Shapers of the Apocalypse (Cosmic Horror vs. Player Characters)

I can endorse the Skippy train well enough. I make no mistake saying that my plans are generally risk-reward oriented. I take chances. Sometimes we just shouldn't :p
You know, I'm not really strongly attached to my vote... The only difference is consolidate vs government and manage vs permanent...

[X] Admiral Skippy

I can give this one away.
You know, I'm not really strongly attached to my vote... The only difference is consolidate vs government and manage vs permanent...

[X] Admiral Skippy

I can give this one away.

Excellent. Skippy it is. This shall also be a short update since there is no expedition this year. Goooood.

[X] Yes
[X] Build Contacts [Corbyn James]
[X] Manage Endowments [Michael Bainsbridge]
[X] Manage Accounts [Simon Ulysses]
[X] Acquire Assets [Tyler Freeman]
-[X] New Mexico Outpost "Fort Jackson"
[X] Library Research (Isthmus Geographic Survey) [Morgan Blumstein] [George Walker]
[X] Research Strange Prism [Essex College]
1904 Results and 1905
[X] Yes
[X] Build Contacts [Corbyn James]
[X] Manage Endowments [Michael Bainsbridge]
[X] Manage Accounts [Simon Ulysses]
[X] Acquire Assets [Tyler Freeman]
-[X] New Mexico Outpost "Fort Jackson"
[X] Library Research (Isthmus Geographic Survey) [Morgan Blumstein] [George Walker]
[X] Research Strange Prism [Essex College]

Charisma 19
Management 20
Willpower 16

Medicine 21
Science (biology) 10
Personal Combat 19
Survival 17

Doctor II (+3 Medicine)
Old Money (+1 bonus dice when dealing with those of aristocratic demeanour)
Hunter (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Survival, +1 bonus dice while in the wilderness)
Wrathful (+5 internal Willpower against fear, -5 internal Willpower to control temper)
Strong (+1 bonus dice to physical tests)
Just (+5 Management)
Suffragette (-2 bonus dice when dealing with people who hold strong beliefs on traditional gender roles)

Born: 1883
Ambition: See women get the vote in America

Granddaughter of Henry Jackson by way of one of his more entrepreneurial sons, Christine was born to Simon and Francine Jackson in a log cabin in Dakota Territory near the gold mine Simon was developing. Shortly after birth Francine took ill and passed away, forcing Simon to return east to be with family. While Simon would remarry, he always had a soft spot for his first child and would indulge her in whatever she wanted, while her wilder ways amused her practical minded grandfather. While to a degree this spoiled her and gave her a short temper, it primarily caused her to develop a sense of fairness when she ran into the things outside her father's control. Currently studying medicine in Boston and participating in women's suffrage movements, she has been drawn into the Association by the mysterious circumstances surrounding her grandfather's death. This is a mystery she wants resolved.
Influence 25 (21) [0]
Resources 27 (41) [-4]
Ethics 14 [0]

Build Contacts
Rolled 51 + (1, 2, 6, 10) - 5 = 65
Influence 25 (24) [0]

Manage Endowments
Rolled 91 + (1, 2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 9) = 125 + 2 advantages
Resources 33 (35) [-2]

Manage Accounts
Rolled 13 + (1, 4, 5, 7, 10) = 40
Success! No resource decay this turn

Acquire Assets (New Mexico Outpost)
Influence Rolled 41 + (2, 5, 5, 6, 9) = 68 Success!
Resources Rolled 60 + (1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 9, 10) = 100 + 1 advantage Success!

Library Research
Rolled 93 + (1, 2) = 96

Rolled 11 + (4, 5, 5, 8) = 33
That went weird...
Rolled 15

Essex Research
Keep it Quiet
Rolled 6 + (5, 6, 7, 10) + 10 History of discretion = 44 + 1 advantage
Mostly quiet

Rolled 2 20 + (5, 6, 7, 9) = 47 + 1 advantage + 1 complication

Science (chemistry)
Rolled 63 + (2, 3, 8, 9) = 85

Historicity Rolled 49
Pretty average
Butterfly Roll 98

In comparison to the highs and lows of prior years the situation for the year of 1904 is rather quiet and sedate, the members mostly gathering together resources to bring to bear for the upcoming Isthmus expedition. There are, however, a number of still surprising moments.

Financially, much effort had gone into managing the various accounts and funds from donations and the like and putting them into sustainable endowments to be able to finance future operations without having to constantly go to the public or members for money. Along the way though, Michael found a most interesting development. Using Peter's survey maps, it had been determined that there was a small coal mine that the owners were planning to shut down for no longer being economical but whose shafts should be close to touching upon some portion of the course of the underground river that had been divined. More than that, review with Peter had suggested that there was a chance that the mine would remain economical with an investment of modern equipment and superior knowledge. Either way, it was suggested that the purchase of the mine could be useful in conjunction with the construction of "Fort Jackson" for overseeing the region and for the potential profit it could bring. The ability to buy it out is probably going to be a short term thing though.

After giving his presentation on how he had managed to track down the French survey maps from Panama and being told this offhandedly, Morgan suddenly had a bit of a deranged look in his eye and said that he would personally take over as manager if this went forward. While his enthusiasm is probably useful, the cause of it probably isn't.

Then there is Christine's arrival and introduction to the Association. While everyone can agree that she related to Henry, that nonetheless does not fail to cause consternation and scandal among the members. One member who spent time in the British Raj and thus had some contact with the beliefs of Hindus said that after meeting her he was suddenly more open to the idea of reincarnation, as he had now witnessed what it would be like for a grizzly bear to be reincarnated as a 5'4" brunette with a habit of picking fights with grown men and coming out on top. A dynamo of twirling hair and skirts atop practical shoes, she had shown up damn near everyone except Tyler in a marksmanship contest.

The less said about the drinking contest the better.

While she had ruffled more than a few feathers, everyone had to agree that her presence among the Association would be a welcome one in that despite her current pursuit of a medical degree she was certainly well suited to exploration, and once she graduated her talents at medicine would be most welcome.

She had, however, also brought with her some most peculiar baggage towards the end of the year, when an 'ally' of hers had shown up at a meeting. Identified as one Mrs. Julia Coxworth of the Salem Temperance League, if Christine was a whirlwind of petticoats and unladylike behavior, Mrs. Coxworth was a gale of sanctimony and wet-blanketry.

"So this is where you have been propping up your boots is it?" Mrs. Coxworth demanded, glaring about the room of gentlemen, hunters, and scouts who just looked on in confusion.

Rolling her eyes from where she was seated, Christine said, "This is family business, shoo. If you want to annoy me do it when I'm at the next Boston Suffragettes meeting."

Clearing his throat, Michael said, "Madam, while we are obviously not going to simply throw you out into the snow like ruffians, do you have some purpose to interrupting our meeting besides to harass our latest member?"

"Why yes I do have something to say to you drunken old sots! Look at all of these, these Unchristian things you bring back from uncivilized places! I see drinkers and gamblers and I know that you're involved in the latest round of unwholesomeness to be sweeping the nation," Julia accuses.

Giving her a blank stare, Michael says, "Madam, while I have the unfortunate suspicion that my reassurances contrariwise will do little to assuage your concerns, I can only express bafflement at your accusations and would ask for clarification as to precisely what outrage you speak."

That caught Mrs. Coxworth a little upside the head and in the moment before she started talking again there was the faintest sound of barely audible applause from parts of the room, which was then drown out by her bulling onward as she said, "The book! The latest piece of loathsome debauchery to dribble out of the opium and bourbon parlours of Europe, full of debased filth to pervert the morals of good Christian folk! I know that you have to have heard about it since that is exactly the sort of thing you sorts like to uncover!"

Blinking, Michael could only ask with sarcasm insufficient to penetrate Julia's battleship thick bullheadedness, "Given your insistence upon our moral degeneracy one cannot fail but ask the follow up question of which book of degenerate morals you speak."

Again taking a moment to parse what was said, Mrs. Coxworth said, "Less Secrets Della Grot Cash!"

