However, that doesn't mean you're just going to roll over and let him order you without something in return. You let Doctor Mother do that to you once, never again. You tap the edge of your mask and breathe.


There's a lurch at the other end of the line, probably from him jerking on his flight path.


"On the off chance that we don't make it because of this, find Oracle, and have him answer for what he did."

A long pause from the demigod.

"Consider it done," he promises.

You nod, holding in a sigh of relief as you did. This guy claims to have the path to victory, but David doesn't show up on that path. If anyone was going to make it out of this, it was him.

And there's no one you trusted more to go through that promise. Now, you can't offer much to everyone else, but you can at least extend the offer.

"Matthew, Charles, same deal."

Whether it be the natural choice or the looming deadline, the silence that follows shatters almost instantly.

"...fine," Charles replies.

There's another second of silence, Matthew picks up.

"I hope you know what you're doing Alex."

You glance past your hand to the distance where the city continues to smoke. The smoke has all but blacked out the sky, and the utter destruction in the streets makes it hard to see this as a city instead of a war zone. Next, to you, Rebecca's head is on a constant swivel. With each motion, she somehow finds herself between you and whatever might come.

An immovable sentry, protecting you even when you're worried about her. It brings out a small smile, and it's better than you could've ever dreamed. Better than you or the world deserves.

"Quite the stage you've set for me, Mr Everett," Oracle cuts in almost cheerfully, cutting your smile down as he does it, "I hope I can meet your expectations."

Yeah, I hope so too.

Out loud, however, your voice still rumbles through with a growing familiar power, "What do we do?"

A clap rang through the line, and you can almost imagine the grin that must be spreading across Oracle's face.

"It's simple for the greatest outcome to come to fruition, I need everyone to obey my orders implicitly."

Something crumbles, and you glance over to see waves turn a nearby rock to dust. Rebecca spares another instant to give you a look from behind her helmet. You grit your teeth, forcing a deep breath in.

The glow fades away, but the feeling stays strong.


Another chuckle runs through the line, but you've never heard something more forced in your life.

"Right," Oracle calls, a cascade of popping sounds leaking into the line, "To business then, Ms Brown."

Rebecca stops turning her head. She motions with a hand, pointing at the ground near her as you make your way over. Your back goes flush, and Rebecca turns away, letting you take her spot as she puts a hand to her helmet.

"In sixty seconds, we'll be needing an ambush on the north end of Crystal's dome."

You tear your eyes away from the city just in time to see her mouth twist into a frown.

"What's wrong?" you whisper.

"Fastest route has no cover."

"Indeed, Ms Brown" Oracle agrees, "There's an eighty-three point five two percent chance of you getting caught in Richard's more… creative applications of his power should you attempt a more conventional approach."

"So how is she supposed to-?" Charles starts.

"The street directly east of your position, the underground runs directly underneath it. Make an entrance, head north, and don't stop until I say so."

Rebecca gives a gruff nod.


"Fantastic," Oracle exclaims, only to hum, "Actually, for the ease of execution, communications will need to be personalized. Mr Fahey-."

"Setting personal channels now."


Oracle's voice goes dead, Charles' work showing faster than you could've imagined. You give your arm a break from holding a finger to your mask and instantly stare at Rebecca.

Her hand falls to her side, her fingers curled into fists, but her face is as still as stone. She doesn't even turn her head to look at you as she heads to what you assume is east. Maybe she glanced at you from under her visor; maybe there was some silent message, you can't tell.

It hurts not to no know, but it doesn't stop something from slipping out.

"Stay safe."

She stops freezing in the air. Her entire helmet turns towards you, and in the corners of her mouth, a smile inches its way out.

You blink, and she's gone. Loose items go everywhere in the slipstream, and the wind breaks harmlessly against your waves, the only thing making an impact being the ringing in your ears.

It occurs to you that that could be the last time you see her, the last words you say to her. Not the place you wanted to say it, nothing but hell for miles.

What you said though… it isn't too bad.

"Mr Everett, your role is critical," Oracle stresses, forcing you back to reality "Richard is treating this as the greatest resistance to his plans. However, the allure of your arrival is too much for him to resist."

"Where are you going with this?" you ask.

"What I'm saying, Atlas, is that this is one great show to Richard. He's introduced himself and his group as the heroes, and naturally, in the stage that he's set for himself, you are the villains. He tried to kill you to begin with because you sought to end the show to early. Now, if you play the part of the mastermind, he'll treat you with the same respect that's expected of a hero meeting his adversary."

Christ, and you thought Clint had self-esteem issues.

"So I'm supposed to be happy that this psycho sees this as one big game?"

"You should be, it's one of the few things stopping him from putting a hole in your head right now."

He can… oh fuck!

You jerk everything back, throwing your entire body behind the wall. You let out a sigh of relief, only for it to hitch in your throat. What the fuck are you thinking? Walls won't stop Symphony, his beams go through everything.

Except… didn't they slow down when they hit your waves?

"Quite the predicament, no? Unless you want to die," Oracle continues, "You need to start making your way to the Themes."

Biting down the comment in your head you glance around, "Which way?"

"Head to the street opposite of Ms Brown. Fly away from the dome and take the first right."

"Won't that give Symphony the chance to shoot me?"

"He won't be looking if you go when I say," Oracle bites back, "Now, once you take your first right, it's a straight path to the river. Unfortunately, your role will come into play before you manage to get there."

"Alright," you say, playing the directions back in your head, "What then?"


You feel your eyes narrow, and on the other end, Oracle pants. What is he doing that makes him out of breath?

"I don't have time to go into the specifics," he struggles out, "The fact of the matter is your powers have a greater instinctual trigger than any currently on the planet."

"That hasn't always been a good thing," you grit out.

The line goes dead, and even the fires seem to get quieter.

"Tragedies, both of them."

You… you wouldn't go that far. Mistakes, yes, the man in black. He was too far gone, a danger to everyone and even more so himself. Incubus had the chance to walk out of the mine, you gave him that chance, you made sure he could make it even when Harbinger thought otherwise.

But he didn't, he just… gave up.

"Alex," Oracle confides, "You won't make the same mistake again, not while I'm helping you."

You don't say a word, letting the silence speak for you.

"You have twenty seconds to get to your destination before Richard rechecks this angle, get moving."

You grit your teeth again, so you stare out at the empty street in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure. You let a second pass, still nothing. Swallowing your pride, you make the waves carry you into the air.

Away from the dome, first right. Away from the dome, first right.

Ok, time to go.

You clench a fist, and the waves explode under you. You fly out of the wreck like a bat out of hell. Your turn turns into a drift that has your waves scraping against buildings as you get too close for comfort. Ignoring the sounds of shattering glass, you level out your flight and cruise in the center of the street.

"What about time limit that you talked about earlier?" you ask, gliding over the wreckage of half a dozen wrecks.

"An obstacle, but one that David was uniquely equipped to handle. He will do his part while you do yours. Close your eyes."


Light sears the world around you. Your eyes feel like they've caught fire, ripping a scream from your throat. It's almost loud enough to drown out the sound of something exploding in front of you. Wave spring up to stop the rocks and the dust, but you're left blind.

"Fly up!"

You don't question it. Waves build underneath you and blast you skyward. The world blurs as your vision slowly comes back into focus.

"Shield your left!"

Your hand snaps up, your palm pulsing out a hundred waves that condense into a glowing wall of gravitational force. Something smashes into it, barely even scraping away the outer coating but sending a sting heat to your ears.


You squint past the haze you're left with, and three of those robots are flying towards you. The guns beneath their bodies fill the air with the deafening stream of fire, adding to the chorus of bells in your head as the guns ping uselessly against your shield.

"They're a distraction," Oracle informs you, "Crush them!"

You bring your right hand forward, your gaze travelling down your fingers like the barrel of a gun. With a twitch, all three of the robots are surrounded. Your right-hand snaps to a fist and they crumple without even the chance to spark.

"Bring them around, shield your back."

You jerk your hand to your chest, sending the balls of metal flying straight towards you, then, you hear it. Something is screeching air, headings straight towards you. The thought gives way to instinct as you let yourself drop like a rock, allowing the balls to hit whatever was coming towards you.

They collide and then, boom.

The explosion sends you hurtling down, and you force a dozen wave to jerk you to a stop. A few extra stops your neck from snapping at the movement, letting you scan everything you can. The flash and blare of another shot makes you spin in the air. You narrow your eyes at the rocket, and more importantly, the knight aiming the robot on the ground.

"Defend your-"

Whatever Oracle finishes with is drowned out in a symphony of waves. You rocket to the side, dodging the missile by a hair's breadth. Another miniature explosion erupts. You slice a hand through the air, sending a stream of waves down like a shining blade that lights up the street. The knight leaps to the side, abandoning the robot as the waves smash it and the building they were standing on into rubble. You hold in a wince and somehow manage to spot the knight as he jumps to another building. His helm turns in your general direction, but you can't tell from this high up. He skids to a stop, smashing a fist against his leg and making the appendage go red hot.

"Hit him with everything, he can take it, and if you don't disorient him, he'll kill you. You'll need to get in close, and make the opportunity count."

A streak of black launches from the building, cracking the street and making your ears ring as he gets closer. His fist goes back, and you do the one thing that Oracle gave you.

You react.

A hundred waves appear and explode on your shins. He goes for your chest, but you spin, flipping over the gauntlet and smash your fist into his face. Another bomb blasts in the air, followed by a crash as the earth buckles under the impact.

You will a thousand waves in your hand and fire them down. The dust cloud splits, and another ear-rattling crash fills the air that ends with the knight in the middle of a crater. He moves to his feet, and you throw a thousand waves over his shoulders. You hear the armor scream, fighting in vain against probably a thousand tons of pressure. He takes a step forward, the single appendage cracking the ground just as quickly as you did. You will yourself back to the ground so fast you can't hear it. The knight tries to raise an arm, and you let the waves on your back explode.

His arm goes to his waist by the time that you cross half a football field to force your hand over his face.

A million waves build, and you let them loose in the millimetres between your hand and his head. Your waves buckle to the point of breaking as your arm snaps back and the windows of every building on the street shatter as the knight blurs like a bullet. He hits the ground once before plowing through building after building straight to the dome.

Damper Efficiency at 67%

You shake the visor message out of the way, taking a few deep breaths to stop the growing ringing in your head. You hear a whistle, Oracle again.

"Pacifist you may be, you're a natural at combat."

Ignoring that, you take to the skies again, and as you stop, the dust cloud of the knight keeps going. A singular path of destruction that only stops with a seismic crash against the dome at the end of a small clearing. The entire thing shakes, little more than a snow globe pounded against raw steel by an angry child. A black dot in the middle of an open crater is the only thing that lets you see the knight.

Another blast breaks the ground under him. The dome buckles as another black dot drags the knight across the surface of it, stopping at the crest and sending a shockwave across the city as he slams against it.

They don't stop.

One shockwave becomes a dozen as he's pounded against the top like a rag doll. A black dot is thrown up, putting it face first with a dozen lasers that blast him back to the ground. Over the dome, the other dot, Rebecca, flies across the edge and goes back into the ground where she emerged.

"The cars underneath you, see them?"

You glance down, the wrecks lying broken and abandoned.

"Take at least one."

Two it is.

You reach out, your waves picking them off the ground, crushing them further with every foot they travel.

"Keep them close, and let your instincts take the rest."

You feel your eyebrow twitch, but you do as you're told. The two heaps of scrap rush to you, and you let your hand drop. They start to go behind you, then they reappear, going in lazy circles all around you. You hold out a hand in front of you, and one of them gently glides over your arm.

You look away as a star burns into existence. It hovers over the dome, and even from this far away you feel the heat. Some of the closest buildings catch fire, and the dome starts to steam. Suddenly, a blue laser hits it, and it tumbles down. Another flies out, and a stream of fire bursts like a living river, blanketing a section of sky in fire and another stream of lasers fire. They miss the ball of fire only to curve and smash into it's back instantly. The ball of fire goes down closer to the ground, and a flaming chunk of rock flies straight at it.

You hear a hail of gunfire, rendering the rock to nothingness, letting the fire catch itself before it hits the ground.

"Now everyone has his attention," Oracle whispers, to himself in all likelihood.

He must shake himself out of the stupor, the cough of someone clearing their throat breaking through the line.

"Now is the time, Mr Everett, to the dome."

Well, alright then.

You will yourself forward, the balls orbiting you becoming bullets in the air all the while the ringing grows in your ears. You weave through the buildings, dodging any plumes of smoke and roaring fires that you can. In a second, you're floating on the edge of the clearing, the light of a nearby fire making your golden form shine.

The clearing might have been a park once, with the broken trees and upturned patches of grass. The heat of the fire along with Rebecca's actions however, have left it little more than a broken battlefield. Rebecca stands alone, a building to her back cracking her knuckles at the glowing ball. It seems to look at you as you make your way down.

You make out an almost feminine figure, black within the flames. She raises a hand, only for her to falter as Rebecca picks up another boulder-sized chunk of the ruined building. In the center of it all, the knight drags himself from the crater, his armor bent and breaking off his chest and shoulders. Beneath a shattered helm he looks up at you. From the sky, Matthew descends in a cascade of neon lights. He stops on top of a building at the edge, crossing his arms he looks over the clearing. On the left end of the clearing, the white figure lands.

Now that you're closer, you can see that she's just a woman in a white armored suit. She flicks her hand, and you swear that you hear thunder.

The knight eyes everyone, his gaze lingering on Rebecca a bit longer than you would've liked. For a second, he stops to watch as almost a dozen of those robots fly over to the white woman. Even from here you can hear them ready their weapons.

The knight eyes light up, but whatever he might've thought, it's blasted out of his mind as something turns a building into rubble. A green ball of crystal comes bouncing through, rolling along the ground and sliding to a stop. It cracks open like an egg, letting the green armored woman come tumbling out, a nasty spot of blood matting her hair.

The air crackles and everyone looks up to see as the clouds of smoke themselves part. David descends like some old testament god, his right hand alight with sparking lightning, and his left humming with a power that you can only imagine. A spike of crystal flies at him from the corner of your vision. He waves his left hand, the crystal vanishes.

And all hell breaks loose.

Legend takes to the sky sending a barrage of neon lights at the woman in white. She jumps clear, two of the robots behind her meeting a predictable fate. Rebecca rockets forward, punching the knight who manages to get an arm up in time. The two of them carve a ditch in the ground, both of them completely ignoring the growing heat from the ball of fire.

David snaps his fingers in his right hand, sparking electricity that misses the figure by a hair's breadth.

"Fire a shot upwards."

You throw a hand into the air, cutting a ball free from the waves that force it down. The shockwave makes your cape flutter before it smashes into a partially formed crystal ball above you. A million shattered particles rain down on you, your orbiting protectors shielding you from the bigger chunks with barely a thought.

You turn just enough to see the crystal woman. Once again, you see something flash over her face. She raises a hand, and you fire another ball. It goes wide over her head, but she scrambles back anyway, the message loud and clear. Her shoulder spikes are seemingly dragging her back and into the air, but she barely gets to the roof before another bolt of lightning hits her square in the back. Her limbs spasm, she goes still, and the dome falls apart. The stable structure liquifies, raining down on the blocked off sections of London. With a wave of his hand, Eidolon somehow makes the liquid go away, stopping the millions of gallons from destroying any more of the cities landmarks.

Then, the ball of fire explodes. The flash nearly blinds you again, the heat burns your skin, a snap rings out, and everything goes back to normal. Blinking away the black dots, you can't see the ball anywhere. You hear the crash as Rebecca gets a good hit in on the knight. The shockwave makes him flail like a ragdoll as he sails into the distance with Rebecca close behind.

In the sky, bullets and lasers fire blast out with thunder bombing in the distance. Or, maybe that's just Rebecca.

"I'm beginning to feel that we overestimated this whole thing."

You glance up to see David land right in front of you. He still sparked with power, his cape practically humming.

"Then again," he says, turning to the dome, "There's one more left."

You nod to him. He nods back and glides off the ground and flies off. A bell rings in your ears as you follow him, passing the remains of a tower, cars, and corpses. They littered the ground, split bodies that somehow lost limbs and left to die on the cold street.

The only saving grace is that most of them are looking down.

"Don't let them distract you, they-"

Your earbuds spark, and you have to stop to keep yourself from flying into the ground. Shaking away the pain, Eidolon stops too. He taps his ear, grunts, then turns to you. You shake your head, touching the edge of your mask and getting nothing.

Is this, is this Oracle plan?

You look at David, and without a word, he knows what you're thinking.

"He couldn't have planned for me."

"Yes," you admit, "But the timing-"

"Doesn't matter!" David roars, "We're this close to letting me finish this!"

He cuts his rant short, he growls from behind the mask.

"We'll deal with Oracle later. When we find Symphony, just hold him down, and I'll finish this."

He doesn't wait for you to answer. All you can do is follow close behind him.

He picks up the pace, forcing you to do the same as the two of you pass over the remains of a dozen of buildings. It only takes a few seconds, but it feels like years before you land in another clear square, or at least, you hope that it was a square before. At the end of the clearing, you see a building sitting at the edge of the Thames, a huge chunk of its roof blown out and an entire wall left with nothing. You glide closer, and you see him.

Sitting on a throne that didn't belong to him, Symphony taps his hand against the armrest. The man that did all this.

Killed all those people. Waves smash against your fingers, curling them so tight you feel nothing but pain.

He claps his hands together, and the sounds of trumpets blare from some unseen speaker. He steps off his throne, and bows with a needless flourish of his hand.


Eidolon rockets forward just as your fist flies out, blanketing the entire building and him in enough waves to crush steel. They surround Symphony, his knees buckle.

Then his head snaps up, his music note mask tilts, and the waves around him shatter.

"That's not very nice."

A baton flies into his hand. He points it, and a golden beam blasts David. He flies back, the golden stream making him rocket into the horizon. You look back at Symphony, his baton tapping against his head. You quickly raise a hand to-

Another beam from Symphony, this time from his finger hits your foot. For a second, nothing happens, then your waves break, and you feel it. You fall, crumpling to the ground flat on your face, but you don't even feel it behind the pain coursing through your leg

You try to move your foot, and all it does it make you scream again.

Oh god, it hurts!

Something runs down your face, and it doesn't stop. You bite down as best you can, staring at your arm to distract you from this hell. The waves slowly reknitting themselves back together, only to shatters again as another beam tears through your left hand.

After that, you don't know what you feel.

You know your jaw moves, you know you're screaming, but you can't hear it. Your other foot jerks without your permission, and another wave hits you. Waves blare to life, but none of them help you, they all fade away as Symphony fires again.

You don't know how long it lasts, or how long you lie there. All you know is that when you can hear again, you can't feel either of your feet, and your left thumb somehow can twitch with a hole your hand. Fuck, you can barely manage to prop your right arm under you.

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

You try to look at him, but your vision swims, the pain making everything fuzzy. Or, maybe that's your visor, you can't tell anymore. You can barely tell if it's really Symphony reaching into his jacket and pulls out some book. He flips a page, the roaring thunder in the distance and the neon lights above him not even registering. You grit your teeth and push up.

And a golden beam tears a burrows a hole in the ground right in front of your head.

Just like that, you can't move. Your foot and hand burn, your ears ring you can barely hear a thing, but you can only shiver.

"But it's nothing, compared to how much you and your friends hurt me. I just wanted to make a difference, to make a world where everyone knows exactly who's in charge. Then you and your friends fly in, destroy hundreds of hours of my friends' work, hurt the good people who see the world as I do and use the bravest man I've ever met as a fucking punching bag when he was just trying to stop you."

You hear a step, and then another, and a boot stops an inch from your head.

"But worst of all, you made me hope that someone had come to join my revolution."

You crane your eyes up, watching as he leans down, tapping his baton against your head.

"But you aren't, you just think you're some kind of hero."

He stops the tapping, resting the tip of it square on your head.

"But you're just a kid in a mask."

It pushes into you, fighting against the few waves that stay by your side. His finger glows, then he drops the baton.

