3.10: More Than The World On Their Shoulders
- Location
- I got lost so.....Where are we?
Can you win this?
Maybe, if you got the drop on them, it wouldn't be hard. Just a thought and Symphony will be gone, and everyone will be safe.
Then how does that show how good superhumans can be?
It doesn't.
It could make things worse. But the alternative is risking your life. Is that worth it?
Yes, so long as they have a chance, a choice.
And that makes it all the more likely that you'll-
You shake your head.
No, that's not going to happen, you're not going to die today.
In fact, no one else needs to die, so long as you had enough power to get to London and end this.
And there was only one person in the entire station that fit the bill.
The thoughts one of the best you've had all day, but there's a small catch. You don't have a clue where he might be, and there's an entire facility of possibilities between you and him.
Not to mention Doctor Mother could've sent Fortuna after you by now. If she gets you, she'll talk you out of everything, and that'll-.
You palm your face, forcing your fingers through the waves so you can feel it. Come on Alex. You don't have time to think about that. Doctor Mother had her chance to help you, and all she's doing now is slowing you down.
If Fortuna wants to stop you, let her try.
All she needs to do is give you a path to save London as soon as possible. Give you that, and you'll stop. But Doctor Mother doesn't want that, so she doesn't want it either.
But if she talks to you without that in mind-Dammit no!
No more of that. It's just going to make you freeze. You need to keep moving. No thought that comes later. Action is what everyone needs right now.
So with adrenaline in your veins, you reach out and quickly press the button for the first secondary residence hall. The flick fills the air, and you feel the waves spring to life above you. There's a click as the elevator starts to move down. Matthew glances up. Whether he can see the waves or not is anyone's guess, but unlike you, he's quick to the implications around him.
"Where are we headed?"
"Hopefully?" you ask, and he gives you a flat look, "To David. First time he trained me, he snapped his fingers, and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere. If he can do that, then he's got to have a power that can get to London."
Matthew's eyes glint in understanding, but he doesn't nod. His finger taps against his arm, and his face scrunches like he tasted something sour. The silence the fallows makes you break into a cold sweat. You drag your foot against the ground, snap a few waves around to force a breeze on the growing line of sweat on your face.
The door flies open, and you have to bite your cheek to stop yourself from jerking back like an idiot. However, your foot is already out of the elevator before the door, or you have a chance to finish what you started. You're just moving on autopilot, half jogging into the hallway, only stopping to glance around the corner for anyone.
It's clear, and the seconds breaks over just as quickly as it comes.
"His room is the first on the left," Matthew calls as you turn the corner.
Like the floor above it, the rooms line the left-hand side while the majority of the other half is nothing but a window looking out to the waters below. Keeping focused, you follow the directions you're given, not even bothering to knock on the door and forcing it open with a wave of your hand.
The door buckles slightly in vain resistance, but it doesn't last long. When it opens, you're in almost a carbon copy of your room. It was like walking into similar rooms in a hotel, with a different guest's stuff thrown around.
Or in this case, the dusty wheelchair in the corner of the room, the open window leading to the ocean and the occupant that you're looking for..
David leans against his palms, sitting on the bed with his eyes glued to a muted news report. The poor anchor could barely read off their teleprompted script. Behind them, censored stills of the declaration in London shuffle across the screen. With each one that passes, David's scowl deepens to something so raw and vengeful you don't think he even notices that his knuckles are starting to crack.
"I take it you're having just as hard a time believing this as I am?"
"More than you know."
David gives you a sideways glance from his seat, his eyes shifting through the colors of the rainbow as powers cycle through him. He rings his fingers together, pursing his lips as you think he tries to hold in a sigh.
"You want to stop this?"
"Yeah," you nod, "I need-"
You snap around, and even David blinks in surprise. Matthew still has his arms crossed, and his face is little more than a line of seriousness. Then he glances at you, cracks a small smile.
You're left frozen as he walks into the room like he owns the place. You even feel yourself going as straight as a board as he passes, even David tenses, ready to spring to his feet at the ready. He looks down, frowning at the action and gripping his knee with one hand to stop it from moving.
"London is burning, and Doctor Mother has closed down the doors after an…" he pauses, his arm tensing slightly, "Argument with Alex. So we need you to get us to London," Matthew finishes.
David nods along.
"Manton told me that might happen," he says.
You and Matthew share a look.
"Manton thought this could happen?" Matthew asks.
"For as hardcoded as Doctor Mother is, Manton is just as good. He figured that if anything on Earth spirals to far out of control, she'd shut down Doormaker to stop it from getting to the facility."
"Or us from leaving," you finish.
David gives another nod.
"Let me guess; she said it was for your own good?"
You give a quick nod, and David grimaces.
"Well… that makes this worse," he turns his attention to Matthew, "Especially if you're coming to."
Matthew's eyes reflective glance to you, "I wasn't going to let him do this alone."
Surprise flashes over David's face, however, when it passes, the surprise slowly morphs into scrutiny.
"So you two," he says, pointing a finger at each of you, "Want me," the finger moves back to him, "To get you two to London so you can, what? Stop a psychopath who's leading a team that turned London into a war zone in record time?"
