Shadows of the Past

Edit: Check the front page, medium armor has double the damage resistance but also has double the armor penalty of medium armor. If we do get the light armor, we should spend the extra 10 Tlaltepoztli for the custom fitting to reduce the armor penalty to nothing.
Check the DR ratings in the vote, or my quote.
[] Use it as raw materials for Noche to forge a new armor. (Gain Exceptional Light Bronze Armor, DR 4, Cost: 180 Tlaltepoztli)
[] Have it repaired fully and add chainmail. (Gain Regular Medium Bronze Armor, DR 4, Cost: 180 Tlaltepoztli)

What's the advantage of the medium armor?
None, it's even a disadvantage at first due to the higher Armor Penalty, but once you got used to it (by wearing it for a while or dedicated training) you can later get higher DR values by obtaining higher quality Medium armor.

There's also a bunch of traits related to Sword & Board fighting that benefit from heavier armor.

Becoming a knight, so to speak, takes a lot of time and effort, but you can become tankier then even spirits.
None, it's even a disadvantage at first due to the higher Armor Penalty, but once you got used to it (by wearing it for a while or dedicated training) you can later get higher DR values by obtaining higher quality Medium armor.

There's also a bunch of traits related to Sword & Board fighting that benefit from heavier armor.

Becoming a knight, so to speak, takes a lot of time and effort, but you can become tankier then even spirits.
Azel, I was talking about this specific armor we can get reworked now (if we could pay it).
Spirits, the prices! I knew metal costs a ton, but I didn't imagine the value of the spirit parts.

[x] Plan - Simple Armor, Masterwork Bow, Light Shield

-[x] Buy
--[x] Have it repaired as good as possible. (Gain Simple Light Bronze Armor, DR 1, Cost: Free)
--[x] Have the armor fitted to you. (Reduces Armor Penalty by 1 point, costs 10 Tlaltepoztli for Light and 20 for Medium armor)
--[x] Have a longbow made from a leg and pay for a master artisan. (Gain Masterwork Longbow, Cost: 80 Tlaltepoztli)
--[x] Have a shield made from the armor plate. (Gain Exceptional Light Bone Shield)
--[x] Exceptional Bronze Arrows - 2 Tlaltepoztli per 30 x2
--[x] Exceptional Obsidian Arrows - 2 Quachtli per 30 x2

Total: 10 + 80 + 4 = 94 Tl plus change

-[x] Sell
--[x] Leg - 35 Tlaltepoztli each x2
--[x] Fangs - 25 Tlaltepoztli x1

Total: 95 Tl

We'll get some DR back by using a dagger and a shield in melee. Plus, we get a Masterwork Bow for our trouble like we intended.
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investment towards going for a heavy armor build in the long term

Presumably there's also traits for light armor- probably with sneaking and evasion. So I guess we should figure out if our build should be towards light or heavy (with our focus on bows and daggers, I'm thinking light).
@Nevill, keep in mind that the effective quality of a bow is lowered when using arrows worse then it.

You can get in Tlamaca:
Exceptional Obsidian Arrows - 2 Quachtli per 30
Regular Bronze Arrows - 1 Tlaltepoztli per 30
Exceptional Bronze Arrows - 2 Tlaltepoztli per 30

Masterwork arrows are unavailable, except for those carved from spirit bone and you would need to supply those.

That being said, the only things better then this bow are a Masterwork Warbow and magical gear.
I tried to fit arrows with my plan at first... but then we'd have to forego the shield, which adds 2DR, and be left with 40 Tl we can't do much with.

I also thought about getting a regular armor fitted for us, and a bow, but that would leave us 5Tl short, and not much better equipped (DR 2 Armor vs DR 1 Armor + DR 2 Shield).

I'll add two bundles of Exceptional Bronze Arrows, and two bundles of Obsidian ones.
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Xochi would be willing to lend you 5-10 Tl from her share. Since you've invited her to further escapades like this, she's pretty certain that you can pay her back in due time.
By the way, if heavy tank is not the direction you guys want to go, two-weapon fighting is a thing and would go well on a Dex / Evasion focused build.