"The fuck is wrong with me? I'm beating up on a kid," he slaps his forehead, shaking his head in dismay, "This isn't how it was supposed to go."

He jumps to his feet and rushes over to his throne.

"Bad start, worse scene! But… I can fix this."

A cough, clearing his throat, he turned around straightening his suit with a quick tug.

"New scene! I'm Symphony, who are you?"

You glare with everything you have and the waves appear around you ready and waiting. You...

[] The waves have appeared, use them, all of them. His beam snuffed out a hundred, let's see how he fares against a billion.

[] Keep him talking, play the scene and by some miracle, David will come back. Pray to god he comes back with something that stops this madman.

Adhoc vote count started by IKnowNothing on Jun 20, 2018 at 9:55 PM, finished with 27 posts and 17 votes.
Last edited:
3.13: We Are Human
You haven't stopped shaking since he shot you, it's the only thing that manages to move. You can't feel your hand, and your legs are more jelly than bone. The waves can surround them, force them to move, and with each breath, it seems that's the only option. Every second that passes is another one that Symphony can waste by blowing your head off. It's a miracle that he hasn't done that already.

Wait, no, not a miracle. It's slite, barely noticeable, but your waves stopped his beam. For the barest instant, they stopped, finally meeting their match before powering through the meager barrier that you had up.

It's still something though, something that gives you a chance.

So please, for the love of god Everett, be brave for just a just a little longer.

"I'm waiting!"

You glare up at Symphony, tapping at the edge of his mask with his finger, while his other hand sparkles with golden light just waiting to be unleashed. You hope, you pray that he's staring at you.

And that he doesn't notice you looking past him, to the broken building behind him. You force the waves around it, coating it, priming it like the worlds most massive gun.

But if it doesn't work, you've got nothing. You have to keep him talking, keep him distracted and pray that this works.

"Me?" you ask, "I'm nobody special."

Symphony's fingers freeze on his current page. He turns, and as he looks down on you, his fingers buzz with golden energy.


You push up with your arm, taking a risk and getting a knee under you to lean against.

"You heard me," you say through a crooked smile, "I'm just some dumb kid from LA."

You can't see Symphony's face through the mask, but he stiffens. The book in his hand starts shaking, the bindings straining as his fingers went down on it like a vice.

"I'm not going to argue with the kid or the dumb part," he says, his voice deadly calm, "But I'm not going to stand here and let you insult all of our gifted brothers and sisters."

You can't stop yourself from scoffing.

"We're siblings now?" you laugh, "And I thought I was the fuck up."

Symphony snaps the book shut, and you have to swallow the lump in your throat. He saunters up to you, golden light pulsing off every fiber of his being. He kneels down and grabs your chin with one hand. His fingers bit straight through your waves like they weren't even there, digging into the side of your jaw so hard you can barely stop yourself from screaming.

"Shut your mouth, or I'm going to rip it off."

You've never believed someone so much in that one moment.

"Now… what. Is. Your. NAME!?"

The light ripples out, erasing the ground right next to your head.

"Atlas," you quickly mumble through his grip.

He waits, tilts his head, drawing out a second of silence before shoving your chin unceremoniously back into the ground. A single wave revives itself fast enough to stop the damage, letting you snap your head back up soon enough to see Symphony looking through his book. He flies through the pages, barely pausing for a breath before continuing to the next.

And with his focus gone, you keep up your work. The boulder, the ground around you, even you. Everything's surrounded, ready and waiting.

"Nothing, there's nothing. Not a mention of anyone like you or your little friends!" Symphony rages.

He forces the book close to his face, his hand so close to tearing it apart you hear the seam start to give way.

"Why is there nothing? Everything's supposed to be in here!"

The book falls to ash in his hands, and you take the chance. You clench your fist, and the waves explode to life.

They pick you up off the ground, flying to the side as the hundred-ton boulder comes hurtling at you and Symphony. He snaps around and thrusts his hand out. A wall of gold materialized in front of him. The rock met the shield, and unfortunately, the shield won out. The second it touched it, the rock vanishes.

But you don't stop.

You throw everything you can, chunks of the street, broken building pieces, scrapped cars, anything.

Everything turns to dust.

The golden light flashes with every attack, protecting him.

"Get down from there!" he screams.

He fires a blast into the air, forcing a shining screen of gold above you. It falls, and you dive. You're barely in the air, so the street is the only place with more room. You crash like a missile, barreling through the concrete like you're swimming through water. You go maybe fifteen feet before you last wave burns out forcing you to stop less you break your neck. D

You drag yourself to your feet, and something crunches a rock behind you. And just like that, instinct and fear instantly throw out any rational thoughts you might've had left. Your right fist glows, every wave coating it as you turn.

You see Symphony.

You see him not even tilt his head at your fist.

His finger raises to your head.

There's a flash of gold, and you see your knuckles crack against his mask.

Pain shoots through your wrist, but it's nothing compared to the aftermath. Symphony staggers back, reflexively touching the spot in his mask where you hit.

He stares at his hand, then at you, and like an idiot you find yourself staring back. Not at where his eyes should be, but at his mask. The small cracks that started to spread across the edge of it. It worked, it actually worked! A smile worms its way to you, only for it to fall off in a flash of neon.

Symphony raises his hand, you ready yours.

The light roars as your shield shimmers into existence. The waves push you back even as they're eaten away by the golden light. Things that blocked rockets and bullets without a second thought is being torn apart like isn't there.

So you throw out a blanket of waves and force them into the air, taking a ton of dirt and dust into the air with them as you dive behind the nearest cover, a small section of rock that you brought up. Your shield winks out, the laser goes wide, and for a single second, you're safe.

But thinking that you could make this last is nothing but a pipe dream.

What isn't though, is that you can hit him. It wasn't much, but your fist got through. Maybe if you coated a rock in enough waves it can get through, but you can't do it fast enough. Oh, what the fuck are you thinking? Sure you can hit him, but he won't be surprised a second time. If you get the chance, you need to make it count, you need more power. You need everything you can bring out and more, you need...

You reach up, grasping a hold of the dampeners in your ear.

"37 percent, if you want to be technical."

"Things get loud, and everything goes downhill fast. You can keep going despite that, but eventually the stress will get worse and worse and..."

Well… isn't that just a fucking great set of choices?

Not the set of options you would've wanted, but it's the ones you've got. Then again, it's not like this is the first time something like this has come up. Chose one way or the other and live with the consequences. It hasn't been perfect, but honestly... you don't mind.

Maybe you are an idiot, maybe Clint was right and you really have lost it. After all, you're sitting in the middle of London with a hole in your hand, sweat dripping down your face, and not a regret in the world.

Yeah, getting here had its ups and downs.

You had to either die or take a chance and sign up with Cauldron. What's that gotten you anyway? Fighting a demigod, getting the crap beaten out of you, and manipulated by the people you thought you could trust to help you. It's gotten you into a world where people go behind each others back to have things go their way. Force you to be a pawn in a scheme that had no humanity in it.

But it's also given you the chance to be something more than you ever dreamed you could be.

It's let you finally find the one thing that makes every fucked up thing that you've gone through worth it.

You got to meet the kindest man you've ever met. Gotten gifts from someone who didn't care about the mistakes, only that you're willing to fix them.

It might've started out as some plan to control everyone, but you stopped that. You've changed yourself into a better man, not just someone with powers. They did help, but it was you who chose to fly out here, you saved hundreds of lives.

The people who manipulated tried to save you from getting yourself killed.

The demigod that hurt you showed just how much he cared.

And you got her back, how could doing what you're about to do not worth it?

Your right hand reach up and grab hold of the dampeners.

"Yeah, I got to agree with you, Rebecca."

You pull the first dampener out and force a wave to throw out the other.

"I like Atlas a lot more than I liked Alex."

The two dampeners drop to the floor, your ears spark, and you can see them again.

All of them, a billion oceans creating a trillion waves, and you can see every one of them in all of their glory. You see how they coat you, the city around you. A rock directly behind you is plane to see, even something falling off a pile of rubble half a mile away. The cloud of dust around you is nothing. The waves coat everything, and everything they cover, you can see.

The only thing you can't, is Symphony, the dark silence in a world of sound.

The dust begins to die down, and you see the waves start to push them down. So you turn them, and they swirl. A golden cyclone surrounds him, and even he stops, in confusion or awe you don't care when a message flashes in your vision.


"Pretty light show kid," Symphony comments, "But you're wasting your time."

The black outline swings its arm, and you jump from your spot. You force every wave you can see in front of you, holding onto your good hand. For a second, you see the world in color as all the gold goes into the palm of your hand.

Then the beam slices through your cyclone, smashing into everything you can scrap up. So many waves disappear that the world goes dark, and you feel the wind rush past your ears as you fall on your back, letting it fly over you.

And the ringing, oh god the ringing.

Every second it gets louder, every time you breathe it gets worse!

You grit your teeth so hard you start to taste copper. Spitting it out, you drag yourself up and onto your feet. The pain spike and you fall forward. You catch yourself with your good hand, a few waves barely letting you catch yourself. More come, and you push again.

"You're still getting up?"

Symphony crosses his arms, shaking his head and cackling behind his mask.

"I've never been to LA, but they really do make them dumb there, don't they?"

You don't answer. You just let the waves come back. And as they come, you force a hundred into a thousand, then a million.

"... I'm actually a little disappointed. You could've been someone great if you had just come to join me."

The blank space in the waves grows, shattering the waves as the field of nothingness grows inch by inch.

"I guess every Revolution needs its examples."

"Did you even know them?"

A pause as the space freezes, you can even Symphony frowning.

"... who?"

"The people you killed," you say, "Did you know them?"

The silence that follows is answer enough.

"Of course you didn't," you spit, "You just showed up and did whatever you wanted just because you think you have some right to do so."

You glance up, past the waves in the air to Symphony. The mastermind behind this so call great revolution just looked at you, but the glow around him tripled in intensity. Waves appeared and disappeared so fast that you can't keep track. But you can see him step forward, and you can see him shaking.

"The right? The right!? I'm saving the thousands like me that spend every day looking into a mirror and seeing a freak. I'm creating a world where they see just how blessed they are. What right do you have to stop that!?"

He stomps forward, disintegrating anything that dared to stand in his way.

"You think everyone else won't hate us? Won't try and hunt us down? Or worse, make us dance in a circus and fight in their wars? They are callous, fearful pigs who will do anything to survive. If we don't make a stand now, we will exist under their thumb like cattle for the rest of their lives."

"You don't know that!"

"Everyone knows it," Symphony all but growls, "I'm just the first one who sees what needs to be done."

"But you're… starting a war," you say as you finally get enough waves to keep your legs under you.

"One that we'll win."

"One that doesn't need to happen," you counter.

You stare at him, the calm in the waves.

"You could've started helping everyone with power like yours, but you didn't."

"I am helping."

"No, you're not," you say, "Not everyone wants to fight, but it doesn't matter now. Don't you know what you've done here? It doesn't matter what the rest of us want because you've gone and made the choice for us. Governments, people with agenda's, you're worse than all of them!"

The ground around you rumbles, the waves appearing in the millions. Buildings, the earth, even you start to glow gold, but Symphony doesn't care.

"What would you have me do instead? Let some politician with an agenda choose?"

He holds out a hand, and a glowing ball forms out of nothing.

"Let some kid like you do it!?"

He throws a ball, and you instinctively cross your arms in front of you. Half a billion waves rush to your defence as it comes close. They eat away at it, and it does the same in turn. Through the ringing, Symphony growls.

He snaps his fingers. You swerve in the air, dodging by inches and letting it sail past you.

Then it explodes. A rush of golden light so bright that you will everything you have to get you away. The waves comply, blasting you in the opposite direction and into the ground. Your shoulder hits first, but nothing but more ringing comes to you.

It feels like it's wedging itself into your head, splitting it open while something tries to dig its way out of your skull.


You cough up some more of that disgusting copper tasting shit, and will yourself back up again.

"Of course not, I can't make that choice."

You stumble forward, you step out and somehow manage to catch yourself. The pain makes your knees shake, and the floors starting to sway, but you've got to stay up.

Symphony still standing there, he hasn't moved an inch, you can't either.

"It can't be me, it can't be you, it can't be anyone but them."

Symphony drums his fingers against his side, snorting.

"Quit the holier than me act. You can barely stand, your shaking in your boots. Hell, I don't think you're going to last a minute bleeding like that. One shot is all it'll take me to turn your head into dust. And come on," he tilts his head, gesturing out at the wasteland around you.

You can't hear the fire crackling through the ringing. You can barely see the flames through the waves.

"Is this really how you want to spend your last moments? Trying to make me think that saving everyone just like me-"

"I'm saving everyone like me!"

He flinches, and you don't have to see his eyes to know the surprise that's overtaken him.

"And that's not just the people with powers. Everyone like me... is everyone on earth."

You slowly raise a shaking fist.

"And if that means fighting someone like you... then I know what I'm choosing."

"You think I believe that shit?"Symphony scoffs, "You're only brave enough to stand here because you've changed."

Getting powers doesn't change us!"

A wave rushes from your voice, blowing away the dust on the field and making your entire body shine.

"Everyone, we've been the same thing that we've always been since the day that we were born!"

You narrow your gaze, and Symphony flinches back.

"And that includes you."

You can imagine him gritting his teeth. He raises both his hands and even though the ringing you hear the seismic scratch tearing through the world.

Your hand glows, and the waves come together. Every one of them that's around you, everyone that you can see, and even the ones that you can't.

But it's not enough.

He's chipped you down too much, the ringing in your head is so bad you can barely see him.

It explodes two-fold as a lance of air slices straight into Symphony's arm. The gold shines to stop it, but it's enough. You hear something crack and watch as Symphony's knocked back. His shoulder hits the ground, and he bites back a scream of pain.

The ground shakes as Eidolon shimmers into existence in a puff of smoke. His cape torn, his entire left arm bare to the world. He looks to you, tilting his head.

And he laughs.

"Good work."

Despite the pain in your hand and feet, the ringing in your head, you smile. It falls off your face the second you hear Symphony get to his knees.

"Distract him!" Eidolon calls.

No sooner does he say that do you bring the waves together again, adding more onto an uncountable pile as Symphony fires. David raises a silver fist and thrusts it out, another lance of raw force meeting a blast of golden energy head on.

The gold wins out, and Eidolon disappears in a puff of smoke. Symphony cries out, Eidolon behind him, smashing a fist into the psychos back. Symphony rears, throwing a golden wave that clears a hundred feet of rock and buildings. A puff of smoke above him and Eidolon crashes down with a blast of red energy.

It doesn't even make Symphony flinch.

So Eidolon disappears again, and fires. On Symphony's right, left, above, whittling down the light till there's nothing left.

And Symphony couldn't get enough of it.

"You see Atlas, see what we can do!?"

Symphony thrusts his hands out, and a ball of golden energy surrounds him. Eidolon gets back, caution becoming his top priority. The screeches fill the air, the ball firing out blasts of power everywhere, tearing through everything without discrimination.

"This is how we're better!"

Eidolon slams his hands together, sending air and strings of plasma arcing out. They tear through the small divide smash into the ball. It cuts away at the light, till you can barely make a hole within the spear. Symphony throws another ball. Eidolon turns the plasma toward it, and when the two colid, the wrath of a god explodes.

A billion waves of force explode into existence. You take what you can, but even you can't stop all of this. You're thrown into the air. The world spins, only to come to a jarring stop, an arm around your neck. Through the blurs and the warning, Eidolon's slowly setting you down. He looks around through the hundreds of waves and dust that surrounded the two of you.


It's so bright you can't even see your hand.

But you can see the black blob. You see it point at David. You push him aside, Symphony roars, and a beam of golden death tears through the smoke.

And you meet it with the force of a billion waves.

The flash of connection forces your eyes shut, and the ringing in your ears splits your head open. But you can feel your hand. You feel the laser pushing you back, grinding your feet against the ground. It tears through a thousand waves every instant, and every second it gets bigger forcing another thousand waves to push it back.


This is all you have.

If you can't do stop him now, you might as well lie down and die.


… wait, weren't you done doing that?

The light shimmers off, letting you dig your heels in. Then you step forward, and Atlas pushes with everything he has. If a thousand waves go away, you call upon a million.



It doesn't matter if this kills you. If this is where you die, you're going to make him fucking work for it!

So you start to push back, you feel yourself start to run.

And you roar like a titan.

The wind rushes through your ears, the pain in your feet makes your legs scream. Stray rocks cut into your arms, and your fingers start to burn. Your eyes open and you see him. You see Symphony. You see the beam rush out of his hand. You take those final steps, and you grab hold.

Everything you have, everything that you can see comes together in your hands as you smother the beam before it can even eat away at you. The ringing is all consuming, the waves blocking out almost everything. So you take his wrist, force it upwards, and a blast of golden energy lights up the sky.

And your other fist smashes into his mask.

It doesn't matter what he says.

Waves coat your broken hand, forcing it into a fist that lets you beat into Symphony's head once again.

You know he's wrong.

A wave explodes behind your foot, and with your vision, you will it to blast your foot right into Symphony's ankle. He falls back, far slower than any wave would allow.

Even with powers, deep down.

You spin and step into his guard. The light tries to slow you down, but it can't stop you.

We're still Human.

Your good fist slams into his stomach, you feel something snap, and the shockwave makes you see nothing but gold.

Only, you don't hear it the explosion that comes afterwards.

Actually… you can't hear anything anymore.

Something trickles down your ears, and… are you supposed to feel something run down your eye?




Oh… that's not good.

Your knees buckle from under you, and you start to fall forward. Only for a golden light to slow you down.

What… what the hell is..?

"Good job kid."

The light starts to fade away. You're in the middle of a crater, the dust around you has already settled. There isn't a plum of smoke in the sky and once more, you can't even see the edge of the crater but in the center of it, it's you and... Symphony?

He's… pointing a finger at your head. There's a light, and it's… stopping you from falling.

"You played your part... perfectly and... everyone heard it."

Golden light fades, and you start to fall forward. You feel an arm snake around you, supporting your shoulder. You head drunkenly turns, and a black face mask fills your vision.

When… when did she get here?

"Don't worry, I've got you," she whispers.

You try to crack a smile, but it hurts to move.

But someone does laugh, and you can't ignore it being so close.

Symphony raises two broken arms, and despite the growing red stain in his stomach, he claps. A little applause that rings out once, twice.

Then he holds his hands out, wrists locked together.

"Atlas… I surrender."

[] Accept
[] Deny
3.14: In Victory, Answers

A hundred different emotions could run through you at that answer. Anger, disgust, even disappointment.

But most of all, there's relief.

Finally, someone who wants to live.

"On behalf... of the... people... of London."

"Atlas," Rebecca stresses.

She pulls on you tighter, and while you hold in the wince, the way your arm spasms is enough for her to let go. As she lets go, you're left to walk on your own two feet again. Your bleeding feet and screaming legs somehow let you walk the two steps forward. Your right arm shakes, the fingers twitching, barely managing to grasp around Symphony's offered wrists.
"We... accept."

He laughs, a small crackling sound barely hindered by the gurgling in his stomach. The masks shifts, like he's talking, but you hear nothing.
And everything goes black.



Oh god why?

In one day, a city nearly got destroyed, and the rest of the world found out that superhumans exist. Is it too much to ask to get rid of that stupid sound?


Of course not.

Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you feel the mask covering your eyes. Guess Charles made these things to last. You groan, your chest burning from something. What it is, you've no idea but it stings, and at least you're awake now. Rubbing some of the more offending areas, several things hit you at once.

You're in a dusty eggshell painted room with the only decoration beyond your bed and the beeping IV pumping fluids into your arm being a fold-out table. Beyond that, one set of double windows leading out, one door, and a guest chair. Even being a comfortable distance away, the sounds of trucks backing up, and angry shouts.