There was much blinking before Peter spoke up and asked, faintly aghast, "Madam, are you perhaps attempting to pronounce the French for 'The Secrets of the Hidden Grotto'?"

"See! You know about this!" She said, causing Christine to slowly sink her face further and further into her own hands in frustration.

"Madam, I am a scholar and a gentleman, and I speak many languages and I would ask that you not butcher the ones I know in front of me!" Peter said, faintly outraged.

Holding up his hands for calm, Michael said in a booming, boardroom voice that waylaid the brewing riot and said, "Mrs. Coxworth, I can assure you that we have not heard of this book until you came barging in here. I ask for you and everyone else here to remain calm. If you wish to express your concerns to us I would welcome it, but as an Association we have no knowledge of this. Have any of our members heard of this?"

Surprisingly it was George Walker who raised his hand and said, "There is a rumour going about Essex College that a number of students have come into possession of some strange book and dropped out shortly after."

"That's the one!" Julia trilled triumphantly. Her smile was soon dampened by everyone expressing confusion and an earnest lack of knowledge on the subject. It did not take long for her to stomp out fuming.

Everyone turned to Christine once she was out of earshot. The young woman just groaned and said, "She's the sort of woman who almost makes me not want us to get the vote. She's a suffragette because she thinks that everyone woman thinks like her deep down and they would vote as a block for the things she likes."

There was much self-satisfied humming at that, although after a moment George spoke up and said, "Actually... question. Does anyone else find it... peculiar that we encounter subterranean monsters for the first time in recorded history and shortly thereafter a book about hidden caves that apparently erodes morals starts circulating about?"

That caused some thought, although it soon degenerated into an argument on the definition of 'coincidence'.

Shortly after that a further report on the strange rod that had been recovered had come in and while there were obviously issues about the facilities available and the request to keep things quiet, they at least now had a proper, preliminary report on the rod's chemical make up... which was that they had no idea what it was made of. While they hadn't busted out the truly extreme measures - mostly because they didn't have the facilities to go all out - they had not been able to scratch it with any of their tools and no chemical attacks had produced any reaction. The rod was an enigma that confused and enraged those who had come into contact with it for its refusal to allow itself to be properly studied and defined.

Irritating and intriguing, especially since more extreme measures did bring in the possibility of damage to the artefact.

Influence 25 (24) [0]
Resources 33 (35) [-4]
Ethics 14 [0]

Essex College Contacts (can recruit Scholar-type specialists or pass along items for study)

New Mexico Contacts (+1 bonus dice whenever involved in New Mexico)
New Mexico Sympathies (the local authorities are willing to offer additional help to you, opening up new opportunities and reducing complications incurred there)

Expedition Grace Period: Launch an expedition by 1908 to avoid taking Influence penalties

Explorer's Library (allows for Research and Cartography checks to aid in Expedition Projects)
Biological Diversity Hall (provides an area to either research plants and animals that have been encountered by the Association, or to impress the public) [-1] Resources decay/turn
Maxim Gun [-1] Resources decay/turn
New Mexico Outpost (the site you have discovered still has dangerous secrets to explore, you should consider setting up something more permanent to keep an eye on things and do ongoing research) Inf DC: 20, Res DC: 60, [-2] Resources decay/turn

1x Strange Prism (this object has strange properties and needs investigation and research)
Build Contacts (Charisma check to improve temporary Influence score, DC: Temp Inf+10) [VP-E]
Consolidate Connections (Charisma check to convert temporary Influence into permanent Influence, DC: Temp Inf +20) [VP-E]
Soothe Egos (Charisma check to keep temporary Influence from decaying, or increase the speed of recovery, DC: Temp Inf) [VP-E]
Recruit Specialist (Recruit a Scholar to join the Main Roster. Charisma check to determine degree of skill) [VP-E]
Develop Government Contacts (Charisma check to spend temporary Influence to build government contacts) [VP-E]

Fundraising (Charisma check to spend temporary Influence to improve temporary Resources score, DC: Temp Res +10) [VP-E] [T]
Manage Endowments (Management check to convert temporary Resource into permanent Resource, DC: Temp Res + 20) [T]
Manage Accounts (Management check to keep temporary Resources from decaying, or increase the speed of recovery, DC: Temp Res) [T] [VP-O]
Permanent Funding (Management check to eliminate or reduce Resource decay from assets by reducing Permanent Resource score, DC: Decay rate x 20) [T]

Manage Estates (Management check to reduce the upkeep costs of various resources, DC: Decay rate x 10) [VP-O]
Improve Ethics (Worst of Management and Charisma check to improve Ethics score, to Max of character performing task's Willpower) [VP-O]
Erode Ethics (Charisma check to decrease Ethics score) [VP-O]
Acquire Assets (Influence and/or Resources check to acquire new assets) [VP-O]

Attempt to Launch Expedition (Makes Influence and Resource checks (Inf DC: 45, Res DC: 70) to attempt to launch an expedition) [PO]

Library Research (Research check to consult maps and journals to seek advantages in launching an expedition) [Jr]
Biological Diversity Research (Research check to consult previously acquired specimens to seek advantages in understanding the flora and fauna of an area) [Jr]

Research Strange Prism (Research and Science (physics, chemistry) checks required to have some understanding of this object and its properties) [Jr] [Ex]

Investigate 'Les Secrets de la Grotte Cachee' (there are rumours of a strange book that causes moral degeneracy circulating about that perhaps you wish to look into) [Jr] Note: Defaults from Investigation to (Research - 10)

[VP-E] = Vice President External
[T] = Treasurer
[VP-O] = Vice President Operations
[PO] = President Only
[NP] = Not President
[Jr] = Junior members may do action at -10 penalty
[Ex] = May be done by an external contact, although this may result in the generation of additional complications from assets being outside your control
[All] = Any member of the council can do this

Unless otherwise marked, the President can perform any of the listed actions
Expedition Yacht (reduces Resource DCs for expeditions that are to be sailed to, depending on amount of sailing required) Res DC: 60, [-2] Resources decay/turn
Small Private Dock (has room for up to four expedition yachts, halving their upkeep) Inf DC: 50, Res DC: 80, [-3] Resources decay/turn
New Mexico Coalmine (a small mine near your region of interest, it may be useful to your operations in New Mexico, and may still be able to turn a profit) Inf DC: 30, Res DC: 75, [-2 to +1] Resource/turn Limited time offer...
...Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

It Leaked?! And it's potentially memetic ish? What being hated New Mexico so much that it felt it necessary to leave this sort of thing lying around?
One member who spent time in the British Raj and thus had some contact with the beliefs of Hindus said that after meeting her he was suddenly more open to the idea of reincarnation, as he had now witnessed what it would be like for a grizzly bear to be reincarnated as a 5'4" brunette with a habit of picking fights with grown men and coming out on top.

I have it on good account that female bears are much more vicious!
Sigh. Well we couldn't expect it to go absolutely perfectly, but at least we finally got a preliminary on one of them...

"And, goodness me, Coxworth, any relation?"

WAHAHAHAHA, too good, too good!
I have it on good account that female bears are much more vicious!
"Of course, where did you think the term Mama Bear came from."