There's no thought, no argument, just a nod from the two of you.
You flinch back as David jumps to his feet, all traces of scrutiny gone just like that. He looks… impressed, though that changes into a scowl pretty quickly.
"I've been waiting for a chance to put that bastard down."
"So what's stopped you?" Matthew asks.
David grimaces, even running a hand through the strange mop of hair on his head.
"I can take them out, but doing that alone would risk more people's lives than I'm willing to live with. You coming along makes the job of getting them out a lot easier."
"... you care about everyone getting out?"
As much as it hurts you, you can't stop the surprise from leaking through the question. Or, in fact, the question getting out at all. David shots a glare your way.
"What kind of hero doesn't save people?"
You open your mouth to answer, but when both of them send looks your way, you decide not to comment. Coughing into your hand, you figure it's time to address the elephant in the room.
"When are we leaving?"
David turns around, sending an odd glance to the window.
"Once I've finished charging a few things up, and Rebecca finishes suiting up. She was also getting some supplies from Charles."
You blanch instantly. Rebecca was coming with you? Oh no… no that's not good. Your hear heart roaring in your chest, and your hand goes to your head to keep the floor from swaying anymore.
"We didn't see her in the elevator," you hear Matthew say.
"Flying's faster for her," David answers, "She hasn't used the elevator for as long as I've known her. Is that ok, Alex?"
You're snapped back to clarity, and David leans forward, his hands flashing silver for a second.
"I'd prefer if you started with that," you say.
"Why? So we could leave without her?"
You let out a sputter of air, and David rolls his eyes, a small smirk of victory over his face.
"Then it's better that you didn't start with it."
The door opens and… wow. When David said that she was suiting up, he really wasn't kidding. If you didn't recognize her voice, you wouldn't be able to recognize her. She looks so much stronger than you ever imagined her being.
It's beautiful.
"He'd probably be overreacting more if you did," she says.
You don't blink, but you feel a hand gently guide your jaw back to a close. Matthew glares at you, and you finally notice the box that she has tucked under her arm. Whatever it is, the distraction is enough to provide you with the strength to speak.
"No, not a word out of you yet," Rebecca cuts you off as she walks over to David.
You're left blinking following her every step as David somehow earns an explanation with a look.
"Charles will come later, right now he's keeping Manton and Contessa busy."
She stops, holding out a set of earbuds that seemingly appeared in her hand. He takes them and gets to work putting them in his ears. The second they're gone Rebecca grabs another set from the box and tosses the set to Matthew. He barely manages to catch them, leaving Rebecca to turn back to you.
You stiffen in place and awkwardly glance to everyone else in the room. David watches his hand go from blue to silver, and Matthew is a lot further away than you remember him being two seconds ago.
Suddenly, Rebecca's right in front of you with the box sitting comfortably on the bed next to David. Her arms cross, and unfortunately, because of the helmet, you can't see her eyes. Although, the stubborn frown is familiar enough to send a shiver down your spine. At least you don't move that much, but again, because of the helmet, you couldn't tell if she noticed.
"You ok?"
The question is reflex at this point. You don't feel it coming, and from the small flinch, Rebecca didn't either. Her frown fades away, all that's left is the desperate grip on her arm and a shaky line.
"No," she whispers.
You crack a small smile, but you have no idea who it's for.
"Yeah, me neither."
Rebecca returns the smile, and mercifully it comes as quickly as breathing. A cough breaks both of you out of it, and David looks… jealous? Rebecca quickly tucks a small bit of hair under behind her ear with one hand and clears her throat to the other.
"Is everyone up to speed?" she asks.
"Somewhat, but it's more than just us," David scoffs, "Thanks to these two, Doctor Mother isn't going to let us go the easy way."
Rebecca darts her head between the two of you, her frown narrowing every second that passes before he gives an almost tired sigh.
"You're the reason the doors are down, aren't you?" she figures.
"... yeah." You admit
Rebecca huffs a little, and David rolls his eyes, earning him a small glare from Matthew.
"It was something about him wanting to go in and save people without sounding like a suicidal idiot," David retorts to Matthew.
The glare from Matthew intensifies, to which David notches a challenging eyebrow. A second later, Matthew relents, leaving you gawking at the two of them.
"That's not what-"
"If the doors are down, yes it was," Rebecca cuts in.
You send a glance of betrayal Rebecca's way, but she ignores it, pinching the bridge of her nose and stifling a groan behind her hand. Matthew smirks from the side, and you force a look his way that makes him stop. Tapping her finger on her forehead slightly, Rebecca glances up at you and Matthew.
"No one wants to hear it, but we can use the extra time."
She glances at David, who almost flinches at her glare.
"How long will it take your teleporter power to get set up?"
You tilt your head, set up?
"About five more minutes," David answers, "But even then, we'll probably have to fly a bit."
Ok, back up.
"Why? Aren't you just going to get us all to London?" you ask.
David shakes his head.
"As much as I'd like to do that, I'd have to waste a power slot to manage it."
"Power slot?" you repeat.
David notches an eyebrow, but when he notices the confusion on Matthew's face as well, he sighs.