Another thing, you're also still in costume. An easy guess considering the mask on your face, but you're just waking up. The only thing that's missing is your cape and whatever parts that were covering your left arm. The IV runs a steady stream of something into it, painkillers probably.
But more than that… your hand.
The hole that was there is gone, replaced with throbbing red scar tissue. Reflexively, you twitch your fingers. A flash of pain runs down your arm, but it's not enough to stop you from smiling at the moving digits.

The holes are going to be a pain to explain, but at least you still have your hand. Along with that, you have your mask, but do you have… them?
You reach up, and there's nothing. No dampeners in your ears, but you haven't heard anything since you woke up. You snap your fingers together, the sound ringing out crisp and clear.

So you can hear, but the waves are… gone? No dampeners, but no waves? It doesn't make sense.
You stare at your hand, focusing willing and-


White hot pain flashes through your head like someone shoved a knife into your ear. Noise, so much noise all at once!

The door to the room cracks open, a soldier with that weird hat looks in. His eyes seemingly bulge out of his face when he notices you up and active. Instantly, his back straightens, and he gives you a crisp solute.

You fail to hold back your wince.


Sir, you? That makes it worse.

Thankfully you're spared as the man steps to the side, letting Rebecca into the room. She must've gotten a new suit, or at least a cleanup if the lack of damage was anything to go by. You give a small smile. She looks you over, her mouth a thin line and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Leave us," she orders.

She doesn't even look at the guard as he complies immediately, nor does she flinch like you when the door slams behind her. A second of silence passes, then two. You drum your fingers on the bed sheets. Rebecca doesn't even twitch.

Sighing for all you were worth, you reach up to your mask. You can't talk to her with this thing on.

She deserves better than that.

You pull at the edge, and it slowly comes free. New lights flash, forcing you to blink away the new black spots in your vision. No, wait, that's just Rebecca moving. Wiping the final spots, you see that her mouth is still flatter than the floor, but at least she sits down on the guest chair, crossing her legs when she gets comfortable enough.

She says nothing, her finger tapping her arm and letting you turn your mask over in your hand. You toss it at the table, only for Rebecca to snatch it out of the air. Her lips curve into a frown for a second, before gently placing the mask on the table.

"How long-?"

"Barely a day," Rebecca answers, her hand gripping her arm so hard the material started to tear.

You try to crack a smile, but Rebecca rears on you, her glare piercing straight through her helmet and freezing you in the bed.

"Uh, great," you say, quickly.

Rebecca's head doesn't even tilt. Silence falls, you shimmy your legs from under the covers, but Rebecca goes as still as stone.

"So… are you ok?"

"Fine," she bites.

"I-I can see that."

Another awkward silence passes, and you take the opportunity to look out the window. Nothing but waves of white as snow come down. Is it snowing? Huh… how did you not notice that before?

"A-and everyone else?"

"Legend had a few scrapes, but he will be fine. Eidolon just healed himself."

She turns towards you, and frown creases till there's nothing but a scowl.

"You were the only one with any pressing injuries."

You nod, that's good.


"Don't," Rebecca warns, "Don't you dare say that you got lucky, don't you dare."

You wait for the scowl to fall off, but it doesn't. Seconds tick by, but she doesn't crack.

"Don't Rebecca me!" She screams, shooting to her feet and all but throwing you back from the intensity of it all, "You weren't lucky. You were bleeding out. You could barely stand!"

Your jaw moves and your throat tries to force out an apology. When nothing but a garbled mess comes out, Rebecca's hand streaks out grabbing you by the collar of the suit without even a flinch of effort. Her fingers strain against the material as Rebecca pulls you so close you see your reflection in her visor.
As well as just how much her lips are quivering in barely restrained anger.

"You were brain dead, Alex! Even your heart stopped!"


You… you were brain dead?
You know a little about it, how the body goes on, but without anything to keep things running. A miserable existence whereby all accounts you should be able to go on, but something stops you. Just the thought of it flashes you back to the first hospital room. Somehow, the image is worse than the memory.

But as the seconds pass, it hits you. You don't care.

Becoming like that, going back to that hospital room, none of it.

You wait for it, the pang of fear in your chest from the thought, and the rush of relief from knowing that you avoided it. Instead, you've got nothing. No fear, no relief, not even a joke to try and shake it off.

Rebecca might as well have just told you that the air was warm for all the difference that it made.

Were you just braver now? Was that it?
You blink at the feeling of your entire body shaking as Rebecca's whole arm starts to shiver. You look down at it, then back up to Rebecca, her eyes still masked by that stupid helmet, but her quivering snarl is clear to see. Holding in everything you can, you get your feet under you, removing Rebecca's arm from the weight of having to keep you up. Not that it was that much, but she doesn't let go either.


"Don't apologize," she orders.

You hear your suit start to rip, but you don't care.

"Someone's got to-"

"Everyone says it. You, Charles, Matthew, David, everyone says it, but it's never helped us!"

Your throat goes as dry as a desert. Nevertheless, you gently reach for Rebecca's hand.

"It's the thought that counts."

That turns out to be the wrong thing to say as Rebecca rounds on you, slapping the hand away.

"Thoughts didn't cure us."

Her grip wavers and her head starts to dip.

"Thoughts didn't wake you up."

Her arm goes slack, and she drops to her chair, all her strength gone leaving you standing there with your jaw on the floor. Slowly, it closes, and something different comes over you.

As gently as you can, you grasp the sides of her helmet. They fumble around aimlessly as you search and tug at the contraption.

Rebecca reaches up, taking your hands in hers. She takes them off the sides and gently takes them to the compartments under her ears. With her guidance, your fingers press the small switch under them. The helmet comes off in a hiss of air, and Rebecca's hands fall to the side as you take off her helmet. Her hair comes with it, moping her face while you put the helmet aside. Rebecca throws the loose strands out of the way and blinks for all she's worth. A desperate attempt to hide how red her eyes have gotten.
It makes getting the smile out all the easier. Before she can stop you, you pull her into a hug. You feel her stiffen at your touch, but slowly, her she pulls you closer.

"Thanks for being ok."

Her arms tighten until it feels like a vice is clamping down on your chest. It hurts, but it's worth it. You stay there for longer than you ever remember doing before. You feel you grip loosening, and her's only grows tighter. You cough, and the surprise makes her lighten up, but you don't let go.

"Feel better?"

You hear a forced but muffled snort from your shoulder.

"Dammit, stop worrying about me."

You keep the smile, even though she can't see it.

"Guess I was the only one doing it for so long I can't seem to stop."

You hear a cracking, watery chuckle.

"God, you're cheesy."

"You're the Rocky fan here."

She snorts again and slowly peels herself away from you. Sitting back on the chair, she looks around the room, her eyes alight with silent laughter.

"Well… here we are. Back in a hospital room."

"We're making a habit of this," you comment.

"We made a habit of this a while ago."

"Yeah," you admit with a shrug, "But now we have hair."

Rebecca does an honest to gods double take, and all of your self-control goes towards not laughing your ass off.

"What has that got to do with anything?" she asks.

Your smile falls off. Shit, how do you answer that?

"Uh…it's what's different?"

Rebecca stares at you, an incredulous expression on her face that makes you scratch the back of your head.

"It's the only thing I could think of."

There's a second of stunned silence, then Rebecca's self-control breaks. She shakes in her seat, hand over mouth, failing to hold in laughter.

"You know I'm not that good at this," you complain.

Although, the smile on your face didn't give it much weight. Rebecca steals a glance of you, and when she sees the smile, her laughter only doubles down. You cross your arms but smile as you wordlessly let Rebecca get it out of her system. When it's all said and done, Rebecca tucks her hair back shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to choose that of all things."

"Not much else to talk about."

Rebecca notches an eyebrow at you.

"There's plenty of things you could've mentioned."

"Not really," you shrug.

The eyebrow raises a little higher, and you quickly find yourself trying to shimmy to the other end of the bed.

"Do you really want to argue with me?"

"I mean… I could," you offer.

"You'd lose."

"Well if you put it that way then nothing has changed."

Rebecca blinks, then gawks at you, resting her head in hand as she goes back to shaking her head with a smile. When she finally stops, she tucks a small bit of hair behind her ear like she always does. Then, she tilts her head, hand on an earbud.

"Alexandria," she answers her expression all business.

You straighten your back and grab the covers with one hand. Rebecca shoots you a look, and you quickly take your hands off it and throw them up in surrender. She rolls her eyes, after another few seconds, she nods.


She takes her hand off the earbud and smiles. You can't smile back; it's an apology after all.

"Charles," she says, answering the unsaid question.

"Don't keep him waiting," you force out, "I'll be out there in a bit."

"Excuse you, I'm the one going to help," Rebecca stresses, picking up her helmet and sliding it back on, "You're going to lay there until someone says you can walk without hurting your head."

This time, you roll your eyes. Rebecca takes it in stride, giving you another small smirk.

"I'll tell the guard to find you a doctor."

You nod your in thanks, and before you know it, the door clicks to a close. Smothering the pang in your chest, you got to admit she's getting really good at that disappearing thing, isn't she? Wonder if she could teach you that?

Nah, you're too busy glowing to be sneaky.

Actually, why can't you be sneaky? If you took your dampeners off, you could see all the waves you wanted. Just put a wall between you and whoever, and it'll be fine. On your end, not theirs, they might get thrown around a little.

You send the mask a little cursory glance. Maybe you can-

There's the sound of light conversation by the door, then it opens, and your hand snaps back to your side. The person that makes their way through is definitely not a doctor, though.

It's a young woman, maybe a few years older than you, with a blue rib-knit sweater and raven black hair. A pair of rich, dark brown eyes locks onto you as her lips curve into a pleased smile.

"Ah, you are recovering well, yes?"

Is that accent… French? Weird. Still, she's not the strangest Doctor that's walked into your room. She'll have to try a lot harder to take that spot.

Despite the smile, you have to hold in a groan. Here we go, back to the standard questions. Are you feeling ok? Is there anything new? The simple, annoying questions that anyone with two eyes and a Doctorate should be able to answer without even asking them.

You shake your head. She's just doing her job, Everett, lay off.

"As well as I can I guess."

The smile brightens, which is almost enough to make you scowl. No, lay off, everyone does that.

"I believe you were already told, but when you were brought in it was quite a scare, yes?" the woman continues, moving over to your bedside and making what looks like a cursory glance at the various tubes and devices hooked into you, "It was a lucky thing that Mr Oracle told me to be here in advance."

Oracle? Oracle planned for this?

The thought's enough for you to focus a bit too much. A shimmering wave breaks through, then it screams. You double forward, hands over your ears, but it doesn't keep the noise away! On the edge of your consciousness, you're cognizant of her leaning over, holding your arm, but it doesn't matter. There's no way a doctor could just-

Slowly, the screaming fades into nothingness. There's no more noise, just silence. Sweet, blissful silence, and a vague feeling of… Peace? Happiness? A sort of warmth spreads through your body, easing the aches and pains to the point that you almost forget the pain you'd been through oh so recently.

"All is well, Mr Atlas, all is well. There is no reason to get so worked up, yes? This is a place of rest."

You flex your hand, your jaw slowly dropping to the floor as they move without an ounce of pain.

She's superhuman.

Much to your surprise, her other hand whips out and lightly smacks your hand.

"No, no, you must allow it to heal properly. Just because there is no pain now does not mean it will stay away forever, no? You must relax it."

You start to lift your other arm in a show of surrender, only to stop yourself halfway.


You lay your hands back down on the covers, and for the first time in a long time, did what a doctor told you. You sink down in the sheets and just lay there.

"Good. Much better. Now-"

"I suppose this explains the wait time," a vaguely British voice drawls from the doorway.

It's… Familiar, and yet somehow not at the same time. The woman that had been holding onto your arm whips her head back, smile shifting into a very severe frown.

"Mr Oracle, you should not be-"

"Sitting in a bed all day would be counterproductive, especially with Mr Everett now awake."

From your position, you can't quite see the man himself, only glimpses of what looks like a suit of some description. And…

Is that a walking stick?

Before the woman can retort, the figure makes his way into the room proper, revealing the man that can only be Oracle.

Whatever you were expecting, this wasn't it.

He's young. About your age, actually. Light brown hair, sharp features, and purple eyes? The thought's quickly dashed at the sight of his left eye being completely bloodshot, drowning the purple in crimson veins.

"I imagine that he, like so many before him, will have questions," Oracle states with an air of confidence, leaning rather heavily on the walking stick as he stands at the end of your bed.

The woman tuts, finally letting go of your arm to face him fully.

"Not to the detriment of your own health, Mr Oracle. You should be resting just as much as he is."

A wry smile plays on his lips.

"There's no rest for the wicked."

You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. A chuckle breaks through you, and you give Oracle another once over. You could say a hundred things, but he looks like he was the one fighting Symphony.

"And here I was being scared of you." your mouth says on autopilot.

Oracle waves the comment aside.

"Think nothing of it. Nothing but a natural reaction from someone in your position."

You scratch the back of your head, and a nervous chuckle makes its way through.

"I guess I'm supposed to thank you, for getting my friends out of here alright."

Oracle's one good eye almost seems to glint as he begins limping his way around the bed to the opposite side of the woman.

"On the contrary, I should be the one thanking you. Without your timely arrival, many tens of thousands more would have lost their lives. The support I could personally call on at such short notice was minuscule at best, and nowhere near enough to deal with Richard and his group."

As he arrives at your side, he pulls one of those horrible, uncomfortable hospital chairs over, and then sits himself down. The woman just sighs, folding her arms almost haughtily.

"Why must you be so troublesome? Ms Catherine worries about you so, so could you not put some more effort into thinking about yourself?"

The wry smile on his face almost seems to warm, ever so slightly.

"Knowing she worries is what keeps me going."

The warm glow seems to dim slightly as he straightens as best he can within the confines of the chair.

"Now, would you mind leaving us be for a bit?"

She doesn't even respond, unfolding her arms, frown very much set in place, and practically stomps her way out of the room. Thankfully, she's kind enough to close the door on the way out.

As the door slides to a close, you rub the newly awakened ache in your hand.

"So… you can see the future?"

Oracle purses his lips slightly, his wry smile almost morphing into a frown.

"In a sense. To put it in as simple terms as I'm allowed, you could say that when I ask a question, I get the perfect answer."

The perfect answer to any question. Well, it makes sense. He did mention something about his path to victory after all.

"If you know the answers," you start, "Can you tell me how many got out?"

"A little over three and a half million," Oracle responds, putting the walking stick to rest against the chair, "And you're quite lucky that was your opening question. Unfortunately, I am incapable of using my powers at the moment, so I'm afraid I can only answer you with things I've been told thus far myself."

A humorless laugh escapes your mouth.

"Guess we're both a little out of it."

"It does make our first meeting rather bleak," he admits with a slight grimace, "After all, you're not exactly comfortable with strange people walking into your hospital room."

An understatement if you've ever heard one. Last time something like this happened, you thought you were going to die and woke up in a building on another earth with superpowers.

"You can buck the trend and tell me why you're here," you say.

He almost seems to ponder your words as he leans back in his chair. With the suit now at rest, it's easy to tell that he doesn't properly fill it out, which is strange, considering something that expensive would almost certainly be a custom fit just for him.

"Why?" he hums, "I can't exactly deny that there are important people I could be spending my time with, but unlike yourself, I spent the last day awake, talking to people from my hospital bed. Ms Costa was an excellent companion for a time, at least until I managed to get a hold of David. He's terribly frustrated, but I can't imagine what for."

That wry smile returns.

"For now, consider this a free service, in recognition of your brave sacrifice and your trust."

The realization hits you so fast that you're with jaw open. He's really just going to forgive you, isn't he?

Your mouth snaps shut, but not before the gibbering remains of a 'your welcome' pop out.

Oracle shakes, desperately holding back a chuckle. Keeping it in, he merely leans back, a look of contentment taking over him. You follow his gaze out the window. Looks like the snows stopped. Better still, there's just enough light to see the city. Or at least, what's left of it.

It's like someone's drawn a line through the center of it all. On your side, snow coats everything like it should. On the other, it touches down on shattered buildings, crumpled cars and deep into craters. It doesn't even look like a place worth living in, but two days ago, it was fine. People were walking without a care in the world. Driving to work, getting frustrated at the little things.

Living life as usual, only for everything to change.

You saved them from that change. It's a small comfort, but for now, it's enough.

"Oh, before I forget, it was quite the speech you made," Oracle compliments, "A brilliant performance if I do say so myself."

You snap around, your eyes widening as far as they can go.

"You… you heard that?"

Oracle gives a good-natured chuckle, tapping his cane against the ground for good measure.

"Crisp and clear, and I'm not the only one."

You notch an eyebrow at him and curiosity takes over.

"How many?"

His smile grows with almost inhuman levels of satisfaction.


You give him a blank stare. Really? That's all he's going to give you? And to think you were starting to warm up to the guy.

"Consider it a surprise," he smiles.

You don't smile back, opting to roll your eyes.

"So much for thanks and having all the answers," you mumble.

His red eye glints as he leans into his cane.

"Oh come now, a little joke never hurt anyone. Besides, you're hurt enough as it is."

Your feet shift, and you grab hold of your scarred hand on instinct. Oracle's smile fades slightly. He does his best not look at the wound. You got no idea why, but it's appreciated anyway.

"Needless wounds I'm afraid to say."

"It's not your fault," you say quickly, "Me and Eidolon rushed in their blind, and we only got that far because of your help."

You stop, staring at your hand.

"Wait… why did you help us?"

Oracle raises an eyebrow, reminding you of all the times your teachers used to wonder about you every time you asked the obvious question.

"A bit curious to why I didn't join Richard's little revolution?"

Yeah, in all honesty. You're not the smartest guy, hell, Clint spent a good chunk of his time reminding you, but even you can see the benefits of getting out of a war on top.

A quiet hum escapes Oracle as he shifts in place slightly.

"As far as anyone else would be concerned from what they know; yes, that would have been the smarter decision. Unfortunately…"

He rolls the word around his mouth for a while, drumbing his finger against his cane.

"Richard and I have a difference in opinion in how best to integrate powered's and non-powered's. Not to mention the fact that this entire fiasco was done entirely out of one, selfish desire that I in no way agree with."

Richard? Must be Symphony's name.

"He's currently receiving medical treatment under heavy guard if you're curious," Oracle continues tiredly as he massages his temples, "Without any acceptance of support from Seraph, I might add. There's a general refusal to allow myself or anyone affiliated with me near him as of right now."

Noticing the confusion as it starts to form on your face, Oracle just lets his features fall into a grimace.

"I thought it best to admit my involvement with Richard and his dealings in the past, but it doesn't seem as though anyone took that bit of honesty quite the way I'd been hoping."

Your eyes narrow, and a dozen more waves shine around you.

"You helped him?"

You grip the side of your bed, the frame groaning under the strain. In an almost insulting way, the man just lets out a tired sigh, not looking at all worried for his safety.

"Not to the ends of destroying London, no. When we first met, I was still inexperienced with the intricacies of my powers, and Richard is nothing if not an intelligent man. He… Found a loophole, of sorts. By the time I realized what I'd done, it was too late to take it back."

Those tired, purple eyes lock onto yours.

"So I did what I could to help make up for that mistake. I wish I could say it was all a 'master plan,' but I'm afraid even precognitives make mistakes."

You blink, and the waves and the noise dies. You're left panting in the bed sheets, wiping a line of sweat off your forehead before you can reply.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

You catch Oracle giving a brief shrug, but not saying anything. With the silence, it's enough for you to realize just how comfortable this pillow is. You're eyes start to flutter close, but a quick rub is enough to keep them open. Although, talking a bit more would probably help.

"Then, is there anything you think I should know?"

Silence reigns over the room for a few, vaguely tense moments.

"To put it bluntly, even with things quieting down in London, it's not even close to ideal. Quite a lot's happened, so it's difficult to properly summarize succinctly, but Europe is doing quite well, all things considered. Asia seems to have had a distinct military response, unfortunately. Finally, I'm afraid to say the United States and neighboring countries seems to have born the brunt of the bad news. There are mass riots, and the overall percentage of those with powers seems to be growing by the hour."

