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IT BEGINS (produced in collaboration with @IKnowNothing)
Prologue: Radiant 0.x
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♦ Topic: The Sky is falling!
In: Boards ► Cape News ► Sentinels ► Atlas
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jul 14th 1987:
It seems that it falls to me to once again be the bearer of bad news.
As you may have heard, yesterday the battle against the villain Mirror Master was recently concluded, with his capture by the Sentinels after their showdown over Brockton Bay. While the damage is still being surveyed, my sources have confirmed one casualty among the Sentinel capes; Atlas.
In order to buy time for Hero to analyse and devise countermeasures for the villains portal technology, Atlas and Alexandria directly engaged Mirror Master and his horde of summoned abominations, as shown in this video here, where Atlas was caught in the backlash of the portal's destruction after failing to get clear in time. As of today, his location is still unknown.
While the protectorate has yet to release a formal statement on yesterdays events, I would like to pre-empt them by expressing my deepest sympathies for all of the involved parties.
Atlas was an inspiration to us all.
(Showing page 1 of 13)
►BadSamurai (Verified Bad Boy) (Bushido Enthusiast)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Shit dude.... your telling me hes really gone?
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
While his exact status has not been determined, I suspect that Mirror Master's portals worked by opening 'rifts' into a series of of parallel worlds- you can catch glimpses of them in the video- and given his proximity during their unstable collapse, he was either sucked into one of them or torn apart. I'd love to believe that he'll be fine, but I just can't see it happening.
►Atlas Shrugged
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Not even a day, and he's writing off motherf****ing ATLAS. Come on! We all know that he'll show up at the next major crisis, even if he needs to tear spacetime a new one like some sort of interdimensional Kool-Aid man. The guy's faced Endbringers on even ground, and you think that a portal will stop him? Give me a break
►Doc Brown-ish (SCIENCE!) (Wannabe Tinker)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Yeah, I gotta agree with @ Atlas Shrugged here. Atlas is WAY too badass to die like that. Besides, they caught Mirror Master, right? Five Bucks says that Hero reverse engineers some kinda gizmo to beam him back within a week. They probably delayed the announcement so that they can have the full team together for the victory party
►Under_The _Radar
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
All Im gonna say is... if Atlas is really gone... God help that Mirror guy when Alexandira gets her hands on him
►Chilldrizzle (Verified Grammar..... Guy)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Firstly @Under_The _Radar, It's Alexandria not Alexandira
Secondly... he makes a good point. There is no way that the Sentinels won't call in every favour they have if there is even a one percent chance that he's not dead. Given how much Atlas and Alexandria have done for the PRT and Protectorate both... how much do you think they will invest into retrieving him?
►Envoy of Acedia
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Look guys, @ Bagrat has the right of it. Even if he survived the explosion bits of him are probably scattered across a million different places (or times... or worlds...) The point is that it would take way more effort to find him than the PRT could spare, and the guy himself wouldn't appreciate a massive manhunt when that same effort could be used to save lives.
IMHO, the best way to honour the guy is to give up on wild theories and focus on helping people NOW. And if he does return? I'll be the first to throw a wild party in celebration.
►Alexandria (Member of the Founding Five) (Iron Hard Abs) (Cape Wife)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
I am posting on this forum to announce that tomorrow's press conference has been cancelled in order to more fully concentrate on outstanding Issues.
Hero has confirmed that the self-styled 'Mirror Master' was using inter-dimensional portals to summon his creatures, and work has begun on reverse-engineering what samples of technology remain. Thinker review of the battle has confirmed that Atlas was able to shield himself before the detonation, with a significant probability of survival despite his dimensional displacement. Should anyone possess any information that they think would aid in his retrieval, I urge you to submit it using the contact details provided here
Eidolon will be assuming command of the Sentinels in the abscence of Atlas.
I thank you for your support in this trying time.
►Hero (Member of the Founding Five) (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) (Moderator)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
As a follow-up to the above post, I would like to ask that everyone be patient- what has happened is a tragedy of the highest order and it will take some time to fully recover. While I cannot provide an exact date, there WILL be a press conference forthcoming that will provide details on the Protectorate (and PRT) response to recent events. I would also ask that you hold your questions and comments until then so as not to add to anyone's distress. Until next time!
