Shield Hero Fanfic Rec/Idea/Discuss Thread

Warning: Right Okay No More Of This
right okay no more of this
@Leila Hann

The trial tells us this explicitly. Naufumi's perspective shows us this explicitly. The fact that miss bitch tried to get the other heros killed supports this. In one of the versions (web novel??), she is the bitchy final boss, which also supports this. She tried to have her own sister killed, which supports this. The entire country is prejudiced against the shield hero, which indirectly supporst this...

After some deliberation, we've come to the conclusion that we're really not going to let this continue; we've been letting it slide because it is canonical to the series that the eldest princess's name is legally changed to Bitch, but given the rules we have on the website we're not going to allow people to continue using that to refer to her; it allows for and enables an atmosphere that is particularly unwelcoming toward women. The quoted post won't receive an infraction, and bar other misconduct I'm not going to go back infracting other people who've referred to her as Bitch but it stops here, and if anyone insists infractions will follow.

Related to all the ideas messing around with the canon presentation of morality, there's a couple notable bits in the LN if you want to play the queen as a baddie. First one is a comment the slave trader makes about how the royal family buys more slaves than anyone. It comes up before she's introduced, but once she is logically she has to be involved in, or at least condone, this massive use of slaves. Don't know if that bit made it to the anime or not, but I dearly hope the next one didn't. Because her reaction to her daughter saying that someone tried to rape her is "...And?" followed by "It's not like you were a virgin, were you?"

So. You know. If you want a sympathetic Malty there's a place to start.
I might as well post this here.

First, I'm going to say that I have never watched or read Rising of the Shield Hero nor do I plan to, mainly because the opening premise of it would not allow me to enjoy it at all (false accusations are a berserk button of mine). Only things related to Shield Hero I have read would be parts of the spin-off Manga "Reprise of the Spear Hero", a crossover fan-fic with Fate Stay Night where an older Emiya Shirou is summoned as the Sword Hero, and a currently ongoing quest of Spacebattles about a lawyer defending the Shield Hero in a court case against the Crown and the Princess for the premise mentioned above. That being said, I do know a little bit about the setting itself, and I came up with a possible Isekai/SI fic idea if anyone wanted to try it.

The idea I had was that, as a side-effect of a previously failed attempt to summon the Four Heroes in Melmorac (few months before the story starts), the mind of someone from the Earth in the 21st Century is fused with the mind of Princess Malty (the eldest Princess, I believe this was her name and Melty was the younger one) and becomes the dominant conscience in her body. The new Malty quickly becomes disgusted by the society she now lives in and its many ills (slavery, rampant corruption of the Church, the fact everyone seems to turn a blind eye to her uncle's crimes) but is unsure what to do about it due to being the less-favor child of her mother and unlikely to succeed her.

However, when the Heroes are successfully summoned and she realizes that they are also from 21st Century Earth, she becomes inspired and joins the party of the Shield Hero (this time out of dislike of the Church and believing they'll actively target him, unlike the other Heroes), with the goal of swaying him and the other heroes into aiding her in her cause to cause great societal change within the world through a combination of persuasion, force, and violence, while also dealing with the main evil force that threatens it. Meanwhile, the remains of Old Malty are still there, appearing in dreams to try to convince the new Malty into desiring more and more power, so that they can "decisively ensure the world doesn't regress back into what it once was".

Again, I know a little of the setting, but only a little, so I don't actually know if such an idea can actually work in it. Still, figured I might as well post this here instead of leaving it in my head because I don't plan on doing anything with it.
I might as well post this here.

First, I'm going to say that I have never watched or read Rising of the Shield Hero nor do I plan to, mainly because the opening premise of it would not allow me to enjoy it at all (false accusations are a berserk button of mine). Only things related to Shield Hero I have read would be parts of the spin-off Manga "Reprise of the Spear Hero", a crossover fan-fic with Fate Stay Night where an older Emiya Shirou is summoned as the Sword Hero, and a currently ongoing quest of Spacebattles about a lawyer defending the Shield Hero in a court case against the Crown and the Princess for the premise mentioned above. That being said, I do know a little bit about the setting itself, and I came up with a possible Isekai/SI fic idea if anyone wanted to try it.

The idea I had was that, as a side-effect of a previously failed attempt to summon the Four Heroes in Melmorac (few months before the story starts), the mind of someone from the Earth in the 21st Century is fused with the mind of Princess Malty (the eldest Princess, I believe this was her name and Melty was the younger one) and becomes the dominant conscience in her body. The new Malty quickly becomes disgusted by the society she now lives in and its many ills (slavery, rampant corruption of the Church, the fact everyone seems to turn a blind eye to her uncle's crimes) but is unsure what to do about it due to being the less-favor child of her mother and unlikely to succeed her.