The realization of what that means dawns on you almost immediately.

"Your family is fine, Alex," Oracle interjects your thoughts, thankfully, "Ms Costa was quick to ask on your behalf."

Oh, thank god.

The news alone is enough to get you laughing. They're safe, they're ok, oh there is a god. Not that you should be surprised, it makes sense after all. They're smart enough not to run towards the danger after all.

"Can you tell me where they are?"

For a moment, all he does in response is steeple his fingers over his knee, apparently trying to recall something he'd been told.

"If I'm not mistaken, your brother is currently in Los Angeles, whilst your father and sister are in New York."

You nod your thanks, its all you need. If they're ok, that means you can focus on London for now. Considering everything that's happened, someone probably triggered. They'll need someone to talk to, not to mention all the collapsed buildings.

Good lord there's a lot of work to do isn't there? Well, no time like today.

You quickly pull the IV out of your arm and reach for your mask. Just as your fingers touch the edge of it, however, so too does Oracle's.


His voice almost startles you, taking on a tone you hadn't heard from him at all. It's not quite an order, but it teeters on that line, forcing you to listen, clearing the fog surrounding your thoughts.

"I understand fully that you're worried, that you wish to go out and do whatever you can. That's what you think Atlas would do, is it not?"

You're so focused on listening that you don't realize until a few seconds later that he's actually waiting for a response. Letting out a sigh, you pull your mask away from him and slide it on. The edges sink in as it seals itself on.


"Yeah, and if everything's as bad as you say, then I've got jobs to do."

You swing your legs around to the edge of the bed, and they scream as you force them to pull their weight. You stumble, but you manage to stay standing.

"At the detriment of everyone else's job?" Oracle's voice sounds out from behind you, still sitting, "Everyone is only capable of working as hard as they are because they know you're here, resting, preparing for what comes next. If you walk out now, all you'll be is a burden."

"Is Alexandria resting?" you shoot back.

There's a slight shuffling in the seat behind you, but no sound of him standing up.

"She wasn't declared legally dead. What, exactly, do you plan on doing? If you attempt to use your powers for anything significant, you're liable to severely injure yourself, let alone anyone nearby."

"I don't know," you admit, "But there's got to be something I can do to help."

You glance around, the waves springing to life around him, waiting for your call.

"Besides sitting around and waiting."

Again, frustratingly, Oracle seems utterly unfazed by the situation he's in.

"Alex, believe me when I tell you that I understand completely what it feels like to finally have the freedom of action. To be burdened by an inability to do anything, and then feel like I have to make up for it by doing all I can at every opportunity."

His expression doesn't change in the slightest, fingers still steepled over his knee.

"But from my own experiences, I can tell you that sometimes you have to wait. Sometimes the best action to take is inaction."

You try to keep it in, lord in heaven you try, but you can't stop yourself from shaking your head.

"Just letting things happen is what made my life a shitshow."

A quiet sigh sounds out from behind you.

"Maybe so. To your credit, taking action when it's necessary is what led you here now. It's what saved so many people. Yesterday was the time for action, and now it's time for you to realize that you have to rest. If not for yourself, then for the people that worry about you."

You give him a sideways glance.

"And you here to thank me? Or just keep me from getting out of bed."

"I have no idea what you're insinuating, Mr Everett," Oracle replies, his smile sickeningly sweet, "I'm simply giving you the information you deserve while keeping you from Mrs Costa's wrath."

You… he… ugh.

Fucking precogs.

[] Take his and Rebecca's advice and rest. It feels wrong after everything's that's happened, but it'll help.
[] Ask Oracle to tell you what you can do to help in the city. You don't need your powers to move your arms, and you don't need powers to talk to people.
[] Try to contact Cauldron. They've been too quiet about this entire thing, and that can't be a good thing.


Arc 3: Revolution


Arc 4: Reconstruction

4.1: In a Changing World...
You don't want to tell this guy how to do his job.

Actually, fuck that, you don't want him to tell you what you should do. Sure he's looking out for you, but he shouldn't be getting in the way. The world is changing, and even if you can't lift anything, you can still talk.

And this guy can't really do anything from his chair.

Rebecca's going to hate you. Well, it can't be worse than fighting Symphony.

The image of Rebecca standing up to David, cracking the sky and shaking the sea from her punches flashes in your mind.

And just like that, your bravado dies a grizzly death.

You watch as Oracle's smile grows until it can compete with the greatest shit-eating grins out there. Danah would be proud, but God dammit you hate this guy.

"I'll have a quick nap," you say.

"I'm glad that you see things my way, Mr Everett," Oracle says.

You roll your eyes as you let the waves take you back down to the pillow.

"My name's Alex," you grunt, pulling up the covers and rolling to the side.

"Just giving you the respect you deserve."

"Thanks," you drawl.

"You better get used to it, Mr Everett," you hear the shift of clothing, the tapping of a cane and a grunt of frustration, "My praise will be nothing compared to how history will speak of you."

You crack an eye open, catching Oracle's grin as he reaches into his jacket.

"And this is only the first of many victories."

He brings the hand back out, bringing out a small business card. You take it, and give it a once-over, revealing a string of numbers.

"My number, should you need any more questions."


You mean it this time.

"By the time that you awake, I shall be out of the city directing a few personal matters. Don't worry, I'll be overseeing your friends efforts while you try to keep it sensible."

"I get it," you grumble, "No showing off."

"I was going to call it helping, but who am I to question Atlas' titles?"

You crack another eye open at him. Without skipping a beat, he shakes his arm, freeing a watch from the confines of his suit.

"Oh, I'm afraid I must be off, time waits for no man."

"Going to talk to more important people?" you ask.

"Yes," he grins, "Saraph."

You roll your eyes and settle down on the pillow one last time.

You were out before you could hear the door close.

Ok, you've got to get one thing straight.

All the power in the fucking world didn't compare to the single greatest sleep you've had in your life. Well, maybe second best. Cauldron was crazy, but the beds are fantastic.
You get up, rub your eyes.

Guess this is it, you're famous now.

According to Oracle, enough people saw Atlas. They heard you break Symphony's resolve, they heard you stop him, and everyone here has seen the result.

Yet you're groaning.

But, this is what you wanted right? You showed the world that people with powers could help, you've proved it a thousand times over, and it's only been a day.

You crack a smile, yeah, guess you did pretty good.

Suck it, Clint.

Straightening up, you notice everything has quieted down. You can't hear a thing outside your door, and the utter blackness from the window isn't much to go by. A quick search and you find your mask resting next to a set of clothes and a letter marked with an 'O'. Pure curiosity forces your hand to rip the seal free from the paper and pull out the note.

"Mr Everett,

Hopefully, you'll take these words before you to heart. As I mentioned before, you have little power for now. In a purely professional opinion, I would recommend that you put this letter down, and return to sleep.

However, given your previous persistence to give aid, I have tasked Seraph with providing you with a fresh set of clothes for the London winter.

You have five minutes to change, and two afterwards to walk out of the building.
The exit is the second door on your right.

- Yours truly, Oracle.


Don't judge, listen and talk.

You stare at the last line and do your best to hold back a sigh. He really needs to stop that.

Crumple the paper in one hand; you take a quick look over what you've got. Jeans, a shirt and a long jacket, plenty. Even so, you play at the edge of your suit. It's warm, comfortable too, but at the same time, there's nothing wrong with another layer.

Jumping out of bed, you wince as your foot stings, but like the ringing, it's bearable. Throwing the jacket and pants over your suit, making sure that the coat covered every line of gold and that you've pocketed your mask.

Though it's still snowing, your ears are going to be burning after this.

Ah well, a little chill never hurt anyone. Well… it probably did, but… ah never mind.

Heading out of the room, you quick peek around the edge earning you nothing but the view of an empty hallway. Oracle's right again, shocker.

Holding back a tired sigh, you throw the door aside and set off. Your footsteps echo through the hallway, but at the edge, you can hear it. At the very end of the hall, light peeks out from under the doorway. You listen to the soft clink of crashing glass, a deep laugh, even a spit take.

Huh, guess your guard has a pretty good reason be away.

The second door on your right comes up, and you've got to be blind not to notice the gleaming red stair exit sign. The steps are murder on your feet, but it's hardly the worst thing that you've been through in the past few days.

You push through the right exit, letting a thousand snowflakes in. You jerk your foot back, but after a second you slowly reach out a foot and step into the snow. It crunches under your foot, and the white dots seem to fall endlessly. You reach out, and the little specks start chilling your fingertips before a wave winks in and throws them off.

Cold, but nice.

That's probably the only thing you can say that is nice unfortunately.

Dozens of people brushing past one another trying to get somewhere. Some have bags, but most make do with the coats on their back. A military looking car speeds through the blackened sludge, coating everyone in the cold slipstream and a few unlucky ones in the slurry itself. Your clothes bristle, but the waves keep the cold away, and another blares as someone crashes into you.

You pitch forward, getting a foot underneath you and biting down a scream.

You give your foot a quick shake, and start walking. It still hurts, but hurting's better than stopping the flow of traffic. It's nowhere near as dangerous as it used to be back in LA. Most days you couldn't take the main road without sharing shoulder space with about twenty of your closest friends. If you had the cash, you'd hop on the bus, but you never had much of that, so you were stuck with taking the alleyways. You'd make a deep whiff and manage to avoid the puddles of whatever disgusting drink the drunks had the night before, along with the puke that came with it. You never saw them make the stuff. Dad always had a rule of being back home before the worst of the city usually came out.

He'd have a heart attack if he knew you were walking this late.

At least when Rebecca was with you, you at least knew where you were going. Now, you don't have a clue. Most of the shops are boarded up, and those that don't look like something out of a horror movie with their broken display stands and missing doors. Didn't stop you from noticing the wide berth everyone was giving each other. Any other day you could imagine they'd be okay with letting someone walk at least a foot away from them. Now, when someone so much as stepped towards someone else, they'd get a murderous look for their trouble. And when they weren't doing that everyone is looking down.

The thought grinds away as something makes your head split open. You rub the ache away, but the sound stops in your tracks. Back home, you'd probably get run over from standing around. Now, everyone starts going around. You don't think anyone even looks at you. The ringing quiets down, and you catch a card sitting on top of the slush. You reach down, brushing it off with your jacket.

A drivers license, belonging to Elizabeth Ford? Short fuzzy blonde hair, a few freckles dotting her face and color that you didn't get from being born in London. You might've called her cute, but hollow cheeks sunken eyes and an age stamp that's too young to have cause wrinkles ruins the picture.

Who would lose something like this? Isn't this supposed to be in your wallet or something?

Wait, there's also a few bills here. You brush more of the slush aside, and your hand touches something metal. Change, more soaked bills, even pieces of what you think is a picture.

Where are these coming from?

No ones so much as touched anyone else, and the last time you hit someone was blocks away. Your waves scream again. The ache returns, but the song of a coin clanging against the ground is too loud enough to ignore it.

You look up, squint for all your worth and a red dot catches your eye.It shifts at the edge of the roof, with two tiny patches of white dangling in the air. There's someone up there, and no one had even thought of looking up.

You pocket the license, and suddenly you're breaking away from the crowd. Some stop to let you pass, a few you have to push through. The second you're in the alleyway, you're in a dead sprint to the other end. You turn the corner and waste a second to look around.

No one's here, good.

You will waves underneath you, and will them upwards taking you with it. It's not fast, but the windows start to blur as you head up. The sound sends your brain through a blender, but you'll be damned if this of all things stops you.

The touch of cold is a slap in the face. Windbreaks through and your neck feels like it's about to break fighting to stay straight. You grit your teeth, and your limbs start to burn. You close your eyes, the waves filling the air, turning the world into an incomprehensive ocean.

The waves around you flicker, you give it one more push. Your eyes snap open, and the lip of the roof passes under you.

You… you made it!

You start to smile; then the ring breaks in. The gold around you flickers out, and the waves you commanded drop you like a broken toy. You flail your limbs, and you sprawl on the ground, cutting off a scream you don't want to admit to.

A few waves flicker, but gravity can't keep the cold from seeping in. A quick hand down your face gets most of the snow off, and the weather makes opening your eyes all the easier.

Now that she isn't a dot, you can finally get a decent look at her. The back of her at least. She's grown her hair out, but the absence of a coat over her shoulders is enough to make you shiver. She still hasn't noticed you and the glow didn't spook her enough to push her off. You swallow the lump in your throat and smile for all your worth.

Please be ok.


Elizabeth goes as stiff as a board. Her head snaps around, and surprise kills her voice and makes your smile burn.

She's… she's not Elizabeth.

You don't see any freckles, she doesn't look a day over fifteen, but the resemblance is still there. The same blue in the eyes, the same foreign tan, it's all there.

But, if you don't have her license, whose do you have?

The lump you just swallowed rages back and a cold sweat runs down your neck. Even still, you keep up the smile. You also manage to give a small wave. It freezes when she stares daggers straight through you, and just looking at it hurt more than fighting Symphony ever will.

They're just like Harbinger's.

It's just so... wrong.

No matter how you look at it a kid shouldn't look that cold.

You're a statue as her eyes dart over every part of you. The more she seems to see, the more the surprise dies out. Her jaw comes to a close, and a stream of white breath comes out as she sighs.


That's… a good start? Please let that be a sign of a good start.

You put your hand down and desperately try to swallow down the dryness in your throat.

"So…" you start.

You step forward, and she flinches. Your hands fly up, and you barely move. She grips the snow next to her, dragging her nails on the concrete below. In the palm of her hand, some of the snow starts to shift.

Superhuman, and considering she's up here...a new one.

Oh, oh you've never been sorrier for anyone in your life. She had to have one, a trigger event?

"Mind if I sit down?" you ask, some miracle letting you find your voice and point to the right edge, "Just over there?"

You risk taking a step to the edge and another. The crunch of the snow is as loud as a gunshot in the silence. She watches, the daggers in her eyes going impassive as you get closer to the open air.

You barely breathe as you peer past the edge. It's high, really high like you're back to looking out from the window back at Cauldron. Only this time, it's an ocean of people. You try to look out, but that doesn't help. You can see all of it from up here. The rows of collapsed buildings, the piles of ash that was once houses and cars.

And worst of all, the crater in the center of it all, the results of your final clash with Symphony.

You knew you were walloping him, but that's what nukes are supposed to leave in terms of a hole. It stopped Symphony, but it's a small comfort when you look down at everyone.

Your leg trembles as you carefully wipe the snow from the edge. The mass of slush leaves a small batch of wet concrete. You slowly ease yourself down, letting your legs dangle in the open air. A breeze comes over the roof, and the sudden chill rattles you to your core. The girl that looks like Elizabeth doesn't even flinch.

"So," you try again, "Do you know where everyone's headed?"

That gets her to move. She double-takes your way, her face a perfect mixture of confusion and black hate.

"Are you as thick as you look? Or can you not understand fucking english when you hear it?"

You have to bite your lip to stop it from sliding into a frown. She's just lashing out, and you did the same thing. Either way, focus. A lot of people are moving, and they're doing it because someone said something, and you didn't hear it from your nap.

"I… woke up an hour ago," you admit.

She blinks, and a crestfallen smile etches its way through.

"Thick it is."

You purse your lips, alright then. Shifting in your seat, you slide a little to the left. She doesn't notice, she doesn't even look up. So you push a bit more and give a quick blow into your hands.

"Can I ask what happened?"

She doesn't look at you, but even from here you can see her roll her eyes.

"Fucking fantastic you are."

You lean back, your hands fumbling together.


"You're not just thick, you're bloody thick," She emphasizes.

She throws a hand out, gesturing to the ashen remains of London.

"Look around. Freaks tore everything to shit. Then the army rolled in, and sets up some shelter."


You wince, of all the times for your mouth to go off on its own.

"The freaks that did this! The ones that came out of fucking nowhere! Next thing you know robots are shooting people up and some blazing fucktard calls it a revolution. Everyone died, that's what happened, that clear enough for you?"

You risk the world to shake your head.


"Then why the fuck did you ask?"

"Because I'm not asking about the city."

You reach into your pocket, and she gasps when the light catches the license. As carefully as you can, you toss the card the ten feet left between you. You were never really good at cards, but you can keep out the ringing long enough to get a wave to push it alone, drawing out a quick wince. It lands almost a foot away from her, snow already moving in to cover it.

"I just want to know what happened to you."

She reaches out, gingerly picking the license. She wipes it off, her hands shaking, but not from the cold.

"Why?" she asks.

"I want to help you."

She laughs, the sound bitter and painful.

"People don't want to help."

"I'm not most people," you say.

She gives you a sideways look you can't place. Then, she raises a hand and ice as white and shining as diamond forms in her hand.

"Neither am I," she whispers.

With a flick of her wrist, the icicle flies over her shoulder. It hits the roof and goes off with enough force to make you jump. Against all logic, a glacier the size of a small car is there in the center of the roof.


"You sure you want to stick around someone like me?"

You turn away from the glacier and give as friendly a shrug as you can.

"It's no different from talking to anyone else."

The card in her hand bends, before freezing over entirely.

"It is different! I'm a freak!"

Taking a page out of Oracle's book, you stay as stone-faced as Doctor Mother while you shake your head, hopefully helping your determination along.

"You're human."

Dropping the facade, you find a smile effortlessly coming in to replace it.

"Being unique comes with the territory."

She takes a deep breath, but all that comes out is an exhausted sigh. She glances down at the card with a frown, and you hold back a wince when another wave bashes against your skull.

"... I don't know where to start."

"Anywhere you want," you strain to smile, "I'm not going anywhere."

She turns back to you, and a ghost of a smile comes to her.

"You've got to be the thickest bloke I've ever seen."

You bark out a small chuckle, giving a little shrug.

"Guilty," you admit.

She rolls her eyes again, but the second she sees the card, she chokes.

"Everything started out the same as it always did. Boss was giving me shit, business was slow from the weather, and everyone that you talked to is pissed. When things started to slow down, and I could go on break, sis calls," she explains, brushing off the picture, "Left her wallet at home. Again."

A humorless chuckle breaks out, and she whips away a tear that starts making her way down.

"The workaholic never did remember it."

You nod along, not saying a word, sliding a little closer.

"I run home and grab it and slog my way through the underground to get it to her place."

Her head dips and cracks start forming around the card.

"I-I'm barely a b-block away when everything shakes, and it just s-starts burning."

Another tear falls, she doesn't wipe it away.

"E-everyone inside was screaming. I fell."

She shivers, her arms wrapping around her. You pick up the pace, damn your screaming fingers and ignoring the chill overtaking your legs.

"Everyone was running away," her head snaps up, and you freeze, "And I saw it."

She grits her teeth, her free hand gripping a slowly growing ice spear.

"That fucking freak."

She throws it back, creating a twin of the glacier before just so her hands could slam against the rock. You see her skin break, a painful looking welt forming over her palm but she doesn't care.

"It was on fucking fire, but it didn't die!"

Her hand comes down again, burying itself in the snow. With her other hand, she wipes away her eyes, but the tears don't stop.

"It didn't die… and Liz."

She brings the card close, holding it against her heart and you do the only thing that you can.

You bite back the pain in your foot, you ignore the crunch of the snow, and you sit down next to her. She doesn't do a thing, and you don't expect her to. So you give her time, all the time that she needs.

Losing a sister, you can't imagine it.

Nothing you've been through even compares to that. A single night of horrified panic doesn't compare to that.

She takes a deep breath, running her nose over her sleeve and gasping for another bout of air.

"Next thing I know, the fire was getting closer. I wanted to run, I tried, but it was everywhere. The street, the shops, everyone. Everything was burning. But I wasn't."

A shaky arm raises, and through the cracked ice, you could see the name.

"M-my legs wouldn't move, I-I couldn't breathe. I blacked out, and when I woke up,"

She lifts up her hand, a ball of ice forms from nothing to rest on her palm.

"I… I could do this."

Her hands fall back to her sides, and she shakes her head.

"The next thing I know, I can hear cheering."