Replied On Jul 14th 2018:
Alexandria is here!
*Reads post*
Aaaand she sounds like a robot parodying 'emotionless robot' stereotypes. Perhaps a therapist is in order? Yamada or Everett seem like the best choices in this case.
►Envoy of Acedia
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Her husband could have DIED; don't you understand that?
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 11, 12, 13
(Showing page 11 of 13)
Replied On Jul 19th 1987:
@ Erinyes Really? THATS what you're taking away from my post? *Sighs* All right, I'll try again.
Its not that I hate Eidolon, but I think that he's a poor fit for a leadership position. He's powerful (It's easier to list what he CAN'T do) but he always struck me as kinda.... remote. You know what I mean? He expects everyone to perform at the same level he does without thinking about just how much effort is required to keep up with his hax, then gets pissy when they don't. And for those of you that cry out: 'But he has great teamwork with the Founders!', it strikes me that he only does that because they were able to *somehow* earn a measure of his respect (and have powers nearly as hax as his own). I doubt that he'll have a high opinion of anyone in the team other than MAYBE Narwhal, so its a waste of time trying to get them to work together.
Chevalier is a muuuuch better pick IMO, 'cause he actually cares (and, you know, was trained 1 on 1 by Atlas). The team needs a LEADER, not another Nuke.
►Warrior's Creed (TACTICAL GENIUS)
Replied On Jul 20th 1987:
I must state my Agreement with Deadman- placing Eidolon as head of the Sentinels is a massive waste of resources. Quite apart from all of the points above, his mere presence renders their contributions redundant, since there is nothing they can do he can't do at least as well.
Personally, if the PRT was so afraid of an upsurge in Villain activity, I would deploy Eidolon on his own, perhaps teamed with a thinker like Silver Crusader as a spotter to maximise his combat ability, to strike at any major spike in enemy action, whilst splitting the remainder of the sentinels into squads and distributing them across the country to shore up the protectorate prescence in potential flashpoint areas, to delay villains and minimise damage until Eidolon arrives. And finally, I'd order all PRT and Protectorate resources to be a bit more ruthless in their handling of superpowered criminals- that is to say, they should take a leaf out of Atlas' book and give any target one chance to surrender, after which all bets are off. If there is one things villains love to exploit, it is the semblance of weakness.
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jul 20th 1987:
I... have no words. Like, It seems like a decent plan at first, but DAMN that's cold. You'd break up the Sentinels immediately after their leader vanished, Birdcage people left and right (Don't think I can't read between the lines), and effectively send Eidolon on a Government-sponsored Murder Spree. Are you really that thick or do you just not care about the consequences of what you are proposing? Leaving aside the morality, that kind of action would provoke all out war, and it'd only be a matter of time before Symphony 2.0 would show up out of spite. Worse, Eidolon can only be in one place at a time, and without Atlas his potential for collateral damage is worryingly high. All you'd end up doing is forcing a mass slaughter of the very people you ostensibly want to save. What the fuck man?
►Chevalier (Verified Sentinel) (True Knight Aspirant)
Replied On Jul 20th 1987:
As interesting as the last few pages of discussion have been, I would like to remind this thread that an official announcement has yet to be made on the subject of our vacant leadership position. Rest assured that any such choice will be made only after a thorough discussion of its merits and drawbacks.
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(Showing page 13 of 13)
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
So, I heard recently that Hero made some kind of breakthrough on MM's tech, and that Alexandria was given permission by the Chief Director to mount a rescue mission. It's all rumour right now, but given my previous (and regretted) pessimism I thought I'd deliver some good news for a change
►Envoy of Acedia
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
It seems I was mistaken. I will never be happier about such an event in my life
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
►Chilldrizzle (Verified Grammar..... Guy)
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
Hold your horses, it's only a rumour..... albiet a very welcome one. With that said, I too hope for a successful recovery of Atlas
►BadSamurai (Verified Bad Boy) (Bushido Enthusiast)
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
Too tru Bro... but for now, all we can do is w8.