"I have a lot of powers, but I can only hold about four at a time," he explains, "To get us all exactly to London, I'll have to use about three powers. Flight so I don't just drop out of the air when we get there, the teleporter to get us off this rock, and probably some precog ability to aim the teleporter. That leaves me with one power to protect myself against Symphony, and any power that I use from then on needs a little time to charge up. I've got a power I'd like to keep charging right now, but it's going to take a while."
Makes sense. Even if you do have to fly, you're pretty sure that if you pushed the waves, you could go pretty damn fast. And seeing how quickly Rebecca could move just in these small spaces, she could probably book it as well.
So even if it isn't exactly on point, the distance lets David charge up the big guns. And from how Rebecca's stroking her chin, it gives a little time for a strategy.
"Then get charging," she orders.
"Already on it, and I'll do you one better in a second," David says.
Rebecca nods and points to you and Matthew, then the box.
"You two need to get into costume."
Despite yourself, you chuckle.
"We have super suits too?"
Rebecca nods, looking at you like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You think I was the only one Charles made a suit for?" she asks, jerking a finger at the bow on the bed.
You frown a little, and you get the feeling that Rebecca is rolling her eyes from behind the visor.
"Listen. No one is going to care about a bunch of teenagers flying into London to fight," Rebecca explains, "But they will care if we give them an image to hold onto, some reference to that instantly brings to mind what we're about to do."
She taps the side of her helmet.
"It might not be much, but a mask will help us more than anything else right now."
Her expression darkens.
"That… and it'll be harder for everyone to…"
She quickly shakes her head.
"The point is normal clothes aren't exactly going to be the best choice if we're going to be going up against people like Symphony. The suits at a base are streamlined for faster flight, have monitors built in and for the benefit of those who need it, are bulletproof."
Wow, that sounds… amazing.
She turns a little to meet the questioning look of Matthew.
"They're also designed how you wanted them."
Matthew stares blankly at her, so Rebecca heads over to the box, rummages around for a second before pulling out a golden domino mask. Wait, no, it's not just a mask. Even from here, you can see circuits and other things sticking up from under the fabric. Turning on her heel, she hands the mask to you.
"A gift from Charles,"
Your head snaps down to the mask, did he finish it already? Your hands bring it to your face as fast as they can, and the mask seems to vacuum itself against your head. It itches a little, but otherwise, it feels-
The spark flashes through your eyes, and you feel Rebecca prop you up with a gentle hand.
"He said putting it on would be painful."
No shit.
Before you can say it out loud though, something flashes over your eyes. Like a tv right in front of your face, numbers flash across the screen.
Calibration complete.
Dampener Efficacy: 98% remaining.
You blink and look around. Matthew jumps a little, and in your line of vision, a golden line outlines him. You will a few waves into existence around him, and the screen shifts again.
Calibration complete: Optimal levitation frequency obtained.
What the hell is this?
"New toys and bulletproof suits aren't going to do much here, considering what we're getting ourselves into."
You tear your eyes away from the screen, watching as David tells the unspoken truth. He gets up from the bed and takes a long moment to look at everyone in the room.
"I want to say that what I'm charging will keep you guys safe, but I can't."
He winces, disgusted at the words coming out of his mouth, but he keeps going.
"Whatever plan we make getting there is going to go straight to hell faster than any us will expect. So for the first and the last time, is everyone absolutely sure that they want to do this?"
Rebecca's nodding before you can blink. In the corner, Matthew glances at the floor, to David, and his hand starts to shake. David's face softens into something more solemn, but he doesn't say a word.
Matthew then looks to you, to Rebecca, finally to the light arcing between his fingers. When he looks up again, the shaking stops.
David takes it and then looks to you.
"… what kind of hero doesn't save people?" you hear yourself ask.
"…fair enough."
David puts one hand in the box and points a finger two you and Matthew.
"Then let's get you two ready."
He waves his hand, and the box glows. When it fades, Matthew's gotten an upgrade. He goes a few shades paler for a second as he looks himself over. He runs over to the mirror, and it turns out he's not the only one who got changed.
It takes a second to recognize yourself in it, but it's definitely you in that suit. Not a kid, but someone who can save London. You need to grow into it a bit more, but it's a start.
David waves a hand over himself, and he changes as well. He folds his arms, and you get chills. Rebecca, on the other hand, takes it in stride.
"Anything else?" he asks.
"Just seting up communications, we'll think of a plan on the way there," Rebecca explains.
To prove it, Rebecca reaches up and presses her earbuds.
"Press the receiver, state designation, and then say your name," Rebecca explains.
It takes a second, but then it hits you. You're going to show yourself to the world. No freak chances, no covert mission, just you, standing out for the whole world to see. And no one would be inspired by a hero named Alex.
"Designation: Alexandria."
Alexandria, the city if you remember correctly. There's a click, like a hammer being pulled back from a gun. Guess that means it's working if Rebecca doesn't seem to care. She puts her hand back down as the knowing expressions watch over her.
"You'll need to tap the edge of your mask."
David scoffs a little from behind his mask, lazily putting a finger on his ear.
"Designation: Eidolon."