She smiles with red, disbelieving eyes.

"Heroes, honest to god superheroes had come down and saved us."

The smile slowly falls away, her hands straining to grip anything. The card in her hands shatters, her fingers bleed.

"But they didn't. They were too late, and they just made it worse."

You raise a hand and try one more smile.

"They were trying to help."

She bores into you, and your smile flies off your face. Her teeth pressing so hard you see waves start to form and her fingers smother everything between them.

"Help? Help!? Look!"

She points at the crater, at the once proud center of London.

"That's what they're help did! That's all that freaks are good for. Who gives a fuck if they stopped more of them! They didn't save her! They didn't save Liz, so what's the point of them?!"

She launches to her feet and throws her fists down.

"They all just die!?!"

She starts pitching forward, and you see the waves start to bring her down.

Oh no.

You order them to-AHH!

Your head pounds like a drum, and everything becomes gold.

No… not now.

You shake, your hand slamming against the rage of your forehead. The ringing grows, and specks of your vision turn to gold. You squint, barely making out a human shape beneath the growing tide of gold.

"You… don't… need to," you growl through gritted teeth. You reach for her, but your hand's slapped away.

"Stop it, just stop!"

She grits her teeth, her feet are barely on the roof at this point. Your heart hammers in your chest.

You need to move, she's going to-

You push, and your foot screams like never before. You pitch forward, your face smothered in the cold snow. Even still, you drive yourself back up. You tear through the waves, passed the gold to see her how you're supposed to see her. No gold, no powers, just someone who needs help.

The spots disappear, and you're left facing the pointed tip of an icicle.


It's not a warning, just a desperate plea.

"Let this happen."

The mass of ice slips from her grasp, shattering against the ground leaving a suitcase-sized wall of ice between you. Her hand falls, while the other raises up. The shards of the card turn in her hand, then she throws them away.

Smiling, she leans forward-


Only to stop and stare.

Your hand is reaching, you can barely keep your eyes open. The ocean of waves scream, and she's waiting.


[] Remind her that she's not the one that did this. Everyone is different, that means everyone with powers is different too.

[] Remind her of Elizabeth. Would she want to see her like this? It hurts, you know, but imagining what they would do without you is what kept you going in that hospital room.

[] Tell that you're going to change things. With Cauldron's help, you'll make it so that she can be whoever. Human, superhuman it won't matter. If she could just see it, then she'll know it's alright.

And if she's too far gone, if you need something else you...

[] Pull out your mask and reveal yourself as Atlas. You're the hero that saved this city, that stopped Symphony. Please, let her see the good in that.

[] Keep your mask in your pocket. She's in pain, and angry. All of that anger is going straight to superhumans like you, and you have no way to defend yourself.
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4.2: ....We're Still Worth It
"I know it's scary."

You push against the snow, your legs burn and sting, but you force them to hold your weight. The sister, she's shaking. Her snarl turns feral, and her fingers freeze over.


Might have been a poor choice but damnit, you can barely think. The noise, oh good god let it stop! It beats in your head, screaming out louder than anything in the city. But even still she's still trying to top it.

"What the fuck do you know!?"

The ice melts, which is good. Though now she's grabbing you, hosting you up by your collar. Definitely not good. Your leg manages to get a foothold, but the small victory is cut short as the icy chill of her fingers bites through your jacket. Waves scream and war to keep it out, but to no avail.

All they do is just make it louder!

"Do you have any fucking idea what they'll do to me!?"

You do, and you try, but the noise…

"You don't know what it was like!"

Why can't everything just shut up!

"I know exactly what it's like!"

Snow and ice shake at the sound, even your fellow superhuman steps back, her rage drained being replaced by something else. And without that rage, her grip loosened.

At that moment, the waves take over.

On instinct, you put your free leg back to steady yourself. It wouldn't work, gravity demanded that said action would only lead to toppling over the edge as she watched. A week ago, this would be it. You would go over, and no one in the world would be able to save you when you finally stopped falling.

But it's not, and no matter what your head says, what common sense tells you what should happen. You came up here to save her, and you're not done yet!

A wave erupts, and your free leg stands on something solid. Steadying yourself, you do your best to keep your face straight when you look at her again. The anger is gone, but the horror is still there, just not the same kind.

This is familiar, going straight from terror to realization, like some part of her knew that she just made a mistake.

"I know what it's like to wake up, and not recognize who's in the mirror," Your legs burn, but you force them to push, "I know what it's like to have a power I can't understand," your ears bleed, but you make them listen.

Your head's ringing like a punchdrunk boxer, you nearly trip to the side when you step forward, but something keeps you grounded.

Something lets you smile.

"I also know what it's like to have help. To have someone believe in you when it seems like no one else will."

You reach into your jacket, and as your hand comes out with something, you hear the hitch in her breath.

"And trust me, having someone like that is more than enough to change things for the better."

Bringing it close, and the edges of your face tingle when the mask seals to your face. The inner dials whirling and spinning until the world is stripped of gold. One by one, the waves bleed away, replacing the gold with the soft greys of reality. When it's all said and done, what's left is a scared girl who's going through the shock of her life.

"Oh…" she starts, a thousand emotions flash over her face, she even runs a hand through her hair for good measure. "Oh my god."

You nod, "Yeah."

She points a shaky finger at the shield on your chest.

"You're him… that gold guy that everyone's been talking about."

She stops, her finger freezing in midair.

"You stopped him… you did this."

You try not to look beyond at the ashen remains of what was once a row of apartments.

"Y-yeah," you cough, "But I think this is the part that I actually introduce myself. I'm Altas, but I never got your name," you say quickly.

She blinks, then does everything in her power not to look right at you. The flush is getting to her, and you're a bit busy trying not to look awkward. Goddamnit this is harder than you thought.


Your smile widens, "It's nice to meet you, Megan."

On instinct, she reaches out a hand to shake, but the frost growing on them makes her jerk it back. She holds it close and shivers. And even if you weren't a genius, you didn't need to be to know it's not from the cold.

Carefully, you step around what remains of the ice. She watches you with every step, equal parts amazement and fear. Honestly, you probably should be feeling a little bit of that yourself. Standing in the middle of a snowstorm, barely any powers, and barely anything left to defend yourself if things get bad. The mask is helping, though not as much as you'd hope. There are a few strings of gold that pop up only to be quenched by the mask, sending a ring down your head every time. Makes it hard to focus, harder to do anything. That's the logical part of your brain, the dying part that Rebecca forgets you still have sometimes.

It's hard to ignore as you shrug off the only thing protecting you against the cold beside the waves. Megan gives you a weird look in Rebecca's place. She gives an even stranger look when you drape your jacket over her shoulders.

"I'm not cold," she grits out.

"I know," you shrug, "But you still need it more than me."

The glare that she gives could probably freeze you solid if she wanted. Though, she did bundle it closer as she sat back down. Her eyes lose the amazement, the moment over and the feelings that were there take over again. You sit next to her and she doesn't jump.

And it means more than almost every victory you've had up till now.

"I've never been to London," you hear yourself say.

Megan shuffles, surprise perking some spark of interest in her.

"Yeah, woke up one day with the power to fly around the world, but it never occurred to me to just… travel," you say, "And I heard stories, read books, but never thought I'd get the chance to come here. Glad I did, even if it wasn't for good time."

Megan slumps, sinking back into the jacket while hollow eyes stare down at the city below.

"Did you hear what they said about you?" she asks.

You shake your head.

"Even after everything you've done… they love you," she says.

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

Megan's fingers strain against the jacket.

"You and your friends. But everyone else…" she trails off and takes a long look at her hands.

Frost gathers at her fingertips, forming a small crystal of ice. It's pretty, in that shining diamond sense, but Megan doesn't share your amazement. Raw disgust fills her, making her shoulder shake. Quick as the wind, she buries her hands in the jacket and the second she can't see them, relief floods her. Her shoulders relax, and the ice around you stops spreading.

"You wouldn't be happy that you saved them if you heard what they'd do to me if they saw this."

"I'm not going to let that happen," You say, your voice firm.

Megan scoffs, a small bit of life coming back to her when she looks at you.

"They hate me."

You shake your head, "No, they don't even know what you can do," you reach out with your hand, but you stop as she scurries away, frost forming over her skin.

You feel a pang in your chest. It grows with every second, making your hand feel a million times heavier as you try to make it seem as calming a gesture that you can manage.

"Megan, listen to me. You. Haven't. Done. Anything. No one has any reason to hate you, hell, they don't even know what you can do."

"... but I do."

The pang in your chest turns into a knife-

"I know what I can do."

-and it twists.

"... and I'm not worth saving anymore."

Something pulls it out, and with that pain, you've had it.

Is this what you sounded like in that alleyway? In front of that man with the hands? This is what Rebecca saw, a kid who's putting the world on their shoulders when they did nothing wrong?

Not worth it.

What kind of bullshit is that?

You're arm's moving, rushing forward faster than you should be able to. Megan's eyes widen, she jerks a hand in defence, and ice starts forming on her fingers.

Faster than you can blink it fires.

It hits your shoulder, carrying your aim a little off course, you want to scream as the waves explode. But you don't. You're as silent as the grave as you clasp her far shoulder, and pull her close.

It's stupid, a childish show of care that's so basic even you can't screw it up. Then again, that's all it needs to be. A simple answer for a problem that a scared kid had to fester in their head long enough it blew up so bad that they would fear their own reflection. This wouldn't solve it, but it was the first step. Because a few days ago you were frightened, and this was the only thing Rebecca had to do to start making things better.

Show she wasn't afraid.

And close to your shoulder, Megan flinches, and for a second tries to push you away. You hold strong, even though it's like holding on to a huge piece of ice. You can't feel your fingers, you can barely feel your heart beating against your chest. But slowly, she stops struggling and as she does, the feeling starts coming back. You do your best not to look right at her, sparing her of the embarrassment of having to look up to you.

"We came here to save people."

She stiffens in your arms.

"It doesn't matter what you can do, you're still people. You can still get hurt."

You grip a little tighter, and your throat hitches as you say, "And you can still miss your sister."

She starts to shake, but you don't judge. You just stay there, and slowly, she presses her head into deeper your shoulder.

A second later, the wind chills the water on your shoulder.

"You wanna know the truth?" You ask, "I'm not very brave. Getting here…. was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life. And to be honest I can barely remember what I was thinking. It just happened so fast."

She doesn't nod, she keeps shaking and you hear her force back some tears.

"Someone told me to my face that We could've been flying to our deaths. But we did it anyway."

Megan freezes for a moment, then you feel her shake her head in your shoulder.

"Because even with all the time to think in the world we just wanted to help. Because I'm thick enough I think that if we help enough people then something like this won't happen again. I've fooled myself into believing that we can still make a difference even after everything that's happened today and what might happen tomorrow."

You stop, and the next thing you say next twists the knife back into your chest.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save your sister."

Megan snivels, quietly wailing in your shoulder. And when she starts to crumble further, you keep her up. All without judging a single tear that comes out. You don't know how long you stay there, but it's long enough that the wind dies down a little and Megan stops shivering.

She starts to part, and you make sure to be the last one to let go, give that extra bit of stability that you know is worth more than you can describe. You settle back, and Megan shuffles, looking down. Silence overtakes you again, but it's a welcome silence. First one that you've had today that isn't marred by the fear that a beam of light could come out and kill you out of nowhere. First one where you actually know what was going to happen next.

And the first one that you were actually prepared for.

"Megan, you and I, we can do a lot of things now. It's stupid, it's scary, it's amazing all in one, but it can't change what's happened and saying sorry won't help."

Megan nods, wiping away a tear that threatened to join the others.

"Best I can offer," You say, "Is that Alexandria, Legend, Eidolon and I, we'll our best to make sure it never happens again. No matter how big, or small the problem might be. We'll make it so you don't have to worry about this anymore."

Megan's nod is stiff, and you reflexively rub her shoulder. You don't know if it helps, just that Danah always seemed to get better after you did it. Slowly, Megan breaks away. She pushes off your hand, wiping tears and sniffling. A small flush winds through her when it dawns on her that you saw that, but you don't react, cause it doesn't matter if she does it or not. You peer past the jacket, straight at the eyes of the frightened girl next to you.

Gold reflects back at you, and Megan scoots back. Not out of fear, shame, and the action puts her hands into view. She barely even notices her hands in the snow until frost has already finished gathering on her fingers. She jerks it back, smothering it with her other hand, but knocking the jacket off her. She reaches, but her fingers are covered in the ice.

A breeze tares over the rooftop, blowing snow over the both of you. But from what you've seen, it's not the snow that makes her shiver. She might not need it, her power could be keeping out the cold, but you don't care.

She deserves the help. Even if it's just a jacket, right now, you'll take anything.

So you ignore the ringing and let the waves dance over your fingers. They glow that amazing gold, you reach down, and drown the jacket in waves. It lights up and lifts off the snowy ground to float right back to Megan.

"It'll be better next time," you promise, the weight more than a million waves, "We won't let get this bad again."

Megan grabs the edges, gripping it like she was scared it could go again.

"How?" she croaks out.

You smile with a confidence you don't remember regaining, "If you thought that all that my friends and I can do was break a city, then I've got news for you. We can do so much more, and build even better."

Cauldron, for all its faults… it's nothing if not a glimmer of hope.

"We've got plans, backups, and enough crazy ideas to make having people like us around not seem like such a bad thing."

It takes a second or two for everything to seemingly get through to her, and when it does, she snorts. You don't know if it's the nerves, the stress or the trigger, but in a second Megan's laughing like she heard the funniest joke in the world. It takes a second for her to calm herself down, and when she does, she gives you a look.

"Do you hear yourself right now?"

"You could drown a cow in the cheese," you say, looking out over the city "Don't worry I know."

"I don't think you do" she scoffs, "How can you even think that something like that will work?"


"On what?"

"Is it working on you?"

You don't see it, but the gasp is all you need. Out of the corner of your eye, you see she's holding jacket close but just barely tugging on the edges. You blink the waves out of your eyes, wait, no, that's not waves. Gloomy looking clouds have been over you for a while, but now of all times is when they give a little more light. Morning comes and now that you can focus, you notice a little something.

There's no one on the streets. Bare and emptied in the time that you took to talk. Megan said they were heading to a shelter. A place full of people who just went through the worst attack since the last war, but even the worst shelters had food and a better place to rest then the snow.

"I know I shouldn't ask, but can you do me a favor?" you ask.

Megan's eyes break away from the city. You can see the gears turn in her head. She's still scared, but she nods.

And it's got to be the bravest thing you've ever seen.

"It's all right to be scared, but before you do, give everyone a chance."

You stand up before she can respond, and reach out a hand.

"Come on, let's get you to that shelter."

Megan stares at your hand. Emotions fly across her face so fast you can't even hope to catch all of them. Even through all that, she still reaches out, she still grabs your hand. You hold it like glass and as gently as you can, you lead her away from the edge. You try not to sigh in relief, less it break your grin and scare her.

Between that, and not knowing if you can even handle it, you go to the first and best option for getting down from this place; the stairs. With your head ringing, you don't think that you could manage anything else. Megan didn't complain, staying as quiet as a newborn every step-down. Even if she doesn't talk, she's still following you. If she wanted to talk, you were there. If she doesn't, well, you can't blame her for wanting some time to think.

Stepping back outside replaces that warm feeling in your chest with a burning cold over your face. Warnings of low wave protection flash across your visor. You ignore it as best you can, but the snow isn't kind enough to let you forget it. You shake your head, it's not the time. Come on Everett, focus on something else. Like where the hell is everyone else?

When you were on the roof, you could see a whole bunch of people moving toward the shelter. Now, the snow is all that really shows anyone has been here recently. Thankfully, whatever small blessings you had left made it pretty obvious where everyone went.

You look to Megan for confirmation, and the new superhuman gives a weak shrug and a sorry smile. Sighing, you do the only thing you can. You start walking, Megan only a step behind you.

After a few turns and shivers from the wind, you turn and find it. The shelter, at least hopefully it is, is a repurposed sports stadium. Everyone seems to be flowing into the front gates where several military vehicles seemed to make a checkpoint. You spy ten men with weapons and a particularly flashy suit that sticks out like a sore thumb.

Yours does too, and when he looks over, the living laser glides over the field of people towards you and Megan. Every head seems to follow him as he goes, only to freeze when they see him land next to you.

Matthew the photogenic bastard doesn't even look phased.

"Al-Atlas," he says, "I hadn't heard anything on the line, thought you were still out of it."

"Just woke up," you lie.

Matthew's eyes dart between Megan and you, smirking all the way.

"Sure you did."

You roll your eyes and he laughs good-naturedly reaching out a hand that you grab instantly.

"Good to see you're safe."

"Same here."

You break off the shake, and suddenly feel really awkward as Megan shuffles in the corner of your eye.

"Megan," you say, startling the poor girl into the conversation, "This is my friend Legend. Legend, this is Megan. She's been through a bit of ah, rough spot."

Matthew blinks, his brow creasing in confusion and Megan gives you an accusing look. Oh, right, everyone's through a rough spot.

"The kind of spot that… triggers," you stress.

Megan's accusatory glare morphs to confusion, a blessing in disguise as Matthew goes as pale as a ghost behind her. He looks at her with renewed concern, only stopping to seemingly ask the truth with nothing but a look. You nod, and his grin shakes, but he gathers himself faster than you ever could. With almost inhuman care, he places a hand on Megan's shoulder, not blinking at the flinch that comes with the contact.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one."

His voice is so quiet you barely manage to pick up on it. Considering the reaction Megan gives, she heard it as clear as day. You miss him saying something because he points to the checkpoint. With a gentle touch, he leads her towards it. They get a few steps in before glancing back at you, tugging at the jacket.

A small little smirk worms it's way back to you.

"Keep it," you say.

She freezes, slowly though, she pulls on the edges of the jacket to nod. Matthew gives you a small salute and like that, they continue on. Despite the surprise of your sudden turnout, Matthew catches everyone's eye better than you could ever hope to. Almost like looking like a supermodel behind that mask is a good thing for him.

"He will help her."

Exhaustion is the only thing that doesn't make you jump ten feet in the air. You still manage to make a bit of a fool of yourself, biting out a sound that definitely wasn't becoming of what everyone saw as a hero.

Contessa looks as indifferent as always. The deputy glanced back, looking at a door that's flush against a nearby building. You could guess where it leads to.

"Are you hear to chew me out?"

Contessa looks back at you.

And like anyone else, the look she gives makes you feel like an idiot for even asking. Maybe it was the path helping her out, but even Rebecca hasn't managed to make you feel this bad.

"I'm here to continue your path."



She nods, "Yes, and with your incapacitation, we're behind schedule."

You blink and She turns on her heel and makes her way to the door, not even stopping to stare at you from behind her fedora.


It's obviously bait, so transparently manipulative that you roll your eyes at the idea alone. But it's not wrong. Path or not, you're not helping anyone standing here.

"Lead the way."

London is safe, but there are still cities that need help. Even with that in the forefront, there's still the matter of everyone accepting superhumans beyond the temporary high of salvation that you could bring. You're going to have a lot of work on your hands, good thing school doesn't get in the way.

Publically, you're going to...

[] Working with David to clear the areas still in danger. Fighting, throwing rocks, and getting the worst of your fellow superhumans out of the public eye and somewhere where they can't hurt anyone. More danger, but this is where you're needed. Taking the hits that others can't, and keeping David in his place when that ego of his gets too bad.

[] Working with Matthew, trying to make sure that new triggers are taken care of. Megan was the first, but she definitely isn't the last. Matthew is going to be spending as much time as he can helping them understand what they're going through. He'll be grateful for any help that he could get, or any advice that you can give.

Privately though, you spend your time with…

(Pick two)

[] Rebecca. She's hard at work with the paperwork, but everyone needs help or failing that, a friend to talk to. And it's been too long since you just did that.

[] Charles. He's going into overdrive with his tech, so the next time that all of you go out to fight, he's not stuck on the sidelines. Better check up on him so he doesn't go overboard.