End of Page. 1 ... 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Prologue: Radiant 0.x
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♦ Topic: The Sky is falling!
In: Boards ► Cape News ► Sentinels ► Atlas
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jul 14th 1987:
It seems that it falls to me to once again be the bearer of bad news.
As you may have heard, yesterday the battle against the villain Mirror Master was recently concluded, with his capture by the Sentinels after their showdown over Brockton Bay. While the damage is still being surveyed, my sources have confirmed one casualty among the Sentinel capes; Atlas.
In order to buy time for Hero to analyse and devise countermeasures for the villains portal technology, Atlas and Alexandria directly engaged Mirror Master and his horde of summoned abominations, as shown in this video here, where Atlas was caught in the backlash of the portal's destruction after failing to get clear in time. As of today, his location is still unknown.
While the protectorate has yet to release a formal statement on yesterdays events, I would like to pre-empt them by expressing my deepest sympathies for all of the involved parties.
Atlas was an inspiration to us all.
(Showing page 1 of 13)
►BadSamurai (Verified Bad Boy) (Bushido Enthusiast)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Shit dude.... your telling me hes really gone?
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
While his exact status has not been determined, I suspect that Mirror Master's portals worked by opening 'rifts' into a series of of parallel worlds- you can catch glimpses of them in the video- and given his proximity during their unstable collapse, he was either sucked into one of them or torn apart. I'd love to believe that he'll be fine, but I just can't see it happening.
►Atlas Shrugged
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Not even a day, and he's writing off motherf****ing ATLAS. Come on! We all know that he'll show up at the next major crisis, even if he needs to tear spacetime a new one like some sort of interdimensional Kool-Aid man. The guy's faced Endbringers on even ground, and you think that a portal will stop him? Give me a break
►Doc Brown-ish (SCIENCE!) (Wannabe Tinker)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Yeah, I gotta agree with @ Atlas Shrugged here. Atlas is WAY too badass to die like that. Besides, they caught Mirror Master, right? Five Bucks says that Hero reverse engineers some kinda gizmo to beam him back within a week. They probably delayed the announcement so that they can have the full team together for the victory party
►Under_The _Radar
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
All Im gonna say is... if Atlas is really gone... God help that Mirror guy when Alexandira gets her hands on him
►Chilldrizzle (Verified Grammar..... Guy)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Firstly @Under_The _Radar, It's Alexandria not Alexandira
Secondly... he makes a good point. There is no way that the Sentinels won't call in every favour they have if there is even a one percent chance that he's not dead. Given how much Atlas and Alexandria have done for the PRT and Protectorate both... how much do you think they will invest into retrieving him?
►Envoy of Acedia
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Look guys, @ Bagrat has the right of it. Even if he survived the explosion bits of him are probably scattered across a million different places (or times... or worlds...) The point is that it would take way more effort to find him than the PRT could spare, and the guy himself wouldn't appreciate a massive manhunt when that same effort could be used to save lives.
IMHO, the best way to honour the guy is to give up on wild theories and focus on helping people NOW. And if he does return? I'll be the first to throw a wild party in celebration.
►Alexandria (Member of the Founding Five) (Iron Hard Abs) (Cape Wife)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
I am posting on this forum to announce that tomorrow's press conference has been cancelled in order to more fully concentrate on outstanding Issues.
Hero has confirmed that the self-styled 'Mirror Master' was using inter-dimensional portals to summon his creatures, and work has begun on reverse-engineering what samples of technology remain. Thinker review of the battle has confirmed that Atlas was able to shield himself before the detonation, with a significant probability of survival despite his dimensional displacement. Should anyone possess any information that they think would aid in his retrieval, I urge you to submit it using the contact details provided here
Eidolon will be assuming command of the Sentinels in the abscence of Atlas.
I thank you for your support in this trying time.
►Hero (Member of the Founding Five) (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) (Moderator)
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
As a follow-up to the above post, I would like to ask that everyone be patient- what has happened is a tragedy of the highest order and it will take some time to fully recover. While I cannot provide an exact date, there WILL be a press conference forthcoming that will provide details on the Protectorate (and PRT) response to recent events. I would also ask that you hold your questions and comments until then so as not to add to anyone's distress. Until next time!
