[X] Don't say anything. Contessa's on the path to complete her plan. You've got to pray that the path lets you help everyone with the full might of cauldron.

We already decided to trust her lets. Also I hope our MC stops being a little bitch all the time. Time to man up dude, honestly.
We already decided to trust her lets. Also I hope our MC stops being a little bitch all the time. Time to man up dude, honestly.

To be fair to him, he's played third fiddle to both his siblings, failed to help his dad, and his birth was one of the central reasons behind having his mother abandoning him. To top it off, it's still only been a few days and I find myself stuck between making a good story and have natural character development.

That being said, this arc will fix that.
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On a completely different note, dead week begins next week for me. I will attempt to keep this story rolling as fast as I can so there isn't another long pause between chapters, but I'm sorry to say I can't promise anything.

I can promise to always be able to answer any questions you might have though, that hasn't changed.
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On a completely different note, dead week begins next week for me. I will attempt to keep this story rolling as fast as I can so there isn't another long pause between chapters, but I'm sorry to say I can't promise anything.

I can promise to always be able to answer any questions you might have though, that hasn't changed.
Why do kids love cinnamon toast crunch?
If we do go running off, who's likely to follow us?
*stealthily joins the quest*
[X] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, this is this one. Also if you're going to remain stubborn about it at least let Charles watch the broadcasts of the powers so that we can gather more data on what these fuckers do so that this shit can be fixed quickly. Oh, and Dr. Mother, once we are properly established if you stop us from dealing with threats like these I won't hesitate I'll just kill you.
*stealthily joins the quest*

Oh, so you're the reason the proximity alarms went off.

Worry not, we were informed of your arrival and have prepared accordingly. Your vial is waiting for you, use it's side effects with discretion, please.

Just make sure to keep your sanity on the shelf, no one here uses it.

If we do go running off, who's likely to follow us?

You won't get a few steps outside of the door without Rebecca joining you. The current vote is what determines who else follows you out.
[X] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, this is this one.

This was the worst possible way to introduce Paraguayans to the world. We cans till fix this, though. We need to show the world that these monsters can be stopped.
Oh, so you're the reason the proximity alarms went off.

Worry not, we were informed of your arrival and have prepared accordingly. Your vial is waiting for you, use it's side effects with discretion, please.

Just make sure to keep your sanity on the shelf, no one here uses it.

You won't get a few steps outside of the door without Rebecca joining you. The current vote is what determines who else follows you out.

just gotta say this quest has left me 2 days of sleepyness do to binging it so much the characters are interesting, the Quest mentally harms the QM to my sadistic pleasure and It's really great considering all the TAYLORTAYLORTAYLORPANACEATAYLOR! ive been forced to skim through i'll take my vial now thank you sadly Oglogoth owns my sanity so i'll leave mine empty. Anyways in laymans terms I LOVE IT!
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just gotta say this quest has left me 2 days of sleepyness do to binging it so much the characters are interesting, the Quest mentally harms the QM to my sadistic pleasure and It's really great considering all the TAYLORTAYLORTAYLORPANACEATAYLOR! ive been forced to skim through i'll take my vial now thank you sadly Oglogoth owns my sanity so i'll leave mine empty. Anyways in laymans terms I LOVE IT!

Excellent, glad to hear you enjoy it.

Also good you don't have any sanity to start with, makes thing easier. Also if you see Manton testing your blood samples and mumbling about killing you to himself, don't worry he does that all the time.
It seems to me that Symphony's face needs to have UNITED STATES OF SMASH applied to it. We can simulate superstrength, right?
It seems to me that Symphony's face needs to have UNITED STATES OF SMASH applied to it. We can simulate superstrength, right?

Sort of.

You can manipulate the repulsive gravity waves that are subconsciously surrounding you. It gives you a base brute rating, but when acted upon, you can increase the amount of punishment that the waves can take. Reversing it, you make it explode out. While your fist probably doesn't do much damage, the fact of the matter is you're throwing compressed air faster than the earth moves through space within the space between your fist and someone's face.