Takes a trainer and a bit of time to get the basic feats, but it allows you to attack twice in the same turn.
@TotallyNotEvil @Artemis1992 @Tomcost what do you think? Is Medium Armor worth it here?

Either way, my main goal is for armor and the masterwork longbow. Once we leave the city we won't find craftsmen this good, so this is our one shot.
I prefer a lighter style.

We are very spread out in our skills, from knives to survival to medicine.

We propably shouldn't waste time and training on becoming a heavy fighter when we can focus on being quick with knife, spear and bow.

Adding medium armor, heavy armor , shield and a better one-handed weapon like a sword would be a really heavy investment in work and money both
I prefer a lighter style.

We are very spread out in our skills, from knives to survival to medicine.

We propably shouldn't waste time and training on becoming a heavy fighter when we can focus on being quick with knife, spear and bow.

Adding medium armor, heavy armor , shield and a better one-handed weapon like a sword would be a really heavy investment in work and money both
I've got to agree here. And overall I just want to sell the bone plate instead of making a shield out of it since I really want masterwork armor and a masterwork longbow.
Going for two weapon fighting instead of sword and shield would also mean less encumbrance, right Azel?
[X] The best of everything
-[X] Sell the parts.
--[X] 2 Legs - 70 Tlaltepoztli
--[X] 1 Armor Plate - 60 Tlaltepoztli
--[X] Fangs - 25 Tlaltepoztli
--[X] Borrow 10 Tlaltepoztli from Xochi
--[X] 2 Quachtli from Personal Funds
---[X] Total 165 Tlaltepoztli and 2 Quachtli
-[X] Armor
--[X] Pay for additional material to repair it properly. (Gain Regular Light Bronze Armor, DR 2, Cost: 70 Tlaltepoztli)
--[X] Have the armor fitted to you. (Reduces Armor Penalty by 1 point, costs 10 Tlaltepoztli for Light)
-[X] Bow
--[X] Have a longbow made from a leg and pay for a master artisan. (Gain Masterwork Longbow, Cost: 80 Tlaltepoztli)
--[x] Exceptional Bronze Arrows - 2 Tlaltepoztli for 30 Arrows
--[x] Exceptional Obsidian Arrows - 2 Quachtli for 30 Arrows
-[X] 3 Tlaltepoztli left over

@Azel, I've got an important question about the armor. So one of the options is to scrap the entire thing and use it as raw materials to forge Exceptional Light Bronze Armor. Well, if we just pay for additional materials to repair it properly now and get Regular Light Bronze Armor, would that mean in the future if we decide to have the armor reforged entirely to get that Exceptional quality it would cost slightly less than it does now due to the extra materials we already put in there?

Overall, though, I really want that bow. It's a crying shame we can't get the armor and the bow at the same time. :( Maybe we'll get lucky with another dungeon.
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@Duesal, you can later trade in the Regular armor as down payment for a Exceptional one. So essentially yes. Upgrading quality isn't really possible, but the vast bulk of the value of a metal armor is the material itself.

Do you see any way to get the armor fit properly?

We need that, for our current Dex-based style.
Do we have any money left outside this loot?
Ah, forgot about that.

Yeah, we have enough to get it fit.

[] Have the armor fitted to you. (Reduces Armor Penalty by 1 point, costs 10 Tlaltepoztli for Light and 20 for Medium armor)

It only needs 10 Tlaltepoztli. My original plan has 7 Tlaltepoztli left over from the funds we get from selling all the stuff, we originally had 2 Tlaltepoztli in our current funds, and we've been given a green light to borrow up to 10 Tlaltepoztli from Xochi (and we only need one from her).

Adding that in now.
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Ah, forgot about that.

Yeah, we have enough to get it fit.

[] Have the armor fitted to you. (Reduces Armor Penalty by 1 point, costs 10 Tlaltepoztli for Light and 20 for Medium armor)

It only needs 10 Tlaltepoztli. My original plan as 7 Tlaltepoztli left over from the funds we get from selling all the stuff, we originally had 2 Tlaltepoztli in our current funds, and we've been given a green light to borrow up to 10 Tlaltepoztli from Xochi (and we only need one from her).

Adding that in now.
Forgot to update the FrontPage, you lost the 2 Tl to the mess up at the gate.