Heh, a hunter/survival/medical specialist. Nice.
Also, @Academia-Nut have any members actually looked into New Mexico myth/legend/poppycock for mention of unbreakable crystal rods or suchlike? We did get that information on "mythical" gribblies but was that limited to beasts/beings?
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Should definitely buy the coal mine; there's a small chance of profit and we can do permanent funding actions if it rolls a cost.
[X] Develop Government Contacts (Charisma check to spend temporary Influence to build government contacts) [Corbyn James]

[X] Permanent Funding (Management check to eliminate or reduce Resource decay from assets by reducing Permanent Resource score, DC: Decay rate x 20) [Simon Ulysses]

[X] Acquire Assets (Influence and/or Resources check to acquire new assets) [Tyler Freeman]
-[X] New Mexico Coalmine (a small mine near your region of interest, it may be useful to your operations in New Mexico, and may still be able to turn a profit) Inf DC: 30, Res DC: 75, [-2 to +1] Resource/turn

[X] Attempt to Launch Expedition (Makes Influence and Resource checks (Inf DC: 45, Res DC: 70) to attempt to launch an expedition) [Michael Bainsbridge]

[X] Biological Diversity Research (Research check to consult previously acquired specimens to seek advantages in understanding the flora and fauna of an area) [Morgan Blumstein]

[X]Research Strange Prism (Research and Science (physics, chemistry) checks required to have some understanding of this object and its properties) [Essex College]

[X] Investigate 'Les Secrets de la Grotte Cachee' (there are rumours of a strange book that causes moral degeneracy circulating about that perhaps you wish to look into) [Peter Schwartzwald, George Walker]

"I hear we're finally getting ready to go down to Panama. Dreadful heat, malaria, mosquitoes. I'm glad I'd spent so much time down in New Mexico, or I might have felt a little too much temptation to go down to that cess-pit. God only knows what our Vice President was thinking when he tried to put together that canal project again. It's a death trap for the workers, and a horrendous money sink."

"Regardless, he wants to go down there, and we need the good press, out being right explorers with the Vice President. Who knows, maybe we can have his ear for a while while we're down there, see about getting some government backing for our... side projects."

A copy of That Book is revealed from beneath a stack of periodicals on a coffee table.

"Who brought that damned thing in here? I want it out of this room, out now! Foul thing, purporting itself as a glimpse of wonders, while in truth just depraved ramblings. There was nothing fanciful about the sights in New Mexico. Nothing!"

He turns quickly, and swiftly moves over to one George Walker.

"George, George. Tell me, how has the college been managing the artifact..."
[X] Develop Government Contacts [VP-E]
[X] Manage Endowments [T]
[X] Manage Estates [VP-O]
[X] Acquire Assets [VP-O]
- [X] New Mexico Coalmine
[X] Investigate 'Les Secrets de la Grotte Cachee' [Jr] Note: Defaults from Investigation to (Research - 10)
Also, @Academia-Nut have any members actually looked into New Mexico myth/legend/poppycock for mention of unbreakable crystal rods or suchlike? We did get that information on "mythical" gribblies but was that limited to beasts/beings?

Nothing on the rod, unfortunately. The beasts encountered in the cave don't seem to have any relation to the other stories that aren't already obviously accounted for.

The Dramatis Personae post is pretty out of date right now.

Yeah, will update that.

Also, as a heads up to everyone I will probably be doing another IRC session tomorrow sometime.
Wow I've just been so gentlemanned that I have lost the ability to even, and must channel ancient tumblr memes to give myself a chance to get out. I'm not sorry.
To be fair, the New Mexico situation is a good excuse for forgetting that sort of thing.

"I second the call for our Coxworth to explain this!

I also worry with the rest of the association about that book. I'm sure the madam would be shocked if she heard it may be from this very country! We must check that book just in case, I say, but equally we should be careful with its study. An odd set of circumstances all around..."
So... can we get Corbyn to lead an expedition now? I can sort of understand the delay, but it's well and truly past time now.
He's been very useful, and this is how we level him up.
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[X] Develop Government Contacts (Charisma check to spend temporary Influence to build government contacts) [Corbyn James]

[X] Permanent Funding (Management check to eliminate or reduce Resource decay from assets by reducing Permanent Resource score, DC: Decay rate x 20) [Simon Ulysses]

[X] Acquire Assets (Influence and/or Resources check to acquire new assets) [Tyler Freeman]
-[X] New Mexico Coalmine (a small mine near your region of interest, it may be useful to your operations in New Mexico, and may still be able to turn a profit) Inf DC: 30, Res DC: 75, [-2 to +1] Resource/turn

[X] Attempt to Launch Expedition (Makes Influence and Resource checks (Inf DC: 45, Res DC: 70) to attempt to launch an expedition) [Michael Bainsbridge]

[X] Biological Diversity Research (Research check to consult previously acquired specimens to seek advantages in understanding the flora and fauna of an area) [Morgan Blumstein]

[X]Research Strange Prism (Research and Science (physics, chemistry) checks required to have some understanding of this object and its properties) [Essex College]

[X] Investigate 'Les Secrets de la Grotte Cachee' (there are rumours of a strange book that causes moral degeneracy circulating about that perhaps you wish to look into) [Peter Schwartzwald, George Walker]
You know, I'm not really strongly attached to my vote... The only difference is consolidate vs government and manage vs permanent...

[X] Admiral Skippy

I can give this one away.

Sir, you are a gentleman. Allow me to return the favour!

[X] Powerofmind

"Mines are a tricky business. I knew a fellow back in England, from Cornwall, by the name of Poldark, whose family had a long history in the mining trade. He told me that you spend half of your time an inch away from bankruptcy trying to dig up enough of whatever you're looking for, and the other half trying desperately to stop prices from falling when you find it. And that's if things are going well!"

Coxworth puts up his feet on the back of a somewhat elderly, sleepy looking hound lying down in front of his chair. The beast shifts slightly and then rests its head back down between its paws.

"But why not give it a try? The worst that could happen is that we lose a little money and Mr Grant and Mr Schwartzwald might end up doing an honest day's work for the first time in their lives, ho ho ho!"

As the laugher dies down, a contemplative look appears on the old scout's face.

"Well, either that, or we delve too greedily and too deep, and unleash countless horrors upon the world above."

A solid plan all around!

I'm not certain that the coal mine is going to prove to be a sound investment, but it seems interesting, and I'm more than happy to give it a shot. We really need to get the Yacht fairly soon though, it will come in handy for a lot of things we might like to do. I'm also cool with Permanent Funding- the Resource decay we've got atm is starting to get quite considerable and we can raise it back fairly easily.

One thing I am curious about:
[X] Biological Diversity Research (Research check to consult previously acquired specimens to seek advantages in understanding the flora and fauna of an area) [Morgan Blumstein]

Do we have any preciously acquired specimens to study, at the moment?

Charisma 19
Management 20
Willpower 16

Medicine 21
Science (biology) 10
Personal Combat 19
Survival 17

Doctor II (+3 Medicine)
Old Money (+1 bonus dice when dealing with those of aristocratic demeanour)
Hunter (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Survival, +1 bonus dice while in the wilderness)
Wrathful (+5 internal Willpower against fear, -5 internal Willpower to control temper)
Strong (+1 bonus dice to physical tests)
Just (+5 Management)
Suffragette (-2 bonus dice when dealing with people who hold strong beliefs on traditional gender roles)

Born: 1883
Ambition: See women get the vote in America

Granddaughter of Henry Jackson by way of one of his more entrepreneurial sons, Christine was born to Simon and Francine Jackson in a log cabin in Dakota Territory near the gold mine Simon was developing. Shortly after birth Francine took ill and passed away, forcing Simon to return east to be with family. While Simon would remarry, he always had a soft spot for his first child and would indulge her in whatever she wanted, while her wilder ways amused her practical minded grandfather. While to a degree this spoiled her and gave her a short temper, it primarily caused her to develop a sense of fairness when she ran into the things outside her father's control. Currently studying medicine in Boston and participating in women's suffrage movements, she has been drawn into the Association by the mysterious circumstances surrounding her grandfather's death. This is a mystery she wants resolved.

Nice. Really useful spread of skills there. Also one thing in particular jumps out at me:
Ambition: See women get the vote in America

This is going to be hard for us to fulfil short of waiting longer than we might like. But it would be utterly hilarious if Teddy comes along on an expedition with us and she ends up saving his life before enlisting him to the cause of female emancipation and getting women the vote in America ten years early. :D

(It will slightly make up for the first town we end up destroying by accident.)

The less said about the drinking contest the better.


"And, goodness me, Coxworth, any relation?"
"I second the call for our Coxworth to explain this!"

"What can I say? A man cannot choose his family. Believe me when I say that there is no unchristian wilderness, not matter how harsh or filled with murderous savages it might be, that I would not exchange for having to spend Christmas with that young woman and hear her sermons over the dinner table..."