So I wouldn't call it superstrength, but it might as well be.
It seems to me that Symphony's face needs to have UNITED STATES OF SMASH applied to it. We can simulate superstrength, right?
The question shouldn't be "Can we pretend to have super strength?" it should be "Why would we pretend to have super strength?". What do we gain over just wacking him from a distance? Right now the answer is a big fat "I don't know.", so it's probably best to not test it against a guy who could delete us in an instant.

So I wouldn't call it superstrength, but it might as well be.
Can we apply greater force at closer ranges, or would it just as effective as a long ranged power usage?
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Can we apply greater force at closer ranges, or would it just as effective as a long ranged power usage?

That's more of a time question than anything.

What I mean by that is, Alex's power is relative to how he himself understands and is able to visualize it. Originally, he saw it as literal oceans between two points, going from zero to sixty in an instant. Now, he's gained a larger degree of control by letting himself visualize it as individual waves in the air/around him.

With the process I described, its easier to visualize gathering thing in your hand compared to just having a bunch of nothing come together. You can wrap your head around it in desperation yes, but it's faster and easier to have a base. Take for instance the shield Alex projects. He's using his hand as a base and having the waves gather around that spot and expand from there.

So in a sense, yes eventually you could do that at long range but as you are now no.
Adhoc vote count started by IKnowNothing on Apr 20, 2018 at 10:38 PM, finished with 48 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, it's this one.
    [X] Don't say anything, but even if Contessa doesn't let you, you're going to go. Too many people have died already. Not one more
    [X] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, this is this one.
    [x] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, this is this one. Contessa can still be of use apply her path to right now instead of the optimal solution.
    -[x] If Doctor Mother refuses to cooperate, leave immediately, too many people have already died, not one more.
    [X] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, this is this one. Also if you're going to remain stubborn about it at least let Charles watch the broadcasts of the powers so that we can gather more data on what these fuckers do so that this shit can be fixed quickly. Oh, and Dr. Mother, once we are properly established if you stop us from dealing with threats like these I won't hesitate I'll just kill you.
    [x] Plan Avengers
    -[x] Bring up that this is the perfect time to show off everyone here as heroes.
    -[x] Not doing anything now will make your plan even harder to implement.
    -[x] With The Path advising us on tactics, our chance of victory will be greatly increased.
    [X] Say that leaving these people alone just makes implementing your plan even harder. If she wants to keep her end of the bargain, she has to let you go and help.
    [X] Don't say anything. Contessa's on the path to complete her plan. You've got to pray that the path lets you help everyone with the full might of cauldron.
[X] Bring up that this is a perfect time to show off everyone here as Heroes. If there was any situation that you could use to save as many people as possible, it's this one.
Did they bypass the path?