Keeping his finger there, he looks at Matthew and waits. He lowers his head a little, in reverence maybe, but his voice echoes throughout the room.
"Designation: Legend."
Once it clicks, everyone turns to you. There's curiosity behind Matthews mask, a prideful smile under Rebecca's helmet, and anticipation as David goes deathly quiet.
They're expecting so much.
Matthew saw everything that you saw on that monitor, but he's still here. He's always willing to help. And David, behind all the pride and the bluster, knows what he signed up for better than you do.
And Rebecca… there are no words to describe this.
So, for the first time today, you know exactly what your answer needs to be. No bullshit, no spouting speeches or throwing things around.
Just a purpose, and a memory.
"You're not Atlas, you can't carry the world on your shoulders."
Clint said that, but here you are, staring at the three of them as they wait for you to just that.
Only so that they could help you carry it.
Your finger moves to the edge of your mask, pressing the side till the click sounds out.
Ten minutes later, 1 hour since Symphony's attack
Don't stop to help anyone that's tripped, don't look at anyone who isn't moving. Just keep running, or else you'll end up just like them.
If someone is slowing down, throw them aside, they'll slow you down too.I want to believe that I can think of something else, but that's all anyone can think about right now. I can barely breathe from the smoke, and buildings were falling all around me. I didn't need to think about what the hell was going on, or how the fuck this was happening.
Just run, run and pray to god that I can make it out.
Please god, please!
Don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die!
Every time I scream it in my head, I feel my heart beat faster in my chest. I turn the corner of the remains of a building and… oh, fuck there are people under this.
I gag but manage to keep running.
Then I see the Thames, and how many there are on the only Elizabeth bridge.
They're getting out of here. They're going to live!
My feet break into a sprint, and I smash into some old bloke in my way.
I push a lass aside, punch a bloke trying to stop me, and before I know what's happening, I'm in the middle of a hundred other people just as determined as I am.
Then someone screams, and everyone starts to look up.
Against everything, I look up as well.
One of those flying robots, the firelight glinting on the metal. One look and I and everyone else goes double time across the bridge.
The metal fucker stops above the bridge, and the gun under it clicks the hammer back. Some people quit, staring like sheep down the barrel. It won't help them, and it won't stop what's coming.
But that doesn't help me move.
And it doesn't make me move either.
Then the barrel turns, and it spits fire.
On the supports.
Two bursts are all it takes to take out the lines above me, and as it goes down, four more explosions make the entire bridge lurch. It comes back up, to watch as the ground gives out from under us.
Then, everything happens at once.
Something black comes out of nowhere, and the bot's gone, smoking piece of metal remaining. The concrete cracks and I go weightless.
Then, everything goes gold, and it freezes in air.
The bridge, the cars on it and the support collapse into the Thames. But I and everyone else who's running across is just frozen in the air, surrounded by a golden light.
I've no words, and even if I did, I don't think that I could say a thing.
"Don't worry. I've got you."
I crane my neck, and my jaw drops.
A man, wreathed in gold descends from the cloud of ash. His hands extended waving across all of us. His brow furrowed in concentration, he gently moves his hands, and everyone begins to move. A bunch of us scream, a few cries, and a few laugh as everyone comes to the same conclusion.
He's getting us across.
He's helping us!
Impossible things keep going as the golden light gently sets everyone down on the other end of the river. The fire still rages, and then fucking blue lasers come down like gods judgement to put them out.
"Keep moving!" the golden man's voice reaches everyone like it was screaming right next to all of us, "Continue as calmly as you can, and I promise that you'll get out of the city!"
I nod, and despite the fire, the shit, I believe him.
He's going to get me out.
He's going to save me.
"Who are you!?" some bloke asks.
He turns to the man and does the impossible.
He smiles.
Despite the world burning around us, we could see it. An action filled with something that we all must've thought was dead as hell raged around us.
"I'm Atlas, and we're here to save you."
Well, that's one way to make an entrance. Good thing you didn't fly so fast that you could see them. And even then, with so many people falling, you didn't think you could stop it all without hurting someone.
Good thing these visors work like a charm.
Charles, you're a fucking genius.
The victory is short-lived with the flames of the city roaring all around you. Combining with the light of the waves, you could barely see a thing.
Not to mention, someone with Symphony probably saw that, hell they probably heard it too. The crystal dome and the majority of the damage is still a few miles out, but given how quickly you got here, it wouldn't take long if someone wanted to get here.
But even so, and you had a plan for this, and it was too…
[] Focus on getting the civilians out. They're what's most important. Once you get all of them out of harms way, then you can deal with the threats.
[] Take out Symphony and his friends first. They're the ones that did all of this, the sooner they're taken care of, the better.
[] Split up the group, make a team of fighters and a team that will get people to safety.
-In that case, who's going to be doing what?
-[] Civilian Team
--[] Write-in
-[] Battle Team
--[] Write-in
And if anyone got into any fighting, they're supposed to….
[] Blast them away, leave nothing left. They made their choice, now they need to know the consequences. Even if you don't want to show them.
[] Take them down, not out, you're not like them. You're better, you have to be.