Coxworth takes a sip from his tumbler of brandy, rather more full than usual, and a haunted look comes into his eyes before he resumes speaking in a lower voice.

"And her mother is worse."
Anybody got a copy of the chat I can read? I missed it x.x

Here you go! It was a fairly short one anyway.

### Log session started at Thu Jan 7 21:42:06 2016 ###
[21:42:06] Skippeh [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:42:07] [*@*] has set channel mode +tnCN
[21:42:07] Channel was created at Thu Jan 7 21:36:24 2016
[21:42:09] Channel synchronized in 3.0 seconds
[21:42:11] <Skippeh> Yo!
[21:43:02] <@AcademiaNut> It works. Yeeeesssss
[21:44:35] <Skippeh> :D
[21:45:22] <@AcademiaNut> Now to figure out how to set the admin priviledges here...
[21:48:20] <@AcademiaNut> Bah. Looks like it won't be a long chat today anyway
[21:49:06] <Skippeh> Other stuff came up?
[21:49:27] <@AcademiaNut> Probably going to go out for dinner or the like
[21:51:27] <Skippeh> Nice!
[21:51:38] coolios [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:51:57] coolios [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[21:52:13] racnor [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:52:21] <@AcademiaNut> Yo
[21:52:25] Sol_Zagato [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:52:29] PrimalShadow [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:52:38] <PrimalShadow> Anyone here?
[21:52:46] <Sol_Zagato> Me
[21:52:46] SSS [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:53:23] <@AcademiaNut> I'm here
[21:53:24] <Sol_Zagato> Can you hear me?
[21:53:42] <@AcademiaNut> No, but I can see you
[21:53:43] <Skippeh> Yep!
[21:53:48] <Sol_Zagato> Heh
[21:54:14] Vel [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:54:58] Mannan [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:55:18] <@AcademiaNut> So, a bit of a shorter chat session today, but going to make a habit of doing these more frequently
[21:55:29] Phantrosity [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:55:43] <Sol_Zagato> So, like, what kind of questions are generally appropriate? I wanted to know how nomadic spirits work- is it something that branches off of exploration?,
[21:56:05] <PrimalShadow> And are questions about mechanics okay?
[21:57:02] <@AcademiaNut> Oh right. Nomadic ones are a bit different. I haven't fully worked them out yet but they generally require that their culture have at least some form of animal domestication to carry things
[21:57:12] <@AcademiaNut> Mechanical questions are generally alright
[21:57:15] Romv [webchat@] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[21:57:29] <PrimalShadow> Alrightee then.
[21:57:54] <PrimalShadow> If we get Stoneworking Arete this coming turn, will we be able to use it immediately, or do we have to wait until the year after we got it to use it?
[21:58:05] <@AcademiaNut> Wait for the year after
[21:58:15] <PrimalShadow> :(
[21:58:26] <PrimalShadow> Good to know.
[21:59:07] <Sol_Zagato> Is NOT!Sumeria densely settled now?
[22:00:13] <@AcademiaNut> Not particularly. The Neolithic is just ending and the Copper Age beginning in the region
[22:00:33] <Romv> Is there another Elemental Affinity Sun trait we could get?
[22:00:41] <@AcademiaNut> Nope, you've got them all
[22:00:47] Kairos [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[22:01:02] <Sol_Zagato> Well, I mean compared to our region.
[22:01:26] <Phantrosity> So no green flash trait :(
[22:01:52] <@AcademiaNut> Might want to check out Rainbow
[22:02:43] <Romv> But it's so expensive :(
[22:02:51] <Phantrosity> so Api's been hitting the gym for awe?
[22:02:52] <Sol_Zagato> Are we close to unlocking any more "higher-level" ascencions?
[22:02:54] <Skippeh> I really need to catch up with AA. Did we up our Magic stat?
[22:03:12] <Phantrosity> Skippeh, it's a 12-step program
[22:03:20] <Skippeh> lol
[22:03:21] <@AcademiaNut> Api has had max Awe for ages
[22:04:19] <Phantrosity> good to know
[22:04:19] <Kairos> Does anyone have an idea what we should get if we don't want to be insane the rest of the game?
[22:04:50] <Sol_Zagato> Well, we could box up the murders and madness...
[22:05:33] <@AcademiaNut> Depending on the ascensions you take, you could also ditch it there...
[22:05:51] <Phantrosity> the problme is it makes updates more fun
[22:05:52] <Phantrosity> so
[22:06:00] <Phantrosity> odds of acutally removing it are sorta
[22:06:03] <Phantrosity> irrelevant to utility
[22:06:19] <Phantrosity> or disutility in any situation
[22:06:22] <Kairos> I would prefer more actual dialogue to sudden exclamations of Purple.
[22:06:26] <Kairos> But that's just me.
[22:06:54] <@AcademiaNut> I sort of ran out of things I wanted to say there
[22:06:59] <Romv> We had dialogue with the Rain Spirit, and haven't had dialogue in a while before that.
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[22:07:59] <Sol_Zagato> Oh, so we didn't actually lose our minds and drop everything left to do? Good
[22:08:04] <banelord> Has anything important been said?
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[22:08:49] <Sol_Zagato> 1. Nomadic spirits need domesticated animals
[22:08:59] <SSS> Does getting a skill to 5 unlock an associated spirit trait or does that require us to get to some other number? With Omen reading and astrology it seemed to be around 6-7?
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[22:09:12] <Sol_Zagato> 2. Stone working arête will take effect the subsequent turn.
[22:09:38] <Sol_Zagato> After getting it.
[22:09:51] <Salty_> Is that confirmed?
[22:10:20] <Sol_Zagato> AN said so.
[22:10:34] <Phantrosity> so is like, the obsidian wall obsidian spirit's body now?
[22:10:35] <Phantrosity> or what
[22:10:36] <Salty_> Ok
[22:10:50] <@AcademiaNut> Certain skills to 5 can unlock traits, but sometimes they also require base traits
[22:10:54] <Salty_> Maybe? I figure it's more like a shrine.
[22:11:03] <@AcademiaNut> The obsidian wall is ObG's shrine
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[22:11:29] <Vel> Kind ofa n awkward shrine, considering the Black Sun effect is still
[22:11:30] <Vel> Operating on it
[22:11:34] <Sol_Zagato> And my omake of NOT!Sumerian showed it too powerful and advanced. It's actually more comparable to us.
[22:12:03] <Skippeh> So, did we raise our magic stat?
[22:12:05] <@AcademiaNut> Yeah, I might take inspiration, but that was a bronze age civilization that had been like that for many generations
[22:12:16] <@AcademiaNut> Magic? I don't think you have recently
[22:12:31] <Romv> How is our copper/lapis lazuli mine doing?
[22:12:52] <Kairos> Academia Nut, is it possible to have more dialogue with our subordinates, or is the two or three line updates about them what you prefer to write?
[22:12:52] <Skippeh> AcademiaNut: ;_;
[22:12:56] <Skippeh> So it's still at 2?
[22:13:07] <Kairos> I think it is at 3.
[22:13:14] <@AcademiaNut> The mine is almost ready to go
[22:13:16] <Vel> 3.
[22:13:17] <Skippeh> : (
[22:13:18] <Vel> I think yeah
[22:13:30] <Vel> So it got upgraded a little.
[22:13:42] <@AcademiaNut> I can probably do more dialogue bits, but often times after I have cranked through the mechanical stuff I am feeling burned out to write dialogue
[22:13:55] <Vel> Well, frontpage says 2
[22:13:59] <Vel> So I guess not
[22:14:09] <Vel> Frontpage might still be out of date a bit though
[22:14:14] <Salty_> We've got enough spare ambrosia that is we wanted to we could definitely go up another level of Magic.
[22:14:14] <Skippeh> I am going to have to catch up with the quest and start haranguing people again
[22:14:15] <banelord> I can't wait to see what we can do with high level magic
[22:14:18] <Sol_Zagato> Accounting is a bitch
[22:14:32] <Phantrosity> how much of this stuff have you automated?
[22:14:35] <SSS> front page is out of date, trade is listed as 3 for instance
[22:14:39] <Kairos> Well that's sad. Understandable though. I really wanted to interact more with them.
[22:14:54] <Phantrosity> I've done automation for sayle in the past to make things easier
[22:14:57] <Vel> I dunno, AN has the convenient excuse
[22:15:03] <Vel> of our impending godhood
[22:15:30] <Skippeh> Shit, we're about to ascend and it's not at five yet?
[22:15:35] <Phantrosity> I feel like changnig rolled costs to fixed costs
[22:15:37] <Vel> We have like a couple decades
[22:15:39] <Vel> Before ascension
[22:15:40] <Vel> Probably
[22:15:42] <Phantrosity> would be helpul at reducing
[22:15:44] <Skippeh> Oh, good.
[22:15:46] <Salty_> Not really ascending that soon.
[22:15:47] <Phantrosity> workload
[22:15:48] <Vel> But we're in the 'finalizing'
[22:15:52] <Vel> Stages.
[22:16:14] <Vel> Ascension Timer started
[22:16:16] <Salty_> Anyways, any word on Luck blessings yet, or is that still being mulled over?
[22:16:20] <Vel> But fortunately due to the way it works it's not
[22:16:26] <Vel> Actually that bad.
[22:16:34] <Phantrosity> So AN, was rainy trying to force us down to fight someone, or were we just hanging out next to him for tradition's sake
[22:16:45] <Phantrosity> instead of punching him in the face or w/e
