Shimmer, Glimmer, & Gleam - A Quest of Loss & Gain

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Threshold 3: Perspectives [Sasha II]
"When?" you ask, quietly.

"Inside the month before I lose my damn birds," Clara answers, distractedly. "Also something something melee formation combat training."

"It's like I found the straight girl version of my first crush who dumped me," Nattie complains. "I've asked your uh, glass lance boys to help stockpile some of those, they're getting reinforced and modified. If all we wanted was to get Corporate dead I've got some machine guns an' shit, easy use of what's left of the ammo, but we need things intact. That means small arms and melee weapons, and that means you get to bug Orchid about training y'all."

"Me?" you ask, gesturing at Brian.

Nattie lights a joint, for her agonies presumably, and takes a deep, slow inhale. "I mean, if you wanna let Brian be the one getting special attention from your friend who doesn't know how to manage classes and is gonna just try to train the commander," she drawls.

"Wait -" you start.

"I'm sure he'd love to get all sweaty and beat up and grappled and thrown around by it," Nattie continues blithely. "Sounds like my idea of a good time."

"Is this harassment?" Brian asks. "I think -"

"I'LL ASK FUCK YOU!" you interrupt. Everyone goes real quiet, and you sit there, red-faced, and kinda.

Edge away from the conversation.

And flee.
Threshold 3: Perspectives [Diamond I]
Gooooood mooooooooooooooooooorning world, damn but it's great to be alive and in possession of your selfhood! You live in a warehouse! You do not currently care! The warehouse has exits sized for you and it's gonna be a hot minute before spider-enabled housing happens, but you know what, you get to be part of that process - those glass webs are extremely useful and they're going to be a part of your society's technology going forward, you just know it.

Well, okay, you don't know-it-know-it, none of your girls have, y'know, had kids yet. Maybe they'll come out as baseline humans, not even refracted, who can tell? But if they're even a little like you are now...

You've come around on the spider thing. Not all of your girls have, but for you? This is the silver lining to the end of the world. If society gets back to the point where strippers are a viable career again before you die of old age (assuming you still can...), you can even get back into the game and there's never gonna be another asshole client you can't handle again. And by Jossil's tools the pole work is gonna be insane. You've been practicing.

You rouse Garnet and Amethyst, who, like most of you, chose to take on their stage names as new whole-ass names (not Ethel though, Ethel and her grandma-ass name with no relation to either of her previous names are so valid), because you're all on the morning rotation today. Step one: bathing. It is not as fun as later writers and filmmakers will undoubtedly make it seem; there's mostly a whole lot of large stiff brushes and standing in a triangle formation under several hoses with screw-on heads attached that make them shower-esque, but y'know what beats a nice early-morning brush down? Nothing, that's what. After that there's a big meal; y'all have extra rations for your extra rations, because it's web duty today, and that's gonna mean a lot of calories.

With your meals are small stacks of twenty-dollar bills, which taste like garbage and are therefore eaten first. Doctor Heller says she's working on that problem; there really is only so much money in all of Salt Bay City, even if the banks got refracted so that they really do have vaults just full of giant stacks of cash. You haven't tried eating the deed to a house yet, mostly because the ink will be super toxic if you're wrong about other items of value counting. The divinity students theorize it might have to be something you tip a stripper with; you've argued that since you're "gold-digging whores" (HUGE air quotes), anything a "faithless wife" might "steal" in the divorce probably counts.

One guy made a joke about eating dogs and getting food and cash out of the way at the same time. You didn't even have to say anything. He got yelled at by the professor, and then his fellow students, and then the grandmas, and then the line cooks, and then Nattie bawled him out and Orchid showed up to yell at him mostly, seemingly, on the theory that if Nattie was yelling at someone they needed yelling at. There have been no further jokes about getting the dog in the divorce.

Today's project is some kinda riot shield-y deal, with a solid core of steel from the warehouses that will be wrapped in glass web and then shaped by Orchid and some of the engineers who share its talent for shaping glass bare-handed. You wash up after breakfast, pull your hair into a ponytail, and get to work. It's peaceful, and there's a huuuuuge television plugged into an outdoor outlet to watch while y'all work, playing some looted bootleg of a film that hadn't left theaters before the world ended. The whole thing is in Enspiel instead of Jeskan, and the subtitles are either hilariously wrong or there's a writing room that needs to be hunt down and shot. The three of you have a quiet, fantastic time, chuckling while you weave and wrap and reinforce and sip at copious amounts of coffee.