[] Number Man. Kid's putting in the time, going through numbers like nobodies business. Though, he still might be hesitant on staying with Cauldron. A talk here and there should help.

[] Manton. He's publishing a paper on powers apparently, and having a safe demonstration wouldn't hurt.

[] Fortuna. She's looking for people to bring in to help Cauldron's efforts. She might be following your path, but better safe than sorry. Or at the very least, force her out of the path every once and a while.

[] Your family, it's been too long since you saw all of them.
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4.3: Steps Closer
It's always quiet when you're flying. Odd thought but being up here doesn't leave you with too much to think about. Sure there's the ringing in your ears, but beyond that, there's nothing. The wind doesn't move your cape, and it doesn't brush through your hair unless you want it to. Until you do, you're left with the feeling of standing in the middle of some room, only the constant bobbing of fluctuating waves and clouds breaking you free of the illusion.

And even then it's still fantastic.

Flying is the second best thing to come out of joining Cauldron. Two months of living with powers and the fact that you could fly still hasn't gotten old. Hopefully, it never does. Above the cloud layer, you float above the metropolis that used to be called New York. It still is, but not many people went out of their way to call it a great city anymore.

Most of it was still there, but not all of it survived the Musicians. Well, you can't exactly say that they were just rioters back then with only a passing relation to the maestro himself: not even villains, just a bunch of scared people who didn't know how to handle their powers. Suddenly there's a guy on tv telling them to embrace those powers in the most violent ways possible while turning the British parliament into some demented form of target practice.

After that, it just took one person.

More specifically, one parahuman.

That was your official designation as a guy with superpowers. Manton coined it himself. One of the bigger reasons he'd been added onto Cauldron was to make a paper explaining superpowers as scientifically as possible. You have a copy in your room somewhere, didn't read the whole thing, barely understood half of what you read anyway. Either way, with the springboard of the end of Burning Advent the name caught on pretty quick. Manton became a bonafide scientific celebrity overnight when he admitted to being in league with you and the rest of the Founders.

… yeah, still can't get over that. They're calling you the strongest men and woman on the planet, and they're not wrong. New York could be a crater in an hour if you wanted to, probably less then that if you pushed it. You barely have an idea what Matthew and Rebecca could do, and you can't even imagine what Charles or heaven forbid David would do if they really want to get going. For a week all of you were beside yourselves worrying over how everyone would react.

But you spared Symphony.

You turned him over to the law.

And you were thanked.

Vigilantism is still a crime, though, not for any of you five. It's just… brushed off, according to Matthew. You don't know all the details, but you could watch the news. A few of the stations were already up in arms, calling you dictators just waiting to strike. Depressing thought considering everything you're doing. Good news is that Rebecca's hard at work thinking about those things while you're stopping another London. Or another New York.

Because on the night of Symphony's attack, before anyone could stop it, some kid tore up a deli in the middle of the city. Early reports have him as a kid in some school uniform with grey skin. Whatever he looked like, his little stunt set the city off. One by one parahuman started doing everything they could to appease this kid out of fear of their own lives. Pretty soon the entire city seemingly exploded with powered people coming out of the woodwork to destroy the city. The grey kid disappeared, and no one even bothered to look for him with the utter hell that started popping up. The bravest of the police went down fighting, trying to stop any parahuman as best they could.

President made a pretty good speech after everything was all said and done apparently. You didn't hear it, you were in LA at the time, stopping a parahuman calling himself Mongler.

Anyway, the little group got so much momentum the national guard was about to send in tanks before news of your victory over Symphony finally hits the states. It was like throwing a bucket of water on the campfire. Anyone with any sense left did their best to find somewhere to hide or just left the city for fear of anyone, or, even worse; you came in to stop them.

Atlas, the man who stopped Armageddon.

A bit too flashy for your tastes, but it worked well enough. Stopped most of the Musicians activities for the last month, most of them being too afraid to come out when they knew you or David were in town.

Speaking of said demi-ass, where is he?

As if by fate, David shimmers into view beside you. He stretches his neck and yawns. What is he tired about, his shift just started.

"Wrong side of the bed?"

His masks gives you a flat look while the rest of his head shakes.

"Just bored."

"That is the downside to work," you say flatly.

He glances at you, and now you know he rolls his eyes.

"I hope someone hits you with a rocket."

Oh for the love of...

"One time David. One time."

Yes, it was stupid of you. Hindsight you should've been paying more attention but in your defense, he pulled that out of fucking nowhere.

And it was a lucky shot. Barely left a scratch, though David didn't care. And he was small potatoes compared to Rebecca.

"Eidolon," he corrects.

Right, on the clock, code names only. Fair enough, that was unprofessional of you. You should be treating him to a name that benefits a man of his station.


David forces out a sigh, though not before he looks back at you.



David crosses his arms, tilting his head in that smug sense of superiority.

"Prove me wrong."

"He can't, Becca's got him by the balls," comes a new voice through your coms, "And just so you know, this is your friendly reminder that your coms are open!"

You kneed back a headache with your thumb, "Charles-"

"Ah-ah-ah, Hero."

You frown, and David doesn't even try to hide his snort.

"You too man? I thought we were friends?"

"Meh, Gotta spend my break time doing something."

"Then can you spare a second to give us an update on Manton?" David cuts in.

There's a rustling of paper and a grunt of annoyance on the other end of the line, and you cross your arms.

"Why do you want to hear about Manton?"

David shrugs, "Saw him on the news the other night. Had a big talk, I want to hear how it went."

"You could just call him," you point out.

"Charles needs to spend his break time doing something."

You frown, only to wince, a bit of feedback spikes through the line. Holding back a wince, you give David a look. Even he has a hand on his ear, annoyance dripping out of him. He notices your look and shrugs.


Your roll your eyes and hello, what do you have here? Cars are veering off course, trying not to hit a single black dot of a person from up here. One isn't that lucky, ploughing it straight on. Despite every law of physics saying otherwise, the car is the one that's left a wreck at the side of the road.

"Finally," David says, puffing out just as Charles comes back.

"Well, Mr Curious, it went well enough that he's going to have another talk this after-"

"Yeah Charles thanks but can you hold that thought for a second?" you mutter cutting the line.

And with a blink, the waves under you wink out and you drop like a rock. A twist and you're plummeting straight down. A thought and the waves blast you down even faster till sound disappears. Concrete streets rise to meet you, and you cover the air in front of you with a cushion of waves grinding you to a halt while a dozen more keeps your neck from snapping.

When sound returns to you, the distressed cries are met with shouts and hollers of joy. People are screaming for you to do something to the poor man who went from a rampaging parahuman turned into a little kid. He's a few years older than you, bald and skinnier than what his stunt would make you believe. He's all but frozen where he stands. If he's smart, he knows he's finished. Even so, you see his eyes dart to a manhole cover, a light pole, even a car. You won't let him take any of those chances. He'll be out of it before he can flinch, that is if he doesn't choose the right answer.

"We're giving you one chance," you say raising a glowing hand.

A trickle of sweat runs down his neck, then David appears next to you, and whatever fire is in his eyes dies a cold death. He drops to his knees, barely managing to hold his hands over his head he's shaking so bad. Would you look at that, he chose right.

"You want the honors?"

"Might as well," David shrugs, raising his hand, "Have to feel like something came out of this."

David's glove glows white, and like an artist in a studio, only waves his hand in front of the man and he's gone. At one of Hero's many cells, you're sure.

"Another surrender," David sighed.

"Better than people getting caught in the crossfire."

"Yeah but it's less exciting," he says, only to pause mid-air, "The fight I mean."

"I know."

His shoulders slump but barely. Still needs to look good for the adoring crowds. He puffs out his chest, crossing his arms and chuckling as the crowds chant his name. Willing the waves, you take a spot next to him. You catch his fingers twitch but ignoring that, you wave, smiling all the way.

Something that sets the crowd off yet again.

Makes it nearly impossible to hear David mutter something under his breath. You don't need ears to see his grip on his arm goes strained. He drops both to his sides and makes for the sky, and you waste no time catching up to him. David doesn't even tilt his head when you catch up.

"Two days," he mutters, "We're on the lookout for two days, and this is all we're getting?"

"Sorry, fresh out of parahuman armies for you to fight."

"Wouldn't that be a treat," he scoffs.

"Damn you are bored."

He stops, rounding on you with literal fire in his eyes, "Why aren't you?"

"Why would I be?" you say immediately.

There's no thought in it, just word vomit at the moment, and it brings David slumping down. His arms fall limply to his side, and he grabs his forehead.

"I..I don't know." he says, power dimming from his eyes.

"You sure you don't need some sleep?"

David scoffs, crossing his arms again and tilting his head at you.

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"I'm sorry i doubted you," you say, throwing your hands in surrender.

A flash of silver and your waves spike in the back of your head. David shakes his wrist out, mumbling something about tough idiots under his breath.

"Jokes aside," you say, gently patting him on the back, "What's on your mind?"

Shrugging off your hand, he inches away to groan, "First and foremost I'm hoping that you can give me some space."

Your smile falls off, and you return the slap that he gave you. Gently as you could, didn't want to break something.

"And here I was feeling sorry for you."

David tenses, at that, but he hides it well enough that you wouldn't have caught it if it didn't make a wave.

"Nothing serious, I've just been thinking."

"Scary thought."

"You're hilarious," he says dejectedly.

"I'm kidding," you give him a quick pat on the back, "Seriously, how can I help?"

He looks to you and his arms fall to his side. He takes a breath only turn away.

"You can't. I just need some time to think."

You hold back a wince. It's the answer you expected, David will be David. Even so it still hurts.

"You sure?" you press.

He nods, "Yeah, but if I need to hear any of your speeches, I'll be sure to call you."

And with that, any sympathy you could've had for the man dies.

"Feeling the love Eidolon, feeling the love."

"Better than feeling a rocket hit your face."

You clench a fist, "One-"

But with a flash of silver, he's gone leaving you alone in the sky. Good lord that man is infuriating sometimes. Though, you could've offered for another spar. Haven't done one of those since you first met, might be good for him. Anyway, you see the top of your visor you're still receiving something.

Are your coms still muted?

You click the side of your mask- "fter that he's got one more talk in DC. That enough for you?"

"Um… Char-Hero?"

"Yeah Atlas?"

"I'm going to be honest with you. I didn't hear a thing you just said."



You check the com, it's still going, he's just not saying anything.

"...Did David-"

"Don't know he just left."

There's a sound of something hitting something else. You hope it isn't Charles' head, but you can't be too sure.

"I'm going to take a longer break."

"You do that Charles."

"Yeah, see you around," he says and the com clicks dead.

Well, that was a thing. Kind of sad, but Charles can take care of himself. For now, you've got time to burn. David gave you the rest of the shift, speaking of which, what time is it? Visor says it's barely past two. You smile at the odds. It's walk time. At least, so long as you don't mess up the tea.

Okay, flyings good, but having a Door do the flying for you is cool too. Saves travel time, giving you plenty of time to get in a shower and a quick change of clothes. After that, it's a quick elevator trip down to the cafeteria and a few minutes for the water to boil and at the end of it all, give you enough time to look through the absurd number of options.

Like, come on, how many tea flavours could there possibly be? You remember Danah loving whatever crazy flavor of coffee that came out, but this is ridiculous. You take the one labeled Honey Lemon and throw it into the steaming teapot. Despite yourself, you look in to watch the bag turn the water yellow, pushing in the packet and stirring it to speed things up.

Not because you're bored, you want to make sure you're doing this right.

And hopefully, this is the right color. You remember she likes it a darker color, but not too dark. Cross your fingers. Taking out the bag, you carefully grab a cup and head out. One elevator ride later, you're back to walking through the halls towards your room.

Only to stop and knock on the door right before it.

"It's open."

Without a word, you push the door open with your back, nearly tripping over a textbook. Must be a hard day, Rebecca usually keeps things tidy. Stepping inside, your friend's room had changed since London. Every inch of wall held some diagram or set of numbers along with reports of parahuman sightings or Matthew's relief stations. Now her desk took up the entire length of the wall, stacks upon stacks of papers neatly laid out for a moments notice. Even so, Rebecca's leaning hard on one of her hands.

Though, that doesn't immediately stick out to you. What does is the fact that her bed isn't made, you've got to tiptoe around another book, and at the tail end of her desk is another tea kettle. You frown, will a wave inside the pot, and make the tea inside slosh around.

You try not to look too out of it asking, "Everything going okay?"

Rebecca flinches, and you barely stop the shudder that runs through you. She turns, a smile on her face but the bags under her eyes ruin the image.

"No," she sighs, kneading her temple.

At least she isn't playing, one good sign at least.

"Headache?" you guess even if it's obvious.

"I can't get headaches," Rebecca growls, "This is stress."

"Then it's a good thing I brought this then."

You put down the tea kettle and pour her a cup, and her face flushes with relief.

"You're a lifesaver," she says.

"So nothing's changed?"

She rolls her eyes and flashes a smirk before taking a long sip.

And by sip you mean drain the entire cup in one go. Second she's done she gasp for air, and you whistle.

"That bad?"

"That's one word for it," Rebecca mutters, handing back the cup.

You take it, refill and hand it right back.

"What's a better word then?" you ask, "Screwed?"

"I was going to side with doomed," Rebecca says.

She purses her lips, stopping a yawn that you know wants to get out.

"Hey, David and I are trying our best here," you say.

"And I can't thank you enough, but the numbers don't lie."

She hands you a sheet from the top of the closest pile. A bunch of diagrams and percentiles stick out, and you have no idea what any of this means.

"Okay… what am I looking at?"

Rebecca takes a hit of her tea before turning around. You get comfortable on the bed, no other chair here for you to use anyway.

"The results of the physiological reports." Rebecca says, "I've checked, double checked, no matter how you look at it they all say the same thing. Triggers Events are going to produce far more villains than heroes, and even with Doctor Mother giving out formulas, we're going to be outnumbered hard."

"How hard we talking?"

"Even if everything goes according to plan, best we can hope for is one to five."

You blanch, then you frown, "Wait, isn't that the whole point of making a worldwide team?"

"Yes but…", Rebecca stops her eyes drifting over the papers and with every second her brow furrows ever further. Her knuckles strain against the desk, keeping her up and dragging out her frustration.

"There's more to it than that, and I can find the answer if I just concentrate."

"Doesn't seem like it's helping you that much."

Rebecca rubs the sleep out of her eyes, "Doesn't matter."

"I feel like it does," you argue, kicking off the bed.

Rebecca pushes her hair back so you can see the joking disbelief on her face.

"You do this all the time."

"Yeah, and I'm not worth it," you say.

Second the words are out of your mouth the tiredness seemingly vanishes from her face. Rebecca all but explodes out of her chair pointing an accusing finger at you.

"Don't you dare say that. Don't even think that."

"What else am I supposed to think?" you ask, throwing your hands in the air.

"Nothing, I'm just busy."

"Yeah," you interrupt, "Way to busy and it's my fault."

"No," Rebecca warns, "We agreed to this plan, don't blame yourself."

"Plan's fine," you say, "Whatever…" you gesture at her "This is, isn't."

Rebecca glances down pursing her lips, and shoulder slumping.

"Fine, I'll slow down."

"Good start, not what I was going for."

"Then what were you going for?" Rebecca demands.

Whatever intimidation factor is lost on you because this is probably the closest thing she comes to pouting. She looks more ready to call you an idiot than threaten you with anything huge.

"Well," you say scratching your chin, "Whenever anything got to me, I took a walk. And I get the feeling that a little walk down the hall isn't going to cut it for you."

Without another word, you step out the window, summoning your waves to keep you afloat. Sticking your head back in, you gesture outside.

"So, wanna walk? Get some air?"

She stood there, flabbergasted. There's got to be a hundred different arguments that she could bring up that would make you come back in and let her do her work. You can't think of them, and you're hoping she doesn't want to think about them.

So you wait, you hold out your hand, and smile like an idiot.

And in response, your best friend smiles a smile that puts the sun to shame. She gingerly she takes your hand, her eyes flashing with concern. Oh, she's worried you might get hurt, well enough of that. Willing a few more behind her, you pull her out into the open and drop like a rock. Rebecca screams something, but it's drowned out with the roar of the wind in your ears.

You wink at her, surrounding yourself in gold as waves explode to life around you. A second later, you're rocketing over the open ocean. Waves flicker in and out as they stop the wind from breaking through, letting you glance back to see a quickly approaching black blur. You put your hands behind your head and keep flying like you're just enjoying the ride. Rebecca comes up right behind you. She spreads out her arms like she's flying with wings, the wind blowing through her hair she glows without waves.

Rebecca catches you staring, and you see a wicked glint in her eye. She gestures to slow down, and you peel off the waves until you do. Eventually, the two of you come to a stop.

"Thanks," she says.


Rebecca's eyes glint again, but this one is different. Something you can't place.

"I'll keep that in mind."

The two of you float there not saying a word. Don't know about her you've got no clue what to say, Rebecca's the smart one. She coughs and points back the direction you came.

"We should probably get back."

"Oh, right," you agree.

Forming more waves behind you, you follow Rebecca and her subsonic trail back to the little island that Cauldron calls home. Getting up to the window, Rebecca jumps in and goes back to her desk. You, on the other hand, grab the old teapot.

"Thanks," she calls.

Looking down at her piles of paper, she's lost in thought yet again. Walking out, you force the waves to pick up the books and papers on the floor, setting them on the bed for safe keeping. Once you're out, you head to the elevator and click the open button. The door hisses open, and it seems you're going to have company riding down.

He hasn't grown in the two months, but he's changed his outfit. The big cloak is gone, along with the mask and in its place a small brown suit and a set of thick-rimmed glasses.

Harbinger, no, Number Man, gestures to next to him. Heading in, he sees the teapot in your hands.

"Are you busy?"

"Just taking this downstairs," you say, holding up the pot.

"So no?"

You frown, and Number Man doesn't even bat an eye pressing the button to his office. The elevator slides down a few floors before coming to a stop and hissing open.

Number Man's office if you could call it that is strange. That word gets thrown around, but his room takes the cake for being so ordinary yet so stupidly weird. Because when you think of office space, you think of a few desks maybe a computer here or there. What you don't expect is three wall length desks, dozens of computers on top of them that are connected to freaking portals to other earths!?!

Kid got started making his little room barely a day after you returned from London. Number man had a laundry list of things that he wanted from Cauldron so he could, in his own words, work at optimal efficiency. The first time you've seen Doctor Mother agree to something without a fuss.

Which, for the record, still doesn't make sense to you.

Even less sense to you stopping by his little office every once and awhile. Strange didn't even come close, but you've got to hand it to the kid, he knows what he's doing. However, despite how good he might be with numbers there's one thing that still doesn't sit right with you.

"Still no chairs I see."

Number Man shoots you a look as he heads over to one of his computers.

"They are a hindrance," he says, "If my office is attacked, being in a chair would lose me precious seconds in a fight. Seconds that could be used to dodge away from gunfire, or even the occasional brute trying to bullrush me."

"Would do wonders for your back in the meantime," you say, putting the teapot on the corner of one desk.

"I'll adjust the desks accordingly if that helps you."

"What about chairs for guests?" you shoot back.

He looks at you, and you swear he's trying to hold back a grin.

"Getting tired leaning against the wall already?"

"I'm just saying, it'd be more comfortable," you say, shifting your back against the wall.

"You didn't answer my question," he complains, face flat.

"Welcome to my world," you say, "Anyway, what do you need?"

Number Man jerks his head towards the computer he's working on. You make your way over as his hands fly over the keyboard.

"I was going through radio chatter, most of it standard fare. However, there are several that caught my interest. I can do any of these on my own, but you've proved reliable for this type of job before and I would… appreciate the help."

He brings up several pictures on the screen, and the first thing that pops out to you is…

[] A murder in Chicago, according to this, the victim was cut up with a sword?
[] A news clipping about a string of disappearances in Washington.
[] A banner depicting what looked to be a recruitment drive in Brockton Bay.
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4.4: Towards an Empire
"Is that supposed to be a recruitment banner?"