Yeah no.
For starters Charles watching the broadcast probably wouldn't help, remember tinkers aren't smart; they get blueprints put in their head by aliens. Rebecca might get something but her powers were more focused around being very smart and never forgetting than being like Tattletale.
And threatening to kill Doc M is simultaneously unconstructive, OoC, not something she'll believe and not a concern to her in the slightest.
I agree with you on the whole Dr. M thing, I was pissed after reading the update, so you're definitely right on the fact that she's not gonna give a shit about it. With the Tinker thing though you my friend are hilariously wrong. From canon itself we have Bakuda who after watching clockblocker, vista and grue's powers came up with terrifying bombs (time stop, space warping, and black hole respectively). Even in character, from Charles watching our powers, he came up with a machine to make our lives easier. Plus we know from WOG that the head honcho of the group of terrorists has the stilling, which Charles also uses. We have both OOC and in character reasons to have Charles watch it. He may not be able to do something immediately build or think up something, but if he were to realize that wavelengths are his specialty, he can go ham.
I agree with you on the whole Dr. M thing, I was pissed after reading the update, so you're definitely right on the fact that she's not gonna give a shit about it. With the Tinker thing though you my friend are hilariously wrong. From canon itself we have Bakuda who after watching clockblocker, vista and grue's powers came up with terrifying bombs (time stop, space warping, and black hole respectively). Even in character, from Charles watching our powers, he came up with a machine to make our lives easier. Plus we know from WOG that the head honcho of the group of terrorists has the stilling, which Charles also uses. We have both OOC and in character reasons to have Charles watch it. He may not be able to do something immediately build or think up something, but if he were to realize that wavelengths are his specialty, he can go ham.
Point about our own power supressor. Point about them sharing the Stilling shard.
Could you just source the Bakuda reference? I couldn't find anything in the WoG repository. You win that round regardless.
I guess my last complaint is, does Charles want to watch it? He isn't in the room so we have no idea if he's vomiting like we did when we saw it or in the elevator on the way. He might be watching it anyway and did Dr M ever say we couldn't watch? It seems irrelevant and inconsiderate of his feelings.
Quick update: With my homework and finals slowing, the chapter should be out soon.

But on the topic of letting Charles watch Symphony's declaration, I'm not going to weigh in on whether or not he could come up with like a handheld version of the Stilling beam. But whether or not he does that is irrelevant due to the timeline. From what I can tell, everyone in the quest and Alex himself, wants to get out there and help ASAP. Charles is good, but even he would need some time to build something that complex.

If you want his help in the fight, he's going to have to go in with the tech that he has now and premade. Which is still a lot. I mean, he spent the entire time that Alex was in his coma building things.

Let that sink in.
Quick update: With my homework and finals slowing, the chapter should be out soon.

But on the topic of letting Charles watch Symphony's declaration, I'm not going to weigh in on whether or not he could come up with like a handheld version of the Stilling beam. But whether or not he does that is irrelevant due to the timeline. From what I can tell, everyone in the quest and Alex himself, wants to get out there and help ASAP. Charles is good, but even he would need some time to build something that complex.

If you want his help in the fight, he's going to have to go in with the tech that he has now and premade. Which is still a lot. I mean, he spent the entire time that Alex was in his coma building things.

Let that sink in.
While we're waiting. Could you rank members of Cauldron based on who'd win in a fight?
Everyone else

But really, Worm powers don't really work like that, being able to defeat Alexandria doesn't mean you can defeat Atlas, or visa-versa.
No but as a rough guide its interesting and I don't think IKN would be willing to draw out a probability matrix.
The two you listed are the only ones we really know apart from ourselves, it basically says that we don't know anything about the team and thats kind of a problem if we can't guess whether Legend can play keep away from the rest of the team until he wins by attrition or if Hero has some tool that can harm Alexandria. And speaking of Alex(andria) was willing to fight Eidolon, does that mean that the teams much closer in power than you give credit for?
Also Dc Mother vs Dc Manton, who is the strongest baseline hummie? Inquiring minds need to know.
Well, Dc Mom has the balls of neutronium, so that's a plus. On the other hand, average male is stronger than average female. But Manton is a basementdwelling nerd, while DC Mother has all that sweet EXP from Eden kill. So Yeah, I think dC Female parental figure takes it.
While we're waiting. Could you rank members of Cauldron based on who'd win in a fight?

We talking raw power-levels or who I personally would place in a ranking?

Well, Dc Mom has the balls of neutronium, so that's a plus. On the other hand, average male is stronger than average female. But Manton is a basementdwelling nerd, while DC Mother has all that sweet EXP from Eden kill. So Yeah, I think dC Female parental figure takes it.

While I agree that Doctor Mother kill stole Eden from Fortuna, she put all of her points into her Bullshit stat, everything else is still sitting at average.

On the other hand, Manton has put some of his points into getting the psychotic trait, so it could go either way.