And then you're at loose ends for the day. Absolutely, completely free loose ends. The loosest of all ends, which is saying something considering the amount of sex that happens - okay fine that joke is beneath you. Much like your future -

Thanks Dad, for the sense of humor.

You stretch your whole body, arms together and over your head. Several young men walk into lightpoles or the sides of buildings, and you favor them all with a playful smile. It's so fucking good to be alive.

Choose 1
[ ] You have a friend in your frequent rider, Orchid, and something delicate to explain to it. Maybe you can even shoot your shot?
[ ] Some of the girls are coping a little poorly. Let's go be there for them before they start in on their own webbing.
[ ] You know what this day needs? Those inmates. A kind face could go a long way.
[ ] Maybe it's finally time to visit that little shrine the divinity students set up and say some formal-like prayers. Clever Jossil likes a bit of ceremony.
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[x] Maybe it's finally time to visit that little shrine the divinity students set up and say some formal-like prayers. Clever Jossil likes a bit of ceremony.
[x] Maybe it's finally time to visit that little shrine the divinity students set up and say some formal-like prayers. Clever Jossil likes a bit of ceremony.

We haven't really focused on these people yet, let's say hi!
[X] You have a friend in your frequent rider, Orchid, and something delicate to explain to it. Maybe you can even shoot your shot?
[X] Some of the girls are coping a little poorly. Let's go be there for them before they start in on their own webbing.
[X] You have a friend in your frequent rider, Orchid, and something delicate to explain to it. Maybe you can even shoot your shot?

but why do the choices have to be so hard x.x
but why do the choices have to be so hard x.x

My friend. My party guest. Mine [pretend I have a good it/she pun here that isn't just 'itchy' that fruit hangs lower than safety standards at Walmart].

If you think they're hard now.

Orchid has no idea how relationships work other than what it has been taught by romance novels, porn, and observing the few that have either survived the apocalypse or begun after forming this community. It doesn't even know if it's monogamous or polyamorous and it sure the fuck does not know that one of those is considered socially acceptable while the other is not.

You have not yet begun to suffer.
it's okay, basically no one can come up with a good pun on that front anyway, despite best efforts of all involved.

anyway hell yeah, i'm looking forward to the true suffering.

I will find such a pun no matter who has to die. I got gender puns for days, mere English will not defeat me.

Also due to the tired sleepy I need to clarify: aromantic is also potentially on the table. Y'all have been roleplaying Orchid thus far; your thoughts on what its romantic situation might be are appreciated, indeed, desired! It's gotta come up at some point and probably some point soon - the community, whether anyone involved likes it or understands it or not, is living in the new world, and life is not going to graciously hold back until permission is bestowed upon it to proceed.

Anyway, I'm going to bed y'all, I'll call when I wake up.

[X] You have a friend in your frequent rider, Orchid, and something delicate to explain to it. Maybe you can even shoot your shot?
as much as i adore the thought of orchid getting with some spiders, i do think it's more likely to experiment with someone like jill, or maybe nattie (again, so to speak.) we get the spiders later.

it would be adorable with jack tho. boy's too nice for his own good.
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[X] Some of the girls are coping a little poorly. Let's go be there for them before they start in on their own webbing.
[x] Maybe it's finally time to visit that little shrine the divinity students set up and say some formal-like prayers. Clever Jossil likes a bit of ceremony.
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[x] Maybe it's finally time to visit that little shrine the divinity students set up and say some formal-like prayers. Clever Jossil likes a bit of ceremony.

Let's talk some more holy oneiromancy.
[x] Maybe it's finally time to visit that little shrine the divinity students set up and say some formal-like prayers. Clever Jossil likes a bit of ceremony.

[X] You have a friend in your frequent rider, Orchid, and something delicate to explain to it. Maybe you can even shoot your shot?
Here we go...
Scheduled vote count started by Morrowlark on Jan 12, 2025 at 2:41 AM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.
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