Shapers of the Apocalypse (Cosmic Horror vs. Player Characters)

"Now if only that Henry boy was twenty years older. He's the one we really need in the big chair, has a real fire in him when it comes to exploration. Pity, but it can't be helped"
You must mean twenty years younger. Born 1837, current year 1899, Balefire ninjaed me, that makes him 62.

I don't think being 80 would improve his situation much, since he's already the oldest one in the oh now you've sniped me lineup.

I thought we were explorers, not Ninjas! Oh, hey, we may be able to meet some actual ninjas too! Cool!

As a note, we're the Massachusetts Cartographer Association for direct mention of the association.

"Schwartzwald is hardly so unmotivated! He's a fine explorer and Cartographer, even if he does get distracted occasionally... Besides that, Bainsbridge only ran for the presidency because he wants to add another title to his growing list. He can lead all the expeditions he wants without it."

Because he wants publicity, he'll go for things that A. literally nobody has done before, like trying to climb Everest or B. we'll end up racing others to do because they're high publicity. Purely academic expeditions don't exist on his radar, unless someone wants them done like a university.
We need things that have never been done, so a future president has the leeway to do the things that need to be done.
The simple fact of the matter is that Bainsbridge is the guy who will actually get our expeditions and research FUNDED. The members are still going to pursue their goals. The President's control isn't going to be absolute. This is a club, not a government. He's not a dictator.

Bainsbridge is the guy who assures that we'll actually be able to scrape the funds together to do all the things that we want to do. Not some kind of pinhead who will only let us take the most ambitious, public missions and never do anything else. :rolleyes:
But do we really want someone just in it for the fame as, like AN outlined, the Organization's public face? That may actually twist the public opinion of us, the public who need to be properly convinced we are legit for us to continue having access to above ground actions.
But do we really want someone just in it for the fame as, like AN outlined, the Organization's public face? That may actually twist the public opinion of us, the public who need to be properly convinced we are legit for us to continue having access to above ground actions.
I don't see any evidence that he's so twisted that electing him will be a scandal.
But do we really want someone just in it for the fame as, like AN outlined, the Organization's public face? That may actually twist the public opinion of us, the public who need to be properly convinced we are legit for us to continue having access to above ground actions.
I think that Bainsbridge will have the MOST interest in making us look legit :p That's kind of his whole gig.

Also, Jackson and Corbyn are the choices for the public face. Bainsbridge and Bookworm are the choices for the guy to actually keep the trains running :p A task to which Bainsbridge is considerably better-suited.
I don't see any evidence that he's so twisted that electing him will be a scandal.

Not a scandal, but more along the line of a rather blatant lack of interest in the explorer's way of life. How should I put this.... I feel like he would be the type to focused much more on the rewards than everything else needed to get there. That could be dangerous in the long run.

I think that Bainsbridge will have the MOST interest in making us look legit :p That's kind of his whole gig.

Also, Jackson and Corbyn are the choices for the public face. Bainsbridge and Bookworm are the choices for the guy to actually keep the trains running :p A task to which Bainsbridge is considerably better-suited.

I'll go check back on AN's post, and I'll argue back. ;)


Okay, so from the vote ballot:
President (Represents and leads the organization)

Eh, may as well...

"The public, nay, the Association itself needs to be able to look up to the President and trust that he will always represent what is best in a true Explorer. That parvenu, Bainsbridge, clearly only care about how good he could make himself look to the aristocracy on this chair! Why, did you ever see him engage one of us in conversation in the subjects of artifacts or lost cities? No, of course not! Only vain glory for him, and that will lead us into laughingstock before long, mark my words!"
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OOC: Since apparently the debates are going to be IC now...

"Mister Representative, I find it interesting that you say that that Schwartzwald is focused on the founding principles of this Association. I would like to remind you that we are the Explorer's Society not the Geology and Paleontology Society. He's a scholar and dilettante, one who only had a good family name to propel him through graduate school and one who lacks any sort of experience outside his limited field. More than that, he is a man who has no drive. Our funding, our existence, hinges on how well we explore - not unearthing some prehistoric animal fossil and having it named after ourselves as Mister Schwartzwald has made no secret is his ambition. No. Michael Bainsbridge is a self-made man who rose up from the streets of London. I would rather rise up on his coattails then be left in his dust and forgotten. If I wanted to be an archaeologist and study dusty rocks at home in a laboratory I would vote for Schwartzwald, but I'm a tad more ambitious then that.

"A self made man, is he? That relieves the Almighty of a terrible burden. The man's never been off cobblestones in his life, and you have the gall to say he'll have us exploring better than Schwartzvald? Pah! Now Peter, Peter knows what it means to go out where it's just you and the wind and the wild and look for something new, something that no one else has ever seen. That's real exploring, not all this hopping round and round huffing and puffing so everyone knows how important you are claptrap Bainbridge is peddling."
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As a note, we're the Massachusetts Cartographer Association for direct mention of the association.

"Schwartzwald is hardly so unmotivated! He's a fine explorer and Cartographer, even if he does get distracted occasionally... Besides that, Bainsbridge only ran for the presidency because he wants to add another title to his growing list. He can lead all the expeditions he wants without it."

I changed it to Boston.

"That's just the thing - he's a Cartographer. He has studied map just as he has studied geology. He lacks the experience, drive, and connections that Bainsbridge possesses. Just the other day he went out hunting with Senator Sumner. If elected to president those connections can equate to future funding opportunities."