[] Lead them out of the city, get as little damage to the surroundings as you can manage.
Maybe, if you got the drop on them, it wouldn't be hard. Just a thought and Symphony will be gone, and everyone will be safe.
Then how does that show how good superhumans can be?
It doesn't.
It could make things worse. But the alternative is risking your life. Is that worth it?
Yes, so long as they have a chance, a choice.
And that makes it all the more likely that you'll-
You shake your head.
No, that's not going to happen, you're not going to die today.
In fact, no one else needs to die, so long as you had enough power to get to London and end this.
And there was only one person in the entire station that fit the bill.
The thoughts one of the best you've had all day, but there's a small catch. You don't have a clue where he might be, and there's an entire facility of possibilities between you and him.
Not to mention Doctor Mother could've sent Fortuna after you by now. If she gets you, she'll talk you out of everything, and that'll-.
You palm your face, forcing your fingers through the waves so you can feel it. Come on Alex. You don't have time to think about that. Doctor Mother had her chance to help you, and all she's doing now is slowing you down.
If Fortuna wants to stop you, let her try.
All she needs to do is give you a path to save London as soon as possible. Give you that, and you'll stop. But Doctor Mother doesn't want that, so she doesn't want it either.
But if she talks to you without that in mind-Dammit no!
No more of that. It's just going to make you freeze. You need to keep moving. No thought that comes later. Action is what everyone needs right now.
So with adrenaline in your veins, you reach out and quickly press the button for the first secondary residence hall. The flick fills the air, and you feel the waves spring to life above you. There's a click as the elevator starts to move down. Matthew glances up. Whether he can see the waves or not is anyone's guess, but unlike you, he's quick to the implications around him.
"Where are we headed?"
"Hopefully?" you ask, and he gives you a flat look, "To David. First time he trained me, he snapped his fingers, and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere. If he can do that, then he's got to have a power that can get to London."
Matthew's eyes glint in understanding, but he doesn't nod. His finger taps against his arm, and his face scrunches like he tasted something sour. The silence the fallows makes you break into a cold sweat. You drag your foot against the ground, snap a few waves around to force a breeze on the growing line of sweat on your face.
The door flies open, and you have to bite your cheek to stop yourself from jerking back like an idiot. However, your foot is already out of the elevator before the door, or you have a chance to finish what you started. You're just moving on autopilot, half jogging into the hallway, only stopping to glance around the corner for anyone.
It's clear, and the seconds breaks over just as quickly as it comes.
"His room is the first on the left," Matthew calls as you turn the corner.
Like the floor above it, the rooms line the left-hand side while the majority of the other half is nothing but a window looking out to the waters below. Keeping focused, you follow the directions you're given, not even bothering to knock on the door and forcing it open with a wave of your hand.
The door buckles slightly in vain resistance, but it doesn't last long. When it opens, you're in almost a carbon copy of your room. It was like walking into similar rooms in a hotel, with a different guest's stuff thrown around.
Or in this case, the dusty wheelchair in the corner of the room, the open window leading to the ocean and the occupant that you're looking for..
David leans against his palms, sitting on the bed with his eyes glued to a muted news report. The poor anchor could barely read off their teleprompted script. Behind them, censored stills of the declaration in London shuffle across the screen. With each one that passes, David's scowl deepens to something so raw and vengeful you don't think he even notices that his knuckles are starting to crack.
"I take it you're having just as hard a time believing this as I am?"
"More than you know."
David gives you a sideways glance from his seat, his eyes shifting through the colors of the rainbow as powers cycle through him. He rings his fingers together, pursing his lips as you think he tries to hold in a sigh.
"You want to stop this?"
"Yeah," you nod, "I need-"
You snap around, and even David blinks in surprise. Matthew still has his arms crossed, and his face is little more than a line of seriousness. Then he glances at you, cracks a small smile.
You're left frozen as he walks into the room like he owns the place. You even feel yourself going as straight as a board as he passes, even David tenses, ready to spring to his feet at the ready. He looks down, frowning at the action and gripping his knee with one hand to stop it from moving.
"London is burning, and Doctor Mother has closed down the doors after an…" he pauses, his arm tensing slightly, "Argument with Alex. So we need you to get us to London," Matthew finishes.
David nods along.
"Manton told me that might happen," he says.
You and Matthew share a look.
"Manton thought this could happen?" Matthew asks.
"For as hardcoded as Doctor Mother is, Manton is just as good. He figured that if anything on Earth spirals to far out of control, she'd shut down Doormaker to stop it from getting to the facility."
"Or us from leaving," you finish.
David gives another nod.
"Let me guess; she said it was for your own good?"
You give a quick nod, and David grimaces.
"Well… that makes this worse," he turns his attention to Matthew, "Especially if you're coming to."
Matthew's eyes reflective glance to you, "I wasn't going to let him do this alone."
Surprise flashes over David's face, however, when it passes, the surprise slowly morphs into scrutiny.
"So you two," he says, pointing a finger at each of you, "Want me," the finger moves back to him, "To get you two to London so you can, what? Stop a psychopath who's leading a team that turned London into a war zone in record time?"
There's no thought, no argument, just a nod from the two of you.
