- Location
- I got lost so.....Where are we?
It was an honor my man. Not to say anything, but my current avatar is the background for my phone. This quest holds a really special place in my heart and I'm sad that I don't feel the same drive as I did before. Hope you catch the next thing that I do.
What was the original core idea that inspired you to start this quest? Do you feel like you accomplished what you set out to write or do you feel like that goal is a hundred chapters away from coming to fruition?
The original concept was that, at the first time that I came up with the idea: I had just finished reading WORM, I joined the Parahuman discord and I waited for WARD to start. I wanted to make a quest that had a major player. Like, WORM is the story were Talyor came from nothing and became a warlord, but I wanted to make a story where the person had a power that was respected or feared. Full disclosure, I was kinda hoping you guys would choose the third option.
For context:
] Someone who really knew how to run a business. Superheroes and other such things were all fine and dandy, but the world still moved on. What better way to help it move by keeping the corporate machine running? It got you into contact with a... darker crowd. They offered you much, but they took much as well.
This option had a lot of potential for you guys to be on some All For One level shit, making your own parahuman organization and being one of the true first S class threats. Originally, I was going to flip a coin that if you chose this, you would be either Symphony or Oracle. With hindsight, I probably would've forced you to be Symphony because at the time, I hadn't finalized Oracle's power and once it was made I couldn't make a quest out of that.
And to answer your second question, I think I did. As I said, I think the end of London was the best part because at that point it's a complete story. Alex went from a kid that couldn't do anything right to being the piller that helps new Parahuman's accept who and what they are. He didn't become the true shining example that he could've been, but I'm satisfied with the choices in the thread made to bring Alex to that point.
What ideas or suggestions did you feel passionate about that just didn't make it into Shining Example?
Oh jesus where do I begin?
The number of jokes that I planned on having Charles just whip out to style all over Manton had to be thrown in the trash so many times. Had you guys chosen to be with Manton after London, you would've worked with him and Charles to name the different power styles. You could've, through write in, made new names for the different power types. Charles would meme on you no matter what you chose, but it was the thought that counts. I prewrote a scene where Alex is watching Manton slowly concider homicide as Charles' memes get to much for him.
The next one that really, really saddened me was that you guys didn't pick Rebecca to be your trainer when Alex first resolved himself to use his powers to be someone. She would've beaten the ever-loving crap out of you and had a minor freak out that she hurt you, and later in the story Alex would have the chance to console her, telling her that just because she has to watch her strength around most people, she didn't have to worry about him, echoing the line that Alex couldn't hurt her after his first true kill with the handyman (His name was Martin Wilmes, and if you ran away from the fight he would've joined the Nine under the name Baba-Yega). Had a lot of cute stuff planned for that choice, but alas, it was never meant to be.
There was going to be a moment that, if Alex chose to go back to his family, Clint would tear him down for doing something so stupid as saving the world (Guy is actually just jelous that his brother is so much more sucessful than him and is masking it) and everyone in the Cauldron crew would come to his aid. The most vocal critic would be David and Rebecca. David believing that despite how stupid Alex is for being nice, has balls of steel for wiling to fight him and fly into London without a second thought. A lot more than anyone in Alex's family could say.
Alex would've met Armsmaster, Chevalier, and Miss Militia if he helped Matthew with his shit. Arms would've been memed on by Danah, and Chevalier was going to be star struck with Atlas. (guy is a fanboy of Alex's because of London)
But the one that really irked was Manton. You would've been ground zero with Manton explaining how parahuman's worked and government's reaction to them, even giving an example. It would've endeared you to him, and Alex would've had the chance to defend Manton and his work when his wife came calling. He wouldn't be in the right, not calling and really thinking about his family and it would've allowed the two to empathize over their similar family situations, Alex being an early version of Manton.
Also you guys didn't go nano machine tinker, this would've turned into a meme quest so fast.
And if you had Eidolon's power ... god the Endbringers would pop out within the year.
There were a few others, but it's been too long since I really thought about them so I can't really recall them.
E: But at least tell us whats going on in this arc that literally just started.
I'll get to that, I need to drag and redo these notes my man.
It depended on a lot of factors. For one, the fight itself depended heavily on how you guys characterized Alex and how much he used his power. The Shard he got was the WARDEN, a shard marked with the "Never give this out" type that Eden really didn't have a say in being brain dead. The main function of the shard was to regulate how much power the shards could output at one time, setting their limits and eventually, breaking those limits when given instructions by the Faire Queen.
If Alex survied the initial battle, where he would be there to see Eidolon be killed (That was pretty set in stone unless a lot of things happened), he would learn how to do that and the jailbroken powers would have a chance to gang rush Scion and kill him.
There were a few others notes on what would've happened, considering that there was a pretty good chance that with how you were playing Alex, the Endbringers would still spawn.
Alex would even be able to hear the line that Scion would've said to Eidolon to break his will. The golden god would look at Alex, then look to David and say "They were never enough for you."
Another route had Alex pushing Eidolon out of the way (Since david would be using a power that resisted his fuck you beam of stilling since they faught Symphony and wouldn't be able to be moved by Alex) and get shot. Alex would slowly die, and Eidolon would be pushed by outside pressures to drain Alex of his shards power, and from there....
Holy hell I would've gone ham writing that fight.
