[X] Henry Jackson
Are you mad, gents? We cannot possibly give such a gloried position to a child! While Corbyn is no fop, he has yet to be seasoned and has not undergone the rigourous experiences that Henry is known for. Not to mention his greater reach and connections in our society. While old, he is most certainly more spry than most of us! I suggest that we have Henry groom young Corbyn during his tenure as VP - External; if Corbyn wants to fulfill his ambition of leading an expedition, he will do it well after learning the ropes from Henry.
(Henry also has really high Charisma, which is emphasised for this role.)
[X] Simon Ulysses
This young chap has a phenomenal gift for numbers and a natural talent for this managerial position. Morgan may have him beat on that front, but only barely. His ability will only grow more potent with time. We need men like him to care for and maintain our organisation in order to keep things running smoothly. His ambition will also ensure his loyalty and passion are funnelled in the right areas. Morgan will have plenty of things to name after himself. He just won't do it from this position.
(High natural management, and has 2 bonus dice to all tasks. Compared with Morgan with a perpetual 2 dice penalty to anything that does not involving naming something after himself.)
[X] Tyler Freeman
Tyler is a hard-working young man that is well-known for his stellar work ethic. Most of the members like him and are willing to follow his direction. His skillset certainly extends to the needs of most, if not all expeditions. His ambition will certainly drive him to ensure the success of our ventures. He'll certainly be able to manage our field assets well, and deal with unforeseen events. A possible choice for President when he gains more life experience. Wilhelm indeed is a fine navigator, but is too specialised in his field of interest. He simply can't stop yapping about wanting a yacht of his own!
(Wide range of skills, useful in fending off Tcho-tcho maybe)
[X] Michael Bainbridge
This is the only probable choice in this circumstance. Who chose these candidates for President!? Why is Gary even on the list!? We do not need a pampered, weak-willed twit in charge of this organisation if we want it to rise to prominence! If anyone picks him, they are doing a disservice to everyone under him, especially Tyler! He may try again once out of his honeymoon years. Peter doesn't have the drive to make an impact. The world is our oyster, and just wants to be known for finding some dusty old bones. Now, Michael fits this role. He has the drive, the passion, and the greatest motivation not to fail. I'm certain he'll lead us to greatness.
(Highest stats all around. Resources will build up fast in light of successful expeditions. The first few years may require us to dig deep, but once we gain momentum, we won't stop.)