However, when the Heroes are successfully summoned and she realizes that they are also from 21st Century Earth, she becomes inspired and joins the party of the Shield Hero (this time out of dislike of the Church and believing they'll actively target him, unlike the other Heroes), with the goal of swaying him and the other heroes into aiding her in her cause to cause great societal change within the world through a combination of persuasion, force, and violence, while also dealing with the main evil force that threatens it. Meanwhile, the remains of Old Malty are still there, appearing in dreams to try to convince the new Malty into desiring more and more power, so that they can "decisively ensure the world doesn't regress back into what it once was".

Again, I know a little of the setting, but only a little, so I don't actually know if such an idea can actually work in it. Still, figured I might as well post this here instead of leaving it in my head because I don't plan on doing anything with it.
That seems like a good idea for a fanfic with someone taking over the first princess into changing the world.
and spin-off Motoyasu is amusing to me and the was he addresses Naofumi in that series is funny from what I've read
I might as well post this here.

First, I'm going to say that I have never watched or read Rising of the Shield Hero nor do I plan to, mainly because the opening premise of it would not allow me to enjoy it at all (false accusations are a berserk button of mine). Only things related to Shield Hero I have read would be parts of the spin-off Manga "Reprise of the Spear Hero", a crossover fan-fic with Fate Stay Night where an older Emiya Shirou is summoned as the Sword Hero, and a currently ongoing quest of Spacebattles about a lawyer defending the Shield Hero in a court case against the Crown and the Princess for the premise mentioned above. That being said, I do know a little bit about the setting itself, and I came up with a possible Isekai/SI fic idea if anyone wanted to try it.

The idea I had was that, as a side-effect of a previously failed attempt to summon the Four Heroes in Melmorac (few months before the story starts), the mind of someone from the Earth in the 21st Century is fused with the mind of Princess Malty (the eldest Princess, I believe this was her name and Melty was the younger one) and becomes the dominant conscience in her body. The new Malty quickly becomes disgusted by the society she now lives in and its many ills (slavery, rampant corruption of the Church, the fact everyone seems to turn a blind eye to her uncle's crimes) but is unsure what to do about it due to being the less-favor child of her mother and unlikely to succeed her.

However, when the Heroes are successfully summoned and she realizes that they are also from 21st Century Earth, she becomes inspired and joins the party of the Shield Hero (this time out of dislike of the Church and believing they'll actively target him, unlike the other Heroes), with the goal of swaying him and the other heroes into aiding her in her cause to cause great societal change within the world through a combination of persuasion, force, and violence, while also dealing with the main evil force that threatens it. Meanwhile, the remains of Old Malty are still there, appearing in dreams to try to convince the new Malty into desiring more and more power, so that they can "decisively ensure the world doesn't regress back into what it once was".

Again, I know a little of the setting, but only a little, so I don't actually know if such an idea can actually work in it. Still, figured I might as well post this here instead of leaving it in my head because I don't plan on doing anything with it.
There are these fanfics.

But this one is really good.
So, I think I've mentioned this in the main discussion thread, but I'm making a story following a version of Raphtalia who was never owned by Naofumi; a semi-continuation of a similar venture I once undertook in a now dead Shield Hero quest.

Okay, putting my nose back to the grindstone on this. Sorry, I didn't post that update. :oops:

It's kinda frustrating that I have to tear the characters apart to see what makes them tick, then put them back together onlt to do it all over again... but cathartic, too.
So my idea is a rather poorly disguised si of myself gets summoned as the shield hero instead of Noufumi. He only knows the first episode, that everyone is a douchnozzle, and that there is a queen that holds the real power. Him being an American loves the idea of being the shield hero, and just kinda skips the party selection ceremony. He doesn't know where to get any of Noufumi's party members, so he just wonders off to go adventuring. The individual arcs after that can be reused.
I wonder why no one imidiatly attacks the people who summoned them and is cool with them . like seriously you are summoned by cultists and you dont panic and gtfo?

It will be funny if they bring doom guy and he imidiatly glory kills cultists around him
I wonder why no one imidiatly attacks the people who summoned them and is cool with them . like seriously you are summoned by cultists and you dont panic and gtfo?

It will be funny if they bring doom guy and he imidiatly glory kills cultists around him

I figure because it would make a rather short story in most cases, unless the summoned are powerful right off the bat.
I wonder why no one imidiatly attacks the people who summoned them and is cool with them . like seriously you are summoned by cultists and you dont panic and gtfo?