You flinch back as David jumps to his feet, all traces of scrutiny gone just like that. He looks… impressed, though that changes into a scowl pretty quickly.
"I've been waiting for a chance to put that bastard down."
"So what's stopped you?" Matthew asks.
David grimaces, even running a hand through the strange mop of hair on his head.
"I can take them out, but doing that alone would risk more people's lives than I'm willing to live with. You coming along makes the job of getting them out a lot easier."
"... you care about everyone getting out?"
As much as it hurts you, you can't stop the surprise from leaking through the question. Or, in fact, the question getting out at all. David shots a glare your way.
"What kind of hero doesn't save people?"
You open your mouth to answer, but when both of them send looks your way, you decide not to comment. Coughing into your hand, you figure it's time to address the elephant in the room.
"When are we leaving?"
David turns around, sending an odd glance to the window.
"Once I've finished charging a few things up, and Rebecca finishes suiting up. She was also getting some supplies from Charles."
You blanch instantly. Rebecca was coming with you? Oh no… no that's not good. Your hear heart roaring in your chest, and your hand goes to your head to keep the floor from swaying anymore.
"We didn't see her in the elevator," you hear Matthew say.
"Flying's faster for her," David answers, "She hasn't used the elevator for as long as I've known her. Is that ok, Alex?"
You're snapped back to clarity, and David leans forward, his hands flashing silver for a second.
"I'd prefer if you started with that," you say.
"Why? So we could leave without her?"
You let out a sputter of air, and David rolls his eyes, a small smirk of victory over his face.
"Then it's better that you didn't start with it."
The door opens and… wow. When David said that she was suiting up, he really wasn't kidding. If you didn't recognize her voice, you wouldn't be able to recognize her. She looks so much stronger than you ever imagined her being.
It's beautiful.
"He'd probably be overreacting more if you did," she says.
You don't blink, but you feel a hand gently guide your jaw back to a close. Matthew glares at you, and you finally notice the box that she has tucked under her arm. Whatever it is, the distraction is enough to provide you with the strength to speak.
"No, not a word out of you yet," Rebecca cuts you off as she walks over to David.
You're left blinking following her every step as David somehow earns an explanation with a look.
"Charles will come later, right now he's keeping Manton and Contessa busy."
She stops, holding out a set of earbuds that seemingly appeared in her hand. He takes them and gets to work putting them in his ears. The second they're gone Rebecca grabs another set from the box and tosses the set to Matthew. He barely manages to catch them, leaving Rebecca to turn back to you.
You stiffen in place and awkwardly glance to everyone else in the room. David watches his hand go from blue to silver, and Matthew is a lot further away than you remember him being two seconds ago.
Suddenly, Rebecca's right in front of you with the box sitting comfortably on the bed next to David. Her arms cross, and unfortunately, because of the helmet, you can't see her eyes. Although, the stubborn frown is familiar enough to send a shiver down your spine. At least you don't move that much, but again, because of the helmet, you couldn't tell if she noticed.
"You ok?"
The question is reflex at this point. You don't feel it coming, and from the small flinch, Rebecca didn't either. Her frown fades away, all that's left is the desperate grip on her arm and a shaky line.
"No," she whispers.
You crack a small smile, but you have no idea who it's for.
"Yeah, me neither."
Rebecca returns the smile, and mercifully it comes as quickly as breathing. A cough breaks both of you out of it, and David looks… jealous? Rebecca quickly tucks a small bit of hair under behind her ear with one hand and clears her throat to the other.
"Is everyone up to speed?" she asks.
"Somewhat, but it's more than just us," David scoffs, "Thanks to these two, Doctor Mother isn't going to let us go the easy way."
Rebecca darts her head between the two of you, her frown narrowing every second that passes before he gives an almost tired sigh.
"You're the reason the doors are down, aren't you?" she figures.
"... yeah." You admit
Rebecca huffs a little, and David rolls his eyes, earning him a small glare from Matthew.
"It was something about him wanting to go in and save people without sounding like a suicidal idiot," David retorts to Matthew.
The glare from Matthew intensifies, to which David notches a challenging eyebrow. A second later, Matthew relents, leaving you gawking at the two of them.
"That's not what-"
"If the doors are down, yes it was," Rebecca cuts in.
You send a glance of betrayal Rebecca's way, but she ignores it, pinching the bridge of her nose and stifling a groan behind her hand. Matthew smirks from the side, and you force a look his way that makes him stop. Tapping her finger on her forehead slightly, Rebecca glances up at you and Matthew.
"No one wants to hear it, but we can use the extra time."
She glances at David, who almost flinches at her glare.
"How long will it take your teleporter power to get set up?"
You tilt your head, set up?
"About five more minutes," David answers, "But even then, we'll probably have to fly a bit."
Ok, back up.
"Why? Aren't you just going to get us all to London?" you ask.
David shakes his head.
"As much as I'd like to do that, I'd have to waste a power slot to manage it."
"Power slot?" you repeat.
David notches an eyebrow, but when he notices the confusion on Matthew's face as well, he sighs.