Number Man follows your finger, expanding the picture until it fit the entire screen. Red covered most of it with a black outline of a broken tower and burning buildings. At the very end, it reads 'Safe from the Storm, Join the Pure, the Proud, the Strong within Brockton Bay'

"No, my current set up is limited in that respect," Number Man says, his voice flat.

A tap of the keyboard later and the picture fades back. Spinning on an invisible axis, the edges become crisper, and the entire thing looks no bigger than one of those credit cards that Clint was interested in.

"Professional grade, laminated business cards," the kid explains, "All and all, overly expensive invitations to a drive that's been going on for about three days."

"Huh," you say, following as well as you can "I didn't know the Musicians needed money from… where the hell is Brockton Bay?"

"Massachusetts," the kid says adjusting his glasses, "And it's not the Musicians."

"Then who is it?"

"Empire 88."

This time, you don't bother holding back a sigh, "Let me guess, a villain group?"

Number Man frowns slightly, but nods and you run a hand through your hair. A part of you wants to be angry, maybe even disappointed. You still are, but you understand it this time. Symphony was insane, and not even Rebecca could make heads or tails of what he really wanted. Sure he went on about how parahumans should be the top dogs of the world, but there were a few things that didn't add up.

He had a drone builder, a walking city buster, a star, and whatever the hell he was, and he ran into an invasion headfirst. Put bombs to shut down the underground and with his power slaughtered anyone other than you that got close. Then he just broadcasted everything he had. He showed every card that he had, gave examples of all the powers that kept London burning. If that wasn't enough, he all but begged someone to fly over and teach him a lesson. And when you did, he surrendered.

The questions only added up when you told Rebecca how he used his powers to stop the waves from crushing your head.

What she could explain, is what happened in the fallout. Newsreels and numbers can fool a lot of people, but two months of work has done nothing but prove just how much of a shitshow followed London. Even before the fires were put out in London, parahuman riots hit a bunch of cities only to stop the second that news of Symphony's capture got out of England.

At the time, you thought nothing of it, a reward for a job completed. Unfortunately, that never happens. The stress of the questions is what put Rebecca into her current headache. Pain in the ass that it is to admit, Doctor Mother explained everything almost perfectly. People were scared, and they wanted to use their powers for their own ends like she said they would, so groups are formed. Like Cauldron, Number Man's, Musicians. You don't like thinking about it, but it's true.

It was so much easier thinking that it's just the Musicians and the group that hit New York were the only real problem. Made everything seem so much easier.

God damnit, this is why Rebecca is so stressed, isn't it?

You try to stop the sad smile on your face. Of course, she would see the bigger picture before you did.

No use complaining about it. You wanted this, you set the path, and if she's working you got to do your part too.

"Statistics wouldn't classify them as a villain group yet."

You blink, "Then why do you care about them?"

"Simple, it's my job to monitor potential dangers to Cauldron."

"I thought you were finances?"

"I can multitask."

Fair enough you suppose. Leaning against the desk, Number Man brings his full attention back to the computer.

"This particular group call themselves Empire 88, lead by a man that goes by the name, Allfather."

You fail to stop a snort, "But full of himself isn't he?"

Number Man shrugs, probably trying to keep things professional.

"He named himself after a god; you named yourself after a Titan, best to not start throwing stones."

You purse your lips, but you find yourself finally without a comeback. Well, at least a comeback that you're willing to say.

"First sightings put them in New York when the riots began," Number man continues, "If the reports are to be believed, we have him to thank for keeping the damage at least marginally controlled to replaceable areas."

You roll your eyes, like homes could be considered replaceable, "Okay, so what do you need me to do? Am I just supposed to fly to Brockton Bay and thank him?"

Number Man turns and raises a pointed eyebrow.

"Unless you want to continue your record of running headlong into violence, I'd advise against it."

You feel your eye twitch, "I don't run into fights."

There was only David on your first day, the hand man on your second, and then Symphony and then-You're going to stop yourself right there. Jesus, what the hell was wrong with that week? Even if you don't know the answer to that question, Number Man raises an eyebrow, daring you to repeat what you said. You break the gaze and grimace.

"... I don't try to find fights?" you offer.

The kid doesn't even flinch, leaving you to slump in your spot and watch as he goes back to the computer.

"Hoping beyond all hope that you don't get into a fight-" Number Man mutters.


"-you're only going to head to Brockton to confirm the level this drive is operating at. Security, recruitment flow, anything that you can understand"

You nod along, "So… no busting the party?"

"Unless, as I said before, you want to potentially pick a fight with a room possibly full of other parahumans. But, considering your luck, I wouldn't be surprised."

"And yet you still come to me for help," you mutter back, your mouth going on autopilot once again.

"With Contessa currently occupied, my options were either you or Rebecca," Number Man admits, "And she hasn't talked to me since Contessa told her that my recruitment involved having a mountain being dropped on you."

"Wasn't that Incubus?" You ask, tilting of your head.

"I pointed that out," Number Man says, "And the chances of me winning said argument only plummeted."

You whistle, damn Rebecca, keep it together he's just a kid. A kid that can bounce bullets off walls with perfect aim, but still a kid.

… yeah that argument doesn't sound any better in your head.

"Well, to be fair, you were the reason he came for us."

"And I could have made the argument that you were the reason the mountain came down," Number Man points out, "But I rather like the ability to walk."

You raise a finger, only to have it drop.

"...so, where in the bay am I heading?"

Number Man blinks, almost like he wasn't expecting the question. Why he would think that you've got no clue. You know how big cities work. Police can try all they want, but even back home it wasn't too hard to avoid them if you knew where to go. And you remember seeing Brockton Bay on the map, and anything that big is going to have more than a few ways of keeping something like this quiet. A back alley bar, a private club, a rented apartment you name it, it wouldn't be hard to get.

On the screen, Number Man does something that makes the picture flip around, showing off a several series of numbers stamped on the back. He leans in, tracing the top layer of numbers with his finger.

"Yes, specifically you're going here."

You squint, that's a place? Far be it from you to argue with a kid with math powers but still.

"Alright… what am I supposed to get out of this?"

He gives you a sideways glance, "Saying that, I'm going to assume you don't know how to read latitude and longitude?"

"I don't know how to long divide, and I became a superhero before knowing that Calculus is a thing," You point out, "How the hell would I know how to read latitude and longitude?"

Number Man blinks once and then nods.

"Noted," he says, adjusting his glasses, "Moving on, the coordinates point lead to the entrance to an underground casino in Brockton Bay known as Ruby Dreams."

You whistle, "Sounds expensive."

"That would be a healthy assumption," Number Man says.

You blink, "Okay," you start, "So beyond having me walk to the literal entrance to the lion's den, is there anything else you want me to do for you?"

"Staying alive if you can manage it," Number Man admits.

"Aw, you do care," you smile.

Number Man shoots you a glare, "From what I've gathered, the boardwalk of Brockton Bay is a rather popular place. However, the northern end holds the highest chance of getting you into the city undetected so long as you don't push your power."

"What's wrong with putting a Door in the city?" You ask, "Make things easier and we've done it before."

Number Man raises a skeptical eyebrow "And risk a gang of parahumans gunning you down the second that you step out? Not worth the risk. A Door will put you outside of the city, fly to the northern end, land, and I'll guide you to the meeting location. If it is taking place, we'll deal with it later. If you're caught, run, Door once you're out of sight," he stops, the dangerous gleam in his eyes forcing you to pay attention to the last order.

"Got it."

Number Man nods, picking up a com line as he heads back to the computer.

"Should the worst happen, do us all a favor and try not to break the city."

"Your faith in me is astounding," you say, complete deadpan.

"Let the record show, I'm desperate," he admits, "Any questions?"

"Just one," you answer, and Number Man frowns as you point at the screen, "Where did you find this?"

The kid's expression is as flat as ever, but his body goes so still that it barely disturbs a single wave. You throw a hand up, and back away.

"Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, don't worry, I don't need to hear about it." You pause, and you try not to grimace, "So long as you aren't trying to get something more than info out of this."

Number Man's brow furrows, and he starts tapping that beat again.

"I remember you not giving Doctor Mother the same courtesy last week."

You shrug, you're not going to deny it.

"She doesn't have my trust."

You bring every bit of self-control that you have out to keep the waves from crushing something. Doesn't stop your hand from putting a dent in the desk. Number Man notices, his eyes flickering between the damage and you. Slowly, you release

"You say that, while I, on the other hand, came from a group of… less than savory individuals."

You raise an eyebrow, that's not what you would call Incubus. And if he was the measuring stick for what the rest of them are like, then less than savory was missing a few words.


"What's different for me?" The kid's eyes are wide, and you don't need to be a genius to hear the surprise.

"Number Man," you feel ridiculous calling him that. It's so on the nose it hurts. No flair at all, but you continue, "I've come by enough to know you want to work. I don't know what the hell you're trying to do, and frankly, I don't care. Cause if you were going to turn on us, you would've, and if you wanted to leave, you could've."

"I could be playing the long game?" Number man points out.

You roll your eyes, "You're asking me for help."

You can see the realization flash across his face. Number Man fiddles with something in his pocket. He stares at you for a long moment, a thousand numbers going through his head. For a second, he stops tapping the table.

"Thank you."

You flash him a smile, "Anytime."

He freezes again and looks at you with something that you can't place. Disbelief? Maybe, but you don't question it when he opens a desk drawer and throws a sweatshirt at you. You catch it and he taps his ear, "Door, 40.7132, -68.675."

An oh so familiar door of light rips into the air in front of you. On the other side, swirling oceans rested beneath a night sky. In the distance, you catch the shining outline of a city.

"Call out landmarks, and I'll know from there."

You can't really nod while you're putting on the sweatshirt, but doesn't even look at you long enough to see if you did.

"Remember, just observation."

Cracking your neck, you give him a thumbs up as you step through the door and into open air. For a second, you let the wind roar in your ears, sliding into a gentle freefall.

Unfortunately, waves, even when untouched, don't leave you a lot of time to enjoy the fall before the water becomes to close for comfort. A mental clench and the waves wrap around you, carrying you over the water faster than any car on the highway. Not even close to your max, but having a sonic boom blast over a bay kind of kills the idea of stealth. Then again, your glowing ass doesn't help matters either, but the cities already lit up, not like you're going to stick out if you're quick enough.

You hope.

Though, the sight of the boardwalk doesn't do much to help. It's nice to look at, shops and cafes lining the beach and more apartment buildings shoved together then was probably necessary. Wide sidewalks and enough spare change put into the streetlights to turn the entire cost into a rave station if someone wanted.

You knew the type of place. Looks nice, and if you had the cash, everyone and everything in it would be nice too. But if you don't have the money, then someone would be ready to make it look a whole lot worse. Hopefully, this casino wasn't anywhere near here, but you weren't holding your breath.

What you were going to do was land at the edge of the beach, somewhere in the middle of the boardwalk that looks deserted. As you land, you break the waves, ridding yourself of the soft golden glow of your powers and letting a cool breeze greet you.

Welcome to Brockton Bay Alex, you think.

Another breeze answers you and as fast as you can you make your way up to and out of the fancier parts of the walk before anyone noticed that you were there. A minute of walking and you're in the city proper, or at least the downtown parts of it. Calm streets, even at this time of night, and a skyscraper in pretty much every other lot.

Feels like home. You hit an intersection, checking the street name as you head through.

"I'm passing onto Lord Street heading by the Central Bank," you whisper.

"Where is the bank according to you?"

"On my right," you say, merging back to your end of the sidewalk when you get the other side. A few people send questioning looks your way, the few intentive that know an outsider heading through. Everyone else? No one cared. Everyone's too busy going on their way to give you any looks. Best piece of luck that's happened to you all day. Here you are, in a city and no one knows that it's you.

That's a small reason you're here. Every day it's been the same. Fly into a city, stop a crime, help the world. This time though, you're doing all of that, without a suit. You're normal again.

And it feels… wrong.

No mask, no bulletproof shirt. Just you and the waves.

Good lord, why did you agree to this?

"What's your intersection?"

A glance to a street light you have to stretch your arms to cover the tap against your ear, "Lord Street and 6th street."

You barely hear the hum on the other end, probably the second that it takes him to find you with his power. "Keep heading north," You take a breath, "forward," and your jaw swings close, "When you see a cafe named The Coffee Grinder, turn right."

You barely manage to catch yourself from nodding. Cause that won't draw any attention, a random guy talking to himself and nodding to nothing. Play it off all you want, wouldn't go over very well if someone thinks you're a parahuman and freaks out over it.

Well, you are a parahuman, but someone might think you're not the kid of parahuman who helps them out. And if that happens, the last thing you need to do is broadcast that you're in the city when the Empire is having a meeting.

Your foot nearly catches a crack in the sidewalk as you almost freeze. When the hell did you start thinking like this? Rebecca must be rubbing off on you. A grin spreads across your face at the thought. What are you going to do about her? In a perfect world, you'd probably have the answer to that question.

But you're not in a perfect world; you're walking through Brockton Bay so distracted by a random thought that you nearly miss the cafe. You've got to come to a screeching halt, jumping to the right before you start heading into the street. Almost bash straight into someone.

"Sorry," you call.

He flips you the bird, as he goes by.

Lovely people in this city. Then again, home wasn't exactly the nicest place either, so who are you to judge.

"Just turned," you say to the coms.

"Head forward for three blocks, and it should be the first alway on your right. Shouldn't be hard to miss."

You went as instructed, taking care not to hit anyone this time. Going beyond that, you're head goes on a swivel. You're not the brightest bulb, but if you were throwing a big drive for parahumans, you'd put a big guy on the lookout at the corner of the alleyways. Well, no, it doesn't have to be a big guy. Parahumans don't need fit that mold anymore, look at yourself. You're barely scratching five ten, you're skinnier than Rebecca and you can also throw a skyscraper at someone if you feel like it.

Even including shrimps like you, there's nobody around the corners even leading up to it. Back home during this time of night, there's always someone close to the stores. Late night smoke break, a quiet corner to puke in after a drink, you name it. So either this side of the US was a whole lot tamer than the side you're used to, or someone cleared someone out.

Getting to the third corner, Number Man said that it wouldn't be hard to miss, and he was right.

The lights have seen better days, but the neon colors that spelled out Ruby Dreams hangs firmly on the cage over a metal canopy. Down a few steps, you have to blink away the dots from the gleaming ruby door. And if that wasn't enough, you're ears got a good assault as well. Despite being at the street, the drum of the bass hits you like a sledgehammer.

That's nothing compared to the bouncers. There are three of them: two guys and a girl with one of the guys leaning against the cage next to the door. He isn't much to talk about, a bald guy with a cut on his lip and mismatched eyes that focused on you despite the distance. His hands moved out of an expensive leather jacket, and the action spired his two friends. The girl has a bit more flair in her outfit, a masquerade mask barely hiding brilliant blue eyes. All things being equal, if you hadn't met Rebecca or Contessa, she'd be the prettiest girl you've seen. Didn't hurt that she looked your age, if not a little younger. Not that she seemed to care, the rest of her dress and a mink of all things left little to the imagination with their windows. The other guy looked somewhere between ten to fifteen years older than you with the weight to match, fitting the classic bodyguard mold perfect. His arms are the size of your head for god's sake. Fit him with a black knight set, and you'd be looking at Onslaught all over again. He smiles, and with barely a squint he meets your gaze.

Your breath hitches, you feel your blood freeze, and right now you want to run. Fuck Number Man and his favor. Fuck this entire city, anything to get you away from that guy! You swallow, only to find your mouth dry. His smiles widen, and you're not ashamed to admit a bead of sweat trailed down your neck. He reaches to his side, and you're already turning.

And your next breath is as easy as it's ever been. The realization almost makes you trip. You reach up to your head, bone dry. The bouncer, this is his power it's got to be. One look into his eyes and you're beyond helpless.

Mission or not that's horrifying. Waves don't stop eye contact. On the plus side, it was the fear induced neon sign that answered if something was going on tonight. You turn the corner and head down the street you came in as fast of a walk that you can manage.

"Number Man, long story short I saw them, they saw me."

The coms pick up the hitch in his breath.

"Get out of there, now!"

Don't need to tell me twice, you think.

Your pace goes up a few notches, and you're three blocks away from the club before you notice. Taking a deep breath, you return to your normal speed and turning the corner to a less populated street. That guy must've put something else into your head if you're still this shaken. Yeah, that's it, you're just working through the after effects. Not like he could hurt you. Even if he pulled a gun, it wasn't getting through your waves. And even scared, a twitch is all it would take to send him to a wall.

You mean, you're Atlas, you took down Symphony, you don't need to be afraid of some bouncer punk. Just take a breath, close your eyes and vent a little. All at once, waves become your eyes. A giant wall of color shimmers around the buildings while the busy sidewalk is a canvas of a thousand competing shapes. You can't pick out too many details with all the moving parts, but the form is just as bright as the buildings and cars around you.

All it takes is a bit of movement, and a new shape comes in. Your range isn't too long, barely half a block at most if you wanted to keep your head on straight. Might not be too far, but it's enough to check if alleyways are safe for a Door. Something you should've done with the casino. But Number Man didn't see it, David didn't see it, and thank god Rebecca didn't either.

Forgetting all of that, it's time to move on and get back. There's a free alley to your right. You blink through the gold and force reality to come back into focus. By the time that you can see normally again, you're in the alley, ignoring the smell and dodging the dumpster until you're far enough from the street that no one should see the Door.

You're also far enough that it doesn't mask the click of heels. You stop at the corner and see that girl with the mask and one of her little friends. The guy that was next to the main door stood a fair distance behind her. He waves at you, clicking his tongue and grinning like he earned a million bucks.

"That's some mighty fine tech that you've got in your ear mate. Better than coming out of Uncle Sam's pocket," he pauses pulling out a cigarette and a lighter, "You ain't a cop, so a brother's got to ask. You make it?"

"Who gives a shit if he made it," the girl says. Her voice is cracked, like someone who hadn't talked in weeks.

She raises her hand, and above her, six jagged sheets of metal appeared out of nothing. Their edges sharpened into points shining and deadly, ready to screwer you were you stood.

"I give a shit, about who he's talking to."

Okay, this time, you're a little scared. Waves build on your hands, hidden under your jacket, but you don't unleash them. You got to think this out. You're barely fifty feet from a busy street full of a bunch of people that don't have a power to protect them. Think Alex, think, you better...

[] Throw out the waves. Knock them out and gett through a Door before they even know what hit them. Might tip them off of who you really are, but anything's better than getting skewered.

[] Play up a lie, maybe you can play off making your earpieces. If he's interested, maybe you can work out a deal.

[] Tell them you're part of Cauldron. An organization that's completely loaded interested in them? Might be a good way to line their pockets. Could also get you skewered, but it's a risk.

[] Something else?
-[] Write-In

Adhoc vote count started by IKnowNothing on Jan 5, 2019 at 12:41 PM, finished with 27 posts and 6 votes.

  • [x] No I didn't make them, a friend of mine did. Tell them enough to know that you're not working alone although don't let them know the full scale of Cauldron. When they ask, let them know that you were in town because you and your friends where intrigued by the E88 Recruitment thingy. Not a lie, but perhaps a misleading truth.
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4.5: Kingdoms Rise
It's moments like these that you wonder if some force wants you to run into trouble. Considering your track record so far, you're inclined to believe it. It wasn't the most dangerous situation that you've been in, not by a long shot. This is a fight you have a chance at winning easily. Throw out the waves in your hands, and both of them would be paste on the side of a skyscraper a city over.

An option, and as much as you don't want to admit it is one that you don't want to do.

What if you're wrong and the waves aren't enough? If they aren't, you've shown your hand in Empire 88's city. Golden light followed by an enormous burst of wind? All it would take was those two facts, and anyone who's been watching the news would know it's you.