It will be funny if they bring doom guy and he imidiatly glory kills cultists around him
Most times when someone does that, they just kill all 4 heros while they still can and just...summon new ones....

edit: Doom slayer Could be interesting, but...the people who summoned him aren't actually demons and they're not consorting with demons. Would he attack them?
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They look like demon worshippers

Well, like, for one thing. No they don't. Doom Slayer doesn't see any blood or violated corpses of the sacrificed. Pretty namby pamby demon worship.

Second, he's not clearly against worshipping demons or summoning demons. Like, not actively anyway. He's just against demons being alive. If anything if he saw people summoning demons he'd probably just let them do it.

If isekaied all Doom Slayer would care about is dealing with any demons causing trouble and then getting back to hell so he can get back to work.
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As long as this thing is active again y'all might be interested to know that Itsuki the bow hero comes from a world with superpowers. That's a thing. Itsuki himself has preternaturally good aim, which in his world is considered pretty naff as far as superpowers go because he can't shoot to the left to hit someone on the right. This doesn't come up until light novel volume fif-fucking-teen in canon, which frustrates me because the four heroes coming from Japans that are that radically different is something I find way more interesting than most of Naofumi's bullshit, but fanfiction's free to run with it much earlier.
I'd started writing up a snippet for an idea, but honestly, it just ended up being kind of rubbish, since the only part I actually wanted to write was one scene, just so I could write one line, but I figured I might as well post the main idea.

The summoning, for whatever reason, instead of its usual choice, decides to target people more used to fighting impossible odds, people who have experience with adventuring and battle, as well as killing things and taking their stuff to become more powerful.

Perhaps the chosen heroes were a bit more comfortable with that than was desirable, as it selected the Vault Hunters of Borderlands.

Potential Sword Heroes:

  • Zero. He has a sword, and speaks in haiku. Just having a random weird ninja guy as the sword hero could be interesting.
  • Axton. Because his turret is a Sabre turret, and honestly, apart from swords, most everything is kind of a stretch.
  • Athena. She does have a sword, and is probably one of the characters who has the easiest time slipping into the role of the Isekai hero.
Spear Heroes:

  • Krieg. Hey, the buzzsaw is a long stick with a pointy thing at the end. Sure, it's more axe than spear, but to change that you just need a longer stick for it to become like a halberd or something. Also, trying to pitch him as one of the 3 sacred heroes.
And... uh... no one else really fits there.

  • Roland might be an interesting character to include, just because he's coming back to life, but he'd just be put in an empty slot, rather than any particular tie. Also, he'd probably be a bit too normal for the tone you'd expect from a Borderlands cross.
  • Timothy could be interesting, in the role of someone in a world where no one knows of Handsome Jack except for his fellow heroes. Buuuuut that's probably just my biases talking, since he's my favorite Vault Hunter. Having further identity crises while slipping in and out of the role (since some of the personality seems physically integrated into him, judging by the DLC.) might be fun.
  • Amara could be fun, since she has her own Siren powers. She's also a vigilante with one of the stronger moral compasses among the Vault Hunters, and loves looking for fights. Which might seem ideal for someone in her role, up until she picks a fight that the summoning kingdom would really rather she didn't. She's also used to being a celebrity, as the Tigress.
As for the Shield Hero, I know, Athena is the obvious choice, as someone who uses a shield, and she could serve to a degree as the straight woman. And she's entertaining enough in her own right, though I never really played her.

But no, the true Shield Hero, the one who fits best, is one that requires you to think a bit deeper to see the connection.

One with a buried darkside, full of rage and wrath.

One with great potential waiting to be unlocked.

One with weird abilities that seem awkward to use and also nobody really likes him.

The best Shield Hero is obviously Claptrap.
Actually, I think Krieg would work better as a Sword Hero. I mean, the Buzzsaw Axe is quite a bit closer to a sword than a spear...
I think Amara could be any of them, because I'm not sure how the magic of the Legendary Weapons would interact with her Siren powers... Probably wouldn't work as the Shield Hero though.
Zero I could see enjoying anything except the Shield. I mean, he already knows how to sword, but I don't think he knows how to use the others. Though, if he was the Bow Hero, I could see him 'convince' someone to make a bow with bladed arms, the logic being "I can still use this weapon. It's a bow." (But in haiku, obviously...)

I will, however, freely admit I've only played Borderlands 1 and 2, and know bits and pieces of 3.
That said, I'm pretty sure if a Guardian from Destiny were summoned as the shield hero, it would clearly be a Titan.

Dr. Eggman as the Shield Hero. Wonder how long it would take him to take over the kingdom and end slavery.

You know, so he can properly put them to work in the Eggman Empire.
Wonder why i don't see more of Captain America ( OG shelf hero ) he would be an interesting one due to his weapon of choice and experience and ideals .