"I have a lot of powers, but I can only hold about four at a time," he explains, "To get us all exactly to London, I'll have to use about three powers. Flight so I don't just drop out of the air when we get there, the teleporter to get us off this rock, and probably some precog ability to aim the teleporter. That leaves me with one power to protect myself against Symphony, and any power that I use from then on needs a little time to charge up. I've got a power I'd like to keep charging right now, but it's going to take a while."
Makes sense. Even if you do have to fly, you're pretty sure that if you pushed the waves, you could go pretty damn fast. And seeing how quickly Rebecca could move just in these small spaces, she could probably book it as well.
So even if it isn't exactly on point, the distance lets David charge up the big guns. And from how Rebecca's stroking her chin, it gives a little time for a strategy.
"Then get charging," she orders.
"Already on it, and I'll do you one better in a second," David says.
Rebecca nods and points to you and Matthew, then the box.
"You two need to get into costume."
Despite yourself, you chuckle.
"We have super suits too?"
Rebecca nods, looking at you like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You think I was the only one Charles made a suit for?" she asks, jerking a finger at the bow on the bed.
You frown a little, and you get the feeling that Rebecca is rolling her eyes from behind the visor.
"Listen. No one is going to care about a bunch of teenagers flying into London to fight," Rebecca explains, "But they will care if we give them an image to hold onto, some reference to that instantly brings to mind what we're about to do."
She taps the side of her helmet.
"It might not be much, but a mask will help us more than anything else right now."
Her expression darkens.
"That… and it'll be harder for everyone to…"
She quickly shakes her head.
"The point is normal clothes aren't exactly going to be the best choice if we're going to be going up against people like Symphony. The suits at a base are streamlined for faster flight, have monitors built in and for the benefit of those who need it, are bulletproof."
Wow, that sounds… amazing.
She turns a little to meet the questioning look of Matthew.
"They're also designed how you wanted them."
Matthew stares blankly at her, so Rebecca heads over to the box, rummages around for a second before pulling out a golden domino mask. Wait, no, it's not just a mask. Even from here, you can see circuits and other things sticking up from under the fabric. Turning on her heel, she hands the mask to you.
"A gift from Charles,"
Your head snaps down to the mask, did he finish it already? Your hands bring it to your face as fast as they can, and the mask seems to vacuum itself against your head. It itches a little, but otherwise, it feels-
The spark flashes through your eyes, and you feel Rebecca prop you up with a gentle hand.
"He said putting it on would be painful."
No shit.
Before you can say it out loud though, something flashes over your eyes. Like a tv right in front of your face, numbers flash across the screen.
Calibration complete.
Dampener Efficacy: 98% remaining.
You blink and look around. Matthew jumps a little, and in your line of vision, a golden line outlines him. You will a few waves into existence around him, and the screen shifts again.
Calibration complete: Optimal levitation frequency obtained.
What the hell is this?
"New toys and bulletproof suits aren't going to do much here, considering what we're getting ourselves into."
You tear your eyes away from the screen, watching as David tells the unspoken truth. He gets up from the bed and takes a long moment to look at everyone in the room.
"I want to say that what I'm charging will keep you guys safe, but I can't."
He winces, disgusted at the words coming out of his mouth, but he keeps going.
"Whatever plan we make getting there is going to go straight to hell faster than any us will expect. So for the first and the last time, is everyone absolutely sure that they want to do this?"
Rebecca's nodding before you can blink. In the corner, Matthew glances at the floor, to David, and his hand starts to shake. David's face softens into something more solemn, but he doesn't say a word.
Matthew then looks to you, to Rebecca, finally to the light arcing between his fingers. When he looks up again, the shaking stops.
David takes it and then looks to you.
"… what kind of hero doesn't save people?" you hear yourself ask.
"…fair enough."
David puts one hand in the box and points a finger two you and Matthew.
"Then let's get you two ready."
He waves his hand, and the box glows. When it fades, Matthew's gotten an upgrade. He goes a few shades paler for a second as he looks himself over. He runs over to the mirror, and it turns out he's not the only one who got changed.
It takes a second to recognize yourself in it, but it's definitely you in that suit. Not a kid, but someone who can save London. You need to grow into it a bit more, but it's a start.
David waves a hand over himself, and he changes as well. He folds his arms, and you get chills. Rebecca, on the other hand, takes it in stride.
"Anything else?" he asks.
"Just seting up communications, we'll think of a plan on the way there," Rebecca explains.
To prove it, Rebecca reaches up and presses her earbuds.
"Press the receiver, state designation, and then say your name," Rebecca explains.
It takes a second, but then it hits you. You're going to show yourself to the world. No freak chances, no covert mission, just you, standing out for the whole world to see. And no one would be inspired by a hero named Alex.
"Designation: Alexandria."
Alexandria, the city if you remember correctly. There's a click, like a hammer being pulled back from a gun. Guess that means it's working if Rebecca doesn't seem to care. She puts her hand back down as the knowing expressions watch over her.
"You'll need to tap the edge of your mask."
David scoffs a little from behind his mask, lazily putting a finger on his ear.
"Designation: Eidolon."
Keeping his finger there, he looks at Matthew and waits. He lowers his head a little, in reverence maybe, but his voice echoes throughout the room.