[22:17:03] <Sol_Zagato> Does Rainy hate us forever, or can love bloom?
[22:17:16] <Vel> The impression I got was 'hates forever'
[22:17:24] <Vel> But I mean anything is theoretically possible
[22:17:25] <Mannan> How capable is our people of making copper tools once the copper mine starts producing copper?
[22:17:27] <Vel> Just...unlikely.
[22:18:06] <Salty_> He seems protective more of his people than Api. The disasters pissed him right the fuck off.
[22:18:24] <Skippeh> Well, I guess we'll just have to kill him.
[22:18:43] <PrimalShadow> Academia nut - can we learn multiple ranks of a skill from a single demispirit in 1 year?
[22:18:48] <Vel> Yeah I think he would spit defiance in our eyes
[22:18:49] <Vel> To the last
[22:18:50] <Vel> At this point
[22:18:56] <Vel> Even if we dealt with Api
[22:18:59] <@AcademiaNut> After the glass storm pretty much everyone in that region hates you with the fury of a thousand suns
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[22:19:09] <E3> Hello folk
[22:19:09] <Skippeh> Welp, more skeletons for our army!
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[22:19:11] <Vel> Which is fine with me honestly
[22:19:19] <Kairos> According to Rainy (who's real name starts with a Y), most of their spirits/gods hate us for what we've done. Can't say I blame them. Ahh, there's AN confirmation.
[22:19:24] <Vel> Attempting to recruit them is kind of silly
[22:19:34] <Skippeh> Recruitng them /alive/ is silly
[22:19:36] <Vel> Considering that we've been in a war to the knife for a while now.
[22:19:38] <Vel> Well that's true
[22:19:42] <Vel> I don't know how undead spirits work though
[22:19:44] <Vel> 'Undead'
[22:19:49] <Vel> I mean, what even counts as an undead spirit?
[22:19:50] <Skippeh> killing them and using the energy generated to animate their skeletons into an unholy army of the dead
[22:19:51] <Skippeh> is prudent!
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[22:19:56] <Vel> The shell of a faith?
[22:20:01] <Vel> Left behind after its original nature decays?
[22:20:07] <Vel> Dead gods dreaming, whatever?
[22:20:30] <Vel> Also, hello Ekans
[22:20:38] <E3> Wubba lubba dub dub
[22:20:55] <Phantrosity> Fury of a thousand suns, eh
[22:20:57] <Phantrosity> well
[22:21:02] <Phantrosity> we can try seducing them
[22:21:04] <Phantrosity> with the fury of
[22:21:07] <Phantrosity> howevermany suns we have
[22:21:15] <Vel> Pft.
[22:21:18] <Vel> Heh, but no.
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[22:24:15] <E3> So yeah, PrimalShadow, are you good with Greater Shapeshifter (14), Glassworking 1 (taught), Carving 2 (Learned), Magic 3 (Learned), Leatherworking 2 (Learned)?
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[22:24:54] <Pan_> \o/
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[22:25:06] <Salty_> I certainly would be.
[22:25:09] <Kairos> So...should we work to increase our trade?
[22:25:16] <SSS> We should be using one of the rituals we made last turn
[22:25:23] <SSS> Ideally I'd like to do HCoL
[22:25:24] <Vel> Yeah I concur with Skippy that we should get more Magic
[22:25:28] <Vel> I mean it's a criminal oversight
[22:25:34] <@AcademiaNut> Might be a good idea
[22:25:36] <Vel> What kind of SVers are we.
[22:25:42] <E3> Not really that important Kairos. If we use it often enough we'll eventually get up to 8 off a crit (And village development gives us rolls on it every turn automatically. We're going to 7 just from HCoL)
[22:25:50] <E3> And past 8... if we really wanted to go up to 10 we'd just demisleep
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[22:25:57] <Pan_> So
[22:25:58] <E3> but I'm not sure we do. I can't imagine needing more than Arete II in trade
[22:26:09] <Pan_> Is PrimalShadow active and alive in here?
[22:26:13] <Salty_> If we really wanted to go up to 10, we'd grab Spirit of trade.
[22:26:31] <E3> Yes we would. I forgot that was unlocked now. Hah
[22:26:35] <Mannan> Do we know what type of gods are around us so that we know whose toes we will step on when we ascend?
[22:26:46] <SSS> The anti aggression effect from spirit of trade looks very appealing to me
[22:26:50] <E3> Okay to go to a bit of a different topic in the 4 minutes before I disappear to watch the new Steven Universe
[22:26:50] <Salty_> All of them.
[22:26:54] <Kairos> It seems like a skill we are close to needing just to function.
[22:27:00] <E3> I feel like the dice in Shapers of the Apocalypse are a little swingy still @AcademiaNut
[22:27:05] <Pan_> I'm down for grabbing Spirit of Trade.
[22:27:09] <PrimalShadow> I'm here.
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[22:27:10] <E3> Have you considered doing a mix of bonus dice and flat numerical bonuses for that dice system?
[22:27:15] <Pan_> Woo
[22:27:18] <E3> I think it'd result in a much more stable result than pure bonus dice
[22:27:24] <Pan_> When you get a chance can you look over the math for my latest plan
[22:27:28] <E3> but also not the runaway auto-success conditions of the old system
[22:27:34] <PrimalShadow> @Academia Nut - so, is learning multiple of the same skill in 1 turn allowed?
[22:27:38] <Pan_> So I"ll know where we need to be for safeties sake
[22:28:00] <Pan_> Because I'm trying to use all of the rituals and develop like 5 at the same time.
[22:28:25] <@AcademiaNut> I'm thinking that past a certain point in Shapers additional bonus dice will be condensed into 10s
[22:28:27] <Pan_> Preferably before the ones that finally got within ritual distance get more expensive again.
[22:29:33] <Salty_> Pan_: I think we should be using a maximum of two rituals a turn, and I certainly think raising mummy lions is a waste of time.
[22:29:41] <@AcademiaNut> Learning multiple of the same skill within the same turn is not allowed
[22:29:49] <Skippeh> I quite like the system in Shapers.
[22:29:56] <Pan_> Maximum for creating or maximum for learning?
[22:30:05] <@AcademiaNut> Yeah, only two rituals (one for each avatar) a round sounds about right
[22:30:12] <Vel> Eh, I think I concur that shapers is a bit swingy still
[22:30:14] <Vel> Though I think AN said
[22:30:31] <Pan_> Creating or performing a ritual?
[22:30:32] <Vel> That some of the more swingy elements won't carry over to AoS
[22:30:35] <Vel> And hm
[22:30:50] <Salty_> Maximum for doing.
[22:31:02] <Pan_> Hmm.
[22:31:06] <@AcademiaNut> Creating rituals is unlimited, performing them is max two
[22:31:11] <Pan_> Oh that's perfect.
[22:31:14] <Vel> So, does anyone have a rough estimate
[22:31:18] <Salty_> Oh ok cool.
[22:31:18] <Pan_> I was more concerned about it being vice versa
[22:31:24] <PrimalShadow> @Academia Nut - 2 even if we have a sleeping avatar?
[22:31:25] <Vel> Of how long that would take us to get stuff probably discounted-ish
[22:31:33] <Vel> Taking into account the two ritual limit
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[22:31:51] <Pan_> So I want to grab Stoneworking Arete and Chief Spirit of Leadership, then.
[22:31:52] <SSS> We need to be doing 2 rituals a turn then every turn
[22:31:52] <@AcademiaNut> Hmmm... yeah, if you have a sleeping avatar its reduced to 1 ritual performed a turn
[22:32:01] <Phantrosity> can't we use a demiavatar instead?
[22:32:04] <Pan_> Can grab Omen Reading Excellence next turn.
[22:32:33] <Salty_> Nah, rituals are important enough that I'd say having to use a full avatar is ok.
[22:33:03] <Salty_> ...Man, fishy has been asleep of a long time.
[22:33:07] <@AcademiaNut> Yeah, the demiavatars simply aren't "important" enough within your soul hierarchy to successfully perform the rituals
[22:33:15] <Pan_> So Harzivan has 9 actions and the Demiavatars have 5
[22:33:20] <Pan_> Unless I'm misreading this?
[22:33:29] <@AcademiaNut> That is correct
[22:33:39] <Pan_> Dope.
[22:33:59] <@AcademiaNut> Also, preview for Fishy: his sleeping avatar appears to have turned to stone/frozen
[22:34:20] <SSS> o_O he took a depths ascension?
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[22:35:04] <Vel> Interesting
[22:35:09] <Pan_> Well if we look at Depths Ascension
[22:35:12] <Vel> I am glad we have such ridiculous Awe though
[22:35:14] <Kairos> That's funny. I thought for sure he would also go for whatever Trade Ascensions there were.
[22:35:15] <Pan_> At a base, it's like 25 Legend
[22:35:22] <Kairos> Maybe he got both.
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[22:35:29] <Pan_> At least it was for us.
[22:35:39] <Pan_> So he could be sleeping anywhere from 20 to 50 turns.
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[22:35:51] <Pan_> If he took two 25 Legend Ascensions at once (Trade + Depths)
[22:35:55] <Vel> I kind of wonder if we can dominate fishgod. Probably not, but
[22:35:59] <Vel> If his awe is low enough
[22:36:02] <Pan_> Can't.
[22:36:06] <Phantrosity> nah it's a hard cutoff
[22:36:09] <Phantrosity> unless
[22:36:09] <Vel> too bad.
[22:36:11] <drake_azathoth> Spirits can't dominate gods, period.
[22:36:13] <Pan_> Especially if he doesn't try to dominate us
[22:36:21] <Pan_> So he gets the buff from that.
[22:36:22] <Phantrosity> Academia Nut, can gods voluntarily submit to domination as part of a contract type