I also had a really cool idea of Atlas and Symphony riding Behemoth's sholders. The endbringer would manipulate the waves so both of them could go max for as long as they want and Behemoth has enough energy obsorbed to just constantly firing plasma to the point of igniting the atmostphere.
Literally Shining Examples walking flying death star.
But at the end of the day, it was a long ways off so I didn't put too much thought into it beyond what I thought would be cool.
1) ̶I̶ ̶M̶U̶S̶T̶ ̶K̶N̶O̶W̶ ̶A̶B̶O̶U̶T̶ ̶T̶H̶E̶ ̶W̶A̶I̶F̶U̶ *Ahem* I mean, how would you have handled the relationship with Rebecca? It seemed that we were nearing a breaking point given her reaction to the true depth of Atlas' issues; what sort of event did you plan out around that if any? Were there any other revelations after/ if we successfully worked through that?
̶(̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶A̶l̶e̶x̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶R̶e̶b̶e̶c̶c̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶?̶)̶
I feel like this is the main reason people stayed.

It was going to happen in the next chapter, but Alex was going to bring the fallout of the talk with Danah to her and she would react... poorly to say the least. Nonetheless, she would insist that she join Alex and David's patrols in an attempt to keep an eye on him. During those hunts, they would bounce off one another and the plan was after a shift, the two of them would fly up to a skyscraper, take their masks off and have a talk. Rebecca would critizize Alex for his recluse behavior and Alex would remark that it would be better that if he got hurt instead of her. Rebecca wouldn't take that well, saying that Alex needs to save the world.
To which Alex would say, "Maybe I don't want to save the world if you're not in it."
Mushy talk later, they would date in earnest, leaning on one another and helping one another out as much as they could. Rebecca would do the thinking, and Alex would keep her in check. Both of them have issues, but at the end of the day, they make one another better. Rebecca forces Alex to think things through instead of throwing waves and hoping for the best, and Alex is a constant reminder for Rebecca not to simply let her agent do all the thinking and go with gut instincts. There would be a legit danger of Rebecca falling so far that she would become the logic machine that we see in canon, but I don't think that would've happened if you kept up your choices.
There would be an event where Rebecca slides really far and tries to break things off over the fact that, at the end of the day, she doesn't age and Alex does. The age-old, immortal loving a mortal kinda thing and Rebecca would have some serious issues going through that.
Doctor Mother was going to be revealed to encourage Rebecca's feelings for Alex, tying the two of them together and use her affection for him to manipulate Alex if the need arisen. Cause Alex might have a moral compass, but if Doctor Mother convinced Rebecca, she would have no problem getting Alex on board as well. Depending on how that went down, things might've just spiraled into canon bleakness.
And lastly, they could've had children yes, a daughter. I would've handwaved the weird shit that was Rebecca's biology because at the end of the day, they had Cauldron, it wouldn't be too much of an issue. If I'm going to do another quest, odds are it'll be in the future with her as a main character if not the PC.
2) What was Oracle's power? You mentioned once that it scared you just as much as Fortuna's, which is no mean feat. How would you have used him- as a semi-plot device like OTL Contessa or as a player in his own right?
He has Scion's Path to Victory Shard. He asks a question and he gets the perfect answer depending on the situation at hand. His information was limited to what the other shards knew. He was paid to have the perfect counter to anything that Symphony would have to face during his takeover of London. Remember when Symphony was looking through his book and complained that Alex wasn't in it? Oracle didn't plan on Alex showing up because he hadn't triggered yet and therefore didn't have any information to go on.
An entire arc was planned for you guys having the chance to bring him to Cauldron and his power would interact with Fortuna in a way no one would expect, their powers would shut off. In the presence of Oracle, Contessa couldn't do a thing because the powers would cancle themselves out. That lead to an entire arc where Fortuna had the chance to come into her own without the path. After that, he was going to be the information broker, helping set up the PRT and agreeing with Doctor Mother in most arguments. She's cold, but she makes a lot of good points.
The guy would also meme on alex so hard.
Going forward, he would be one of the first people that Scion killed once the golden bastard came back to collect shards.
3) Probably a massive Cliché, but as a fanboy completionist: Did the quest ever have a true 'Final Boss' as Zion was for Worm? If not, did you have plotlines prepared beforehand or were you going to build the story around player decisions?
Scion was a possibility, but the main fanal boss wasn't set in stone. I had a plan where Alex's actions triggered a war with China and world war three became world war parahuman and after that the quest would end. Or, if certain things happened, Zion would pop out and start wrecking shit. Or even more, a final, destructive war with the nine was planned, their members varying depending on the choices (A possibility was for Symphony to join the nine, they were going to break him out of the prison that he's being held out because Jacob needs another big gun beyond Greyboy)
If you want a sequel quest, it would be pretty easy to have an AU Taylor quest (though I would prefer Alexandria or Armsmaster as the protagonist). I personally would like the premise of 'older Atlas tossed into Canon' , if not as a quest than a one-shot (I am would be honoured to attempt an omake for this with your permission!)
Hmm... I wouldn't be against this. First thing that comes to mind is just a sequal quest as discussed above but this sounds nice not going to lie.
If you want to write an Omake of an older Alex showing up in cannon worm, I would love to see it. Feel free to write it, PM me the result, or better yet post it here so everyone can enjoy it.
Welp, better start getting those out. I'll be fixing those up and throwing them here in a bit. This post is getting pretty long and those need to be organized.