Replied On Jul 14th 2018:
Alexandria is here!
*Reads post*
Aaaand she sounds like a robot parodying 'emotionless robot' stereotypes. Perhaps a therapist is in order? Yamada or Everett seem like the best choices in this case.
►Envoy of Acedia
Replied On Jul 14th 1987:
Her husband could have DIED; don't you understand that?
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 11, 12, 13
(Showing page 11 of 13)
Replied On Jul 19th 1987:
@ Erinyes Really? THATS what you're taking away from my post? *Sighs* All right, I'll try again.
Its not that I hate Eidolon, but I think that he's a poor fit for a leadership position. He's powerful (It's easier to list what he CAN'T do) but he always struck me as kinda.... remote. You know what I mean? He expects everyone to perform at the same level he does without thinking about just how much effort is required to keep up with his hax, then gets pissy when they don't. And for those of you that cry out: 'But he has great teamwork with the Founders!', it strikes me that he only does that because they were able to *somehow* earn a measure of his respect (and have powers nearly as hax as his own). I doubt that he'll have a high opinion of anyone in the team other than MAYBE Narwhal, so its a waste of time trying to get them to work together.
Chevalier is a muuuuch better pick IMO, 'cause he actually cares (and, you know, was trained 1 on 1 by Atlas). The team needs a LEADER, not another Nuke.
►Warrior's Creed (TACTICAL GENIUS)
Replied On Jul 20th 1987:
I must state my Agreement with Deadman- placing Eidolon as head of the Sentinels is a massive waste of resources. Quite apart from all of the points above, his mere presence renders their contributions redundant, since there is nothing they can do he can't do at least as well.
Personally, if the PRT was so afraid of an upsurge in Villain activity, I would deploy Eidolon on his own, perhaps teamed with a thinker like Silver Crusader as a spotter to maximise his combat ability, to strike at any major spike in enemy action, whilst splitting the remainder of the sentinels into squads and distributing them across the country to shore up the protectorate prescence in potential flashpoint areas, to delay villains and minimise damage until Eidolon arrives. And finally, I'd order all PRT and Protectorate resources to be a bit more ruthless in their handling of superpowered criminals- that is to say, they should take a leaf out of Atlas' book and give any target one chance to surrender, after which all bets are off. If there is one things villains love to exploit, it is the semblance of weakness.
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jul 20th 1987:
I... have no words. Like, It seems like a decent plan at first, but DAMN that's cold. You'd break up the Sentinels immediately after their leader vanished, Birdcage people left and right (Don't think I can't read between the lines), and effectively send Eidolon on a Government-sponsored Murder Spree. Are you really that thick or do you just not care about the consequences of what you are proposing? Leaving aside the morality, that kind of action would provoke all out war, and it'd only be a matter of time before Symphony 2.0 would show up out of spite. Worse, Eidolon can only be in one place at a time, and without Atlas his potential for collateral damage is worryingly high. All you'd end up doing is forcing a mass slaughter of the very people you ostensibly want to save. What the fuck man?
►Chevalier (Verified Sentinel) (True Knight Aspirant)
Replied On Jul 20th 1987:
As interesting as the last few pages of discussion have been, I would like to remind this thread that an official announcement has yet to be made on the subject of our vacant leadership position. Rest assured that any such choice will be made only after a thorough discussion of its merits and drawbacks.
End of Page. 1 ... 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
(Showing page 13 of 13)
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
So, I heard recently that Hero made some kind of breakthrough on MM's tech, and that Alexandria was given permission by the Chief Director to mount a rescue mission. It's all rumour right now, but given my previous (and regretted) pessimism I thought I'd deliver some good news for a change
►Envoy of Acedia
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
It seems I was mistaken. I will never be happier about such an event in my life
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
►Chilldrizzle (Verified Grammar..... Guy)
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
Hold your horses, it's only a rumour..... albiet a very welcome one. With that said, I too hope for a successful recovery of Atlas
►BadSamurai (Verified Bad Boy) (Bushido Enthusiast)
Replied On Jul 22nd 1987:
Too tru Bro... but for now, all we can do is w8.
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