[22:36:24] <Phantrosity> trade dealie
[22:36:30] <@AcademiaNut> To other gods
[22:36:32] <Phantrosity> not like mechanics domination
[22:36:39] <Phantrosity> but like 'I'll act like it' type thing
[22:37:04] <Phantrosity> that said every time fishie has ever requested something
[22:37:06] <@AcademiaNut> As much as people can, but there is nothing stopping the god from stabbing the spirit in the back at any time
[22:37:06] <Phantrosity> we've said
[22:37:07] <Phantrosity> 'ok'
[22:37:13] <Pan_> So do discussions/actions with Spirits count as Avatar Actions?
[22:37:23] <drake_azathoth> Fishbro has been cool so far but I really don't think we should push it.
[22:37:34] <Phantrosity> oh I agree, I'm just saying that
[22:37:37] <Phantrosity> I don't see why he'd try dominating
[22:37:40] <Phantrosity> when he could just say
[22:37:48] <Phantrosity> 'yo harzi, this guy down the river is pissing me off'
[22:37:59] <Phantrosity> and expect that taht guy down the river would end up incinerated in short order
[22:38:26] <@AcademiaNut> By the time you wake up he will have other mechanisms in place
[22:38:40] <Phantrosity> asking nicely works best on harzi tho :p
[22:38:43] <@AcademiaNut> Also, I've already got a number of things figured out for post-Ascenion period
[22:39:02] <Phantrosity> like any RPG protag, he's willing to do any random shit a NPC asks of him
[22:39:04] <Phantrosity> as part of a quest
[22:39:08] <Vel> man
[22:39:10] <Vel> He really is
[22:39:15] <Pan_> Zombie March, Store Ambrosia, Perform Ritual x2, Amber Experiment, Electrum Experiment are what I'm sold on in a plan now.
[22:39:31] <drake_azathoth> Fishbro. "Yo Harzy, this guy down the river is pissing me off. So if you see a gigantic watery chasm where his village used to be... Feel free to clap."
[22:39:34] <Pan_> It depends on if Leadership actions count as part of the Avatar Actions
[22:40:04] <Phantrosity> I want to try to make a named bow by siring it as a demispirit
[22:40:12] <Phantrosity> also flameproof
[22:40:14] <@AcademiaNut> Nah, Fishy is going to have much more... Civilized... methods
[22:40:22] <Pan_> If not, I'll go with Support Settlement Growth, Send Emissary, Focus on Spirits, Learn Greater Shapeshifter, and Speak to Harvimen
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[22:40:43] <Phantrosity> "So if you see their businesses going underwater - NO HARZI, METAPHORICALLY - feel free to clap"
[22:40:52] <Pan_> Also, can demispirits experiment with amber/electrum?
[22:41:09] <drake_azathoth> @Phan lol
[22:41:39] <@AcademiaNut> Anyone can, you just generally hoard it, and it can be explosive
[22:41:54] <Pan_> Beautiful.
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[22:42:23] <Phantrosity> pop into fishie's dream
[22:42:25] <Phantrosity> 'hey bro
[22:42:28] <Phantrosity> if you're going for depths
[22:42:31] <Phantrosity> prolly should add something else too
[22:42:36] <Phantrosity> gotta couple pissed off depths people
[22:42:37] <Phantrosity> jsut
[22:42:38] <Phantrosity> FYI'
[22:42:47] <Pan_> haha
[22:43:01] <Pan_> I think AN already said we can't communicate through his dreams
[22:43:05] <Pan_> It came up before.
[22:43:19] <@AcademiaNut> Yup
[22:43:45] <@AcademiaNut> Also, just depths isn't enough to cause friction
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[22:44:00] <E3> Okay I'm back. Well, I guess we have to do 2 rituals per round every round starting as soon as we finish Mysticism 10. I guess this is still okay since it's an annoying limit but it's also one that applies to all the other gods
[22:44:07] <@AcademiaNut> It's specificially having two gods with 'Obsidian' as part of their primary portfolio
[22:44:11] <E3> Now we just need to find a way to ratchet our ambrosia all the way up to 34 for a 3rd avatar :p
[22:44:50] <E3> @AcademiaNut then Harzivan's not really going to bother anyone, unless someone else ascended with the same mix of a dozen different ascensions? (unlikely)
[22:45:12] <drake_azathoth> Ah, Varnim is an obsidan god then...
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[22:45:15] <@AcademiaNut> There might be some border friction, but yeah, he's not really going to bother anyone
[22:45:18] <Phantrosity> Also, the luck thing, that's a literal moth caught in the Gears of Fate, right?
[22:45:23] <Pan_> Our primary portfolio will likely be related to Life and Death
[22:45:27] <@AcademiaNut> Varnim is a god of swamps and obsidian
[22:45:31] <Pan_> But we'll be so spread out that it's unlikely to be a thing.
[22:45:43] <Pan_> Life, Death, Rebirth, Reincarnation
[22:45:46] <E3> @AcademiaNut what about... Jorimu was it? The other obsidian god
[22:45:52] <Phantrosity> swamps and obsidian
[22:45:55] <Phantrosity> oh man he's gonna fucking love
[22:45:59] <Phantrosity> the terrain he finds
[22:46:11] <@AcademiaNut> Indeed
[22:46:11] <Phantrosity> either that or be super pissed off about Jorrimu
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[22:46:17] <Phantrosity> ganking his style
[22:46:20] <banelord> Now we need to find a god of glass
[22:46:25] <E3> Obsidian is glass
[22:46:41] <@AcademiaNut> Glass as blown by humans is a bit different
[22:46:53] <Pan_> The worst part about this is doing the math.
[22:46:56] <Sol_Zagato> I missed 20 minutes, anything significant?
[22:47:16] <Pan_> AN confirmed that Harzivan is the sexiest spirit around.
[22:47:18] <@AcademiaNut> Yeah... please ascend so I can change things up a bit :(
[22:47:31] <Pan_> Should we quote you on this and show it to Ekans?
[22:47:38] <@AcademiaNut> He's in the chat
[22:47:41] <Sol_Zagato> Heh
[22:47:46] Pan_ looks
[22:47:51] <Pan_> Lawl
[22:48:11] <Phantrosity> well we would ascend but for this one asshole on our border
[22:48:16] <Vel> Yeah
[22:48:17] <Phantrosity> or two assholes
[22:48:20] <Vel> Pretty much
[22:48:23] <Phantrosity> I guess two armpits?
[22:48:23] <Pan_> Dang flabbit
[22:48:24] <Phantrosity> whatever
[22:48:28] <Phantrosity> point is they stink
[22:48:29] <Vel> Api and...Varnim
[22:48:30] <Vel> Yeah
[22:48:41] <Phantrosity> nah
[22:48:44] <Pan_> Now I have to post my plan without knowing if it's 100% because otherwise PS is gonna get the momentum train running
[22:48:45] <Pan_> >_>
[22:48:45] <Phantrosity> varnim is the guy we like
[22:48:48] <Vel> Oh
[22:48:49] <Vel> So Jorimu?
[22:48:52] <Vel> Man I don't know
[22:48:52] <Pan_> We don't know Varnim
[22:48:54] <Phantrosity> jorrimu is the guy we hate
[22:48:56] <Vel> Okay
[22:48:59] <Vel> Freaking names.
[22:49:02] <Pan_> Varnim could be a dick. Jorrimu ate our baby.
[22:49:07] <E3> @Pan_ I'm here :p We're going to be ascending as soon as this Apitulku thing is wrapped up. Another 20 turns at the absolute max... Like, we literally can't not at that point. Ascension clock. I still think the best way to hurry it along is to grab max attributes and rush down traits.
[22:49:09] <@AcademiaNut> Varnim is the western god
[22:49:25] <Vel> Point is, yeah, the discounts are important because of all of the threads around
[22:49:37] <Pan_> I'm gonna push plan Ascension Discount and go ahead and toss it up.
[22:49:41] <Pan_> Fingers crossed.
[22:49:42] <Vel> Otherwise we could sleep for lengthy periods and not care.
[22:49:43] <Vel> Yeah
[22:49:54] <ZZXY3> The only thing holding me back from pushing ascending is curiosity as to all of the base traits that are still hidden. Damn curiosity...
[22:50:05] <@AcademiaNut> Also, you're probably going to be seeing something from your tree this turn
[22:50:12] <Vel> oh neat
[22:50:14] <Sol_Zagato> Oooh!
[22:50:27] <Sol_Zagato> I suppose nothing bad.
[22:50:31] <E3> @AcademiaNut back to the subject of Shapers dice? I think that beyond adding in flat +10s from certain gear or stats (to normalize out the swinginess of bonus dice) you should also consider adding a mental and a physical stat. No specific cha/wis/int or str/sta/agi stuff. Just one for each. They apply to enough rolls and there's enough in-person stuff in both that and Age of Strife that I think it's warranted.
[22:50:40] <Bastur2> A golden apple
[22:50:47] <E3> Those are my only two big suggestions on mechanics. I'm mostly liking the way it plays out
[22:51:01] <E3> Though it's a bit harder to read than the old AoS/Amber Age style dice
[22:51:10] Powerofmind [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[22:51:14] <Pan_> inb4: "This year your tree wiggled once. OBVIOUSLY IT LIKES YOUR NEW PURPLE LIGHT!"
[22:51:23] <Pan_> Welcome to the club!
[22:51:24] <Powerofmind> Gah, I'm so late
[22:51:27] <@AcademiaNut> Sorry people, got to go earlier than expected
[22:51:34] <Phantrosity> ok
[22:51:36] <Powerofmind> ALSKFJAO
[22:51:37] <E3> I said the things I came here to say, AN ran away ;_;
[22:51:41] <E3> RIP
[22:51:57] <@AcademiaNut> I'll see if I can open up another chat soon
[22:52:02] <@AcademiaNut> Anyway, got to go
[22:52:02] <Vel> later, AN
[22:52:03] <Sol_Zagato> Hail Shenbar!
[22:52:04] <E3> Sounds good. This is nice. It's fun
[22:52:07] <E3> Seeya AN. Good update :D
[22:52:08] <Powerofmind> does someone at least have the file?
[22:52:09] <Salty_> Hookah