"Designation: Legend."
Once it clicks, everyone turns to you. There's curiosity behind Matthews mask, a prideful smile under Rebecca's helmet, and anticipation as David goes deathly quiet.
They're expecting so much.
Matthew saw everything that you saw on that monitor, but he's still here. He's always willing to help. And David, behind all the pride and the bluster, knows what he signed up for better than you do.
And Rebecca… there are no words to describe this.
So, for the first time today, you know exactly what your answer needs to be. No bullshit, no spouting speeches or throwing things around.
Just a purpose, and a memory.
"You're not Atlas, you can't carry the world on your shoulders."
Clint said that, but here you are, staring at the three of them as they wait for you to just that.
Only so that they could help you carry it.
Your finger moves to the edge of your mask, pressing the side till the click sounds out.
Ten minutes later, 1 hour since Symphony's attack
Don't stop to help anyone that's tripped, don't look at anyone who isn't moving. Just keep running, or else you'll end up just like them.
If someone is slowing down, throw them aside, they'll slow you down too.I want to believe that I can think of something else, but that's all anyone can think about right now. I can barely breathe from the smoke, and buildings were falling all around me. I didn't need to think about what the hell was going on, or how the fuck this was happening.
Just run, run and pray to god that I can make it out.
Please god, please!
Don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die don't let me die!
Every time I scream it in my head, I feel my heart beat faster in my chest. I turn the corner of the remains of a building and… oh, fuck there are people under this.
I gag but manage to keep running.
Then I see the Thames, and how many there are on the only Elizabeth bridge.
They're getting out of here. They're going to live!
My feet break into a sprint, and I smash into some old bloke in my way.
I push a lass aside, punch a bloke trying to stop me, and before I know what's happening, I'm in the middle of a hundred other people just as determined as I am.
Then someone screams, and everyone starts to look up.
Against everything, I look up as well.
One of those flying robots, the firelight glinting on the metal. One look and I and everyone else goes double time across the bridge.
The metal fucker stops above the bridge, and the gun under it clicks the hammer back. Some people quit, staring like sheep down the barrel. It won't help them, and it won't stop what's coming.
But that doesn't help me move.
And it doesn't make me move either.
Then the barrel turns, and it spits fire.
On the supports.
Two bursts are all it takes to take out the lines above me, and as it goes down, four more explosions make the entire bridge lurch. It comes back up, to watch as the ground gives out from under us.
Then, everything happens at once.
Something black comes out of nowhere, and the bot's gone, smoking piece of metal remaining. The concrete cracks and I go weightless.
Then, everything goes gold, and it freezes in air.
The bridge, the cars on it and the support collapse into the Thames. But I and everyone else who's running across is just frozen in the air, surrounded by a golden light.
I've no words, and even if I did, I don't think that I could say a thing.
"Don't worry. I've got you."
I crane my neck, and my jaw drops.
A man, wreathed in gold descends from the cloud of ash. His hands extended waving across all of us. His brow furrowed in concentration, he gently moves his hands, and everyone begins to move. A bunch of us scream, a few cries, and a few laugh as everyone comes to the same conclusion.
He's getting us across.
He's helping us!
Impossible things keep going as the golden light gently sets everyone down on the other end of the river. The fire still rages, and then fucking blue lasers come down like gods judgement to put them out.
"Keep moving!" the golden man's voice reaches everyone like it was screaming right next to all of us, "Continue as calmly as you can, and I promise that you'll get out of the city!"
I nod, and despite the fire, the shit, I believe him.
He's going to get me out.
He's going to save me.
"Who are you!?" some bloke asks.
He turns to the man and does the impossible.
He smiles.
Despite the world burning around us, we could see it. An action filled with something that we all must've thought was dead as hell raged around us.
"I'm Atlas, and we're here to save you."
Well, that's one way to make an entrance. Good thing you didn't fly so fast that you could see them. And even then, with so many people falling, you didn't think you could stop it all without hurting someone.
Good thing these visors work like a charm.
Charles, you're a fucking genius.
The victory is short-lived with the flames of the city roaring all around you. Combining with the light of the waves, you could barely see a thing.
Not to mention, someone with Symphony probably saw that, hell they probably heard it too. The crystal dome and the majority of the damage is still a few miles out, but given how quickly you got here, it wouldn't take long if someone wanted to get here.
But even so, and you had a plan for this, and it was too…
[] Focus on getting the civilians out. They're what's most important. Once you get all of them out of harms way, then you can deal with the threats.
[] Take out Symphony and his friends first. They're the ones that did all of this, the sooner they're taken care of, the better.
[] Split up the group, make a team of fighters and a team that will get people to safety.
-In that case, who's going to be doing what?
-[] Civilian Team
--[] Write-in
-[] Battle Team
--[] Write-in
And if anyone got into any fighting, they're supposed to….
[] Blast them away, leave nothing left. They made their choice, now they need to know the consequences. Even if you don't want to show them.
[] Take them down, not out, you're not like them. You're better, you have to be.
[] Lead them out of the city, get as little damage to the surroundings as you can manage.
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