But then again, who the hell do these people think they are? All you did was look at someone, then you left. Sure you had Charles' tech in your ear to help you out, but that's no excuse. This girl, she's throwing around her powers just because she can, and the other guy doesn't seem to give two shits what she does so long as he gets to watch.

"Alex," came Number Man's voice, "What's happened? Who's there?"

Just a crazy bitch and some guy, you want to say. Wait, not just some guy. Some guy who's was interested in Charles' tech. A plan shot through your head faster than you can fly. You're probably crazy, but hey, crazy ideas have gotten you this far what's one more up there?

"I didn't make them," you say.

You could almost feel the confusion pour off of the girl and Number Man.

"What?" comes the com.

In front of you, the girl rolls her eyes, while her friend gives you a mournful look.

"I didn't ask that," the girl says, flicking her hand and sending the spikes above her into a frenzy, "I asked who the hell you were talking to?"

"A friend of mine who did."

Behind his stabby friend, the guy dropped his cigarette and sprung to his feet fast than someone of his size should be able to.

"You're insane," came Number Man's replay.

You can't stop the smirk. Took him longer than you thought it would take him to piece it together.

"He got a card to Empire 88's meeting. Something about joining the pure and the strong in the bay? Well, he got interested and asked if I could see if it was really going down. Sure enough, it is."

The man nods, and the girl's eyes narrow. She crosses her arms, but the spikes above her don't move.

"You're pretty damn open about trying to spy on us."

"Hey don't get mad at me," you say keeping up the brave face, "If my friends and I wanted you guys gone, we would've used the numbers that you provided and just blast you from orbit. Me? I was just trying to look for the right place. I found it. So word of advice, you can do whatever you want to me, but it's not going to stop someone else from knowing what's going on here. So how about this. I leave town, you never see me, and you can keep having your meetings. If my friends are interested, they'll give you a call."

There, that should be punk enough to get through to these people. Confident for some reason, enough sass to sell that image, and to top it all off, remembering what the hell was on that card to look credible. Barely a lick of it is true, but they don't need to know that.

Dazzle them with your brilliance or baffle them with your bullshit.

You've got brilliance to spare, but there's a lot of non-bulletproof people that are too close for comfort. A good blast might do the job, or it could just make things work. You've got no clue what baldy can do, and if you don't play this right, he might hit you with something that your waves can't stop. Rebecca's advice all but screaming in your mind.

"Assuming someone can't hurt you will be the first thing that will get you killed."

It's serving you well here. Besides, you're not exactly trying to start a fight here. She knows that if she attacks you, then she's got to contend with whatever repercussions that would come from having someone live on the other line.

And it might be the small bit of Doctor Mother in you, but you don't want it to stop there. Best case, these guys leave town when they know someone interesting has gotten on their trail. Whether they up their security or not, anything they have will be a perfect setup for Contessa. Someone wants to come in? Contessa walks right on in. They want to increase their security, Contessa just so happens to be precisely what they're looking for to do it. There's probably a million other angles, but for now, all you need to get out of here.

The girl drums her finger on her arm. She's giving you a look that you remember plagued Clint for months. The look of someone who's thinking of the long game, four or five steps ahead of whoever they're playing only because if they didn't everything might fall apart. And it will if she takes the bait.

On your end, you're an unknown, but an unknown with a lot of potentially exciting shit around him. She, on the other hand, could have everyone in the city working for her but that doesn't mean shit if you could turn this entire thing belly up like you implied. A warped game of chess if there ever was one.

Behind her, the bald guy snorts.

"And you bolted because you caught a good look from Drake? Shit mate, last kid who did that, ended up fallin over screaming bloody murder, you must have balls of steel or something."

Not really, you were ready to piss yourself, but you're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"He's not the first parahuman that I've run into."

The bald man smiles, "Oh, I like you."

He licks his lips, and you can't repress a shiver. The girl nods along, a robotic action as a million thoughts came to her. For a second, no one moved, then she raises her hands. With a snap, the spikes above her seemingly turn into dust. No, not dust, is that rust? The orange metal drifts away in the breeze. Straightening her mink, the girl takes a few steps forward.

"Do you have a name we can call you, Mr…?"

"Brown," you say quickly.

The girl rolls her eyes, apparently not buying your little con. At least she doesn't look to put off by it.

"Well Mr. Brown," the girl says in a sultry slur, "I am Iron Rain, the muscle of Empire 88."

Thanks? You never asked. Wait for a second, why is she even telling you this? Rain gives only the barest of glances back to her bold companion who smiles and waves from his spot.

"Our favorite western charmer goes by Mimir."

"Howdy big guy," he says, his eyes trailing down to your legs.

You shift back, quickly waving.

"H-happy to meet you?"

"Don't be," Rain says, taking another few steps forward, "It's overkill I know, but you have to understand that not just anyone can walk into this meeting. My father is building an Empire, and it won't last long if he doesn't have the right support."

All the confidence you have left shatters in a single breath. A wave catches it before you can move, forcing your face to stay as still as stone. At worst, your chin will be glowing a little. Mimir raises an eyebrow, but that's the only reaction to your inner turmoil.

This chick is Allfather's daughter!?

"Hey don't look at me," You say, stepping back, "You know me, I'm just here to see if it's actually happening."

"Really?" Rain asks ruefully, "Then that makes this even easier."

You really don't like how that sounds.

"W-why is that?"

Rain smiles, a hungry, sadistic smile as she holds out a hand.

"I don't need to pitch a damn thing if you're already interested. So Mr. Brown, wanna come to see what's going on from the inside?"

Hold up, what? Is she offering to take you inside? Mother fucker that's the exact opposite reaction! What's the point of having an underground villain group if you were going to let me in any way? There's got to be something up to this.

"I said that my friends would-"

"I'm not asking if your friend wants to come," Rain says, her voice deathly cold "I. Want. You."

Above you, another spike appears, ready and waiting to go straight into your head.

"What'll it be Mr. Brown?"

In the distance, Mimir takes a step away from the wall, grinning and lacing his fingers around his pant buckle. Ok, it's official, these people are fucking insane!

"Alex say yes," Number Man calls.

You want to ask why, but you can't. Instead, you force a smile.

"I guess a look inside wouldn't hurt."

Rain smiles victoriously, the Chessmaster finally making their move.

"Then Mr. Brown, would you like me to escort you back to the Empire?"

She holds out a hand, and behind her, Mimir is giving you a thumbs up his gaze never leaving you. Trying to keep all the hesitation out of your actions, you take hold and Rain gives a firm shake. Barely registers to you, couldn't even get through the passive waves over your skin. Good news, the girl that can summon spears out of nowhere can't crush your hand. Rain turns tail, and you follow close behind. Mimir kicks off his wall as soon as you pass, putting you between two.

"Keep calm," Number man says.

Easy for him to say, he's not the one walking through the street with a psycho in front and a creep trying to sneak up behind you. All the while you can't use your powers. This is getting better and better.

"Chances are, she's making a move for her investors. You came in with tech no one knew existed and admitted to spying on them. It was good, most might've fallen for it, but she's calling your bluff. You're going to be taken to the meeting as a psychological power play for everyone else there. From their pov, they'll see it as confidence that the Empire can handle anything this leak throws their way. On the other hand, it could be seen as total control over everyone that comes through. Either way, you're heading there as a hostage. Sit down, pay attention, and use the confidence to your advantage. Memorize faces, speech patterns, anything that we can use to tie them together later. Hold out for a little longer, you'll have backup coming soon."

You wish you could share the confidence the kid has in his voice. You roll your neck, well, at least you can fake it, you've had plenty of practice doing that. Walking the line, your group heads back to the main street. Everyone takes one look at Rain and immediately give her the lion share of space on the sidewalk. Looks like this part of town definitely knows what to do around her. Behind you, Mimir takes the stare's like you take the morning breeze.

"What do you drink Mr. Brown?" the bald man asks, "Everything's top of the line, tell me what ya need and I'll be senden it your way. Along with a tall one of whatever I want."

"I don't drink," you say with more venom than expected.

Mimir holds his hands in surrender, "No worries, we've got some water, so you don't end up like your brother."

You blink, and Mimir slaps his head, "No no wait, sorry about dat, it's actually your old man, right?"

You freeze, and the only reason your foot takes another step is Mimir pushing you along. The bald man winks at you, a smirk growing as he gets a look at your face.

"Think nothin' of it kid, I'ma a good guess."

You doubt that, but you can't exactly talk back to him as Rain turns back into the ally with the Ruby Dreams. The big guy Drake gives a slight incline of his head as you group passes. Every step that you take down the steps brings you even closer to the beat. Short hammers of waves bash into your head to the point where your earpieces start to heat up. Biting your lip, you follow Rain into the club.

Inside is a bar that your day would give anything to have a drink in. Lights dancing overhead, the longest bar you've ever seen in your life and the best looking waitresses that you've ever seen. You nearly run into a chair you're distracted by a particular head of jet black hair. The rest of the patrons are surrounding one of what looks like a dozen game tables. You catch poker, blackjack, and a few dice tables were thrown in there for good measure.

And all of it drenched in the color of the club.

A few members of the table take notice of you, or, Rain as you go past. A few sizes you up, most only giving you a second. That's fine. They didn't need to know that they just miss judged Atlas.

Anything to make you feel better helps.

Rain takes you and Mimir into the back, another giant ruby door that looked straight out of a bomb shelter. She taps once, the sound barely getting through the bass. The clank and motion of metal moving breaks through, but it has nothing on the godawful sound of it scraping along the ground. The door only opens so the three of you can barely slip through. Rain squeezes through, and you're not tall enough to see past her.

So you're walking into a blast shelter with your head ringing and without seeing a thing? Number Man better hurry the fuck up, because this is going to get worse before it gets better. Stepping through, Rain steps aside and you make a show of stretching your arm. Easing out the tension and giving you enough of an excuse to look around.

It's a half table meeting, several seats working around the flat end going to the center. Out of the six chairs that surround the head, four are occupied. The furthest is a man that looks around Clint's age. Long hair, sharp brown eyes and decked out in an expensive looking shirt and wrist rings. He smiles as you enter, tipping a hat that he didn't have. To his right, an older man sat in a three-piece brown suit that went with a similar colored head of hair. Silver lined black gloves covered his hands, while bright crimson eyes only gave you the barest of glances before his attention returned to a steaming cup of something in front of him. Moving along, a guy older than your father sits ramrod straight, kind of like you saw military people in movies sit. Greying hair covered one eye, but it didn't do anything to disguise the sneer on his lips as you get closer. Finally, next to him is what you think is a man. His figure is hidden behind a large black robe and a plague doctor mask.

The man at the center is… certainly looks the part of the leader of an empire. Dozens of broken swords, spears, and shields came together to form a helmet and breastplate. He turns his head at your arrival, his armor crashing against itself in a small orchestra of shining blades. Despite yourself, you still clench a fist, gathering another wave. As if he could sense the power, a flip of his hand straightens a crimson cape behind him, the action making his lean forward all the more dramatic almost daring you to take action. You hold back, but instead, the plague doctor turns to look at you, gawking at you.

"A brat?" asks a surprisingly high but still masculine voice, "Were you really that desperate for help that you thought children would be useful, Allfather?"

"Now now Lorme," the man in the business suit chides, "I'm sure Allfather has a reason."

"Better be a good one," the military man barks, "He looks the type to let anyone into the fold."

Allfather drums his fingers, the metal making each hit ring in the small room. It's like a call sign. The second the first hit, everyone, and you mean everyone shut their mouths and waited. He raises a hand and snaps. Behind you, the door slams shut. Suddenly, everything is dead silent. You don't breath as Alfather studies you behind his helm. It's infuriating not to see his eyes. Body language has always been a crapshoot.

Slowly, he gestured to the seat furthest from the end.

"Take a seat."

His tone spoke more as a command than an offer. Even so, you could almost sense the smirk under his helm, daring you to try and undermine him here. Carefully, you take the offered seat.

"And who might this be?"

You're about to answer only to stop when you notice the question isn't directed at you. Rain circles around the table, taking a spot behind her father while Mimir stays a respectful distance from the table, guarding the door with someone you didn't notice. An older woman in a cocktail dress. She eyes you but says nothing, crossing her arms behind her back and standing at attention.

"Alfather," Mimir greets, bowing respectfully, "This here is Mr. Brown comes as the spokesmen of a little group who can make some fine pieces of metal."

"Oh?" Allfather asks, probably playing up his interest, "And pray tell, what kind of toys can you offer?"

"It's not really a matter of offering," Rain says, "You see, Mr. Brown here came to us to spy on us."

You flinch as suddenly all eyes are on you. Farthest from you, the man in the shirt lets out a shit-eating grin. Mr. Tux next to him raises an eyebrow. The plague doctor hisses like a cat. The military man takes a better look at you.

Only so he can aim the gun at your forehead.

A claymore forms from nothing in front of you, cutting off the gun. The military man sneers at the action, while Allfather waves a hand.

"Now Martin, let's not be too rash. I'm sure there is an explanation."

His daughter bows her head, honoring her apparent queue.

"One of your invitations got to a 'friend' of his. He's hearing this right now, Mimir caught how high grade the tech of his is. Mr. Brown said that his friends are interested in the meeting. If it was happening, his friend would come to talk to us. If not, they apparently have the means to blow us from orbit."

At the door, Mimir laughs, "Mate actually believes it when he says it too."

"Is that right?" Allfather all but chuckles, "Well then Mr. Brown, it is an honor to have you with us tonight. Do take all the notes you need."

"What," Lorme asks, "You're going to let him stay?

"A risk, sure, but that's why he's here. If he's here to business, we've got another customer. If he isn't, we're already underground," Rain says.

You blanch, and it makes Alfather chuckles.

"Excellent, you've done well."

The girl actually blushes at the praise, though the tux man shakes his head.

"If you say so."

"I do," Allfather threatens.

The air gets thick as the two men stare one another down. The man at the far end looks like he wanted to take bets on who was going to win. The rest of you are too busy trying to look inconspicuous. Finally, the man relents, and Allfather eases back into his seat.

"Excellent, now that we have a majority of the table gathered, by choice or by circumstance, allow me to begin this meeting in earnest."

Allfather praises from his seat, flicking his cape back letting it gracefully flow behind him. Crazy bastard probably practiced that, capes are a pain in the ass to get right. At least, that's what Rebecca says, you don't have that problem.

"As all of you know, or shall know, I am Allfather, founder of the Empire that will one day span the entire country. Not this day, or any day soon, but even you must understand that now the time is ripe. Symphony's great advent has allowed us to step out of the shadows and take what is ours unabated by the filth that has infested this country since the dear Martin Luther's passing."

Next, to you, Martin and Lorme scoff in disgust at the name, the sound apparently all Allfather needed to continue.

"Yes, it pains me more than you know to see such worthless apes infest the so-called, great governing body of our fair country. For too long we have had to sit back at let this plague spread further and further into the world."

He tightens his fist, metal scrapping together in a raging slash that makes you wince.

"They will be purged. This will be an empire that shows the world how it should be run, with those who are pure, clean and white in the seats of power that God himself has waited in anticipation for us to take. In this casino, my followers are already ready and waiting for the chance to expend deeper into this city. With our powers and resources, the local forces will be nothing but leaves in the wind. While the world tries to maintain the status quo, we shall use the chaos that Symphony gave his freedom to provide. Bothers, sisters, we cannot let this chance go. Starting today, should you swear, we shall begin the conquest that started the day that man left Eden. What say you, my reborn siblings? What say you, my fellow Kings!?"

Lorme and Martin instantly shot to their feet, and in Martin's case, grinning like a nutcase. The far man and Mr. Tux are still in their seat, and from the look at that Rain is giving them, they'll pay with their lives for not joining.

Allfather cast his gaze to the both of them, "Why do you hesitate?"

Tux man raises a hand, as well as a shaky smile.

"With respect Allfather, words can only get all of us so far. Despite your attempts to… console our worries by bringing the boy," he says, "He and whatever group he is a part of will never be our biggest concern."

"Which is?" Allfather asks, steel in his tone.

Tux taps the table, "As much as it pains me to say it, the Founders-"

"Will be dealt with accordingly," Allfather says with a tone of finality, "Every man and woman in this casino is ready to defend it should it come to that."

The man at the far end chuckles, "Confident in your underlings, aren't you?"

"I have no reason to doubt any of them," Allfather admits, "I have read the reports on the Founders. All but one of them is unimpressive."

"It only took Atlas to take down Symphony," Tux points out, "With respect, Allfather, but all of us deserve more than words before any investment can be made. "

Allfather levels a wordless stare at the man behind his helm. The metal bent and growls as he moves forward his fist clenching. A sword materializes against his throat. His skin went deadly pale, and his hand slowly rise in surrender.

"I-I'm only-"

"Forgetting where you are," Allfather finishes for him, "You sit in my seat, in my company, in front of my daughter, and what do you do? You question her logic and mine, you all but spit in my face with your words."

"B-Buit you invited-"

"I am simply giving you a chance to join the storm before the world is swept aside,"
Allfather clarifies, "If you continue to sit there, I'll begin to think that you're only here to shit on my honor with your petty concerns."

"Best get the cleaner," the man at the far end laughs, "Because we'll all be shitting the bed in a minute."

Allfather turns, slowly and deliberately towards him.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion."

"But you're going to hear it anyway," the man smiles, "Because I don't think the rest of us haven't noticed the location of your little meeting. Underground, surrounded by music, in a town that none of the Founders have even flown over?" he laughs even as he counts each point on his hand.

"Being cautious is not fear. Their power is respectable," Martin says.

"So you wouldn't mind being in a room with one of them?" the fancy man asks, "Forgive me Allfather, but anyone here has the right to know. How do you plan on dealing with the Founders? You have men, yes, but have any of you seen what the Founders can do? What they've accomplished? Look at us. Our powers put us head and shoulders above any military, and in only a month the Founders have every group running scared. They stopped Symphony, it wouldn't surprise me if they have the US military at their beck and call with how they trample on the laws of the land."

"They are human, they will bleed," Rain growls.

"Really? You going to try? All you can do is throw around swords like your father. Atlas can throw mountains, Eidolon can do whatever he wants, Legend has more firepower than anyone in this room and Alexandria has more force in her fist than a tank."

"As Martin stated, no one ever said they weren't powerful, and if anything, your fears should spur you forward ever quicker. After all, with us, you have a chance of walking away from a fight with the Founders. Alone? I doubt you'll last a few seconds." Allfather says.

The man chuckles unconvinced.

"Can your swords hit harder than a tank? I hear Alexandria doesn't even flinch when hit with anything else."

Allfather chuckles, "I have more than enough plans to deal with her."

"And unlike you," Lorme scoffs, "Allfather doesn't fear that washed up negro whore-"

He doesn't finish. In fact, everyone in the room freezes. Your fingers dig into the table, tearing through metal like wet paper. It makes everyone look at you, you don't give a shit. You're looking straight at Lorme, right through his mask to whatever sorry fucking face is underneath.

"What did you just call her?"

Lorme huffs, looking down at you like you weren't worth his time. All it would take is a snap, and he won't be able to say anything again.

"Do you have a complaint, brat?"

"Yes Mr. Brown," Allfather says, sword in hand with Rain standing ready behind him, "Do you have something to say?"

[] Screw subtly, but you can't rush. You've got maybe one chance to take out one of them instantly.
-[] Hit Allfather, take out the head and everyone else will fall in line.
-[] Blast Iron Rain. She's the muscle, take her out, the rest should follow like dominos.
-[] Bring Mimir and his friend closer, use them as a shield. Bodies in front and a blast door behind you, you can stall till backup comes.
-[] Rip Martin's gun away, giving you another weapon and hurting him. Win win.
-[] Blast Lorme. No real tactical reason, son of a bitch needs to go through a wall.
-[] Hold down tux and fancy man. Maybe they'll think twice when you hold back two of their investors.

[] Keep up the act, no matter what happens, you can't start a fight here.
-[] Apologize, grit your teeth and bear it.
-[] Shift the conversation to Mimir. Is the pure really going to let someone as disgusting as him walk around?