[22:52:34] Vel [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[22:52:47] AcademiaNut [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[22:52:56] <Pan_> *starts lifting details from Primal's plan wholesale*
[22:52:59] <drake_azathoth> What does Purple Sun even do?
[22:53:02] banelord [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[22:53:02] Pan_ is utterly shameless
[22:53:08] <Pan_> It buffs inspirations and blessings
[22:53:09] Fumbles [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[22:53:13] <PrimalShadow> @Academia Nut - is it High Chief of Leadership or Chief Spirit of Leadership?
[22:53:13] <Pan_> Probably stacks with Inspiring Light
[22:53:20] <Pan_> Chief Spirit of Leadership
[22:53:22] <Sol_Zagato> Enhances blessings and inspiration.
[22:53:31] <drake_azathoth> gotcha
[22:53:34] <Bastur2> It is a T2
[22:53:51] <Bastur2> The next one is the high chief
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[22:55:13] skay [webchat@] has left #AcademiaNutWork
[22:55:14] <Pan_> Exactly. We only have Spirit of Leadership right now.
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[22:56:09] <Pan_> We can use statues instead of ambrosia, right?
[22:56:25] Sol_Zagato [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[22:57:03] <Salty_> Yes.
[22:57:04] Calanor [] has left #AcademiaNutWork
[22:57:33] <Pan_> Boom.
[22:57:35] <Phantrosity> c'mon primal, let's sire a baby firebow
[22:57:55] <Phantrosity> that way we'll have a ranged weapon that can survive our fires of a thouand suns
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[23:04:47] Elbrasch [webchat@] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[23:05:17] <Elbrasch> awww, missed the whole thing, no?
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[23:06:48] <Phantrosity> yep
[23:07:05] <E3> Sorry Reaper.
[23:07:13] <E3> He said he's gonna do this more often though
[23:07:42] <Pan_> But hey
[23:07:44] <Elbrasch> Possibility of posting the whole thing in the thread for people who missid it?
[23:07:49] <Pan_> At least you have me.... and Ekans
[23:07:53] <Elbrasch> ^^
[23:08:28] <Elbrasch> wait, reaper? Thank you for the compliment, that's the sweetest thing someone said to me today :)
[23:08:46] <SSS> So HCoL and stone working arete this turn right?
[23:09:21] <Pan_> That's what I'm aiming for.
[23:10:58] <SSS> cool, right then going to bed. It's 11pm here. ^^
[23:11:05] <Pan_> o7
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[23:12:36] Aledeth [webchat@] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
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[23:13:50] RZJoe [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[23:14:08] <RZJoe> Um. What did i mood
[23:14:12] <RZJoe> Miss
[23:14:54] PrimalShadow [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[23:15:30] <RZJoe> Everything, then.
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[23:16:07] DarkAbstraction [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[23:16:11] PrimalShadow [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[23:16:13] <Pan_> YAY
[23:16:19] <Pan_> You missed /EVERYTHING/
[23:16:23] <DarkAbstraction> Figures
[23:16:35] <DarkAbstraction> Define "everything"
[23:16:52] <Pan_> [16:48] <@AcademiaNut> Varnim is a god of swamps and obsidian
[23:17:28] <Pan_> [16:36] <@AcademiaNut> Also, preview for Fishy: his sleeping avatar appears to have turned to stone/frozen
[23:17:35] <DarkAbstraction> Well, better than obsidian and madness, i guess
[23:17:44] <Pan_> [16:50] <@AcademiaNut> Yeah... please ascend so I can change things up a bit :(
[23:17:51] <DarkAbstraction> Glacial ice, perhaps?
[23:17:53] <Pan_> Y'know, that kind of everything.
[23:17:58] <Pan_> Possibly ice, ye.
[23:18:10] PrimalShadow [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[23:18:29] <DarkAbstraction> Kinda figured that AN would be getting frustrated at our not ascending at this point
[23:18:42] <DarkAbstraction> Still, we're on the clock now, so that's an improvement, I suppose
[23:19:04] <Pan_> Indeed
[23:19:18] Pan_ goes to fix his horrific franken-mashup of a plan
[23:19:46] <DarkAbstraction> I'm honestly still hoping for PoV snippets from other spirits that have interacted with Harzivan
[23:21:42] Elbrasch [webchat@] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[23:22:02] <Pan_> Need more Fynittu
[23:22:07] <Pan_> His anger was beautiful.
[23:22:16] <Pan_> Give into the dark side, tiny mostly ineffectual spirit.
[23:22:42] <Pan_> E3 was Stars Accuracy or was Omens Accuracy?
[23:23:08] <Pan_> Because I"m gonna have to drop all of one section and I'd rather it not be the one that ensures we don't get a completely different trait
[23:23:32] <DarkAbstraction> Stars is accuracy, Omens is safety
[23:23:37] <Pan_> Beautiful.
[23:25:32] <DarkAbstraction> So
[23:25:34] <DarkAbstraction> Pyramids
[23:25:48] <DarkAbstraction> Are we thinking Egyptian, or Aztec?
[23:25:57] <Pan_> ;~;
[23:26:08] tenchifew [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[23:26:15] <Pan_> Have to be a Mountain spec'd Depths Regional God
[23:26:18] Pan_ weeps
[23:26:32] <DarkAbstraction> Or a lot of time devoted to it
[23:26:57] <DarkAbstraction> We know that the Obsidian Wall gives us Fear Progress
[23:26:59] <E3> What wer ewe talking about?
[23:27:03] <E3> *were we
[23:27:08] <E3> Is it Harzivan's peter pan syndrome?
[23:27:09] <tenchifew> Hi there.
[23:30:39] DaBoyz [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
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[23:31:34] <E3> And @Pan_ Stars is accuracy, Omens is safety
[23:31:34] <Pan_> Got it.
[23:31:35] <Pan_> I think my plan should be functional now.
[23:31:35] <Pan_> Note: I've looked up absolutely 0 math on this and I"m mostly hoping for the best.
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> A pyramid of bleached white marble with bands (singular spaced out layers) of gold might give Faith Progress
[23:31:35] <Pan_> Gonna have to go soon then I'll just be on my phone.
[23:31:35] <Pan_> ...
[23:31:35] <Pan_> Yesss
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> Or Legend, i dunno
[23:31:35] <Pan_> I've been wanting to test and see if Inspiring Light can be synchronized with gold the way that Panic works with Obsidian
[23:31:35] <Pan_> If so
[23:31:35] <Pan_> Giant golden pyramid that makes you feel so f'n good
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> Probably Legend, since pyramids even in RL are awe-inspiring
[23:31:35] <Pan_> Gonna have to start making it a habit to drop by here when I have wifi.
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> It can't be pure gold, cause the heat on such a thing (we're a shining second sun, rememeber) would cook anyone if we had a shrine or altar or whatever on top of it
[23:31:35] <Pan_> So I can do all of my snarking at E3 in here instead of the thread.
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> Oh, speaking of
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> Ekans
[23:31:35] <Pan_> Well I'm thinking Gold, Glass, and other light things.
[23:31:35] <DarkAbstraction> I am constantly in a perpetual state of wanting to either bitch-slap you or sloppily kiss you
[23:31:35] <Pan_> I ship it.
[23:32:38] <Pan_> Alas. While I'd love to see this kismet romance start nice and strong, I have to go. Will be on the phone/in thread if needed. *salutes*
[23:33:08] <DarkAbstraction> Much obliged for the info you've provided
[23:34:08] <Pan_> If PMs were a thing here, I would've just copypasted the entire text from teh time I showed up
[23:34:15] <Pan_> Alas.
[23:34:17] <Pan_> o7
[23:35:02] <DarkAbstraction> I'm kinda wondering why we didn't use Rolz
[23:35:30] <DarkAbstraction> Dicerooms keep their history, so you can see what happened before you got there
[23:35:36] <DarkAbstraction> o7
[23:38:25] <E3> @Pan_ I'm not really keeping close track of this IRC because I'm trying to convince Primal that Magic is superior (because it is) XD but snark away
[23:38:55] <DarkAbstraction> Pan just left, actually
[23:39:12] <DarkAbstraction> I'd support Magic though
[23:39:45] <DarkAbstraction> We don't have to be God of Magic and pick up traits around it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't max out the skill itself
[23:39:51] <E3> oh. Whoops.
[23:40:10] <E3> Well Primal's being wobbly about it in thread
[23:40:15] <E3> Go mention it in there if you support it xD
[23:40:21] <E3> I mean it's between that and Woodworking
[23:40:30] <E3> and we can't get benefit from woodworking until we get Chief of Orchards
[23:40:45] <E3> Which isn't happening until we hit shrine 8 (maybe 9, depending on how effective our raiding actions are)
[23:41:02] <E3> so... yeah, Magic is the one we can actually make use of in the meanwhile
[23:41:10] <E3> since it'll be 4-6 turns (roughly) before woodworking helps us
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[23:51:12] <Skippeh> E3: MAAAGIC
[23:51:14] <Skippeh> YESSSSS
[23:51:30] <Skippeh> E3:
[23:59:13] Salty_ [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
### Log session terminated at Fri Jan 8 00:00:00 2016 ###