Edit: For those interested - Charles Sumner
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[X] Henry Jackson
[X] Simon Ulysses
[X] Tyler Freeman
[X] Michael Bainsbridge
[X] Henry Jackson
[X] Simon Ulysses
[X] Tyler Freeman
[X] Peter Schwartzwald

"And how do you think the likes of Alexander the Great, and William the Conquer achieved greatness? Hmm? It was their ambition, to become immortalized in the annals of history that not only themselves, but all those who followed them, into greatness! An organization can only be as great as the man who leads it!"
"I must have misheard you; certainly you don't mean to say that you intend to vote for the man so that you might ride his coattails into glory? I thought better of you, sir! An organization like this...surely our ultimate goal must be to uncover that knowledge which is hidden to mankind? To carry the light of civilization to the darkest corners of the Earth, discover all that there is to discover, and return, fat with the bounty of the wilds? And I ask you sir, what better man is there to head such a group than Schwarzwald? He is a gentleman and a scholar, and he will be the man to lead us to greater heights than ever before!"
"As for Corbin, well, the lad has a bright future before him, either way. Pah, and you speak as if some unknown horror might drag him into the depths the moment he sets foot outside these halls!"
"While I can't fault the boy for his spirit, surely he will only mature into a better candidate with time. Jackson though...sad as it is, we all know the old soldier's got only a few battles left in him. After all that he's done for this organization and for his country, well, how can we not have the man spend his final days living, rather than slowly dying? He has carved himself a path through life with the strength of his arm and arms, followed by the scores of loyal men he led. Such a man must be given his due, and there is no doubt that he is the best skilled for the position."
"A self made man, is he? That relieves the Almighty of a terrible burden. The man's never been off cobblestones in his life, and you have the gall to say he'll have us exploring better than Schwartzvald? Pah! Now Peter, Peter knows what it means to go out where it's just you and the wind and the wild and look for something new, something that no one else has ever seen. That's real exploring, not all this hopping round and round huffing and puffing so everyone knows how important you are claptrap Bainbridge is peddling."
"Never been off cobblestones! Maybe Schwartzvald can tell you how important the rock you're standing on is, but Bainbridge is the one who can tell you if the plants growing on it are poisonous. Schwartzvald only likes nature as long as he can get back to his carriage before the day's out"
"Pah, I've had it with this prattling. I'm off,and shall see you all on the morrow!"
*Later, at home, while reading a book* "Why, what a fascinating collection of tomes! and such interesting creatures they depict! I wonder where they might be from?"

"Pah, I've had it with this prattling. I'm off,and shall see you all on the morrow!"
*Later, at home, while reading a book* "Why, what a fascinating collection of tomes! and such interesting creatures they depict! I wonder where they might be from?"


*Insert the biggest huff and door slam of recent history here* :lol

I doubt that the NPC who we arenot, in fact, playing as will do so. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders :p

We will still be the Parliament, we will be the other putting horrible decision in his head and convincing him it was a good idea all along. Remember that, and fear.
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VP - External (Primarily uses Charisma to build Influence and make contacts)
[] Corbyn James
[X] Henry Jackson

Treasurer (Primarily uses Management to build Resources)
[] Morgan Blumstein
[X] Simon Ulysses

VP - Operations (Primarily uses Management and variable skills to do various tasks)
[X] Tyler Freeman
[] Wilhelm Sonnenberg

President (Represents and leads the organization)
[X] Michael Bainsbridge
[] Peter Schwartzwald
[] Gary Grant
VP - External (Primarily uses Charisma to build Influence and make contacts)

[X] Corbyn James

It's a terrible shame, but the truth is, you always need a lawyer somewhere or other.

Treasurer (Primarily uses Management to build Resources)
[X] Simon Ulysses

Bright young lad! And with his head far too far in the clouds to be crooked!

VP - Operations (Primarily uses Management and variable skills to do various tasks)
[X] Tyler Freeman

I don't care what people say about his breeding, he's a solid fellow, real salt of the earth! And you won't find a tougher scout and wilderness man in all of Massachusetts, that's a fact!

President (Represents and leads the organization)
[X] Gary Grant

I believe that Mr Grant is a fine, upstanding young gentleman, of firm moral character, who could bring his considerable... talents... to the fore in advancing our humble little organization. Why, he's already offered to fund a new hot air balloon for the society if elected president!

I don't know why, but I find myself strangely attracted to the idea of a rich idiot in charge. Also, 1d4 Resources is quite a lot, as far as I recall. Like, more than you'd think.

He's also got Gregarious so bizarrely would kind of be good at representing the society at functions and things, when he hasn't managed to do something idiotic. :lol
President (Represents and leads the organization)
[X] Gary Grant

I believe that Mr Grant is a fine, upstanding young gentleman, of firm moral character, who could bring his considerable... talents... to the fore in advancing our humble little organization. Why, he's already offered to fund a new hot air balloon for the society if elected president!

I don't know why, but I find myself strangely attracted to the idea of a rich idiot in charge. Also, 1d4 Resources is quite a lot, as far as I recall. Like, more than you'd think.

He's also got Gregarious so bizarrely would kind of be good at representing the society at functions and things, when he hasn't managed to do something idiotic. :lol

I'll be honest if he had a even halfway chance at winning i would flip to him in a heartbeat, he is the type to go " abominations are going to kill all the darkies then come for us? by jove not on my watch boys gather all the men we have a hunt to launch"

Screw it flipping to him anyway.
I just find myself strangely drawn to the notion of us taking this buffoon and exposing him to the harsh realities of the cosmos until he becomes grizzled, hardened and proficient, far outliving all of his fellow characters until eventually taking a Servitor of Azazoth with him in a massive explosion at the age of 93. I don't pretend that it's a likely scenario. It's just gotten lodged in my brain somehow.