### Log session started at Fri Jan 8 00:00:00 2016 ###
[00:02:23] <DarkAbstraction> Wonder how maxed magic will interact with rituals. I feel like it should
[00:04:01] <Skippeh> This was my feeling.
[00:04:11] <Skippeh> Also Ambercraft.
[00:05:27] Phantrosity [] has quit IRC: Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. Miranda IM - Home of the Miranda IM client. Smaller, Faster, Easier
[00:11:48] <DarkAbstraction> I feel like we haven't really scratched the surface of what Amber can do
[00:12:37] <DarkAbstraction> AN once said that the epochs went "Neolithic, Chalcolith, Bronze, Iron, Amber" for a reason, cause you could do some pretty trippy shit with Amber
[00:13:30] <DarkAbstraction> And all we know is that you can make ritual figurines and elemental arrowheads, and that old amber becomes electrum
[00:13:49] <DarkAbstraction> There has to be more to it than that though
[00:18:39] Salty_ [] has joined #AcademiaNutWork
[00:24:02] <E3> ...
[00:24:08] <E3> AN forgot to give someone OP when he left
[00:24:10] E3 facepalms
[00:24:30] <E3> everyone needs to vacate this channel or it will be FOREVER UNMODDED
[00:24:37] <E3> unless AN's actually registered on Quakenet.
[00:27:39] Salty_ [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[00:29:14] DarkAbstraction [] has left #AcademiaNutWork
[00:33:41] E3 [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
[00:37:16] Sent part request, waiting for reply...
### Log session terminated at Fri Jan 8 00:37:17 2016 ###